What are living conditions. The act of inspection of living conditions. The act specifies

The procedure for conducting a survey of the living conditions of underage citizens and their families (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2009 No. 334.

The procedure determines the procedure for conducting a survey of the living conditions of underage citizens and their families (hereinafter referred to as the survey).

The survey is carried out in order to
identification of circumstances indicating the absence of parental care over a minor citizen (hereinafter referred to as a child, children) in cases of death of parents, deprivation of their parental rights, restriction of their parental rights, recognition of parents as incapacitated, illness of parents, prolonged absence of parents, evasion of parents from raising children or from protecting their rights and interests, including when parents refuse to take their children from educational organizations, medical organizations, organizations providing social services, or similar organizations, when the actions or inaction of parents create conditions that pose a threat to the life or health of children or prevent their normal upbringing and development, as well as in other cases of lack of parental care.

The examination is carried out by a guardianship and guardianship agency or an educational organization, a medical organization, an organization providing social services, or another organization, including an organization for orphans and children left without parental care (hereinafter referred to as the organization), to which authority has been transferred in the prescribed manner body of guardianship and guardianship to identify minor citizens who need to establish guardianship or guardianship over them, including an examination of the living conditions of such minor citizens and their families.

Basis for the survey
oral and written appeals of legal entities and individuals containing information about children (hereinafter referred to as information) are received by the guardianship and guardianship authority or the organization at the actual location of the children.

The examination is carried out by an authorized specialist (specialists) of the guardianship and guardianship body or organization within three days from the date of receipt of the information.

During the examination, it is revealed:

The level of provision of basic needs of the child.

Health status: general visual assessment of the level of physical development and its correspondence to the age of the child, the presence of diseases, special needs for medical care, drug provision; the presence of signs of physical and (or) mental abuse of the child.

Appearance: observance of the norms of personal hygiene of the child, the availability, quality and condition of clothes and shoes, their compliance with the season, as well as the age and gender of the child, and so on.

Social adaptation: the presence of communication skills with others, self-service skills in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the child's development, the adequacy of the child's behavior in different situations, and so on.

Upbringing and education: a form of development of educational programs, visits to educational institutions, including institutions of additional education for children; successes and problems in the development of educational programs in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the development of the child; the regimen of the child's day (sleep, nutrition, their age and individual characteristics), the organization of free time and rest of the child; the presence of a developing and learning environment.

Ensuring safety: lack of access to dangerous household items, medicines, electrical appliances, gas, etc., the risk of harm to the child both at home and outside the home.

Meeting the emotional needs of the child.

Child's family environment.

Composition of the family who actually cares for and supervises the child; the presence and place of residence of close relatives of the child, the degree of participation of parents and other persons living together, relatives in the upbringing and maintenance of the child; the degree of attachment and relationship of the child with parents and family members.

Relationships between family members, their nature; features of communication with children, children among themselves; family values, traditions, family history, family way of life, distribution of roles in the family, parents' social circle; social connections of the child and his family with neighbors, acquaintances, contacts of the child with peers, teachers, educators.

Housing and property conditions.

Living conditions in which the child lives: the presence and ownership of the dwelling, its total and living area, the number of rooms, landscaping and sanitary and hygienic condition; the child has a separate equipped place (room, corner) for sleeping, games, activities, and so on.

Family income structure: main sources of income (income of parents and other family members, alimony, pensions, allowances, other social payments); average monthly and per capita family income; information about the property and property rights of the child; sufficiency of family income to meet the basic needs of the child (food, clothing and footwear, medical care, toys and games, printed and audiovisual products, school supplies and stationery, and so on).

The presence of circumstances that endanger the life and health of the child, his physical and moral development or violate his rights and legally protected interests; facts of neglect, cruel, rude, degrading treatment, insult or exploitation of a child, physical or mental abuse of a child, encroachment on his sexual inviolability.

During the survey, such forms of obtaining information are used as a conversation with the child, his parents and other family members, a survey of persons who have data on the relationship between parents and the child, their behavior in everyday life, observation, study of documents, educational and creative work of the child, and others.

During the survey, the confidentiality of personal data of citizens is ensured.

