Bachelor's Day ended in China: the most interesting figures. Alibaba on Singles Day in China sold $5 billion worth of goods in an hour Singles Day November 11

Recall that last year, buyers spent $17.8 billion on Alibaba-owned platforms, of which $5 billion was spent in the first hour alone.

Alibaba sources also shared other data from the 2017 sale:

The Chinese spent the first $10 billion in 1 hour and 6 minutes. 9 sec.
- Of these, 92% of orders are placed through smartphones.
- In the first 10 minutes, 43 million parcels were processed.
- In the first 7 minutes, 100 million orders were paid.
- After 10 hours: 467 million parcels were issued (this is more than in 2015 for the entire day of the sale), of which 100 million have already been sent.
- Peak loads: 325K created orders per second, 256K successful transactions per second.
- Marks of $ 20 billion in turnover of the Alibaba site reached by 18:00 Beijing time.

What items did you buy on sale?

During the first hour of the sale, 179 tons of goji berries (枸杞 goqi), which the Chinese consider healing, were sold.

In the first hour, 220,000 plus size bras (D, E, F) were sold. By 9:00 Beijing time, 5,000 tons of infant formula had been sold, and by 9:30, more than 1 billion diapers had been sold. In addition, 43 million pieces of various types of shrimp, 15.8 million pairs of underpants and 50 million pieces of condoms.

Data from AliExpress

Recall that the global part of the Alibaba sale began on AliExpress on November 11 at 11:00 Moscow time (that is, 16 hours later than in China).

According to company sources, in the first two hours of the international sale alone, orders were placed by users in 184 countries and the daily turnover was exceeded on November 11, 2014. By the fourth hour of the sale, 10 million orders had been paid (the whole world, not only Russia).

The first parcel from AliExpress in Russia was delivered in 1 hour 8 minutes. In Spain - in 1 hour 59 minutes.

Mark Zavadsky, business development director of Alibaba in Russia and the CIS, delivered one of the first parcels to a customer from Moscow

Also, the AliExpress mobile app was included in the list of recommended free apps in the Apple App Store in several countries (including Russia).

05.11.2016 08:18

Bachelor's Day in China

We all have already fallen in love with the holiday on February 14 - St. Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. But many Chinese are looking forward to the date 11.11 - eleventh of November. In China, this is an unofficial and very fashionable holiday in recent times, Guanggongze 光棍节 (Guānggùn jié) or Singles Day.

Why 11.11

The date was not chosen by chance, because it includes four units. Knowing the special significance that the Chinese attach to numbers, it is not difficult to guess that the date of the eleventh day of the eleventh month is associated and symbolizes the Chinese day of solidarity for all single people.

For the first time, the holiday began to take shape and be celebrated back in the late 1990s among young people, among students. The students grew up, but the tradition of celebrating singles day remained. Recently, the holiday has gradually begun to spread through the media and the Internet to the entire Chinese society. Single young people gladly embrace this tradition to celebrate their happy bachelor life.

Moreover, the Chinese liked this holiday so much that three versions of the holiday were invented:

  • January 1 (1.1) - little bachelor's day
  • January 11 (11.1) and November 1 (1.11) - the average day of a bachelor
  • and finally November 11 (11.11)- super bachelor's day (because it contains as many as four units)

How is Singles Day celebrated in China?

Single young people happily celebrate Singles Day. Young people get together, have dinners in restaurants or cafes with the same lonely friends, say toasts to optimism in anticipation of the day when the status of loneliness ends.

Many Chinese people try to hold a wedding on this day, i.e. say goodbye to my lonely life. Collective youth weddings are often celebrated.

But perhaps the most important event, why many look forward to singles day, these are huge discounts and sales that suit Chinese online stores. Sometimes 11.11 discounts reach 70%! Therefore, despite the fact that single people are supposed to celebrate Singles Day, all lovers of online shopping in Chinese stores join the celebration.

