Biogel for strengthening and building nails at home. Biogel nail strengthening technology step by step instructions. Biogel nail coating: technology and video training

Not every representative of the beautiful half of humanity can boast of naturally beautiful and healthy nails. You can solve the problem with the help of artificial nails. Not all of them are safe, and some even have a frankly detrimental effect on the already fragile nail. Fortunately, the cosmetology industry does not stand still and the usual varnish is being replaced by modern, and fortunately affordable methods, and materials for a beautiful manicure - gel, biogel.

You can make a beautiful manicure at home. Of course, not everything is as easy as it seems initially, but by showing maximum desire and patience, a little practice - and you are your own master of manicure and pedicure.

What is biogel, the composition of biogel for nails andwhat is it for

Biogel is a soluble polymer based on the resin of South African thick trees. Sufficiently durable and at the same time elastic material that retains the properties of the gel and varnish at the same time. It is used for artificial modeling and strengthening of the nail plate. Thanks to proteins (their content reaches up to 60%), the biogel has a beneficial effect on the nails and has a healing effect.

The natural composition of the biogel nourishes the nails, eliminating softness and brittleness. The nails become healthier, look neater and the growth process accelerates. The porous structure of the biogel allows air to pass through well, and protects the nails from dust particles and dirt.

The methodology of nail extension using biogel is recognized as the safest among all known today. Bio-coating is a great way to restore the naturalness of your nails after artificial ones.

Types of biogel and their cost

Today, far from one type of biogel is known, retaining the main quality characteristics that differ in cost.

Transparent biogel

Main purpose transparent gel consists in therapeutic use and is used as a base or base for a varnish coating. It is characterized by a soft action and the ability to eliminate microcracks. It takes 2 minutes to dry. Doesn't have extra shine.

Color biogel

Color biogel- a more practical and independent type of gel. More popular than clear for solid color finishes or designs. It is not subject to cracking, works great on the nail and is perfect for doing a manicure at home. It is applied in two coats, so it dries longer. There are enamel and mother-of-pearl shades.

Basic biogel

Basic biogel- used to enhance the adhesion of colored and modeling biogel, as well as gel polish with nails. Before applying the base biogel, it is recommended to prepare and degrease the nails, and then apply a thin layer of the gel on the entire nail and let it dry for about two minutes. in UV lamp

Sculptural biogel

Sculptural biogel- opaque, natural shade. It is used in modeling and nail extension. Perfectly strengthens the nails and eliminates brittleness. Designed for aquarium manicure design. The strength and elasticity of the sculptural biogel is provided by shellac extract.

Royal Sealer

Main purpose Royal Sealer- to give shine, it can be transparent and colored. Transparent goes as a fixer for French and French manicure. You can bleach your nails at home, the bluish tint perfectly neutralizes the yellowness of the nails and removes the grayness.

S biogel

S biogel- This coating is considered hard and is suitable for building long nails. Completely independent, not requiring fixing and other additional means. Nails are strengthened due to the rigidity of the S gel itself, and not due to beneficial substances.

UV - biogel

It is good to use in summer. UV Gel perfectly protects nails from the harmful effects of the sun. It has a brightening effect on the nails and protects the cuticle from injury and dryness. Apply over base.

How to choose and which biogel is better for strengthening nails

Only a professional can understand the variety of nail coatings, but what should we do for beginners and those who want to make a beautiful manicure at home?

  • carefully read the composition of the biogel - the absence of a hard gel as one of the negative components speaks in favor of this manufacturer. The hard gel depletes the microstructure of the nail plate.
  • it is better to take the whole set - base coat, design gels and solvents from one trusted manufacturer and one series - this is an additional guarantee of high-quality manicure.
  • pay attention to the price and do not chase cheapness. Well-known brands will not risk their name and add low-quality components for the sake of reducing the cost of their goods, which cannot be said about firms specializing in fakes of famous brands.
  • it’s good when the composition is additionally fortified - retinol (A), tocopherol (E), pantothenic acid (B5) and calcium (Ca) help strengthen, eliminate brittleness and prevent delamination of nails.
  • formaldehyde, toluene, dibutyl phthalate, phthalate, methyl methacrylate are enemies of nails. It is better to refuse such a varnish containing these substances, since you can cause serious damage to your own nails and then restore their natural structure for a long time.

