Erotic stories - memories of a young woman. To my sweet boy

summer adventure

My true story began when I was 15 years old. I'm a thin guy, height-160, at that time all the guys liked NM rock and long hair no longer shucked anyone. So it was enough for me to put on my sister's dress, as I immediately turned into a teenage girl. My passion for dressing up is still a mystery to my family. At that time, this did not fascinate me seriously, among my friends I was an ordinary guy and girls worried me more than experiments with dressing up. But one day, for a couple of weeks, I went to the recreation center. She was close to the city. I must say - a filthy place where schoolchildren of all ages are taken so that they "have fun" when their parents are lying on a normal beach on the sea. It was boring as always: getting up, exercising, breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinking with friends and sometimes with girlfriends who usually dynamized.
But a man of 35-40 years old worked at that base in the dining room, his name was Uncle Misha, he was tall, with big hands, and when I once again was on duty in the dining room (there was such garbage in Soviet times), he came to my bread slicer and began to ask about this and that, there was a strange kindness in his words and he always took my hand. There was still a lot of time before dinner, and he called me to his room. With nothing to do, I went to him. Uncle Misha promised to treat me to Pepsi (he was strained with it in stores). There was some kind of conversation about nothing, and when he left the room, to bring something, I saw a porn magazine on his shelf (a rarity for those times). I was so fascinated by it that I did not notice how he came in. I instantly threw the magazine anywhere, and he pretended not to notice this. Now he sat down on the bed next to me. The closet was small, there was just a chair, a small table and a narrow single bed. He asked if I had a girlfriend, then he took the magazine that I was looking at and jokingly offered it to me. It was stupid to refuse (I realized that he saw me flipping through it). Leafing through the magazine, I felt him stroking my back and sides, breathing heavily. Touching his hair, he said: "Why are you so thin, and even this hair, just like a girl. Come to me at any time, I will feed you." When he put his hand on my knee and began to rise higher and higher, I realized where he was driving and got scared. I didn't want to be considered gay among my friends.
After all, obviously someone saw me go with him. Taking the promised Pepsi bottles, I quickly hit the road. In the room, the boys were treated to poppy and told how he got it for free, thank God it was one of the last days in the camp and this guy didn’t get anyone else. When I returned from the camp, this story haunted me, a week remained before the arrival of the relatives, and I made up my mind. I took my mother’s bag in large blue flowers and left my sister’s underwear in it (I chose what she wore in elementary grades, it seemed to me more feminine), pink long golfs with laces on an elastic band, the same shoes with a bow and her beautiful butterfly hairpin. I decided to shave off all the hair on the pussy and balls, it didn’t stick with my girlish prekid, the hair on the rest of my body was not yet noticeable. By lunchtime, I arrived at the place. There was a pond in front of the recreation center, behind it there was a dense forest, after which you go along the path to the household. the buildings of the base, and then the buildings began where all the children suffered. Leaving the path, I went deep into the bushes, I had to change clothes. I stripped naked, put my things in a bag and began to dress like a girl.
He put on a blue dress with white frills, pulled on white panties on which the sun was painted on the front, and large lace was sewn on the pope. The panties were such a closed style, so they completely hid my pussy. Then I put on knee socks and shoes. From the front, I picked up the hair with a beautiful, large hairpin, and at the back I made a tail with a bright elastic band. From this dressing up, I was very excited and my desire to meet this hefty man became irresistible. I returned to the path and now, wobbling backwards, hurried to his closet. My calculation was justified - in the "quiet hour" the camp seemed to have died out, and Uncle Misha was in the room. When I knocked on his door, my heart was pounding (who will open it? what if he is not at home? what if he is not alone? how will he accept me?). He opened his mouth when he saw me, quickly let me into the room and leaned out to look around, making sure no one saw me. Looking at me from all sides, he said that he knew that I would definitely return to him. Putting his huge hands on my shoulders, he immediately began to kiss my neck. Then the hands crept slowly down. He greedily stroked me over the top of my clothes, and then lifted the hem of the dress and began to stroke my ass and rising cockerel without removing my panties. Kneeling in front of me, he began to lick my thighs and inside them, while he strongly squeezed my ankles.
After that, holding on to my ankles, he abruptly threw me onto the bed and quickly undressed. At the end, when Uncle Misha took off his swimming trunks, his cock just jumped out into the open. I was afraid. His hefty apparatus stuck out like a stake. He hit the head from which the lubricant was dripping and asked the "naughty girl" Olenka (he said that he would now call me that) to start sucking him. His dick was so big that I couldn't suck, I choked on it all the time. Then he told me to lick him like ice cream. I liked it very much. I worked him up and down, licked his balls. And from his dick lubrication poured on me, my whole face was already in it. With his clammy hands he grabbed my hair and ran through it. There was a real flood in my panties, it poured from me like a lustful bitch, seeping through the fabric of my underpants. Uncle Misha noticed this and asked me to stand on the bed. Pulling up the dress, he pulled off my panties and saw that my cockerel was completely naked without hairs. It turned him on so much that he grabbed his penis with his hand, pulling the skin on it to the limit and began to sprinkle sperm on my stomach and my household. I thought it would never end...he came and finished on me.
When he flooded my entire household with death, he asked me to get up with cancer. With all his huge fives, he began to smear death on my hips and all over my ass. My testicles clenched into one small tight knot, and when he stuck his finger into my virgin hole, I was registered in the truest sense of the word. I was frightened and piss began to flow from my whistle. Uncle Misha said that he would punish the bad girl for this. He made me wipe myself with my fishnet panties, and he took baby cream from the shelf and began to smear it on my pope. He inserted his fingers into my hole, turning them in it, thereby expanding the passage.
I began to moan and then he put my panties in my mouth so that the moans were not so audible. He entered my hole slowly and carefully, but it still hurt. Uncle Misha moved faster and faster, driving his stake to its full length. I stood doggystyle on the bed in pink golfs with a dress pulled up, and a hefty dick was driven into my ass, what else could I dream of ... Then the pain was replaced by excitement and my cockerel puffed up. "I see that Olenka is pleased," said Uncle Misha and took my peg with two fingers. It was enough for him to hold me on the head a couple of times, as I immediately lowered it into his hand. Then he pulled his dick out of my ass, freed my mouth from my panties, wiped his head with my sperm and entered me again. Having made several strong pushes, he put me on my back and his instrument was at my face. I began to lick his balls, and he jerked off his machine.
"Olenka, take my head in your mouth, lick it," he groaned. When I did this, he began to cum. I pulled his prick out of my mouth, and he continued to splash on my head, face, neck and beautiful dress. I greedily licked his sperm from my hands, and then from his hose. When it was all over, in a kind of oblivion, I staggered out of his room, all smeared with death, my legs even flowed. When I got to the cherished bushes to change clothes, I woke up and realized that I was walking around the camp all fucked up, and even holding those very lace panties in my hands. What a blessing that no one noticed me, everyone was at the afternoon snack. I am very pleased if my story excited someone, I will be glad if you share your experiences from what you read, and there is also a desire to exchange photos with you (the topic of dressing up is very close to me).