So, on the well-known resources, or, sales 11.11 are held annually and almost all sellers and stores participate in the promotion. The event causes huge excitement among Chinese and foreign buyers.

Already, site visitors can see a similar mark next to the product:

If you found such a product, it means that 11.11 You can buy the same product at a significant discount.

November 11 of this year will again be held Bachelor's Day in China. This event is far-fetched, and mainly the younger generation takes part in its celebration. This event takes place exclusively on the territory of the Middle Kingdom. For the first time to celebrate the "day of the bachelor" began 20 years ago. The festival is held on this day not by chance, this date was chosen due to the number "1", reminiscent of loneliness.

This holiday first began to be celebrated in the city of Nyankin, at that time a humiliating joke was spread among students in higher educational institutions, which was applied to people who regret their loneliness. This holiday was invented so that single citizens of the PRC could purchase for themselves some item that could console them. Local malls learned about the celebration of "bachelor's day" and began to offer discounts on many goods on this day. Since that moment, a huge number of stores, including online sites, began to offer discounts on this day. Thus, this day became known for the largest number of online sales.

This phenomenon was due to the fact that in 2009, Alibaba made a powerful marketing move. The owner of an online retailing site launched a massive company that became known as Shuang Shiy, an expression patented by Alibaba at a time when online retailers were gaining popularity in China with unique offers and discounts. Initially, his online marketplace mainly offered products for single people, such as a pillow in the shape of a guy, but over time, customers have been able to purchase a wide variety of goods, ranging from basic necessities to cars.

This decision was liked by many residents of the People's Republic of China. The growth in sales did not stop for a minute. Thus, in 2014, Alibaba's revenue amounted to 9.3 billion US dollars, and last year this figure increased by 60 percent and was equal to 14.3 billion US dollars. This figure exceeds the performance of many companies involved in international trade, as well as the GDP of some countries. In honor of this holiday, Alibaba holds a gala concert before the start of sales, but in 2015, the New York Show was held in the Beijing Water Cube. Adam Lambert, South Korean singer Jolni Tsai, as well as a considerable number of actors performed during the performance, among which Daniel Craig and Kevin Spacey were noticed. Celebrities from China were divided among themselves into two teams - black and red. They held a competition among themselves with the help of computer games, and the audience voted for those who, in accordance with their opinion, should have won. The final stage of the celebration was the countdown, which took place at midnight and was displayed on a huge screen, two floors in size. After the end of the countdown, a mass sale began, the results of which were shown on the screen. During the first minute of the "day of the bachelor" last year, approximately 85 thousand transactions were made. And in 13 minutes of sales, the amount of income was 19 billion yuan.

This year, the celebration of the "bachelor's day" should be even more ambitious. Alibaba announced that about 100 celebrities and about fifty popular athletes will participate in the Tmall portal. David Hill, as well as famous singer Katy Perry, confirmed their participation in the celebration of this event.

The date of November 11 has become associated with 24-hour shopping from Alibaba over time, but buyers can find serious discounts not only on Tmall or Taobao, but also on other Chinese online shopping sites. Eg, 11.11 aliexpress are also ready to provide their users with huge discounts! Along with the approach of the Bachelor's Day, the discounts provided by the trading platforms will also increase. If there is a 5 percent discount on a product today, then a couple of days before the holiday it will be 40 percent, and on the night of sales it can reach 90 percent. Discounts on 11.11 are guaranteed to absolutely everyone!

As of today, this event has managed to become a whole online culture. Citizens wishing to purchase any goods distribute the list of their purchases for a week in advance, and maybe even for a month. On the eve of the holiday, they will throw their chosen products into the online shopping cart. And when the clock shows 00.00, they will start shopping in the hope of getting the biggest discount. During this period of time, the servers of the trading platforms are so overloaded that it is not always possible for users to complete the purchase.

The Russian-speaking community, which has learned about this holiday, more often uses 11.11 aliexpress, because their interface is translated into Russian. I hope that the reader will also not miss his opportunity to receive discounts on 11.11!

