Giving the ring of the sage's omen. Is it possible to give a ring to a girl before the wedding on different holidays

Natalya Erofeevskaya December 6, 2018

A ring for many girls is the most desired gift, and this is not always associated only with true love and engagement. The ring can be worn all the time, and it will remind you of the one who gave it literally every minute, you just need to look. A spectacular design or luxurious jewelry design attract the attention of colleagues, arouse the envy of girlfriends, will become the highlight of an evening look or a stylish accessory at any celebration.

The ring at all times had a serious sacred meaning and ambiguity - it is also a symbol of the cycle of life, a symbol of the sun and a symbol of power, wisdom, love. In the old days, amulets were made from rings and worn not only on the finger (by the way, the choice of a finger under the ring also has a certain meaning), but also around the neck or sewn into the lining of a skirt, dress, caftan. For the same reason, you can’t give your ring to a stranger, but for a close and dear one, it can become a powerful talisman.

Golden ring, Pushkin Jewelry Factory(price link)

About the ring endowed with such power, many folk signs are known, both good and not very good. The most famous belief is associated with the loss of a wedding ring: such a ring is lost - the end of the family, from now on only troubles and sorrows will visit this house. Today we will be interested in signs about a donated ring: in what cases is it appropriate to give a girl a ring, and when it is worth looking at something else as a gift, which ring to choose, etc.

Can I give a gift ring?

Since ancient times, it was believed that a powerful energy flow passes through the hole in the ring, and since the ring has neither beginning nor end, this flow is endless. The divine power associated with the ring endowed sorcerers, shamans, priests wearing rings on their fingers (and, mind you, far from one!) with truly magical abilities. In the modern world, giving a ring means an unspoken alliance, agreement, mutual understanding and respect.

Rings are given only to people close to them - most often to relatives and lovers; a gift in the form of a ring from a stranger or colleague is unacceptable

When should you not give a girl a ring? If you think about it, the logic in the following paragraphs is quite simple:

  1. You should not give a ring to your beloved if the relationship is not serious enough: for girls, the ring is synonymous with an already decided future wedding. If you just want to please your girlfriend, give something else, for example, a beautiful pendant or earrings.
  2. It’s better not to give a young lady a ring at all than to give a cheap bad taste: such a gift is humiliating, it speaks either of the extreme stinginess of a man, or of the frivolity of his intentions.
  3. Do not give once a gift ring. The situation actually lies on the surface: the man already had a lover, he gave her a ring, the relationship ended, she returned him in her hearts. Well, do not disappear the same good? Even if the new passion does not know anything about this background of the jewelry, the energy of the ring, in which many believe, will give itself away and the new relationship will not end in anything good either.
  4. It is a bad omen to give a girl a ring if the fate of her previous owner was tragic: it is believed that death, widowhood, the loss of a child or illness give the energy of the ring an appropriate color.

And it is always worth remembering the appropriateness of such a gift: a ring presented by a man to a girl is a certain, albeit unofficial, obligation. Whatever the ring, the girl will certainly draw conclusions for herself, will hope for the further development of relations and a natural ending to the wedding fanfare.

Rose gold ring, Topaz(price link)

How to give a ring to a girl in an original way?

Undoubtedly, without exception, all girls love romance - so bet on it. The environment is of great importance, and the presentation of such a memorable gift among the ruins of a medieval fortress, at sunset during a sea cruise, during dinner in a restaurant will be received with incredible delight. Rest on the seashore will also play into your hands: the ring can be placed in advance in a beautiful bivalve shell and discreetly “tossed” to your beloved - such a wonderful gift looks very touching and romantic.

How to romantically give a ring

There are many options for this method: the ring “can” be hidden in a modest, at first glance, bouquet, but you should definitely make sure that the girl found it, otherwise the decoration will turn out to be in the bin along with faded flowers. You can put a ring in your own dessert or bathe in a cocktail or wine during a date: the girl will drink her glass and ... ta-dam!!! If only she didn't swallow the present.

A gold ring as a gift from a man is an unspoken symbol, if not of engagement, especially if important words were never spoken, then at least evidence of the seriousness of the relationship. Presenting a golden ring to a chosen one can be both quite official - for example, in public or in a restaurant with musical accompaniment, or a romantic setting for just two. Focus on the character, temperament and lifestyle of your girlfriend: if everything is fine with her sense of humor, then a soft teddy bear with a ring hanging around her neck or a bunch of balloons, one of which is placed inside a beautiful bag with a ring, will look stylish and extraordinary . In many cases, a gift box for a ring is not at all necessary: ​​it all depends on the idea and method of presenting an expensive present.

Photo ring as a gift

If a decision is made on the traditional presentation of jewelry, then it is necessary to pack the ring beautifully. A velvet gift box or a miniature embroidered bag is part of the ritual, which should be supplemented with correct and gentle words, sincere emotions. In fact, a guy can give a ring to his girlfriend as he pleases, especially if the couple has a beautiful serious relationship, as long as it is pleasant, safe and from the heart.