Copyright site: Russian gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender server. Gay Dating and more. GAY - LESBIAN - BI - TRANS - Russian Les Bi Gay site. All rights reserved.

Imagine that there are only the two of us in the room... You slowly come up behind me.... gently hug me with your arms... with your teeth, teasingly, bite my earlobe... the right hand gently squeezes my left breast... and the other slides down from the tummy to the elastic of my panties... the tongue caresses my neck.... biting my lips....with your fingers you are already touching my clitoris....the teeth are biting my shoulder...and then the hot tongue glides over the delicate skin....I slowly turn to face kneel down....with both hands you pull off my panties....throw my leg over your shoulders....I feel your intermittent breathing between my legs....slowly moving the tongue you moisten my clitoris....with your hands squeezing my kiss me "suckingly" between my legs....your tongue slips into my vagina every now and then...with a few turns of the tongue you lick the walls of my gently suck my clitoris into your mouth...biting it lightly...glide your teeth gently over the skin....and stick your tongue into the vagina you take me down...and slowly...kissing my lips...bring me to the bed....we, cuddled up to each other, sink onto the bed....I lay down on top of gently stroke my back with your hands....with my tongue I slide down from your lips...leaving wet marks on your neck...on your chest...on your stomach...I go down below....I pull off your swimming trunks with my hands...leave a small kiss on your head...moisten my lips with my tongue ... and the head of your penis ... with soft strokes of the tongue, I caress your head .... now with spiral movements I go down the shaft of your penis to the testicles .... I lick the scrotum with light touches of the tongue. I gently press my head at the junction with the shaft with my lips .... I try to take your penis into my mouth as deeply as possible .... it is so wet that it just slips out of my mouth ....... but I take it again ...... and release it again .... with my teeth gently and gently slide over the head ... again I take it into my mouth ... and gently suck ... your penis is already quite hard .... I rise to my knees ... move so that your head dick touched my clitoris.....I lean slightly....your hands are on my waist....slowly descend to the buttocks. ....and they begin to squeeze them strongly...the head slowly slides from the clitoris to my gently enters me...I feel how the shaft of your penis slides along the walls of my vagina...the head goes deeper and deeper...the head almost touches the outer wall of my movements become more and more clear and fast....the shaft slides up and down the walls of the vagina.....faster and faster.....deeper and you feel good?.......

Oleg celebrated his thirty years alone. Rather, the guy did not say anything, but simply lay on the couch and watched his favorite action movie. The young programmer was not up to the holidays, he recently divorced his wife, and is still worried about this.

Oleg has turned off all phones since the evening. He knew that his colleagues were going to congratulate him on his anniversary and celebrate this event in a big way. “Let them think that I went to relatives in the village. I don’t want to see anyone, let alone have fun,” the guy sighed heavily.

From his sad thoughts, he was distracted by a persistent knock on the door. “That was just what I needed! Whom did the hard one bring? Oleg got up and tiptoed to the door. Looking through the peephole, the guy did not see anyone and turned back. "The kid is playing around," he thought.

Suddenly, Oleg heard a quiet and plaintive squeak that came from the landing. After opening the door, the guy found a box with a puppy on the threshold.

- What a present! he whistled. — Whose are you?

The guy thought it was someone's prank. But looking around, he looked at the stairs and realized that there was no one in the entrance.

- Okay, let's go to my place. Let's think about where to put you...

Oleg picked up the box with the puppy and went home. In the box itself, the guy found a note written in clumsy handwriting: "His name is Dick."

- All this is strange ... The puppy is apparently thoroughbred, similar to the "Boxer". The note is written by a child or an old man. Who needs to throw me a puppy that can be profitably sold? he asked himself.

- Well, Dick, let's go drink milk? Oleg winked.

He cheerfully waved his tail, and ran after the owner to the kitchen.

"You're a brother, don't be offended. I can't leave you. You see, I'm not at home for days. Who will you be with? Even my wife ran away from me, could not stand it ...

Oleg did not want to give Dick to the first person he met, therefore, for almost a month he was looking for a good owner for the puppy. Soon, the guy attached the puppy to his school friend, Volodya. In the evening he brought a dog to him, and began to say goodbye to him.

- I'm sorry, Dick. But you'll be better off here. After all, I’m at work for days, and you are bored alone, ”Oleg justified himself in front of the puppy.

- Don't worry, little brother. Dick is a thoroughbred dog, he needs to be dealt with. My son has been asking for a puppy for a long time, and here you just turned up. Thank you! Vova thanked.

Oleg left his friend and quickly walked towards the house. It was very bad at heart, it seemed that he had betrayed his friend. In a vile way, I just took and gave ...

The whole next day, the guy walked not himself. Yesterday's feeling did not leave him. The guy already regretted a thousand times that he gave the dog away, but there was no way back. There is a child, you can’t take the puppy back.

