Bulgarian cross stitch: principles of embroidery, patterns, video explanations. Cross stitch: technique for beginners (photo) Bulgarian cross stitch patterns for beginners

Many needlewomen, even having been doing embroidery for many years, have no idea how diverse it can be. And the point is not at all in different pictures and patterns, which is quite obvious. It’s just that cross stitch is not limited to one technique. In fact, there are more than a hundred of them. Of course, it’s impossible to master everything, and it’s not necessary. However, by skillfully using and combining them, you can achieve amazing results. Such work can no longer be classified as simple, but it is worth it. Having learned other techniques, you will be able to surprise even experienced craftsmen with your work.

Among all those available, the following cross stitch techniques can be noted:

  • simple cross;
  • straight cross;
  • elongated cross;
  • Bulgarian cross;
  • rice stitch;
  • Italian cross;
  • goat;
  • star;
  • Rhodes seam.

Also, to decorate and finish the finished embroidery, a half-cross, petite and back stitch are used. Separate lessons will be given for them.

Of course, you shouldn’t use all this in one job, even for safety reasons. However, a combination of 2-3 different types in one picture is quite possible. In addition, many of them are used for DIY embroidery of napkins, towels and dresses.

Simple cross

Perhaps this is a technique that is familiar to everyone. This is what is meant when they talk about cross stitch. First of all, it is popular because it is easy to learn and can be used to embroider almost anything. However, it also has its drawbacks. If embroidery is not done skillfully, the work will turn out flat. In addition, to emphasize the subtle features of the face or the contour of the figure, other techniques are used - the “back needle” seam, for example.

So, how is simple cross stitch done? In this technique, 2 slanted stitches are made in such a way that they represent the crossing of two threads. That is, you first need to bring the floss thread from the upper right corner to the lower left, and then from the upper left to the lower right. There are many techniques for embroidering with a simple cross. But mainly two are used – by color and “parking”. It is through her example that everything about embroidery is explained.

Scheme for making a simple cross Scheme for making a simple cross

Video: how to embroider crosses

Straight cross

Straight cross

Unlike the previous cross stitch technique, this one represents the intersection of two straight lines. It is performed as follows. First, a horizontal stitch is made from left to right, and then a vertical stitch from top to bottom. If everything is done correctly, then on the reverse side there will be a series of oblique lines parallel to each other, similar to a goose step.
This embroidery technology is very easy to master, and therefore can be recommended. The straight cross can be used either independently or in combination with other techniques. In folk art, such embroidery is most typical for the Scandinavian and Germanic tribes. She decorated clothes, towels, tablecloths and much more.

Elongated cross

This embroidery technique is very similar to a simple cross stitch. In contrast to the latter, vertical stitches are made with 2-3 interlacing threads, and horizontal stitches with only one. The result is an elongated cross. There are several varieties of it. The most popular among them are the elongated cross with stitching and the Hungarian cross. Now you can learn everything about embroidering these crosses.

Extended cross Extended Hungarian cross

The first one is done in exactly the same way, only a short horizontal stitch is added. But the Hungarian cross is a little more difficult to embroider, especially for beginners. To perform this, it is very important that the floss thread lies flat and does not twist. You need to embroider from left to right. From the lower left corner, bring out the floss thread for 2-4 weaves of canvas. Then make a straight stitch as usual. And from the lower right corner, complete the cross in such a way that the thread is exactly in the middle of the previous cross, and so on. The result is that the crosses overlap one another.

Typically, an elongated cross and its varieties are used to decorate finished cross stitch.

Bulgarian cross

The Bulgarian cross is essentially a combination of a simple and straight cross. However, with it the embroidery looks more voluminous and airy. Therefore, this technique is usually used to decorate pillows, bedspreads and landscapes. For some it even becomes a hobby. In folk art it is often found among the southern Slavs, and not only among the Bulgarians.

Embroidering a classic Bulgarian cross begins with diagonal stitches, and then vertical and horizontal stitches are placed on top. In this case, each element is embroidered separately. The work is quite labor-intensive, but once you follow the advice, do it, and this technique will be used much more often.

Bulgarian cross Bulgarian half-cross

In addition, there is also a vertical Bulgarian cross, where, on the contrary, embroidery is first done with a straight cross, and then with a simple one. There is also a Bulgarian half-cross, which is similar in appearance. However, its embroidery is done completely differently. All stitches are made from the same center in a circle. You can see what the technique for doing it looks like in the following video.