Based on the results of the survey, act of examining the living conditions of a minor citizen and his family(hereinafter referred to as the survey report) containing:

Assessment of the circumstances identified during the survey;
conclusions about the presence of conditions that pose a threat to the life or health of the child or impede his normal upbringing and development;
conclusions about the presence of circumstances indicating the absence of parental care over the child;
recommendations on the form of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the child.

The survey report is drawn up within 3 days from the date of the survey, signed by the authorized specialist of the guardianship and guardianship body or organization that conducted the survey and approved by the head of the guardianship and guardianship body or organization.

The act of the survey conducted by the organization is drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is sent to the appropriate guardianship and guardianship authority within 1 day following the day of its approval, the second is stored in the organization.

A copy of the examination certificate, certified by the head of the guardianship and guardianship body or the organization that conducted the examination, is sent to the parents (legal representatives) of the child within 3 days from the date of approval of the examination certificate if there is information about the place of residence or place of stay of the parents (legal representatives) of the child.

The examination report may be challenged by the parents (legal representatives) of the child in court.

If, based on the results of the survey, circumstances are revealed that indicate the absence of parental care over the child, the organization is obliged, within 1 day following the day of the survey, to report this to the guardianship and guardianship authority at the actual location of the child.

Olga Perkova
The act of examining the living and material conditions of the family of a minor.

examination of housing and material conditions of the family of a minor.

Educational organization___

Target surveys: detection living conditions of the family ___

"12" May 2011

Home address:

Compound families:

Living conditions:2-room apartment on the 1st floor of a brick house. The condition of the apartment is good, the child has the necessary conditions for safe living and learning.

Sanitary condition: during the check no violations of sanitary and hygienic standards were found. The rooms are clean. Things, toys are laid out neatly. Conditions are created for a minor: there is a room where he does his homework and rests, the apartment is warm, comfortable, the child is provided with food, dressed in a number, neat.

The psychological climate in family: all members families communicate well with each other, the relationship is positive.

Signs of trouble: no obvious signs of trouble were found when visiting the apartment. The mother works, the child is brought up mother and stepfather with whom ___ formed good relationship. The child has all the necessary accessories for studying, there is a place to do homework.


___ has developed an indifferent-passive attitude to the educational process, there is no interest in any academic subjects. But the child has a pronounced need to be the center of attention of others. Therefore, there are cases of systematic violation of discipline in order to draw attention to themselves, which affects the assimilation of educational material not only ___ but also other students.

The child is often distracted, engaged in extraneous activities during classes, there is no desire to overcome difficulties. He is not serious about educational activities, he performs public assignments irresponsibly.

In April-May, there were frequent skipping of individual lessons, the absence of ___ at school on certain days. The reasons for the absence are disrespectful (slept through the lessons or no desire to attend school on certain days, mainly on Tuesday and Thursday). Parents always wake up their children before leaving for work.

Educational conversations are systematically conducted with ___ class teacher, the child was repeatedly called for conversations with a social teacher and the school principal, but these preventive work do not bring a significant positive result.

Head teacher: ___

Social teacher: ___

Parents' Committee represented by Golovko N. V. ---

Classroom teacher ---

living conditions of a minor and his family

Date of examination/visit ______________

student (student) _____________________________________________________ ____ class ____________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Date of Birth ____________

Residing at: ____________________________________

Registration at ___________________________________________________________________________



    parents are morally stable, have a culture of upbringing, the emotional atmosphere of the family is positive


    pedagogically incompetent (parents do not have a culture of education): there is no unity of requirements, the child is neglected, abuse, systematic physical punishment, low awareness of interests, of the child's behavior outside of school

    morally dysfunctional (asocial; parents lead an immoral lifestyle: they drink, parasitize, keep a flood, have a criminal record, do not raise children)

    conflict (there is a dysfunctional emotional atmosphere in the family, constant conflicts between parents, parents are overly irritable, cruel, intolerant).

    The family is registered with the KDN, PSC "Harmony"

    A minor is registered with the Higher School of Education, PDN, KDN

    FAMILY STATUS having many children I am / low-income / single mother/ single father / ward


    1. Mother (legal representative) .

Name, place of work


3.2 Father (legal representative) _______________________________________________________________


Name, place of work

    1. Parents are / are not married in a registered marriage; live together/separately


Full name, year of birth

Relationship (mother, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather)


resides permanently/temporarily/not resides

participates / does not participate in the upbringing and maintenance of the child


    1. Residential area where minor, date of birth

Makes up ___ sq.m., in a private house, consists of __ rooms and kitchens.

