Pickup lessons for guys: basic rules, original dating. Women's pickup truck: tips and tricks

To successfully communicate with the fair sex, you should sometimes use methods that are popularly called pick-up artists. These are dirty tricks, but they work. It will be much easier for you to break women's resistance if you resort to them. You can play fair in relationships with women and lose. Or you can play dirty and still win. What will you choose?

Break a girl's confidence

Many girls turn up their noses excessively in front of men. She is a princess that only a handsome millionaire deserves. Now we will lower it to the sinful earth. The following pickup method will come in handy for this. It is necessary to plant a seed of doubt in her beauty and qualities. Use jokes, jokes and dubious compliments. Say you saw a similar skirt today, her hairpin looks like your grandma's, and her blouse is funny. A slight irony and she is no longer so sure of her attractiveness. You can hurt her personal qualities, intelligence or character. This should be done with humor and ease. Now the girl is not so good and no longer feels like a princess. Therefore, more vulnerable and accessible. It's a dirty pickup method, but it works with a bang.

Make the girl compete with others

Another good way to interest a girl is to compete with other representatives of the fair sex. Even if they are imaginary girls. Casually mention other girls you know, receive messages and calls from them on social networks. To do this, ask your familiar girls or friends. Let the girl know that you are in demand, even if this is not entirely true. Let the girl join the competition with mythical enemies. So it will be easier to break her resistance and fix it yourself.

Talk about feelings and program the girl for sympathy

This dirty pickup method is the imposition of emotions and programming of a girl. Women are sensitive, so tell her about your love for animals, travel or hobbies. When a person is passionate about something, it is contagious. The girl involuntarily imagines herself in the place of this hobby. Ask, jokingly, if a girl fell in love with you? Does she think about you before bed? More conversations about relationships, emotional topics and feelings.

Touch the girl

This is one of the main and main methods of pick-ups. Touch the girl as early and often as possible. Let her get used to your hands and become less shy. Give her your hand, touch different parts of her body, touch your legs or shoulders. Touch the girl, and she will give you faster.

Shatter the girl's nerves

If you play dirty, then play until the end. Girls are very emotional, which is good for you. A very effective method for pickup is to build up the girl’s nerves and emotions. Anger or offend the girl, but not too much. Now apologize and calm her down. Be kind and gentle. Such emotional swings will make the girl weaker and more vulnerable. Make a girl suffer periodically, and she will be yours.

If you've read this far, it means you're ready to play dirty. Fair tactics don't work with girls, and good guys sleep alone. So play dirty and beat the hottest chicks, bad boy.

I think you can imagine how an ordinary, average guy who somehow miraculously managed to win the girl of his dreams would run around in a panic if his girlfriend suddenly dropped out of his sight for even a couple of days!

And then she suddenly appears as if nothing had happened, and now our loser is already jumping around her with gifts, flowers, and so on! But you and I are not like that. It is so? So let's use women's insidious tricks against themselves. After all, when suddenly she, having achieved your devotion to her, calms down, and you suddenly break all the networks of her seduction that she so diligently wrapped around you, entangling you, as it seemed to her, it will be a complete surprise for her.

Carrot and stick
We are moving on to one of the most basic and popular pickup laws - the carrot and stick method. This method, the idea - as you like it - permeates our life simply through and through and is found in one way or another in all manifestations of our life. Even, we can say that these ideas are found in our culture and the culture of any state. There are similar concepts. The method of carrot and stick, division and domination, yin and yang is a manifestation of one law.

The carrot and stick method is a favorite female model that women use almost every day. That is why he helps them maintain a balance in relationships and attract a man to him, increasing his importance and popularity.

How does the carrot and stick method work? Gingerbread means any action that is comfortable for a person. Starting with a pat on the head and a smile and ending with sex. Accordingly, a whip represents any negative impact on a person, ranging from a gloomy face to complete disregard, for example.

Zoom in and out
Favorite female technique. But this does not mean that the female sex has immunity to this technique. The essence of this technique is very simple: having interested a young man, keep him with you. For what purpose they keep the guy with them is not important now. The technique is used as follows: first, the woman brings the admirer closer to her. It can be both hints at the bed, and flirting that does not go beyond the bounds of decency. This creates a man's attraction to a woman, a kind of binding. As soon as a man begins to think that he has achieved this woman, distance follows.

