Large cracks in the nipples are bleeding what to do. Cracks in the nipples: we treat and prevent the appearance. How to treat cracks

- defect, damage to the integrity of the skin on the nipples of the mammary glands. Manifested by a sharp soreness with irradiation to the shoulder blade when feeding a child. They can be complicated by infection of wounds, the development of candidiasis on the nipple, mastitis. If cracks become infected, there is a risk of infection of the child during feeding. May lead to refusal to breastfeed. Treatment of nipple cracks begins with the elimination of their cause. At the same time, their infection is prevented, and means are used that promote the speedy healing (sea buckthorn oil, vit. E, dexpanthenol, etc.).

General information

- defect, damage to the integrity of the skin on the nipples of the mammary glands. Manifested by a sharp soreness with irradiation to the shoulder blade when feeding a child. They can be complicated by infection of wounds, the development of candidiasis on the nipple, mastitis. If cracks become infected, there is a risk of infection of the child during feeding. May lead to refusal to breastfeed.

Medicine unconditionally recognizes the advantages of breastfeeding over artificial and recommends that all healthy mothers breastfeed if possible, even if it gives the woman certain inconveniences: discomfort up to pain during feeding in the early days (during the development of the nipples and ducts of the mammary glands). Most often, these problems disappear after a few days, and feeding ceases to cause pain. However, sometimes as a result of inept attachment of the baby to the breast, nipple cracks occur.

In addition to violations of the feeding technique, hypovitaminosis, a general malaise, can contribute to the appearance of cracks in the nipples. Cracks often occur in women who naturally have inverted, underdeveloped nipples, sensitive skin that is easily injured, and a weakened neuromuscular system. An excitable baby can damage the nipple during feeding, the development of cracks can contribute to insufficient hygiene of the nipples.

Causes of cracked nipples

The main reason for the appearance of cracks is the insufficient capture of the breast by the baby during feeding. When properly applied to the breast, the nipple rests against the sky, the baby is in a fixed motionless position, the child squeezes the areola with its jaws, contributing to the outflow of milk. In this case, the lower lip of the child is tucked up. If the nipple is not inserted to the proper depth, then it ends up on the tongue, gaining mobility, the lower lip injures the nipple and areola, and the jaws compress the breast in the most sensitive and easily damaged place. As a result of constant irritation of the nipple and areola areas, damage to the skin occurs - cracks form. With improper feeding, the duration of feeding does not matter, even if you follow the recommendations of obstetricians and feed no more than three minutes, regular irritation of the tender areas of the nipple will still damage it. A properly attached infant can suckle at the breast for any length of time without causing any harm to the mother.

The second common cause of cracked nipples may be improper weaning of the baby from the breast. Often, when feeding, mothers do not support the child's head, and also place his stomach not towards himself, but up. As a result, at the end of feeding, the child turns away from the breast, pinching the nipple in the jaws. There is pressure on areas of the nipple that are not intended for this. It also happens if the mother pulls the baby's nipple, and the child tries to hold it by clenching his jaw.

Thus, the correct position of the baby when feeding is to hold the baby with his stomach to the mother, as close as possible to the chest and support the head. If there is a need to interrupt feeding before the baby himself releases the nipple, then it is necessary to fix the ajar jaws by inserting a clean little finger between them and then remove the nipple.

Another common cause may be excessively frequent washing of the nipples. Modern medicine does not support the need to wash the breast after each feeding. With frequent washing, the nipples are washed off their natural lubricant, which is secreted by special glands in the skin of the areola (Montgomery's glands) and the nipples lose one of their natural protective mechanisms. This lubricant, in addition to softening properties, has an antiseptic effect and protects the nipples from many microorganisms. To comply with the rules of hygiene, it is enough to observe the usual daily toilet of the chest.

The recommendation to lubricate cracked nipples with brilliant green is also outdated. This measure, although it disinfects the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcracks, only exacerbates skin irritation and contributes to the occurrence of new lesions and the progression of existing ones.

Among other things, doctors do not recommend that breastfeeding mothers constantly wear breast pads, which get wet, become a breeding ground for bacteria and irritate the nipple. When milk is released, it is better to use linings made of natural, breathable fabrics.

Cracks can also develop when feeding older children as a result of bites from erupted teeth. The development of thrush contributes to the occurrence of nipple cracks.

Symptoms of cracked nipples

Nipple cracks are single or multiple lesions of the skin of different depths of one or both nipples. Cracks can be superficial, as well as deepen into the subcutaneous layers. If the subcutaneous capillary network is damaged, the crack may bleed. Accession of infection causes inflammation of the nipples: tissue infiltration, hyperemia, the formation of erosions and ulcerations, purulent discharge. Infection of cracks (especially fungal etiology) can cause the development of mastitis.

Characterized by severe soreness of damaged skin, aggravated by feeding and often forcing mothers to stop feeding.

Complications of cracked nipples

Cracks in the nipples are complicated by the addition of an infection, with the development of inflammation of the mammary glands (mastitis) up to the formation of a pyogenic focus. The infection can be passed from mother to child. If you suspect infection of the nipples (redness, swelling, fever in the area of ​​​​inflammation, as well as general body temperature), you must immediately stop breastfeeding and feed the child with thoroughly pasteurized expressed milk.

Treatment of nipple cracks

If nipple cracks occur, first of all, it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause of their development, and then apply in the treatment of means and methods that promote the speedy healing of injured skin. In addition, they carry out activities aimed at preventing infection of the nipples.

If the damage to the nipple is minor, you can lubricate the areola and nipple with squeezed milk and wait until completely dry. Exposure to air and sunlight (in moderation) promotes healing, so you can leave the chest open for a while. Vitamin E, sea buckthorn oil is applied to the chest to accelerate regeneration. Lubricate damaged skin and leave to dry for 5-10 minutes. There is no need to rinse these products.

