In Russia, an Interdepartmental Council for the Patriotic Education of Citizens is being created, which will be headed by Dmitry Rogozin. Consultation (middle group) on the topic: Consultation on patriotic education




Regulations for the work of the collegiate body

Legal act regulating the work of the collegial body


Svetlana Yakovlevna,

Deputy Head of the Administration of the city of Volgodonsk for social development


Nadezhda Gennadievna,

Head of the Department for Coordination of Social Sectors of the Administration of the City of Volgodonsk


Daria Valerievna,

Chief Specialist of the Youth Policy Department of the Administration of the City of Volgodonsk

As needed, but at least once a quarter

1. Creation of a coordinated system of purposeful activities of local governments, institutions, public organizations (associations) for the patriotic education of children and youth, ensuring its functioning.

2. Solving issues of programmatic, scientific, methodological, informational, logistical support for the organization of work on the patriotic education of children and youth.

3. Development and coordination of the implementation of the concept and program of patriotic education of children and youth in the city of Volgodonsk.

1. Vorobieva Irina Stanislavovna - head of the department for youth policy of the Administration of the city of Volgodonsk;

2. Davletshina Albina Fagimovna - Head of the Department of Social and Educational Work of the Volgodonsk Engineering and Technology Institute, a branch of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Nuclear University" MEPhI "(as agreed);

3. Drobysheva Daria Andreevna - chairman of the city public organization "Committee for the Social Protection of Russian Military Personnel and Conscripts" (as agreed);

4. Drugalev Nikolai Panteleevich - teacher-organizer of the state educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Rostov region "Volgodonsk technical school of information technologies, business and design" (as agreed);

5. Kirillov Alexander Mikhailovich - head of the Volgodonsk city organization "Russian Union of Veterans of Afghanistan", deputy head of the sector of patriotic education of defenders of the Fatherland of the Public Chamber of the city of Volgodonsk
(by agreement);

6. Kruzhilina Irina Alexandrovna - Deputy Director for Educational Work of the State Budgetary Vocational Educational Institution "Volgodonsk College of Metalworking and Mechanical Engineering"
(by agreement);

7. Yury Vasilievich Lebedev - Deputy of the Volgodonsk City Duma in constituency No. 5
(by agreement);

8. Melnikov Vladimir Stepanovich - Chairman of the City Council of veterans (pensioners) of war, labor, armed forces and law enforcement agencies (as agreed);

9. Melchankina Darya Nikolaevna - leading methodologist of the Education Department of Volgodonsk;

10. Rabadanov Abdul Ibragimovich - deputy commander of unit 3504 for work with personnel, head of the group, lieutenant colonel (as agreed);

11. Ryzhova Anna Valerievna - Senior Inspector of the Department of Culture of Volgodonsk;

12. Solovyov Nikolai Vasilievich (father Nikolai) - rector of the Temple of the Don Icon of the Mother of God, head of the youth department of the Volgodonsk Diocese (as agreed);

13. Topilin Andrei Petrovich - senior assistant to the head of the department (training, conscription and recruitment for military service under the contract) of the military commissariat of the Rostov region for the city of Volgodonsk (as agreed);

14. Cherdakova Anna Nikolaevna - leading methodologist of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the city of Volgodonsk;

15. Shcherbakov Igor Vladimirovich - head of the local branch of the RRO VDYUVPOD "Yunarmiya" (as agreed).

Work plan of the Council for Patriotic Education of Children and Youth in 2019

On June 16, 2016, under the leadership of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region Vladimir Romanov, a regular meeting of the Regional Coordinating Council for the Patriotic Education of Citizens was held.

Its participants discussed the specifics of organizing military sports games in the region in the 2015-2016 academic year and the progress of work to improve the electronic version of the regional Book of Memory.

The meeting began with the ceremony of presenting the Patriot of Russia commemorative medal. The commemorative medal was established by the Government of the Russian Federation, it is awarded to citizens of Russia for a significant personal contribution to the work of patriotic education, the manifestation of patriotism in public, official, military and labor activities.

