Paper butterflies. We make a paper butterfly with our own hands

Butterflies decorate postcards, notebooks, photo albums, furniture and even just walls. Finished products can be purchased at the store and simply stick to the right place, or you can make it yourself, which is undoubtedly a more exciting experience. What can you make a butterfly out of?

Consider several ways to make a butterfly out of paper.

Butterflies in quilling technique

The simplest, but no less beautiful decor option is a paper butterfly. With your own hands, you can make it in several ways.

And every time you get a unique option. More complex options are a paper butterfly made from double-sided strips. This technique is called quilling and requires certain skills, tools and a lot of time. But the products are amazing.

Having made these kinds of insects of different sizes, you can hang them under the ceiling or chandelier, using a very thin fishing line, at different levels, which will create a wonderful effect of weightlessness.

They can be used to decorate curtains and walls, postcards and albums, and even as jewelry.

Openwork butterflies

Another option is a do-it-yourself paper butterfly using the vytynanka technique.

This technique is one of the types of folk decorative art. Its essence is to cut out paper using scissors or special knives.

Works in this style can be simpler, and can reach the heights of elegance.

Most often they decorate windows or mirrors and other glass surfaces. They are attached with soapy water. And also used in the creation of postcards.

To make such an ornament, they use paper butterfly patterns, according to which they cut out their products. Figured butterflies can also be cut using a plotter.

It's such a special tool. Then, of course, you will spend much less effort and time creating them if you need a large number of decorating elements.

simple paper butterfly garland

It is absolutely easy to make a garland, the main element of which is a paper butterfly, with your own hands.

Moreover, you will surely find everything you need at home. And all you need to brighten up a dull room or arrange a fun party is a few sheets of multi-colored double-sided paper and decorative or plain wire. A ribbon or rope will also come in handy, on which the garland will be attached.

For one butterfly, you will need 2 squares measuring 15 x 15 cm. Fold each of them diagonally. You should get a triangle. Now fold both triangles towards each other, that is, from the edge to the center, fold with an “accordion”. The width of the fold should be no more than a centimeter.

Do the same with the second square. Then connect them together in the center and wrap them with wire, the edges of which are bent in the form of antennae. That's all. Our paper butterfly is ready. Make as many as you need. Now it remains only to attach them to the tape and hang them where they are supposed to be.

Origami Butterfly

Consider another way to make a butterfly out of paper. It cannot be called simple or complex. Rather, both options are present.

Everything will depend on the pattern of paper butterflies used. And believe me, there are a huge number of them.

And all of different levels of complexity. And, of course, the more complex and intricate the scheme, the more interesting the origami paper butterfly looks in the end.

When folding your product, make sure each time that all the folds are perfect and do not warp. If you choose material with an interesting color or unusual texture, that origami paper butterfly of yours will not disappoint you. Lay the square of paper white side up. Fold it twice diagonally and once vertically.

Having made a large number of such butterflies, you can miraculously decorate any room with their help.

You can make them in different sizes and use all rainbow colors. After that, glue it to the original non-bulky driftwood, imitating the color scheme of the rainbow. And nail a snag with butterflies on the wall, for example, in a children's room.

Butterflies on a paper wall

There are many ways to "settle" such wonderful insects as butterflies on your wall. One of them is a three-dimensional transparent picture, inside of which there is a dried butterfly of a rare species. It looks amazing, but not for those who are for the preservation of wildlife.

Such people are unlikely to be pleased with this exposition. Another, no less beautiful, option would be butterflies created from feathers and wire. They often have variegated colors and look great on plain walls.

If you have walls with a pattern, then this option is unlikely to suit you, since such butterflies will be lost against this background. Or you can buy butterflies made of self-adhesive film and stick them wherever you want.

What can be done with your own hands?

You can create butterflies with your own hands not only from paper, but also from cardboard.

Perhaps the easiest option for decorating walls will be paper butterflies. Options for fixing the composition Decorative insects made or purchased by you can be fixed in a permanent location in various ways.