Healing ointments and creams with dexpanthenol, lanolin. The cream is also applied to the nipple in a small amount, left to dry completely and is not washed off. Deep nipple cracks should be treated with a healing gel, which is inserted directly into the wound and promotes healing. Of the physiotherapeutic procedures for nipple cracks, UV therapy, UHF and SMT are used.

Prevention of nipple cracks

Preventive measures to prevent cracked nipples are adherence to the rules of attachment of the baby to the breast and proper care of the nipples.

During pregnancy, it is desirable to observe the necessary hygiene rules that help maintain normal moisture, elasticity and protective properties of the skin of the nipples. To do this, daily washing of the breast (washing off dried secretions) and massage of the nipples using cosmetic oil is performed. In the last trimester, it is advisable to use less soap, while maintaining the natural lubrication secreted by the areola glands. The nipples are washed with warm water, and then wiped dry.

After the baby is born, the following recommendations for nipple hygiene should be observed when feeding.

  • Before each feeding, the breasts are washed with warm water (without soap) and blotted (do not wipe) dry with a clean towel or gauze. Washing with soap should be done no more than 1-2 times a day.
  • The use of alcohol solutions for skin disinfection is contraindicated, since they tend to dry the skin and remove the protective film of natural lubrication.
  • You can wash the nipples with a weak solution of soda (1 teaspoon of soda is dissolved in a glass of boiled water).
  • Use special ointments and creams based on lanolin to soften the nipples. Other bases (vegetable oil or petroleum jelly) are contraindicated because they can cause an allergic reaction or upset the digestive system in an infant. Lubrication of the nipples is best done immediately after feeding, so that the product has time to be absorbed (or washed off with water) before the next meal.
  • Be sure to use soft pads between the nipples and the bra, which must be changed regularly. It is better to use pads made of soft, breathable natural materials.

In 10-15% of nursing mothers, from the first days of applying the baby to the breast, mechanical damage to the nipples is found. Abrasions and cracks on the nipples during breastfeeding are common and can be a serious problem for breastfeeding.

How to feed a child with cracked nipples

What affects the formation of cracks? The reasons may be different:

  • the shape of the nipples (flattened underdeveloped nipples);
  • tenderness of the skin on the nipples;
  • thrush in the mouth of a newborn;
  • weak excitability of the nipple during feeding;
  • lack of appropriate hygienic care for the nipples. Violation of the water and fat skin balance, which is facilitated by insufficient skin care for the nipples, frequent washing of the breast, the use of breast products that greatly dry the skin;
  • the inability of the mother to properly attach the child to the breast;
  • mom takes the breast while the baby sucks;
  • improper expression;
  • lack of vitamins in the female body (hypovitaminosis).

Cracks are:

  • single or multiple;
  • superficial or deep;
  • on one nipple or on both at once.

Even primiparous women can easily recognize nipple cracks by their typical appearance. Outwardly, the crack looks like an incision that starts from the center of the nipple and goes to its periphery.

They can be multiple or single, only on 1 breast or both, superficial or deep. An ichor, and even blood, can stand out from the crack.

Any touch to such a nipple causes pain, and the child's attempts to suckle the breast are the strongest pain. Characterized by severe soreness of damaged skin, aggravated by feeding and often forcing mothers to stop feeding. If an infection joins, both bacterial and fungal, mastitis or inflammation of the nipples with purulent discharge, the formation of erosions, ulcers, and reddening of the skin in the area of ​​​​inflammation may develop.

If the infection gets into the cracks, then swelling, redness develops and erosions or ulcers form. The formation of cracks accompanies pain, aggravated by sucking. This forces the woman to stop breastfeeding and, over time, can lead to the cessation of lactation. An infection that has got into the cracks often leads.

Should I stop feeding with cracks?

  • If the cracks are small, then you need to continue breastfeeding. You can try using silicone or latex (Avent, Medela Contact, Lindo, Chicco, Nuk, Conpol, Pigeon, Tommee Tippee, etc.). It separates the baby's lips and nipple, which reduces soreness and the possibility of injury to the breast. In this case, it is important to choose the correct size of the lining for the length of the nipple. But if the cracks are strong, they bleed, even the overlays may not help;
  • When treating deep fissures, breastfeeding can be temporarily suspended. The breast is emptied by gentle gentle pumping and the child is fed with expressed milk from a spoon or pipette. When the cracks heal, breastfeeding is resumed.

Crack treatment

Before starting treatment for cracked nipples, it is necessary to find out the cause of their occurrence. As long as the conditions for trauma to the chest persist, treatment techniques will be ineffective.

  • Fix the grip. Make sure the baby is latching on correctly. Even if there is damage to the nipple, feeding with a correct latch does not cause pain.
  • Get rid of the infection. A doctor can prescribe treatment. There are drugs that are compatible with breastfeeding, including antifungals and antibiotics.
  • Ensure proper hygiene. Do not wash your skin with water before each feeding. When milk leaks, change pads as often as possible to avoid creating a warm and humid environment in which pathogens actively multiply. A diagnosed thrush will require washing the breasts with clean water after each feed and keeping them dry. It is not allowed to lubricate the affected areas with iodine, brilliant green, treat with alcohol.
  • Change your habits, pumping technique. If your actions are causing the injury, be more careful with your chest.
  • Get rid of breast substitutes. Do not bottle feed, as this inhibits lactation, do not offer the baby a pacifier.

Proper nipple grip

shallow cracks

Develop in the first days of breastfeeding or in violation of the application technique. They are manifested by severe discomfort at the beginning of sucking, which quickly passes during feeding. Visible on the surface of the nipple: appear as reddened areas or burning.