Climbing up the stairs, Oleg heard some fuss on his floor, then a familiar barking was heard. Dick ran to meet him, whining and barking with joy.

— Dick! Baby! How did you get here? - the guy was delighted. - Let's go home soon!

About twenty minutes later the home phone rang.

- Oleg! I don’t even know how to say it ... - Vova began the conversation.

- I know. Did Dick run away? the guy laughed.

- Did you find him? - the comrade was delighted.

- He ran home. Waited for me at the door. I'm sorry, buddy, but I'll keep him.

- Well, yes. If he fled to you, he has already chosen his master. Okay, tomorrow I'll buy my son the same puppy. I'm glad Dick is okay. We ran all over the area...

Dick was a very loyal and devoted dog. He didn't even touch the food while the owner was at work. Oleg tried not to linger, because he knew that his best friend was waiting for him at home.

One winter, Oleg fell ill. Nothing serious, just a common cold with fever. The guy took sick leave and rested up on the couch. A day later, he noticed that Dick was not touching food. The dog lay near the owner all day, and did not even go to the kitchen.

"Dick, what are you doing?" I have no appetite because I'm sick. Why don't you eat?

Dick gave him a devoted look and whimpered. Oleg realized that the dog was in solidarity with him. There was nothing to do, I had to go to the kitchen, and forcefully cram a sandwich into myself. Dick saw that the owner was eating and ate all his food.

"Dick, my boy, how much do you love me?" Oleg was touched. The dog looked with devoted eyes at the owner, and barked merrily.

One autumn, Oleg was going to visit his grandfather in the village. Ivan Trofimovich, was already quite old, and needed the help of his grandson.

- Well? Let's go to the village, chop wood? the guy winked.

Dick barked merrily, and sat down by the door. This meant that he was ready to go. On the way, Oleg bought various goodies for his grandfather, and by the evening he was in place.

- Hello, granddaughter! Thank you, I pleased the old one, - grandfather was delighted. - And who is with you?

“My faithful dog and friend,” the guy joked. “Imagine someone planted it under my door. At first I wanted to give it away, so Dick ran back. And now, I can’t even imagine how I lived without him ...

- Smart dog! But maybe evil? His appearance is terrifying,” said Ivan Trofimovich.

- What you? He is the most kind and harmless. This is Dick's look serious, but in fact, he is like a small child. Grandpa, can we go hunting? I would at least show the forest to Dick ...

- Can. Only with us, apart from forty, nothing is found in the forest, - the old man laughed. - Wolves howl at night, but we won't hunt them.

- It doesn't matter. The process itself is interesting, taking a walk in the autumn forest, breathing deeply.

- Shall we go tomorrow? Why pull? I’ll just clean the gun, it’s probably already rusted, ”said the grandfather.

No sooner said than done. The next morning, Oleg put on a warm padded jacket, tarpaulin boots, and went hunting with his grandfather.

After wandering through the forest for half a day, the hunters decided to return home. As Ivan Trofimovich warned, they did not find any prey.

- Well, nothing, but they walked for glory, - grandfather smiled.

— You're right, and Dick ran normally. After all, in our city you can’t run enough.

Suddenly, Dick barked throughout the forest, and breaking free, ran into the forest thickets.

- Chased a squirrel! grandfather guessed.

— Dick! Come back! To me! Oleg shouted to the whole forest, but the dog fell through the ground.

"Let's go that way, let's call him." Don't worry, it's a dog - it runs a little and comes running, - Ivan Trofimovich reassured his grandson.

It was getting dark in the forest and it was raining. Oleg and his grandfather combed several kilometers, called the dog, but he did not appear.

“Son, you need to go home. Now it’s getting completely dark, what else can we run into a wolf.

- What about Dick? I won't leave him alone here, especially with the wolves...

- Let's go to. What if he's at home? This is a dog, he will always find his way home.

Oleg sighed heavily, and in the hope that Dick was waiting for them at the gate, he went home with his grandfather.

“I’ll throw a jersey here just in case.”

- For what? After all, you will freeze before we get there,” the old man did not understand.

“Suddenly, Dick will come out into this clearing. There will be somewhere to stay. Now the nights are already cold, and he is not used to street life, - Oleg explained.

“Do as you please,” the old man waved his hand.

Unfortunately, their hopes were not justified. Dick didn't come home. Oleg did not close his eyes all night. He walked near the gate, looking out for his friend. Hearing the distant howl of a wolf, the man gave vent to tears.

Oleg, don't worry! Maybe there are no wolves here. These are local dogs howling. Go to bed, and at dawn we'll go look for Dick again.

- Grandpa, go to bed. And so was today because of me. All the same, I won’t close my eyes, I’ll stay here, suddenly come running.

Trofimovich sighed heavily and went into the house. Early in the morning, the men set out again in search. They wandered through the forest for a long time and without result, until they came to the clearing where Oleg had thrown his jersey.

The guy looked under the tree, and almost jumped for joy. Dick, as if nothing had happened, curled up and slept peacefully on the master's clothes.

— Dick! What happened to you? To me! Oleg shouted to the whole forest.

The dog opened his eyes, whimpered plaintively, and tail between his legs, quietly approached the owner. Dick looked guiltily, and whined again.

“Check him, he might be wounded,” the old man began to worry.

- I do not think so. Feels guilty, prankster! Dick! Don't be afraid, I won't scold you! Oleg exclaimed happily.

The dog finally ran up to the owner, and barked happily, jumping on Oleg.

- Everyone, stop it. Now take me down! The happy guy laughed.

- You're right. He needs to be scolded and punished! After all, he is not obedient at all! Ivan Trofimovich taught.

- What are you, grandpa, because he is more than a friend to me! I dare not punish him.

Oleg fastened the leash to Dick, which he held very tightly. The guy had not yet recovered from the shock, and was afraid that Dick would run somewhere again.

"Promise me you'll never do that again." I can't live without you, and you can't live without me...

Dick looked with betrayed eyes, and barked in agreement.