The method of application further is very different. In the most extreme case, outrage can be played out, turning into "righteous anger." Other options are possible. If a woman is interested in a man (and these games are played only with the right people), then after a while a new stage of approaching the “body” follows. Usually in the second stage the man is asked to perform some minor or major service. The essence of this technique is simple: keep a person who is useful to her around you, giving him nothing but advances, and pushing his imagination towards self-deception.

Use the pendulum method
The main purpose of the pendulum is to seduce women using their own passion for this method. First, a man interests a woman or makes her think that she is interested in him. The point is not important. The important thing is that first there is a period of intense interest in the woman.

Let's say one week. This is quite enough to understand the further need to continue the game. Then the man becomes colder towards the woman. The implementation can be different - from completely disappearing from her field of vision for a week to a visible cooling of this woman by 50 degrees. At this moment, the woman will try to bring the man closer using the carrot and stick method, using carrots - after all, she is also playing this game, and, according to her plan, the time for the stick has not yet come.

In this situation, the main thing is to maintain character and not be tempted by her promises, playing at your coldness. That is, your stick stage should approximately coincide in time with her carrot stage, for example, a week. The second swing of the pendulum again begins with the carrot, but this stage lasts, for example, 5 days. This is followed by a five-day whip phase. Then fluctuate again with, for example, three-day stages. Then one day.

And then the game can be stopped. At the last swing of the pendulum, the woman will be in complete dissonance, because the man, on the one hand, is with her, on the other hand, does not play her games. She will try to bring the man closer to her while he moves away from her. So this is the moment for which the pendulum is activated. You need to catch a woman’s maximum desire to get closer and, accordingly, take advantage of it. For example, sleep with her.

Tear off the mask
This technique is often used in many pickup truck films. First, when meeting a girl, we show ourselves in the image of a professional seducer, unapproachable, slightly cynical, cold-blooded and free from any obligations. And then we take off this mask. We show ourselves - fluffy, kind, understanding and three hundred and thirty-three other, very, very useful qualities.

I guarantee the girl’s round eyes and a strong state of shock. Please note that to achieve the desired effect, at least several hours must pass between stage A and point B. This will reinforce the patterns of your behavior in her head. Then these patterns will explode with loud smoke, leaving spectacular memories of you, and as a result - a strong desire to meet such an unusual and versatile person (that is, you). Note: After a week you can put the mask back on. Not for long.

Disturb her emotional state
This method is useful to use at the beginning of a relationship. For example, you like a girl. You want to impress her. The easiest way is to give her a compliment. You can put her in a positive state, a state of cheerfulness, euphoria, elation. But how can you win more sympathy than other compliment givers? Option one: be with her for a long time, boring and fun every day.

Boring. Second option: this is a way to get much more vivid impressions from a girl, which will be closely tied to her attitude towards you. First, you put her in a negative state, for example, anxiety, fear, uncertainty about your feelings. And only then - into the positive, nothing else. What do we get? A sharp contrast between her emotional states, a transition from uncertainty in your love to positivity and joy, which is valued much higher than the simple pleasure of a compliment, which she is probably used to, especially if she is very beautiful, and this is difficult to surprise her with.

Negative splash
The technique is used as a means of shaking up long-term relationships that are becoming boring. Your girlfriend thinks she can manipulate you however she wants. It's time to put her in her place! What does this technique consist of? For example, a man and a woman have some kind of relationship that has crossed the line of sexual.

So, for some time a man takes care of a woman in every possible way, and his relationship with her consists only of positive moments for her. After, for example, three months, when the relationship seems established to the woman and flowing in the right direction for her understanding, a so-called negative outburst follows on the part of the man. Moreover, it must be absolutely unexpected, and the more unexpected it is, the better the effect of the burst is manifested.

The essence of a negative outburst is to suddenly make a woman, who is accustomed only to good and attentive attitude from you, experience the feeling that she may lose you. An outburst can manifest itself in different ways: a harsh word addressed to her when her whims have gone beyond all acceptable limits, active flirting with another, and maybe a break in the relationship (or rather, she will think so). For each woman, the intensity is selected individually. But it is important that the surge is adjusted as much as possible for each woman and does not cause irreparable harm to her psyche. A negative surge should be on the verge of a foul. Moreover, it should be located in a minimally short period of time, for example, 2-3 hours.

