Gift options for the new year. Congratulations, invitations, scripts, toasts, frames, postcards, contests for you at the Holiday Center! What to give a girl

When choosing gifts for your loved ones, do not be afraid to experiment, but at the same time, consider the tastes and preferences of the recipient. Many will appreciate practical gifts, while others will pay attention only to an original surprise. In any case, try to find out more about the hobbies and desires of those for whom you are choosing a gift. To ease the problem of choice, we have compiled for you a selection of interesting New Year's options for your loved ones.

For friends

When choosing gifts for girlfriends, keep in mind that, despite the closeness of interests and views, your tastes can be completely different. Out of habit, having laid eyes on your favorite color scheme, remember the type of your girlfriend - what if you are a blonde, and she is a burning brunette, or vice versa? A win-win option will be other useful little things, which do not happen much. , perhaps a friend did not invest in some fleeting current trend, but you can always fix it with a fashionable New Year's gift.

For Mom

On the one hand, mothers love practical gifts, and on the other hand, do not forget that she is still a woman, she is not alien to her. This is the time when you can be especially generous. Very often, our parents are embarrassed to afford an expensive branded item. Give your mother a real holiday and pride in the care of children. Gifts for mom can be not only useful (and, of course, forget about household appliances!), but also pleasant, which will remind you of you every day.

For myself

In the New Year's bustle, it is very important not to forget the closest person - yourself! Every girl deserves a special holiday and a lot of gifts. Perhaps relatives did not guess your desires, but we ourselves are able to "make a fairy tale come true." And if you are one of those people who have everything, it doesn't matter.

A good addition to a gift at the end of December would be a trip to a spa or a desired, but long-delayed procedure in a beauty salon, and numerous New Year's sales will help material dreams come true. Many of us often want to sleep. A luxurious mask made of thin black lace L’Agent by Agent Provocateur will help with this. It’s a must to celebrate the New Year, for example, from the Women’s secret or Intimissimi collection. And if you then spend the holidays at home, Oysho or La Perla loose knit trousers and a new Kenzo cosmetic bag will be nice gifts for yourself. To attract good luck or cubic zirkonia in the form of a symbol of the year or other jewelry, such as a silver amethyst ring.Other useful accessories are a new phone case, or a silk scarf with a colorful pattern.

For husband

Men will be happy with any new gadget, be it a phone or an electric drill. But we are talking about fashionable gifts, which will also come in handy. Since it's rare for a man to truly take care of his wardrobe, there will always be something you need. For example, or so pleasant. Many will appreciate the backpack - it is both practical and trendy this season.

In the photo all things Springfield

A good rule of thumb is to give a man only emotional, handmade gifts. Knit a hat and scarf, let it work out and not very well, but it will be done with love. You can also demonstrate a dance in the underwear that you gave yourself in the previous paragraph. Unfortunately, many in our country make the critical mistake of thinking that they should save their entire salary and buy expensive things for their loved one. After all, the main thing is attention, and it is priceless.


The most beautiful holiday of the year deserves wonderful gifts that are chosen with feeling for relatives, friends and colleagues. However, there is always a great danger of being distinguished not so much by a pleasant manifestation of attention as by giving another banal New Year's gift. Let's look at all the possible New Year gift ideas for the New Year 2017 in order to choose the most suitable one for you.

What can you give parents for the New Year 2017

The most pleasant gift, especially for parents, is something created by the child himself, at what age this child would not be. Both the father of the family and the mother - the keeper of the hearth - will gladly accept from their beloved child as a gift a candle made with love, a self-sewn case for a laptop, smartphone or tablet.

A picture or an interestingly processed photo will be a pleasant surprise for those who have always supported creativity in their child.

A toy sewn for a car, a sofa cushion, a tool box for dad and baking molds carved from wood for mom - all these New Year's gifts will perfectly absorb the right New Year's energy, which is so good to share with your neighbor.

Of the gifts that can be purchased at the store, you can give preference to sets for two: bathrobes, towels, dishes, cups, photo frames or photo albums.

Gift for boyfriend, girlfriend for New Year 2017

Young people have always been distinguished by their liveliness and extraordinary energy, which is inherent in the younger generation.

Young men will be delighted with sports equipment if sports are among their interests.

Computer gamers will love the new gaming keyboard or gaming mouse.

And for those who prefer to spend time with friends outdoors, you can give, for example, winter inflatable sleds.

Girls will always be delighted with jewelry or bijouterie, because modern fashion allows you to purchase wonderful earrings, medallions, bracelets made from natural materials or non-precious metals. They look no worse, but they will help save the donor a considerable amount.