Shallow cracks can progress, so they should not be ignored. A combined approach to treatment is recommended.

  • your milk. After feeding, apply some breast milk on the cracks and leave to dry. It is a perfect prevention against skin inflammation.
  • Cream for cracked nipples with lanolin. When breastfeeding, you can use both pure lanolin (Medela, Lansino) and products based on it. Lanolin is a natural substance, so it is not necessary to wash it off before feeding. It creates an imperceptible film on the surface of the skin, reduces pain and promotes healing.
  • Folk remedies. To remove cracks in the nipples during breastfeeding, a mixture of petroleum jelly and rosehip oil, mixed in a 2: 1 ratio, will help. Apply it after feeding, cover with a tissue and a plastic bag, put on a towel or put on a bra. Before feeding, remove the mixture, wash the chest with warm water.

Timely treatment allows you to get rid of painful cracks quickly - within two to three days.

deep damage

For severe wounds, pharmaceutical products based on lanolin, panthenol, natural antiseptics and wound healing preparations should be used.

  • Healing remedy for cracked nipples. Recommended for breastfeeding drugs "Bepanten", "Solcoseryl" in the form of an ointment and gel. "Solcoseryl" ointment has a superficial effect, the gel form penetrates deeper, so it can be placed directly inside the crack. Additionally, you can use preparations based on lanolin "Purelan", "Lansino".
  • natural antiseptics. Use sea buckthorn, calendula oils, which have an anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect. After treating the skin, wash them off with your milk.

All preparations for healing deep wounds must be washed off before feeding. Do this with warm water without soap.

Folk remedies for cracks

Many remedies for the treatment of cracks in the nipples are offered by traditional medicine. You can use these funds after consulting a doctor, but you should not self-medicate.


  • Among the most effective and common drugs for nipple cracks, modern medicine prefers ointments and creams, consisting of dexpanthenol.
  • Bepanthen- cream and ointment against cracks, contributing to the rapid healing of cracks in the nipples. Ointment should be lubricated with cracks at the end of each feeding.
  • Sufficient amount of vitamin B included in the spray Panthenol. The drug is sprayed at the end of each feeding on the chest in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcracks at a distance of ten to twenty centimeters.
  • Perfectly protect the skin from drying out and make it strong and supple. Lanolin. Creams with lanolin after each feeding should be applied with massaging movements on the affected skin.
  • For the treatment of cracked nipples, a medicinal gel is suitable Kornegregel. It should also be applied to the breast after every feeding.
  • Ointment Videstim- an effective remedy for cracked nipples.
  • Excellent healing effect gives the use sea ​​buckthorn oils.
  • For cases where the cracks are deep, you can use drugs avent, actovegin or solcoseryl.

We should not forget that the best treatment for cracked nipples is breast milk. After feeding, the breast should be washed with warm water, and then, after expressing a few drops of milk, rub it over the skin of the areola and leave to dry.

IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER, that with an increase in temperature and suppuration of cracks, it is urgent to seek help from a doctor!

Feeding technique

Breastfeeding with cracked nipples causes burning pain. And the larger the area of ​​damage, the more acute discomfort a woman experiences.


  1. Proper breast care. It is not necessary to use soap before each feeding. This can cause the skin to dry out, leading to cracked nipples. It is enough to take a daily hygienic shower. For breasts, you can use liquid pH-neutral soap. After a shower, gently blot the breasts with a soft cloth (do not rub it with a towel). Allow the nipple to dry after feeding. Do not wipe with a napkin or towel, and do not wash milk residues from the nipple. Drying, it is absorbed and restores the water-fat balance of the skin of the nipple. .
  2. For bras, you can use special pads. They absorb droplets of secreted milk and protect the nipple from contact with moisture.
  3. Compliance with a rational diet. In the first days of feeding, a small amount of colostrum is released from the breast. The nutritional requirements of an infant are low. Therefore, feeding during this period lasts approximately 10 minutes. An actively suckling newborn receives during this time the necessary amount of colostrum and does not injure the nipple. Subsequently, when milk in the breast arrives, the duration of feeding increases by 2-3 times. A positive role during this period is played by feeding the child in a free mode. If the child is more often applied to the breast, he sucks it calmly and is saturated faster. At the same time, the tender, not yet adapted to constant feeding, nipple is less injured. Don't let your baby use the breast as a pacifier. In rare cases, you can calm the baby by giving him the breast, even if he is not hungry. But do not abuse this measure, especially in the first months of breastfeeding.
  4. Correct attachment to the chest. If a woman feels a sharp pain in a healthy nipple when she puts the baby on, then the baby has not grasped the nipple correctly - not completely. If the child sucks on the top of the nipple, then this will certainly lead to injury to the nipple. It is necessary to interrupt feeding. You can gently remove the nipple by pressing on it with your finger so that air enters the baby's mouth. Then you need to give the nipple so that most of the areola gets into the baby's mouth. To do this, slide your index finger along the baby’s cheek, he will open his mouth, with the other hand, holding the nipple horizontally with your index finger and thumb, insert the nipple into the baby’s mouth. We read an article about.
  5. Vitamin therapy. In order to prevent hypovitaminosis, women need regular intake of multivitamin complexes for nursing mothers. It contributes to the normal metabolism in the skin, which makes it resistant to damage and capable of rapid healing. Multivitamins should be started during pregnancy.

Abrasions and cracks of the nipples are a condition that is characteristic of the first weeks of the postpartum period, when lactation begins and the mother and child adapt to breastfeeding. It occurs, as a rule, during the first 3-4 days after the birth of a child and may persist for the first month.