Video: how to embroider a Bulgarian half-cross

Rice seam

Rice seam

In this style, it is usually customary to embroider large geometric shapes, edgings on dresses, blouses and skirts. You can also use it to make an original embroidered frame on your painting with your own hands. At first glance, the rice stitch seems difficult, but in fact it is suitable even for beginners. It consists of a simple cross and a half-cross superimposed on each other. The technique for performing it can be seen more clearly in the video.

Its embroidery is performed in 2 steps. First, simple crosses of large sizes are made (at least 4 weaves of thread). Then the risks are embroidered with a half cross, across the lines of the lower cross. By the way, that’s why it’s called rice. It looks very impressive if floss threads of one color are taken for the lower cross, and another color for the upper cross, 2 shades lighter or darker.

Video: rice stitch

Italian cross

Italian cross

Of all those presented, this is the most complex embroidery technique. That is why it is extremely rarely used and is used mainly for decorating small products (napkins, waffle towels, etc.). The Italian cross is performed in 6 steps: first, a simple cross is embroidered with floss threads, then a straight cross, and now only vertical and horizontal stitches in a circle.

Of course, the Italian cross is not suitable for beginners, since it will be difficult for them to do something similar with their own hands. This cross stitch technique requires maximum concentration and patience.



But the “goat”, unlike the previous one, is one of the simplest seams that you can make with your own hands. Those who are tired of struggling with uneven cross stitch will really enjoy embroidering it. After all, the “goat” is an uneven cross.

First, a long stitch is made with 3-4 intersections of thread from the lower left corner to the upper right, and then the needle is brought out so that the intersection is narrower at the top than at the bottom. And at the end the same long stitch is performed. Then everything is repeated until the cross stitch is completed. You can watch the video in more detail.

“Goat” is used only for decorating finished cross stitch. It is also sometimes called Russian or Witch.



This technique, although not one of the most popular, can be useful when cross-stitching stars is required. After all, it got its name because it is very similar to them. Doing it yourself is reminiscent of Bulgarian cross stitch. But unlike it, another small diagonal stitch is made in the middle, and the lower straight cross is made a little larger than the other stitches.

Since the star stitch is a very voluminous stitch, it is also used to add depth and texture to thread embroidery. But this does not limit the scope of its application. Using the “star” you can create an interesting edging on towels, tablecloths and napkins.

Rhodes seam

This is perhaps the simplest stitch that will allow you to create voluminous thread embroidery. Although at first glance it looks difficult to implement. But it doesn’t even cross stitch. For it, it is enough to make 8 inclined stitches so that the center is in one place. The Rhodes stitch is very easy to make on any counted fabric except the popular Aida canvas. This is due to the fact that she is too tough for him.

This technique is great for beginner craftswomen who need to create voluminous embroidery, but it is still difficult to master other techniques. For example, if the description says “make a star or a sun,” you can use the Rhodian stitch. It looks especially impressive if you embroider it with metallic or lurex threads.

Rhodes seam Rhodes seam Rhodes seam

Of course, a large book is not enough to tell everything about cross stitch and all the available techniques. However, if you manage to master at least 5 of them, you can already consider yourself a high-class needlewoman. After all, cross stitch using different seams looks much more expensive. Moreover, no one can say about it that such work is for beginners. For some gifted needlewomen, their hobby becomes a source of income.

Additional techniques

Back stitch

However, even simple cross stitch sometimes requires the use of additional techniques that are not directly related to it. So, often the instructions indicate “make a backstitch” or a half-cross stitch, but there is no explanation as to how they are performed. In addition, cross stitch is often combined with tapestry.

The simplest thing is the “back needle” seam. In order to learn how to do it, you don’t even need to take special lessons. It's simple. These are vertical stitches that are performed from right to left, while it goes in the opposite direction. That's why it has such a name. It also has another name - backstitch.

As the name suggests, a half-cross is half the size of a regular cross. Actually, this is how it is embroidered: Just make one slanted stitch. On the reverse side there will be vertical stitches parallel to each other. The tapestry stitch is very similar, but unlike the half-cross stitch, there will be slanted stitches on both the front and back sides.

Both techniques are used when you need to create halftones or achieve a translucent effect. Thus, thread embroidery of clouds, shadows, reflections in a mirror, and the like is performed.