The amplitude of a negative surge should grow from nothing to a peak, then drop just as sharply. A sufficient condition for the surge amplitude to decrease to zero is the woman’s complete confusion and disorientation. Immediately after this appointment, maximum 48 hours later, you must apologize to the woman for your “inappropriate actions” and “make amends” to her. The best option would be to call the morning after the evening negative surge. As a result, the woman understands that she has not yet fully recognized you and it is too early to label you as her property. She understands that you can give her more surprises in the future. She shakes herself up and begins to think about improving your relationship or completely leaves if the negative outburst was too strong.

The amplitude of the surge should tend to a minimum with a minimum time of your relationship. This is due to the general inertia of the human psyche. Thus, the more time you indulge her ego, the stronger your negative outburst may be. The overall resulting line of your relationship will return to a positive direction very quickly.

Yes, that's right, you read everything correctly. What is the main principle of training a woman? The basis of this principle is simple. So, an ordinary person does what he is praised for, or what he takes pleasure in, much more willingly than what he is kicked and sent to prison for.

What happens? If you apply this principle to life, then by ignoring a woman’s actions that are “bad” for you and approving her actions that are “good” for you, you will very soon make it so that the woman will do only what is “good” for you in your presence.

Simple, but very, very effective. For more details, see the description of this principle in books on dog training, forgive the irony. But there this method is described incredibly well, just replace the word “puppy” with “woman”, and you get a ready-made guide to action.

There are a lot of pickup lessons, divided into topics and subtopics, but only a few of them can be classified as basic. When the main lessons have been completed, you don’t have to worry about the result - even with some mistakes in communication, the girls will certainly achieve success, all that remains is to improve their technique.

Summary of the article

Lesson One: Stay Relaxed

Attempts to keep in mind and apply a huge number of techniques on the first date are doomed to failure. Why? Yes, because even if everything works, the girl will feel the guy’s tension, and as a result, no one will enjoy the communication. The girl - because she will look for a catch in the behavior of her strange new acquaintance, and the guy - because his goal is not pleasure, but to achieve the result that was promised in pickup training.

If you think only about how to seduce a girl, failure is almost guaranteed. The reason is not even the immorality of such a desire (everyone has their own norms), but that fixation gives rise to strong nervous tension. The same thing would happen when playing in a casino for the last money - few people get pleasure from this.

Girls' intuition is very well developed, so literally from the first moment they sense a guy's fixation and will use it for their own purposes, testing his boundaries and playing with him.

The solution is to stop being afraid of risk and not think too much about the outcome.. Find pleasure in communication itself, even if in the future it does not develop into more. Get a taste for your new role, play, sometimes taking more risks than usual - for example, using actions that in a normal situation could alienate a new acquaintance. Since the girl doesn't feel very interested, she can give positive feedback to see how the relationship progresses. Of course, you shouldn’t act like a clown, it’s just that sometimes a rational approach can be diluted with something unusual.

Lesson two: don't forget about the positive

Between girls and guys, a certain spark invariably arises, which gives certain emotions. It is for the sake of this delightful game that men learn the art of seduction, and women try to look their best and be sure to please. If you are not yet ready for love dramas and are aimed at success, you should not try to win the girl over with your seriousness. At worst, she will get bored, at best she will respond in kind, but there is no smell of any game here. It's more like the interaction of two life-weary people who are in a hurry to get married.

Girls literally live with emotions, they love interlocutors who can challenge them, make them laugh or worry a little. For this purpose, you can use jokes, funny flirting - so both will receive a positive charge and will certainly want to continue communication. The ability to sincerely rejoice is not available to everyone and indicates a strong-willed person, which is especially valuable in a man. Everyone can succumb to weaknesses and be depressed for a long time, but this indicates inertia and a lack of purpose in life.

Some girls specifically test guys, behaving provocatively, and sometimes even negatively. If you start to get offended or swear, the mission is failed. It is much better to remain calm and confident, then Cinderella will again become a princess.

