Meeting your wife from the maternity hospital: useful ideas for new dads. Discharging from maternity hospital. Ideas on how to meet your beloved wife and child in a beautiful and original way

How to meet a wife from the maternity hospital beautifully. This is the question every self-respecting man asks. . 9 months is an unusual period of time for a girl. It is wonderful in anticipation of a new family member who will forever penetrate the heart and soul of the expectant mother.

Sometimes a girl gets into stress and anxiety so that everything goes as it should, without complications or consequences. The main thing is that at this moment the other half, a loving husband, a young man should be nearby, support her and encourage her.

In the last stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother’s body is already preparing for childbirth, the girl quickly gets tired, energy decreases, and at the time of childbirth a lot of it is spent. And now - the appearance of the long-awaited baby and the happiest day in the life of young parents. All preparations for discharge fall on the shoulders of the new father, and sometimes holiday organizing agencies can come to his aid.

How to greet your wife from the maternity hospital beautifully: tips for young dads

To clean up. First of all, after the girl has been taken to give birth in a maternity hospital, the man must start cleaning the apartment and preparing it for the arrival of the child. It must be sterile, clean and fresh. Washed floors, clean, dust-free surfaces, vacuumed sofas. And of course, all the necessary equipment for a baby is a crib, a changing table and a couple of cabinets. Most likely, the expectant or new mother has prepared all the clothes and ironed them.

Decorate the apartment. How to greet your wife from the maternity hospital beautifully? Of course, decorate the apartment with balloons and create an atmosphere of joy and celebration with an evening dinner. The larger the ball, the better - let them be everywhere and multi-colored so that the mood plays. According to the standard, blue balls are ordered for boys, and pink ones for girls, but the colors can always be varied. Texts on the wall made of small balls will look beautiful, for example, “Darling, thank you for your son (daughter).” Girls treat this very carefully and such a little thing will definitely please them.

Flowers. There must be fresh and beautiful flowers in the apartment for the wife’s arrival, and they must also be taken to the maternity hospital to meet the wife. Any girl will be glad to have a bouquet given to her, especially on such a happy occasion. Roses, lilies, chrysanthemums and gladioli are a win-win option in such a situation.

Preparing the machine

You can rent a car or use your own if available. The car is decorated with balloons, garlands and stickers about the birth of a child. You can show off and place photographs on the glass, for example from a wedding.

Video shooting and photo project

Each of the girls loves to be photographed and work on camera. How can you not capture the exciting moment of your loved one’s discharge from the maternity hospital, especially since it will remain not only in memory, but also on film for the rest of your life, and when the baby grows up, he will also be able to see his first days in this life.

Alternatively, you can film yourself and edit a video clip later, starting from the moment your wife is sent to the maternity hospital, home preparation and discharge from the maternity hospital. After all, sometimes the services of professionals are very expensive, but it is really worth the investment. Tears well up after watching such video clips. Now many maternity hospitals have already provided for the function and practice their own videographers, and at the end they give out ready-made, edited material for a small amount.

Unplanned gift for a child

There are a lot of expenses during pregnancy, but doing something nice for the wife and making it clear that the husband is ready for fatherhood is very important. Any little thing given from the heart will cheer up the girls and make it clear that dad will help raise the baby and is ready to rebuild his life.

Parents, expecting the arrival of their baby, usually purchase special furniture, make repairs in the nursery, choose various toys and the most necessary things for the newborn. But special attention should be paid to the day when the child and mother are brought home from the maternity hospital. This is the day that all relatives and friends will remember, because they will be able to meet the baby, congratulate the happy parents and give them gifts. A real holiday must be accompanied not only by a feast, but also by a solemn atmosphere. And the easiest way to achieve it is with the help of interesting decor.

Where to start?

The preparatory stage must include general cleaning. And no matter how much dad dreams of shifting this hard work to the young mother, in the near future she will be interested exclusively in the baby. It is necessary not only to wipe the dust and vacuum, but also to wash the curtains, wash the windows, and get rid of unnecessary things. Dust in the house can negatively affect a child's health. A thorough cleaning done by the whole family will show mother and baby that they have been expected for a long time and that they are cared for. After these planned activities, experts recommend ventilating the children's room a little. The baby needs fresh air.