When they want to know everything about embroidery, they don’t even realize how much they need to learn. After all, this handicraft is one of the oldest in the world. Having learned the first lessons and techniques, you should not strive to use everything at once. Do-it-yourself works, even with a minimum of colors and threads, look impressive. Also, do not forget that this hobby requires a special approach to safety. After all, needles and scissors are used for embroidery.

And one last thing. It is better to master only one technique perfectly than to try to learn everything about embroidery and not finish a single piece. You shouldn’t turn your hobby into a race for quality and quantity. A painting made by yourself can decorate your home for many years, and no one will notice minor flaws in it. Unfortunately, many people learn these lessons only after several dozen embroidered works.

Video: half-cross stitch and tapestry stitch

Experienced needlewomen call embroidery the art of decorating fabric, which adds individuality and emphasizes the beauty of any product. The Bulgarian cross technique is also called the Leviothan cross, snowflake cross, asterisk or double cross. The Bulgarian cross is made of two diagonal stitches in one square.

Bulgarian cross embroidery canvas is characterized by a raised design, greater contrast and sharp outlines, which adds texture and shape to the pattern.

In order to achieve this type of embroidery, you first need to make a simple cross, and then apply 1 vertical and 1 horizontal stitch along its top. Modern needlewomen have also mastered a rather interesting type of such cross - the vertical Bulgarian cross, where only a vertical stick stitch is superimposed on a simple cross. This technique is good for making soft and smooth transitions from color to color.

The Bulgarian cross technique involves the use of a large canvas - at least 30 crosses per 10 cm.

For such embroidery, it is good to choose a needle with an oblong shaped middle eye, and for greater convenience, pull the fabric onto a hoop.

Bulgarian cross: embroidery, patterns

To embroider with a Bulgarian cross, you should select patterns that are panels with a completely filled pattern. The structure of the cross does not tolerate empty spaces in the design, and moreover, patterns that are somewhat reminiscent of a carpet or a completely filled fabric are obtained more beautifully. The modern industry of materials for needlework offers many options for patterns for such embroidery of various subjects.

The most popular themes in this embroidery patterns remain carpets, tapestries, pillows and rugs.

Pictures for embroidery using this technique can be different, for example, the most popular themes are flowers, icons, landscapes and geometric patterns. Bright, saturated shades look especially impressive on such embroidery; compositions with long black lines that run from edge to edge of the picture have their charm.

Bulgarian cross pattern

It’s interesting that such a pattern can not only be embroidered, but even knitted. Very often this pattern is used when knitting 2 by 2 elastic bands or as a start for another ornament, where the basis is three edge lines from the Bulgarian cross.

This openwork design is determined by several knitting points:

  • This pattern is formed with the help of thrown loops and yarn overs;
  • Cast on a multiple of 3 loops on the knitting needles and add 2 loops to the edge (edge ​​loops);
  • In the 1st row, 3 loops are knitted using the knitting technique, 1 loop of them is thrown to the left over the remaining 2, then comes a yarn over, again the same number of knit stitches, 1 of which is thrown to the left;
  • The next row (2) and the remaining purl rows are knitted with the corresponding loops (purl);
  • In the 3rd row, knit 1 knit stitch, yarn over, then 3 knit stitches, 1 of which is thrown to the left over the remaining 2, yarn over again and 1 knit stitch;
  • The 5th row is knitted as the first and so on.

This method of knitting is called cross-shaped and therefore the pattern on the canvas resembles an even and dense mesh.

A selection of small motifs for cross stitching in our next material: .

Features of Bulgarian cross stitch embroidery

The technique for making a Bulgarian cross stitch for embroidery includes 5 stitches.


  1. The starting stitch is made from the bottom diagonally from left to top and to the right;
  2. The next horizontal stitch goes from right to left;
  3. Next, diagonal from top to bottom to the right;
  4. The last stitch is performed vertically from bottom to top;
  5. On top of the formed cross you need to make a standing cross from a pair of straight stitches - this is the Bulgarian cross.

The first 4 steps are, but the last 5 just characterize the cross in question. In the first 4 stitches, the needle is pierced from the front side in the upper right corner of one square. To start the next cross, you need to start the stitch diagonally from top left to bottom to right, and the final stitch runs vertically from top to bottom.

But when the craftswoman has completed a double cross, it is important to remember that the needle is pierced in the corner of the cage and only then can the next double cross be started.