What is the difference between biogel and other types of coating

Biogel differs from other types of coatings in its healing properties that positively affect native nails, significantly improving their condition. The purpose of other gel polishes is only to build up and create a specific design. Persistent, beautiful manicure without harm to health - this is the power of a new innovative coating, which is biogel.

Biogel strengthens nails and encourages their growth, while other types of gels thin the nail plate. The nails are protected from UV radiation, dirt, frost, but at the same time they breathe under the biogel, while other types of coatings completely block the access of air to their nails, which destroys their natural structure.

When covering the nails with biogel, it is not necessary to cut off the top layer of the nail plate, but only to easily remove the gloss and treat it with an acid-free primer. Bio manicure is not as durable as acrylic nails, but looks much more natural and neat.

A new manicure is applied immediately after removing the previous one, the nails do not need to rest.

Acrylic and gel polish completely fill all the microcracks of the nail and are difficult to remove and injure it, the protein in the biogel resin creates a protective film, thereby preventing deep penetration of the gel, while holding well, does not crack or chip.

The pattern applied to the biocoat can be changed as often as you like, all you need to do is remove the top color pigment with an acetone-free product without affecting the base coat itself and apply fresh.

Biogel is a natural material and does not contain harmful components present in other coatings.

What is better biogel or shellac

Many are faced with a choice - which is better biogel or shellac? Both methods are aimed at modeling and creating a unique durable manicure design and are similar to each other.

Both are considered quite safe, durable and wear-resistant - you can do up to three weeks without correction. Shellac and biogel are breathable and allow the nails to breathe, without toxins, easy to remove without damaging the nails. Nails after these products look aesthetically pleasing, natural and well-groomed.

Biogel coating data:

  • do not crack and do not fade for 2-3 weeks;
  • have a pleasant shine, do not scratch;
  • dry under a UV lamp;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • easy to remove;
  • do not contain harmful components.

But the existing differences will still help you decide:

  • price - shellac is cheaper than its competitor;
  • shellac is used only for decoration, biogel helps to model the shape of nails, strengthen and restore them;
  • shellac is more resistant to household chemicals, that is, you can use cleaning products and detergents at home without fear for your manicure;
  • Biogel is afraid of the aggressive effects of these agents.

Having a manicure made by one of the listed coatings, it is advisable not to contact with acetone-containing products.

Extension or strengthening of nails with biogel

With the help of biogel increase and strengthen nails. But if any biogel is suitable for strengthening, then only S-gel is suitable for building. It will not be possible to create a manicure of any length with the help of biogel. This coating allows you to increase the length of your own nail by just a few millimeters. If the goal is long, then it is better to use other types of coatings.

The main purpose of the biogel remains to strengthen and protect the nails from the harmful effects of the external environment, to nourish and saturate with vitamins.

Cons and pros of biogel

Biogel has certain advantages and disadvantages.


  • natural components of the biogel strengthen, nourish and restore the nail plate;
  • the native nail is not subjected to filing before applying this gel, and therefore is not injured;
  • nails retain their flexibility due to the elasticity of the biogel;
  • absence of foreign smell characteristic when working with acrylic coating;
  • easily removed without damaging the surface of the nails, which makes the removal procedure more pleasant in comparison with acrylic nails;
  • manicure looks very attractive and natural;
  • the gel evens out the nail surface and lays down evenly;
  • allows his nails to breathe, so they grow and do not deform under a layer of biogel;
  • for a new decor, it is enough to remove the top colored layer and reapply the one you like;
  • ease of application and high resistance and scratch resistance;
  • does not cause an allergic reaction, due to the natural origin of its components;
  • suitable for women in an interesting position and nursing mothers, as well as allergy sufferers;
  • does not require additional time to restore their nails and can be applied regularly.


  • susceptible to deformation from exposure to chemicals, acetone, alkaline and alcohol-containing agents;
  • deteriorates from prolonged contact with water, so protective gloves are necessary when doing housework;
  • inferior in strength to other types of coatings (acrylic).