And only now can you start decorating the apartment. But this process should be approached “smartly.” Balloons scattered around the house are unlikely to please the young mother and impress the guests. A newborn should be greeted in such a way that it immediately becomes clear that they have been waiting for him for a very long time. It is best to make a plan for decorating your apartment so as not to make a mistake in the number of necessary decorative elements. If you make or buy too little jewelry, it will look ugly, but too much of it will not have the best effect.

Having thought through a plan, go to the store to purchase materials for decorative elements or ready-made decorations. It is best to do this a few days before discharge, so as not to rush and not be nervous. Some items are made to order and cannot be purchased on the day of discharge. That's why start preparing in advance.

From the front door

If you think that you need to meet a young mother and baby inside the apartment, then you are very mistaken. Congratulate them even at the front door of the entrance, even on the floor near the elevator. Very often, relatives put up posters with congratulations right on the landing, decorate the doorway and the elevator itself with balloons. There can be a lot of options. Some seem simple, like hanging a “Congratulations!” sign above your front door, while others look original and unusual, like a baby stroller made from balloons.

You can even decorate your hallway floors by laying out a red carpet. In this way, mommy will feel like a real star who gave this world a wonderful child. And don’t forget about the balls, which should aim upward. They can be attached to railings or even door handles. The inscriptions “I was born!”, “Welcome!” are quite appropriate on the balloons. or baby's name.

Decoration of the nursery

If the child has his own room, then it must be decorated for this holiday. In addition to balloons rising to the ceiling, various garlands or pom-poms can also become decorations. They are easily made with your own hands from multi-colored paper and are also sold in various stores.

Be sure to decide on color combinations. For the nursery, it is recommended to choose light pastel colors that will not attract increased attention and irritate the baby.

The name of the newborn deserves special attention. It can be written on a large poster or cut out of cardboard. An original way to preserve the memory of this holiday is to order a name made from wood. Three-dimensional letters made of fabric are also often found. For many years they will remind their parents of how another little person appeared in their house.

Living room decoration

It’s worth thinking about color combinations not only when choosing balloons for the nursery. If parents welcome the traditional “boy-blue, girl-pink” approach, then you can choose home textiles in this color scheme. For example, the tablecloth can be made in soft pink, and the napkins for guests will be white. Pay attention to the holiday table itself, decorating it with candles and stylish figurines of boys or girls, depending on the gender of the newborn.

If the size of the living room allows, then you can order an unusual sculpture made of balloons. The baby, of course, will not be interested in it, but other children present at the holiday will definitely appreciate this “work of art.”

You can please mommy and baby with the help of a large poster on which all guests can leave their wishes. But keep in mind that storing such a thing is not very convenient, so professional designers recommend purchasing a large album for these purposes. Such a book will not only retain all the warm congratulations and wishes, but will also fit on the shelf.

You can decorate your living room with the help of unusual garlands that will combine both decorative elements and photographs. It's very easy to make them. First you need to select photos of your parents where they are happy and cheerful, then print them and crop them to the desired size. These blanks, mixed with the rest of the garland elements, need to be attached to a fishing line or strong thread. Such decorations can be hung in all rooms to remind young parents of their love.

And, of course, don't forget about the poster for mommy and baby that will welcome them into the house. “Welcome!”, “We have been waiting for you!” or any other positive text will definitely appeal to those celebrating the occasion.

The birth of a new family member is a very touching and exciting event. The traditional option for modern society is childbirth in a specialized medical institution, where mother and baby spend the first days. But very soon the time comes to be discharged home. The father of the family must thoroughly prepare for this moment, even if a special event is not planned.

How to meet a wife from the maternity hospital and what does a young dad need to know about preparation?

Preparing the apartment

During the first months of life, the baby’s body adapts to the environment and is susceptible to any external influences. The day before your wife and child arrive home, you need to do a thorough cleaning of the apartment. Be sure to vacuum all upholstered furniture and carpeting, thoroughly wash the floors, and wipe off the dust. If furniture and some things for the baby have already been purchased, start arranging the children's room or a separate area in the parents' bedroom. Controversial question: “How to meet your wife from the maternity hospital if she fundamentally did not agree to buy a stroller and crib before giving birth?” In this case, it is probably better to seek advice, since children's furniture and transportation are not cheap purchases. You can invite your wife to select suitable items from the catalog while she and the baby are still in the maternity hospital, and buy them herself before discharge.