First, abrasions appear on the surface of the skin of the areola (peripapillary pigmentation), which, under adverse circumstances, become abrasions. In the future, cracks appear at the site of abrasions - deeper damage to the skin of the nipple. Cracks are a linear violation of the integrity of the skin on the nipple, located radially (from the center of the nipple to its periphery along the radius of the areola). If, when cracks occur, measures are not taken to treat them and prevent the development of the inflammatory process, then inflammation and mastitis may develop in the mammary gland, since a non-healing crack is the entrance gate of infection. This is also facilitated by the fact that the mother in the postpartum period is in a state of some immunodeficiency, which causes her greater than usual predisposition to all kinds of diseases and infections.

In addition, the appearance of nipple cracks causes severe pain even at rest, and in the process of feeding, pain sensations intensify many times over, which makes feeding extremely difficult.

Why do cracks appear?

There are several reasons for the appearance of abrasions and cracks in the nipples. First of all, this happens because the skin of the areola, very thin and vulnerable, which has not experienced such intense impact before, is suddenly subjected to prolonged stress. To a greater extent, young mothers who feed their first child are at risk of abrasions and cracked nipples. This is due to the fact that with repeated births, the skin of the nipples is already somewhat rougher, more trained than with the first. In addition, when feeding a second child, the mother has certain experience that helps her avoid this unpleasant and dangerous complication.

A factor such as the temperament of a newborn baby can also contribute to the occurrence of abrasions and cracks in the nipples. In women whose children suck with particular activity, abrasions and cracks occur more often than in mothers of calmly sucking babies.

The condition of the mother's skin also plays an important role. If the skin is dry, sensitive, then the risk of abrasions and cracks is much higher: such skin is less protected from traumatic effects, wounds and abrasions appear on it faster, and they heal longer than in women with normal skin.

Dry skin can be caused by hereditary factors, caused by hypovitaminosis (lack of certain vitamins in a nursing mother, in particular vitamins of groups B, A and C).

Another cause of dry skin and, as a result, abrasions and cracks in the nipples is improper breast skin care. Washing too often, especially with soap, treating the skin with antiseptic solutions causes dehydration, which significantly increases susceptibility to traumatic factors.

On the other hand, constant contact of the skin of the nipples with moisture also contributes to the formation of cracks. This situation occurs when more or less constant leakage of milk is noted from the milk passages of the nipples (the so-called galactorrhea).

A very common cause of nipple cracks is an incorrect technique of attachment to the breast, as well as an irrational feeding regimen, for example, too long - more than 20 minutes. If the baby does not completely capture the nipple during feeding, but only its upper part, the baby does not receive the required amount of milk. Such sucking is completely ineffective and causes negative emotions in a hungry baby, which, depending on the temperament of the newborn, can cause either refusal of the breast or especially active (aggressive) sucking. The result of the latter is a fairly rapid occurrence of abrasions and cracks in the nipples.


Measures to prevent abrasions and cracks in the nipples follow from the causes that cause them:

Rational breast care: You should not wash your breasts with soap before each feeding. Moreover, you should not treat it with an alcohol solution of brilliant green - both can cause drying of the skin and the development of cracks in the nipples. A daily general hygienic shower is quite enough. It is better to use liquid pH-neutral soap for washing the breast. After a shower, the breast should be gently blotted with a soft cloth (in no case should it be rubbed with a towel so as not to injure the nipple). After each feeding, the nipple must be dried - let it dry on its own, and not wipe it with a napkin or towel. After feeding, you should not wash off the remnants of milk from the nipple, since, when it dries, it is perfectly absorbed into the skin, moisturizing it and providing it with natural fats.

Using special bra pads: they absorb milk droplets, protecting the nipple from constant contact with moisture.

Rational mode of feeding: in the early days, when a small amount of colostrum is excreted from the breast, and the nutritional needs of the newborn are still small, you should not keep the baby at the breast for a long time. These days, feeding should not last longer than 10 minutes. During this time, an actively suckling newborn sucks out the 10-30 ml of colostrum he needs, while he does not have time to injure the nipple. On the following days, when transitional milk begins to flow from the breast, when the amount increases in parallel with the growing nutritional needs of the baby, the duration of feeding can be from 20 to 30 minutes. A positive role during this period is played by feeding the child in a free mode, since if the child is more often attached to the breast, he sucks her calmer, saturates faster, thereby injuring the tender nipple, which is not adapted to constant exposure, to a lesser extent. Neither during this period, nor in subsequent ones, should you allow the baby to systematically use the breast as a dummy. In exceptional cases, of course, you can calm the baby with the help of the breast, even if he is not hungry, but this measure should not be abused, especially during the first month of breastfeeding, when the risk of nipple cracks is especially high.

Proper breastfeeding technique: if, having attached the baby to the breast, the mother experiences a sharp pain in the nipple, which does not yet have cracks, it means that the baby has captured the nipple incorrectly, not completely. If you continue feeding when the baby sucks only the upper part of the nipple, then this will inevitably lead to abrasions on the nipple. In this case, it is necessary to interrupt feeding by taking the nipple from the baby. It is very important in no case to pull the nipple out of the baby's mouth - this action injures the nipple even more. You can gently remove the nipple from a suckling baby by pressing your finger on the nipple so that air enters the baby's mouth. Then you need to try to give the nipple in such a way that as much of the areola as possible gets into the baby's mouth. To do this, stroke the baby on the cheek with your index finger, he will open his mouth wide, at this time, with the other hand, hold the nipple between the index finger and thumb horizontally and insert the nipple into the open mouth. The main criterion for proper nipple latch is that suckling does not cause acute pain to the mother.

Vitamin therapy: regular intake by the mother of special multivitamin preparations for nursing helps to prevent the occurrence and treatment of hypovitaminosis that has already developed, resulting in healthy elastic skin (including on the nipples), resistant to damage and capable of rapid healing. Taking multivitamin preparations should be started already during pregnancy.