How to embroider with a Bulgarian cross (video)

In order to get a positive result of Bulgarian cross embroidery, it is better to select cotton floss threads. The Bulgarian cross is not a complex element, so it is quite simple to master, the main thing is to remember the sequence of actions when embroidering. The Bulgarian cross gives depth and volume to embroidery, so it is worth mastering this technique to give your products additional charm.

Cross stitch is one of the most ancient types of needlework, widespread throughout the world. Initially, bone needles were used, with which primitive people cross-stitched animal skins. Then they began to decorate clothes with similar stitches. Time passes, the change of eras makes its own adjustments to everything, including handicrafts. This is how a type of embroidery appeared - Bulgarian embroidery using a regular cross.

Let's learn step by step the basics of Bulgarian cross stitch for beginners

Needlewomen know that there are several types of counted cross stitch, when the number of embroidered crosses is counted during work:

  • regular cross - stitches are made diagonally to the cells of the canvas, crosswise to each other;
  • alternating crosses - embroidery consists of other straight ones alternating them with ordinary crosses;
  • rice stitch - the entire background is filled with crosses of the same color and size, and then proceed to thin rice stitches with a thread of a different color;
  • Italian cross - a classic cross in a square;
  • goat - crossed stitches diagonally;
  • ermine mark - a complex cross of three stitches;
  • double-sided cross - you get regular crosses on the front and back sides;
  • Bulgarian cross - the intersection of a simple cross and a straight one, the result is a snowflake.

Each type of cross stitch is unique, interesting and has its supporters among needlewomen.

Method of embroidering the Bulgarian cross.

Due to the interweaving of two types of crosses, embroidery in this technique turns out to be light, voluminous, as if airy. Most often used to fill large backgrounds - pillows, bedspreads, blankets, as well as for embroidering landscapes. Many needlewomen, having mastered this method, use this technique more often than others, even despite the apparent complexity.

In order to embroider a Bulgarian cross, you should first embroider a regular cross, starting from the lower left corner of the canvas square. Then a straight cross is embroidered on top.

Let us consider step by step how the needle moves when working in this technique.

  1. Select the canvas cell from which the embroidery will begin.
  2. The needle comes out from the lower left corner (the thread is secured from the wrong side) and sticks into the opposite upper right corner. The thread is stretched.
  3. From the upper right corner, the needle on the back side of the canvas pierces the cell and exits into the upper left corner. The needle is inserted into the lower right corner. The thread is stretched.
  4. From the lower right corner on the wrong side of the base from which the work is being done, the needle is inserted in the middle of the lower visual border of the cell, directly under the intersection of the diagonal sticks. The needle enters the middle of the upper visual border of the cell, strictly vertically (above the center of intersection).
  5. From the top point, the needle goes through the wrong side to the same point on the left, and is injected into the point of the visual middle of the right side of the cell. The result is a straight horizontal line.
  6. The needle comes out in the lower right corner.
  7. The result of the work should look like a snowflake. This is the Bulgarian cross.

There are several types of needle insertion sequences - you can repeat the steps described above, you can go in a circle (clockwise or counterclockwise), you can start from the right corner, or you can choose the direction of movement and sequence yourself.

On the wrong side, you will always get an even and beautiful row of sticks. If the wrong side is tangled, with crossed lines, this is evidence that you still need to practice mastering this type of needlework.

General recommendations for work are that when embroidering, the direction of all parts of the cross, that is, the stitches, should be in the same direction. If the first cross in a work began from the lower left corner, then this sequence must be followed throughout the entire work. If this is not the case, the work will seem sloppy and confusing, due to the fact that the light will fall on the threads slightly differently in different areas.

For those who want to master this method of needlework, you can, first, use simple patterns for embroidery, usually cross stitch. You can also work on them with a Bulgarian cross, but the work will look completely different.

Having mastered simple drawings, you can take on more complex designs - small compositions, flowers, silhouettes of birds and people.

This technique looks very advantageous in decorating clothes - hems of skirts, cuffs and collars of shirts, belts decorated using this technique look unusual and interesting.

Video on the topic of the article

Cross stitch: technique for beginners (photo)

Cross stitch: technique for beginners (photo)

Many needlewomen, even having been doing embroidery for many years, have no idea how diverse it can be. And the point is not at all in different pictures and patterns, which is quite obvious. Just
is not limited to one technique. In fact, there are more than a hundred of them. Of course, it’s impossible to master everything, and it’s not necessary. However, by skillfully using and combining them, you can achieve amazing results. Such work can no longer be classified as simple, but it is worth it. Having learned
and other techniques, you will be able to surprise even experienced craftsmen with your work.

