Insomnia in pregnant women in the second trimester what. Insomnia in pregnant women in early and late periods. What should not be done and consumed by pregnant women with insomnia

You are exhausted, exhausted, but still you cannot sleep. Nightfall becomes torture. A cozy bed, a soft pillow... Previously, you only had to get to the bedroom, put your head on the pillow - and... it seems that in a second, an impudent alarm clock pulled you out of the arms of Morpheus, announcing the onset of a new day. And now the bedroom has turned into a torture chamber, and the treacherous god of sleep has completely forgotten about you - he probably flew off to beauties who were not burdened by a grown belly. But normal sleep is now doubly necessary for you: you are responsible for that tiny person whose existence so far depends entirely on you - on how you feel, what you eat and, of course, how you sleep; your insomnia will certainly not do him good ... Growing anxiety, fear of insomnia increases nervous tension, and it becomes even more difficult to fall asleep - a vicious circle is obtained, and you are in despair: what can be done to break it?

Loneliness (those who are nearby are now with their dreams, and not with you) and fear of an endless sleepless night - is this situation familiar to you? Let's talk about how to overcome it. First of all, about loneliness: I must say that in fact you ended up in a rather crowded company - millions of women are with you: according to statistics, 78% of pregnant women experience sleep problems. How to get rid of fear? Do not worry, calm down - all these standard recommendations of doctors are not so easy to implement. It seems to me that knowledge of the causes of insomnia and an understanding of the processes that are happening now in your body will help you here. And from considering the causes of insomnia, our conversation will naturally move on to the most diverse ways to overcome it - there are a whole lot of them in the arsenal of mankind, it cannot be that nothing suits you.

Causes of sleep disorders in pregnant women

For many women, insomnia begins already in the first trimester of pregnancy, some doctors even tend to consider sleep disturbances as one of the signs of pregnancy. In the second trimester, sleep usually returns to normal, but in the last three months before childbirth, insomnia is one of the most frequent and serious complications of pregnancy. Doctors, talking about the nature of sleep, usually say that insomnia is not a disease, but a symptom, an external manifestation of some processes taking place in our body. To defeat insomnia, you need to try to find out what these processes are and how you can neutralize their inevitable side effects.

Hormonal changes in a woman's body can lead to insomnia at the very early stages: for example, during pregnancy, the level of progesterone and a number of other hormones rises. Mobilizing forces for carrying a pregnancy, they also bring the body into a state of "combat readiness" and sometimes simply do not allow to relax.

As the pregnancy progresses, there are more and more reasons for insomnia. The causes of sleep disorders in pregnant women can be physiological:

    Difficulties in finding a comfortable position (increased weight and a grown belly make this process very difficult);

    Pain in the back and lower back;

    fetal movement;

    Frequent nighttime urge to urinate (the enlarged uterus presses on the bladder, now it needs to be emptied much more often);

    Heartburn (disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are generally characteristic of pregnancy);

    Cramps (especially often pregnant women complain of leg cramps);

    Itching in the abdomen due to stretching of the skin;

    Shortness of breath (increased body weight makes breathing difficult, in addition, the uterus presses on the lungs);
    and psychological:

    Chronic fatigue;

    Nervous tension, stress (fear of upcoming changes, anxiety for the child, fear of childbirth);


Any of these reasons is quite enough to deprive a woman of sleep, and most often they are also combined! Select from this list what is relevant for you, and move on to the next section of the article - tips on how to deal with insomnia. I want to warn you right away: you should not even try to follow the entire rather large list of tips that are given in it! Try to choose only what suits your case, what you personally like. If one recommendation does not help, try another. Each situation is individual, each woman needs to choose her own method, her own combination of techniques. Think of these recommendations not as medical advice (“Do it this way, and nothing else!”), but as friendly advice (“Why don’t you try this one too? If that doesn’t work, we’ll think of something else!”) .

How to deal with insomnia during pregnancy

You need to start the fight for a good night's sleep ... in the morning! After all, the duration and quality of our sleep is largely determined by the correct mode and our behavior during the day. Try to adhere to the following recommendations:

    Avoid overvoltage. The fatigue accumulated during the day does not always lead to sound sleep, sometimes it turns out that after a hard day you are simply unable to relax.
    Try not to go into the bedroom too often during the day. The sight of a bed that reminds you of a night of torment can increase your fear of insomnia, making it even more difficult for you to fall asleep at night.

    If during the day you are used to sleeping for a while, try to give up this habit for a few days or at least reduce the time of daytime sleep - maybe nighttime sleep will be restored.

    If you are having nightmares 1 , about which you then cannot forget, in the morning or in the afternoon talk about them with a loved one (husband, mother, girlfriend). Psychoanalysts consider the discussion of night dreams to be a very effective means of overcoming fear of them: firstly, loved ones will try to calm you down, and most likely they will succeed, and secondly, by putting into words the vague visions that tormented you, you yourself will find that there are special reasons for no fear.

    During the day, find time and opportunity to do simple exercises that are within your power. Swimming, hiking and even dancing are considered very useful (in the latter case, of course, it all depends on the duration of pregnancy and your well-being).

    Your body must get used to the fact that the bed is only a place for sleeping: get out of the habit of lying in bed - you should not read, watch TV, etc. while lying down.

In the evening, about two hours before bedtime, start preparing for the upcoming night to be calm and peaceful. Experts talk about sleep hygiene, which includes a number of activities:

    Do not eat heavy meals shortly before bedtime: on a full stomach, you will toss and turn until the morning.