In the case when nipple abrasions have already occurred, it is necessary to take urgent measures aimed at treating them and preventing the occurrence of cracks. When a crack occurs at the site of an abrasion, treatment should include not only measures that accelerate healing, but also intensive prevention of inflammatory complications in the mammary gland.

As a temporary measure to reduce friction and further injury to the nipple with existing abrasions, during feeding, you can use special silicone pads. Breastfeeding with a pad is less painful and traumatic for the mother. It is rational to continue feeding with the use of pads for several days in order for the healing to take place completely.

When abrasions and abrasions appear, the nipples must be treated after each feeding with ointments based on lanolin (Purelan, etc.). These ointments are good because they do not cause an allergic reaction in a child, and when using them, the breast can be washed with boiled water before feeding without using soap. For the same purpose, you can use aloe and kalanchoe juice, sea buckthorn oil, moistening sterile wipes with them and applying them to the damaged nipple between feedings and at night.

If, despite all efforts, nipple cracks could not be avoided, and treatment with these drugs for 1-2 days does not lead to improvement, you should contact a gynecologist to continue treatment under his supervision. It should be remembered that cracks pose a threat not only to the condition of the mother, but also put the health of the child at risk, since in the event of an inflammatory reaction in the area of ​​​​the crack, it can become infected. In some cases, when, due to increased sensitivity and extreme pain, a woman cannot breastfeed a baby, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding for the period of treatment of deep nipple cracks. The breast should be emptied with gentle pumping and the baby should be fed with expressed milk from a spoon. All manipulations with the breast, namely the treatment of the nipples and pumping, must be carried out only with thoroughly washed hands or with a breast pump, drain the breast, which has cracks, only with sterile wipes in order to avoid additional infection. Underwear that comes into contact with the chest should be changed daily and ironed with a very hot iron, change pads every 2 hours. You can also use special pads for breast ventilation, which do not allow underwear to touch the skin of the nipple, creating a kind of air cushion around the nipple, which contributes to the speedy healing of injuries.

Usually, nipple cracks, with proper treatment and uncomplicated course, heal within 5-7 days, after which you can return to the previous feeding regimen, not forgetting about measures to prevent the occurrence of cracks.

Breastfeeding is a natural process that is laid down by nature. Every new mother thinks so, especially for the first time. But when the baby is born and the time comes for the first attachment to the breast, problems are often found that the woman is unprepared for: difficulties with attachment and capture, weak or, conversely, too strong milk flows, lactostasis and the inevitable problem - cracks in the nipples. Often, a young mother is not able to cope with pain and discomfort during feeding. This process becomes so painful that the woman simply stops feeding. However, there are many ways to manage fissures, minimize pain, and make breastfeeding fun for both mom and baby.

The most effective treatment for cracks is local therapy, that is, a cream or ointment for the nipples, which heals wounds, heals delicate skin and prevents new lesions from appearing.

How cracks appear

The skin of the nipple is delicate and thin, but in the process of feeding it is subjected to serious tests - the baby's gums are very hard and during sucking he makes serious efforts. All this cannot but affect the nipples - the skin is under stress, cracks appear. They cause sharp, sometimes unbearable pain during feeding, blood oozes from the wounds, which can enter the child's mouth along with milk.

It is necessary that a so-called callus appear on the nipple, similar to the one that appears on the fingers of guitarists - at first it is very painful for them to touch the strings, but pretty soon the fingertips become rough and do not notice the tension. The same with the tender breast area - the skin there becomes a little rougher, and it becomes not painful to feed.

To form this callus, someone needs a week, and someone much more. If at the very beginning of the process there is no way to heal the wounds, do not use the ointment from feeding, inflammation may form, during which white blisters and redness appear on the injured area. If you do not start the problem, it will be solved quickly, and the treatment minimizes the pain of the process.

Causes of cracks

    Incorrect capture by the baby of the nipple - the mouth should capture not only the nipple itself, but also the area around the nipple, then the child will not pull the skin towards itself, thereby injuring it.

    Incorrect weaning - if you take it away from a suckling child, he will instinctively compress the gums even more and will pull on the nipple, injuring the skin. Be sure to wait until the baby releases the breast or stops suckling.

    Excessive hygiene is a relic of Soviet medicine, which advised young mothers to wash their breasts with water and certainly soap before and after each feeding. Such frequent exposure to an aggressive environment dries out delicate skin, which becomes even easier to injure.

    Incorrect processing of nipples - follows from the previous paragraph: until now, in many maternity hospitals, doctors of the old school recommend treating cracks with brilliant green. Meanwhile, the alcohol solution dries the skin even more than water and soap.

    The use of absorbent breast pads - such products are certainly a lifesaver for new mothers who have periodic bursts of milk. However, if you don't change your pads too often, the warm, moist environment in them is the perfect place for inflammation to form in existing cracks. Use such devices on the way out or only during the day, changing them regularly.

    Why is it important to treat cracked nipples?

    Cracks are actually open wounds from which ichor and blood ooze during feeding. Naturally, such wounds are the gateway to any infection. If you start the problem, then very soon mastitis will join the cracks - inflammation of the mammary gland. This disease often requires surgical intervention and dangerous complications for life.

    What can not smear cracks

      Antibiotic nipple ointment - this is only prescribed by a doctor if there is a serious infection and is generally incompatible with breastfeeding.

      Iodine or brilliant green are alcohol-containing solutions, and alcohol dries the epidermis - not the best solution for delicate injured skin.

      Lotions from alcohol or vodka - for the same reason.

      How and what to smear injured nipples

      Fissures, if they are shallow and not accompanied by pus, ulcers, blisters, can be treated on their own, although it is always best to show the breast to a doctor or lactation consultant. They will help correct the grip, which will prevent cracks from reappearing.

