Green complexion disease. Earthy gray complexion: what it says, what to do

Every girl, woman, and even a girl dreams of being beautiful. But what is beauty? What is the standard of beauty? How is the concept of beauty related to the health of the skin and internal organs of a person?

What determines the color of a person's face

Complexion is not skin color. The pigment melanin is responsible for skin color UV protective. If the skin receives an excess of ultraviolet radiation, then this leads to a burn and a violation of skin pigmentation, in the worst case, to DNA damage.

The skin of the face can be white, yellow, swarthy, black. Whereas the complexion is white, pale, yellow, gray, earthy and even green, and the causes of such a variety of unhealthy colors in a similar lifestyle.

The concept of "lifestyle" includes:

  • food pattern;
  • health status;
  • physical activity;
  • bad habits;
  • stress.

What does unhealthy complexion mean?

If you imagine the image of a young healthy girl, in a frosty season, who came from the countryside, with a flaming blush on her snow-white skin, one can easily understand what a healthy person looks like.

Blush on both cheeks emphasizes the whiteness of the skin.

It is not for nothing that in Pushkin's fairy tale the mirror defines beauty precisely by the whiteness of the skin and its blush: “You are sweeter in the world, all blush and whiter” , it says to the evil queen. So what causes the complexion to become earthy?

Causes of earthy skin tone

Wrong lifestyle causes problems in the body. As a result, the skin becomes unhealthy. If a person continues to live without changing a harmful lifestyle, health problems are aggravated. And, depending on the size of the problem, the color of the skin also changes.

Let's highlight the main causes associated with chronic diseases.

chronic diseases

These are diseases that exist in a person all the time, and are only waiting in the wings, the weakening of his immunity, in order to manifest themselves to the fullest. Therefore, signs of ill health appear along with the disease. And one of them is an earthy complexion.

It is important to know!
An earthy color on the face often provokes dehydration, including dietary dehydration - as a consequence of a special type of diet. Do not forget that 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day lead your appearance to beauty and health!

Associated with other life-threatening diseases

With the development of life-threatening diseases, the body sends signals to its owner in all possible ways. Often non-healing ulcers appear on the body, growths form on the skin, often there are severe pains. One of the signs of internal problems can be an earthy complexion.

It is especially pronounced in diseases such as:

  • thyroid problems;
  • Oncological foci;
  • human immunodeficiency syndrome;
  • Dangerous internal sepsis, i.e. blood poisoning.

If the thyroid gland malfunctions, split ends of the hair are added to the earthy complexion of the face, excess weight appears.

With HIV infection, an earthy tint appears already as a result Persistent, transmissible diseases for which doctors cannot immediately find the cause.

In sepsis, the skin acquires an earthy color in the aggregate with some kind of long-lasting purulent process: sinusitis, abscesses, pneumonia, kidney inflammation, etc. if no response measures are taken, blood poisoning occurs, a disease that is fraught with death.

Lifestyle related

The lifestyle of a person is reflected in his appearance. When it is violated, the skin, like a mirror, reflects all the problems that occur in the body. An unhealthy, earthy complexion appears, the reasons are hidden in the wrong way of life.

As for the change in complexion towards its grayness, earthiness, then it is just the greatest likelihood of acquiring such a skin tone, regularly violating the set of rules that is called a healthy lifestyle.

The manifestation of an earthy hue in the face leads to:

  • excessive consumption of cigarettes and alcohol;
  • many hours of sitting in a closed space of the room;
  • lack of regular physical activity;
  • lack of outdoor activities.

At this point, we should dwell in more detail. Because it is not so much the possibility of the occurrence of diseases that leads to a change in the tone of the face, but the way of life - in the vast majority of cases this is so.

Diet and diet of a person

Food is also a way of life. When it is violated, the intestines most often suffer. There are problems with the stomach, constipation. The body needs to be cleansed, and the intestines are clogged.

As a result, the decay products begin to be excreted through the skin, which in an adult takes about 2 sq.m. A metabolic disorder contributes to the fact that the complexion becomes earthy.