Summer holidays
My name is Annie. I was born in the family of a forester. Our house, where we lived, was in the wilderness, far from a country road, and until the age of 16 I rarely had to see strangers. My life and study took place in a closed women's convent. Only once a year, during the summer holidays, I was taken home, and for two months I enjoyed complete freedom in the forest. Life flowed monotonously: teaching, prayer, and hard work in the field. for 10 months we did not see anyone except the nuns. Parents were not allowed to visit us. There were no men in the conveit. This is how our young years passed.

I was 16 years old when my parents died in a fire. A distant relative of my mother, Uncle Jim, took over until I came of age. Thanks to a strict regimen and physical education, I was well developed: my girlfriends looked with envy at my figure, I have small beautiful breasts, wide hips well developed, slender legs, and my whole body was very tender. It was vacation time, and my distant relative Uncle Jim came to pick me up. It was a handsome man in his 40s. Arriving at his large estate, located in a picturesque corner, I met his nephew, Robert, who at that time was visiting his uncle. Robert was 3 years older than me. My acquaintance was Uncle Jim's confessor, Brother Peter. He lived two miles from the estate, in a monastery, he was 35 years old. Time passed quickly and cheerfully. I rode Uncle Jim's horses, which were harnessed to a wonderful team, swam in the pond, sometimes spent time in the garden, picking berries and fruits. I very often went to the garden, wearing nothing but a dress, because it was very hot.

Once, it was about two weeks after my arrival, squatting under a tree, I felt the bite of some kind of insect in a place covered with curly hairs and after a moment felt itchy. I immediately sat down on the grass, leaning against a tree trunk, lifted my dress, and trying to look at the bitten place, instinctively ran my index finger up and down the bitten place between two wet sponges. It was like an electric shock from the touch of my finger to this place, which I had never touched before. I suddenly felt a sweet languor, and forgetting about the bite, I began to gently drive over my pink body, and felt a pleasure that I had not experienced until now.

Because of the sensation that gripped me, I did not notice Robert, who quietly crept up to where I was sitting and watched me. He asked: - Nice, Annie?

Startled with surprise, I instantly lowered my dress, not knowing what to answer.

Robert watched me, then said: - I saw everything, were you very pleased? With these words, he moved closer to me, hugged me by the shoulders and said: - It will be even more pleasant for you if I do what you did! Just let me kiss you, Annie. Before I had time to say a word, his hot lips dug into my mouth. One hand, hugging my shoulders, lay down on my chest and began to stroke, the other hand touched my knee and slowly began to approach the wet recess. As if by chance, I stretched, to the bottom parting my tender lips. Soft fingers touched my damp ruby ​​body. A shiver went through my entire body. Robert opened my teeth with his tongue and touched my tongue. His hand, lying on my chest, slipped under the dress, found the nipples and began to tickle them pleasantly, then his two fingers stroked my pink body, bringing me a frantic sweetness so far, my breathing quickened, and apparently sensing my condition, Robert quickened the movements of his tongue, which made me even sweeter. I don’t know how much longer it would have lasted, but suddenly everything in me tensed to the limit, I shuddered with my whole body, feeling how all the muscles were relaxed, and a pleasant bliss spread throughout my body. Robert's breathing stopped, he froze, and then carefully released me from his arms, for some time we sat in silence, I felt completely powerless and was unable to figure out what had happened to me.

Suddenly Robert asked: - You were pleased, right, Annie?

Yes, but I've never experienced anything like it. Robert, what is it?

And that means the woman in you has awakened, Annie. But this is not yet the full pleasure that you can get if you wish.

What could it be? I asked in bewilderment.

Let's meet at 5 pm and I'll teach you something, okay?

After that, Robert left. Having collected a full basket of plums, I followed him. At dinner I was very distracted. After dinner, I looked forward to Uncle Jim's departure. Finally, I heard the sound of a departing carriage. I rushed to the window and saw Uncle Jim and brother Peter driving out the gate. It was 17:00. I quietly left the house, made my way through the garden and out into the grove. Immediately I saw Robert sitting on an old tree stump. Robert stood up, put his arm around my waist, and led me into the depths of the grove. on the way, he stopped several times and held me tightly to him, gently kissed my eyes, lips, hair. Arriving at the old oak, we sat down on the grass, leaning our backs on the trunk of a mighty oak.

Have you seen a naked man? - after some silence asked Robert.

No, of course not, I replied.

So, in order to make everything clear and understandable to you, I will now show you what a man has that is intended for a woman.

Without letting me think of anything, Robert deftly unbuttoned his trousers and grabbed my hand and put it into his trousers. Instantly I felt something long, hot, and hard. My hand felt a pulse. I wiggled my fingers carefully. Robert clung to me, his hand as if by chance slipped over my legs and fingers touched my wet ruby ​​body. The feeling of bliss swept over me again. Robert's already familiar caress was repeated, and so several minutes passed. Everything in me was tense to the limit. Robert laid me down on the grass, spread my legs, wrapped the dress high on my stomach, and kneeling between my legs, lowered my trousers. I did not have time to properly examine what first appeared to my eyes, as Robert leaned over me and parted my plump lips with one hand, with the other he put his instrument between them. then put his hand under me. I screamed, made a movement with my hips, trying to break free, but Robert's hand, grabbing me, held tight. Robert's mouth covered mine, his other hand was under the dress and caressed my chest. Robert rose and fell, which made his instrument slide smoothly inside me. Still trying to break free, I moved my hips. the pain went away, and instead I began to feel a familiar stoma. I will not hide that she was much sweeter to me now. I stopped struggling and wrapped my arms around Robert, clinging even closer to him. Then suddenly Robert froze, and then his movements became faster and faster, everything in me tensed up. Suddenly Robert plunged his instrument with force and froze. I felt warmth spread through my body and weakened, but before I had time to come to my senses, a stern cry was heard over us and I saw with horror my uncle's spiritual brother Peter leaning over us.