In total, four mounting options can be distinguished.

1. Fastening with glue. The choice of adhesive material will depend both on what you are going to attach your element of the composition to, and on the material from which the attached object is made. If we are dealing with paper insects, then most often the number one choice is PVA glue. And here the main thing is not to get carried away. If you apply more than necessary, you risk not only getting streaks, but also distorting the color.

2. You can use the pin method. It is, of course, much neater than glue, but it will fit only if there is space between the wall and the wallpaper.

3. Another mounting option is fixing with adhesive tape. You can use both flat and volume version. The latter will add airiness and weightlessness to your composition.

4. And last but not least, and perhaps even more original way - using threads and transparent wire. This type of attachment is especially suitable for butterflies that have been folded in the origami technique. This type of fixation will affect your imagination to the maximum and bring a lot of positive emotions in the process.

Preparing to create paper decor

Although paper insects are the cheapest option for decorating, it still gives you options that no other method can.

When creating paper butterflies, you can make them flat or voluminous, smooth or textured, as well as layered and even openwork. And even combine everything in one. The main thing is to approach this issue not only creatively, but also wisely. After all, your composition should maximize the room. Breathe life and dynamics into it, and not become an indicator of bad taste.

It should also be noted that the paper color range is not only very wide, but can also be easily supplemented with all kinds of colors. Although in fairness it should be noted that the most win-win option is black plain butterflies.

In general, before you get down to work, think through everything to the smallest detail. Starting from the shape and color and ending with the ways of fixing the composition.

The process of creating a butterfly for a wall composition

In order for you to get a paper butterfly, which will become one of the elements of the future wall composition, you will need the following materials and tools.

First, it is paper and small decorative elements for decoration, if you want to use them. For example, it can be rhinestones. Secondly, scissors, glue, pencil and everything you need for fastening. Also use ready-made templates, according to which you will cut out insects for your composition.

So, let's look at how to make a butterfly out of paper. Cut the paper you will be using into squares. The sizes of the figures depend on your idea.

Fold each square in half and on one side carefully circle half of the sketch of your future butterfly, working through all the details. Without unfolding the square, carefully cut out all the elements, and only then unfold.

You will get a completely symmetrical insect. After all the butterflies are cut out, decorate them as you intended and start attaching to the wall. On the surface that will be the basis of the composition, mark up in advance so that in the end there are no unpleasant surprises.

If you don’t have money for new wallpapers or the purchase of interesting interior items, but you really want to diversify your room, paper butterflies on the wall will be an alternative solution. It is quite simple and quick to make them with your own hands, but the main thing is that this accessory can be used almost everywhere and in the way you need.

Butterflies in the interior: a variety of options

What needs to be done before proceeding with interior design? That's right, find and print templates for cutting paper butterflies. And there are a lot of options here:

  • The easiest option is to cut butterflies with even wings without bends and fuzzy lines. They can decorate the wall in front of the fireplace, behind the sofa or a picture frame.
  • When there is a color printer in the house, why not print ready-made multi-colored butterflies? Immediately there will be no need to select suitable colored paper or mess with coloring.

  • Do you want to decorate your interior in an unusual way? Then you have to work a little. Print out this template and use a sharp utility knife to cut out openwork winged insects.

  • The next option will also require some skill and patience. No, you do not need to make large gaps in the wings, but you will have to work hard on small details.

If you have drawing skills, then in addition to the proposed ready-made templates, you can come up with and put your own ideas on paper. Such soaring butterflies will certainly be unique.

fluttering whirlwind

Paper butterflies can decorate any part of a cozy apartment. And a lot here depends on your imagination. For example, a lone butterfly is unlikely to be noticeable against the general background, but when there are a lot of winged moths, this is an element of decor. In this way, you can separate the area on the wall under the clock, decorate the picture frame or place above the fireplace.

DIY paper butterflies in this master class can be glued to the wall in the form of a crazy whirlwind. And if you want the picture to be visible even at night, grease their wings with fluorescent glue or paint.