Popular embroidery techniques

Among all those available, the following cross stitch techniques can be noted:

  • simple cross;
  • straight cross;
  • elongated cross;
  • Bulgarian cross;
  • rice stitch;
  • Italian cross;
  • goat;
  • star;
  • Rhodes seam.

Also for decorating and finishing finished
, petit and backstitch stitch. Separate lessons will be given for them.
Of course, you shouldn’t use all this in one job, even for safety reasons. However, a combination of 2-3 different types in one picture is quite possible. In addition, many of them are used for DIY embroidery of napkins, towels and dresses.
Simple cross Perhaps this is a technique that is familiar to everyone. This is what is meant when they talk about cross stitch. First of all, it is popular because it is easy to learn and can be used to embroider almost anything. However, it also has its drawbacks. If embroidery is not done skillfully, the work will turn out flat. In addition, to emphasize the subtle features of the face or the contour of the figure, other techniques are used - the “back needle” seam, for example.
So, how is simple cross stitch done? In this technique, 2 slanted stitches are made in such a way that they represent the crossing of two threads. That is, you first need to bring the floss thread from the upper right corner to the lower left, and then from the upper left to the lower right. There are many techniques for embroidering with a simple cross. But mainly two are used - by color and “parking”. It is through her example that everything about embroidery is explained.

Scheme for making a simple cross

Video: how to embroider crosses

Straight cross
Straight cross Unlike the previous cross stitch technique, this one is the intersection of two straight lines. It is performed as follows. First, a horizontal stitch is made from left to right, and then a vertical stitch from top to bottom. If everything is done correctly, then on the reverse side there will be a series of oblique lines parallel to each other, similar to a goose step. This embroidery technology is very easy to master, and therefore can be recommended
. The straight cross can be used either independently or in combination with other techniques. In folk art, such embroidery is most typical for the Scandinavian and Germanic tribes. She decorated clothes, towels, tablecloths and much more.
Elongated cross This embroidery technique is very similar to a simple cross. In contrast to the latter, vertical stitches are made with 2-3 interlacing threads, and horizontal stitches with only one. The result is an elongated cross. There are several varieties of it. The most popular among them are the elongated cross with stitching and the Hungarian cross. Now you can learn everything about embroidering these crosses.

Elongated cross
Extended Hungarian Cross The first one is done in exactly the same way, only a short horizontal stitch is added. But the Hungarian cross is a little more difficult to embroider, especially for beginners. To perform this, it is very important that the floss thread lies flat and does not twist. You need to embroider from left to right. From the lower left corner, bring out the floss thread for 2-4 weaves of canvas. Then make a straight stitch as usual. And from the lower right corner, complete the cross in such a way that the thread is exactly in the middle of the previous cross, and so on. The result is that the crosses overlap one another.
Typically, an elongated cross and its varieties are used to decorate finished cross stitch.
Bulgarian cross The Bulgarian cross is essentially a combination of a simple and straight cross. However, with it the embroidery looks more voluminous and airy. Therefore, this technique is usually used to decorate pillows, bedspreads and landscapes. For some it even becomes a hobby. In folk art it is often found among the southern Slavs, and not only among the Bulgarians.
Embroidering a classic Bulgarian cross begins with diagonal stitches, and then vertical and horizontal stitches are placed on top. In this case, each element is embroidered separately. The work is quite labor-intensive, but once you follow the advice, do it, and this technique will be used much more often.

Bulgarian cross

Bulgarian half-cross In addition, there is also a vertical Bulgarian cross, where, on the contrary, embroidery is first performed with a straight cross, and then with a simple one. There is also a Bulgarian half-cross, which is similar in appearance. However, its embroidery is done completely differently. All stitches are made from the same center in a circle. You can see what the technique for doing it looks like in the following video.

Video: how to embroider a Bulgarian half-cross

Rice seam
Rice stitch In this style it is usually customary to embroider large geometric shapes, edging on dresses, blouses and skirts. You can also use it to make an original embroidered frame on your painting with your own hands. At first glance, the rice stitch seems difficult, but in fact it is suitable even for beginners. It consists of a simple cross and a half-cross superimposed on each other. The technique for performing it can be seen more clearly in the video.
Its embroidery is performed in 2 steps. First, simple crosses of large sizes are made (at least 4 weaves of thread). Then the risks are embroidered with a half cross, across the lines of the lower cross. By the way, that’s why it’s called rice. It looks very impressive if floss threads of one color are taken for the lower cross, and another color for the upper cross, 2 shades lighter or darker.

