Felt snake. Felt snake. Master class with step by step photos. How to sew a New Year's toy Snake with your own hands

Not far off the New Year. It is worth thinking about gifts for the holiday and decorating the interior in advance, postponing these classes for later, often many wonderful New Year's ideas cannot be realized in the pre-holiday fuss.

The snake is the patroness of the approaching 2013, so on the eve of the holiday, store shelves will burst with all kinds of products with her image. But there is an opportunity to create a Snake yourself, which you can’t buy in any store!

MirSovet.ru offers to sew a very spectacular coral New Year's snake from felt with your own hands, such a soft toy will decorate your home or serve as a wonderful gift, and even novice craftswomen will be able to work with felt.

Materials needed for sewing a New Year's Snake

For work we need:

  • red and white felt
  • black and red floss threads,
  • thin eye needle
  • small black beads
  • 2 faceted black beads,
  • 2 "silver" bead holders,
  • scissors,
  • transparent glue "Moment Crystal",
  • cardboard,
  • a sheet of office paper or a regular notebook,
  • simple pencil,
  • any synthetic filler (for example, holofiber).

How to sew a New Year's toy Snake with your own hands

First, we will make a sketch of our future Snake soft toy on a notebook piece of paper. In order for the Snake to look realistic, let's draw large wave-like bends of the body.

Our Snake will be striped, so let's conditionally divide its body into segments, and number every second segment. So it will be more convenient to make a pattern.

Now let's prepare patterns for toy parts made of cardboard. To do this, cut out the snake figure along the contour, which we depicted earlier on a notebook sheet, attach the blank to a sheet of cardboard and circle it. This will be the body detail of the Snake. After that, cut out the numbered segments and also transfer their images to cardboard. For convenience, it is also better to number the details of the cardboard segments. It remains to cut out the detail of the forked tongue. This is how the prepared cardboard patterns of parts look like:

Using the patterns, cut out the felt pieces: 2 red body pieces, 13 white segment pieces, and 1 black tongue piece. We will cut out the felt parts of the segments and arrange them according to the numbers, so as not to confuse them later.

Now let's start sewing our soft New Year's toy Snake. To begin with, we will glue white segments on one of the red parts of the Snake's body in the order in which they were numbered. Since these parts will later be sewn on, for fixing it is enough to apply one drop of glue to the middle of each part of the segment.

When all the white details of the segments are glued, we overcast each of them with a buttonhole seam made with a black thread in two additions. We sweep only two edges of each part, so that the looped seams form transverse stripes on the body of the Snake. For additional decoration of the seam, when performing each stitch, we will string a black bead on the working thread.

Let's make our Snake eyes. To do this, we bring a working thread to the front side of the body part and put a holder and a black faceted bead on it, after which we bring the working thread to the inside of the part through the hole in the holder. For better eyelet fixing, you can repeat this procedure several times.

It remains only to sew the details of the body of the New Year's Snake. Glue the black part of the tongue to one of them. We connect both parts of the body and overcast them with a buttonhole seam, made with a red thread in two additions. As the parts are sewn together, we fill the Snake with synthetic filler.

The finished New Year's toy Snake looks very impressive, like a living representative of this order of animals.

Felt snake. Master class with step by step photos

New Year is not far off. And as this wonderful holiday approaches, we are increasingly thinking about what gifts we will give to our relatives, friends and acquaintances, how we will decorate the interior and create a festive atmosphere in the house.
I propose to sew a small, but very effective felt Snake.

It can be presented as a New Year's souvenir, or simply put under the tree as a talisman, because the Snake is the patroness of the next 2013.
So, for work we need:
sheets of felt in dark green, light green and bright red colors;
cardboard for creating patterns;
holofiber or other synthetic filler;
fishing line, 0.2 mm thick;
floss threads of light green color;
beads of dark green and light green colors;
light green curly sequins;
2 small faceted black beads.

First, we will make a pattern of parts from cardboard. There will be only two of them: a detail of the body of the Snake in the form of a spiral and a detail of the mouth. The dotted line in the photo shows a line that conditionally divides the part of the mouth into two halves.