Necessary materials:

  • thick cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • double sided tape;
  • saucer.

Process description:

Useful advice: if you do not yet have a clear picture of the decor, then it is better to attach butterflies to the wall not with adhesive tape, but with pins. This will allow you to make rough sketches without damaging your wallpaper. Subsequently, when the finished sketch suits you completely, put the moths on the glue - this way they will hold on more reliably and definitely will not fall off the wall at the first breath of wind.

In the technique of origami

Volumetric compositions look very beautiful and original on the wall. For example, you can cut out large and small moths, and then glue them together at the core. Paper butterflies made using the origami technique look especially unusual. With their help, you can create a real effect of the presence of live insects on the wall. Even if you don’t really know how to fold paper figures, don’t worry - this master class will teach you everything.

Necessary materials:

  • multi-colored leaves for notes;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • threads.

Process description:

Butterfly made of accordion paper, combining different colors - a very beautiful craft. And it can also be a sticker if you stick double-sided tape on the back.

Materials for work:

  • Colored paper of any desired color;
  • Some cardboard for the body and antennae of the butterfly;
  • Glue stick, scissors, simple pencil, black felt-tip pen.

Butterfly paper accordion step by step

To create a butterfly, cut two rectangles from colored paper. The bottom two butterfly wings are slightly smaller than the top ones, so one of the rectangles should be smaller than the other.

A butterfly can be in one color, but its bright multi-colored version looks beautiful. Therefore, I picked up two shades for the wings - red and yellow. The red wings are upper, they are slightly larger than the yellow lower wings both in width and in length.

Let's start making accordion wings. Prepare a rectangle.

Fold it in half, the photo shows that it is folded from left to right.

Then fold again, top to bottom. That is, we have a folded rectangle with one fold on the left and two on the bottom. Top and right - free ends of the paper. This is important for proper wing cutting.

At the top of the rectangle, draw a line from the right side to the top corner of the left. It can be more sinuous or bulging, depending on how you want to see the wings of a butterfly.

Trim along the line, removing the upper left corner.

Open the folded paper, you should get something like the figure in the photo.

Do the same with the second section prepared for the bottom two wings.

Fold both parts into a small accordion, the width of the folds of which is not more than 5 mm. Of course, this size still depends on the size of your butterfly. Since for a butterfly, the size of a sheet of A4 paper, folds up to a centimeter are quite suitable.

Determine the middle of the accordions and bend them. Cut a thin rectangle out of colored paper, fold it 1-2 times to make it look like a belt.

Apply plenty of glue to this belt and fasten both wings with it in the fold area in the middle. Press and hold for a while. Spread your wings.

Cut out a small torso of any shape from cardboard. It can be an oval, a schematic figure eight. Draw in the same eyes, a sweet smile, you can also stripes that harmonize well with the stripes on the wings. Cut off thin strips of antennae from colored cardboard, twist their ends into rings and glue to the body.

It remains only to glue the body to the wings and the accordion paper butterfly is ready.

By experimenting with the colors of colored paper, you can make a variety of beautiful and bright butterflies, and with double-sided tape glued on the back, you can make chic stickers that will decorate a child's room, any room.

Often, many people have the idea to change the look of their apartment, or at least refresh it, without making a lot of effort. Usually this means at least cosmetic repairs.

However, in order to give the room an updated look, while not carrying out exhausting, costly repairs, this issue should be approached creatively.

It would be nice to remember one wonderful way of decor - this is the creation of a decorative panel. And in this case, a simple option for decorating walls with butterflies can come to the rescue, for which templates or stencils are used.

If you put a little effort and effort, then, undoubtedly, ordinary walls will have a stunning look and the room will take on a completely different, fabulous look.

To do this, you need to learn the basic ways of decorating walls. What is so amazing about decoration? This is an application, or rather, a do-it-yourself panel of butterflies on the wall. To accomplish this, a variety of materials are used. In the future, it is mounted on the walls in elegant compositions.