What you need to work with biogel at home, tools

To work with biogel at home, you will need a high-quality set of tools and gel from base to finish.

For self-application of biogel, prepare:

  • a set of manicure brushes;
  • nail files and buffs;
  • lamp with UV radiation or LED;
  • degreasing primer for reliable bonding of the coated nail;
  • set of biogels including base, finish and desired shade;
  • adhesive remover;
  • cuticle oil;
  • wipes that do not leave lint;
  • orange tree sticks to remove cuticles.

The main rule is that it is better to purchase all materials from a reliable manufacturer and disinfect the entire instrument before starting a manicure.

Application technique, biogel coating for strengthening nails in detail, step by step

The biogel application technique plays an important role. Failure to comply with the rules, even with high-quality material, does not guarantee the durability of such a manicure. A master who values ​​his name and clients will definitely follow all the stages of working with this bio-coating. Moreover, the coating of nails with biogel is not only a unique decor, but also a useful restorative procedure.

Stages of applying a biogel coating to strengthen nails, steps:

  • prepare the nails and give them the correct shape, gently push back andcarefully remove the cuticle;
  • lightly sand the surface of the nail for better adhesion to the gel;
  • apply a disinfectant to polished nails;
  • for even application, be sure to degrease and dry the nails;
  • apply a thin layer of base coat, without affecting the cuticle and dry;
  • cover a thin layer of colored or transparent tone, dry;
  • apply decor with a picture, rhinestones, stickers, silk, pictures;
  • seal everything with a finishing layer, dry;
  • remove stickiness and treat the cuticle with special oil.

How to apply biogel to strengthen nails at home, the nuances

It is not difficult to grow and strengthen nails with biogel at home, but it is still important to observe some nuances:

  1. before work, treat tools and pens with an antiseptic solution;
  2. when removing the cuticle, do not use nippers, in order to avoid injury and inflammation;
  3. it is better to apply the base stepping back 1 mm from the cuticle, this will preserve the quality and extend the life of your manicure;
  4. nails need to be degreased, this will allow the biogel to be evenly distributed over the entire surface and last longer;
  5. for the convenience of drying, first process four fingers, and then a large one;
  6. for a more saturated shade, the color gel can be applied in two or three layers;
  7. choose the decor for your style of clothing or a win-win classic jacket;
  8. dry each layer from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, taking into account the recommendations of the manufacturer.

Do I need a base for biogel

Do I need a base for biogel - an individual question. The condition of native nails plays a decisive role. On dry, flaky nails, it is better to apply a base coat first, it creates a protective barrier between your nail and the gel, and the process of removing the manicure will not create any problems. The base is applied with only one thin layer. On healthy, strong nails, the base can be omitted.

Biogel for nails under gel polish

You can use biogel for nails under gel polish as a base. Biogel is also used under ordinary varnish, but in this embodiment, the duration of the manicure will not be more than three days. When removing the varnish, the base coat itself will be damaged, because a liquid with acetone is used to remove it, contact with which the biogel is so afraid.

The best option would be gel polishes and S-gel.

Using biogel for pedicure

It's not just your fingernails that need to be looked after, your toenails deserve attention as well. As for manicure, you need to choose high-quality coatings that perform not only a decorative function, but also a healing one.

Before covering the toenails with biogel, you must also go through all the preparatory stages, as with manicure, that is:

  • give the nails the desired shape;
  • lightly treat the surface with a polishing buff;
  • apply foundation and let dry under a UV lamp;
  • make a decorative coating;
  • apply a finish coat;
  • remove the sticky layer;
  • treat the cuticle with oils.

How to remove the biogel, detailed instructions

How to remove the biogel correctly, detailed instructions will help:

  1. soak cotton pads in biogel remover;
  2. fix them around the nails with a regular patch;
  3. wrap each nail with foil;
  4. withstand up to 15 minutes;
  5. remove the foil and cotton wool;
  6. remove the softened gel.

Cotton pads can be cut in half, if there is no patch, adhesive tape will do.

Remove the remaining gel with an orange or simple wooden stick, then be sure to apply a moisturizer to the nails and cuticles. If there is no remover - a professional biogel remover, take nail polish remover. No need to scrape or file off the gel with a nail file, and even more so try to tear it off your nails yourself. This can severely damage the nail plate, after which it will take considerable time to restore it.