Gifts for wife, husband for New Year 2017

If your chosen one has been dreaming of something for a long time, then the New Year of the Fiery Rooster 2017 is the right time for her dreams to come true.

Something from jewelry or small women's trinkets (handbags, neckerchiefs, clutches, a hair dryer or hair irons, ladies' gloves, perfume, an umbrella, a purse) will cheer up any woman.

For a husband, picking up a gift also follows from considerations of his interests.

For those who spend a lot of time at the computer, special glasses that help preserve their eyesight will be a nice gift.

Business-style USB sticks for someone who has to keep track of information and carry it around with them.

You can choose a tool box or an organizer for the necessary things on the road if your husband is often on business trips.

New Year's gifts 2017 - boss and colleagues

If you need to congratulate the team, colleagues, or the number of people you want to please is quite large, then choose something symbolic that will remain in your memory, but will not burden you much with costs: soft toys, figurines, mugs, notebooks, pens, etc. .d.

In honor of the New Year, many bosses always become a little more loyal and attentive to their subordinates. Therefore, it is imperative to congratulate the boss on the upcoming one.

A good bottle of spirits, complete with beautiful glasses or a decanter, will definitely come in handy during the upcoming New Year.

An alternative to such a gift can be a beautiful globe in the office, a gift edition of a book or chess.

What to give children for the New Year 2017

It all depends on the age of the child. Very young children are still too poorly understood in honor of what event there is so much noise.

Therefore, something flashing, glowing, making funny sounds will be a pleasant surprise for them, which will be beneficial in shaping the concentration of attention for the baby himself.

For preschoolers, for boys and girls, we recommend purchasing educational educational toys: puzzles, puzzles, constructors, mosaics.

And of course, the gift of all times and peoples is a book.

What can not be given for the New Year?

You should not give knives, scissors, empty wallets or piggy banks, diplomats and even suitcases. If you choose a gift for a chosen one / chosen one, then you should not opt ​​for a watch (a symbol of parting, waiting), your own photos (for separation).

People of retirement age may misinterpret a candle presented to them as a gift, indoor shoes, personal towels (not kitchen ones).

What to give for the New Year 2017 gift ideas: loved ones, colleagues, parents. New Year is a favorite family holiday. And, as with any holiday, it is customary to give gifts on this day. Someone gives them, looking into the eyes, and someone puts them under the Christmas tree, wanting to keep the intrigue until the very end. Intrigue and unforgettable taste of childhood. After all, as you know, the New Year in children is associated with gifts. So what to give to your beloved, dear people?

Of course, it is better to find time and pick up gifts for your loved ones on your own. Also, you can make a gift yourself, with your own hands. However, if you want to surprise and please loved ones, you must plan in advance what to give them. Here are some ideas to help you.

What to give for the New Year 2017 gift ideas

As mentioned above, you can make a gift yourself, especially if the budget does not allow you to buy something expensive. For example, you can make such a ball that will certainly please your loved ones.

What to give for the New Year 2017 gift ideas: loved ones, colleagues, parents. Another great DIY gift is cookies. All you need is a beautiful box and baking ingredients. Make such a cookie, paint it with icing and a wonderful New Year's gift is ready.

What to give for the New Year 2017 gift ideas: loved ones and relatives

If funds allow, then you can pick up a wonderful gift in L'Etoile. Moreover, until December 28, there is a 50% discount in stores. Girls will be happy with any little thing, because the main thing is signs of attention.

Parents are best given something that is associated with home comfort. So, they will certainly be pleased with warm bathrobes, blankets, a cake made with their own hands, personal care products, a bag, kitchen accessories, warm scarves, a wallet.

For colleagues, you can buy themed notebooks, pens, business card holders, tea or coffee sets, dishes, household items, ties, flash drives or headphones.

What to give for the New Year 2017? Gift Ideas

Each person, for sure, has a box at home with some trinkets, souvenirs and other useless things. And every year there are more and more such items, because every year there are holidays when you need to make a huge number of gifts, and due to lack of time or money, people give each other various little things, not particularly caring about whether a person will like them, or No. In order not to be among such people, you need to plan in advance what and to whom to give.
First you need to make a complete list of those who need to make gifts. And then it is better to divide people into groups, for example: colleagues, leaders, friends, relatives, family, children. Then you will definitely not get confused and do not buy the same useless items for all your colleagues. By the way, astrologers generally advise this year to refuse to buy souvenirs and decor items as gifts. All this does not like the symbol of the next year, the Rooster. This bird is very economic, so you need to give something that is useful to a person. Consider what to give for the New Year 2017. Gift ideas are given below.