Video: rice stitch

Italian cross
Italian crossOf all those presented, this is the most complex embroidery technique. That is why it is extremely rarely used and is used mainly for decorating small products (napkins, waffle towels, etc.). The Italian cross is performed in 6 steps: first, a simple cross is embroidered with floss threads, then a straight cross, and now only vertical and horizontal stitches in a circle.
Of course, the Italian cross is not suitable for beginners, since it will be difficult for them to do something similar with their own hands. This cross stitch technique requires maximum concentration and patience.

“Goat” But the “goat”, unlike the previous one, is one of the simplest seams that you can make with your own hands. Those who are tired of struggling with uneven cross stitch will really enjoy embroidering it. After all, the “goat” is an uneven cross.
First, a long stitch is made with 3-4 intersections of thread from the lower left corner to the upper right, and then the needle is brought out so that the intersection is narrower at the top than at the bottom. And at the end the same long stitch is performed. Then everything is repeated until the cross stitch is completed. You can watch the video in more detail.
“Goat” is used only for decorating finished cross stitch. It is also sometimes called Russian or Witch.
“Star” This technique, although not one of the most popular, can be useful when cross-stitching stars is required. After all, it got its name because it is very similar to them. Doing it yourself is reminiscent of Bulgarian cross stitch. But unlike it, another small diagonal stitch is made in the middle, and the lower straight cross is made a little larger than the other stitches.
Since the star stitch is a very voluminous stitch, it is also used to add depth and texture to thread embroidery. But this does not limit the scope of its application. Using the “star” you can create an interesting edging on towels, tablecloths and napkins.
Rhodes stitch Perhaps this is the simplest stitch that will allow you to create voluminous thread embroidery. Although at first glance it looks difficult to implement. But it doesn’t even cross stitch. For it, it is enough to make 8 inclined stitches so that the center is in one place. The Rhodes stitch is very easy to make on any counted fabric except the popular Aida canvas. This is due to the fact that she is too tough for him.
This technique is great for beginner craftswomen who need to create voluminous embroidery, but it is still difficult to master other techniques. For example, if the description says “make a star or a sun,” you can use the Rhodian stitch. It looks especially impressive if you embroider it with metallic or lurex threads.

Rhodes seam

Rhodes seam

Rhodes stitch Of course, to tell everything about cross stitch and all the available techniques, a large book is not enough. However, if you manage to master at least 5 of them, you can already consider yourself a high-class needlewoman. After all, cross stitch using different seams looks much more expensive. Moreover, no one can say about it that such work is for beginners. For some gifted needlewomen, their hobby becomes a source of income.

Additional techniques

Back stitch However, even simple cross stitch sometimes requires the use of additional techniques that are not directly related to it. So, often the instructions indicate “make a backstitch” or a half-cross stitch, but there is no explanation as to how they are performed. In addition, cross stitch is often combined with tapestry.
The simplest thing is the “back needle” seam. In order to learn how to do it, you don’t even need to take special lessons. It's simple. These are vertical stitches that are performed from right to left, while it goes in the opposite direction. That's why it has such a name. It also has another name - backstitch.
As the name suggests, a half-cross is half the size of a regular cross. Actually, this is how it is embroidered: Just make one slanted stitch. On the reverse side there will be vertical stitches parallel to each other.
very similar to it, but unlike the half-cross, there will be inclined stitches on both the front and back sides.

Both techniques are used when you need to create halftones or achieve a translucent effect. Thus, thread embroidery of clouds, shadows, reflections in a mirror, and the like is performed.
When they want to know everything about embroidery, they don’t even realize how much they need to learn. After all, this handicraft is one of the oldest in the world. Having learned the first lessons and techniques, you should not strive to use everything at once. Do-it-yourself works, even with a minimum of colors and threads, look impressive. Also, do not forget that this hobby requires a special approach to safety. After all, needles and scissors are used for embroidery.
And one last thing. It is better to master only one technique perfectly than to try to learn everything about embroidery and not finish a single piece. You shouldn’t turn your hobby into a race for quality and quantity. A painting made by yourself can decorate your home for many years, and no one will notice minor flaws in it. Unfortunately, many people learn these lessons only after several dozen embroidered works.