The video offers detailed instructions on how to strengthen nails with biogel

When a deficiency of vitamins, minerals or other substances occurs in our body, our marigolds immediately react to this. They become brittle, flaky and begin to grow poorly. But you always want to have a beautiful manicure, regardless of our internal health. Therefore, in such situations, experts recommend biogel. What is this product? And how can you use it?

Biogel is a completely new and safe cosmetic product, which is quite often used by beauty salon masters. It is necessary to distinguish between a gel for lengthening the nail plates and a biogel, which is used to treat damaged nails. Unlike the first, the second does not contain harmful substances that can have a destructive effect on the nails themselves.

It contains plant components - protein (occupies a large part) and teak resin. It is they who help strengthen nails and. After all, protein is a real building material for our body, which makes up muscles, hair, skin and, of course, nails. And the resin helps to activate the processes of regeneration of damaged cells, which gives quick visible results when using the biogel.

All those women who regularly use this product claim that it allows not only to improve the condition of the nails themselves, but also the skin and cuticles, which gives the hands a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.

You will not succeed in preparing the biogel yourself, no matter how hard you try. It is prepared according to a complex technology that requires the use of special equipment. Therefore, if you want to carry out the biogel nail strengthening procedure at home, then you will have to purchase a ready-made product.

Varieties of biogel for nails

- the procedure is not easy, especially if it is carried out using biogel. It is important to choose the right product here. Biogel can be of different types:

  1. Transparent. As a rule, specialists use such a biogel as a base coat. It has no color, and therefore requires application on top of the main layer. But it should be noted that such a gel has a significant advantage - it dries in just a couple of minutes, levels the surface of the nail plate, heals microcracks and saturates the nails with useful micro and macro elements.
  2. Sculptural. This type of biogel has a silky structure and a color close to the natural color of the nail. It helps to moisturize and nourish the nail plate. It is often used to build up the free edge of the nail plate, but in this case it necessarily requires the use of a protective composition.
  3. S-coating. Very thick gel. It is used mainly to lengthen the free edge of the nail plates. It does not require the application of additional compositions for fixing. It should be noted that it does not contain useful substances, but its density allows you to protect your nails from negative environmental factors, which makes them much stronger.
  4. Color biogel. Has a wide range of colors. It is applied to the nail plates in two layers. It contains useful substances that help strengthen the nail plates. Used instead of conventional varnishes.

It is quite possible to carry out this procedure on your own. But before telling how it is carried out, you must first say what you need to strengthen the nails with biogel. And for this you need the following tools:

  • the biogel itself (which one will be used depends on your preferences);
  • cuticle oil;
  • nail file (it is better to use disposable);
  • foil.

As for cuticle oil, here you can use both a professional product and various vegetable oils (olive, peach, castor, etc.), which can also be mixed with essential oils (ylang-ylang, jojoba, etc.). ).

Salons also use a UV lamp. It is required for fast solidification of the gel. But if you don't have one, then it's okay. We will now consider a step-by-step instruction for strengthening nails with biogel without using this device.

Instructions for the use of biogel

Before proceeding with the application of the biogel on the nails, they should be prepared. For this you need:

  • remove old varnish;
  • move the cuticle away from the nail plate;
  • remove all dirt under the nails;
  • shape the free edge of the nail;
  • smooth the surface of the nail plate with a nail file;
  • buff nails with polishing paper or cloth.

It should be noted that it is impossible to do a trimmed manicure immediately before applying the gel. If there is a need for it, then it should be done 24-36 hours before the biogel nail strengthening procedure.

After you have prepared your nails, they should be applied with a brush one layer of transparent gel. He needs to give a few minutes to harden. If you want to make a colored manicure, then you should apply a layer of colored biogel on top, wait a couple more minutes and apply another layer. If you don't want to use colored gel, just apply another coat of clear gel on your nails after the first one has dried.

As soon as each finger is processed, foil caps should be put on them. This will help the gel absorb faster and give it the desired shape when it dries.