Gifts for spouse and children

First of all, you need to choose gifts for the closest people, and only then buy presents for everyone else, because, as a rule, we buy the most expensive things for family members.
It is very easy to choose a gift for a loved one. Usually a wife or husband openly tells each other what it is better for them to give, because they know exactly how things are with the family budget. If the spouse does not have a phone, then you can give a new gadget, and if the husband has been thinking about buying a ski suit for a long time, then it's time to put such a suit under the Christmas tree.
As for children, everything is also simple here - ask the child to write a letter or draw a picture for Santa Claus, and it will become clear what he dreams of. If it is not possible to buy exactly what the child wants, give something else, and explain that Grandpa just has not found exactly the right thing yet, but said that he will look. And from yourself, give the child sweets, a toy or a sled, a bun, skates or skis. All this cheers up the children and they are better imbued with the atmosphere of the holiday.
With teenagers, everything is also clear - everyone has similar desires: a new phone, a tablet, fashionable clothes, shoes and accessories. But you can give the child the choice himself and just give a certificate to some store. A young man or girl will remember such a trip to the store for a long time, because it makes it possible to feel free and independent.

Gifts for parents and parents of a loved one

Everything is more complicated with parents - they always say that they will be happy with any, even the smallest gift. And so they need to make very good gifts! For example, if mom loves, then you can give kitchen utensils or appliances to make it easier for her to create her masterpieces. If dad loves to go fishing - give a new set of all accessories for this activity - it will always come in handy.
If there is not much money, you can give your parents tickets to the theater, to a concert, an exhibition, or even hockey if they are fans of this sport. After all, for sure, they themselves do not often allow themselves to spend money on such entertainment. It is also better to attach something made with your own hands to such a gift. It can be a photo collage made up of New Year's photos from different years, or a candle made by yourself. These are the gifts that convey love.
And what to give the parents of a loved one? If you have known them for a long time, then also something that corresponds to their interests, and if not, then something that supports the family spirit and traditions. For example, a tea and coffee set with a tray and cups so that they can drink tea on the sofa in the evenings. Or a warm and beautiful blanket.

Gifts for co-workers and boss

A gift to the boss must be made, because it is important to understand that any leader is trying to knock out a New Year's bonus for his subordinates. You need to give something not very personal, but useful. You can give the director a basket filled with sweets and fruits, or a bottle of a good alcoholic drink. Or you can give something that helps you relax right at work: a disc with relaxation music, a back massager that fits on an armchair, a beautiful table lamp, or a set of room fragrances to make the office smell unusual.
As for colleagues, it is not necessary to give gifts to everyone. The main thing is to pay attention to those with whom you usually communicate. And you don’t need to give everyone the same things, it just shows indifference. If your officemate likes to drink tea with cookies or buns, buy a box and put New Year's sweets, gingerbread cookies and marshmallows in it. If a colleague likes to leave notes, gift an unusual note pad. For the most responsible comrade, buy an organizer or a desktop alarm clock or a timer (just don’t forget to take a coin from a person for hours), and present a small pillow with a funny inscription as a gift to someone who always yawns.
Office workers, by the way, often give co-workers a common gift, such as a set of mugs, a capsule coffee machine, a supply of tea, or a bulletin board. This is also a good option, especially for those who do not have much time to look for gifts.

Gifts in reserve

Everyone loves the New Year. Fulfillment of desires, expectation of a miracle, and, of course, gifts! Consider the most interesting ideas for New Year's surprises.

The content of the article:

A few weeks before the holiday, New Year's worries begin: choosing an outfit, compiling a menu, choosing decorations for the room, and, of course, troubles with gifts. The latter will be discussed in this review. We recommend looking after those things that are close to the heart of your loved ones, relatives, friends, acquaintances. Well, we will help with useful tips.

New Year symbols 2017

Often pick up gifts in accordance with the symbols of the coming year. New 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster, so souvenirs should be catchy, bright and positive. On New Year's gifts in 2017, fiery colors should predominantly prevail: red, orange, golden, yellow. Also, they can be applied drawings with the corresponding symbols of the year. You can present pillows, blankets, figurines, special-shaped candles, Christmas decorations, etc.

Do not forget about the design of gift wrapping. It should also correspond to the night celebration. If the gift is not bright, then in the year of the Red Rooster, choose the right packaging: a wrapper with bright patterns and drawings, ribbons with large bows.