Required purchases

In the first days at home, your baby will need a variety of little things. If the parents have not prepared a dowry in advance, by the day of discharge you need to buy thin and thick diapers, 5-10 pieces of each type will be enough, as well as the simplest clothes - rompers with straps, vests, socks and hats. Don't forget about bed linen and a blanket.

Picking up from the maternity hospital is an important event, but you shouldn’t forget about the baby’s everyday needs. It is advisable to immediately purchase bathing accessories and special products marked “0+”. Collect a first aid kit for your baby; you can buy a ready-made kit or consult with one of your relatives and friends who have small children. Don't forget to stock up on the smallest size diapers, cotton pads and swabs, and also buy a couple of pacifiers of different shapes suitable for a newborn.

Packing things for the maternity hospital

On the day of discharge, it is customary to take memorable photographs and meet with closest relatives. It is useful to check with your wife in advance what clothes she wants to wear herself and what needs to be brought for the baby. The traditional version of the ceremonial “outfit” for infants is beautiful envelopes. They come in different shapes, but the general meaning is the same - it is a blanket, sometimes with Velcro or zipper fasteners, decorated with lace and ribbons. Envelopes, like adult outerwear, differ in density - different options are needed for autumn/spring and winter. If desired, you can also find a very thin, stylized envelope for the summer. If you don’t know how to meet your wife from the maternity hospital, consult with someone close to you who has recently had babies in the family. It is customary to give gifts to doctors and nurses, and flowers to a young mother. Sweets and elite alcohol are traditionally chosen as gifts for medical staff.

Choosing transport and company

Think in advance about exactly how you will go home from the maternity hospital. If you have a personal car, you can immediately buy a special child seat. Consult with store salespeople and feel free to choose any model for newborns. If you don’t have your own vehicle, order a taxi in advance for a certain time. You can also rent some kind of luxury car, even a limousine. Most likely, on the day of discharge, newly-made grandparents and closest friends will also want to come to the maternity hospital. Decide for yourself whether to agree to this option of meeting or not. For one family, the birth of a child is a large-scale holiday, for another it is an event that one wants to celebrate in a narrow circle.

Time to give gifts

The young father must remember that the last days for the new mother were very difficult, both physically and psychologically. It is advisable to please your wife and baby with some gifts. In such cases, millionaires give yachts and real estate, but any member of the middle class can afford jewelry.

A gift does not have to cost a lot of money; you can do something with your own hands or, for example, write a poem or a fairy tale. An excellent option is souvenir diplomas or engraved awards. Don't forget to buy something for the new family member. The first toys should be as simple and safe as possible. An alternative gift is a ceremonial meeting of the wife from the maternity hospital. A variety of ideas can be brought to life, from festive decoration of an apartment to a romantic surprise. In the first days, a young mother especially needs help; it is very good if dad takes the initiative and takes on some of the responsibilities for caring for the baby.

Save the moment!

Discharge from the maternity hospital is an excellent opportunity to take the first photographs of the baby. It is necessary to agree with professionals in advance. In addition to photography, you can order video; many operators create beautiful sentimental videos or entire films from the footage.

If for some reason you have not found specialists in advance, inquire about the presence of your own person with a camera in the maternity hospital, because meeting your wife from the maternity hospital is a holiday that definitely needs to be captured. Nowadays, many amateurs have high-quality photographic equipment. You can also ask one of your friends or acquaintances to photograph. Do not under any circumstances refuse the services of a photographer or videographer, because this is such a touching event - meeting your wife from the maternity hospital. Photos from this memorable day will surely be viewed by all your descendants.

Choosing a place for a holiday

The day of discharge is not a reason to order a banquet in a restaurant or cafe, the baby sleeps a lot and eats too often, and his mother is tired and needs rest and home comfort. Accordingly, if you plan to celebrate the birth of an heir on the day of discharge, the best option is your own apartment.