Oh you rascals, that's what you do! Robert was instantly blown away by the wind. Out of fear, I remained lying on the grass, covering my face with my hands, not even realizing to lower my dress to cover my naked body.

You have committed a great sin, said Peter. His voice seemed to tremble. -Tomorrow after Mass, you will come to me to confess, for only fervent prayer can atone for your sin. Now go home and don't say anything to anyone. Uncle is expecting you for dinner. Without waiting for my answer, he turned abruptly and walked towards the monastery. With difficulty, I got to my feet and walked home. Arriving home, I refused dinner and went up to my room. Undressing, I saw droplets of dried blood on my legs. Then she went to take a bath. The cold water calmed me down a bit. I woke up late in the morning and barely had time to put myself in order to be in time with Uncle Jim for Mass. During the prayer, I was not so much occupied with prayers as with the thought of the upcoming confession with Brother Peter. When the service ended, I went to Brother Peter, telling Uncle Jim that I would stay for confession. Brother Peter gestured to follow him, and soon we found ourselves in a small room, all the decoration of which consisted of an armchair and a long high table. Entering the room

brother Peter sat down in a chair. Trembling, I stopped at the door.

Come in, Annie, close the door, come to me, get down on your knees! - one by one his orders were heard. Fear gripped me more and more. Closing the door, I knelt before my brother Peter. He sat with his legs wide apart, which were covered, touching the floor, by a black cassock. Timidly glancing at Brother Peter, I saw a fixed gaze directed at me, after enduring it, lowered my eyes again.

Tell me in detail, without concealing anything, how everything that I saw yesterday in the grove happened to you, brother Peter demanded. Not daring to disobey, I told about the feelings that suddenly flared up in me after the insect bite and, having reached the incident with Robert, I suddenly noticed that Brother Peter's cassock was moving somehow strangely. The daring thought that the same instrument as Robert's was moving made me stop talking.

Go on,” I heard the voice of Brother Peter and felt how his hand carefully lay on my head, pulling me a little towards him. Involuntarily touching the cassock with my hand, I felt something hard and quivering under it. Now I understood and had no doubt that every man has it. The feeling of the nearness of the instrument awakened yesterday's desire in me, I lost my way and interrupted the story.

What's wrong with you, Annie? Why don't you keep talking? asked Brother Peter.

The fire lit in you by Robert is apparently very strong and must be cooled down. Tell me, do you want to repeat what happened yesterday?” Brother Peter asked.

This sin is very pleasant, if possible, I would like to get rid of it.

This is really a big sin, Annie, you are right, but you are right that it is pleasant and you can not part with it, only the fire that is burning in you now needs to be put out.

Will it be like yesterday? If yes, then I really want it, I exclaimed.

Of course, - said brother Peter, - but only I will illuminate the consolation of fire and thereby deliver the fire and sin. Rising from his chair, Brother Peter left the room. I had a burning desire and I forgot the fear with which I went to confession. Not at all doubting what would follow after Peter's return, I took off my panties and put them in the pocket of my dress, began to wait, burning with the desire of my brother Peter. He did not stay long, when he entered, he held some kind of jar in his hands, closed the door on the latch and came up to me.

Take off everything that prevents you from extinguishing the fire, he whispered.

Already ready - I answered, smiling for the first time.

Oh, yes, you are quick-witted, sit down quickly on the table and lift your dress. I did not make him wait long, I immediately sat down on the table and as soon as I bared my legs, lifting my dress on my stomach, Brother Peter opened his cassock and I saw his instrument. It was a copy of the instrument I had seen with Robert, but this one was somewhat larger and more sinewy. Brother Peter opened the box, lubricated the head of his instrument, ran the same finger over my wet lips and pink body, took my legs, lifted them and placed them on my chest, which made me lie on my back on the table. Brother Peter's instrument trembled, touching my plump lips and ruby ​​hot wet body. Leaning forward and taking hold of my shoulders, Peter carefully began to immerse his instrument, parting his plump lips into a hot and damp recess, touching the ruby ​​​​body. The pain experienced yesterday from Robert was gone, and I was seized by a frantic desire, the instrument, pulsing, sank deeper and deeper, and soon I felt a lump under the instrument pleasantly tickling me with its hair. For a while, the instrument froze, and then just as slowly began to leave me. The bliss was indescribable, I breathed falteringly, my hands caressed Peter's face, I hugged his shoulders, trying to squeeze him closer to me. My dress was wide open, exposing my left breast with a protruding swollen nipple. Seeing this, Peter glared at him with a passionate kiss, taking half of his chest into his mouth, goosebumps went down my body. The tool began to move faster and faster. From the fullness of feelings, I pressed closer to him and gently whispered:

Faster Faster.

Brother Peter followed my call, it seemed to me that I was about to lose consciousness from bliss and suddenly shuddered, feeling pleasant warmth and powerlessness spread through my body: this was transmitted to brother Peter and he shuddered, trembling all over and thrusting his instrument into me, swollen and pulsating, froze. I felt a jet of warm moisture spray out of Peter's instrument with great pressure, and Peter's groan was heard. We didn't move for a few minutes, then I felt the instrument begin to contract and come out of me. Brother Peter straightened up and raised his head, I saw a small, limp and wet instrument. Staggering, brother Peter moved away from me and sat down in an armchair. As I lowered my legs to the floor, I felt warm moisture flowing down my legs.

Well, Annie, did you like it? asked Brother Peter.

It was very nice, I replied enthusiastically.

You still don’t know how and don’t know much, Annie, would you like to know and learn how to put out a fire with great feeling?

Oh yeah! - I exclaimed and went up to my brother Peter and sat on his knees.

Why has your instrument become so ugly and soft?