Over the past years, another shopping festival has become popular, which is held on 12.12, sales on this day have a much smaller volume, because on this day goods that are not sold out on 11.11 are put up for sale. Thanks to this, if the buyer was unable to purchase the product at the desired discount in November, he will be able to do so in December.

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Like World Shopping Day. It is not yet very famous, but is gradually gaining popularity. As soon as a person learns about this pleasant event, he quickly joins the ranks of his adherents. Many people look forward to this day all year long! And why, the publication will tell. We will also consider when and by whom this holiday was organized, and how it should be celebrated.

The Origin of Singles Day

Why is this event here? It is directly related to World Shopping Day. But this will be discussed a little later.

So, this holiday was originally celebrated in China in the nineties of the last century. Then students from various universities in the city of Nanjing decided to come up with a Singles Day and celebrate it widely. They chose the date not by chance. The fact is that 11.11 is the date on which the holiday falls. It consists of four units. They, in turn, in China symbolize people who are not in a relationship with the opposite sex. The Celestial country is serious about the magical influence of numbers. Its residents believe that November 11 is the most suitable day for starting a love relationship and making romantic acquaintances.

After graduation, former students spread this event in the community. Today, Singles Day is a special date for all young people, just like World Shopping Day.

Singles Day Traditions

A few years later, this date began to be celebrated by young people in many countries of the world. One can single out the most traditional way to celebrate this event. On this day, it is customary to invite your best friends to your place for lunch or dinner. This is how young people who prefer to live alone express their independence and unwillingness to have a romantic relationship with anyone.

There is also an opposite way to celebrate November 11th. Those who are in search of a soul mate, on the contrary, invite a person who is attractive to them for dinner. Also on this day, blind dates are quite often organized. They may even be hosted by happy couples for single friends to say goodbye to single life.

Sales in stores for the Singles Day

Many stores in China have sales on November 11th, coinciding with the Singles Day. It would seem, how is it connected with shopping? There is a perfectly logical and rather simple explanation for this. It can even be considered that this was the beginning of World Shopping Day on November 11th.

As you know, the strong half of humanity does not have a love for shopping. Therefore, the sellers decided to try to attract more men by promising them big discounts. It is even possible that one of them will meet the woman of their dreams in the store and decide to say goodbye to the bachelor life. After all, representatives of the fair sex usually look at sales.

From the very beginning, Shopping Day was conceived as an event that could make shopping dreams come true. Thousands of products were offered, even for sophisticated tastes, from underwear to innovative electronics. Moreover, they could be purchased in any quantity with breathtaking discounts of up to 75 percent.

November 11 - Black Friday?

In fact, Shopping Day is an analogue of the famous "Black Friday", which was invented by the Americans. It is believed that this is a holiday of rational people who know how to count money. Global sales are timed to coincide with it, in which almost all stores and outlets of the world take part today. The history of Black Friday dates back to the days of the Great Depression, and this is the main difference. World Shopping Day does without fights for goods, bruises, stress and many hours of standing in lines.

Online shopping day

There are many fans of active online shopping among men and women. For them, the search for the most interesting and profitable offers has long become a routine habit. For such and other people in 2009, the largest Internet platform from the Middle Kingdom, Alibaba Group, made a marketing ploy. She named it Shopping Day, coinciding with Singles Day. The owner of the company held on his resources, in particular in the online store "Aliexpress", the largest sale, where half-price discounts have long been the norm. It is generally accepted that this is how the history of the holiday officially began - World Shopping Day.

The idea was quickly picked up by other online platforms, they also began to hold grandiose online sales. They typically lasted only 24 hours and offered discounts of up to fifty percent on a million items. The main idea was to hold a promotion during the off-season, when sales are usually not held. In this way, the organizers decided to express gratitude to regular customers.

Shopping Day Success

The organizers of the event planned that it would become an annual event. Users were offered a significant discount, which is simply impossible to refuse. This helped turn a potential buyer into a real one. The company was not mistaken, because the success was overwhelming.

