Cyrillic capital fonts. We create a font that mimics your handwriting. Let's create a notebook sheet in a cage

Scripts are used to create an imitation of handwritten text in educational literature or other printing products. This is another name for handwritten fonts. They imitate handwriting made with pencil, ink, pen and other tools.

Formal scripts

Handwritten fonts are most often divided into two groups. One of them is called formal scripts. This group includes classical styles that imitate the style of the 17th-18th centuries. Most often they imitate writing with a pen, and the thickness of the line is uniform.

These scripts are used to print invitations, certificates. The text in them will resemble old manuscripts or copybooks. Classic examples of this group of fonts are:

  • Olga (handwritten Russian font);
  • Propisi (it is often called school and is used in textbooks and workbooks);
  • Kuenstler Script (foreign);
  • Palace Script (Latin).

Casual scripts

The second big group are casual scripts. They have a looser line thickness and can give the text the effect of writing with a wet brush or engraving.

Their use is wider, and this group of styles has gained the greatest popularity since the middle of the 20th century. First of all, these handwritten fonts are intended for use in printed promotional products, imitation of engraving, photo decoration.

It is important that fonts are used in moderation. Despite their elegance, large chunks of text made with them will be hard to read. Best of all, any handwritten fonts look in small passages of text, headings and to highlight individual phrases.

The formal group of scripts is more conservative, so all modern types of styles are most often referred to as casual. In the catalogs you can find not only elegant letters, but also written with deliberate carelessness.

Where can I find handwritten fonts for a designer?

Many of those who regularly use the program Adobe Photoshop know that it does not have an adequate set of handwritten fonts by default. For example, there is no handwritten Russian font. Therefore, you need to take care of their search yourself. It will not be difficult, the main thing is to approach the solution of the issue thoroughly. It remains only to load them into the program, and it will be possible to surprise customers with new, very beautiful and original fonts.

How to add a handwritten font to Photoshop

After you have downloaded the fonts, you need to install them in the Photoshop graphics editor. To do this, you can use one of the methods below.

  1. First of all, you need to download the .ttf file. Select it in your downloads folder and copy it to your Photoshop fonts folder. It is located in the root directory of the program. Immediately after these manipulations, the list of scripts will be updated.
  2. Another way is to update the fonts of the entire OS. To do this, the file must be copied to the C:\WINDOWS\Fonts folder.
  3. If you find it difficult to find the folders you need, you can use the control panel. After launching this interface, you need to find the shortcut "Fonts" and call the list of scripts by double clicking. In the window that opens, you can place copies of the downloaded fonts or install them using a special tool. Path to it: "File" - "Install Font". After you select this menu item, an additional window will appear in which you need to find the location where the downloaded additional script is stored. Find the required file in the folder (by default, all data downloaded from the Internet is stored in "Downloads"), select it and confirm the action with the "OK" button.

Any of these methods will help you add new design features to Photoshop. In numerous online catalogs, you can easily find a font that will appeal not only to you, but also to your customers.

High school students and university students often have to do a lot of written exercises while doing homework. For example, our social studies teacher asks us each lesson for a PD, which consists in finding material in the library or the Internet and writing it by hand (only for this you can get an “excellent” grade), even if the material found is correct, but printed out on a computer, don’t expect higher than four ...

Based on the foregoing, I came to the conclusion: I need to make a font for the computer that duplicates my handwriting. In my opinion, I did it successfully. My own mother will not distinguish where I wrote by hand, and where I typed a computer. Many of my friends liked this idea, and they began to ask me how I did it all. And in order not to explain to everyone a hundred times, I decided to write this article - a work plan with detailed comments.

So, in this article, I will tell you how to make a font that mimics your handwriting.

For work we need:
1) sheets of clean paper in A4 format;
2) black gel pen;
3) printer;
4) scanner;
5) High-Logic FontCreator program (I suggest downloading from the official website of the program).
To download, click on the link provided.

1 step

Take a landscape sheet of paper and write on it all the letters of the Russian alphabet (lowercase and uppercase), numbers from zero to nine and punctuation marks: dot, comma, semicolon, colon, quotation marks, dashes, brackets, etc. If anyone needs, you can add other characters that will be useful to you when writing, such as @, #, $, #, ^,%, *, etc. Write beautifully, output each letter so that later all your work does not go down the drain.

2 step

Scan a sheet with written letters. And those people who managed to enter all the characters on one page will end up with one big picture.

3 step

Then we open the FontCreator program from the manufacturer High-Logic. Her window looks like this.