Now we will cut out the details from felt: one each gave a body of dark green and light green colors and one red part of the mouth.

Our Snake should sparkle no worse than a New Year tree. Therefore, we will decorate its upper dark green part with beads and shiny sequins, armed with a needle and thin fishing line.
First, sew on the sequins. To do this, we bring the needle to the front side of the part, string a sequin and one dark green bead on it, and then through the hole in the sequin we bring the needle back to the inside of the part. We tighten the loop, fixing the sequin and bead.

We sew sequins at some distance from each other, laying out a zigzag pattern. So the finished craft will look more voluminous.
Now let's sew on the eyes. This time we fix the sequins with faceted black beads.

The next step will be sewing on the details of the mouth and modeling the muzzle of the Snake.
First, conditionally dividing the part of the mouth in half, we connect one half of the red part with the light green lower part of the body, overcasting them with a buttonhole seam with a light green thread in two additions.

In the same way, we sew the upper half of the mouth part and the upper dark green part of the torso. Just before each stitch, we string a light green bead on the working thread.

When the mouth part is sewn, we fill the sewn parts with holofiber.

With a light green thread, we continue to perform a buttonhole seam with beads strung on a working thread, now connecting the details of the body. It is most convenient to perform seams simultaneously on both sides of the body, gradually filling the figure with holofiber. Thus, we sew the details of the body from the head to the tip of the tail.

That's all. Simple work, however, gave an excellent result - a bright, sparkling Snake is ready to welcome the New Year 2013.

According to the eastern horoscope, the symbol of the approaching 2013 will be the Black Snake. So you need to start taming this by no means the cutest animal now. You can, of course, try to make friends with a live snake. But it is much safer and more pleasant to deal with a warm and soft snake made of felt. We offer you a master class, following which you can easily get a felt snake.

To make a cute fun Black Snake out of felt you will need:

Black, hot pink and white felt
a sheet of thick paper to create a pattern,
glue "Moment Crystal",
floss threads in black, white and hot pink colors,
thin fishing line
thin eye needle
chameleon beads,
raspberry sequins,
a small piece of narrow satin ribbon,
filler - siliconized sintepuh.

Felt snake: master class

To make a snake, you need to create a pattern. To do this, cut out the details of the body and the eye of the Snake from cardboard. The back of the body is solid, and the front consists of two parts: the head and the tail, moreover, the tail part has a small seam allowance in the place where the head part will be attached.

Using cardboard patterns, cut out elements from felt: from black - 1 part of the back of the torso and tail and 2 parts of the pupils, from white - 2 parts of the whites of the eyes, from hot pink - 1 part of the head.

Glue the details of the whites of the eyes to the details of the head. And then secure them with a “forward needle” seam, made with a white thread in two additions.

Now glue the black details of the pupils and fix each detail with a “French knot”, also made with a white thread in two additions.

To make the eyes look more voluminous, sheathe them along the edge with a black thread in two additions with a decorative seam “back of the needle”. Sheathing the eyes, embroider cilia to the Snake.

In the same way, embroider a mouth and a forked tongue from felt for the Snake.

Designate the nostrils with two "French knots", also made with a black thread in two additions.

Then decorate the snake tail. Embroider it with sequins and beads using a fishing line and a needle with a thin eye. Secure each sequin with one bead.

Now, using glue, connect the parts of the tail and head. Glue a loop of satin ribbon to the part of the head from the wrong side if you are going to hang the felt snake somewhere.

Fold together the parts of the back and front of the torso of the Snake. Connect them by overcasting a buttonhole with a bright pink thread in two additions. I recommend starting to sew a looped seam from the junction of the head and tail. As you stitch the parts, gradually fill the figure with sintepuh.

Sew around the bottom of the head piece where it attaches to the tail piece.

The cute Black Snake made of felt is ready!

With a set of such pendants of snakes - you can decorate the Christmas tree. With one snake - decorate a bottle of champagne on the festive table. In addition, a felt snake can be used as an interior decor, a gift decoration, and even as an ordinary handmade toy for a baby. Let the coming year 2013 be sure to be successful for you!