Among those marked by a government award: Dmitry Poryvaev - Chairman of the Coordinating Council of Public Organizations of Combat Veterans of the Northern Administrative District; Tatyana Simonova - Director of the Sverdlovsk Regional Pedagogical College; Nikolai Geshel - Chairman of the Nizhny Tagil branch of the regional public organization of veterans of the border troops "Border"; Lyubov Kazakova - chairman of the veteran choirs of the Yekaterinburg City Council of Veterans, Alina Andreeva (ZATO Svobodny), Andrey Bannikov (Nizhny Tagil), Lev Boguslavsky (Yekaterinburg), Lyudmila Vakhrusheva (Zarechny), Vil Gibadullin (Kamensk) -Uralsky), Alexander Gudach (Prigorodny district, Pokrovskoye village, Ekaterina Zvereva (Kamyshlovskiy district, Zarechnaya village), Natalia Izgagina (Yekaterinburg), Vitaly Lobastov (Verkhnyaya Pyshma), Maxim Loboda (Yekaterinburg), Natalia Lukanina (Novouralsk), Olga Mezhevich (Krasnoturinsk), Vladimir Ovchinnikov (Serov), Isabella Ogonovskaya (Yekaterinburg), Raisa Onishchenko (Yekaterinburg), Oleg Stepanov (Yekaterinburg), Valery Surov (Nizhny Tagil).

Informing those present about the work carried out since the previous meeting of the Regional Coordinating Council, V. Romanov noted that in May this year, amendments and additions to the comprehensive program of the Sverdlovsk Region "Patriotic education of citizens in the Sverdlovsk Region for 2014-2020" were approved, taking into account the goals , tasks and provisions of the corresponding federal program. This work will be continued, it is planned to clarify the content of the passport of the regional program in the third quarter. Before the end of the year, a report should be submitted to the President of Russia.

Representatives of the Sverdlovsk region took part in the first All-Russian Youth Army rally, at which the creation of the All-Russian military-patriotic movement Yunarmiya was announced.

Work is being carried out in the region aimed at preparing and holding events dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of four times Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. In particular, attention was drawn to the fact that June 18 marks the 42nd anniversary of the death of the famous commander.

By the way, the co-author of the book “The Urals in the life of Marshal of Victory”, dedicated to G.K. Zhukov, Anatoly Kirillov, who presented everyone present with a copy of a richly illustrated book with a special attachment - a DVD disc.

Vladimir Romanov noted: "Our task is to equip young people with the knowledge of historical truth, to instill in them a willingness to inherit and continue the best traditions of the defenders of the Fatherland."

Participants of the meeting talked about how to implement this task in practice.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, 174 teams took part in the regional stage of the military sports games, which is 71 teams more than a year ago. “We have gained the first experience of attracting university students and working youth to participate in the military sports games,” Deputy Minister of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region Evgeny Silchuk emphasized. - But, unfortunately, not all schools, professional educational organizations, universities are working to prepare their teams. And our task is to achieve one hundred percent coverage, because we are talking about the education of patriotism, the pre-conscription training of young people.”

Continuing the topic, Nina Zhuravleva, Deputy Minister of General and Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region, clarified that 100% coverage of participation in military sports games for all categories of schoolchildren and students is possible only if equal conditions are created for training teams in both rural schools and cities. Creation of such conditions is one of the concerns of the regional ministries.

As a positive example of the organization and conduct of military sports games, N. Zhuravleva cited the fifth regional stage of the All-Russian military sports game "Cossack flash" held on June 10 - 12, 2016 on the basis of the MU DOL "Dream" GO Revda. It was organized by: the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region; Orenburg Military Cossack Society and the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Sverdlovsk Region Cadet Boarding School "Yekaterinburg Cadet Corps".

Reporting on the work on updating the regional Book of Memory, Andrey Petrov, a representative of the Military Commissariat of the Sverdlovsk Region, recalled that at one time 19 volumes of a memorial publication were published, which collected information about 279 thousand Ural residents who died, went missing in the battles of the Great Patriotic War, died from wounds in hospitals. The search for new information about the fate of fellow countrymen and the clarification of previously known data continues. Only in the past two years, after the resumption of work of the editorial board of the regional Book of Memory, data on another 22 of our countrymen, whose names were returned from oblivion, were first entered into the electronic version of the memorial publication. Information about dozens of our countrymen has been clarified and supplemented.

It is logical that at the meeting the conversation turned to the Day of Memory and Sorrow - the day the Great Patriotic War began. June 22 marks the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the fascist aggression against the USSR, the beginning of the defense of the Brest Fortress. On this day, national flags will be flown at half-staff, in accordance with the decree of the Governor of the region, a Minute of Remembrance will be held (at 12.00, the electric sirens of the centralized warning system will turn on).

On June 21 and 22, solemn mourning ceremonies will be held at memorial sites in settlements in all municipalities of the region. So, in the capital of the Middle Urals at 12.00 at the Shirokorechensky memorial, an official flower-laying ceremony at the Eternal Flame will take place.