He gave you all his strength, Annie, but do not be discouraged, a little time will pass and he will again become elastic and firm, beautiful. 15 minutes passed during which Peter gently caressed my breasts, kissed them, and then, clinging to one of the nipples, almost pulling the entire breast into himself, took my hand and put it on his instrument. Parting my legs and plump lips, he took a hot ruby ​​body with his finger and began to gently and pleasantly caress him. Gently stroking his instrument, I soon felt how it increased in size and became harder from my caress. From Peter's caress of my ruby ​​body, from the touch of the instrument, which became hard and long, desire was aroused in me. Guessing my condition, as I began to slowly move on his knees, Peter released the nipple from his mouth and whispered:

Sit facing me, Anna. Feeling something new, I quickly moved, pressing my stomach against the instrument, feeling its warmth and elasticity, my desire became unbearable. Peter tightly hugged me and slightly lifted from his knees, lowered me. From the subtle movement of the hips, the head of the instrument was between plump lips, touching the hot pink pupil. Grabbing my shoulders, Peter sharply pressed them down, my knees buckled and the tool, as it seemed to me, pierced me through and through, entering the recess in its entire length and thickness, tearing my plump lips. For a minute we sat without moving, I felt how the instrument rests against something solid inside me, giving me indescribable bliss. I felt that I would soon lose consciousness from this. Through heavy breathing, Peter whispered:

Now get up and down on your own, Annie, but not too fast. Taking my buttocks, he lifted me from his knees so that the instrument almost jumped out of me. Out of fear of losing bliss, I instinctively sank down on his knees again, feeling the head of the instrument tickle something inside me, then I began to rise and fall without help. At first, I managed to rise and fall slowly twice, but I didn’t have enough strength for more, as the head tickled something inside me more and more and my movements became faster and faster, as through a dream I heard Peter’s voice:

Take your time, prolong the pleasure, not so fast. However, I was in ecstasy and did not pay attention to his requests, because I did not hear them, being in a semi-conscious state and moving faster and faster. Soon I felt the bliss spread all over my body and I abruptly sank down on the instrument, froze, losing consciousness, grabbed Peter by the neck, pressed close to him. Pyotr, looking at me, did not move, and only the instrument quivered nervously inside me. This surprised me. A little later, having come to my senses, I looked inquiringly at Peter, and he, as if guessing my question, said with a smile:

You were in a hurry, dear Annie, my instrument is still full of strength, rest a little and as soon as the desire wakes up in you again, we will repeat everything from the beginning. I don’t remember how much time passed, we silently looked at each other, suddenly Peter took my buttocks and began to slowly lift and lower me on his instrument, after several such movements I was seized with desire again. Now Peter himself directed the movements - either raising, then lowering, then forcing me to make circular movements with my hips. When the instrument was completely in me, resting and tickling what was hard inside, he gave me bliss and whispered:

Faster Faster. Peter quickened his movements, the excitement began to reach the limit, I felt how powerless came to me and I began to lose consciousness from the fullness of feelings. Trembling, I wrapped my arms and legs around Peter, then, losing consciousness, froze in that state. Piotr also shuddered several times, swung the instrument up and down, pressed himself against my nipple and froze. Coming into me, I felt the shudder of the instrument inside me. It was a pleasant pleasure and bliss, prolonging my impotence. In this position, pressed against each other, we sat for a while and I felt warm moisture flowing out of me, rolling down Peter's curly lumps, flowing through my hair to the hole below the recess in which the instrument sticks out, and dripping onto the floor. Peter lifted me up and put me on the floor. I took my panties, wet them and put in order Peter's instrument, which, from my touching it with warm water, began to swell a little, caressing it a little, I went to the sink. Taking off my shoe, I put one foot on the sink and began to put myself in order to wash the ruby ​​​​body in the recess. Apparently my posture turned him on. Before I had time to remove my foot from the sink and wipe the indentation and my feet, Peter, coming up to me, asked me to slightly put my right foot aside. Thinking he wanted to help me, I put my foot back. Peter leaned over a little and I felt how the instrument fits tightly between plump lips. The posture did not allow me to help either with my hips or with anything. Then, bending down even lower, I began to caress Peter's lumps, and with the other hand I tightly squeezed the plump lips at the top of the recess, wrapping the instrument even more tightly around them. Moving the tool back and forth, Peter took out something solid inside of me even more than before, the head tickled me inside. But then I felt that I would soon lose consciousness, Peter accelerated his movements, then he suddenly groaned, plunged the instrument and froze, losing consciousness, I stopped squeezing my lips and released lumps, starting to lose consciousness. Peter picked me up, not letting go of the instrument, letting me finish. When I came to my senses, I felt like an instrument, resting against a hard one in me, tickles me. Peter felt that I woke up, carefully removed me from the instrument, and then from the sink, and since I was not able to walk on my own, he seated me in a chair.

Rest, Annie, I'll take care of you, - taking my panties and moistening them with warm water, he lifted me to my feet, wiped the recess and legs. Lounging in an armchair, I blissfully rested, and Peter, going to the sink, began to wash the limp instrument and the lumps under it. Having dressed me, and having put on a cassock himself, he said:

Annie, I have monastic business waiting for me. We could not continue our lessons and parted with him, agreeing to meet tomorrow after the service and continue the lessons. The next day, when I arrived at the monastery, I did not so much listen to the service as I looked for Brother Peter with my eyes and thought about the upcoming lessons with him. But the service ended, and not finding brother Peter, I disappointedly went to the exit. And at that moment someone stopped me by the elbow, I stopped and turned around. In front of me stood a handsome monk of 28-30 years old. He called himself Klim. Smiling, he handed me the letter. Unfolding the letter, I realized that it was from Brother Peter. He apologized that he had unexpectedly left on business and could not continue the lessons with me, but added that whoever gave this letter to me could well replace it and give me useful lessons. I looked at Klim, he smiled and asked:

Well, Annie, do you agree?

