I'm pregnant what payments do I have. What payments are due to pregnant women: terms and amounts of payments. Pilot project "Direct payments" with registration in the Social Insurance Fund

When planning a child, every woman knows that the state guarantees the opportunity to receive benefits for pregnant women. Privileges for expectant mothers are not the same. Maternity Benefit (M&B) is only available if certain conditions are met. Let's take a closer look at what this benefit is and for whom it is intended.

Who is eligible to receive

Unlike, only the mother of the newborn, and not other relatives, receives the right to maternity allowance. In this case, a woman must have the status:

  • Officially employed participant of the insurance program. At the same time, she may have foreign citizenship, but she must permanently reside and work on the territory of our country.
  • Servicewoman.
  • Full-time students. It does not matter whether she studies for a fee or at the expense of the state, whether she receives a scholarship.
  • and be registered with the CZN as unemployed. From the moment of dismissal to the moment of registration should not be more than a year. This rule is true for those who have ceased their activities and officially unemployed individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries.

ATTENTION! This cash payment is due not only to women who have given birth, belonging to the above categories, but also to those who have adopted a newborn or a baby up to three months old.

The assignment of benefits to pregnant women is made taking into account their transfers to the Social Insurance Fund (FSS). The recipient must be a member of the social security program at the time of maternity leave.

There are a couple of features of the appointment of this cash payment for a pregnant woman at work:

  1. The right to it arises only after the start of maternity leave. If she goes to work after the thirtieth week of the term, the money for the time of the prescribed rest simply burns out. A working expectant mother will not be able to receive a salary and maternity leave at the same time.
  2. If a pregnant woman on maternity leave is already using an older baby, she has the right to choose only one of two benefits. Both payments will not work immediately.

Benefits for pregnant women are paid upon the start of maternity leave. This moment is considered the thirtieth obstetric week of the term.

Size of maternity

Such a payment is a material compensation for the time when the mother is not able to work due to the birth of a child. The amount of the pregnancy benefit depends on the woman's earnings and the duration of the B&R leave in accordance with the norms Article 8 Law of May 19, 1995 N 81-FZ .

Payments are accrued for all days of incapacity for work. Based Art. elevenLaw of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ, P The duration of this time period is as follows:

  • One hundred and forty days, seventy days before and after childbirth, if one child was born and there were no medical problems.
  • One hundred and fifty-six days will be if the birth was difficult.
  • One hundred and ninety-four days if twins or more were born.
  • In case of premature birth, leave begins on the day it occurred.

The accrued amount depends on the status of the expectant mother:

  1. For employed pregnant women, the amount of maternity allowance is calculated based on their average earnings for the last two years.
  2. Student allowance is paid in the amount of a scholarship. If the expectant mother did not receive a scholarship, she will be credited with the minimum wage.
  3. Military women receive maternity leave based on the amount of monetary allowance, by analogy with the average earnings of employed people.

ATTENTION! With a combination of jobs, earnings are determined taking into account all its sources, and the monthly allowance is issued through one employer at the choice of the employee.

Sometimes, as a result of such a calculation, the amount of the pregnancy benefit may turn out to be very insignificant, for example, if you are employed less than six months ago. But the minimum amount of the benefit is legally limited, and therefore it will be paid no lower than the established official level.

Maximum and minimum amount of maternity payments

If, when calculating the size of the social payment, the amount turns out to be less than the values ​​\u200b\u200bdetermined by law, the pregnant woman is assigned a minimum wage. It depends on the minimum wage for the last two years before motherhood. This indicator is constantly changing upwards, therefore, the minimum amount of benefits is also growing.

The calculation does not take into account income for which contributions have not been accrued, these are:

  • Received .
  • Received during the period when a non-contributory salary was paid.

ADVICE! If a woman was on maternity leave during the billing period, she can replace it with previous years.

By law, a pregnant woman cannot receive less than the minimum wage. The exception is the unemployed, who are entitled to maternity payments. They are paid three hundred rubles a month. This money is transferred not by the FSS, but by the social security authorities.