    Do not assign to the evening cases that require physical and intellectual effort.

    Avoid emotional tension and stressful situations during this period of the day (do not appoint unpleasant conversations and stormy explanations for the evening, ask relatives and friends not to call you in the evening and, of course, do not watch action movies and thrillers at night).

    Take a warm bath or shower before bed. You can add a decoction of chamomile or a few drops of some aromatic oil (for example, lavender) to the bath - this will help you relax.

    Try to drink less in the evening (making sure that the total daily fluid intake is 6-8 glasses), this will help you cope with the cause of insomnia, the need to empty the bladder frequently.

    Before going to bed, drink a cup of warm milk (if you don't like the taste of milk, you can add cinnamon, a little honey or sugar) or herbal tea (in this case, chamomile is often recommended, which has a relaxing effect). But the usual tonic tea (not to mention coffee!) Should be abandoned. By the way, milk contains tryptophan, which can be called a mild natural sleeping pill - this substance has a calming, sedative effect.

    You can eat a small sandwich with boiled turkey before going to bed (the meat of this bird is also rich in tryptophan).

    If you feel weak, dizzy in the evening, your heart rate increases, perhaps the cause of your insomnia is hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). In this case, sweet tea, juice, or just a piece of sugar can help you (and be sure to tell your doctor about these symptoms so that he confirms or refutes this diagnosis and takes appropriate measures).

    Before going to bed, apply lotion to the skin of the abdomen, this can prevent itching.

    Ask your husband or someone close to give you a massage before going to bed: it will give you the opportunity to relax, relieve back and lower back pain, foot and ankle massage will help to avoid cramps. Shiatsu acupressure can also be effective, if someone in your family owns his technique, why not try it.

    It is possible that homeopathic remedies properly selected by a specialist will help in the fight against insomnia.

    To help some people sleep... sex. If you have no medical contraindications to having sex, you feel the desire and you know that usually after sex you are sleepy - why not?

But now the nightly ritual of preparation for sleep is completed, and you are already in bed. What to do at night so that a longed dream flies to you?

    First of all - try not to be nervous, not to think that you will not be able to fall asleep, this will only worsen the situation.

    IN bedroom it should be cool (however, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia of the legs - you can sleep in socks). If it is not possible to sleep with an open window, you need to ventilate the room well before going to bed.

    Night cloth(shirt, pajamas) should be comfortable, made from natural materials, not restricting movement and breathing.

    It is best to sleep on a comfortable mattress. Find out what is right for you - maybe a duvet cover, maybe a embossed mattress with a surface that resembles egg cartons, or maybe, on the contrary, it will be easier for you to sleep on a hard surface and you just need to put boards under the mattress.

    A pregnant woman needs a lot to sleep pillows(at least 3) of various shapes and sizes. Well, if you manage to get a special pillow for pregnant women - it has a wedge shape and is specially designed to put it under the stomach. After giving birth, you can use it while breastfeeding. Pillows can be placed under the side, under the neck, clamped between the legs; you can cover the entire mattress with pillows - such an improved bed will better take the shape of your body.

    Look for a comfortable posture in which you could sleep. You will not be able to sleep on your stomach and on your back - which means you will have to lie on your side (some doctors believe that it is better on the left - this increases blood flow to the uterus). Put one pillow under your stomach, squeeze the other between your knees, if your back and lower back hurt, you can tuck another pillow under your side. Sometimes women are advised to sleep in the fetal position (it is unnecessary to remind how physiological it is, I will only say that, by stimulating blood circulation, it contributes to the maximum relaxation of all muscles). You can put an extra pillow under your head - in some cases, this not only makes breathing easier, but also proves to be an effective remedy for heartburn.

    It is possible that aromatherapy will help you. A drop of lavender oil can be useful not only in the bath, but also in bed.

    If you haven't been able to fall asleep within half an hour, get up, go to another room, leaf through a magazine or read a book that can induce sleep, start knitting, listen to soothing music, and go to bed only when you feel sleep approaching.

And, of course, one cannot ignore the issue of sleeping pills, which is quite painful for pregnant women. Sleeping pills, like many other drugs, in your situation it is better, of course, not to use. Doctors strongly insist that you should not resort to sleeping pills in the first trimester of pregnancy, when there is an active formation of embryonic tissues, and in the future they are unlikely to recommend that you take such drugs without sufficiently serious reasons. In any case - remember: under no circumstances make an independent decision on the use of sleeping pills! Even if you already resorted to it before pregnancy. Even if your pregnant friend drank it. Even if it was advised to you by a compassionate saleswoman from a pharmacy kiosk. The decision to use sleeping pills can only be taken by a doctor!

Good sleep is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle for any person. For women in an interesting position, this moment is especially important. The state of fatigue, weakness of a sleepy mother will negatively affect the well-being of the baby. That is why it is especially important to fight insomnia during pregnancy.

Causes of insomnia during pregnancy

Before choosing methods of getting rid of the disease, you should understand the reasons that could cause it. They differ at different stages of pregnancy.

  1. In the first months, hormonal changes in the body occur. The level of progesterone in the blood increases significantly. And this component is responsible for the safety of pregnancy. However, the products of its processing have an unusual effect on the mother's condition. They can simultaneously be excellent antidepressants and become the root cause of insomnia.
  2. Psychological aspects are related to the ladies' concern about their new status and upcoming changes in the family. Overwhelming thoughts about the upcoming birth, the expected child do not allow you to sleep peacefully. Often, depression and sleep disturbances can be observed in women who are faced with financial difficulties or pregnancy, which they did not plan.
  3. Insomnia in the first trimester may appear due to somatic disorders. The appearance of toxicosis, frequent awakenings at night due to the need to visit the toilet interfere with proper rest.