Looking at him and his slender figure, I nodded my head convincingly, he took my hand and led me into one of the monastery rooms. Entering the room, he gently held me close to him. I felt his standing instrument very distinctly. Klim took me in his arms and, coming closer to the bench, put me on the floor, then threw off the cassock and what was revealed to my eyes exceeded all my expectations. The instrument was somehow not the same as that of Robert and Peter. It was about 22 cm long, the head shone, and the farther to the base it got thicker, forming, as it were, a cone. Caressing me, Klim asked me to bend down and lean on the bench. Burning with curiosity and desire, I bent down and took hold of the instrument with one hand, and lifted the dress with the other, trying to direct the instrument into the recess. Feeling warmth and tenderness, Klim, without letting me direct the instrument, began to quickly move it between my legs. He passed between the legs and rested on the stomach. Bending down, I saw him startle and slide past the recess. Then she bent over and directed him with her hand, thanks to which he began to slide over my tender lips. At this moment, Klim's instrument was huge, its base was greatly thickened. Feeling the wet gap with the instrument, Klim directed his instrument into it, but did not drive it from all over, fearing to hurt me, making small movements back and forth, constantly sticking it deeper and deeper. Finally, the thickening touched close to my lips, stretching them, and the huge, shiny head strongly rested against something solid inside of me. I felt this and spread my legs wider, and with my hands parted my tight lips, allowing the instrument to enter even deeper, although it hurt a little. From quick jolts, the bulge of the instrument plunged into my body and I felt with bliss how strongly stretched lips tightly clasped the bulge. At that moment, the tool came out of me with almost force and plunged again, tickling something inside me. From the fullness of feelings of bliss, I began to lose consciousness, but Klim tightly held my hips, as if putting me on a stake. At that moment, powerlessness set in. When I woke up, I felt something warm pulsing in me. We were both in a stupor of voluptuousness, the movements stopped, we stood motionless for some time, not having the strength to move, enjoying this phenomenon. Having put our slot and Klim's instrument in order, we got dressed. Klim was recalled to the parish and our studies with him ended. I never saw Klim again.

Since Brother Peter was absent, I spent time walking in the garden and reading books, thinking about Klim's instrument. On one of the hot days I was reading a book in the hot living room and imperceptibly fell asleep, and since it was very hot, I was completely naked - I covered myself only with a sheet. I woke up from the feeling of someone's eyes on me. Cautiously opening my eyes, I saw Uncle Jim standing over me and staring at me intently. His gaze was not fixed on the face. As I followed him, I noticed that the sheet was tucked away, exposing my body to my stomach. However, Uncle Jim did not see that I woke up and was watching him. Instantly realizing that it was beautiful, I, as if in a dream, made a movement with my legs and spread them wide, allowing Uncle Jim to see all the charm between the legs. In the semi-darkness, I saw Uncle Jim startle, but without moving and looking closely, I saw that Uncle Jim was wearing a vest, which was somehow unnaturally protruding on his stomach. Realizing that it was a ready-made tool poking around, realizing the charm of my body and wanting to entertain my uncle even more, I threw off the sheet with a movement of my hand, exposing my body completely. Standing in a motionless stupor, Uncle Jim, without taking his eyes off his parted lips, from which a delicate pink eye peeped out, untying the belt of his dressing gown and releasing his instrument, he suddenly rushed towards me and, to my surprise, clinging and spreading his lips wider with his lips to the moist ruby ​​eye, pulled it into his mouth and began to caress with his tongue. An incomparable feeling came over me. For the first few minutes I didn’t move, but as my uncle’s caress increased my desire, I moved quietly several times, the desire increased so that I forgot my caution, pressed my uncle’s head closer to me. Feeling my touch, Uncle Jim boldly reached out his hands to my breasts and, finding swollen nipples, began to caress them gently. Seized with strong desire and passion, moving my hips, I began to help him caress my tender body with my tongue, the heat of languor increased unusually slowly, making the caress more voluptuous than the movement of the instrument, but to my great desire it could not last too long and, reaching the limit, ended in my impotence. The end was so stormy that losing consciousness, I pressed my uncle's head even harder to the recess. Drawing in the moisture of his tender body and taking a sip, Uncle Jim rose from his knees and lay down beside me. Seeing his instrument, full of strength, trembling, I turned to his chest, wrapping my tender body around his thigh. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me softly. So we stayed for quite some time. Jim gave me a rest, caressing my nipples with his tongue and I felt the desire again. Grabbing Jim's head with my hands, tearing him away from my chest, in a fit of passion, I began to kiss his face, his lips found mine and he passionately dug into them. With his tongue parting his teeth, he entered my mouth and began to caress my tongue. Unable to pull away any longer, Jim turned me on my back and lay on top of me. I spread my legs wide, bending my knees. This position did not satisfy Jim, he ordered to put his legs on his stomach and hold him with his hands. In this position, the plump lips parted and the ruby ​​eye beckoned the instrument towards itself, leaving a slot open for the instrument. Seeing this, Jim grabbed the back of the sofa with his hands and his beautiful instrument entered me at last. Having driven it to its full length, Jim, without taking it out, began to make circular movements with his hips and the large head of the instrument rested against something hard in me - in this position I could help him, this feeling was amazing.

Faster, faster, I whispered. Jim responded to my call with a violent movement of his hips. I felt that I could not contain the real languor and whispered: - Jim, honey, I'm losing strength. And just at that moment, his body convulsively beat and he drove the instrument with force, then froze ...