Be careful! Pay attention to the smell of sweat. With an excess of protein food in the diet, indigestion, it has a fetid odor. And this is a signal that it's time to sound the alarm, put things in order in your diet.

Health status and immunity

The face of a healthy person always has a healthy, pink hue. Look at these comparisons and you can easily guess what leads to good skin condition.

  • Pure water- chlorinated water
  • good nature- anger
  • Fresh air- air in the room without ventilation
  • Walk in the park– watching a series / playing on a computer

Everything that is indicated in opposition to the concepts of health, cleanliness and freshness can be the cause of the appearance of an earthy complexion in a person.

The consumption of not fresh polluted water leads to a difficult metabolism, the stuffiness in the room contributes to a spasm of blood vessels, a decrease in the oxygen content in the blood, and therefore, an earthy, gray complexion will not take long.

And such parallels can be cited endlessly. Everything that has a positive under it contributes to restoration, renewal, recovery.

Physical activity is an important part of life

If you run a search on the Internet, you will notice that over the past 20 years, many diseases have moved from old, corresponding to venerable age, to the category of young ones. Why is this happening? Usually, there is only one answer to all the troubles associated with diseases: bad ecology. But what about lifestyle, doesn’t it affect the color of our faces?

Or around the clock being in the field of screens - TV, computer, smartphone or tablet, nothing to do with it? 24-hour vigil near flickering monitors - at home or in the workplace - is not good for the skin of the face.

It dries up from constant heating and the operation of the fans of system units, printer cooling systems, loses moisture, and becomes flabby.

And the answer to the question why the earthy complexion arose so unexpectedly, the reasons must be sought all in the same lifestyle, devoid of the necessary physical activity.

Bad habits and attachments

A scourge for any skin is bad habits. The skin breathes, and, being in the captivity of smoke, it literally suffocates.

According to dermatologists, one of the problems of a smoker is the lack of oxygen, which is the main cause of an earthy complexion.

A smoker can breathe often and a lot, but the right amount of oxygen is not absorbed by the lungs. Alcohol also does not give a blush and negatively affects the skin.

The face of drinkers turns red, the capillaries expand on the nose and cheeks, thereby betraying the unhealthy hobby of its owner. And on other parts of the face, on the contrary, the natural color of the skin becomes dull, earthy gray, and the reason is the oxygen starvation of skin cells, their death.

Stress and nervous strain

One of the main factors of all diseases, stress, also affects the appearance of the skin.

Stress is a blow to the endocrine system, that's another reason why the face becomes earthy.

Sometimes the skin becomes covered with spots. Most often, the reason lies in the restructuring of the hormonal background.

It is important to know! Among other things, the sallow complexion also has causes in violation of blood circulation, due to kidney disease and their insufficiency, Graves' disease.

Grated fresh apple mixed with sour cream, applied for 15 minutes to the face and eyelids, moisturizes the skin, relieves a tired look and gives it freshness.

When a tan does not decorate, but only harms the skin

Sunburn has the ability to emphasize the beauty of the skin and hide its imperfections. But this is possible with a light tan.

Long exposure to the sun or frequent stay in the solarium harms the well-being of the skin: deprives the skin of the necessary reserves of moisture, its elasticity is lost.

As a result, the skin takes on a tired, dull look. It becomes a grayish, sickly color. Pigments appear that add a few extra years to the appearance.

Against the background of an overabundance of sunbathing, problems can begin not only with the appearance, but also with the internal state. There is a possibility of developing problems with the kidneys and the lymph system due to their violation by an overabundance of sunburn.

It is important to know! Be careful in the sun or tanning beds. Don't forget to apply sunscreen. Hide the skin under natural fabrics as much as possible.

Skin covered with linen, for example, feels much more comfortable than being in the open sun. This will keep the face from becoming earthy instead of golden tanned.

How to improve complexion, how to restore skin health

To have a healthy complexion, you need:

An earthy complexion is a reflection of negative processes inside the human body. The gray complexion is difficult to hide, and the reasons for the appearance of this shade are very diverse.