After some time, after the body gets used to the new status, the condition of the future mother returns to normal.

In late pregnancy, insomnia again reminds of itself. Only now the reasons lie in the physiological discomfort. Sometimes a woman cannot fall asleep, simply because she cannot choose a position that is comfortable for herself. Pain in the lower back, aggravated in a horizontal position, shortness of breath interfere with a good rest.

Faced with such problems, do not fall into despair. There are many effective and safe ways to cope with insomnia.

  1. For those who have problems with nighttime sleep, it is better to refuse daytime sleep altogether. It is enough to just lie down for 1-1.5 hours at lunchtime, disconnecting from any thoughts.
  2. In order to sleep well at night, you need to give the body the opportunity to get tired during the day, but not much. Any physical activity will do (walking, simple exercises), the main thing is that it falls in the first part of the day. The body, excited before going to bed, will calm down for a long time and will not be able to fall asleep quickly.
  3. In the evening, the manifestation of any emotions should be excluded. Urgent problems try to solve in the afternoon or postpone them until tomorrow. In no case, before a night's rest, do not arrange a showdown with loved ones, because adrenaline is the enemy of a restful sleep.
  4. Do not engage in intense mental activity before going to bed. Avoid reading serious literature, solving complex problems. It is better to enjoy quiet calm music.
  5. Often the cause of insomnia or disturbed sleep can be overeating at night. The last meal should be taken three hours before rest. If you can’t cope with the feeling of hunger, then you can have a snack with food that is easily digestible (eat fruit, drink a glass of kefir or milk).
  6. Often the cause of poor sleep is frequent visits to the toilet at night. To avoid this, it is recommended to drink less after 16-17 hours.
  7. Walking outdoors is a great way to relax. In addition, a warm shower has an excellent calming effect on the body, it should be taken 20 minutes before bedtime.
  8. Perhaps the reason for the violations lies in the features of the bed. Therefore, you should carefully consider whether it meets the necessary requirements, whether the pillow is too soft or hard, whether the blanket is warm enough.
  9. Aromatherapy is an excellent way to improve your night's sleep. It is enough to put a small cloth bag with hops, lemon balm, thyme, pine needles, geranium grass, etc. sewn into it at the head.
  10. Before going to bed, you can do breathing exercises. Thanks to her, there is a chance to get rid of shortness of breath, which interferes with sleep.

For a quiet, full-fledged night's rest of a pregnant woman, the bedroom environment is especially important. There should be no equipment in the room. It is necessary to ensure that the air temperature is comfortable, not too low and not too high. Before going to bed, it is recommended to ventilate the room. It is better to go to bed in pajamas made of natural fabric. This also applies to bed linen. To find a comfortable position for yourself, pregnant women need at least three pillows.

Many people have a habit of sleeping on their stomach. During pregnancy, this method will have to be abandoned. The expectant mother should rest on her back, but the best option is on her side.

Traditional methods of getting rid of insomnia

  1. While carrying a child, a remedy made from radish, turnip or beetroot juice with honey will help correct sleep disorders. A small recess is made in the vegetable, into which a small spoonful of honey is laid out. After a few hours, the juice that forms there should be drunk.
  2. Herbal tea made from mint, lemon balm, chamomile, licorice, thyme will help solve the problem of insomnia. But you will have to refuse to take funds based on hops, since this plant is harmful to pregnant women.
  3. If you drink warm milk with honey before going to bed, then you may not have to toss and turn from side to side for a long time, trying to fall asleep to no avail.

It is important to remember that all substances that enter the body of a pregnant woman will definitely end up in the baby through the umbilical cord.

Sleeping pills for insomnia in pregnancy

Important! No sleeping pills can be taken without the consent of the doctor, especially in the first trimester, when the tissues and organs of the embryo are being formed. Yes, and in the later stages without good reason to do this is not worth it.

The fact is that such funds can have a negative impact on the emerging baby. In addition, accumulating in the body, they can provoke dysfunction of the kidneys and liver.

The insomnia that accompanies early and late pregnancy is a kind of training before a future birth. As soon as the long-awaited baby is born, you will have to forget about problems with sleep disorders for a long time.

Video: pregnancy insomnia

Pregnancy proceeds in different ways, during this period women expect difficulties. Many complain that they have unreasonable insomnia during pregnancy, because of this weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, and generally poor health.

Bearing a fetus causes a restructuring of the hormonal background, a full sleep at such moments is simply necessary. If you do not get enough sleep periodically, do not rest during the night, irritability, nervousness, exhaustion of the body will appear over time, which negatively affects the development of the baby. Such a condition is dangerous, capable of provoking psychological and physical problems, so insomnia must be fought.

Types of insomnia during pregnancy

Depending on what particular night time poor sleep, or its complete absence, insomnia is conditionally divided into three types:

  • Evening (starting). Sleep does not come, the woman tosses and turns in the evening, turning from her back to her side. For hours he lies without closing his eyes, scrolling in his head what happened during the day, what will happen tomorrow. Usually a woman at such moments immediately feels that she will not be able to fall asleep, sleep will not come.
  • Loss of sleep state. In the evening, as if nothing had happened, the pregnant woman falls asleep. She sleeps calmly, it would seem that nothing worries her, does not bother her, but after a certain time, she wakes up. She just opens her eyes and it's like she hasn't slept at all before. It’s impossible to sleep until the morning, someone manages to sleep for two hours, for someone a little more - 5, 6 hours during the night.
  • The final phase of morning insomnia. It's dawn, the night ends, it was not possible to fall asleep, in the morning drowsiness does not occur. There is a feeling of weakness, lethargy, weakness. Sometimes, on the contrary, in the morning there comes a strong drowsiness, which is very difficult to fight.