To give a ring in an unusual way, it is enough to know your beloved well and not be afraid of the flight of your own imagination: the most unexpected decisions are the most successful

On which finger to wear a ring given by a guy?

But now the ring has already been donated - on which finger of the chosen one should I put it on? There are no questions about a wedding ring: in Russia, a wedding or engagement ring is put on the ring finger of the right hand. If the gift does not have such a serious purpose, then you can wear it on any hand and on almost any finger. Practically - because the ring finger of the left hand is reserved for divorced or widows.

The language of rings, which few people really know about, has its own ideas about which finger to wear a ring on:

  • the little finger for the ring is chosen by people who are free and not ready to marry or other serious relationships;
  • the ring finger of the right hand is "reserved" for married ladies and young ladies who have a lover;
  • a ring on the middle finger characterizes the owner as an experienced person in matters of the heart;
  • the index finger is often in sight, and therefore the ring on it will indicate the active search work of the partner.

The thumb for wearing a ring is often used by young girls, but mostly for self-expression or indicating belonging to one of the subcultures. If you follow the theory of the language of rings, the right hand symbolizes the current state of a person, the left - the desired one.

Ring on a finger

In fact, everything is even simpler: the girl puts the presented ring on the finger on which it fits well in size. But what if the guy gave the ring, but it's not enough? Of course, you should not return a gift with bitter tears - and the guy will be upset, and the jewelry will not be accepted back in the store. Contact a jewelry workshop for advice: smooth rings made of gold or silver with a simple design “roll out” to the desired size without any problems, but with complex design patterns or materials other than jewelry alloys, everything may not be so simple.

If the ring as a gift is hopelessly small, and jewelers cannot help in any way, you can wear the ring on a neck chain - both stylishly and modernly, and always with you.

Why can't you give rings?

Many girls want to give their young man a worthwhile gift, one that he will carry with him all the time and which, as it were, “insures” him from betrayal by the one who loves him. Why is a gift - a ring - bad for these purposes? And beautiful, and for a long time, and reminiscent, and ... Do not rush, dear ladies! First you need to figure out if the opposite will work out if you give the guy a ring? A large number of gifts are shrouded in omens and superstitions. Some beliefs are rooted in the distant past of mankind, while others are simple conversations of an idle crowd. But in any case, before presenting a gift, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons of any offering and draw the necessary conclusions for yourself. One way or another, but often girls, for example, are interested in: is it possible to give a guy a ring? Everyone knows that giving a ring to a girl before the wedding is prohibited by many signs, it is believed that such a gift can “scare away” cupids, kill love or accidentally break off relationships, for reasons beyond the control of the individual. Therefore, girls prefer to give other jewelry, such as a chain with a pendant, earrings, necklace, diadem. The same signs exist in relation to the stronger sex. Guys should not be given rings for the same reasons as girls. This sign especially applies to gold rings and rings, because such a gift is a symbol of separation. But this is one way to answer the question. There is another one as well. It is also noteworthy that Orthodox priests allow you to give a ring. They even insist that it is a symbol of strong love and fidelity. For this reason, you can give a ring only to the person with whom you intend to connect your whole life. However, the clergy constantly bless the wearing of jewelry such as Save and Preserve rings. For a believing Orthodox person, it is a great joy to be gifted with the “Save and Save” ring. Silver and gold rings "Save and save" are considered church jewelry, they are worn by religious people along with a pectoral cross. So maybe you should think about this fact and give such a ring to a guy? It is known for certain that any thing presented with good thoughts and from a pure heart cannot harm its owner. And the signs of superstition most often come true only because they simply believe in them. Shakespeare's eternal lines "to be or not to be?" can be rephrased into a more relevant expression “to give or not to give?”. You decide. But from any, even a very difficult situation, there are many ways out - the law of eternal optimists. If you or your loved one are afraid of bad omens, then it is not necessary to give a ring in the literal sense of the word, you can present a certificate for a purchase in a jewelry store as a gift to your beloved person. You can also take a symbolic penny fee for the ring or make an exchange by offering the guy to give you, for example, a notebook in return.

There are a lot of gifts that you can give to someone important to you. And some of them lead us into a stupor - we simply do not understand whether it is possible to present them in principle. Indeed, sometimes it is simply not accepted to use them as gifts. Sometimes this is due to various signs, sometimes it is precisely with the practical approach adopted in society. Sometimes - just a little bit. And sometimes in general the answer to the question why it is impossible to give is incomprehensible.

And such restrictions are associated with various things. These include things like:

  • candles;
  • handkerchiefs;
  • ring and so on.

Well, if candles and handkerchiefs, in principle, are not so often handed over, then why did such a seemingly pleasant gift - a ring - not please? There are several reasons why you should not give such gifts to a girl, why this is strongly discouraged.


There are superstitions among the people about almost anything, about any gifts, be it candles, handkerchiefs (in this case, for example, it is believed that presenting handkerchiefs is the same as giving tears) or jewelry. Here the rings, in the same number, are not very lucky with what the popular rumor says about them. It is believed that if a guy presents a ring to a girl, this will inevitably lead to their separation. Moreover, the same situation seems to happen if the girl gives the ring to the guy. Why it is impossible to give - the sign does not explain. Only the very fact that it is not worth doing this, and why it is impossible to give specifically, is not very clear.

Practical reasons

However, there are also purely practical reasons that can also make the ring not exactly the best option for giving. Here are some of those reasons:

  1. Size. The ring is not a handkerchief, here you need to know the size very precisely. And very many with this size are mistaken, and sometimes quite strongly. Of course, then you can adjust the diameter, but only then the whole effect of the gift will be already hopelessly spoiled. You probably don't expect that. So think three times before giving such gifts to a girl, find out everything you need in advance.
  2. The seriousness of the relationship. When you give a ring, everyone understands that such gifts are not made to a girl just like that. Yes, of course, this is not yet a wedding, not a wedding ring, but still, it already hints that you want your relationship to be very serious. Well, if it's mutual for you. But after all, this can also happen to a girl, if she doesn’t want to make sharp jumps in the relationship for the time being and wants everything to be smooth and gradual.
  3. Error. Related to the previous problem - what if it seems to the girl that you are proposing to her? It will be a very awkward situation. And then she can get very upset. And then the handkerchiefs mentioned above will definitely be needed. I wouldn't want the same to happen to you. This must be foreseen in advance.
  4. Style. Finally, the most prosaic reason is that you can choose what the girl does not like at all in terms of style. For example, she hates yellow gold - and you give her exactly this. She does not like big gems - and you decided to stop exactly on this option and so on. However, this problem exists with all decorations without exception.

To prevent this from happening, always be interested in what the girl likes, even in fairly small details.

Give or not?

The answer to this question is simple - of course, to give. Why can't you donate? Anything you want is possible. Do not focus so much on signs - after all, how can you be separated by something that is intended, on the contrary, for your rapprochement? But with purely practical points, of course, you should be careful.

It is necessary to take into account all the little things and nuances. Still, the ring is not the aforementioned handkerchiefs or candles - it is a complex gift for which you need to thoroughly prepare - find out the size of your finger in advance, evaluate in advance what style she prefers, understand in advance whether everything is really so serious with you.

Here, for example, how to determine the size of this jewelry at home:

If you choose such gifts, then, in fact, there will be no going back - after all, even a modest and inexpensive ring is a “prelude” before a large engagement ring. This is how a girl will certainly seem, and you should be prepared for such a reaction from her. And then - give such gifts for health.

Hello! Hello! Hello friends and guests. Hi all! Consider today the following question: is it possible to give a ring to a girl before the wedding.

But that's not all you'll find in the article today! You are expected by the most actual signs, as well as tips on choosing and presenting a gift.

Didn't think, didn't know

So, dear friends, what do you think, can a young man just give his beloved a symbol of endless love, or does it already mean something? Maybe there are some beliefs that will answer this question. Leave your opinion in the comments.

I will share with you something unusual and, most importantly, interesting for you.

I tried to find at least something worthy about the round gift. This is what grandmothers believed in and advised their granddaughters. However, most often they offer a standard set of well-known signs.

And so that you tune in to the wave I need, I suggest you watch a very short video.

Now that your spirits are lifted, tell me, do you really think what a breakup can bring? It seems to me that the minimum to which this will lead is to unrestrained laughter, and the maximum to a long and happy life.

I offer you a hit parade of the best signs from your obedient servant.

Notes from the author

  1. Getting a ring in kindergarten is for a long friendship and the envy of other girls, and in some cases for the first kiss.
  2. Get it at school - to teasers. In rare cases - to a crazy love story from school to old age.
  3. Giving a jewelry strip for an engagement is a sign of good manners and respect for traditions. With such a man, you can safely make plans and count on a stone wall, behind which you can always hide.
  4. Giving an engagement ring to a friend is generally some kind of nonsense. I do not think that there are such "inadequate". If you want to make an unusual present, then give just a ring, and not a symbol of family happiness.
  5. To drop a wedding decoration is to sleep not only in front of the bride and parents, but also in front of all the guests. Why sleep? Well, personally, it seems to me that it is possible to drop such a thing in the registry office only after the violently noted last night of a single life.
  6. Accepting and using the rings of parents or grandparents is to respect the elders. Moreover, if such a tradition has developed in a young family, then this speaks of deep values ​​that are gradually losing their strength in the modern world.

How to make a gift

It is probably understandable that I would like you to believe, if not in these comic signs invented by me, then in something very pleasant and bright. And any, even not the most encouraging, situation must be turned so that it plays into your hands.

I would like to give some advice on how to present a ring before the wedding without proposing. After all, it happens that you want to make such a gesture from the heart, but you don’t want to give unjustified hope, because after that disappointment may follow.

Be careful and choose the option that is closest in spirit to your beautiful lady.

Important! Do not present any ring if you know that offers are expected from you! Present earrings or a bracelet, and leave such an important element for a more appropriate moment.

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