      In the treatment of such lesions, topical therapy works best, and many different ointments, creams or gels can be bought at the pharmacy. It’s easy to get confused in such a variety, especially if you don’t know which nipple ointment is better. First of all, you need to deal with the active substance in these drugs.

      Ointment based on dexpanthenol

      These are the most common and popular drugs. They are based on dexpanthenol, a substance derived from pantothenic acid, which is essentially a vitamin of group B. The most popular representatives are Panthenol and Bepanthen (cream or ointment).

      For nipples, the well-known "Panthenol" is excellent, which is available in the form of an ointment or cream of 25 and 50 grams. It is allowed during pregnancy and safe during breastfeeding. It is convenient that the drug can not be washed off the nipples before feeding, since there are practically no allergic reactions to it in children. Also, "Panthenol" is available in the form of a spray. The cost of the drug is 200-350 rubles. depending on the shape and volume. Also note that there is a means of domestic and German production.

      For nipples - a very popular product specifically for the treatment of cracks, as well as diaper rash in a child. It is produced by a German company. The product also comes on sale in the form of a cream with a volume of 30 and 100 grams. There is also an ointment marked “plus”, in which chlorhexidine is added to dexpanthenol for disinfection. The drug is applied to the nipples after each feeding. The price of "Bepanten" starts from 380 rubles for a small volume and up to 800 rubles. for a tube of 100 grams.

      You can also ask at a Russian-made pharmacy - this is the most budget option, only 130 rubles. for a 25-gram tube, and the active substance is the same as that of analogues.

      Zinc Oxide Nipple Ointment

      It has excellent wound healing astringent properties, in addition, it dries the wound and resists its infection. On the basis of zinc oxide, both specialized preparations for breastfeeding and general spectrum products are produced. An important feature of them is the need to be sure to wash off the ointment before feeding.

      The most popular product is Sudocrem, it can be found in American and Irish production. They have an identical composition and are available in jars of 60 and 125 grams. By the way, "Sudokrem", as well as products with panthenol, is also suitable for the treatment of diaper dermatitis. The price of the cream is 350-500 rubles.

      You can also try Johnson & Johnson's Desitin Nipple Ointment. A 50-gram pack will cost 260 rubles. A characteristic feature of "Desitin" is the content of cod liver oil in the composition, which gives it a specific smell.

      If you want to save money, then take zinc ointment or paste, they are usually Russian-made and cost around 100 rubles.

      Lanolin for the treatment of cracks

      Lanolin is a natural animal fat, also called wool wax, and is obtained by digesting sheep's wool. Ointment for nipple cracks with lanolin allows you to create a protective film on the skin, under which the wounds heal faster, and dry skin becomes more hydrated. However, such creams are more suitable for prevention.

      The most popular nipple cream with lanolin is Purelan from the Swiss company Medela. It is produced in tubes of 37 grams, the cost is about 500 rubles. "Purelan" is 100% lanolin, and this allows you not to wash it off before feeding. Apply the cream in a thin layer, without rubbing into the skin.

      Similar creams are available from other manufacturers of children's cosmetics and products for mothers - Avent, Baby line, Sanosan, Pigeon.

      Nipple ointment for breastfeeding with retinol

      Retinol is vitamin A, a dermatoprotector that effectively restores damaged epidermis. Treatment should be done twice a day, be sure to wash off the drug before feeding. Look for products with retinol in a pharmacy - for example, Russian-made ointment for nipple cracks "Videstim" (100-200 rubles, depending on the volume) or "Ralevit", fortified with vitamins E and D2 (350 rubles). However, it is better to use these ointments as prescribed by a doctor and not to combine with vitamin A intake, so as not to get an overdose.

      Natural oils and plant extracts

      Natural ingredients with excellent moisturizing and wound-healing properties are sold both in pure form and in combination, in the form of creams and ointments. For example, cream from Mama Comfort with buckwheat, wheat germ and peach.

      Ointment for healing the nipples "Vulnuzan" from the Bulgarian concern "Sopharma" is made from the extract of the mother liquors of the Pomorie salt lakes and perfectly heals even deep cracks. Also, the ointment has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

      Natural oils also have excellent properties - olive, sea buckthorn, cedar. They are completely harmless and may not be washed off before feeding.

      Folk recipes

      Cracks in the nipples have tormented nursing women at all times, even before the advent of so many drugs. Our mothers and grandmothers successfully coped with injuries in folk ways. In this they were helped first of all by their own milk. It has good antiseptic properties and helps in healing wounds, so after feeding it is recommended to leave some of your milk on the nipples and let it dry in the open air.

      Cabbage, rich in riboflavin, which accelerates tissue regeneration, helps fight cracks, mastitis, and lactostasis. Beat a cold cabbage leaf until juice is obtained and apply to the sore chest, which will relieve pain and help in the healing of the skin.

      You can also treat the nipples with an infusion of birch leaves - it helps to heal wounds.

      Prevention of cracks

      Using any of the listed means (or several at once), you can quickly heal cracks, but if you do not engage in prevention, they will appear again. Therefore, in the very first days, it is necessary to establish the correct capture of the nipple by the baby, and in the following weeks and months of breastfeeding, it is important to observe hygiene, not overdoing it, but not starting it either. It is also important not to injure the nipple with manual expressions or a breast pump - you need to express milk carefully. Also, one should not forget about moisturizing the delicate skin of the nipples and protecting them, then breastfeeding will last as long as mom and baby want.

Breastfeeding is an absolutely natural process, well thought out by nature. But in certain situations, women are forced to wean the baby, depriving him of ideal food, and themselves - of improving the mother-baby bond.