    1. The owner (tenant) of the living space is __________________

Full name, degree of relationship in relation to the child


    1. The quality of the house (brick, panel, wooden, etc.; condition: dilapidated, emergency; cleanliness of the rooms, foreign smell, etc.) Finnish panel house, the condition of the house is satisfactory, the floors in the rooms are clean, but all the furniture is old, worn, dirty. The rooms have an extraneous specific smell. .

      Improvement of the house and living space (water supply, sewerage, bath, elevator, telephone, etc.) there is no sewerage, no running water, water is brought from a well, the house has all the necessary furniture, appliances, several beds. Some of the beds are missing linens or if they are, they are dirty. The house needs major cosmetic repairs. .

      How is it heated house heating there is a stove for water heating of the house on wood, it works by burning wood. .

      Cooking methods (gas, stove, etc., food quality and food availability) food is cooked on a two-burner electric stove, there is an electric thermopot, m ultracooker -household kitchen appliance intended for for cooking.

      Wiring Condition A new electric meter and electrical wiring has been installed from the outside of the house. The house requires an urgent replacement of electrical wiring. it looks dry, hard, there are cracks in the braid, the insulation is very old and there are a lot of places where the wires are insulated with electrical tape. .

      Sanitary condition of the living area the sanitary condition is satisfactory, hygienic standards are partially observed. .

      Conditions for the full development of the child

Availability of clothing and footwear according to the season: seasonal clothes, shoes are rarely changed, very often the school teachers dress the child. A child comes to school from home in old, worn, sometimes holey things that do not correspond to age. .

Are funds available to prepare a student for school? not enough

Provision of textbooks, school supplies school supplies and stationery are provided in sufficient volume.

The presence of a separate room (a place to sleep, play, relax, closet, condition of furniture, etc.) there is a separate room for the child to sleep and rest, there are no toys, the condition of the furniture is unsatisfactory, at the time of the visit there was no bed linen on the child’s bed, the pillow consisted of some pieces of foam rubber, there is no wallpaper on the walls - the room is uncomfortable.

    STRUCTURE OF FAMILY INCOME (main sources of income: salary, pension, allowance, alimony, other social payments) the main source of income is wages and child allowance in the aggregate amounts to approximately roubles. .

Sufficiency of family income to meet the basic needs of the child (food, clothes, shoes, toys, medical care, stationery, etc.) income is not sufficient to provide minors with basic needs for food, clothing, toys, honey. maintenance, school supplies and stationery. .

    SAFETY (lack of access to dangerous items in the home, medicines, electrical appliances, gas, etc., the risk of harm to the child, both at home and outside the home) cleaning and detergents, household chemicals, medications are kept out of the reach of children. Electrical wiring causes fear for the life and health of minors. The risk of harming the child at home and away from home is minimal .


    family dictate

    systematic suppression of the initiative and self-esteem of the child


    satisfaction of all the needs of the child, protection from difficulties, worries, efforts


    avoidance of active participation in the upbringing of the child, passivity, recognition of the complete autonomy of the child


    relationship of mutual respect, shared experience of joys, sorrows, etc.


Everything is allowed for children, they are not limited by prohibitions, inappropriate actions are ignored. Verbal punishment is often used. .

    FAMILY LEISURE, HOUSE DUTIES Family entertainment is not provided. The child has household duties, taking turns washing dishes with his brothers, vacuuming carpets.

    THE ATTITUDE OF THE CHILD TO THOSE WHO EDUCATE HIM The teachers of the school are treated with respect and warmth. He loves his family very much, treats him warmly and reverently.

    AVAILABILITY OF CONTROL OVER SCHOOL AND EXTRA-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (attendance at school, parent-teacher meetings, interest in getting an education, control over homework, etc.) low level of communication and interaction "parents-children". The mother makes a minimum of demands on her children, often showing an indifferent or neglectful attitude towards her children. Attends parent meetings without desire and interest. She does not cooperate with teachers in matters of education, avoids contact with teachers. The mother takes care of the children.