In the window that appears, you need to enter the name of your future font.

Click "OK" - a trace appears. window.

In this window, open a picture with your letters. Select the letter "A", copy it and go back to FontCreator, open the cell with the letter "F" and paste your letter there. The red dotted lines can be moved, arrange them as shown in the following figure.

The letter must be on the line (Baseline) and must NOT go beyond the upper horizontal line (WinAscent), and must NOT go beyond the lower horizontal line (WinDescent), otherwise it will be cut off. The vertical left line should be where the letter begins, and the vertical right line where the letter ends. If the letter gets out of the vertical lines, then when printing, one letter will overlap with another, this also does not suit us.

Now I will explain why we inserted the letter "A" in the cell with the letter "F". This program is designed to create fonts using Latin letters. On the contrary, we need to make a font for Russian letters. Therefore, the RUSSIAN font made by us will turn out on the LATIN layout. In order to make it more convenient, we will insert Russian letters into cells with Latin letters, in accordance with the keyboard.

In the cell with the letter "Q" insert the letter "Y"
In the cell with the letter "W" insert the letter "C"
In the cell with the letter "E" insert the letter "U"
In the cell with the letter "R" insert the letter "K"
In the cell with the letter "T" insert the letter "E"
In the cell with the letter "Y" insert the letter "H"

After you arrange all the letters in the cells, you will get this picture.

Now you can test the resulting font. This can be done by pressing the "F5" key, or by going to "Font - Test ..."

If everything suits you, save the resulting font and place it in the "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts" folder. The font is installed, and now you can select it, for example, in Microsoft Word and type text with it. Below is the text printed in my font.

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Liked the site? Have the lessons been helpful? You can support the project simply by downloading and installing the Flashlight app for Android. The application was written by the author of the site and expects to publish his applications in the future. The flashlight controls the flash LED of the phone's camera and also turns on the backlight of the screen at full brightness.

Advantages: flexible settings. You can set in the settings so that the flashlight turns on immediately when the application starts and the timer automatically turns on when the application starts. The settings allow you to disable the screen lock and flashlight lock with the phone's power button. You can also set the timer yourself.

If the application gains popularity, this will give an incentive to the author to create new applications, taking into account the wishes of site visitors.

Thanks in advance, Dmitry.

QR code for installation:

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Hello to all readers of the blog site!

I want to tell you and show you, using a specific example, how to make handwritten text on a computer using the Microsoft Word text editor.

You will also learn how to print this text on a printer in the format of a notebook sheet in a box.

As always, I show on MS 2016 so that especially the owners of 2003-2007 versions of the editor in my description will find no big inconsistencies, so I recommend purchasing a modern Microsoft Office product package because it is really better!

Before proceeding with practical steps, you need to download handwritten fonts for Word that work with both Cyrillic and Latin, which cannot be said about standard ones.

On the Internet, you can find a lot of offers to download a variety of fonts. But I will save you from searching on the World Wide Web, saving you time and protecting you from viruses that can be easily downloaded instead of the desired file, especially out of ignorance.

I advise you to read one of my popular articles. By this direct link you can download handwritten fonts for Word to my Yandex disk for free and later use them to create postcards, illustrations, presentations, etc.

Installing fonts

1. Method for modern OS.

After you have downloaded the Zip archive “”, unpack it into a folder specially created for this purpose.

Please note that in the archive, in addition to fonts with the “ttf” extension, there are files with the “png” extension, these are pictures that show how each font looks like. To view, simply double-click on the file.

We call the RMB context menu, click the Install item (if you are working with, then enter the administrator password when required).


That's all, after restarting the computer, you can start writing, but first we will consider the algorithm of the second method, designed specifically for "retrogrades" that do not use modern operating systems.

2. Way

Select the fonts as described above, copy them;

We follow the path: C:\Windows\Fonts;

Using hot Ctrl + V paste it into the Fonts folder.

Don't forget to restart your PC.

Let's create a notebook sheet in a cage

1. Open Word, in the View tab, select the page orientation Page Layout.

2. Open the Layout tab, select the Size tool.

3. In the window that opens, select Other Paper Sizes...

4. In the Paper Options menu, the Paper Size item, we will create a notebook sheet with actual dimensions. The dimensions of the notebook sheet are 16.5 × 20.5 cm, but when printed on a printer, it turns out to be smaller than necessary, at least for me, so increase it a little to 19.5 × 22.5 cm.