The maximum amount of benefits for employees is also limited and depends on the average earnings from which contributions are deducted. It forms the insurance base. On maternity leave taxes and contributions are not charged.

How to get BI benefits

To receive benefits, a pregnant woman must meet a number of requirements:

  1. Be observed in the women's clinic.
  2. At the onset of thirty obstetric weeks (in some cases earlier), receive a sick leave of the established form there. If the birth took place ahead of time, it should be issued at the maternity hospital.
  3. Apply to the employer with a written request to provide maternity leave and assign a lump-sum maternity allowance if the recipient is employed. Otherwise, another authorized body will deal with the payment.

In most situations, maternity leave is issued at work. This method is very convenient for a working pregnant woman. The accounting department pays the benefit to the recipient, and then the FSS reimburses the employer for these costs.

But a more complex design option is possible if the organization is unable to pay the due amount. This happens when the bankruptcy procedure or the arrest of the assets of the legal entity has begun. In this situation, the woman will have to go to court, which should allow the direct transfer of payments from the FSS.

The circulation period is six months from the end of the B&R vacation. Processing also takes some time. And only with a court decision in her hands can a woman go to the FSS for maternity leave. Unfortunately, this long and costly way of obtaining the required benefits in a conflict situation with the employer is typical for most regions of the country. But there are exceptions.

IMPORTANT! Some subjects have a Direct Pay program. There, the full amount of the allowance can be obtained by contacting the FSS directly.

Unemployed women can get maternity leave through the social security authorities. However, if less than a month has passed since the dismissal, the recipient has the right to apply for maternity benefits through the last place of work. Including this rule is true if the dismissal occurred due to the forced relocation of the pregnant woman.

Students can apply for a grant through the dean's office. Each educational institution has its own algorithm for solving such issues.

Terms for applying for payment

The right to receive assistance for a pregnant woman arises from the moment of thirty obstetric weeks. But sometimes a woman cannot apply for maternity leave right away, for example, due to moving during pregnancy, illness, and for other reasons. The legislator takes into account the possibility of such situations and allows the application for benefits six months after childbirth, if there are good reasons. When applying later than this period, maternity can be obtained through the court.

A pregnant woman has enough time to apply for a one-time allowance. In addition, in the event of a conflict situation, the court will be on her side.

Required documents

To apply for a lump-sum pregnancy benefit, a working woman needs to receive a sick leave from the antenatal clinic, confirming the fact of disability. In addition to it, you will need:

  • Leave and benefit application.
  • Certificate of salary and all payments from other places of work in combination.
  • Certificate of income from the previous place of work, if the time of employment in that organization is included in the billing period.

To assign a payment to an unemployed pregnant woman, you need to bring to social security:

  • Statement.
  • Certificate from the doctor indicating the obstetric period.
  • Certificate from the CZN.
  • Labor book.
  • Certificate from the tax office on the liquidation of the legal entity of the employer.

To make a payment to the FSS, you will need:

  • Statement.
  • Hospital.
  • Certificate of earnings from the employer. If necessary, this information can be requested by FSS specialists from the Pension Fund.
  • Document on non-receipt of benefits at the place of registration.
  • An extract from the labor or a certificate from the CZN.

Original documents can be submitted in person or through a legal representative with a power of attorney. Certified copies may be sent by registered mail. In addition, a lump sum payment can be made through the website of public services.

Terms of payment and transfer of money

Unlike monthly payments, the B&D benefit is paid to the child's mother once in full. The term for paying maternity leave depends on the method of their registration.

When leaving on maternity leave, the employer is obliged to immediately accept a package of documents from her and transfer money to the salary card within ten days. In practice, this process may take a little longer.

The term for the payment of decrees by social security authorities or the FSS when applying there directly will be longer. Specialists have ten days to consider the application and make a decision. If it turns out to be positive, then the woman will be able to count on replenishing her account no later than the twenty-sixth day of the next month. The transfer can come by mail or through a bank.