When carrying a fetus, expectant mothers most often complain of evening insomnia. They complain that the very state of pregnancy, discomfort, and a big belly prevent them from falling asleep. Sensation of fetal movements. Regardless of which type of insomnia progresses, the unpleasant phenomenon must be dealt with, properly and adequately rested. It is believed that during the day you need to sleep at least 10 hours, so "lack of sleep" must be compensated for at other times, for example, in the morning or afternoon.

Causes of insomnia during pregnancy

The anxiety caused at night, first of all, is of the nature of the internal state of a woman. No matter how it looks from the outside, the future mother, somewhere inside herself, deeply worries in her soul, constantly thinks about the future. Many cannot get used to their position at all, hence the nightly torment. Analyzing the general condition of women at a particular stage of development of the gestating fetus, there are several reasons that cause sleep disturbance during pregnancy:

  • hormonal failure caused by ongoing slow changes in the body;
  • emotional overstrain, nervousness;
  • physical discomfort associated with the development of certain diseases (heart, digestion);
  • mental disorder;
  • severe pregnancy;
  • development of chronic pathologies;
  • discomfort provoked by an uncomfortable bed, coming sounds, noise, from the included light;
  • the room is stuffy, hot, cold, too humid air, dampness, dust;
  • at night a lot is eaten, tonic drinks are drunk;
  • a woman has been taking some medications that affect sleep for a long time;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • sleeps a lot during the day;
  • the sides hurt from what is constantly lying in front of the TV, lying down reading.

Along with this, other single factors can be noted that can excite the nervous system and cause insomnia, for example, frequent viewing of horror films. Restless work activity, unsettled family life.

Poor sleep during pregnancy in the first trimester

Most women sleep poorly during pregnancy due to hormonal changes in the body. Usually, this is noted in the early stages, attributed to the first signs of an "interesting" situation.

This phenomenon provokes anxiety, discomfort of night rest. There is heartburn, shortness of breath. The frequency of changing the position of the body causes lumbar pain, cramps of the limbs. All this leads to chronic fatigue, lethargy. Terrible thoughts come to mind, fear of the upcoming birth. At such moments, women are irritable, prone to nervousness, prone to stress. Some people aren't happy with what's going on.

In the second trimester

Closer to the second trimester, the main cause of insomnia remains the emotional imbalance of a woman. Anxiety increases, and with it irritation. Women, while contemplating the upcoming events of motherhood, still remain restless. It is not possible to rest properly at night, household issues capture the excitement.

The bulk of women complain of superficial sleep, too sensitive state in a dream, a clear perception of what is happening around. The stomach, as a rule, does not interfere with sleep yet, but the tension is growing. Given the characteristics of pregnancy, sleep disorders may be associated with them.

In the third trimester

Bad sleep in the third semester provokes nightmares. Some are tormented by dreams about the upcoming birth, obstetricians. Restless sleep provokes profuse sweating, a woman in a dream seems to be experiencing a parallel reality, waking up in sweat, complaining of chills and discomfort. This happens as a result of the mental state of the pregnant woman at this stage, fears, fear of the upcoming birth. Constantly thinking about the future, many do not fall asleep under such emotional influence, especially during pregnancy, because there are other unpleasant factors in family life.

Physiological causes of poor sleep are beginning to emerge. The uterus in the third trimester is already significantly enlarged, the stomach becomes quite large. Difficulties arise with how to lie down comfortably, especially on the 8th, 9th month. Lying on your back is uncomfortable, and in some cases generally undesirable. The fetus puts more and more pressure on the bladder, provoking frequent urination. It becomes difficult to breathe, as the fetus squeezes the respiratory organs. There is increased sweating, fever.

The child increasingly begins to move, the movement is more and more painfully reflected by discomfort, even pain in some organs. In addition, if the fetus becomes very active during sleep, you need to change the position of the body, since, most likely, the woman lay down uncomfortably and the child is uncomfortable, something is squeezing him.

What to do

Understanding that it has not been possible to fall asleep as it should be for a long time, the state of sleep deprivation is chronic, you need to learn how to control your sleep. It is important to understand that it is impossible to treat the phenomenon in this position, take some drugs (sleeping pills) too, even if you constantly took them before pregnancy.

First you need to visit your doctor, consult, tell how the phenomenon manifests itself, which worries you. Together with a specialist, try to find out the cause of the phenomenon, and only after that he will tell you what to do. Sometimes, in extreme cases, it is permissible to prescribe a certain number of drugs in order to improve the condition of the body, to return the lost sleep.