Lesson Three: Meeting Expectations

You can characterize the requests of girls like this: she wants to see a strong man nearby, but she wants to break her partner, testing him for strength. With her requests, handouts in the form of communication allocated to a guy, a woman gradually turns him into a henpecked man, who eventually gets bored, because he does not look like the object of her desires.

That is why you need to “hold the defense” from the very beginning, without trying to bend under the girl. This does not mean that you will have to behave harshly or refuse flowers / gifts - just that they should be done on their own initiative, and not on demand. Every guy has moments when he has to choose between doing his own thing or listening to a girl. You should always choose the first option - this guarantees interest and respect . Of course, this approach should not turn into rudeness, and in serious relationships, mutual support and assistance become a mandatory component. It’s just better to refrain from this at the first stage of communication.

If a girl looks offended in response to your reaction or continues to manipulate, you should be confident and play your game. Anyway trying to seem like a different person is initially a failure , since it is the real, and not the invented, image that should be liked. You don't want huge disappointments in the future, do you?

Lesson Four: Taking Action

At the moment the relationship moves to a new level (hugs, kisses, intimacy) the girl always acts as a fortress that needs to be conquered by active onslaught. In most cases, she will refuse an attempt or proposal, citing the fact that “not enough time has passed,” “she is not ready,” and so on. Perhaps, such behavior has a real basis if the girl has not had anyone yet, and she is actually afraid.

There is no point in waiting or persuading a friend, since a woman’s sexual attraction arises towards the man from whom she feels active and even somewhat aggressive energy. For example, the worst question to ask a girl is “Can I kiss you?” - the answer in most cases will be negative, and the guy will fall greatly in her eyes. Conclusion - at the right moment you just need to kiss the girl without warning. The essence of a pickup truck is to break the barriers that are erected and always move forward a little faster than it allows, that is, to set your own rules.

Girls really like confident and somewhat arrogant men - those same “bad boys” who usually seduce the main beauties of school, college, and so on. It is better to become one of them than to join the ranks of lonely, modest people.

« Pickup. Antidote“- a project that brings understanding, with the help of which a woman gains awareness of what is being done to her and how, and in awareness freedom of choice is born.

After reading the articles " Why does the pickup work?? " and " ", you might be thinking, "Okay, I get it, all he does is show off the False Alpha suit. But after a while, the rose-colored glasses will fall off...”

Of course they will fall! Because the higher the status of a woman, the higher the intelligence. In order for the “rose-colored glasses” to remain in place, the pickup artist introduces additional techniques into the Game. I call them "training" techniques.

What's the point? Pickup artist needs to force a woman invest as many resources as possible into a relationship. This is how our psyche works, no matter whether it is male or female: the more we invest in something, the more valuable it is to us! And when a man is able to evoke the whole spectrum of emotions in us, then the attraction becomes even stronger. From hatred to love - one step. Therefore, the pick-up artist begins to artificially stimulate emotions in order to tie the woman to himself. And, instead of giving only “positive” emotions, Player stimulate the whole range, including curiosity, jealousy, resentment, resentment, sadness, fear of loss.

Let's look under a microscope pickup techniques, making you see the False Alpha as the man of your life, for whose sake a woman becomes capable of anything. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the techniques can be used in a light version or a heavy version - you can simply touch it with a hammer, or you can even break your head. The force of the blow depends on who is holding the hammer in their hands. But the fact that in relations with a pickup artist there are “blows”- definitely.


One of the most important tools of a pickup truck master is make you wait. During the Attract and Approach stages, he showed up to meetings on time, due to this, a sudden change will lead to conflict, so he increases the time of being late gradually. How he does it?

You made an appointment at a restaurant at eight in the evening, you left early, at this time you receive an SMS with the text: “I’m late for half an hour.” There is no point in returning home, so you come to the appointed place. At 20:30 the phone rings - he is stuck in traffic or has been abducted by aliens, but he will be there in fifteen minutes. He usually arrives in half an hour. Pickup artists try to ensure that the waiting time in the restaurant does not exceed 1 hour. You don’t even notice, because this is the first time and he warned, so you wait.

The next round of development − increase in waiting time.