If the transfer of maternity to the recipient's account is delayed, the perpetrators can be held accountable through the courts.

The BiR allowance is assigned to participants in the social insurance program from the FSS and to certain categories of the unemployed. This is a one-time payment, transferred immediately after the start of maternity leave. The amount that a pregnant woman receives depends on her length of insurance or the minimum wage.

State support for families who decide to replenish, includes a number of benefits and payments after the birth of a child. Their size, the award algorithm differ in each case.

One-time payment at the birth of a child in 2019

Consider what payments are due at the birth of a child. One-time allowance at the birth of a child given to the mother or father when the baby is born. The amount of the allowance is indexed annually and February 1, 2019 increase will be 4.3 % . The exact amount of the payment for the birth of a child in 2019 is 17,479.73 rubles.

To provide benefits to one of the parents (mother or father), you must apply no later than six months from the date of birth of the child. The allowance is calculated at the place of work of one of the parents who applies for the appointment.

In the case of multiple pregnancy (2 or more children), the allowance is paid for each child. If a child is born dead the benefit is not paid.

Birth allowance can be issued and received in the following way:

  • At the place of work of the mother or father;
  • In the departments of the FSS;
  • In the bodies of social protection of the population in the event that the mother or father are unemployed citizens.

For application for the allowance, it is necessary to prepare and provide the following package of documents:

  1. Completed application.
  2. Certificate of birth of a child in the form F24, which is issued at the registry office at the time of registration of the child.
  3. Parents' passport.
  4. Original and copy of the child's birth certificate.
  5. The second parent must provide a certificate that he did not receive benefits. Mandatory, if the spouses gave birth to a child in a legal marriage.

Lump sum paid to the bank's salary card or at the cash desk of the organization. If a citizen is not officially employed, then the payment is due through the social security authorities and received through a postal order or a bank account.

Recall that the amount of the allowance for the birth of a child in 2019 will amount to 17,479.73 rubles.

Payments after the birth of a child

The range of contributions to the family after replenishment is quite extensive. Postpartum payments are due to both the mother and the father of the child. Sometimes the beneficiaries are relatives.

Maternity allowance in 2019

In everyday life, these payments are known as "maternity". The payment is made at a time, however, it affects two periods: prenatal and postnatal.

Payments are due only to the expectant mother. Since the benefit is financed from the FSS budget, woman should be insured. Categories of recipients:

  • employed persons;
  • individual entrepreneurs, self-employed population, subject to the transfer of payments to social insurance authorities;
  • those who lost their jobs due to the reduction of a woman not earlier than 12 months before the onset of pregnancy;
  • full-time students;
  • female military personnel on a contract basis;
  • adoptive parents.

The standard length of paid maternity leave is 140 days. Half of this period is devoted to prenatal leave, the rest - to postpartum recovery. The right to maternity payments arises from the 30th week of pregnancy.

Postpartum benefits 2019 are calculated according to the algorithm established by .

  1. Working women at the time of pregnancy. The amount of the birth allowance will be 100% of the total average earnings 2 years prior to pregnancy. The total amount of support should be within the framework from 51,919 to 301,096.6 rubles.
  2. Those who lost their jobs during the liquidation of the institution will receive for 655.49 rubles for each month of sick leave in the case of registration in the central health center.
  3. Maternity leave for the student category of pregnant women is accrued in the amount 100% scholarships. The total amount should not be less than a quarter of the subsistence level in the region.
  4. Military women giving birth can count on benefits in 100 % from monetary support.

Employed women must apply to the employer for the calculation of payments, unemployed women and students - to the regional division of the SZN. The basis for the calculation is sick leave.

Related package of documents includes:

  • a photocopy of the identity card;
  • statement. View and download here: ;
  • confirmation of the previous salary when changing jobs for the estimated time;
  • a certificate of registration at the employment center, a copy of the labor in case of reduction / dismissal.