In 2013, participation in promotions on the World Shopping Day of a million people per day brought almost six billion dollars to the Chinese site Alibaba Group. So the holiday turned into the world's largest online sale, which left behind "Black Friday", "Cyber ​​Monday" and other analogues.

The development of the holiday in Russia

In 2014, representatives of the Alibaba Group announced that the owners of stores that are represented on the international Internet platform Aliexpress will also actively participate in the online sale. Thanks to this, since November of the same year, the Russians have had the opportunity to “celebrate” this grandiose event. Every year more and more people shop for Shopping Day, as the statistics show.

Sale records

The November sale on Aliexpress has long been a big event for people from many countries. So, in 2014, the Russians were in third place in terms of the volume of purchases, because they ordered the largest number of goods on the site. Every year the number of purchases only grows. People know what the World Day of Shopping on Aliexpress means, and they are preparing for this event in advance.

The results of the 2015 sale are simply stunning! At the same time, almost fifty million buyers made orders from 212 countries. The Visa and MasterCard systems simply could not withstand the load. Users could not pay for their purchases for almost an hour until the failure was fixed. The first billion was earned in record time - just eight minutes. As a result, more than thirty million parcels were sent.

In 2016, Russian buyers alone (and there were more than six million of them) spent nearly $18 billion. As a result, about thirty-five million orders were paid for with an average check of seven hundred rubles.


Based on the results of last year's sales, experts suggest that the number of orders in China's online stores could grow 20 times compared to normal days. The number of buyers will also increase, and their average check will be more than seven hundred rubles. People are expected to buy smartphones, tablets, portable chargers, clothes and New Year's souvenirs.

As you can see, the holiday is becoming more and more popular. Be sure to try to snatch big discounts on World Shopping Day. Enjoy the shopping!

In the first half of November, China celebrates Singles Day. This holiday, which is dedicated to people who are not married, in recent years, without any connection with the bachelor theme, has been accompanied in China by grandiose sales, being a kind of warm-up before the famous American Black Friday. Knowing this, large international retail chains are trying to lure buyers with discounts and sales, often fake ones.

When is Singles Day

history of the holiday

Singles Day is a rather young holiday. It was first celebrated at several universities in Nanjing in the 1990s. Singles Day got its name because of the date, which consists of four units - 11.11, which, according to Chinese numerology, symbolizes people who are not in a couple. So, November 11 is the most favorable day for finding your soulmate and in general for establishing new relationships and finding friends. From the student environment, the holiday, as they say, went to the people and fell in love not only with the citizens of China, but also with bachelors from other countries.

Holiday traditions

Today, Singles Day is a youth holiday when single young people struggle to find a mate or even choose a life partner. On this day, those who are not going smoothly on the personal front go on dates, including blind dates, trying to do everything to say goodbye to their bachelor status.

Mass sales

Singles Day is especially loved by fashionistas, as in recent years many Chinese shopping malls have begun to coincide with this holiday with their sales, making it an analogue of the American Black Friday, which in 2016 falls on November 25th.

In addition to Chinese companies, many leading Western and American brands are organizing grand sales on 11.11, giving the opportunity to buy their goods with huge discounts through the Chinese segment of the Internet. Such giants as Procter & Gamble, Adidas, Nike, Unilever and others participate in the action.

And the largest online retailer, Alibaba, which owns electronic marketplaces such as Tmall and Tabao, has extended the practice of holding Singles Day sales to the entire Internet. Buyers are promised huge discounts on a wide variety of goods, bonuses and gifts on this day, but it often turns out that tempting offers are a hoax. Buyers, having already forked out and comparing prices, discover that the goods they bought “cheaply” turned out to be not cheaper, and sometimes even more expensive than on ordinary days. Therefore, experienced catchers of cheap goods are advised not to succumb to the hype, but to check how much the chosen position cost before the sale days.