During the meeting of the Coordinating Council, its participants made a number of proposals that will be used in the work on patriotic education.

The main functions of the Coordinating Council:

Provides coordination of actions of performers of activities of the city plan for the patriotic education of adolescents and youth (hereinafter referred to as the city plan) in the city of Nizhny Tagil;

Organizes the introduction of forms and methods of targeted and mass influence on the formation of patriotic feelings among the population, the need for personal contribution to the security and development of the Fatherland;

Organizes practical conferences, meetings and other events aimed at integrating the actions of the Administration of the city of Nizhny Tagil, territorial bodies of the Administration of the city of Nizhny Tagil, municipal institutions and organizations located on the territory of the city of Nizhny Tagil, including public associations, mass media in the field of patriotic education of citizens;

Considers projects and proposals of citizens and organizations to improve the system of patriotic education of citizens in the city of Nizhny Tagil.

Develops the conceptual foundations of patriotic education of the population of the city of Nizhny Tagil;

Coordinates work to involve municipal institutions and organizations located on the territory of the city of Nizhny Tagil, including public associations, in the organization of patriotic education of the population, generalizes and disseminates the experience of patriotic work.

Provides the accumulation of information about the experience of local governments, public associations for the patriotic education of the population of the city of Nizhny Tagil;

Carries out an examination of the effectiveness of ongoing activities within the framework of the implementation of the city plan for the patriotic education of the population of the city of Nizhny Tagil;

Prepares analytical materials on the organization of patriotic education of citizens living in the city of Nizhny Tagil, presents them to the Head of the city of Nizhny Tagil, regional government bodies of the Russian Federation, places them in the media;

Organizes case studies among the population of the city of Nizhny Tagil, recommends for publication the results of these studies.

Contributes to raising funds for events aimed at patriotic education of the population;

Initiates activities that contribute to the expansion of material, financial and economic support for the system of patriotic education of citizens;

Prepares financial and economic justifications for projects related to the patriotic education of citizens.

The procedure for forming the composition of the Coordinating Council:

1. The Coordinating Council includes representatives of the Administration of the city of Nizhny Tagil, workers of culture, education and the social sphere, representatives of public associations, and other persons related to the organization of patriotic education.

2. The basis for joining the members of the Coordinating Council is sending an application to the Chairman of the Coordinating Council in the form specified in the Appendix to these Regulations.

3. The structure of the Coordinating Council provides for the positions of chairman, deputy chairman and secretary.

1) Chairman of the Coordination Council:

Responsible for the development of a policy in the field of patriotic education of citizens living in the city of Nizhny Tagil, and its implementation in the system of educational work based on the implementation of city plans and programs;

Gives opinions on the work on patriotic education of the performers of the events of city plans and programs;

Requests information from the executors of city plans and programs on the progress of their implementation;

Signs documents of the Council.

2) The Deputy Chairman of the Coordinating Council is responsible for ensuring the coordination of the activities of the executors of city plans and programs in operational issues of their implementation; submits for consideration by the Head of the city of Nizhny Tagil, organizing committees for the preparation of events proposals for improving the patriotic education of the population of the city of Nizhny Tagil; solicits the coverage of innovative experience in the media.

3) The Secretary of the Coordinating Council is responsible for the organizational and technical support of the activities of the Coordinating Council, keeps minutes of the meetings of the Coordinating Council and informs the Chairman of the Coordinating Council about the implementation of the decisions of the Coordinating Council.

4. Specialists from various fields and specialists from local self-government bodies may be involved as experts in the work of the Coordinating Council.

5. Representatives of various fields of activity, heads of bodies of the Administration of the city of Nizhny Tagil may be invited to the meeting of the Coordinating Council to prepare certain questions.

6. The composition of the Coordinating Council is determined by a legal act of the Administration of the city of Nizhny Tagil.

Regulations for the work of the Coordinating Council:

1. The Coordinating Council builds its work on the basis of annually developed and approved plans.

2. Meetings of the Coordinating Council are held in accordance with the plan, but at least once every six months.

3. The activities of the Coordinating Council are managed by the Chairman of the Coordinating Council or, on his behalf, the Deputy Chairman of the Coordinating Council.

4. The secretary of the Coordinating Council shall notify the members of the Coordinating Council of the agenda, date, time and place of the meetings of the Coordinating Council no later than 7 days before they are held.