Important note: if the family lives in a small one-room apartment, it is better to refuse the holiday, because any noise and bright light are very stressful for the newborn. But even in a large house, it is worth gathering only the closest relatives and friends - no more than 10 people. Remember that the meeting from the maternity hospital is a fairly short holiday; there is no need to set a too lavish table.

Holiday menu

On the day of discharge, it is quite possible to limit yourself to tea and sweet treats for guests. In honor of the holiday, you can serve champagne or wine. Light snacks are also appropriate - canapés, filled tartlets, mini sandwiches and various cuts. If a young mother does not have problems with lactation, take care in advance to fill the refrigerator with healthy products. When breastfeeding, be sure to eat lean meat (beef or chicken), fresh vegetables and fruits that are not brightly colored, low-fat dairy products, cheeses and cereals. Organizing a meeting from the maternity hospital will take less effort if you ask someone to help. The best option is your closest friend or sister. You can trust this woman with a lot, from preparing treats for guests to purchasing cosmetics and personal hygiene products for a child and a young mother. If you don’t have such a reliable assistant, you can order food from a restaurant and have it delivered to your home.

How to meet a wife from the maternity hospital: important details

A festive mood will help you create the appropriate decoration. You can even decorate the car in which the baby and mother will go home. Today it is not difficult to find appropriate stickers on sale; you can use ribbons and artificial flowers, much the same as for decorating wedding processions.

The meeting from the maternity hospital will be remembered for a long time if you decorate both the apartment and the entrance. Bright posters and banners, garlands and balloons - all this can be purchased at any holiday supply store. If you choose arrangements of fresh flowers, preference should be given to varieties that do not smell too strongly. The festive table can also be decorated with bright disposable tableware, multi-colored straws for drinks and decorated skewers. The holiday agency will help you meet your wife from the maternity hospital according to all the rules. Many companies in this category offer the service of decorating a car and a house in the same style. If the holiday budget allows, hiring specialists is the best solution that allows you to save a lot of free time.

Nine months of waiting were behind us and a little man was born. Such an event is always a holiday. And for the new mother it’s a holiday that she and her baby are finally taken home. And this holiday of welcoming a child from the maternity hospital is worth celebrating.

Organizing a meeting between mother and baby most often falls on the shoulders of the young father, and men rarely have imagination and are not prone to romance. But on this occasion, every dad wants to create a real fairy tale. But when discharge from the maternity hospital approaches, ideas for a meeting do not always come to mind. Therefore, in order not to forget anything, we will consider all the stages of preparation for the meeting in detail.

It’s good if the family has its own car, this makes the task somewhat easier and dad can only decorate it. As an option, hang balloons and ribbons on mirrors and handles. But this is the simplest option. If you want others to know about your reason for joy, stick the words “I’m going to pick up my son” or “I’m going to pick up my daughter” on the car. Some dads then drive for another month with this inscription on their car)

If a young family has not yet acquired their own vehicle, you can always rent a car. A simpler option is a taxi, and if you want to give the heir a more ceremonial ride home, a limousine or other executive class car. You can pick up mother and baby in a vintage car; admiring glances from passers-by are guaranteed. Finding a company or agency that provides this service is not difficult. One or two hours is enough, so renting a car will not cost much, but the wife will certainly appreciate such a step and years later it will be nice to tell the child that he was taken from the maternity hospital with all honors.

Don't forget about mom

Discharge is a holiday, and mother is one of the main characters of this holiday. If elegant clothes and an envelope are prepared for the baby in advance, then the mother is often forgotten. But she also wants to look beautiful on such a day. Therefore, if she has not packed a bag of clothes and cosmetics in advance, ask her what to take to the maternity hospital. Pay attention to every detail of her look, right down to her underwear.

Solemn discharge

A maternity hospital often has its own managers who work there on a permanent basis. You can use their services, but then your discharge will be exactly the same as that of other young mothers and fathers, it will turn out to be a kind of conveyor belt. Therefore, if you are wondering how to welcome home from the maternity hospital in an original way, look for other options. It could be a clown or an actor dressed as a stork or cabbage. The main thing is that such a theatrical performance does not last too long. Firstly, you will thereby delay the process of discharge of other mothers with children, and secondly, after a stay in the maternity hospital, the mother wants to get home with the child as soon as possible, and not look at clowns and actors.