The amount of child benefits in 2019

Benefit Size from 01/01/2019 (in rubles) Size from 02/01/2019 (in rubles)
On pregnancy and childbirth for working women (general procedure) Average daily earnings for each day of maternity leave
Minimum maternity benefit 51919 - 140 days of maternity leave
The maximum amount of maternity benefit 301096.6 - 140 days of maternity leave
Monthly allowance for the unemployed and dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization 628,47 655,49
Mothers, full-time students The amount of the scholarship established in a higher or secondary educational institution
Women serving under contract The amount of monetary allowance, acting at the place of service
Lump sum in early pregnancy 628,47 655,49
One-time allowance for pregnant spouses of conscripts 26 539,76 27 680,97
One-time payment at the birth of a child 16 759,09 17 479,73
One-time allowance for the transfer of a child to be raised in a family 16759.09 or 128053.08 if a disabled child, a child older than 7 years old, or several children at once were transferred to the family for upbringing, if they are brothers or sisters to each other 17479.73 or 133559.36 if a disabled child, a child older than 7 years old or several children were transferred to the family for upbringing, if they are brothers or sisters to each other
Maternal capital 453 026
Monthly allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old (working mother) 40% of average monthly earnings (billing period 2017 and 2018)
Minimum allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years (for employed people) 4512 - for the first child;

6284.65 - on the second and next

4512 - for the first child;

6554.89 - on the second and next

Minimum allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years (for unemployed or with less than six months of experience) 3142.33 - on the first;

6284.65 - on the second and subsequent

3277.45 - for the first child;

6554.89 rubles - for the second and subsequent children

"Putin's" allowance The size of the children's regional subsistence minimum for the 2nd quarter of 2018
Monthly allowance for the care of a child of a soldier 11374,18 11 863,27
Monthly survivor's allowance for a child of a serviceman 2287,65 2386,02
Monthly allowance for a child living in the Chernobyl zone 3241.05 - up to 1.5 years;

6482.10 - from 1.5 to 3 years

3380.42 - up to 1.5 years;

6760.83 - from 1.5 to 3 years

Monthly allowance for a child up to 3 years The size of one children's PM
Monthly allowance for children under 18 from low-income families Installed at the regional level

Table of child care benefits from January 1, 2019

Benefit for caring for a child up to 1.5 years

Allowance for the pregnant wife of a military conscript

Women in labor who have officially registered marital relations with military conscripts can apply for financial assistance from the state.

A prerequisite for the subsidy is a reference confirmed period of the special status of women from 180 days.

If a woman satisfies all the conditions, this year the future woman in labor will receive RUB 27,680.97.

The "soldier's" EDV is issued by the regional division of social protection. List of documents:

  • donation applications;
  • confirmation of marriage registration;
  • medical certificates at the place of registration of the pregnant woman;
  • confirmation from the military unit at the place of service or from the military registration and enlistment office.

Need to wait for a decision no more than 10 days. If social protection has approved the grant, the money is credited by bank transfer.

Service child allowance

Changes in child benefits in 2019

From May 12, 2019, the order is changing in Russia. The main provisions are regulated by Federal Law No. 92 of May 1, 2019.

Under the new rules, citizens can apply for payments in any region. Applicants are no longer tied to propiska. Before the adoption of the new law, it was possible to issue child benefits only at the place of registration.

According to officials, the new rules will help increase the mobility of young families in Russia. Experts have repeatedly made a statement that it is necessary to make adjustments to the current legislation that affects families with children.


State co-financing of the family at the birth of children aimed at creating decent educational conditions. Support is based on the following principles:

  1. Comprehensive financing from the budgets of all levels.
  2. Protecting the interests of mother and child.
  3. Initiatives on the part of the payment rights holder: a personal application will be required to receive the money.
  4. Mutual responsibility of the state and recipients of benefits. The authorities are obliged to provide assistance in full, and the family is obliged to provide real information about their situation, changes that entail the loss of rights to payments.