  • In such cases, it is recommended to drink soothing decoctions prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs: valerian, mint, chamomile, thyme, motherwort, licorice. Dry components must be steamed, brewed strictly following the manufacturer's recommendations. With a bad reaction to decoctions, stop taking it.
  • It is necessary to eat little in the evening, trying not to overload the stomach, which provokes poor sleep during pregnancy. Include fresh salads, radishes, black currants, asparagus, beets, melons in the menu, it is believed that these products contribute to sound sleep. In general, reconsider your daily diet.
  • Eliminate the use of tonic drinks, especially at night. In general, drink less liquid so as not to increase the urge to go to the toilet at night.
  • During the day, and especially in the evening, do not worry, do not get annoyed, avoid stressful situations. In general, a person “torn apart” by the evening will rarely be able to sleep peacefully, and even more so in this state.
  • If in the late afternoon the heartbeat begins to increase, shortness of breath appears, it is enough to drink a mug of sweet tea, but warn the doctor about such symptoms, especially if they are constant. Most likely there is a lack of sugar in the body, hence the reasons.
  • It is useful to eat a spoonful of natural turnip juice shortly before bedtime. They cook it simply, squeeze the turnip into pulp, add an equal amount of honey there. Insist a couple of days before taking, store in the refrigerator.
  • Take a contrast shower shortly before rest. Warm up your feet in warm water.
  • In the morning you need to get up earlier, walk more in the fresh air, move, do not lead a passive lifestyle.

Faced with restless sleep, insomnia, you need to think about whether the pregnant woman has the right lifestyle in general. Perhaps a woman sleeps a lot during the day, gets up late in the morning. Perhaps, in general, throughout the day, a woman is inactive, passive, practically does not spend energy during the day, so sleep does not go.

Creating a favorable atmosphere

Only in the most favorable conditions, a night's rest will be useful and comfortable. Therefore, before going to bed, you need to:

  • ventilate the room;
  • put on appropriate pajamas so that it is not hot or vice versa not to freeze;
  • it is convenient to put pastel accessories, purchase a special orthopedic pillow for pregnant women;
  • It is better to turn off the light, the room should be calm and quiet.

Lying down in bed, you need to emotionally tune in that today's sleep will be good, try to fall asleep.

In general, when a woman, deciding to give birth to a child, is emotionally correct, she doesn’t worry about anything, she doesn’t have problems with sleep, but if the expectant mother increasingly complains about poor sleep, then you need to tell the observing specialist about it. Why a pregnant woman can’t sleep at night, no one will immediately say, sometimes even a series of tests may be required to understand.

Often, a specialist who observes pregnancy advises to seek help from a psychologist, neurologist, somnologist and other doctors, who, after finding out the cause of anxiety, can establish a normal, full-fledged night's sleep. However, the problem becomes more serious when other symptoms of a slowly developing pathology appear along with nocturnal insomnia. That is why such a phenomenon cannot be delayed. You should not deal with it yourself, in any case, you must first consult a doctor.

Can insomnia be pregnancy related? Does insomnia occur during pregnancy? And if so, what is insomnia during pregnancy - a norm or a pathology? Should this phenomenon be treated? There are a lot of questions related to sleep disorders during childbearing. Let's try to understand this issue.

ICD-10 code

G47.9 Sleep disorder, unspecified

F51.0 Insomnia of non-organic etiology

G47.0 Disorders of initiation and maintenance of sleep [insomnia]

Causes of insomnia during pregnancy

Perhaps the most common cause of sleep disorders during pregnancy is significant hormonal changes in the female body. Now the body spends most of its forces and energy on the preservation and development of the embryo. As a result, many natural processes are disturbed, including the ability to sleep.

There are many other reasons why you can’t relax and fall asleep:

  • the need for frequent visits to the toilet (due to the increasing pressure of the uterus on the bladder area);
  • the appearance of heartburn (due to possible malfunctions in the digestive system);
  • the appearance of heaviness and pain in the spine caused by the weight of the growing body of the child;
  • periodic movements and tremors of the child in the abdomen;
  • discomfort due to the inability to determine the sleeping position;
  • nocturnal seizures that occur due to increased stress on the vascular system of the lower extremities;
  • difficulty breathing in the later stages due to pressure from the uterus on the diaphragm;
  • sensation of itching on the abdomen due to excessive skin tension;
  • emotional instability, nervous overload, which are provoked by constant tension of the nervous system;
  • a change in the nature of dreams, due to all the same experiences and fears.

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Insomnia as a symptom of pregnancy

Manifestations of insomnia can be detected already in the first weeks of the gestation period. Indeed, many experts tend to consider this symptom as one of the signs of an "interesting situation." Insomnia in the early days of pregnancy can be replaced by drowsiness, which is associated with large hormonal changes.

Of course, during the period of gestation, the need for a full and high-quality sleep only increases. A woman just needs to get enough sleep to replenish the energy lost during the day: after all, the body of a pregnant woman actually works “for two”. However, changes in the amount of certain hormones affect the activity of the brain, which sometimes makes it difficult to fall asleep, or the process of returning to sleep after getting up at night to need it or to drink a glass of water becomes more difficult.

Despite the fact that many doctors describe insomnia as a sign of pregnancy, it must be understood that this is far from the only, much less the main symptom of this condition. Therefore, you should not make hasty conclusions: donate blood for β-hCG or take a test: these indicators will be more accurate.

Insomnia in early pregnancy

According to statistics, insomnia in the early stages occurs in every second pregnant woman. Such a state can be formed both as a result of a hormonal surge, and as a result of new emotions and experiences for a woman.

There are several types of insomnia:

  • the starting onset of insomnia - you go to bed, look for a comfortable position, toss and turn, but at the same time you cannot fall asleep for hours. Perhaps you think a lot about your condition, worry, analyze. All these thoughts haunt you even at night;
  • median insomnia - here you can fall asleep, most likely without difficulty. However, during the night you often wake up, the sleep process is periodically interrupted. In the morning after such a dream, you are unlikely to feel a surge of strength, vigor and energy;
  • the final form of insomnia - you fall asleep without problems, you seem to be sleeping soundly, but closer to the morning hours, sleep is taken away. It seemed, why not sleep, because before the morning rise there are some 2-3 hours left. But the dream is gone, and all attempts to return it are futile.