How to make a butterfly stencil with your own hands? For the manufacture of small moths on the walls, there are different options for using materials for cutting butterflies of different sizes, and based on these parameters, the final look of the decoration will depend. To make do-it-yourself templates of paper butterflies for decorating the interior is within the power of everyone.

The more you try, the more effectively you will impress everyone who sees such an application. That's why choose the right decor, and then fix the butterflies on the wall. Imagine that on the wall, for example, many openwork butterflies fly from the center. All of them are of various sizes and colors, spin in a round dance and vibrate their wings.

Undoubtedly, this will attract attention and delight, although the butterflies will not be dried, but made from improvised materials.

Important! Butterflies should be highlighted against the background of the wall, and for this it is better to make them bright. So they will not merge with the interior.

To decorate the wall, butterflies of various sizes, shapes and colors, cut out of paper along the contour - the most suitable material, are suitable. The realization of such an enchanting spectacle will depend on many factors, the main of which is sketch quality and accuracy.

The pattern of openwork butterflies for cutting out of paper must be cut out very carefully.

Butterflies on the wall with their own hands, photo

What to look for when creating butterflies

Firstly, form must be determined. If there are no own ideas on this issue, then you can look for suggestions on the Internet. There are sure to be templates and stencils for cutting, examples of finished work. You can also watch the creation of such a panel on the video:

Secondly, you need choose color future butterflies. After all, the design of any apartment is individual, so it is so important to take the time to select the appropriate color option for the future decor of the butterfly on the wall. Use the most successful color combinations, then the decor will best fit into the room and will be in harmony with all the elements.

The form deserves special attention. To date, ready-made multi-colored butterflies in the form of stickers are offered. They can be ordered at any store. They are of the most varied colors, as well as simple and intricate shapes. But we are considering decorations that are made independently, so for beginners, you should familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations.

Butterfly stencil on the wall - scheme, photo

At the initial stage, you should create a sketch of butterflies for cutting. This can be helped by using a program that draws or edits images. In the future, based on the sketch, butterflies are made stencils for cutting different sizes from the appropriate material. Templates can be made without even using a computer.

You just need to take a pencil in your hands and create sketches on ordinary paper or tracing paper - the outlines of butterflies and then cut them out.

Advice! The best option is not to use strict symmetry. And for this you should try not to mirror the wings. It is best to depict them slightly different in size - literally just a little bit.

Thanks to this, decorative butterflies on the wall will be more voluminous and dynamic. A the application will look great, regardless of how it is attached to the surface. But you should not bend too much, because the wings should differ from each other in moderation.

Stencils of simple butterflies for wall decor, photo

Once the butterfly pattern for cutting is ready, you can proceed to the next steps.

It is necessary to decide on the format of the future decor element, the number of butterflies, as well as how to fix them. Then you can modify the image and make it in several sizes, and then print it. You can also completely draw everything by hand if you do not have a printer, and cut it out.

After that, we make a butterfly stencil for cutting. It will not be so difficult to do this if you put the printout on a sheet of cardboard - and the outline of the butterfly for cutting is ready.

The printed silhouette of the butterfly is first cut off along the outer edge, only then you can proceed to the inner holes and cut them out, where necessary, with thin nail scissors or a special knife.

Butterfly stencils on a paper wall - photo of the cutting process

To decorate the walls with butterfly decor, you can also use such an option as origami. You will not need to expend energy on drawing the silhouette of a butterfly for cutting out of paper, but you will only have to learn the ability to assemble origami.

Important! You should not achieve the grace of a butterfly by increasing the number of folds or frills on the wings: openwork butterflies look more airy.

Further cutting with scissors or a paper cutter will be meticulous and a lot of details will quickly tire you out.

In fact, the creation of such elements is not very difficult. There are quite a lot of ready-made training videos on the Internet on how to make butterflies on the wall, as well as lessons on making origami. Here is one of them:

Features of fastening elements

When you have already cut out the moths according to the stencil, you can start creating a drawing on the planned surface. It is worth initially looking at various options on the Internet if your imagination has exhausted itself.