6. Minutes are kept at the meeting of the Coordinating Council.

7. The Secretary of the Coordinating Council, in accordance with the current work plans, forms the agenda of the next meeting of the Coordinating Council, coordinates it with the Deputy Chairman of the Coordinating Council and submits it for approval to the Chairman of the Coordination Council.

8. The approved agenda of the meeting of the Coordinating Council and materials two days before the meeting of the Coordinating Council are sent by the Secretary to the members of the Coordinating Council.

9. A meeting of the Coordinating Council is considered competent if at least half of the approved composition of the Coordinating Council is present.

10. Decisions of the Coordinating Council are taken by a simple majority of votes and drawn up in a protocol signed by the Chairman of the Coordinating Council or his deputy, presiding over the meeting, and the Secretary of the Coordinating Council.

11. Decisions of the Coordinating Council are advisory in nature.

12. The minutes of the meeting of the Coordinating Council shall be sent by the secretary of the Coordinating Council to all members of the Coordinating Council and representatives of involved organizations.

13. In the intervals between meetings of the Coordinating Council, the functions of the working body of the Coordinating Council, the organizational and technical support for the activities of the Coordinating Council is carried out by the Department for the Development of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Nizhny Tagil City Administration.

Powers of the Coordinating Council:

1. To solve the tasks set, the Coordinating Council has the right to:

Request from public authorities, local authorities and organizations the necessary materials on issues within the competence of the Coordinating Council;

To involve in the work of the Coordinating Council representatives of state authorities and local self-government bodies that are not part of it, as well as specialists from scientific and other organizations as agreed (hereinafter referred to as representatives of involved organizations);

Create working groups of members of the Coordinating Council and representatives of involved organizations.

2. During the absence of the Chairman of the Coordinating Council, his duties are performed by the Deputy Chairman of the Coordinating Council on behalf of the Chairman of the Coordinating Council. Members of the Coordinating Council take part in the work of the Coordinating Council on a voluntary basis. The form of activity of the Coordinating Council, which ensures collegial discussion of the issues submitted for consideration, is a meeting of the Coordinating Council.

3. Decisions of the Coordinating Council are advisory in nature, but can be used as a basis for the development of relevant administrative documents by decision of the Head of the city of Nizhny Tagil or the Deputy Head of the Administration of the city of Nizhny Tagil.

4. The Coordinating Council hears at its meetings the leaders of public associations and other organizations for the patriotic education of the population of the city of Nizhny Tagil.

5. The Coordinating Council receives, studies and uses in its work the necessary information about the activities of the structures that carry out patriotic education.

6. The Coordinating Council acts as the initiator of the establishment in the system of the Administration of the city of Nizhny Tagil of awards and incentives for success in the work on patriotic education of the population of the city of Nizhny Tagil, and also considers and makes proposals for candidates for awards.

7. Information about the work of the Coordinating Council is published on the official website of the Administration of the city of Nizhny Tagil on the Internet.

  • Kuzmina Nadezhda Dmitrievna - Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the University;
  • Glushkov Andrey Alekseevich - editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Technopolis";
  • Gordienko Sergey Ivanovich - Director of the TV and Radio Company "SUSU - TV";
  • Filipchuk Svetlana Vladimirovna - Director of the Center for Creativity and Leisure of the University;
  • Viracheva Tatyana Vasilievna - Deputy Dean of the International Faculty for educational work;
  • Volkova Milena Alexandrovna - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology for educational work;
  • Kostromitina Lyubov Nikolaevna - Deputy Dean of the Automotive Faculty for educational work;
  • Krikunov Konstantin Nikolaevich - Deputy Head of the Faculty of Military Training.

The state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020" states that in modern conditions, patriotic education, being an integral part of the general educational process, is a systematic and purposeful activity of state authorities and public organizations to form a high patriotic consciousness among citizens, feelings of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill their civic duty and constitutional obligations to protect the interests of Russia. Patriotic education should be planned, systemic, permanent and one of the priorities in the state policy of Russia in the field of educational activities.

It should be noted that in the South Ural State University (national research university), created during the Great Patriotic War (1943), in the city of Tankograd, Chelyabinsk received such an unofficial name during the war years for its contribution to the defeat of the enemy, throughout history During the development of the university, students' education was carried out continuously with education, a system of civil and patriotic education of students has developed, providing for the formation and development of socially significant values, the education of a person with the qualities of a citizen - patriot.

All structural subdivisions of the university participate in the work of the system of patriotic education of students, including the Office for Extracurricular Activities, the Council of Veterans, museums, libraries, the Technopolis newspaper, the SUSU-TV television and radio company, the Poisk student search squad, the Center for Creativity, the Advisory SUSU TOP-500 Center, United Council of Students, Headquarters of Student Labor Squads, Volunteer Center, Public Student Association SUSU Law Enforcement Squad. A huge contribution to this work is made by the Faculty of Military Education.