Causes of skin color change

An unhealthy tone of the face can be a reflection of a person’s lifestyle or a symptom of a disease:

  • Bad habits. Alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction are the cause of bad skin tone. Each of these habits individually can make the skin color unhealthy. In women, such manifestations are more pronounced, as their skin is thinner and more tender. The longer a person is subject to a bad habit, the more intense the gray tint becomes.
  • Sleep deprivation. It has long been observed that chronic lack of sleep turns a healthy complexion into a haggard one. In addition, redness of the eyes and a tired expression join. If a person does not have bad habits, then after a good rest, a healthy skin tone will return.
  • Stress. In the modern rhythm, people are often in a state of chronic stress. This is especially true for residents of large cities. This is a common cause for earthy skin tone.
  • Nutrition. The wrong diet is also the cause of an unhealthy shade. Of course, nothing terrible will happen at once. But if you systematically use harmful products, then the color and condition of the skin will noticeably worsen.
  • Ecology. It has been noticed that the population living in an area with a difficult environmental situation from birth may have an earthy skin tone. In addition, they have a large number of diseases.
  • Harmful professional activity. Work in hazardous industries can change the color of the skin in a short time. This may be labor activity with harmful metals, work in a mine or in production with toxic waste.
  • Heredity. In rare cases, an earthy complexion can be an individual feature. Especially often this can manifest itself if a person was born to a couple with different nationalities.
  • Diseases. Almost always, diseases leave an imprint on skin tone. If a person has an earthy complexion for no apparent reason, then the causes may be hidden in the diseases of the body. This is the most extensive category of reasons why an unhealthy shade of the skin appears, so it needs to be discussed separately.

You should not mask an unhealthy complexion with cosmetics, you need to find the cause of this deviation.

Earthy complexion in diseases

A large number of diseases can make the complexion gray. Let's talk about the most common diseases:

  • Oncological diseases. With such diseases, often the complexion becomes gray. It does not depend on the location of the tumor. The intensity of the shade is related to the stage of the disease and the number of chemotherapy sessions. The longer a person is exposed to the disease, the brighter the manifestations of earthiness of the skin become.
  • HIV infection. People with HIV infection have an earthy complexion when the disease is in its advanced stages. This symptom is observed in almost all patients with this diagnosis.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With insufficient absorption of nutrients, which is chronic, the shade and structure of the skin changes. It takes on an earthy color and becomes lifeless.
  • Blood diseases. In severe forms of anemia, the skin loses its color. Becomes white or acquires a gray tint. This is due to the reduced content of hemoglobin, which gives a blush. In cancers of the blood, the complexion also becomes sallow.
  • Viral infections. This category of diseases is often accompanied by fever to high levels and weakness. Lack of appetite and intoxication of the body can significantly change the appearance of the patient. The face acquires a gray tint, the intensity of which depends on the severity of the disease.
  • Kidney diseases. In chronic renal failure, an earthy complexion is characteristic, the reasons for this are hidden in the insufficient purification of the blood by the kidneys. The blood is contaminated with toxins and waste products of the body. Diseased kidneys cannot cope with their excretion.
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland. This is a common cause of discoloration of the skin. In addition to the sallow complexion, the patient loses weight, becomes anxious. Skin and hair dry, nails exfoliate.
  • Sepsis (blood poisoning). The gray tone of the face is just one of the symptoms of this pathology. Sepsis is a consequence of the spread of infection throughout the body. As a rule, when the face becomes earthy, when the disease has already developed enough and manifested itself with other symptoms.
  • Poisoning. In almost all types of poisoning, the face changes its shade. It can be white, bluish, earthy. This is due to the presence of harmful substances in the body.
  • Helminths. The presence of any worms in the body can affect the color of the skin and face. This is due to the fact that helminths deprive the body of nutrients and pollute the blood with the products of their vital activity.
  • Diseases of the lungs. Most often, a bad complexion is observed in people with tuberculosis. At the same time, the severity of the gray tone becomes more noticeable in the later stages of the disease. Some specialists can even determine the presence of tuberculosis by looking at the face.

A gray complexion is dangerous if the causes are some diseases. Because this symptom appears when the disease has already developed.

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When an unhealthy complexion appears, there is no need to panic. It often happens that such a symptom may appear after chronic fatigue of the body.