The reason for such a radical step is cracked nipples, which occur in every tenth nursing woman. A similar problem leads to discomfort and, in some cases, provokes the development of mastitis.

That is why it is important for every breastfeeding mother to know how to get rid of nipple cracks, where these injuries come from and how to prevent their occurrence.

Cracked nipples during breastfeeding may appear due to certain negative circumstances. Often these causes affect the woman at the same time, which complicates the situation.

The factors provoking the occurrence of damage to the mammary glands include incorrect capture of the nipple by the child, improper behavior of the mother when breastfeeding. Let's consider each reason in more detail.

1. Incomplete breast capture

It is believed that breastfeeding by a newborn is an instinctive action. We can agree with this, since the sucking reflex is clearly visible even in a child in the womb.

But having received her mother's breast, the baby does not always understand what needs to be done with it, and an inexperienced mother cannot tell. The result is cracked nipples.

Signs of improper breast grabbing include:

  • pain during breast sucking by a child;
  • holding by the baby only the nipple;
  • leaving the areola out of mouth hold.

Improper grasping quickly enough leads to small lesions, which then develop into cracks in the mother's nipples.

2. Weaning the nipple while breastfeeding

Sometimes it seems that the child fell asleep with the breast in his mouth. However, if the mother tries to pull out the nipple, thereby stopping the meal, the baby will instinctively clench her jaw to prevent "abduction". And this is already fraught with small abrasions and cracks.

Experts advise not to take the nipple from the baby if he holds the breast. Most likely, the baby just still wants to eat. The papilla will fall out of the child's mouth on its own when the baby falls asleep.

If it is necessary to stop breastfeeding, insert a clean finger into the baby's mouth, this will loosen the "grip", and it will be possible to pull out the nipple.

3. Wrong pumping

If a parent, then there is no need to express milk.

But if a nursing woman needs to go away or there is a need for more “abundant” lactation, it still has to.

Cracks in the female nipples occur with improper pressure on the chest - on the nipples themselves, but on the areola.

Using at full power also contributes to the appearance of small abrasions, which quickly develop into full-fledged cracks.

Breastfeeding implies regular hygiene procedures, but not too frequent. It is enough to take a shower once a day to maintain cleanliness. You can not constantly use soapy, and even more so alcohol solutions.

The skin has special pores that produce a protective lubricant. It softens the skin, is a natural antiseptic, preventing the growth of pathogenic bacteria. If you wash off this fatty layer, then at the same time you can deprive your breasts of natural protection.

Cracks in the female nipples can also occur for the following reasons related to insufficient hygiene measures:

5. Application of nipples

Cracked nipples can also occur when using pacifiers or bottles. Simultaneous breastfeeding and the use of "substitutes" breasts disorientate the child. Adapting to sucking the natural "container" and the nipple, he begins to develop a single technique that harms the mother.

The problem lies in the fact that pacifier sucking is different from the technique of attachment to the mother's breast:

  • The baby does not open its mouth wide to grab the pacifier. To grab the chest, the mouth opens as wide as possible.
  • The nipple during breastfeeding, the baby, as it were, podtsitsya tongue, and when sucking the bottle, he has to work with his jaws.
  • The silicone pacifier should be held against the hard palate, and the nipple, when breastfeeding, is grabbed by the tongue from below and held in the center of the mouth.

Thus, breastfeeding and bottle feeding use completely different sucking methods. Cracks in mother's nipples occur due to improper breast retention by a baby who is used to sucking on rubber pacifiers.

What do cracks look like?

For breastfeeding mothers, it will not be difficult to recognize cracked nipples. These lesions resemble a split that goes from the very center of the papilla in a certain direction.

Cracks are different: single or numerous, insignificant or deep, only one breast suffers from them or both mammary glands “crack”. Their wounds often exude bloody fluid, and sometimes bloody smudges come out.

Important! The main symptom is pain when touching the nipple or while breastfeeding.

If infection with fungi or bacteria has begun, one can expect the onset of lactational mastitis or the formation of ulcers at the site of inflammation.

Despite the problems that have arisen, breastfeeding should remain. The transition, even for a while, is not fraught with the cessation of lactation or the refusal of the child from his mother's breast. What to do?

  1. If the damage is minor, you can continue the previous diet by placing special silicone or latex pads on the nipple during breastfeeding (Avent, Chicco, Conpol, Pigeon, etc.). These devices should be selected according to the size of the nipples.
  2. If nipple cracks are deep, completely different measures are needed. Experts do not advise feeding through “I can’t”, but recommend harvesting breast milk and feeding it to a child from a pipette, while at the same time healing the damaged breast (for example, using Bepanten ointment). Bottles should not be used if you want to continue breastfeeding as your baby will get used to a different sucking technique.

If mastitis occurs, inflammatory processes in the chest area, breastfeeding should be forgotten for a while.

Infectious agents can be transmitted to the child, so you need to feed him with boiled breast milk.

Ineffective and dangerous treatments

Cracks in the nipples during breastfeeding can appear suddenly, frightening newly-made mothers who simply do not know what can and cannot be done in such unpleasant situations. But this is the very case when wrong steps are worse than inaction.

So, the following methods of dealing with cracks are prohibited:

  1. Washing the chest with soapy water. Alkali is able to corrode already damaged skin, wash off the remaining grease and turn small cracks into bloody wounds.
  2. Use of antibacterial topical or oral antibiotics without prior approval from a doctor. The prohibition is obvious because:
    • the agent is able to get into breast milk and be transmitted with it to the child;
    • using antibiotics, you can destroy the beneficial microflora that protects the body from harmful microbes (such serious drugs are prescribed only if a bacterial or fungal infection is connected).
  3. Lubrication of cracks in the nipples with green or iodine-containing liquids. Such products dry out the skin and can corrode the abrasion, additionally causing inconvenience and pain.
  4. Applying swabs soaked in alcohol to the wounds. This substance also narrows the skin and, with prolonged use, leads to various burns.
  5. Creating excessive moisture. If milk leaks, pads need to be changed frequently so as not to create a moist environment that is pleasant for inflammation and infection. The ideal option is to leave the chest naked.