The most popular questions and answers to them on maternity payments

Question: We lived with a guy, in October 2017 he was drafted into the army, and in December (on the 25th) the long-awaited first-born for both was born. I don't work, I have a child. I heard that they rely on monthly subsidies and EDV for such an occasion, can I count on them?

Answer: In accordance with the one-time allowance, pregnant wives of conscripts can apply for the duration of pregnancy from 180 days. The couple must be legally married. The last circumstance is absent in your situation, therefore, obtaining a "soldier's" EDV is impossible.

On the monthly allowance-subsidies to the child of a serviceman. Here you can count on an increase if the soldier recognizes paternity and will be recorded in the "parents" column on an equal basis with you. Order 1012n There are no requirements for registration of marriage for monthly payments to the child of a conscript soldier. Collect documents for social security. Section VIII of the above document will help you.

The main task of any socially oriented state is to provide comprehensive assistance and protection to its citizens. This is especially true in relation to those segments of the population that are most vulnerable and defenseless in the face of life's difficulties - children, the disabled, single mothers, the elderly. Very often they cannot provide themselves with the necessary level of material well-being on their own.

The state system of social support provides for the provision of financial assistance to such vulnerable groups of the population. This category of citizens, according to the current legislative regulations, includes representatives of the weaker sex who are at any stage of pregnancy. Consider what benefits are due to pregnant women in accordance with the legal regulations of the Russian Federation.

Every Russian citizen who is preparing to become a mother has the right to receive various payments and non-material benefits from the state.

All of them are divided into 3 main groups:

  1. Designed for working pregnant women.
  2. Benefits for pregnant women who are unemployed.
  3. Benefits provided in the form of free medical care.

The latter type applies to all pregnant women - both working and non-working. The main document granting the right to accrue the above benefits is a certificate from a women's medical consultation confirming the pregnancy of this citizen. Accordingly, if the expectant mother does not get officially registered in a medical institution, then she has no legal grounds for receiving benefits.

The Russian Constitution regulates free medical care for all categories of citizens. Pregnant women are no exception. However, for them, the legislation provides for an extended list of free medical procedures and medicines. The medicines included in this list are received in state pharmacies either completely free of charge, or purchased at a significant discount, sometimes reaching up to 50%.

As an example: for healthy intrauterine growth of a child, ascorbic and folic acids are required. Preparations containing them are prescribed by the doctors observing the expectant mother absolutely free of charge until the birth of the newborn. The list of benefits includes free visits to a general practitioner and highly specialized medical specialists:

  • Gynecologist.
  • Laura.
  • Ophthalmologist.
  • Dentist.

To use the right to a free examination by these doctors, it is enough to take a referral from a doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy. Also, a woman in position has the opportunity to undergo a number of medical procedures and hardware examinations for free:

  • Electrocardiogram.
  • Fluorography.
  • Ultrasonography. It is performed three times during the gestation period, additional studies are prescribed by a doctor.
  • Laboratory research analyses.
  • Physiotherapy.

Financial incentives by the state for childbearing are expressed, in particular, in the payment of benefits to pregnant women. The very first type of payment, which is due to everyone without exception - both employed and unemployed, is an allowance for early medical registration. Similar payments are made from the funds of the regional budget, and in different regions and republics they range from 500 to 1,000 rubles.

A woman who has registered with a medical institution in the first trimester of pregnancy can claim these payments. That is, before the fetus is twelve weeks old. To do this, you need to provide the following package of documentation to the social security institution or the Ministry of Finance at the place of registration:

  • Passport data.
  • Certificate from the consultation about the duration of pregnancy and medical registration.
  • The number of the bank account to which payments will be sent.
  • Employment book (for officially employed) or a certificate from the CZN on granting the status of unemployed.

In accordance with changes in legislative regulations, only citizens who have permanent registration at their address of residence are able to receive this type of benefits. If there is no permanent residence permit, then the right to pay money is lost. This is due to the fact that this payment relates to measures of social support for the local population from local authorities - hence its such a rigid link to the place of permanent registration.