It is noticed that insomnia in the first trimester of pregnancy is just the second or third type. The state of lack of sleep is also complicated by the fact that, along with insomnia, a woman begins to suffer from toxicosis, which makes sleep even more unstable.

Insomnia in the second trimester of pregnancy, as a rule, passes, giving a woman some "breathing space".

However, sleep disturbance at the beginning of pregnancy is much less common than in the third trimester.

Insomnia in late pregnancy

The third trimester period is the period of time from 26 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. During this time, the uterus is constantly increasing, its muscular system is preparing for contractile activity. Sometimes a woman can already notice the appearance of cramping conditions. Such moments pass without a trace and should not be disturbed if there are no secretions and severe pain, otherwise it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

In the later stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother feels more and more tired, it becomes uncomfortable to be in bed. This becomes one of the causes of night sleep deprivation: an enlarged stomach, swollen sensitive glands interfere. How to lie down so that it is comfortable for both the woman and the unborn baby?

Insomnia in the third trimester of pregnancy forces the expectant mother to look for the best and most comfortable positions during the night's rest. The best position for sleeping in the later stages is the position on the side. Moreover, resting on the left side of the body, you will facilitate the outflow of blood from the lower extremities (through the vena cava), and the position on the right side facilitates the renal function. For greater comfort, it is recommended to put a roller or pillow under the knee. There is also a special pillow for use during pregnancy: it helps to support an enlarged belly and quickly determine the correct position.

Sleeping on your back may seem more comfortable at first. However, afterwards you will feel quite significant discomfort. In this position, the uterus puts more pressure on the diaphragm, bladder and vascular network: this affects the respiratory system, makes you get up more often to the toilet. Pain in the spine appears, varicose veins and hemorrhoids may worsen.

Insomnia at 32 weeks pregnant

By this time, the baby in the mother's tummy turns its head down. This gives the woman additional discomfort: the child kicks and behaves quite actively. In addition, during this period, cramping spasms of the muscular system of the uterus, reminiscent of labor pains, can already be observed. Sleep at 32 weeks restless and unstable.

Insomnia at 33 weeks pregnant

Due to the enlarged belly, part of the internal organs of the expectant mother is displaced. The child during this period can already hear and even react in the womb to the voice of the mother. Therefore, if the baby behaves restlessly and does not let you fall asleep, talk to him: there is a high probability that the child will hear the mother's voice and calm down.

Insomnia at 34 weeks pregnant

With the onset of 34 weeks, a woman may be especially worried about chest pains: in this way, the mammary glands are preparing for the upcoming lactation. In addition to pain and possible signs of toxicosis, the expectant mother may also experience psychological discomfort. First of all, she may be visited by thoughts about the danger of premature birth, about the health of the child, about the upcoming changes in life principles. During this period, the support of relatives and friends is very important for a woman.

Insomnia at 35 weeks pregnant

This week is considered the most “heavy” in the full sense of the word: the expectant mother adds the maximum number of kilograms this week. Constant fatigue and nervous tension only intensify, and it is hardly possible to rest both in the daytime and at night. An enlarged belly makes it almost impossible to get enough sleep. In addition, the pressing effect of the uterus on the bladder forces you to go to the toilet almost every half an hour. Tip one: watch the amount of fluid you drink, especially at night.

Insomnia at 36 weeks pregnant

Breathing becomes easier due to the physiological lowering of the abdomen. There is a feeling of heartburn and shortness of breath. The number of visits to the toilet does not decrease. Perhaps the appearance of pain in the pelvic zone, which is associated with the preparation of the bone pelvic region for the upcoming birth. Negative dreams may occur, provoked by frequent thoughts about the possible outcome of pregnancy. In addition to an enlarged abdomen, edema also interferes, appearing even in those women who have never suffered from them in their lives.

Insomnia at 37 weeks pregnant

At week 37, hot flashes, excessive sweating, especially at night, may disturb. Childbirth is approaching, and with them the fear of the upcoming birth is growing: but now it can happen at almost any moment. All this takes away peace and sleep, one can only dream of a good rest. Although resting at this time is recommended most of all: before giving birth, you need to gain strength.

Insomnia at 38 weeks pregnant

The time for the onset of labor is inexorably approaching. It is extremely difficult for a woman to move around and even more difficult to sleep. Many attribute this to the inconvenience in choosing a sleeping position, as well as the fear that labor is about to begin, because the number and frequency of false contractions are increasing.

Insomnia at 39 weeks pregnant

Week 39 - the time of lack of sleep and overwork. The lower abdomen hurts, the pressure of the fetus increases. There is practically not enough strength for anything, it remains only to wait for the moment of the onset of labor. To improve sleep and stabilize the nervous system, it is recommended to be distracted: read literature for expectant mothers, look through magazines, choose things for the baby. Remember: your unnecessary worries and fears are transferred to the child.

Insomnia at 40 weeks pregnant

As a rule, many women at this time are already in the hospital. The rest are patiently waiting for the X time. The child no longer shows such activity as before, so it does not often bother. There may be pain along the spine and in the limbs, the perineum and lower abdomen also hurt. The most important point in this period is to control yourself, not to succumb to emotions and panic, in any doubtful situations you should consult a doctor. Insomnia at 40 weeks can become almost chronic. If you are unable to sleep in any way, then at least just relax while sitting in a chair.