“I’ll come by in the evening!” When asked to indicate the exact time, you get a vague answer: “As soon as I’m free, that’s right away.” Evening is a flexible concept, you are ready by seven, it’s not there at eight, and nine, and even ten. At first you don’t call or write - he’s busy, why bother him, but after ten you break down, an SMS comes in response: “I’ll be there soon.”

You started preparing for the meeting at six, he arrived at eleven, What are you doing these five hours? Right! Do you think about him. That's why they make you wait! They make you wait even with a phone call. You call, he doesn’t answer, he calls back ten minutes later. What is happening at this moment? The thought involuntarily runs through: what is he doing? And you wait for him to call back. It turns out that when he is late, you think about him and invest your emotions. When he doesn't call, you think about him. When he picked up the phone and said that he would call back - you think again! Why does he need this? The more we think about someone, the more emotions we feel, the more attached we become to him.

The question arises: Why is he not afraid that he will be sent away? Answer: because there is a technique through which the irritation disappears: you appear unexpectedly. You apologize. You give a compliment.

Therefore, when he suddenly appears on the threshold with the words: “Forgive me! You're so beautiful! I miss you!” Instead of giving him an impudent blow, you rejoice like a dog. Sorry for the rough comparison, but this is true, this technique suppresses to the state of an animal waiting for its owner. And some pickup artists have reached such a “level” of confidence that they don’t even say “sorry”, instead they playfully kneel or look with a pitiful look. A compliment and the owner's appearance is enough.

The next training method is decreased self-esteem.


Already expectation affects self-esteem, but the pickup truck has even worse tricks in its arsenal. We have already talked about the “Minus-Plus” technique in the article “ Basic pickup techniques. Quick seduction". Negative compliments remain in the arsenal, but at the stage RELATIONSHIP a new version is added to them. The player chooses something about you that he doesn’t like and constantly emphasizes it:

If you lost five kilograms, you would be perfect.

If you cut your hair (dyed your hair, started wearing short, wearing long, quit smoking, did fitness).

The list is endless!

It's important to him control your self-esteem. For what? If you try to please him, it means he is taller than you. The main indicator of the effectiveness of technology: desire to meet the requirements. And when you lose weight or get a haircut or start wearing short hair, you get something like the following in response:

Short dress? It suits you very well! But a little black dress will suit you even better, I hope to see you in this!

The second common trick for a pick-up artist: intellectual pressure. He constantly uses words in his vocabulary that you don’t understand:

Do you have haptophobia?

I have dystinia today.

You make me feel frisson.

I'm a deviant.

After such words, you freeze and agree with his opinion. He's so smart! But the aftertaste remains that he is smart, and you are the antonym of this word. In fact, in most cases it is memorized phrases− a technique to lower the victim’s self-esteem and to increase her own in the girl’s eyes.

Next reduction method − comparison with ex.

Masha cooked better! And what a figure Lena had! Ira was much more liberated than you! But you are a good person.

You are trying to become better!

And one of the most severe types of reduction is presence of third parties. By the way, it is far from a fact that he is choosing between you and her, but he creates the appearance.

I can not decide. I see myself with you today, but I don’t see myself in old age...

He turns himself into a “prize” to be fought for.

After using such techniques, the victim’s self-esteem drops over time, while a song from his own lips plays in the background:

How lucky you are to have me, how smart, beautiful and in demand I am.

By the way, many of them are very far from being “beauty, smart and in demand”. Along with the fall in self-esteem, the importance of this man’s presence in life grows, and the pickup artist uses stronger techniques. And all your friends are very surprised: “How are you dating such a strange guy?”


You are in a relationship, but its status is uncertain. And when you try to talk about it, the answer is something like this:

I thought this was already clear!

You're so smart! What questions!

You're so beautiful! What a bright blouse!

I thought you were different!

Do you want to ruin the evening?

Could such a great woman really be bothered by this?

The last one is tearing me to shreds. That is, if you continue, you will no longer be great and, of course, you will fall silent. You never manage to discuss your relationship and come to certainty. As a rule, such conversations Player reacts with a different method of education - includes techniques cancellations. So that you know your place!


All techniques cancellations are a kind of quintessence of “Closer-Farther”. We have already talked about the “Closer-Far” technique in previous article. At the beginning of the “Closer” stage (the first long-term communication), he made the maximum “Closer”. He came to the meeting on time, joked, read, told stories, but did not show too much interest. But in relationships The “Closer-Far” technique in different variations takes on a different meaning.