It should be noted that the second layer of gel dries much longer than the first. Therefore, if you do not have a UV lamp, try not to do anything with your hands for the first 30-40 minutes so that the gel sets well. Well, if you have a UV lamp, then dry your nails in it (this will take 3-4 minutes), after which you can safely proceed to your household duties.

  1. Before you start this procedure, we advise you to watch a thematic video that clearly shows how to strengthen your nails with biogel.
  2. Remember that all tools used during the procedure and the hands themselves should be treated with a disinfectant.
  3. Some women who have already resorted to the help of biogel more than once recommend using not a gel, but an ordinary colorless varnish as a base coat. So the drying time of the gel is significantly reduced. Otherwise, the layers become very thick and the time for their complete drying without the use of a UV lamp increases significantly.
  4. In the event that you have no idea at all about the procedure, then you should attend manicure courses, but not as a student, but as a model. This has several advantages - you can visually see how the gel is strengthened, and at the same time you will be given the procedure completely free of charge.
  5. It should be noted that it is impossible to use biogel in the presence of psoriasis and other similar diseases.

By performing the biogel nail strengthening procedure correctly, you will not only be able to make a beautiful manicure without the help of a master, but also significantly improve your nails!

Video about strengthening nails with biogel

Our nails are the very first to react to a lack of useful trace elements and vitamins in the body: they exfoliate, crack, break. We suggest considering how nails are strengthened with biogel, step-by-step instructions on how to create a design at home, as well as the cost of the procedure in a beauty salon.

What is biogel for?

Bio-gel is a brand new tool that is used to create beautiful nail designs, strengthen and restore them. The main feature of the formula is that, unlike other products that are actively used to create manicures, extended nails, etc., this product consists of natural ingredients, 2/3 of protein and the base is teak tree resin.

Strengthening natural nails with biogel is the safest and most effective procedure of this kind, many reviews claim that in addition to the plate, the condition of the cuticle and the skin around the nail also improves, the growth of the plates is significantly accelerated and the color changes for the better.

Both at home and in beauty salons, the procedure is performed only with professional tools that can be bought in specialized stores, on the official websites of manufacturers or by visiting professional salons and manicure studios. They are represented by companies such as BBS, Biosculpturegel, Calgel, Ibd (IBDi), Lazar, Gel Ljve, Soak, Nobility, Opi Nails, San Planet, Bio Sculpture and others. The Shillak company does not lag behind in this area, it produces biogel, which is used to create not only a colored manicure, but also a very stylish jacket that supports the overall structure of the nails.

Gel types

There are several types of bio-gel:

  1. Transparent biogel(Bio Sculpture gel). It can be used as a base coat, it should be noted that the gloss of such a base is not bright, so it is customary to apply the main layer on top of it. The main advantage of this type of product is that it dries in 2 minutes, heals microcracks and helps strengthen the plate. Photo - Nail design over colorless biogel
  2. Sculptural biogel known for containing silk extracts that increase its elasticity and durability. It has an opaque, natural color that looks very natural and is mainly used to "sculpt" the free edge of the nail. It helps to strengthen the nails, moisturize the plate, makes long nails become not only strong, but also elastic, flexible, this type of varnish is widely used in the aquarium design technique.
  3. Royal Sealer biogel - this nail preparation is designed to give shine to the finished manicure, it can be both colored (for example, in the photo) and transparent, which is used to fix the classic jacket. This unique remedy will help whiten nails at home, the natural color of the drug is bluish, which almost completely neutralizes the yellow and gray shades of nails.
  4. S-cover- This is a rigid biogel, which is used for extension with elongation. This composition is not used as an additional substance, does not need to be fixed, it is a completely independent composition. It strengthens nails not due to nutrients, but due to its strong base.
  5. UV biogel- this tool is used and recommended mainly to strengthen the plates in the summer, the sun's rays also negatively affect the nails, under direct light they become thinner and deteriorate. The procedure will take 40 seconds, this varnish is applied on top of the base coat, helps to lighten the nails, protect the cuticle from dryness and cracks.
  6. colored biogel is used more often than transparent, the latter is only appropriate in combination with any color, while color is a completely independent tool. We recommend buying a set, then you will have a choice. It is necessary to apply color compositions in two layers, they dry longer, but are more practical, have a better effect on the structure of the plate and do not crack. Photo - Color biogel

Video tutorial on how to strengthen nails with biogel

Step-by-step instruction

We offer you our master class on how to strengthen nails with biogel at home and what you need for the procedure.