The University has developed and is implementing the Program of Civil and Patriotic Education of Students, the activities of which are updated annually.

In order to improve the system of civil and patriotic education at the university, the Council for Civil and Patriotic Education of Students has been established and is actively working.

To coordinate the actions of various structural divisions of the university for the implementation of extracurricular and educational work, the Council for extracurricular and educational work with students is actively working.

The university is constantly working with the teaching staff to form a target orientation for the development of students' feelings of love for the Motherland, responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland and the people, serving their Fatherland.

An important place in the education of citizenship and patriotism is occupied by the Council of University Veterans, which organizes meetings of war and labor veterans with students, including holidays, professional holidays, memorable dates and days of military glory. The university is proud of its veterans. The veterans of the university are outstanding people who during the war years defended our Fatherland with weapons in their hands, worked in the rear, showing courage and heroism, dedication and self-sacrifice.

The Council of Veterans, together with teachers and students, annually takes part in rallies dedicated to the Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War with the laying of wreaths at the Eternal Flame on the Alley of Glory of the city.

The SUSU Museum of History plays a special role in the patriotic education of student youth. The collected exhibits vividly tell about the years of the formation of the university, the heroic time of the Great Patriotic War and our days. Museum employees have developed excursion programs: "Birth year - 1943", "Third working semester", "Development of science", "History of the organization of faculties" and others, allowing students and guests of the university to get acquainted with its history in the most complete way.

The museum, together with students, is doing a lot of work to collect materials about the participants in the Great Patriotic War and home front workers. All collected materials are presented on the university website, video clips are made. Museum staff created an album with photographs of participants in the Great Patriotic War and home front workers, made maps of the fronts where teachers and university staff fought. Books with memoirs of veterans about the Great Patriotic War, about the heroism of home front workers enjoy special attention both among workers and students of the university.

The scientific library of the university makes a great contribution to the cause of patriotic education. Thematic exhibitions of popular science literature are held here, dedicated to memorable dates of national history and the history of the university, a deposit fund of publications of university employees is formed, which has a history and scientific value.

An important role in the education of patriotism is played by the university newspaper Technopolis. The editorial staff of the newspaper prepares special thematic collections for significant dates. Correspondents of the newspaper tell not only about the history of the country and the heroism of the Russian people during the Great Patriotic War, but also about the heroes of our time - those who today stand guard over state security. It introduces readers to the best students and staff of the university. University students independently prepare materials related to the fate of people who worked or studied at their own university. The newspaper periodically publishes materials under the heading "Veterans of the University". They are talking about the honored workers of the university, who contributed to the development of domestic science, to the development of the university. The newspaper reflects on its pages the eventful student life, scientific developments of scientists and students of SUSU, plans for the innovative development of the university.

The student search squad "Poisk", created in 2005, actively participates in the work of the All-Russian movement "Search Movement of Russia". As part of the Chelyabinsk regional branch of the "Search Movement of Russia", the detachment participated 7 times in the All-Russian action "Memory Watch". In the course of search work in the Kirovsky district of the Leningrad region on the Sinyavskiye heights, the detachment found and reburied the remains of more than 200 dead soldiers, found 7 medallions. According to two medallions, relatives of the missing fighters were identified.

The fighters of the detachment held dozens of meetings with students and pupils, traveling seminars and exhibitions. Based on the materials of the work of the detachment, a stand was designed in the museums of the history of the university. The activities of the detachment are of great interest to all visitors to the museum of the university.

Participation in the search movement, information about the work of the search team contributes to the civil and patriotic education of university students.

The activities of the Center for Creativity and Leisure of the University provide students with the realization of their creative needs, strengthening the prestige of the University, solving the problems of aesthetic and moral education of students, the formation of their citizenship in more than 50 creative teams and amateur associations.

Much work on patriotic education is carried out at the Faculty of Military Education, which trains more than 1,700 students.

It is safe to say that in almost every study group there are students who, taking into account the training at the military faculty, are the conductors of instilling responsibility for the security of the Motherland, moral and psychological readiness for its defense. As a rule, a team of a group is formed around these students.

It should be noted that educational work at the faculty of military training is one of the priority areas, it is an integral part of the educational work of the university, carried out in accordance with the plan and in cooperation with the Office of Extracurricular Activities of the University.