You need to think about what could provoke a gray skin tone. If such a shade is caused by reasons not related to diseases, then you should not show much concern. This condition is easy to fix.

But if, with a healthy lifestyle, a person develops an earthy color of the skin and some other alarming symptoms are added, then this is a serious reason to visit a doctor.

When diagnosing possible diseases, the doctor will rely on additional symptoms. Based on the full picture, the specialist will prescribe diagnostic measures:

  • Lab tests. All biological fluids and tissues of the body can be sent to the laboratory for analysis. According to a blood test, one can assume the presence of an inflammatory focus in the body, detect a lack of some useful substances, the development of anemia, and much more. Urinalysis can help identify kidney disease. Cultural cultures will show the presence of a bacterial infection.
  • ultrasound. This is also an informative and public diagnostic method that allows you to detect a large number of pathologies: tumors, changes in the size of internal organs, changes in tissue density, the presence of stones in the kidneys. An ultrasound machine is available in almost every clinic.
  • CT scan. It is the gold standard for diagnosis. It is used to confirm a dubious diagnosis or to make a new one. The only drawback is that not all clinics are equipped with the necessary equipment.
  • Endoscopy. Allows you to assess the condition of hollow internal organs (stomach, intestines, bladder, uterus). The study is carried out using a special probe that can penetrate into the body through physiological openings. With the help of this study, you can see the mucous membranes, detect polyps, erosions, ulcers.
  • X-ray. X-rays can be used to examine the human musculoskeletal system. The use of contrast agents allows you to expand the possibilities of conventional X-ray examination. You can detect tumors, various stones in the internal organs. Also, with the help of this study, you can clearly see changes in the contours of organs.

It must be remembered that only high-quality diagnostics will reveal the cause of an unhealthy complexion.

How to eliminate the gray tone of the face

After establishing the reason why the earthy color of the skin appeared, you can begin to get rid of it.

If the unhealthy shade of the skin is not a consequence of the disease, then getting rid of it will be quite simple.

For starters, you need to have a good rest. It is best to take 2-3 days off from work. You can devote this weekend to your favorite activities and communication with your family. After a charge of positive emotions, stress will recede.

It is necessary to properly organize a night's rest. Sleep should be of high quality, nothing should bother. If you can’t fall asleep on your own, you can use natural remedies.

If the cause of the grayish tone is a large number of harmful foods, then you need to change your diet. The daily menu should include fruits, vegetables, meat, cereals, dairy products. It is best to consult a nutritionist to create a balanced diet.

To restore freshness to the skin, you need to get rid of bad habits. As practice shows, this is not so easy to do. But even after giving up smoking or alcohol, the face will still remain gray for some time. It will acquire a normal shade only when the body is completely cleansed of the negative consequences of bad habits.

In professional activities associated with hazardous production, the complexion can be returned only after a job change. Not everyone can decide to take such a step for subjective reasons. If it is not possible to change jobs, then you need to support your body as much as possible (take vitamins, antioxidants, lead a healthy lifestyle).

If the earthy color is a physiological feature, there's nothing to be done about it. You will have to even out the tone with the help of cosmetics.

The hardest thing to get rid of an unhealthy complexion, if it is caused by any disease. Unfortunately, until you manage to get rid of the disease, the gray skin tone will not go anywhere. The fight against this cause of an unhealthy complexion should be started only after a thorough diagnosis.

But you need to understand that some diseases are treated for a very long time (sometimes for years). For this period, you can try to mask the bad tone of the face with the help of cosmetics.

A person with an earthy complexion always causes an ambiguous reaction in society. Many people may have the idea that he is sick with something, which repels others. Therefore, regardless of the reason, you should always try to put your skin in order.

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You keep looking into the mirror - vainly trying to understand why your skin has become gray, painful in appearance, has lost its natural pinkish-matte shade, has ceased to be elastic, smooth and fresh. Perhaps the reason is in the lifestyle, or maybe some diseases are to blame. Now let's try to figure out why the color of your face suddenly turned gray.

crazy health

Let's start with health problems that can affect the complexion.

Digestive failure

Often a grayish face is the first "swallow" announcing problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Especially if it is pancreatitis and inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis).