First, let's deal with the tools and means. We will need: biogel, nail file, cuticle oil, foil. If you have a UV lamp, that's great, but in principle, you can do without it. Each technology is unique in its own way, we will look at the easiest way to make nails a little stronger.

  1. Polish your nails, smooth the surface with a nail file, lubricate the cuticle with oil, wipe the surface of the plate well with polishing paper or cloth;
  2. Apply 1 thin layer of transparent gel, leave it to cure for 2 minutes;
  3. If necessary, apply colored biogel on top. Next, you can apply a second layer of color, or a fixer. After that, we attach a “cap” of foil to each finger, which will help the varnish to be better absorbed, leave for another minute.

Photo - Using nail foil

This is quite enough to saturate the nails with natural ingredients found in teak resin.

Good to know:

  • Before nail strengthening, biogel correction, etc. will be carried out independently. we strongly recommend watching a thematic video or step-by-step photos of the process;
  • All instruments must be sterile clean;
  • The women's forum advises, if necessary, to cover the nail plates not with a base gel, but with a simple transparent varnish;
  • If you are completely inexperienced, then find a salon on the Internet that needs a model for a free session. There are two benefits here at once: You will learn how to do a manicure, and you will have this aesthetic procedure free of charge;
  • The procedure also has disadvantages, such strengthening will be harmful immediately after building, it is not recommended to use it for fungi, nail psoriasis and other diseases;
  • To buy quality materials, visit only official shopping centers (it can be an online store, a special cosmetic department store, etc.), be careful, there are scam ads at every turn!

What is biogel? Bio gel for nails is related to gels for nail extension, with it you can adjust the shape and thickness of the nail plate. Otherwise, this is a product of a completely different format, which is aimed primarily at strengthening nails.

Strengthening natural nails with biogel: pros and cons

Biogel should be used if:

  • you have a thin nail plate;
  • you do not have enough time to constantly perform a manicure;
  • you love the natural look of nails - without a thick layer of material;
  • you want to make your nails healthier and stronger.

Now let's talk about the cons, because many are interested in whether biogel is harmful to nails. The biogel itself is not harmful, but the liquid with which the material is removed is comparable in terms of harm to ordinary nail polish remover with acetone.

Strengthening nails with biogel. Making French step by step

To strengthen your nails you will need:

  • Biogel transparent;

  • TNL, Biogel pink camouflage;
  • PNB, Gel paint 01, white;
  • buff;
  • tassel;
  • degreaser;
  • primer;
  • UV or LED lamp;
  • lint-free wipes.

When everything is ready, you can proceed to the procedure itself. It is best if each nail is processed in turn, except for the first point.

  1. Before applying the biogel on the nails, they need to be prepared: first sand them so that the surface of the nails is even and better bonded to the material.
  2. Moisten a cotton pad with a degreaser and wipe the nail with it - this will degrease the nail plate and at the same time prevent the development of bacteria and fungi.
  3. Then apply a primer so that the biogel lasts the prescribed 2 weeks.
  4. The next step is the application of the biogel itself. To do this, you need a flat brush of medium width. Dip the brush in a transparent biogel, remove the residue and cover your nails with it.
  5. Now put your nail in a UV or LED lamp for 1-2 minutes depending on its power.
  6. Then you need to apply a camouflage biogel on the nail - a pink base shade for French manicure and dry it again in a lamp.
  7. The next two steps are the hardest and most interesting. Let's make a smile. Take a white gel paint and draw white stripes on the free edge of the nail, holding the brush straight. The result will be 4-5 short strips, depending on the width of the nail. You don't need to draw the arc right away.
  8. When the stripes are drawn and look like one solid line, align the line in the shape of an arc by drawing a clean brush perpendicular to the base of the nail.
  9. Dry the nail in a UV / LED lamp for 1-2 minutes.
  10. Now the “smile” needs to be repeated - made even brighter. Like the first time, make some white lines on the free edge of the nail, and then draw a smooth arc from them.
  11. Finally dry the aligned nail in the lamp.