The tasks of educational work at the faculty are solved in the course of the educational process and the daily activities of the faculty's employees. The fact that most of the teachers have considerable experience in military service in various positions contributes to the solution of the problems of the educational work of students, many of them have combat experience. In the classroom, teachers give examples of successful actions in a combat situation, both from the history of the Russian army and from their own lives. Forms of educational work carried out during extracurricular time have a wide range.

The faculty regularly holds events dedicated to holidays (Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, Unknown Soldier Day, Heroes of the Fatherland Day, Tankograd Heroes Day, celebrated by the inhabitants of the Southern Urals, which testifies to the great contribution of the South Urals to the Victory), military days glory (Victory Day of the Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipsi (Battle on the Ice, 1242), memorable dates in Russia (Day of Memory and Sorrow), professional holidays (Day of the Tanker, Day of the Signal Corps and Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery), meetings are organized with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, local wars and armed conflicts, Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia.The faculty actively cooperates with the Council of Veterans of the University, with the Chelyabinsk Regional Council of Veterans, with veteran organizations "Rodina" and "Combat Brotherhood".

Students of the Faculty of Military Education honor the memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Major Rynda Ivan Ilyich, who worked for many years in the post-war period at the university, the deputy of the Faculty of Military Education, Colonel Marat Ayratovich Badreev, who died in the Chechen Republic. In memory of them, memorial plaques were installed on the facade of the faculty building.

Photo exhibitions are regularly held at the faculty, the materials of which are presented by direct participants in the events: “The History of the Great Victory”, “Afghanistan in Our Hearts”, “North Caucasus”, “Antiterror”, “Heroes of Russia. Chelyabinsk region”, and the direct participants of those events talk about their content. These exhibitions are of great interest to students.

The faculty regularly conducts Courage Lessons, using historical materials and documentaries prepared jointly with veteran public organizations (“Combat Brotherhood”, “Motherland”, Council of Veterans of the University, Region and City). Participants of the Great Patriotic War, local wars and armed conflicts, who are themselves participants in historical events, share their memories, talk about the courage and heroism of our countrymen.

On the eve of Victory Day, a procession of the faculty personnel along with the Council of Veterans, students and university leadership is traditionally held along the central streets of the city with the laying of flowers and wreaths at the Eternal Flame, and the best students of the faculty participate in the traditional dance flash mob "Victory Waltz" held on university square which does not leave indifferent any spectator of this wonderful visual event.

Every year the faculty takes part in the ceremonial construction of parts of the Chelyabinsk garrison dedicated to the Victory Day. Participation in the Victory Day parade is a great honor for students of the faculty, and they are proud of it.

Students of the faculty, as well as university students, actively participate in the march of the Immortal Regiment as volunteers to support the procession. The best listeners are given the right to carry the main symbol of Victory at the head of the Immortal Regiment, a large-scale copy of the Banner of Victory.

The faculty traditionally holds rallies dedicated to the beginning of the academic year, the beginning of the training camp, the military oath taking with the participation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor, local wars and armed conflicts, whose life can be an example for them.

During the training gathering in a solemn atmosphere with the obligatory participation of the rector of the university and the command of the unit, as well as a large number of relatives and friends of students, students of the faculty are taken to the Military oath.

After the completion of the training camp on University Square, in the presence of the rector of the university, the military commissar of the region, representatives of authorities and veteran organizations, a graduation ceremony is held, at which students, having completed their studies, say goodbye to the flag of the faculty, the best graduates are awarded certificates and valuable gifts.

Faculty students take an active part in the mass defense work carried out by the faculty in schools and technical schools of the city, including meetings and conversations during which students get acquainted with the history and traditions of the Russian army, Russian culture, in judging competitions during military - sports games, conducting excursions to the faculty to get acquainted with samples of weapons and equipment of the Armed Forces of Russia. Such excursions, conducted for schoolchildren of all ages, leave no one indifferent. The most active such work, in accordance with the program "Faithful Sons of the Motherland" implemented at the faculty, is carried out with the detachments of the Yunarmiya and with students of the cadet classes.

The faculty is actively involved in organizing and holding annual military sports competitions dedicated to the memory of the Hero of Russia Sergey Alexandrovich Kislov among schoolchildren in the Chelyabinsk region.

In all events held by the Faculty of Military Education, not only students of the faculty, but also students of institutes and higher schools of the university take an active part in the implementation of the Program of Civil and Patriotic Education of SUSU Students.

It should be noted that practical activity is the main link in the patriotic education of students and this is understood by all the heads of structural divisions of the university.