But, perhaps, everything is not so scary, because the complexion can become earthy when you abuse antibiotics, for example, the same “antidiarrheal” chloramphenicol. Just give up harmful drugs and "graying" will quickly pass.

If the complexion is gray, you should first of all contact a dermatologist.

Enlarged epidermis

The epidermis is the top layer of the skin, the “last barrier” to the outside world. If the body's metabolism is disturbed, too much fat may begin to be produced. It will stick together dead skin particles and prevent them from peeling off calmly. So the epidermis will “get fat”. Peeling helps to remove the problem (at least temporarily). But keep in mind - too frequent peelings will harm the skin color even more, disrupt its lipid balance.

The face can turn gray in women with any type of skin (oily, combination, dry).


The skin can become dull and become gray if the thyroid gland does not produce hormones in the right amount. Other typical signs of such a problem are brittle nails and falling hair.

To determine exactly why the face turned gray, the doctor may prescribe you to undergo an examination of the internal organs and do a biochemical blood test.

Are you addicted to cigarettes and still live in an ecological disaster zone in a metropolis? In this case, the gray color and facial sagging is easy to explain. Quit smoking and get out into nature more often. Then the amount of carbon monoxide in the blood will decrease, the blood vessels will expand, the pores will be cleared, and the skin will breathe easier. Gradually, the gray color will go away, and along with it, wrinkles, sunken cheeks, increased dryness and other unattractive external signs of a smoker will disappear.

If quitting smoking is an impossible task for you, then in cosmetics and food, lean on foods rich in antioxidants that neutralize nicotine well. In this case, your face will not turn gray.

Or maybe there are other reasons:

You eat wrong

Eat whatever and when you need to. You eat before bed. Love to eat on the go. But have you forgotten that a man is what he eats? We are all literally made up of what we eat. You can't joke about this.

You torture yourself with starvation diets

A slender figure is certainly good, but with a gray complexion, it will be of little use. Try not to depend on newfangled diets and get everything you need from food, even if it adds a little fat to your thighs.

You are addicted to coffee

Too much caffeine ages the skin and makes it dull.

Do you like hot drinks?

In order for your skin color to become one of the 50 shades of gray, regular consumption of “harmless” light beer is enough.

You're head over heels in stress

You live a life filled with stress, nervousness, unnecessary experiences. Here, perhaps, you can not do without a psychologist. It will help to reconsider priorities, remove everything that puts too much pressure on the psyche, and at the same time makes skin color bad.

You sleep little

You don't get enough sleep, you go to bed too late. This disrupts the natural cycle of skin regeneration, and the face turns gray. Fixing such a problem is easy. Just before going to bed, take a bath, walk in the fresh air and go to bed no later than 11.

You are "hypodynamic"

You fell victim to the epidemic of the digital age - a sedentary lifestyle, or scientifically speaking, physical inactivity. This means that because of long sittings, your spinal and cervical nerves are compressed, the blood supply to your head is disrupted. Massage helps to solve this problem. You will also have to go on a low social media diet. Well, the body is in business - do exercises, jog in the morning, visit the "rocking chair": then the color of your skin will become "sexy" again.

You are in love with tan

You abuse artificial and natural sunburn. An excess of ultraviolet radiation makes the skin flabby, covers with senile pigmentation, dehydrates and deprives of freshness.

You take little care of your skin

Start regularly using moisturizers, use suitable tonic products. Don't forget to protect your skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Scrub it at least once a week to remove all dead skin cells and remove excess sebum. Be sure to apply whitening and nourishing masks.

It is advisable to turn to professionals. They may recommend:

    Chemical (superficial) peeling. Chemistry in this case is various acids (fruit, glycolic, enzymatic).

    Ultrasonic peeling. Ultrasound absolutely painlessly removes dead cells.

    Facial massage. It will eliminate tension in the occipital and cervical regions, make the skin more elastic, and restore its normal tone.

    Ozone therapy. Thanks to this procedure, the skin is well oxygenated.