Most often, if a person decides to create such an element of room decor, he already has his own assumptions about the location of the pattern itself on the plane. The most popular are images of a vortex, a growing stream, the arrangement of blanks in a chaotic manner, in the form of creating a decorative pattern, and so on.

Important! By attaching butterflies to the wall, you can highlight the boundaries between certain areas in the room.

The main thing is to observe the correct placement of the moths and do everything possible so that they do not fall on the wallpaper pattern.

Original decor - butterflies on the wall, photo

For colored wallpapers (with an ornament and a repeating pronounced pattern), it is preferable to make the butterflies monochromatic (black or snow-white color is ideal), for a monochromatic palette, you can expand and cut out the silhouettes of butterflies from bright juicy colors.

When the blanks are cut and prepared, you can begin to mount it. Before you start doing this, you should recreate your idea on paper in order to understand how good it will look after implementation. Next, you need to mark with a pencil already on the wall the places where the butterflies will be.

All marks should not be bold, so that in the future you can remove the butterflies without leaving marks on the walls.

To attach these elements to the wall, you can use glue, pins, or hang them on a strong thread.

DIY wall decor with butterflies, photo


Decorating the interior with hand-made butterflies, you can choose various bases for this:

  • cardboard;
  • textile;
  • vinyl film;
  • paper.

You should choose any of them, based on the complexity of the picture that you have in mind. Paper is the most affordable base of all of the above, plus it is the easiest to cut blanks from it. White sheets can be colored and create multi-colored butterflies.

However The disadvantage of this material is that it is fragile. It can be selected if you want to attach butterflies for a short time.

Cardboard is a stronger base. You can choose double-sided and create solid blanks. Butterflies made of vinyl films look beautiful. Such a decoration will delight the eye with bright colors and its glossy surface.

To create a more "warm" look, it is worth giving preference to fabric, but, except for the glue, they cannot hold on to anything.

If you prefer the vinyl version, you should fix the butterflies in the middle of the body, so that at the slightest air flow they begin to move their wings. Then the spectacle will be simply amazing.

When choosing a hard cardboard for making butterflies, if you try very hard, you can give them various shapes. In addition, such applications will delight the eye for a long time and not lose their unusual 3D volumetric shape.

Anyone who wants to make voluminous paper butterflies with their own hands will be satisfied with the result. Although this way of changing the interior is not easy and takes a lot of time, the emotions that you get after the completion of the work will be truly unforgettable.

Read about how you can make it with your own hands: no less original decor, which can be successfully supplemented with paper butterflies.

The process of creating such an application is very exciting and is guaranteed to make your room original without repair work.

See a selection of photos of interiors decorated with artificial butterflies - an incredibly beautiful sight.

Butterflies are a symbol of lightness. Butterflies are the most adorable creatures on the planet. No wonder they say: "flutters like a butterfly" or "light as a butterfly." And so I want to become a butterfly and flutter, take off. Or at least keep them as pets. But, unfortunately, the life of butterflies is short, and few people dare to keep a collection of dried butterflies, it's a pity for them. The ideal way out is do-it-yourself butterflies.

Learning how to make butterflies is simple, but there was a desire and creative inspiration. And the material is always at hand: fabric, paper, nylon, plastic bottles. So, let's start, perhaps. Let's figure out how to make a butterfly with your own hands from various improvised means.

For her, we need wire, scissors, colored paper or a page from a magazine. In this case, we will arm ourselves with a colorful magazine.

Cut out a square from a rectangular sheet. To do this, bend the sheet. Combining the two sides, cut off the excess. We do not throw away the cut piece, we still need it.

From the square we make a triangle and fold it with an accordion. The more additions, the more romantic the butterfly will turn out.

When the accordion is ready, unfold the sheet.

So we tie it diagonally with wire. Got big wings.

We take the part of the sheet that we cut off from the square. We make a square out of it, then a triangle. We also fold it with an accordion, straighten it and tie it with wire.