The University actively cooperates with the Council of Veterans of the University, with the Chelyabinsk Regional Council of Veterans, with the veteran organizations Rodina and Combat Brotherhood.

The system of civic-patriotic education of students, which has developed over the years of the university's existence, ensures the formation of civic-patriotic consciousness in students, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional obligations to protect the interests of the Motherland.

Photo gallery


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  • 28.09.2018
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  • 25.09.2018
    Faculty of Military Education celebrates birthday
  • 14.09.2018
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  • 20.07.2018
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  • 06.07.2018
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  • 01.07.2018
    Yury Meshkov, Senior Inspector of the SUSU Department of Internal Affairs, on the Patriotic Education of Students
  • 27.06.2018
    Self-Determination and Invaluable Experience: Interviews on Extracurricular Activities of SUSU Students
  • 26.06.2018
    Heritage of the Nation: Best Alumni of SUSU-2018
  • 25.05.2018
    Participants of Events Dedicated to Victory Day Awarded at SUSU
  • 18.05.2018
    SUSU Search Team “Poisk” Completed “Memory Watch-2018”
  • 10.05.2018
    “Memory of Generations”: SUSU Students Talk About Those Who Preserved the Peaceful Sky for Us
  • 10.05.2018
    "Fighting continued day and night" - veteran of the Great Patriotic War Gennady Komissarov
  • 10.05.2018
    Students of the SUSU Faculty of Military Education Took Part in the Victory Day Parade
  • 09.05.2018
    SUSU Students Become Volunteers of the Immortal Regiment
  • 09.05.2018
    Sing about war, dance about war: Victory Waltz Held at SUSU
  • 07.05.2018
    A Day to Remember: Victory Day Events Held at SUSU
  • 24.04.2018
    The SUSU Search Team "Poisk" Went to the All-Russian "Memory Watch - 2018"
  • 19.04.2018
    Day of Military Glory Held at SUSU
  • 13.04.2018
    Three. Two. One. Let's Go!: Cosmonautics Week Held at SUSU
  • 11.04.2018
    The Taschev family: SUSU brought up 3 generations of brilliant scientists
  • 10.04.2018
    “We praise the man of labor!”: the leading Russian university held a competition for engineering workers
  • 09.04.2018
    For Cosmonautics Day, the University organized "Gagarin launches-2018"
  • 06.04.2018
    Students of the Department of Health and Safety won the All-Russian competition
  • 04.04.2018
    The SUSU Team Becomes a Prize Winner of the “Step into the Future” Forum of Scientific Youth
  • 01.04.2018
    Faculty of Military Education of SUSU Trains Officers in Master’s Programs
  • 28.03.2018
    SUSU Students Honored the Memory of Fire Victims in Kemerovo
  • 21.03.2018
    Exploring the Arctic and Siberia: SUSU is Creating an Intelligent System for KamAZ
  • 19.03.2018
    The Government of Chelyabinsk awarded the Head of the Office for Extracurricular Activities of SUSU for his contribution to the social movement
  • 16.03.2018
    SUSU Summed Up the Results of the Second Round of the SUSU History Olympiad
  • 06.03.2018
    The SUSU Faculty of Military Education invites you to receive the rank of officer during your Master's studies
  • 03.03.2018
    The President of Russia Awarded a Medal to a SUSU Undergraduate
  • 28.02.2018
    SUSU Summed Up the Results of the First Round of the SUSU History Olympiad
  • 28.02.2018
    The results of the first all-Russian competition "Tell the world about your Russia" have been summed up
  • 27.02.2018
    Photo Exhibition “Russia Through the Eyes of a Student” Opens at SUSU
  • 24.02.2018
    The All-Russian competition of patriotic practices “Just love Russia!” has been announced
  • 23.02.2018
    Real heroes: an interview with veteran of the Chechen campaign Ivan Mikryukov
  • 22.02.2018
    Fatherland Defenders Congratulated at SUSU
  • 22.02.2018
    Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
  • 22.02.2018
    Real heroes: an interview with Alexander Pokryshkin, holder of the Order of Courage
  • 19.02.2018
    SUSU Student Wins Bronze at the Olympic Games
  • 14.02.2018
    SUSU Students Take Part in the All-Russian Competition "Leader of the 21st Century"
  • 13.02.2018
    Olympiad "SUSU History": University students will be able to test their knowledge about the university
  • 13.02.2018
    SUSU Student Search Team Announces Recruitment
  • 09.02.2018
    Russian Science Day at SUSU
  • 05.02.2018
    “SUSU Photography School” invites you to take part in the competition “Russia Through the Eyes of a Student”
  • 02.02.2018
    Young leaders of the Presidential Program spoke about the future of Russian science
  • 01.02.2018
    Memorial Hearings Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of a SUSU Professor Held at SUSU
  • 18.01.2018
  • 18.01.2018
    Studying and Preserving History: SUSU Student Search Team “Poisk” Opens Recruitment
  • 15.01.2018
    The number of volunteers is growing in Russia
  • 28.12.2017
  • 22.12.2017
  • 14.12.2017