Ultrasonic peeling can restore the beauty of the skin

arrow_left Ultrasonic peeling can restore the beauty of the skin

Always wash off all makeup before going to bed. And in the morning, before applying makeup, be sure to use some kind of tonic.

Old age and winter

Winter with skin is merciless: the cold wind dries them, the batteries in warm rooms are also busy with the same. Lack of sunlight and beriberi complete the matter.

Or maybe you're just getting old. Cell regeneration slows down, menopause sets in, the skin becomes drier, its color fades ... But life goes on. The cosmetic and wellness treatments just mentioned will help you rejuvenate your skin.

Do not try to "mask" the dullness of the face with blush or foundation. There will be little sense from this, and in addition the skin will begin to peel off, yellowish pigmentation may appear.

Diet against gray

Grayness will be driven away:

    Foods with vitamin A. There is a lot of it in oily sea fish, eggs, milk, carrots and citrus fruits.

    Foods rich in vitamin E. These are nuts, oats, vegetable oil, soybeans, corn and peas.

    The use of ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

Also be sure to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
(6-8 glasses). It is best that it be mineral, and not boiled tap water. It is also advisable to drink green tea extract.

Remove sausages, mayonnaise, hot spices and fried foods from your diet. Don't drink sparkling water. From sweets, give preference to natural products, such as honey and chocolate. But exclude lollipops and cream cakes from your diet.

Folk remedies

All means are not that in this article, even in the middle hand, a digital library cannot be placed. Therefore, below are just a few of the most effective.

Carrot mask

    Grate some carrots on a fine grater.

    You mix one tablespoon of it with egg yolk and a spoonful of just cooked mashed potatoes.

    The resulting mixture is applied to the face.

    Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

    And finally, you wash your face (with cool water).

Black tea

    Add a teaspoon of black tea to a glass of boiling water.

    In the resulting drink, put a few rowan berries (dried) and a couple of nettle leaves (also dried).

    You leave it to stand.

    Strain after 20 minutes.

    Wash your face with this tincture every day for 2 weeks.

Beer based mask

    A quarter cup of warm beer is mixed with one egg yolk.

    Add one tablespoon of potato flour and the same amount of grated carrots to the mixture.

    The resulting mushy mass is applied for 20 minutes on the face.

    Rinse off (preferably also with warm beer), rinse your face with cool water.

peach mask

    The pulp of a ripe peach is kneaded and mixed with a teaspoon of oatmeal. If your skin is very dry, add another teaspoon of vegetable oil.

    The resulting creamy mass is applied to the face.

    Wash off with warm water after half an hour.

These folk methods will restore your natural beauty, freshness, shine and smile to your face.

An earthy complexion is a gray, dull skin tone. It gives a person an unhealthy look and spoils the impression. The causes of this defect are often deeper than it seems at first glance. An unhealthy complexion may be the result of pathological processes occurring in the body. Therefore, it is not enough to mask the tone with cosmetics. It is necessary to identify the cause of the problem and get rid of it. Then the skin will look beautiful and radiant in any situation.

Causes of unhealthy complexion

The appearance of the skin directly depends on the state of human health. It inevitably worsens with problems with internal organs. In addition, environmental conditions also have an impact.

In particular, the causes of changes in complexion may be:

  • malnutrition, as a result of which the body lacks vitamins and nutrients;
  • chronic lack of sleep, as a result of which the skin looks tired and acquires an unhealthy shade;
  • lack of oxygen and poor environmental conditions, which is most typical for large cities;
  • excessive sunburn, as the skin dries out under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, ages and becomes lifeless;
  • smoking and other bad habits;
  • violations of metabolic processes and blood circulation, diseases of the liver, kidneys and other organs, which prevents the removal of toxins and purification of the blood, which makes the complexion green;
  • improper care that does not provide cleansing of the skin from dead particles;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (dysbacteriosis, constipation, ulcers, gastritis, etc.).

Earthy skin tone

As you can see, there are many reasons for a dull and gray complexion. Moreover, both women and men can face such a problem. But the methods of fighting for a healthy skin tone will be almost the same for both.

If an earthy complexion is noted in a child, then it is worth checking the condition of his digestive system. Often, the skin tone in children deteriorates due to frequent constipation.