Fortification is ready! After that, you can perform a gel polish coating and design.

How to remove biogel from nails?

To remove biogel from nails, use a special biogel remover. Each company has its own product, which corresponds to the structure of the produced gel. Some girls replace this remedy with regular acetone nail polish remover, but in some cases it may not be effective. Therefore, we recommend giving preference to a special tool.

Nail design with biogel

Nail design with biogel can be completely different. The above option - French - is the most versatile, suitable for any style of clothing and makeup. It looks natural due to the thin layer and flexibility of the biogel.

Options are also possible with full painting of the nail with colored varnish. Remember that nail polish remover containing acetone dissolves the gel, so if you decide to remove only the nail polish, then use an acetone-free thinner.

How long does biogel stay on nails?

The above method of applying the biogel will help your manicure last for about 3 weeks, but given that the nail grows, the real wear of such a manicure is about 2 weeks.

Now you know how to apply bio gel for French and strengthen nails.

We wish you successful work!

Best regards, imkosmetik online store

Biogel for nails is not just a care product, it is a salvation for exfoliated, thin, brittle nail plates. Its use allows you to protect the nails from negative factors of influence. Due to the presence of a durable coating, the nails manage to recover, over time they acquire a healthy appearance. Most importantly, the use of biogel is allowed for pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who suffer from allergies. Before using, you need to find out what a nail biogel is, how it differs from similar gel-based coatings, in what varieties it is on the market.

Biogel for nails - what is it?

Biogel is a special type of coating for manicure purposes, developed on the basis of components of natural origin, such as protein, calcium, teak resin. It is noteworthy that the gel does not contain chemically active substances, which makes it absolutely harmless to use. Biogel nail polish is used not only to strengthen the plates, but also as a decorative coating.

Together with biogel, we often hear about such a manicure tool as gel polish. They are both representatives of the gel-like compositions used to decorate the design, but there is still a slight difference between them.

  1. Biogels after complete drying become elastic, and gel varnishes, on the contrary, become hard.
  2. If the application of gel polish is carried out for a maximum of 25 minutes, then it will take at least 40 minutes to work with a biologically pure gel.
  3. If you apply biogel, you can build up the nail plate, this cannot be done with gel polish.
  4. After complete drying, the thickness of the layer of biologically pure material is 2 mm, and its analogue is 1 mm.

In addition to the topic "Biogel for nails - what is it?" I would like to note that its main advantage is the composition, which includes only natural ingredients. This explains the high cost of the product, as well as manicure with its use. Alternatively, you can purchase it in a specialized store, apply it at home.

What bio gels for nails, when used?

Modern manufacturers of biogels offer several varieties of the described agent, namely:

  • structural - characterized by an elastic structure upon drying, natural color. Such material is often applied to the nails in order to level the surface, strengthen. The same applies to situations where a slight build-up is required;
  • RoyalSealer - in other words, a manicure fixer. It must be applied immediately before using decorative elements. This composition is always available in cold shades that can hide the natural yellowness of the plates;
  • colored, S - biogel - these products can be used as a base and top coat, characterized by flexibility, strength.

How to apply biogel on nails?

You will definitely need an ultraviolet lamp, you cannot do without such a device, no matter what gel product you use. You will also need a nail biogel, nail files (hard, soft), surface degreasing liquid, a primer (acid-free), and a means to soften dense skin formations. Used accessories and equipment must be sterilized and processed.

Now let's figure out how to apply biogel on nails. As usual, before painting, the cuticle is softened and pushed back, then the desired shape is given to the nails. At the next stage of the manicure, a primer is applied, it dries without a lamp for 2-5 minutes, after which a biogel is used, the surface is painted in two layers, each polymerizes in a lamp. At the end of the procedure, the surface is degreased.

For those who are interested, you can see the process of creating a manicure, a photo of the bio gel for nails before and after using it, in order to understand what to expect after the procedure. To remove the coating at home, you need acetone. A cotton pad is wetted with it, applied to the surface of the nail, wrapped with foil, after which the biological gel easily lags behind the surface.