What's happened " Closer-Farther"? Let's imagine that our emotions in relationships can be measured on a scale: plus one hundred− maximum positive up to minus one hundred- the biggest negative: gap. When a pickup artist does “Closer” it’s plus fifty, when he does an advanced “Closer” it’s eighty. Now imagine that there is a sharp drop in emotions, for example, from fifty to thirty - this is “Next”. Variations of the fall in the emotional scale are used to keep a woman in suspense.

Their use usually begins immediately after sex. For example, he comes to you and you communicate without intimacy. More calls and SMS: before he called and sent messages, now he doesn’t, or he may not answer them. That is, he lowers emotions from fifty to thirty. This change in behavior suggests: what's happening? And you do “Closer”: call, write, pester - you begin to catch up with him. Naturally, if you invest more emotions, then this relationship becomes more important to you. A woman is like a cat, it is difficult to force her to hunt, but you can captivate her. And even if you didn’t take your relationship seriously at first, after these techniques you feel like you need him.

The second option, the most common method of application, I call training. That is, every time you try to find out something or raise a topic that he doesn’t like, he makes a sharp “Next”, increasing the gap from fifty to zero. You have an unconscious desire to avoid an uncomfortable situation, and you do “Closer” - you smooth out the conflict yourself.

AND The most severe withdrawal technique is called"And gla". “Igloo” is used for the purpose of creating long-term relationships, in order to “calm down a presumptuous girlfriend” (guru quote). For some time, the pickup artist plays advanced “Closer” - his relationship with you consists only of positive emotions, he brings emotions to the maximum - to 80, and sometimes 90. And at the most unexpected moment, a “needle” injection follows. Moreover, the injection occurs suddenly - and the more unpredictable it is, the more pronounced the effect of this technique is. The technique is to make a concentrated “Next”, and with the greatest intensity possible for a given woman. This is a technique for sudden changes in emotions. The greater the gap in the shortest period of time, the harder the hammer blow on your psyche.

Is it true, using a “needle” is risky: The girl can leave right away. Therefore, the pickup artist prepares for this. First, in order to be on the safe side, a technique is used that I call: “ carrot for donkey«.

We'll go on vacation.

I need time to decide.

Tomorrow everything will change.

We knights are strange at first, but then we change.

He puts a carrot that gives hope for change. You don’t notice her, but at that moment when you want to break off the relationship, you remember her.

Second reception - preparation for the minus. For example, he says that he is afraid of losing you or that you are the most important thing in his life.

Third - input into « minus«:

You will be angry with me again, but...

I don't know how to tell you, but...

I'm letting you down again, but...

I know we agreed, but...

In real The "needle" goes like this: Everything is fine in your relationship. You meet, have fun, nights of love and joyful prospects. You agree that he will come in the evening after work and you will spend the weekend together. And then bam! At best, there is a phone call that begins with the words: “I know we agreed, but...”. At worst, the pickup artist disappears for no reason. He doesn’t answer calls and SMS, he’s not there, and if he does, then to the question: “What happened?”, you get something like this: “Everything is fine.” And his answer emanates such coldness that the withers stand on end. You are being taken into a zone of non-existence. That is, from " plus eighty"you were sent to" minus fifty“, and sometimes even minus eighty.

The larger the gap, the worse the condition. There is a feeling that every cell in your body is burning from irritation and misunderstanding. Really shaking. And suddenly the next day he appears with the word: “Sorry.” You're hysterical! But he presents evidence that you invented all this for yourself. Whether you come up with different things depends on the prepared scenario: from betrayal to he was killed.

When you experience such a spectrum of emotions - from maximum plus to maximum minus - it works like an attachment to a man! We forget about negative emotions; only the memory of the power of these emotions remains in the unconscious. Therefore, it is difficult for a woman to leave such a man. They are trying to explain to her that she needs to break off the relationship, but she cannot - she is emotionally attached. And when the relationship ends, women lie “in the fetal position on the sofa.” This - result application of this technique.