If a citizen does not have an official job during pregnancy, she has the right to apply for benefits at the local employment center. When applying for the status of unemployed, she is guaranteed to be paid unemployment benefits until the birth of the baby or even until the end of the care of the baby.

According to the Labor Code, no employer, either private or public, can fire a pregnant woman. The only option for dismissal is when the organization is completely liquidated, and with it jobs. In this case, the woman is required to pay maintenance for pregnancy and childbirth. In total, she is paid 140 days of maternity leave: ½ of this period falls on the time before childbirth, and the second half - on postnatal leave.

In case of a difficult course of pregnancy or childbirth, the vacation time can be increased by the decision of the observing doctors up to 194 days (84 - "before" and 110 - "after"). The same thing happens when more than one child is born at the same time.

For maternity leave, you must contact the center of social protection, or the district MFC. The allowance is accrued only when the woman is not listed in the EC as unemployed. Otherwise, she should apply for financial payments to the Center for Health Care.

The allowance for pregnant women with formal employment is required to be paid by their employer. The amount of payments for pregnancy, as well as maternity payments for the care of an infant up to one and a half years, are calculated from the average salary of an employee for the past year.

Also, an employee who is in a position has the right to demand concessions in the working regime. For example, she can write a formal petition to the boss for a transfer to another job or position. This is possible if working conditions harm the health of the expectant mother or threaten the normal development of the fetus.

Regardless of the presence or absence of work, a lump-sum allowance is paid to a pregnant woman. In the 17th year, its size was 16.3 thousand rubles, and in 2018 a new one-time payment for pregnancy and childbirth was introduced. Its size will be about 282.5 thousand rubles. These payments have been introduced to stimulate the demographic growth of the population of the state.

Separate lump-sum payments are received by a pregnant citizen whose husband is currently serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The right to receive this benefit begins after the 6th month of pregnancy. The amount of the payment in 2017 was about 23 thousand rubles. To receive this lump sum payment, you will need to submit the following documents to the social security institution:

  • Benefit application.
  • Marriage document.
  • Help from the antenatal clinic.
  • A certificate from the military unit where the husband is serving. It must indicate the duration of its service.

Payment of lump-sum benefits is made within ten days from the date of submission of the application with all the necessary documentation indicated above.

For the accrual of maternity benefits or lump-sum payments, you should apply no later than six months from the date of birth of the baby. If this time limit is missed for an unexcused reason, the citizen loses the right to receive money during pregnancy. The exception is cases when she could not apply to the social protection authorities for some objective reasons. These include a difficult course of pregnancy, or a prolonged illness after childbirth, and other force majeure circumstances.

After the applicant's appeal, the employer (for the employed) or social protection workers (for the unemployed) must decide within ten days on the calculation of the appropriate payments. If the employer or social officials delay making payments, the woman has the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authorities.

Benefits and benefits for pregnant women

Funding for the payment of benefits comes from the FSS, and is later reimbursed by this organization to the employer.

Money is paid to the expectant mother at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund, even if the payment itself is made by the employer.

As a rule, the transfer of money is made by the employer.

A woman can apply directly to the FSS in two cases :

  • the employer refuses to pay the money;
  • the woman lives in a region that is included in the FSS direct payments pilot project.

To transfer money, the expectant mother must also provide an application at the place of work. After that, an offset should occur between the employer and the FSS upon the fact of payments.

As a rule, there are no barriers to payment on the part of the employer.

However, there may be problems in the following cases:

  1. The company will soon be declared bankrupt.
  2. There is no money in the accounts.
  3. The leader has been put on the wanted list.
  4. The organization ceased its work on the day of the request for payments.

Under such circumstances, it is necessary to go to the court and provide confirmation of non-payment. The expectant mother is not always able to do this, for this reason she can go to court within a few months after the decree.