Another option is to organize a performance by a small orchestra or one musician, for example with a violin or saxophone. Such a kind of serenade under the window of the maternity hospital. A couple of songs will be enough. They can play children's songs or the young mother's favorite compositions. Your wife will definitely like this idea for a meeting from the maternity hospital.

Funny posters with inscriptions will also add to the festive mood. Relatives come to the discharge, and so that they do not stand idly by, hand them a poster. When the mother comes out with the baby, the inscriptions with wishes on the posters will cheer her up after a long stay in the maternity hospital.

It is very beautiful and symbolic when young parents release doves into the sky. This tradition is often found at weddings, but it can also be organized at the reception. Pigeons flying into the sky symbolize the beginning of a new life and a bright future for a newborn baby.

Another interesting idea for a meeting from the maternity hospital is a soap bubble show. This service is available in agencies involved in organizing holidays, but it can be done simpler and cheaper - give each guest a bottle of soap bubbles. Fun bubbles always lift your spirits. The only caveat is that you should not use them directly on the child.

When organizing your discharge, do not forget to give a small gift to the maternity hospital staff. Let it be traditional flowers and sweets, or maybe something more original, but there should be a symbolic gift, because they are giving you such a valuable envelope with your baby!

Well, don’t forget about the bouquet for your mother, because without her this holiday simply would not have happened. Perhaps she will like an unusual bouquet of soft toys or an interestingly designed bouquet of her favorite flowers.

Room decoration

By the time the baby is discharged, the children's room is already ready, all that remains is to decorate it with festive decor. The standard option is inflatable balls. But you have to be careful with them - if there are too many balls, the room will smell like rubber, which is not very good for a small nose. In addition, the ball can burst at any moment, scaring the baby. Therefore, either decorate the room with a small arrangement of balloons, or replace them with foil ones, which will last longer and will not smell. Options for balloon compositions: baby, heart, stroller, pacifier, bouquet.

Another decoration option is the baby’s name made of wooden or soft letters. This decor is durable and will decorate a child’s room for a long time, and the pillow letters will serve as a toy for a child in the future.

A good idea for decorating a children's room is. They are easy to buy, they are inexpensive, they look elegant, and most importantly, they are odorless and will hang until the young parents get tired of them.

If you decide to decorate your child’s room with fresh flowers, also don’t forget about the smell. There are strong-smelling flowers that can cause not only irritation, but also an allergic reaction.

Festive buffet

The meeting usually takes place in a narrow family circle with a small number of guests, but these guests still need to be treated. There is definitely no need to organize a big feast on such a day, because mother and baby will want to relax, but a small buffet with a glass of champagne will be quite appropriate. When choosing dishes, take into account the diet of the nursing mother. All the treats on the table cannot be dietary, but a couple of snacks should be those that are allowed for a nursing woman.

What to give your wife on the day of discharge?

There is a tradition of giving a gold item to a mother who has given a long-awaited baby. Often this is a ring. Today you can find special themed rings with a baby's foot. Such a gift is very beautiful, memorable and symbolic.

But you can also choose a more practical gift, such as a composition of diapers. In addition to the traditional cake, these hygiene accessories are used to make strollers, carousels, snails, trains - whatever your imagination allows. You can also order a bouquet of children's clothing. This will make an original and useful gift.

Another memorable gift is a custom-made photo album or photo frame with the baby’s name, date of birth, height and weight. Such a gift will long remind you of the significant day when the little man appeared in your home.

There are a lot of gift options and dad knows best what his wife wants and what she will be pleased to receive on such a memorable day

Photo and video

To remember this solemn day after many years, do not be lazy to organize its photo and video recording. The ideal option is to use the services of a professional who knows how to shoot and will make sure that your photos turn out beautiful. Look for someone who has experience in this type of shooting. After all, if this is not the first meeting from the maternity hospital photographed by the photographer, he probably has ideas for original photography.