The next stage in the development of “relationships” − cultivating unhealthy feelings of guilt. I want to draw boundaries right away. Guilt is a reaction of our subconscious to actions that violate our “right-wrong.” If I did something wrong in my understanding, then feeling guilty is a normal reaction. I am convinced that a healthy psyche should have the “feeling of guilt” option and, conversely, its complete absence signals an unhealthy one. But in a relationship with a pick-up artist, it is precisely the unhealthy feeling of guilt that develops.

After using the technique cancellations For a normal person, such behavior is illogical, so we begin to look for reasons. We think: “How did I offend him?” and after a few days of such thoughts we come up with something and make ourselves guilty.

The illogicality of his behavior makes him feel guilty. Over and over again passing you through the circle of hell “plus-minus”, “closer-further”, you lose orientation in space. The thought comes to you more and more often: “I’m the one who’s wrong,” and his behavior assures you of this. “He’s calm, he doesn’t apologize, he leaves with his head held high, which means there’s something wrong with me.” You start to blame yourself though didn't do anything wrong!!! The boundaries of a healthy psyche have been destroyed, your “right and wrong” no longer exist. From now on he can ask for anything.


Naturally, if a woman receives only negative emotions, the relationship will end very quickly, so in parallel with all this, he includes demonstration techniques. That's what I call it! Because it only words unsupported by action.

Pickup artist demonstrates interest: Constantly asks what you're thinking about.

Pickup artist demonstrates jealousy. Jealousy for a woman is an indicator of feelings.

Where were you today? Doesn't sex with your ex count? sounds periodically from his lips.

Pickup artist demonstrates desire to start a family:

I dream of a normal family. I would like children.

Pickup artist demonstrates false guilt. Sometimes from his lips it sounds:

I'm a beast! How could I do this!

And your naive female heart whispers to you: “But he understood everything!!!” This is actually a technique he uses when he goes too far with " training«.

Pickup artist demonstrates taking you seriously:

I take our relationship seriously! you hear from his lips.

It turns out that, on the one hand, you get a lot of “Farther”, but on the other hand, there is “Closer”. His words don't let you make a decision at critical moments. Why? Because all these techniques “turn on” emotions and “turn off” logic. While emotions are “on”, you yourself are looking for an excuse for him!

Confirmation of the effectiveness of pickup artist techniques is blind pursuit. And over time, the woman is ready to do anything in exchange for his presence alone! All my friends say: “Break up with him!” But you think it's love. Although in reality this feeling has nothing to do with love. This adrenaline pseudo-love. We will talk about this in one of the articles.

In two articles " Pickup techniques"We looked at the steps described in the gurus' books. For a pickup artist they sound like this:

“Find” → “Get acquainted” → “Attract” → “Get closer” → “Sex” → “Relationships”

And for the victims of the Game:

“Turning on” → “Demonstration” → “Sex” → “Training”.

Therefore, a pickup truck and its equipment are much more than a one-night stand. This is a traumatized psyche that will get rid of the hammer blows much longer than the period of the relationship itself. And the consequences of these blows are terrifying - low self-esteem, nervous exhaustion, health problems, professional degradation and, as a result, the use of antidepressants or alcohol. That is why it is important to be attentive in a world where many have acquired such knowledge.

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Every woman wants attention and compliments. Each one dreams of men wringing their necks, looking after her, and falling in piles at her feet. But for some, the art of “charming” is given to them from the cradle, while for others, they have to learn this all their lives. The “science” of seducing the opposite sex that has emerged in our time—pickup—was the prerogative of men exclusively. But this complex of seduction techniques and skills has become interesting to modern women. The only difference is that the task of a woman’s pickup, as a rule, is not one-time pleasure, but the search for true love and the desire to become attractive, self-confident and desirable. What are the basic rules of female pickup?

Why do girls do pickup? Goals

Male pick-up artists have simple and clear goals - to please a girl and get her into bed as quickly as possible. Girls goals more selective:

  • How to find it.
  • How to meet.
  • How to charm.
  • How to hold it.

And preferably - all at once. But, of course, that doesn't happen. Only chance can send you a prince on a white horse, who, upon seeing you, will tremble with anticipation and immediately offer his hand, his heart and a Swiss bank account. Therefore, first you need to understand how to get acquainted correctly and how to behave so that your gentleman does not run away from you five minutes after. This is what the female pickup truck teaches - how not to scare a man, how to impress etc.