    HELP YOUR CHILD NEEDS psychological and pedagogical

    HELP THE FAMILY NEEDS socio-psychological

    CONCLUSION I.'s family is large, low-income, pedagogically incompetent - there is no unity of requirements, low awareness of the interests, of the child's behavior outside of school. The prevailing style of education is indifferent. The sanitary and hygienic condition in the house is satisfactory. Requires urgent replacement of electrical wiring, cosmetic repairs.

The act was drawn up in ___ copies

position Full name signature

position Full name signature

position Full name signature

Parent (Guardian) _________________________________________________\_________________________________\

ACT survey of living conditions

G. _______________

The commission consisting of: ________________________________________ checked the living conditions of a citizen _________________________________.


working in __________________________________ in the position of __________________________, living in the house No. _________________________________ apartment No. _____ on the street __________________________________________ on the residential area __________________________.

The house belongs to _________________________________.

The survey found:

living area, where _________________________________ lives, consists of rooms _____ sq. m, size of each room: _____ sq. m, _____sq. m on _____ floor in _____ storey building.

The quality of the house (brick, panel, wooden, etc. in good condition, dilapidated, emergency rooms are dry, bright, walk-through, the number of windows, etc.) __________.

Improvement of the house and this living space (water supply, sewerage, what kind of heating, gas, bath, elevator, telephone, etc.) ____________________.

The act of examining the living conditions of living in the presence of minor children in the family who attend any educational institutions.

Date of examination: _____________________

FULL NAME. position of the specialists who conducted the survey:


An examination of the living conditions of a minor was carried out:

Full name, date of birth, student of class ____ MB (A) OU " School No. ___"

1. Information about parents (guardians)

Mother: Full name date of birth, place of work

Father: full name date of birth, place of work

2. Information about minors

2.1 State of health: the physical development of children corresponds to their age, no external signs of the presence of the disease have been identified (detected). There are no signs of physical or mental abuse of children (they are present).

2.2 Appearance: children are clean, well-groomed, have the necessary clothes and shoes for home, visiting an educational institution, walking. All things are in good condition, correspond to the age of children, there is outerwear according to the season and season.

2.3 Social adaptation: during the visit, the children (child) are calm, friendly, interested (indifferent) to the visit of a stranger. During the conversation, they make contact (are shy), the answers to questions are complete (monosyllabic). Relations with family members are good, friendly (tense, conflict). The nature of the relationship is built on trust or on resentment, isolation. Whether I help or not in household chores, I have a responsible attitude to the instructions of the parents, they show initiative (the performance of duties is formal, without initiative).

2.4 Upbringing and education: academic performance is good (if low, what explains it: ped. neglect, lack of conditions, lack of development of cognitive processes or other disorders). What are the difficulties, what is being done to correct and correct. Dealing with the difficulties of other family members.

3. Living conditions:

3.1 The family lives in a ____ improved apartment ( Khrushchev, "hotel "), privatized or not, total area ____ sq.m

3.2 The house in which minors live is in good condition, the entrance is clean, renovated (repairs were carried out a long time ago, the entrance is not cleaned).

3.3 The apartment is clean, comfortable, there are no unpleasant odors (dirty, not cleaned, smoky, the smell of alcohol, acetone, etc.) schoolchild, repair in the apartment and in the children's room, a wardrobe for storing clothes).

4. Approximate family income, whether material assistance is required, in what form.


1. Living conditions are satisfactory (unsatisfactory)

2. Who cares and supervises the children, fulfillment of parental duties is carried out in full (partially, parental duties are not performed)

3. Shortcomings of family education and training were noted (conflicts in the family between parents, conflicts with the child, styles of parenting, control over the implementation of home tasks, parents' awareness of the child's success in school, extracurricular activities of the child, family holidays, traditions).

1. Provide child care

2. Cleaning the apartment, the child's room

3. Assistance in preparing homework

Some time ago, news began to appear from various regions reporting very similar cases: that the class teacher makes a schedule for visiting all the students in the class for a survey of living conditions (ZHBU).
This happens according to the following scheme: the class teacher announces that a commission will come to the family of each student to examine the conditions in which the child lives. It would seem that everything is clear: they will look at our apartment and write down how many square meters, how many rooms, cleanliness, order (or vice versa, “it’s a little dirty for you, I would like to wash the dishes ...”)