Important! As soon as the court order is known, the young mother will be given financial resources through the FSS.

If an employee goes on maternity leave within four weeks of leaving, she must return to her previous job. This rule also applies to the following cases:

  1. Changing of the living place.
  2. My husband was transferred to work.
  3. A disease that makes it impossible to continue living in the area.
  4. You need to take care of a sick or incapacitated relative.

If the mother of the child worked in two organizations at once, then she can count on payments in these places separately.

Who is entitled to payments?

According to the law, the right to benefits are:

  1. Employees who are entitled to social insurance in case of disability. These .
  2. Non-working mothers who were fired due to the liquidation of the enterprise. It can also be full-time students or women passing through.

If a girl works, studies or serves, then payments for pregnancy and childbirth are due to her at the place of work, study or service, respectively.

Important! According to the law, many child benefits have the right to issue the citizen who takes care of the baby.

In most cases, this is the mother, but sometimes other relatives. Only the mother of the child, who in fact was pregnant and gave birth, can count on payments for pregnancy and childbirth.

If a baby under 3 months old was adopted, then only the mother is entitled to accrue financial resources. If the baby's father works officially, but the mother does not, then payments to the father of the child are still not due. That is, this type of financial assistance from the state cannot.

It must be remembered that according to article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation,.

Are payments to a non-working woman due?

An unemployed or relatively unemployed woman who is eligible for benefits is considered to be:

  1. The mother of the child, who is considered unemployed according to the documents in connection with the liquidation of the organization.
  2. If she signed a contract and did some service.
  3. A full-time student at an educational institution.

All these women are entitled to maternity leave, which will be fully paid.

If the expectant mother lives in the territory belonging to the contaminated zone of Chernobyl, then she is entitled to leave for three weeks longer than the standard one.

She did not serve, then she is not entitled to payment. Also, financial resources are not paid to girls who quit of their own free will, or study at the correspondence department.

Important! If a woman is entitled to this payment, then she can apply at the same time. According to the law, this amount can be paid along with the maternity allowance.

Thus, specific groups of unemployed mothers are entitled to receive two social benefits at once. In order for the payments to be accrued, it is necessary to fill out an application and attach to it a certificate stating that she applied to the antenatal clinic and was registered up to three months of pregnancy.

Is the husband and father of the child entitled to receive payments?

Only the mother of a child can receive the B&D allowance.

But other maternity payments on the occasion of the birth of a child and caring for him (and monthly payments up to the age of the baby 1.5 years) are entitled to receive a husband instead of a wife.

He can do this at his place of work or in social protection. The child's father can receive these funds, regardless of whether the baby's mother is officially employed or unemployed.

You can apply for funds in certain places:

  • At the place of employment, if the man works officially.
  • In the social protection authorities at the place of registration, if he is unemployed.

Rely on the father of the child only in the situation if he takes leave to care for the baby. In this case, his labor activity should be completely stopped.

There is also an option when he has the right to work at an incomplete exhibition. In both cases, the vacation lasts until the baby is one and a half years old. The vacation period cannot be interrupted and the allowance is paid monthly.

To apply for maternity benefits for the father of the child, you need:

  1. Provide a completed application to the head or social security.
  2. A birth certificate must be submitted along with the application.
  3. The spouse is required to submit a certificate stating that she did not take advantage of this leave, and she is not entitled to accruals. A woman has the right to receive a document at her job if she is officially employed or in social protection if she is a housewife.

Such documents are necessary for the calculation of maternity benefits for the baby and subsequent payments.

It must be borne in mind that the law Can both parents go on maternity leave at the same time?. This is possible if the spouses had two or more babies at once.

(or, as it is often called, "maternity") is one of the types of insurance coverage for compulsory social insurance. We will figure out to whom and in what amount the maternity payment is due, what is the duration and features of its receipt.