Insomnia in the last weeks of pregnancy makes a woman tired and uncollected. Of course, this is not entirely good can affect the child. The severity of the enlarged abdomen, convulsive muscle twitches, swelling, shortness of breath, heartburn and physical activity of the child, frequent urge to urinate - how to fall asleep with all this? However, for the health of the unborn baby and for your own health, you need to learn how to fall asleep, rest and gain strength. After all, the birth of a child is ahead.

Treatment of insomnia during pregnancy

What to do with insomnia during pregnancy?

We will give you some tips on how to deal with insomnia during pregnancy. We will be glad if any of the tips help you.

During the day:

  • do not waste your energy, take care of yourself. Do not think that if you get tired, you will sleep better - sometimes a too busy hard day does not allow you to relax in the evening;
  • give up the habit of taking a nap during the daytime. Most likely, this will help restore the quality of night rest;
  • if you are not allowed to sleep in negative dreams, share them with your beloved husband or girlfriend. According to psychologists, this helps to get rid of even the most terrible nightmares;
  • during the day, try to do simple exercises or attend yoga classes for pregnant women, you can just take a walk in the fresh air;
  • do not lie in bed all the time: you can only spend the night there. Move to the sofa, chair, sit, walk, but just do not lie in bed.

Toward evening, you should begin early unhurried preparation for a night's rest. What does it consist of:

  • try not to eat up at night, and also do not drink a lot of liquid so as not to run to the toilet;
  • do not plan for the second half of the day cases that may require mental or physical exertion;
  • scandals and unpleasant meetings should be avoided, as well as watching horror films and action films;
  • just before going to bed, it is recommended to take a warm shower;
  • light an aromatic lamp with a relaxing scent of lavender or mint;
  • before going to bed, drink some warm milk with a spoonful of honey or chamomile infusion;
  • lubricate the skin on the abdomen closer to the night with a special oil or cream for stretch marks - this will prevent nighttime itching;
  • you can ask your loved one to give you a relaxing massage of the collar zone, feet and legs. This will help you calm down and get ready for sleep;
  • consult your doctor about the possibility of using homeopathic medicines;
  • be sure to ventilate the room shortly before bedtime; in the warm season, you can sleep with an open window;
  • if you use pajamas, then it should be as comfortable as possible and not contain synthetics;
  • the quality of the mattress, the number and height of the pillows also play a big role. Of course, the ideal option is a special orthopedic mattress and pillow for pregnant women;
  • sometimes an additional high pillow is required - for heartburn and to combat shortness of breath;
  • Try not to sleep on your back and especially on your stomach. The best position, according to doctors, is the “fetal position”;
  • If you can't fall asleep within 30 minutes, don't force yourself. Walk around the apartment, look through a magazine, turn on soft music until you really feel like you still want to sleep.

A good remedy for insomnia during pregnancy is natural honey. In moderation, it will not harm either you or your baby, and it will also help relieve tension and anxiety before bedtime. How can it be used?

  • Mix a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of natural apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Before going to bed, it is enough to take a sip of such a drink in order to sleep well (for heartburn and high acidity, such a recipe cannot be used).
  • Drink warm milk or chamomile tea with honey.
  • Eat a spoonful of honey mixed with walnuts before going to bed.

Since the use of any medication during pregnancy is contraindicated (including for insomnia), you can try the following methods:

  • open a bottle of valerian tincture and inhale the vapors of valerian for several minutes;
  • lubricate the temple areas with lavender oil.

Never take medicines and medicinal herbs without consulting your doctor. By doing this, you risk harming not only yourself, but also the unborn child.

Prevention of insomnia during pregnancy

First of all, you should not expect the obligatory arrival of insomnia with pregnancy: fortunately, not everyone has it, and, perhaps, it will bypass you. Think only about the good, about your future happiness - a child, and about your friendly family.

Try to change your location during the day, do not sit in one place for a long time. If you work, get up from your workplace at lunchtime, take a walk, go to a cafe. The same can be done in the evening. And taking a walk right before bed is one of the best ways to prevent insomnia.

Attend gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga, sign up for a psychological training or a seminar for expectant parents. Get distracted and don't let yourself get hung up on possible problems. Remember what you dreamed about, what you would like to learn. Perhaps you wanted to learn Chinese or learn how to play the tom-toms? While your baby has not yet been born, but you have already gone on maternity leave, you will have enough time to fulfill your dreams.

Switch to a healthy diet, eat more fruits and vegetables: firstly, it will relieve you of constipation, secondly, it will serve as a good prevention of stretch marks, and thirdly, your unborn baby will definitely like fortified food, and he will certainly be born strong and healthy.

Live with positive thinking, think only about good things, enjoy life. Only under such conditions, insomnia during pregnancy will not overshadow your happy life period.

Insomnia in the first trimester of pregnancy: causes of insomnia in the early stages, what to do?

Most women rejoice when they find two stripes on the test instead of one: the expected event has happened, the time will soon come to master a new role - the role of a young mother. But along with the joy, some unpleasant emotions can also visit the expectant mother, in particular, irritation, apathy and a feeling of powerlessness. Often the mood becomes unstable, "jumps", the feeling of happiness is replaced by incomprehensible melancholy and indifference. Blame, of course, in the first place, the "dance" of hormones, inevitable in this case. Insomnia during early pregnancy can also add fuel to the fire - it torments many women who are preparing to change their social role. In the later stages, the symptoms of sleep disturbance (dyssomnia) are noted by many women, and they are due to physiological reasons:

  • growth of the uterus;
  • weight gain;
  • increased load on everything.
  • Causes of dyssomnia in pregnant women
  • When does insomnia begin in expectant mothers
  • Can insomnia be the first sign of pregnancy?
  • Causes of early insomnia in the 1st trimester
  • Types of night sleep disorders in pregnant women
  • What to do
  • How to help yourself fall asleep on your own

Causes of sleep disorders

Similar phenomena are observed starting from the second trimester. But what causes night sleep disturbances in the 1st trimester?