Treatment Methods

It is possible to return an even, radiant shade to the skin of the face only if the true cause is identified and eliminated. After that, the skin condition will return to normal by itself.

But the approach to treatment must be comprehensive. You will need to change your diet and lifestyle. In addition, it is recommended to supplement these measures with external care procedures.


One of the main causes of a bad complexion is malnutrition, in which the body receives less vitamins and minerals that are important for the skin. To solve this problem, you need to review your diet and make it balanced.

The most important vitamins for the skin are vitamins A, E, C, PP and group B vitamins. They are responsible for its elasticity, radiance and even tone.

You can get these trace elements from the following products:

  • liver;
  • red fish;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • avocado;
  • vegetable oils (olive, linseed, corn, etc.);
  • nuts (walnuts, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts);
  • wheat;
  • fish fat.

In addition, vitamins can be consumed in their pure form. To do this, you need to purchase them in a pharmacy in the form of capsules or in liquid form. In the first case, the drugs are taken orally as a food supplement. Liquid vitamins can be enriched with cream and other facial cosmetics.

Folk remedies

Help improve complexion and folk remedies. For this, various herbs are often used that have beneficial properties for the skin.

They can be applied externally or internally.

Decoction of chamomile and calendula

For washing, you can prepare a decoction of chamomile and calendula. These herbs have a beneficial effect not only on the complexion, but also help prevent the appearance of inflammation and comedones.

Decoction Ingredients:

  • 5 tablespoons of chamomile in the form of dry grass;
  • 5 tablespoons of calendula;
  • 1 liter of water.


  1. 1. Mix chamomile with calendula.
  2. 2. Pour hot water over the herbs and close the lid.
  3. 3. Wait 30 minutes for the broth to infuse, and strain the liquid.

Cool the prepared mixture to room temperature and wash it twice a day.

Decoction of sage

Useful for dull skin and a decoction of sage. He calms her down and evens out her tone.

Required Ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons of dried sage;
  • 500 ml hot water.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Pour boiling water over sage and cover with a lid.
  2. 2. Leave the broth to infuse for 1-2 hours.
  3. 3. Then strain it and cool to room temperature.

You need to wash your face with this decoction once a day, in the morning or in the evening.

Lavender infusion

At home, you can prepare a lavender tonic. For this you will need:

  • 50 g of lavender leaves;
  • 100 g of alcohol or vodka.


  1. 1. Put lavender in a container and fill it with alcohol.
  2. 2. Let the mixture brew for several days.

Wipe your face with this tonic twice a day after washing. As a result, the skin becomes smoother and acquires an even, healthy color.

Ice cubes

You can wipe your face with ice cubes. This allows you to narrow the pores, reduce the oiliness of the skin and make it radiant. To increase the effectiveness of this procedure, you can make ice not from ordinary water, but from the above decoctions.

Wipe the face for 5 minutes in the morning and evening after washing. It is important not to linger in one place for a long time, as hypothermia is harmful to the skin.

Aloe juice

You can replace ice cubes with aloe juice. It can be obtained from the fresh leaves of the plant or purchased from a pharmacy.

Using aloe juice as a lotion allows you to brighten the skin and give it freshness.

Each person has their own skin type. A healthy complexion always depends on many reasons and factors: this is nutrition, and nervous appeasement, and the absence of internal diseases. When the color of the skin changes, what does this condition depend on? First of all, one should take into account the fact in which conditions a person lives and works. A fairly common phenomenon is that if the work is associated with the interaction of chemical reagents or other unfavorable substances, then a person has an unhealthy complexion. In addition, the color shade of the skin can often change, if today a person is all right: he slept well, ate well and spent the day in joy and relaxation, then his complexion will shine with health and freshness. But if a person has lack of sleep, he is surrounded by nervous situations, he spends most of the day hungry and bad habits are activated in his life, then a healthy complexion should be forgotten for a long time. If an unhealthy complexion appears, what are the causes of this condition?

yellow complexion

What determines the color of the face? Only on what kind of health a person has, and what lifestyle he adheres to. Many color shades of the face directly indicate what is wrong in the body in humans. When the complexion is yellow, what can it mean?