We connect large and small wings with wire, wind them several times, form the body itself. For volume, you can insert plasticine or the rest of the paper into it (after crumpling it). From the remnants of the wire we make antennae.

A few sheets of a magazine, a lot of fun and do-it-yourself paper butterflies are ready!

Butterfly can be not only attached to a mirror, picture, wall or lamp. She can flutter in the breeze. To do this, you need to make a butterfly with movable wings.


  • colored paper for copier;
  • scissors, glue, pencil;
  • pliers, wire cutters;
  • wire;
  • stationery black rubber bands;
  • markers, tape, brush.

Depending on the color of the paper, you can make any butterfly. We will make a butterfly-swallowtail.

You can check if you did everything right by shaking the butterfly. If the wings flutter - you did it, you did it.

Incredibly beautiful do-it-yourself butterflies are made from fabric. We need a small piece of felt, beautiful beads or buttons, sequins, sequins, a piece of tulle, glue, a beautiful ribbon.

Draw a butterfly stencil on paper, cut it out and transfer it to felt.

Cut out 8 petals from tulle.

Everything else is decoration and depends on your imagination. We fix all the decorative prettiness with glue. Glue sequins along the edge. You can use acrylic rhinestones. On the upper wings we glue two petals from the grid. For the lower wings, fold the petals in half and glue.

To hang the butterfly, we glue the tape.

We continue to decorate it with beads, sequins, rhinestones, small buttons.

To make the butterfly shine, sprinkle it with ordinary hairspray, sprinkle with dry sparkles and fix it again with varnish.

Our butterfly is ready.

Necessary materials:

  • organza;
  • paint-contour on fabric.
  • "web";
  • colour pencils;
  • wool, scissors, glue, stencil, pencil.

To begin with, we glue two pieces of organza to each other with the help of a “cobweb” - we iron them.

Organza is transparent, so we put the butterfly stencil under the fabric. Outline on top. We draw not only the contour of the butterfly, but also all the veins. But we don't color it. After a few hours, when it dries (see the instructions for the paint), we fix the pattern with an iron.

We paint over the butterfly with colored pencils, referring to the stencil or picture. Carefully cut out the wings. You should get four parts. From wool we roll a shaggy body. Attach wings to it with glue. We make antennae from fishing line, attach them to the body.

The beautiful butterfly is ready!

It would seem that what can be done with PET containers? Just throw away. An no. Plastic makes beautiful crafts and not only decorative, for example, or flowers, but also practical, for example, a fence or. Now let's make a butterfly.

We will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • glue, scissors, marker;
  • nail polish, dry glitter;
  • butterfly stencil;
  • wire, wire cutters;
  • beads, rhinestones.

Cut off part of the bottle. Attach the stencil from the inside. Circle it along the contour, draw veins. It is better to take a waterproof marker so that it does not wash off.

Cut out the butterfly, bend it slightly. From the inside out with nail polish, paint the butterfly. Make and attach wire antennae to the butterfly. Without cutting the wire, string beads on it - this will be the body of a butterfly.

Attach the body with the antennae to the butterfly. You can glue, you can make holes in the base and attach through them. Walk along the contours drawn with a marker with glue, sprinkle with sparkles. Rhinestones can be added if desired. Let dry.

Butterfly is ready!


  • wire, wire cutters;
  • glue, paint (gouache);
  • glitter glue or dry glitter;
  • light-colored nylon socks or tights;
  • brushes, scissors.

Cut off two identical pieces of wire and connect them to each other. Give the frame the shape of wings. Cut out a square or rectangle from a nylon, fold in half. Put the frame inside. Pull the capron onto the wire. Fasten the ends. Take a hair clip and attach to the wings like a body. Decorate the wings with paints, sparkles, beads, sequins, rhinestones. Plant the entire decor on glue or sew with monofilament.

You can make a two-sided butterfly.

You can attach such a butterfly on your hair, on clothes, on.