Female pickup - dating rules

Basic rules of female pickup

Pickup task - provoking a man to take action . The result depends on the desire - a short date, a close acquaintance on a horizontal plane, or a serious relationship and starting a family. The “science” of pickup can be learned either independently or through special training. What are basic rules of female pickup?

  • Go out more often, expand your circle of acquaintances.
  • Have you set your sights on a handsome blue-eyed athlete? Don't look for it in the library. For an oligarch? You definitely won’t find him in the diner around the corner.
  • Always be ready to meet your dreams. An ideal appearance, excellent mood and a charming smile should be your constant companions.
  • Learn the basics of proper makeup, you should look stunning even when you run out to take out the trash - moderate but effective makeup, heels (stilettos), neckline, tight dress, well-groomed hands. Get used to following this rule even at home (when no one sees you). See.
  • Study male psychology. With this knowledge, it will be easier for you to predict the behavior of men and choose your one and only one among them.
  • Be nice, friendly and independent. Act as calm and relaxed as possible. Leave embarrassment and excitement for other situations, here - only composure and self-confidence.
  • Your speech should be smooth and calm. No “nerve” in the voice.
  • Don't get confused by words. Listen carefully as if this fishing story is the most amazing thing you have ever heard. Don't forget about subtle, "accidental" touches.
  • Don't talk about your problems(home-work-family) and your desires. A man should have a clear feeling that you are a successful, happy and completely satisfied person with life. And, of course, avoid questions about the number of your ex-men or marriages. It is unlikely that a man will be happy to learn that you are just looking for a candidate for your fourth marriage.
  • Don't forget to praise your man. Men are like children, they need to feel needed, loved and extraordinary. Just don’t overdo it - you shouldn’t praise your gentleman for a nice tie or clean shoes, you need to praise him for his actions.
  • Be modest. There is no need to put your feet on the table, sweep away dinner at a restaurant in a minute, put on a vulgar dress and demand a trip to the Seychelles. Modesty always decorates.
  • When communicating with a man, try as much as possible repeat his gestures, movements and manner of speech. This technique is one of the main ones in a pickup truck. Just don’t get carried away – it shouldn’t be obvious.
  • If you were invited to dance do not be too frank in movements- that is, hang yourself on a gentleman and cuddle with your whole body. Even if your head is already spinning from his strong hands and close breathing, control yourself and wait until the “client matures.”
  • Manicure and makeup should be as natural as possible and minimal.. Eliminate red varnish immediately - it is unnerving. Too long nails are also not an option. The only thing that magically affects a man is shiny lips.
  • Expand your circle of hobbies and discover new talents in yourself. Learn to play billiards, shoot, change wheels, dance and cook.
  • Never be the first to admit your sympathies.
  • After meeting, do not be intrusive. It is he who should look for you, call you and make appointments. And you - only condescendingly accept his courtship.
  • Do not hang a kilo of jewelry on yourself. It’s better to have one or two decorations, but spectacular and of high quality, than to look like a Christmas tree.
  • Do not go too far in facial expressions and “erotic” movements. It’s enough to straighten your hair, lick your lips and cross your legs. You should not wag your hips or swallow bananas.
  • Don't tell yourself and don't let a man tell dirty jokes.
  • Having met that same man, there is no need to continue the “pickup artist games”. A man should love you, not your seduction technique. You won't be able to keep him close to you for the rest of your life.

The ideal female pick-up artist is the one who...

  • Loves and respects himself.
  • Not aggressive, but proactive. Independent.
  • Relaxed and free in relationships.
  • He doesn’t carry around a suitcase of complexes.
  • Understands a man and accepts him for who he is.
  • Knows how to give pleasure.

Any woman is already a natural pick-up artist. In fact, she does not need to learn the science of seduction at all, because nature has already given her all the tools for this. All that remains is to use them competently and wisely. And most importantly - understand what exactly you are waiting for? Imagine that all the men are paying attention to you, salivating and dreaming of at least holding your hand. Are you sure you need this? Or do you still dream of meeting your future, one and only man?
Turning to trainings and plunging into the science of seduction, be sure to be aware that the level of male attention to you will increase. And decide for yourself whether you want it or not.