Basic medicines for the treatment of cracks

It is necessary to treat cracks in sensitive nipples wisely. First of all, a breastfeeding mother should consult a doctor, since during the lactation period even harmless Bepanten can cause an unexpected reaction in a child.

Drug therapy involves the use of drugs for topical application - ointments and creams.

It is necessary to smear the damaged areas when breastfeeding ends. Before the next meal, the ointment will have time to be absorbed (it can be washed off with cool water).

For convenience, we divided all the funds into several groups - the classification is based on the main active component. Many drugs contain several active substances that enhance the effect of each other.

1. Products with dexpanthenol (including Bepanten)

This substance with an unpronounceable name is a vitamin of group B. It is distinguished by safety and fast healing action. The component is found in many creams, but the most popular remedy based on it is Bepanten ointment.

Bepanthen is good because it does not need to be removed before breastfeeding.

Bepanthen ointment and cream contain exclusively natural ingredients: waxes, vitamins, aromatic oil, purified water. That is why you should not worry about the health of the baby.

In addition, Bepanten ointment does not have a pronounced aroma and taste.

Thus, the treatment of nipple cracks can and should be carried out with the help of Bepanten (of course, after the approval of the doctor). However, it also has cheaper counterparts:

  • ointment Dexpanthenol;
  • ointment D-panthenol;
  • cream for nipples from the company "Elfa".

This substance is a good antiseptic, which dries the skin and protects the cracks in the mother's nipples from infection.

You need to smear the drug with a thin layer, and before breastfeeding it should be washed off. You can treat cracks with the help of the following means:

  • Desitin;
  • Sudocrem;
  • Zinc ointment;
  • Tsindol.

Lanolin is a waxy substance obtained during the digestion of sheep's wool. Preparations nourish and moisturize the skin, form a protective film.

You need to smear a thin layer after feeding the baby (application time may vary), but they should not be rubbed.

Healing of cracked nipples will go faster when applying the following drugs:

  • Purelan 100;
  • Pigeon nipple cream;
  • cream from Baby line;
  • Nipple cream
  • remedy from Sanosan;
  • Lanovit ointment containing sea buckthorn oil.

4. Preparations with retinol

Retinol is called vitamin A, which accelerates tissue regeneration, restores the inner layer of the skin, softens the outer skin layer. Products containing vitamin A can be applied to cracked nipples several times a day.

Wash them off before breastfeeding. If the nipple is cracked, then you should purchase one of the following retinol-based drugs:

  • Videstim;
  • Radevit.

Herbal substances (for example, almond and shea butter) help soften the skin more effectively, heal wounds, eliminate redness and itching, and restore the top layer of the skin.

These ointments cannot cure in the literal sense of the word, but there is still an effect from their application.

If Bepanten and other medicines are not suitable for any reason, you can "treat" the breast:

  • cream from Natura House;
  • cream "Mama Comfort";
  • Serum from Mamma Donna.

6. Ointments with plant extracts

These products prevent the occurrence of cracks, therefore they are suitable for use before the lactation period. The components contained in them help to increase the resistance of the skin to cracking. They also heal existing cracks in the nipples from breastfeeding.

Examples of funds:

  • cream "9 months";
  • remedy from Babe Laboratorios;
  • Vulnuzan.

7. Preparations with the effect of regeneration

These medicines are prescribed for serious injuries, since they have a pronounced therapeutic effect - they activate metabolic processes in the skin, enhance tissue regeneration. Allowed for breastfeeding, but before feeding the baby, the ointment must be washed off.

When the nipples are cracked badly enough, use:

  • Solcoseryl;
  • Actovegin.

“I can’t administer medicines for fear of harming the baby,” is an argument often heard by doctors from nursing mothers. However, it is necessary to get rid of nipple cracks, so the doctor (and only he!) Can recommend alternative methods of treatment.

We repeat once again - it is better to entrust the method of treatment and the choice of medication to a qualified doctor.

While breastfeeding, you can not rely on your own opinion when choosing a medicine or folk remedy. In such a situation, the principles “I can buy - I can’t buy”, “I want to be treated - I don’t want to apply the drug” do not work.

Preventive measures

It is easier to prevent cracks in the nipples than to deal with them painfully later. Such problems affect not only newly-made mothers, but also experienced parents. Therefore, it is important for all lactating women to remember the following prevention rules:

  1. Avoid abrupt weaning of the baby.
  2. Wash the bust no more than twice a day without any cosmetic product.
  3. After water procedures, lubricate the chest with lanolin cream.
  4. When you feed your baby, lubricate the nipples with your own milk.
  5. Ventilate your breasts more often and change the pads if you have a lot of milk flow.

Of course, we must not forget about the proper feeding of the crumbs and its attachment to the “sis”:

  • Create the optimal position for eating - the baby lies on his side, half-turned towards you, his tummy is leaning against your stomach.
  • The child's head is on the elbow, so he can move it.
  • Do not put the papilla in the baby's mouth, let him take it himself.
  • Proper grip - the entire papilla and most of the areola should be in the oral cavity. Children's chin and nose are pressed against the mother's bust.

How to get rid of cracked nipples? First of all, familiarize yourself with the methods of preventing this problem and try to adhere to the rules for breastfeeding techniques and hygiene measures.

In case of serious damage to the breast, the doctor may prescribe Bepanten ointment or another healing drug. Remember that breastfeeding should cause you and your baby only positive emotions!

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.