Payment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth

It is important to understand that only women can count on maternity benefits (as opposed to child care benefits). All categories of recipients of maternity benefits in 2020 are listed in No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children”. These include women:


    unemployed (dismissed in connection with the liquidation of organizations within 12 months preceding the day they were recognized as unemployed)

    full-time students

    military service under contract

    adopting a child and belonging to the above categories

If a woman is entitled to child care allowance and maternity allowance at the same time, she can choose only one of these allowances.

Note: maternity allowance in 2020 is paid only for the period of the leave of the same name. This means that if a woman does not use the right to the specified leave and continues to work (and, accordingly, receive wages), then she is not entitled to benefits. An employer in this situation is not entitled to provide a woman with two types of payments at once: both salary and allowance. Therefore, wages will be paid for the days of work. As soon as the woman decides to use the right to maternity leave and it is issued, the payment of wages will stop and the employer will accrue benefits.

Maternity allowance paid at the place of work, service or other activity. For women dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization, the allowance is paid by the social protection authorities at the place of residence (the place of actual stay or actual residence).

Note: if the employee is a part-time employee and has worked for the same employers for the previous two years, then both employers pay her maternity allowance in 2020.

Maternity allowance payable .

Documents for receiving benefits for pregnancy and childbirth

The list of required documents is given in No. 255-FZ dated December 29, 2006 “On Compulsory Social Insurance in Case of Temporary Disability and in Connection with Motherhood”. You will need:

    application for the appointment of benefits (drawn up in free form)

    Maternity allowance paid to the insured woman in total for the entire period of vacation.

    The amount of the maternity benefit

    The amount of maternity payments depends on the status of the recipient:

    • Working women receive benefits equal to 100% of average earnings

      Dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization - in the amount of 300 rubles

      Students - in the amount of a scholarship

      Contract servicemen - in the amount of monetary allowance

    If the experience of an insured woman is less than six months, she can count on a benefit in the amount of no more (from January 1, 2020 - 12,130 rubles)

    Calculation of maternity benefit

    Since 2013, women have not been given the right to choose how benefits are calculated

    Maternity allowance is calculated on the basis of average earnings and does not depend on the length of service of the employee (unlike temporary disability benefits). For convenience, the calculation of benefits can be presented in the form of the following scheme:

    Maternity allowance in 2020

    income for 2 calendar years
    (prior to the year of the decree)
    divide by
    number of days in this period
    multiply by
    number of days of leave

    Now about the nuances.

    Firstly, the average earnings for each of the two calendar years must not exceed a certain maximum. This maximum is set - the maximum value of the base for calculating insurance premiums to the FSS for the corresponding year. In 2018, this amount was 815,000 rubles, in 2019 - 865,000 rubles. That is, when calculating for each year, you need to use the amount that is less.

    Secondly, the value of the average daily earnings (that is, divided by the division of income for two years by the number of days) is now legal. The allowable maximum is determined as follows: we take the marginal bases for calculating contributions to the FSS for the two years preceding the decree, add up and divide the amount received by 730.

    Third, from the total number of calendar days in a biennium should be excluded:

      Periods of temporary disability, maternity leave, parental leave

      The period of release of the employee from work with full or partial preservation of wages, if insurance premiums were NOT accrued on the retained wages for this period

    Fourth, if during the two years preceding the decree the employee took maternity or parental leave, then these periods, as we see, will be excluded from the calculations. However, in this case, the woman is given the right to such periods (one year or both) of the previous year (two years), so that this would lead to an increase in the amount of maternity payments.

    Related Documents"Maternity Benefit in 2020"

    • Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 30, 2013 N 182n "On approval of the form and procedure for issuing a certificate of the amount of wages, other payments and remuneration for two calendar years preceding the year of termination of work (service, other activity) or the year of applying for a certificate of the amount of wages , other payments and remunerations, and the current calendar year for which the insurance premiums were accrued, and the number of calendar days falling in the specified period for periods of temporary disability, maternity leave, parental leave, the period of release of the employee from work with full or partial retention of wages in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, if insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation were not accrued on the retained wages for this period"