Although - no, it is still not clear why the family of each student is bypassed? Why will they come to my family too? They won’t give me a new apartment anyway and won’t raise my salary (and they won’t wash any dishes), we live modestly, but we don’t ask anyone for a piece of bread.

The naive, those who might think that such a survey will somehow affect the improvement of their living conditions, have long been gone. And teachers would not be examined for such a purpose.

Then why would they come to investigate? Where will the test results be sent? I must say that few parents ask these questions, believing that “they will come - and let them, sorry for us, or what? Native school, familiar teachers, it’s necessary, it’s necessary. ”

I asked myself and found this answer:
“One of the duties of a social pedagogue and class teacher is to examine the living conditions of the child, his family and draw up an appropriate survey report.”
The answer is incomplete, because it is still not clear from it why this is being done and where, again, the results go. Therefore, continuing the search, I open the "Responsibilities of the class teacher." You can find a little in them: standard documents and documents of specific municipal educational institutions (MOE, which used to be schools). Documents that are not very different from each other.

Nowhere is such a duty indicated - to examine housing and living conditions. However, everywhere there is a point, worded differently, but having the same meaning:

<<3.15. Обеспечивает защиту и охрану прав учащихся, особенно уделяя внимание "трудным" детям и детям, оставшимся без попечения родителей, активно сотрудничая с социальными службами. Выявляет и ведет учет детей социально незащищенных категорий, детей из неблагополучных семей;>>.

"Socially unprotected" means materially unsecured, poor. For this category of families, at their request, acts of examination of the ZhBU are actually carried out in order to apply for the allocation of free meals, for example.

And the keyword is at their request.

I didn’t ask for this, but do they still come to me? As for the "unfortunate"...

My family is a completely normal family, no one, including the court, recognized us as “unfavorable.” In a word, instead of an answer, there is one more question.

I open the "Responsibilities of a social pedagogue", I find that the item "examination of the living conditions of the child, his family and drawing up the corresponding examination report" is also absent in them. The conclusion is simple: MOU employees do not have such a duty - to examine the conditions in which the family of each "student" lives.

But after all, they are being examined, and parents allow this, listening to the phrase “We have an Order!” that opens all the doors!

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 14, 2009 N 334 "On the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2009 N 423", to which the school administration refers.

<<4. Основанием для проведения обследования являются поступившие в орган опеки и попечительства или организацию по месту фактического нахождения детей устные и письменные обращения юридических и физических лиц, содержащие сведения о детях, указанных в пункте 2 настоящего Порядка. >>

“Clause 2 of this Order” for the time being, we will leave, and dwell on another point. It turns out that my family received “oral and written appeals from legal entities and individuals”? That is, what is popularly called denunciations? And not just for my family, but for everyone else? After all, they are going to “examine” everyone. No? Were there any reports? Then what does this Order with a capital "P" have to do with it? Again cunning.

So with good reason, the class teacher or other pedagogical worker can say:

Thanks, we didn't call you. At present, we do not need a certificate of examination of the housing maintenance facility.”

But they insist... What's the matter? I open the article "Survey of the living conditions of the child's family: what to look for and how to draw up an examination report?" It contains the following words: "Surveying the housing conditions of disadvantaged [and not all, ed.] families is designed to influence parents to improve the lives of children in the family or remove children from these conditions."

But this is not such a simple procedure - to recognize the family as dysfunctional, and then “examine”, if at the same time you love children, take care of them, look after them, educate them, do not drink heavily, do not leave the child unattended and so on.

So why, I ask again, "influence the parents?" Why and who needs it? I'll come from afar. They say that in Russia now there is no ideology (its absence is even enshrined in the Constitution). But it is clear that in fact such an ideology exists. This is an ideology that has long been adopted by Western countries, with an eye on which laws are being developed (and often adopted) in our country.

“Let money be our national idea,” said one now forgotten politician from the 1990s. The idea was taken up with a bang. Everywhere - market relations. The market of educational services, the market of social services... And where the market of services is, there are their consumers, free or involuntary (that is, we), and suppliers. Naturally, service providers are profit-oriented.