5. The Margins item will help you set the margins, where the Top and Bottom should be 0.5 cm each. Left 2.5, and Right 0.8 cm. We confirm the intention of our actions with the OK button.

6. Now it remains to turn on the Grid by setting its dimensions, for this, in the Layout tab, go to the Align tool - check the Show grid box. after immediately open the Grid Options.

7. In the parameters, you just need to set the size of the cells, which is known to be 0.5 cm.

Here it seemed that all the actions were over, but as it turned out, there is a problem when printing the document, the cells disappear, only the text remains on a blank sheet of paper.

See how I managed to cope with this task.
Insert - Shapes - Lines.

We take a straight line and methodically outline our notebook sheet for each line, first horizontally then vertically or vice versa. It took me 5 minutes to do it once, and then we use it all the time.

This will be the final result (you choose the fonts at your discretion from the downloaded archive).

If someone draws lines in the “scrap”, then I took this case into account by putting together with the fonts a template for a finished notebook sheet, just insert the text and print.

You can use this method to create an abstract so as not to write it manually if teachers require it from you, of course, it is unlikely that they will be able to carry it out.

By the way, these fonts will work in other editors, such as Paint, Photoshop or others.

Important: when pasting the copied text into the template, so that the text does not move out of the margins, use the hot keys Ctrl + V.

Perhaps there is an easier way to solve this problem, but I did not find it. If anyone knows other options, write about them in the comments, I will be very grateful.

High school students and university students often have to do a lot of written exercises while doing homework. For example, our social studies teacher asks us each lesson for a PD, which consists in finding material in the library or the Internet and writing it by hand (only for this you can get an “excellent” grade), even if the material found is correct, but printed out on a computer, don’t expect higher than four ...

Based on the foregoing, I came to the conclusion: I need to make a font for the computer that duplicates my handwriting. In my opinion, I did it successfully. My own mother will not distinguish where I wrote by hand, and where I typed a computer. Many of my friends liked this idea, and they began to ask me how I did it all. And in order not to explain to everyone a hundred times, I decided to write this article - a work plan with detailed comments.

So, in this article, I will tell you how to make a font that mimics your handwriting.

For work we need:
1) sheets of clean paper in A4 format;
2) black gel pen;
3) printer;
4) scanner;
5) High-Logic FontCreator program (I suggest downloading from the official website of the program).
To download, click on the link provided.

1 step

Take a landscape sheet of paper and write on it all the letters of the Russian alphabet (lowercase and uppercase), numbers from zero to nine and punctuation marks: dot, comma, semicolon, colon, quotation marks, dashes, brackets, etc. If anyone needs, you can add other characters that will be useful to you when writing, such as @, #, $, #, ^,%, *, etc. Write beautifully, output each letter so that later all your work does not go down the drain.

2 step

Scan a sheet with written letters. And those people who managed to enter all the characters on one page will end up with one big picture.

3 step

Then we open the FontCreator program from the manufacturer High-Logic. Her window looks like this.

In the window that appears, you need to enter the name of your future font.

Click "OK" - a trace appears. window.

In this window, open a picture with your letters. Select the letter "A", copy it and go back to FontCreator, open the cell with the letter "F" and paste your letter there. The red dotted lines can be moved, arrange them as shown in the following figure.

The letter must be on the line (Baseline) and must NOT go beyond the upper horizontal line (WinAscent), and must NOT go beyond the lower horizontal line (WinDescent), otherwise it will be cut off. The vertical left line should be where the letter begins, and the vertical right line where the letter ends. If the letter gets out of the vertical lines, then when printing, one letter will overlap with another, this also does not suit us.

Now I will explain why we inserted the letter "A" in the cell with the letter "F". This program is designed to create fonts using Latin letters. On the contrary, we need to make a font for Russian letters. Therefore, the RUSSIAN font made by us will turn out on the LATIN layout. In order to make it more convenient, we will insert Russian letters into cells with Latin letters, in accordance with the keyboard.

In the cell with the letter "Q" insert the letter "Y"
In the cell with the letter "W" insert the letter "C"
In the cell with the letter "E" insert the letter "U"
In the cell with the letter "R" insert the letter "K"
In the cell with the letter "T" insert the letter "E"
In the cell with the letter "Y" insert the letter "H"

After you arrange all the letters in the cells, you will get this picture.

Now you can test the resulting font. This can be done by pressing the "F5" key, or by going to "Font - Test ..."

If everything suits you, save the resulting font and place it in the "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts" folder. The font is installed, and now you can select it, for example, in Microsoft Word and type text with it. Below is the text printed in my font.