If a yellow complexion appears, what causes the nature of this condition? First of all, a yellowish complexion in a person can occur due to internal diseases. Most often, diseases of the pancreas, kidney stones, various forms of hepatitis, and blood diseases contribute to this skin color. If yellowish spots appear on the eyelids or on the shell of the eyes, then you should immediately go to the doctor. This condition happens if a person has an elevated level of bilirubin in the blood, which in turn is the main symptom of hepatitis.

It is noticed that the complexion in oncology also begins to change towards yellowness. In some patients, the complexion with this disease becomes gray or earthy.

When a yellow complexion appears, the symptoms of this ailment may also indicate that a person suffers from chronic sleep deprivation, depends on excessive smoking, eats unhealthy foods, leads a sedentary lifestyle, or is overly addicted to the consumption of sugary foods.

Why else does a yellow complexion appear? In some cases, this skin tone does not indicate any ailments and ailments of a person. It happens that yellowness on the skin appears after eating a large number of carrot dishes or spicy Korean salads. Contribute to some change in color on the skin and vinegar, cumin and cumin.

It is important to always remember that when a person's complexion has changed significantly and dramatically, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination of the body and pass a set of appropriate blood tests. In the case when everything is in the required order with the analyzes, then you should carefully review your lifestyle and, possibly, change something in it dramatically.

You can get rid of the yellowness of the skin, if it is not caused by a disease, with the help of masks and mixtures based on natural products. What foods improve complexion? This is, first of all, cucumber, radish, cabbage, chamomile broth, melon, milk. You can use these products both internally and use them as the main ingredient in yellow face care products.

Earthy complexion

When a person has an earthy complexion, this is most often associated with the presence of diseases of the internal organs. If an earthy complexion begins to appear, then an urgent need to visit a doctor. Only in the early stages can you easily get rid of the disease. In general, it is important to know that the skin always indicates that some kind of painful failure is observed in the human body.

If an earthy complexion appears, the causes of this condition may be hidden in something else, for example, excessive alcohol consumption, nicotine addiction, an excess of coffee, strong tea, fatty or spicy foods in the human body.

An earthy complexion should alert a person to the maximum. Such a color scheme most often indicates the presence of serious diseases than an unhealthy lifestyle. An earthy complexion is quite often a sign of a dangerous liver disease.

Pale complexion

When the complexion becomes pale, we often think that the person has become alarmed or has fallen into a bad situation. But a pale face does not always indicate a nervous or emotional shock, if a pale complexion is constantly present, then the reasons may be hidden in more serious signs.

Why is a pale complexion formed? This color cast may indicate heart failure. Ordinary human skin is pink, which means that the blood moves normally and enters all significant organs in the required amount. Pale skin means that the circulatory system is not in the best condition. In addition, a pale complexion can appear due to poor health, lack of sleep, or eating low-quality foods. If you go too far with the use of alcoholic beverages the day before, then in the morning you can also wake up with a pale face.

A gray complexion indicates the presence of chronic diseases in the human body, most often associated with heart failure. When a gray complexion appears, the causes of this condition may also be in the poisoning of the body either with food or with toxic chemicals.

A reddish complexion may appear due to an emotional disturbance, and the indicated complexion also indicates that an infectious disease is present in the human body. If the latter has overheated the body, then the face will also acquire a reddish color.

When it is noticed that an uneven complexion appears, what to do in this case? First of all, a beautiful complexion can only be in those people who are completely absent in the body of severe and chronic diseases. Therefore, in order for your face to be uniform in color, you need to visit a doctor, check your body and get rid of the ailments that have appeared as soon as possible. Then you should completely rebuild your entire lifestyle and remove the negativity present from it.

A complete and healthy diet is the key to a healthy complexion without foundation. Fresh vegetables and fortified fruits will take care of a perfect and even complexion on their own. If you drink a glass of kefir or any other fermented milk product every day, then the complexion will not only improve significantly, but the whole skin will shine with a blush and health. Mandatory and appropriate skin care. Remember that you can achieve the desired beauty only through the integrated use of products and products for internal and external health.