Considering that the real sector of the economy in our country is ... well, exactly, "unfavorable", modernizing suppliers place great hopes on this area: family, children, education, and so on.

To something that in our minds has never been associated with buying and selling and making a profit. Wasn't connected? Will. What has already been done for this? First of all, the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" was adopted, which proclaims the inadmissibility of the lack of competition in the educational services market between state, private, public, domestic, foreign and international service providers and "educational services". Further, the law "On the basics of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation" was adopted, which entered into force on January 1, 2015. In which psychological and pedagogical assistance to the family is also classified as "services". Accordingly, on a market basis. It remains to form "registers of service providers in the field of social services and registers of recipients of social services in each subject of the Russian Federation."

There are no problems with the registers of providers: in the conditions of a decline in the real sector of the economy, there are many who want to try their hand at the social services market and they willingly enter their data into the registers. But with the registers of recipients of social services - much worse.

Reformers-modernizers rightly believe that there are not many who voluntarily want to have a personal overseer in their own house and constantly justify themselves to him. Yes, and for their own money. Because money from the budget will be paid only for services for the poor. Those who earn more than the living wage will pay themselves.

The sales market needs to be stimulated, so they will start making offers that we cannot refuse under the threat of removing the child.

Hence the activity of “teaching workers” (as they are called in the Law on Education) in drawing up acts of examination of housing and financial institutions, and, contrary to the laws, examinations of all “students” without exception.

Let's return to the article "Survey of the living conditions of a child's family: what to look for and how to draw up an examination report?" Selected from this document (talking about what, in fact, it turns out during the survey):

<<6.2.2. Отношения, сложившиеся между членами семьи, их характер; особенности общения с детьми, детей между собой; семейные ценности, традиции, семейная история, уклад жизни семьи, распределение ролей в семье, круг общения родителей; социальные связи ребенка и его семьи с соседями, знакомыми, контакты ребенка со сверстниками, педагогами, воспитателями.>>

<<6.4. Наличие обстоятельств, которые создают угрозу жизни и здоровью ребенка, его физическому и нравственному развитию либо нарушают его права и охраняемые законом интересы; факты пренебрежительного, жестокого, грубого, унижающего человеческое достоинство обращения, оскорбления или эксплуатации ребенка, физического или психического насилия над ребенком, покушения на его половую неприкосновенность.>>

What violates the rights and interests of the child, and what does not violate, what is cruel and rude, and what is not, what is exploitation and what is not, whether the "emotional needs" of the child are met or not - all this will be decided by specific "employees and workers ”, proceeding from the interests of not the child and his family, but - since, we repeat, we are talking about market relations! - from the interests of fulfilling the order and expanding the market of social services.

"Active cooperation with social services" is the main commandment of the class teacher and social teacher.

So far, survey reports with the smallest details (of which, perhaps, we ourselves do not suspect) are accumulated by a social pedagogue. And soon, when registries and registers are formed, they will very quickly be filled with information about our families. For every taste... service providers.

What conclusion follows from these facts? A general survey of the living conditions of "students" has no legal basis.

Moreover, it violates: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the very first article of which states: "Everyone has the right to privacy, personal and family secrets, protection of his honor and good name." Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

Article 2 informs that the purpose of this Federal Law is to ensure the protection of the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen in the processing of his personal data, including the protection of the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets.

Article 3, paragraph 1, defines that personal data is any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable natural person (subject of personal data).

Article 5, paragraph 2, says that the processing of personal data should be limited to the achievement of specific, predetermined and legitimate purposes. It is not allowed to process personal data that is incompatible with the purposes of collecting personal data.

Article 5, paragraph 5: “The content and scope of the processed personal data must correspond to the stated purposes of processing. The processed personal data should not be excessive in relation to the stated purposes of their processing.

Article 7 establishes that operators and other persons who have gained access to personal data are obliged not to disclose to third parties and not to distribute personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

As you can see, the law (at least for now) is on our side. As for the desire to delve into someone else's private life (even with the purest market intentions!), How could service providers themselves not fall under the article ...

Elena Klintsevich.