If you decide to entrust this mission to one of your relatives, choose a person who is at least a little familiar with technology and understands how to handle it. Make sure the batteries in your camera and video camera are charged in advance. But if for some reason you cannot film the discharge process, the maternity hospital employs photographers and operators whose services you can use at any time. In any case, the memory of this day should remain in order to one day show your grown-up child how glad you were for his birth and how you celebrated this event. Children love to look at such photographs.


No matter how you organize the meeting, the main thing in this whole process is sincere emotions, the joy of the first date with your long-awaited loved one. Give all your love and warmth to your wife and little miracle on this day, and the celebration of his birth will remain in your hearts forever!

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Discharge of newborns from the maternity hospital is an unforgettable moment for the whole family. Often not only relatives, but also friends and colleagues come to meet a young mother and baby. How to make this day leave only happy memories - in our material.

Time X . Many maternity hospitals have standard discharge times. For example, all young mothers are discharged by conveyor belt between 12 and 2 p.m. Find out how this procedure is carried out in your maternity hospital, and if in general, tell your family that they may have to wait until it is your turn.

Have you booked a holiday? The “holiday discharge” service is practiced in many maternity hospitals: employees of the institution say parting words, present special certificates to the young mother and baby, and take photos and videos. The action is accompanied by music, and animators can perform. The service, of course, is paid. If you wish, you can refuse it.

Preparing outfits . What does a newborn need for discharge? Well, of course, and mothers. It is better to prepare a list of what relatives need to bring from home in advance. Depending on the time of year, this could be a cotton suit, a fleece suit, warm overalls, a light and warm hat, or socks. Don’t forget seasonal clothes and shoes for your mother; it would also be superfluous to donate cosmetics and hygiene products - a woman always wants to look beautiful and well-groomed in the eyes of her family and friends.

Bouquet period . Everyone knows that it is necessary to give flowers to women, but to come without flowers to the discharge of a newborn is bad manners and disrespect. However, you should not demonstrate your love with bouquets of immense size, unless the young mother is a supporter of this way of expressing emotions. The best choice is an elegant, dignified, harmonious composition of a young mother’s favorite flowers, without a strong smell.

Important nuance : in maternity hospitals it is customary to give flowers to health workers, so save 2-3 bouquets in reserve for nannies, nurses and midwives.

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Attention, we are filming! Today you cannot do without a photographer and videographer, because after a few years, it is thanks to their work that you will remember how the newborn was discharged and will once again experience touching emotions. It is important to select a specialist in advance by looking at his portfolio, clarifying prices and terms. You should not invite a person based on the first ad from the Internet, or give a camera to your friend - the likelihood of being disappointed in the quality of the photos received is too high.

Clue : some young mothers invite the photographer who worked at their wedding to photograph the newborn’s discharge from the maternity hospital. If you liked his work then, there is a high probability that he will not let you down this time.

The most important passenger . It is worth taking care in advance about how the main hero of the occasion, the newborn baby, will be delivered home. If you have your own car, by this time you need to purchase. If you will be getting home by taxi, or friends will give the baby and mother a ride, it is advisable that the driver is not a fan of aggressive driving, and that the interior is clean, without the smell of cigarette smoke.

Home, beloved home . During her stay in the maternity hospital, the young mother really missed her native walls, so she will happily cross the threshold of her apartment. If you have the desire and opportunity, you can decorate the house with flowers or balloon arrangements, but there should not be a lot of decor. The main task is that the apartment should be very clean, fresh air and a ready-made crib for the baby.

Home gatherings . It is unlikely that after being discharged from the maternity hospital, a young mother will want long and noisy banquets, but you should not refuse tea with friends. Check with the maternity hospital, you can take it without undue fear, avoid alcohol, coffee, chocolate, citrus fruits, products with fatty cream, dyes and preservatives.

Gifts of the Magi . It is customary to welcome a new family member with gifts. Young parents can take care of exactly what they will be like in advance by making a wish list for relatives and friends. If such an option was not provided, let the gift for the newborn be ordered by the young parents, useful and necessary - educational toys, a car seat, a rocking chair, clothes for the baby, household appliances.

How was your newborn discharge from the hospital? Share your impressions and useful findings with us in the comments to the material.