After all, nothing significant, it would seem, is happening yet. All changes take place at the cellular level - in the first weeks, the unborn baby is just a conglomerate of a certain number of cells, and neither the woman herself nor those around her still know that the greatest miracle - the birth of a new life - has already happened. Meanwhile, in the body of a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester, colossal changes are made, which, of course, play the role of a stress factor. This is one of the causes of insomnia. Let's take a look at others.

When does pregnancy insomnia start?

If you are not yet sure that the pregnancy has taken place, and are not yet in a hurry to take a test or take hCG, but at the same time you notice that your night's sleep has become worse, this is a reason to be wary.

  • puffiness;
  • an increase in the circumference of the abdomen;
  • and sleepiness during the day and difficulty falling asleep at night.

All this is the “tricks” of progesterone. If the pregnancy has taken place, in the early stages there is an increased production of progesterone, and the lack of a normal night's sleep and lethargy during the day are the first signs of hormonal changes in the body. Can insomnia be a sign of pregnancy? Of course, especially if it is accompanied by drowsiness during the day. The body seems to "confuse" the time of sleep and wakefulness. At the beginning of pregnancy, expectant mothers often cannot fall asleep for a long time in the evening, and in the morning they simply cannot be roused from bed. It may be the opposite phenomenon: you really want to sleep during the day or in the evening, after returning from work.

Causes of insomnia in the 1st trimester

Why is sleep disturbed in the first days? Causes of insomnia in early pregnancy include:

  • the already mentioned increased production of the "pregnancy hormone" - progesterone;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • explicitly ;
  • unstable mood.

Progesterone helps the functional layer of the endometrium to become more lush and "comfortable" for the attachment of the embryo. But at the same time, it contributes to the development of increased fatigue, a decrease in concentration, and a violation of the normal cycle of night sleep.

Women from the first weeks of gestation notice that they wake up at night to visit the toilet - the bladder is actively working under the influence of hormones. And then it is difficult to fall asleep, the brain has already rebuilt to wakefulness.

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach, nausea - all this can also cause sleep to "run away" from you. In this case, to cope with the problem, it is necessary to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract. What you can drink when symptoms of dyspepsia appear - a gynecologist will tell you, who may send you for a consultation with a narrow specialist - a gastroenterologist.

As for the emotional instability of a pregnant woman, increased anxiety caused by thoughts of future changes, novopassitis or persen will help here - an excellent and safe tool for normalizing the emotional background.

Types of sleep disorders in pregnant women

Insomnia in the 1st trimester of pregnancy can manifest itself in different ways:

  • you cannot fall asleep at night, but during the day you fall asleep in any situation and even in a standing position;
  • you fall asleep as soon as your head touches the pillow, but wake up before dawn and cannot sleep again;
  • you sleep soundly, but regularly wake up from terrible dreams, as a result, you feel overwhelmed in the morning.

It is worth treating each of these disorders, because lack of sleep provokes a decrease in immunity, reduces resistance to diseases, and even provokes uterine tone.

Insomnia in early pregnancy: what to do

Worried about insomnia during early pregnancy? First, you should make sure that this is not an early sign of any disease, but one of the symptoms of the onset of gestation.

You should contact your gynecologist with your problem. He will advise what can be taken and how to overcome insomnia without harm to the mother and child. You can turn to homeopathic remedies if your doctor does not mind.

Calming drugs: Valerian; Novo-Passit, Persen - are not recommended for use during gestation due to the lack of sufficient data on their safety for the baby. If you feel the need for medical adjustment of the condition, contact your doctor and discuss the possibility of prescribing Magne B-6.

At the end of the day, you can drink a glass of warm milk with honey - it relaxes and sets you up for a sound sleep.

At home, you can get rid of insomnia in the following ways:

  1. Try to go for a short, leisurely walk before bed.
  2. Before going to bed, ventilate the room well.
  3. Arrange your bed comfortably: let the pillow be small and soft, and the bed itself be quite rigid, not bending.
  4. Brew yourself a glass of tea with lemon balm or St. John's wort. Only you need to drink it not at night, but a couple of hours before bedtime.
  5. Avoid taking coffee and green tea in the evening.
  6. Read a good book.
  7. Learn the shallow breathing technique. Change from fast breathing to breathing with a 20-second delay. Concentrate on the process of breathing, think only about how you breathe, discarding all other thoughts.

Often, sleep is disturbed in the very first weeks after conception - that is, at 1 - the development of the embryo, when it is just fixed in the uterus. At this, she becomes slightly ill. At this time, do not allow severe fatigue, overwork, eat honey before bed, learn to tune in to complete relaxation - this way you will save energy.

Over time, the body will adapt to the changes, and sleep will improve. You just need to help yourself survive the first difficult period, protect yourself from unnecessary stress and worries.

Little advice to pregnant women: read fairy tales. They will help to calm down and tune in to the good and bright. Remember how well you fell asleep at the age of five under your mother's fairy tale, and try to “dive” into childhood again. Have a nice sleep!

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Insomnia during pregnancy