Universal gifts in the year of the Rooster

Universal souvenirs are suitable for people of all ages, gender and status. Plus, they won't be expensive. These include magnets, Christmas decorations, mugs, calendars, candlesticks. Consider sweet gifts, bought or prepared on your own, that will be decorated in the New Year's style. For example, gingerbread cookies in the form of a cockerel or honey gingerbread with icing. A simple and tasty realization of the idea - unusual chocolate figurines. A good choice is a sweet pineapple, but the fruit must be homemade from candy. Well, of course, in all ages, a book is considered a universal gift in accordance with interests or age.

What can you give your parents?

The most pleasant gift for parents is something created with their own hands, no matter what age the child is. Both the keeper of the hearth - the mother, and the father of the family, with pleasure from their beloved child, will accept as a gift a candle made with love, a self-sewn case for a laptop, tablet or smartphone. An interestingly processed family photo or picture will be a pleasant surprise. Mom will love the sewn toy for the car or sofa, baking molds, and dad will love the toolbox carved out of wood.

Of the gifts bought in supermarkets, you can prefer sets for two personifying home comfort: towels, bathrobes, a blanket, sets of dishes, bed linen, cups, a teapot, a foot massager, photo albums or photo frames.

What to give your husband for the New Year?

The husband, having received a gift from you, should feel your love, care and attention. Of course, you can ask what he wants, but it's better to watch him in advance - and decide on the gift yourself. A practical and thematic gift will be a thermo mug for work, car accessories, an electronic cigarette, cufflinks, small appliances (headphones, a wireless mouse), a business card holder. For those who spend a lot of time at the computer, special glasses that help preserve their eyesight will be a pleasant surprise.

What to give your wife for the New Year 2017?

The wife will not particularly appreciate the gift for the kitchen. It is better to dwell on a cute, exquisite present for appearance, emphasizing its beauty. For example, gold jewelry, perfume, a stylish scarf, a clutch bag, a handbag, a hair dryer or hair straighteners, ladies' gloves, a trip ticket for two. Such souvenirs will definitely cheer up the fair sex.

Christmas gift ideas for kids?

When choosing a gift for children, you need to consider the gender and age of the child. Very young people do not particularly understand why there is so much noise. Therefore, they will be surprised by something luminous, blinking, making funny sounds. We recommend giving preschoolers educational and educational toys, for example, puzzles, constructors, puzzles, mosaics.

If children are divided by gender, then elementary school boys love to play board games, toys in the form of superheroes, and radio-controlled cars. Teenagers will appreciate a gift that will match his hobby, and buy a phone, a camera and other necessary equipment for an adult son. Dolls, toy furniture, soft toys are suitable for girls under 10 years old. Older fashionistas will like cosmetics, jewelry, beautiful clothes. For those who are fond of needlework, pick up special sets for embroidery, modeling, etc.

What to give the leader?

A good tradition is to give a gift to the boss from the team. This allows you to collect a sufficient amount for which to choose something decent. For example, a man can buy a solid desktop organizer, an original wall clock, a picture or a barometer. A gift set of alcohol or a bottle of your favorite drink is suitable for the director. You can recommend a set of glasses for tequila, cognac, whiskey, beer mugs or coasters for flasks and bottles. An original gift - a miniature adult game in an unusual design, like poker, backgammon, mini-casino, chess.

A female manager will like a champagne bucket, an LED picture, an electronic photo frame, a glamorous flash card, a safe box in the form of a book. You can give something for the home: dishes, household appliances, souvenirs. Let's allow alcohol, but not banal vodka, but ladies' liqueur, good wine, champagne or martini.

What to give a guy for the New Year 2017?

For young men who love sports, any sports equipment is suitable. Fans of computer games will be delighted with the new gaming keyboard and gaming mouse. Fans of outdoor recreation can be presented with winter inflatable sleds. Give a car enthusiast a trunk organizer, a tool box, a car hanger, a neck pillow, a glass scraper with a heating element, defrost key chains, a car wash certificate. A lighted ashtray will help the smoker driver to express his feelings.

What to give a girl?

Girls will be delighted with bijouterie and jewelry made from natural or non-precious metals. It can be earrings, medallions, bracelets. If her wallet is full of discount cards, then choose a nice business card holder. A good gift is a small, compact and lightweight umbrella that will fit in a handbag. Bottle coasters, champagne glasses, souvenir corkscrews look like New Year's. A lover of Japanese cuisine will benefit from sushi sets, and those who prefer French dishes will find a fondue set.

What can't be donated?

Not only for the New Year, but also for any other holidays, you should not give scissors, knives, empty piggy banks or wallets, suitcases or diplomats. No need to stop the choice on the clock, this is a symbol of parting, as well as your own photos - will lead to separation. Elderly people can incorrectly interpret a candle presented as a gift, personal hygiene towels and slippers.

How to make a gift for the New Year of the Rooster with your own hands, see this video: