Flabby skin on the neck - what to do? What to do with a flabby neck at home? Neck lift is a great opportunity to regain youth (at any age)

Greetings, dear blog readers! The neck and décolleté (even with perfect face and hand care) can reveal a woman's true age. Deep wrinkles, darkened areas and even sagging - these obvious signs of aging can completely negate all efforts. A home tightening neck mask solves many of these troubles, if not eliminating the problems completely, then significantly improving the condition of the skin.

Special attention to the neck

With egg yolk (for wilting)

Egg yolk will help solve the problem of aging skin. The care recipe is very simple.

  • Combine the yolk with a spoonful of liquid honey.
  • Add a dash of olive oil to the mixture as well.
  • After that, the composition must be thickened with flour. As a result, in consistency, it should resemble a rather thick sour cream.

The agent is applied to a previously cleansed neck. Remove the product after half an hour. First, warm water is used, and then cool water.

With potatoes (against sagging)

The next anti-aging mask helps with sagging skin. Care improves the production of own collagen in the upper layers of the epidermis.

  • You need to boil two peeled potatoes and mash.
  • Add a small spoonful of honey, olive oil and glycerin to the puree.
  • The last ingredient is the egg yolk.

Now we need to prepare the gauze. Put the product on the fabric, and then put it on the neck. Keep no more than 20 minutes.

With yeast (smoothness and tightening)

Masks containing ordinary yeast will be effective for neck tightening. To prepare care, you need:

  • Dilute yeast (10 g) in two tablespoons of warm milk.
  • Add lemon juice (5 drops) and one egg to the mass.
  • Mixed? The resulting mixture must be thickened with flour or starch. The result should be a mask similar in consistency to thick homemade sour cream.

Apply a thin layer on the neck and hold for fifteen minutes. Remove with warm water.

Against sagging and darkening - 4 best recipes

After 40 - 50 years, in addition to sagging skin, sagging and darkened areas may appear on the neck. Here you can use the following masks:

  • Kefir-oatmeal. In a coffee grinder, you need to grind two large spoons of oatmeal flakes. You will get a kind of flour. Pour it with yogurt or kefir to a creamy consistency. The composition nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  • Carrot. Grind carrots (preferably juicy) on the smallest grater. Add vegetable oil to it (by the way, it can be replaced with sour cream). To prevent the composition from flowing, it must be thickened using flour or starch.
  • Cucumber. Grate the cucumber and mix with a small spoonful of liquid honey. “Fortify” the mixture with a couple of drops of lemon juice. To get a composition that resembles sour cream in density, add also oatmeal ground into flour. Apply the mask on the neck with a thick layer and keep for 20 minutes. Care perfectly moisturizes and brightens. With dry skin type, honey can be replaced with olive oil.
  • Firming. It is necessary to combine milk (two spoons), crushed marigold color and honey (one spoon each), ground cloves umbrellas (small spoon), soda on the tip of a knife. Apply the composition on a previously cleansed neck for fifteen minutes. Remove with warm running water. The care is perfect for aging skin, restoring its elasticity and slowing down the formation of wrinkles.
Here's the mask in the video:

With banana (tone and enhanced nutrition)

At home, you can cook an excellent banana-based care. The fruit has tonic and nourishing properties. To prepare the mask, the banana must be thoroughly mashed and combined with olive / linseed oil. After the age of 50, it is advisable to introduce cottage cheese or cream into this mask, since milk makes the skin smoother and softer.

Alternatively, you can use this recipe:

  • Mash the banana into a bowl.
  • Introduce some olive oil and a vitamin E capsule into it.

Apply on the neck and hold for half an hour.

Oatmeal (smoothing and moisturizing)

Well "works" and solves the problems of aging oatmeal.

  • You will need two or three large scoops of oatmeal flakes.
  • This volume of flakes is poured with hot milk (50 ml).
  • Flakes should infuse and swell. For this, 10 minutes is enough.
  • The final step in the preparation of the mask is the addition of honey.

The composition is ready and it can be applied.

Peach and protein (active lifting and moisturizing)

5 more skin tightening recipes

You can also use this combination of products:

  • banana and grape seed oil;
  • sour cream, fresh cucumber and lemon juice;
  • milk, cottage cheese and banana pulp;
  • cream, lemon juice and butter;
  • quince, cottage cheese and strawberries.

Decollete care

The décolleté area needs constant hydration, as it is especially prone to the formation of early wrinkles. That is why nutrition and hydration are the main means of combating any age-related changes.

With bell pepper

Bulgarian pepper must be thoroughly chopped (it is better to grate on a fine grater) and combine the vegetable pulp with a large spoonful of oatmeal, honey and milk with a low fat content (the last two ingredients are taken one small spoon each). The resulting mixture should be applied to the neck and décolleté for 15 minutes. Remove with warm running water.

With flaxseed

Pour a small spoonful of flax seeds with ½ part of a glass of boiling water. Boil the seed for ten minutes. Then leave the broth to cool. When it becomes warm, the product must be filtered. The result is a mucous composition, which must be applied to cleansed skin. Keep the mask for 25 minutes and remove with warm water.

With linseed oil

Well moisturizes and smoothes the décolleté area with linseed oil. This truly magical remedy needs to be slightly warmed up using a water bath and applied to the skin. Leave on for 25 minutes and remove unabsorbed residue with a soft cloth.

With cottage cheese

Toning and nutrition will provide a mask based on cottage cheese. We must do the following. Mix a spoonful of fatty homemade cottage cheese with fresh orange juice (four to five large spoons). You can also use just grated or crushed fruit pulp in a blender. Additionally, milk cream (a small spoon) can be added to the mixture.

The duration of the procedure is the same standard 20 minutes. If the mask is too thick, you can increase the amount of juice or add a little warm milk.

Oil care

Oil treatments help against wrinkles in the décolleté area. You can use one of the vegetable oils - olive, apricot, almond, linseed, peach.

  • Add a little lemon juice to the selected product and mix thoroughly.
  • The composition should be applied to cleansed skin and left for half an hour. Unabsorbed oil residues can be washed off, or you can get wet with a napkin.

Care helps to remove fine wrinkles, and also refreshes and slightly brightens (due to the presence of lemon juice) the skin.


There are many recipes, you have already seen this, which will help the neck and décolleté. Simple yet incredibly effective masks can be made from readily available ingredients. And at the same time, the end result - subject to the regular use of masks - will not be inferior to expensive salon procedures. Reviews usually confirm this.

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Mini Tips for Weight Loss

The skin of the neck and chin loses elasticity with age. Often this area becomes flabby. It is important to choose a method that will help you quickly and effectively get rid of such a problem. Flabby skin on the neck and chin is tightened only with an integrated approach.

A good effect at 50–55 years old is given by a combination of massage, exercises and masks. However, after 60 years, the basic techniques need to be supplemented, since the skin at this age significantly loses its elasticity. To all of the above methods, you can add a tightening with an elastic bandage, which gives an excellent result with an integrated approach.

At the age of over 65, more drastic measures are needed, and home remedies alone are no longer enough. But even after salon procedures, do not forget about nourishing creams that will help maintain skin elasticity for a longer time.

Ways to tighten the skin of the neck and chin at home

To tighten the skin in the neck and chin at home, you need to use an integrated approach. This area is the most sensitive, so the use of aggressive rejuvenation products is not recommended. These include various types of chemical peels. Such procedures are best performed in a salon, otherwise you can do harm.

Neck and chin tightening massage

The most effective way to tighten the neck and chin at home is massage. In this case, it is recommended to use essential and cosmetic oils that increase skin tone. Actions during the massage should alternate. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the composition that will be used in the process. For this, in 1 tbsp. l. base oil or baby cream, you need to dissolve 2 drops of any ether:

  • rosemary;
  • orange;
  • lemon
  • grapefruit
  • lavender;
  • ylang ylang, etc.

As a base, it is better to use wheat germ oil, which can increase skin elasticity and prevent aging processes in it.

Massage sequence:

  1. Lubricate the chin and neck with the selected composition of oils. Massage the problem area with stroking movements, gently rubbing the composition into the skin.
  2. Start light pinching movements from the chin and end with the neck area. Run for at least 1 minute.
  3. Pat the problem area with the backs of your hands for 2 minutes.
  4. Finish the massage with soft stroking movements.

To make the effect of the procedure more noticeable, it is recommended to repeat it daily for at least a month. Already at the end of the fourth week, the skin will become more elastic and toned.

Neck and décolleté massage for wrinkles - video

Exercises for the muscles of the neck and chin

The complex will help to effectively tighten the problem area if you repeat the exercises daily for 2 months. This does not require any additional funds. Basic exercises:

  1. Take a sitting or standing position. Tilt your head back as far as possible, while pushing the lower jaw forward. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Move your head forward and back alternately. Hold at each point for a few seconds. Repeat 15 times on each side.
  3. Turn your head alternately to the left, then to the right. At the same time, it needs to be slightly lifted up, feeling tension in the problem area. Only 10 repetitions in each direction.
  4. Make the lips a tube and pull them down a little, feeling how the neck muscles are stretched. Stay in this position for 1 minute.
  5. Stick out your tongue as far as possible. Hold on for 20 counts. The head must be still.

Exercises for the neck and chin - video

Masks for lifting the chin and neck

The use of masks for the neck and chin gives a good effect at any age. It is especially useful to combine various nutritional formulations with other methods of treating the problem area, such as massage and exercise.

Lifting mask

You will need olive oil and wheat germ oil. Both ingredients must be taken in 1 tsp. and mix. Add 0.5 tsp. lemon juice. Mix everything and apply on a cleansed neck and chin. Leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week for a month.

Lifting composition

You will need oatmeal in the amount of 1 tbsp. l., yolk and 1 tsp. olive oil. Mix all the ingredients and apply to the cleansed problem area. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with water. Repeat every week.

Moisturizing mask

You will need heavy cream in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. and essential oils of ylang-ylang and patchouli, 1 drop each. Mix all the ingredients and apply on the chin and neck. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. Repeat 2 times a week.

To enhance the effect of masks for the neck and chin, you can cover the composition on top with polyethylene.

Ingredients for masks - photo gallery

Olive oil nourishes the skin Wheat germ oil prevents aging Lemon juice tones the skin Oat flakes have a moisturizing effect Yolk has a beneficial effect on skin condition Cream has a nourishing effect
Ylang-ylang essential oil stimulates metabolism at the cellular level Patchouli essential oil tightens the skin

Tightening with an elastic bandage

Lifting with an elastic bandage is a very effective procedure. This ensures constant compression. The force of attraction is reduced, resulting in an improvement in the condition of the skin of the chin and neck. The elastic bandage gradually returns to this area an attractive and toned appearance due to the tight fixation of the muscles.

Muscle fibers have memory. With prolonged wearing of such a simple remedy, the chin is selected, respectively, the skin on the neck is also tightened. Use an elastic bandage every day. You can wear it at night or wear it throughout the day. The material from which the elastic bandage is made allows the skin to breathe. You need to wear it for at least 5 hours a day. In total, at least 10-15 procedures will be required.

You need to wind the bandage in such a way that the chin is tightly fixed, but you should not pinch the skin too much. You can purchase a special device designed specifically for lifting the chin and neck. This bandage has a special anatomical shape and is easy to use.

What to do if the skin on the neck sagged - video

Skin tightening on the neck and chin is a process that requires a sequence of actions. In this case, it is necessary to take into account age and choose the best way to get rid of the problem. If you additionally protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, then the result of other procedures will increase.

Flabby and sagging skin of the neck and chin can greatly spoil any image and add a few extra years. Fortunately, everything can be fixed if you start exercising in time. There are many ways to tighten your neck at home. You just need to find the right one and choose a specific time to start the exercises.

Is it possible to tighten the neck muscles on my own?

Undoubtedly, this part of the body has muscles, like any other. And once they are, they can be made stronger. The more developed the muscles, of course, within reasonable limits, the better the skin will look - due to the muscles, it will look more elastic and become less sagging.

How to tighten your neck at home?

But for this you can use not only physical activity. Massage and special cosmetics from traditional or conventional medicine and cosmetology will also be useful. If everything is combined correctly, you can achieve a breathtaking effect.

How to tighten your neck: some useful exercises and tips

To cope with the aging of the skin and tighten it on the neck, it is important to properly combine exercise with massage and cosmetics. The simplest and most affordable method is a massage in the shower or during the day. For it, you must first pat the side of the neck with your fingers, warming up the skin, and then gently massage with your knuckles to improve blood flow. The same can be done in the soul.

Then it is worth doing physical exercises. There are several options that should be combined into a complex:

  • Put your hand on your forehead and push it with an effort with your head. Hand to resist this action. Each approach must be held for at least 10 seconds. After that, the fingers folded into the lock should be placed on the back of the head and pressed in the same way.
  • Sit on a chair, straighten your back, throw back your head, while you can not open your lips. In this position, start chewing. For convenience, you can put chewing gum in your mouth. At least 20 times per approach.
  • In the same position, it is necessary to stretch the lips with a tube, then return them to their place. You need to repeat several times.
  • The next exercise is only for those who are confident in their abilities. You need to lie down on the bed and hang your head down. Then slowly lift it to your chest. Repeat five times. If there is pain or discomfort, you need to stop exercising and rest.

And finally, cosmetics. The most popular compresses are made from a variety of herbs, vegetables and fruits. To do this, you need to take the product, apply it on the neck and wrap it with cellophane. Tie a scarf on top and warm up. Instead of a compress, clean potato peels, cut with a ribbon, are suitable.

If you want to know the true age of a woman, take a look at her neck. It is difficult to argue with this folk wisdom. Wrinkles and folds on the neck can appear even at a fairly young age. It is almost impossible to fight these natural signs of skin aging at home. For many people, the only option to correct imperfections is a surgical neck lift. How is such an operation performed and what results can be expected from it?

Indications for a surgical neck lift

The skin on the neck is very thin and delicate. Almost the same as our face, this part of the body year-round suffers from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, dry indoor air, cold and wind. The skin on the neck ages rather quickly due to the low activity of the subcutaneous muscles and the underdeveloped vascular network. Do not forget about individual physiological characteristics, hereditary factors. For some people, the first wrinkles on the neck appear as early as 20-25 years old. With age, it remains only to observe the progressive sagging of the skin and the appearance of new skin folds. For what symptoms can a neck lift be recommended? The appearance of vertical or horizontal stripes (wrinkles) is one of the most common reasons for visiting a plastic surgeon. Flabbiness and sagging of the skin, a decrease in muscle tone are also indications for plastic surgery. Surgical intervention can remove excess adipose tissue and skin. Neck plastic will also help restore the contour of the chin and get rid of the crease under it. If your neck seems ugly to you, too flabby or thick, a plastic surgeon will help correct the situation.

Preparation for surgery

If you are unhappy with the way your neck looks, you should start with a preliminary consultation with a plastic surgeon. During a routine examination, a specialist will be able to draw up a preliminary plan for the operation and select the best option for surgical correction. The next stage of preparation is the passage of a comprehensive medical examination, during which the absence of contraindications for the operation will be confirmed. The patient must understand that any surgical intervention is a serious stress for the body. At least two weeks before the scheduled date of the operation, you must stop taking drugs that affect blood clotting and stop smoking. Compliance with these simple recommendations will allow you to perform the operation with minimal risks and reduce the likelihood of complications during the rehabilitation period.

Contraindications for neck plastic surgery

A surgical neck lift, like any other plastic surgery, has a number of absolute contraindications for carrying out. Such an intervention is unacceptable for patients suffering from diabetes and cancer. It is impossible to carry out any surgical intervention in case of exacerbation of any chronic diseases. A temporary contraindication for plasty is also any skin disease in the neck area. In case of violation of blood clotting, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, operations without extreme necessity are also contraindicated. There are also a number of conditional contraindications. When they are identified, a council of specialists considers each case individually. After that, a decision is made whether it is safe to perform the operation in the near future for a particular patient.

Types of neck plastic surgery

Surgical rejuvenation of the neck is carried out by two methods. These are cervicoplasty and platysmaplasty. Operations of the first category allow you to tighten the skin and get rid of its excess. Cervicoplasty is suitable for patients with minimal cosmetic defects. Platysmaplasty is a more complex intervention, during which it is possible to remove excess subcutaneous fat, tighten and correct muscle tissue. If necessary, both types of surgery can be performed in conjunction with chin liposuction. The operation plan is drawn up individually for each patient, taking into account the existing problems and his physiological characteristics.

The course of the neck plastic surgery

In a surgical neck lift, the doctor makes incisions in the natural skin fold under the chin or behind the ears. This operation is performed with general anesthesia. The procedure usually takes 1 to 3 hours. How is a neck and chin lift performed? In the most difficult cases, the surgeon stitches the muscles and forms a strong muscular corset. Then excess fatty deposits are removed and, if necessary, excess skin is excised. After that, the skin is superimposed on the muscles in the correct position and sutured. The final stage is the stitching of the incisions, if necessary, drainage can be installed. Depending on individual indications, the procedure may include all steps or only some of them. For example, for some patients, removal of excess skin and subcutaneous fat is sufficient.

Recovery period after surgery: duration and recommendations for patients

Platysmaplasty and cervicoplasty can be performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis. If the intervention was minor or moderate, the patient may be allowed to go home on the day of the operation. In some cases, you may need to stay under medical supervision for 1-2 days. But even if the neck lift went without complications, and the patient was discharged home on the day of the operation, on the first day it is recommended to be constantly under the supervision of one of the relatives and not to be left alone. In some cases, during the rehabilitation period, the patient may be recommended to wear a special one. When plastic surgery of the neck, the sutures are usually removed on the 7-10th day after the operation. Edema and bruising are normal after any surgical intervention. They usually disappear after 1-2 weeks. Cosmetic procedures may be prescribed to speed up skin healing and prevent visible scarring. If you want a neck and chin lift to bring the desired result, you must follow all the recommendations of doctors during the rehabilitation period.

Pros of the procedure

Plastic surgery is done to improve one's own appearance. For many patients, a surgical neck lift is the only way to restore youth to their own neck. What is remarkable: often after such an operation, the face looks much younger and fresher. A neck lift is a relatively simple and safe operation. This procedure has a minimum number of contraindications. If necessary, neck plastic surgery can be carried out at the same time as operations to lift the oval of the face and correct the chin. The recovery period after this surgical intervention is quite fast and with minimal risks of complications. Subject to all the doctor's recommendations and high-quality rehabilitation, the effect of the operation is maintained for a long period of time.

Disadvantages of platysmaplasty and cervicoplasty

One of the main side effects of neck plastic surgery is a feeling of tightness in the first months after surgery. This symptom occurs in approximately 70% of patients. In their reviews, they note that the sensations are not the most pleasant, but quite tolerable. After a few months, the discomfort goes away. A surgical neck lift is an operation, the full effect of which can be assessed a few months after it has been performed. The patient should be prepared for the fact that during the rehabilitation period (which lasts about 3 weeks) a special regimen will have to be observed. During this time, swelling and bruising may appear. With significant age-related changes in the skin of the face and neck, doctors recommend several plastic surgeries. If only platysmaplasty is done, there is a high probability that the face will look even older.

Will there be visible scars after the operation?

Some people are afraid of plastic surgery because of the possible complications and consequences. Any surgical intervention leaves scars on the patient's body - this is a fact. But do not forget that the main task of plastic surgery is to improve the appearance of the patient. With minor age-related changes, an endoscopic neck lift can be performed. This is an operation performed through several small incisions. After such an intervention, the scars are very small and inconspicuous. In the classic version of a neck lift, incisions are made in the natural folds of the skin. Most often this is the area under the chin or behind the ears. Within a few months after the operation, the scars will be invisible to others. With proper healing, they do not cause any discomfort to the patient himself.

Possible complications during and after surgery

When deciding on plastic surgery, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. What complications can arise during neck plastic surgery and during the rehabilitation period? In a small number of patients with this surgical intervention, an individual negative reaction to anesthesia is noted. As with any other surgery, there is a risk of infection and bleeding with a neck lift. If the doctor's recommendations are not followed during the rehabilitation period, hematomas and seromas may form, which will subsequently require removal. Lifting the oval of the face and neck does not always please the patient with the end result. In case of serious problems, in order to achieve the desired cosmetic effect, the operation must be supplemented with a complex of anti-aging procedures.

How much does neck plastic surgery cost in Russia?

In the capital of our country, prices for neck plastic surgery vary between 30,000-90,000 rubles. The final cost of the operation to the greatest extent depends on its complexity. The level of the chosen clinic and the reputation of a particular doctor also affect the price of the procedure. The cost of services of plastic surgeons in the regions is somewhat cheaper. Patients who decide to undergo plastic surgery should not forget about the associated costs. To achieve the desired result, the surgeon will have to visit several times before and after surgery. Also, before the operation, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and pass tests. During the rehabilitation period, many patients are advised to wear a special supporting corset.

Photos before and after the operation

You can evaluate the results of any plastic surgery on the neck about a month after it is performed. What results can be achieved with a surgical neck lift? Before and after the operation, the surgeon usually offers to take high-quality photographs. The difference is most noticeable in profile photos. Neck plastic surgery allows you to reduce the volume of the neck, get rid of excess skin and wrinkles. With significant age-related changes, it is recommended to combine a neck and lower face lift. Such a correction allows you to visually rejuvenate the face by 5-10 years.

Surgical neck lift: patient reviews and comments

It is difficult to remain confident in yourself, being dissatisfied with your own appearance. Unfortunately, not all cosmetic defects can be corrected independently at home. Often, it is the appeal to a plastic surgeon that is the only way to regain youth. Face and neck skin tightening is one of the most popular anti-aging procedures. Every year it is made by a huge number of women around the world. Many patients who decide on this procedure and get the result admit that it was the plastic surgery that allowed them to feel better and gain self-confidence. The most important thing is to responsibly treat the choice of clinic and doctor. Neck lift surgery is considered quite simple, and its result can be assessed in a month. What is especially pleasant, this procedure is characterized by low cost. Thanks to the combination of these factors, today the neck is an operation available to everyone. The times when only famous and rich people turned to plastic surgeons are long gone. Today, any woman can restore beauty and youth.

One of the most popular face care complexes is Camille Volaire's gymnastics called Self-Lifting.

This is one of the few gymnastics that does not start from the top down (from the forehead to the neck), but vice versa - from the bottom up: from the neck to the head.

Camille Voler encourages you to start doing gymnastics as soon as you find out about it. “It's never too early or too late to start classes,” Voler said. “By starting to do gymnastics at a young age, by strengthening your muscles, you will prevent the appearance of signs of aging and keep your face young and attractive for a long time. If the years have already left marks on your face, gymnastics will help you get rid of many of them.”

Before starting gymnastics, Camille Voler recommends:

Prepare a mirror

Choose a convenient time so that no one and nothing distracts you during training.

Before starting classes, you need to smear your face with a fat cream,

Relax the muscles of the face;

Stretch (warm up) the face, tapping the face with your fingertips several times from the bottom up;

Camilla Voler marked all the exercises with asterisks (from 1 * to 5 *****) - the more stars, the more effective the exercise.

WARM-UP Cross your arms in front of your face: the palm of your right hand should be on your left cheek, the palm of your left on your right. Tap your cheeks lightly. Then move on to the neck, tapping from bottom to top for one minute.

You can do the warm-up in a different way. First, walk along the massage lines of the face and neck, patting the fingers of the open palms, then pressing the fingers (slightly pressing), and for the third time, with trembling fingers, light as rain.

Like the entire Camilla Voler program, neck exercises are divided into basic and additional. If you think that, in general, your neck is in order, and you just intend to train it, it is enough for you to do first daily, and after 2.5 months, three times a week, basic exercises for the neck.

If your neck needs correction, you need to add additional ones to the main exercises.

Basic exercises


The neck begins to age very early and gives out age. With this very effective exercise, you will strengthen the muscles of the neck and chin in a very short time. After two or three weeks, you will return your neck to its previous appearance.

First phase

Push your chin forward and lift it up (see fig.). Tighten the muscles of the neck and chin with all your might. When you reach the highest point of tension, count to five, then release the muscles. You will feel pleasant relaxation. Count to three and start the exercise again. At the first stage, do this exercise five times in a row, increasing the number of repetitions daily, until you can easily perform it fifteen times in a row.

After two to three weeks of daily exercise, your neck will regain its former firmness and elasticity.

intensive phase

Having mastered this exercise well, proceed to the second phase. Speed ​​up the pace. The tension at this stage should last only two seconds, relaxation - one second. Accelerating the rhythm, increase the number of repetitions three times.

Third phase

After ten weeks, move on to the third stage. Tension lasts five seconds, relaxation three seconds. Do the exercise five times in a row three times a week.

Push the lower jaw forward, while slightly raising the chin. By counting to five, you can relax. The neck and chin even hurt a little (at 7-8 repetitions). The exercise should be performed 5-15 times (increase the load gradually!)


This exercise trains the upper part of the neck and chin well. It will help you get rid of a double chin and restore facial contours.

First phase

Raise your head and open your mouth in this position. Imagine that you want to bite off a piece of an apple hanging on a branch (see fig.). Tighten your neck and chin muscles with all your might. After five seconds, relax and after three seconds, start the exercise again. Start, like the previous exercises, with five repetitions. As you master, increase the number of repetitions daily, bringing their number to fifteen times in a row.

intensive phase

Only having mastered the exercise well, proceed to the intensive phase. In this phase, tension lasts two seconds, relaxation - one second. The number of repetitions must be tripled.

Third phase

The third phase is long-term recovery. After ten weeks, you have already achieved the desired results and perform the exercise five times in a row three times a week with five seconds of tension, three seconds of relaxation. And in this phase, your appearance will constantly improve. Your well-being will match your appearance.



Like the previous ones, this exercise trains the muscles of the neck and chin. After two or three weeks, the neck will noticeably “become younger”.

First phase

Lower your lower lip without lowering the corners of your mouth, close your teeth (sort of like you say h-i-i-s, but also pull your lip down). Place your fingers on both sides of the mouth without pulling the skin (see fig.). Tighten your neck muscles with all your might. Hold the tension for five seconds (count to five), relax your muscles, count to three, and start the exercise again. At first, do the exercise five times a day. Increase the number of repetitions daily until you can do this exercise fifteen times in a row without difficulty.

Camilla Voler. Hippopotamus. Exercise at a slow pace

Second phase
(As you can see, Camilla Voler herself performs the exercise for about 1 minute)

Having mastered the exercise well, proceed to the intensive phase. In this phase, tension lasts two seconds, relaxation - one second. The number of repetitions is tripled.

Third phase

Tension - five seconds, relaxation three - seconds. Do the exercise five times in a row, three times a week.


This exercise not only significantly improves the condition of the neck, but also strengthens the lower part of the cheeks.

First phase

Stick out your tongue, place your fingers on both sides of your mouth (see Fig. 6). Tighten your neck muscles as hard as you can, count to five, relax your muscles, count to three, and start the exercise again. At first, do this exercise five times in a row. Increase the number of repetitions daily. You should easily do this exercise ten times in a row.

intensive phase

Having mastered the above exercise, triple the number of repetitions, speeding up the rhythm. Tension lasts two seconds, relaxation one second.

Third phase

Here the rhythm slows down. Tension - five seconds, relaxation - about three seconds. Repeat the exercise five times in a row three times a week.


This exercise helps to smooth wrinkles on the neck. After two to three weeks of daily exercise, your neck will regain its former firmness and elasticity.

First phase

Sit up straight. Without turning your shoulders, slowly turn your head to the left (see Fig. 7). Tighten your neck muscles strongly, count to five, relax for three seconds and start the exercise again. Now slowly turn your head to the right. Tighten up, relax. At first, do this exercise three times a day in each direction. Increase the number of repetitions daily, bringing them to six times in a row in each direction.

intensive phase

At this stage, tension lasts two seconds, relaxation - one second. Triple the number of repetitions.

Third phase

After ten weeks, do the exercise five times in a row three times a week in rhythm: tension - five seconds, relaxation - three seconds.

skeptical smile **

This exercise trains the muscles of the neck and chin. The double chin will significantly decrease or completely disappear. Wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Sit up straight with your chin slightly raised. Close your mouth and smile only with your upper lip. Place one hand on your neck over your collarbones. Pressing your hand firmly to the neck, slightly shift the skin of the neck down (see Fig. 8). Tilt your head back freely. You should feel a strong tension in the muscles of the neck and chin. Straighten your head. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

This exercise should be done twice a day. If you already have a large double chin, do it more often.

At the end of the exercises, perform a light firming massage for the neck. Massage the left side of the neck with gentle circular movements of the right hand from the bottom up and massage the right side of the neck with the left hand in the same way.
According to zrenielib.ru