The Coordinating Council for the Patriotic Education of Citizens under the Head of the Municipal Formation "City of Izhevsk" is a permanent coordinating body that ensures the interaction of local authorities of the municipality "City of Izhevsk", state authorities of the Udmurt Republic who participate in the implementation of measures for the patriotic education of citizens on the territory of the municipality "City of Izhevsk", public organizations and associations operating in the field of patriotic education of citizens.

Compound Coordinating Council for the Patriotic Education of Citizens under the Head of the Municipal Formation "City of Izhevsk"

Chairman: Head of the municipal formation "City of Izhevsk".

Vice Chairmen:

First Deputy Head of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk

Deputy Head of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk for social policy

Executive Secretary: Nabiyeva Olga Maratovna - chief specialist-expert of the Department for Youth Affairs of the Administration of Izhevsk.


    1. Deputy Minister for Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Udmurt Republic;

    2. Military Commissar of the Udmurt Republic;

    3. Deputy Chief of Staff of the Administration of Izhevsk;

    4. Chairman of the Standing Committee on Social Policy of the City Duma of the city of Izhevsk;

    5.Chairman of the Public Chamber of the city of Izhevsk;

    6.Head of the Oktyabrsky District Administration;

    7.Head of the Administration of the Pervomaisky district;

    8.Head of the Administration of the Ustinovsky district;

    9.Head of the Administration of the Industrial District;

    10.Head of the Leninsky District Administration;

    11. Head of the Department for Youth Affairs of the Administration of Izhevsk;

    12. Head of the Information and Analytical Department of the Administration of Izhevsk;

    13. Head of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Administration of Izhevsk;

    14. Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Administration of Izhevsk;

    15. Head of the Department of Education of the Administration of Izhevsk;

    16. Head of the Department of preschool education and upbringing of the Administration of Izhevsk;

    17. Head of the Department for social support of the population, motherhood and childhood of the Administration of Izhevsk;

    18. Head of the Municipal Police Department of the Administration of Izhevsk;

    19. Chief editor of the newspaper "Izvestiya UR" (as agreed);

    20. General Director of the state television and radio company "Udmurtia" (as agreed);

    21.Director of the Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (as agreed);

    22. Head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Izhevsk (as agreed);

    23. Chairman of the Council of the Udmurt Republican Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "Combat Brotherhood" (as agreed);

    24. Chairman of the Udmurt regional branch of the Interregional Public Organization "Union of Paratroopers" (as agreed);

    25. Chairman of the Udmurt regional organization of the All-Russian public organization of war invalids in Afghanistan and military trauma - "War Disabled" (as agreed);

    26. Chairman of the Regional branch of the All-Russian public-state organization "Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy of Russia" of the Udmurt Republic (as agreed);

    27. Chairman of the Udmurt regional public organization of soldiers-border guards of the reserve "Patriots of the border" (as agreed);

    28. Chairman of the Public Organization of the Disabled and Veterans of Radiation Accidents - Republican Society Union "Chernobyl" of the Udmurt Republic (as agreed);

    29. Ataman of the Verkhnekamsk Separate District Cossack Society (as agreed);

    30. Chairman of the Udmurt regional branch of the All-Russian public organization "Young Guard of United Russia" (as agreed);

    31. Chairman of the Regional public organization "Udmurt organization of the Russian Union of Youth" (as agreed);

    32. Head of the Regional Headquarters of the Udmurt Regional Branch of the All-Russian Youth Public Organization "Russian Student Teams" (as agreed);

    33. Chairman of the Izhevsk public city organization of veterans (pensioners) of war, labor, the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies;

    34. Mufti of the Udmurt Republic, Chairman of the religious organization "Regional Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Udmurtia as part of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia" (as agreed);

    35. Head of the Diocesan Department for Relations between the Church and Society of the Izhevsk and Udmurt Diocese (as agreed);

    36. Rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Izhevsk State Technical University. M.T. Kalashnikov" (as agreed).