Through the efforts of Jim, I collapsed six times during a stormy night. So unusually well ended my studies, wonderful studies that night. In the morning I could not go out for breakfast, feeling weak all over my body. It seemed to me that something thick and huge was sticking out of my crack, preventing me from moving my legs, but by dinner it was all gone, I got stronger and the hindrance between my legs disappeared. For five days, caressing me tirelessly, Jim spent every night with me. In addition to repeated repetition of the lessons learned, I gained new knowledge. We solved problems lying down, changing places - then Jim was on top, in the latter case, putting me on the instrument, Jim gave me the opportunity to act on my own, remaining motionless. This made it possible to prolong the blissful state, and since impotence set in quickly in this position, I, remaining on the instrument, prolonged the bliss, and then fell down next to Jim, giving him care of my depression and my limp instrument. He took a clean towel and moistened it with water and wiped his swollen lips, and then, parting them with his fingers, he wiped the ruby ​​eye and the wet indentation. One morning, when I was fast asleep, exhausted from the night's work, curled up with my back to Jim, he managed to plunge the instrument so far into me that I woke up with a slight pain, but this did not prevent me from falling into a semi-conscious state twice while Jim worked on one. On the fifth night, he asked me to kneel on the edge of the bed and lay my head on the bed, promising me a new kind of caress. I, bending my knees and spreading them a little, stood on the edge of the bed, resting my elbows on the bed, laid my head as he told me. Jim stepped onto the floor from behind and grabbed my hips tightly. Suspecting nothing, I was waiting for a new lesson, slightly bent over and leaned back to make it easier for him to direct the tool into the opened slot. Jim literally put me on the instrument with force and made several movements usual in this position, suddenly took it out of me, and stuck it into the hole, which in my position was just above the wet depression and at the same time stuck two fingers instead of the instrument. I twitched a little in surprise, but Jim didn't move and held me tightly to him. The fingers in the recess moved and I felt my thin film separate them from the instrument. Soon the instrument moved slowly. From the double caress, the feeling was indescribable, amazing. The impotence that came with Jim was somewhat stormy, that, unable to restrain himself, he collapsed to the floor. I managed to lose my strength twice during this time, while Jim was working on one lesson. The last impotence was so strong that I automatically stretched out my hand between my legs and, shaking Jim by the sagging balls in ecstasy, squeezed them hard with his hand. Jim stopped moving from pain and at that moment I became exhausted. Having risen from the floor, Jim wetted the towel, wiped both my holes well, since I couldn’t even move, then I fell asleep soundly. I really liked this lesson and I asked Jim to repeat it next time. In the morning, having come to breakfast, I found out that Jim had left on business at dawn and would return only at night. After spending the day aimlessly, I got up early and went to bed. Jim's arrival woke me up. As usual, he came in a dressing gown and quickly took it off and slipped into bed right into my arms. Hugging me with one hand and hugging me, the other reached for the buttocks and instead of a naked body, he felt for panties. Surprised by such an unusual phenomenon, he asked:

What does it mean? I smiled, explained why I was in panties.

It's a pity, Annie, that I didn't know about it earlier, I was driving home impatiently in the hope of solving a few lessons with you. Look how he wants to caress you, - and throwing back the sheet, he showed me a tool that reared up with a huge head.

I want to hug you too! What should I do? - I asked and stretched out my hand, began to gently stroke the head and the whole instrument.

I am pleased with your desire, and you can satisfy it, look at your condition.

What should I do?

Kiss him,” Jim whispered, releasing me from his embrace, he lay on his back, spreading his legs wide, I slid down and deepened between them so that my lips were just above the instrument. Taking him in my hands, I kissed his huge shiny head. Unfamiliar, but pleasant taste, slightly salty, I felt from this kiss. Jim took my head in his hands and whispered:

Open your mouth, Annie, and caress it with your tongue. As soon as I had time to fulfill his request, he bent down my head, the instrument, resting on my throat, filled my entire mouth - there was nothing to breathe, I intensively deviated, not letting it out of my mouth.

Keep caressing him with your tongue, Jim whispered. A huge head and part of the instrument fit in my mouth. Holding it in my hand, I began to slowly run my tongue over and under the head. Through ragged breathing and groans, Jim kept whispering:

Oh, what bliss, oh what indescribable bliss, squeeze your lips tighter, quickly caress your tongue. He slightly lowered and rose, causing the instrument to slip in his mouth. His breathing and movements gave me pleasure and soon a great desire seized me - clinging to Jim, I rubbed my nipples against his legs, reached my hand to the lumps under the instrument and gently caressed them. From bliss, Jim stopped whispering and only moaned. Finally, the tool strained to the limit and hot liquid spurted out of it, which filled my mouth, I took a second sip and at that moment I felt powerless. In ecstasy, I strongly clenched my teeth below the head and a pleasant languor spread through my body. In a few days, my wet pink body was well and ready to receive Jim's instrument with a huge mushroom head in its warm embrace. Yearning for the caresses of the instrument, I was so ready for new stormy lessons and was looking forward to Jim in my bed. When Jim came in in the evening, throwing off his bathrobe as he went, I was burning with impatience and desire. He got into bed and, like a kite, pounced on my hungry pink body. Parting my plump lips, he began to caress my ruby ​​eye with two fingers, gently looking at his instrument with a huge shiny head, like a mushroom. We repeated the lesson with him from the previous one, during which I managed to debilitate twice. Jim got up, wet a towel, wiped my ruby ​​eye, then wiped it well, parting his lips, wiped his limp, but still protruding tool and lumps with cologne and then, mixing cologne with water, rubbed my plump lips around and lay down next to me. After resting, he then asked me to climb onto him so that my plump lips and pink eye were near his face. Turning in the opposite direction and spreading my legs so that his head was between them and plump lips opposite my mouth, I prepared for all-consuming bliss and Jim did not make me wait long, gently touched my pink eye with his tongue. Then he pushed me lightly in the back, which caused me to fall between his widely spread legs and my lips were over his instrument. Having instantly understood Jim's intentions, without waiting for his instructions, I grabbed the instrument with my hands and, opening my mouth, took as much as I could. Jim took my swollen nipples and penetrated with his tongue, parting my plump lips into a hot indentation. The incredible began, I could never imagine that this lesson would bring so much bliss. The fullness of sensations from touching the eye of Jim's tongue and lips is so strong that I did not even notice how exhausted I was during this lesson. He felt it and continued his caresses. Wishing for repetition, I did not let his instrument out of my mouth and it gradually began to thicken, and soon became able to work again. Clenching my tongue tightly and not ceasing to work, I began to move the skin on the instrument up and down with quick movements of my hands, and in response, Jim's tongue and his lips redoubled the caress of the ruby ​​eye and the tongue penetrated deep into the recess, giving me pleasure. Out of impatience, I quickly helped him. My delicate pink body touched not only Jim's lips and tongue, but the whole face, from abundant moisture it soon became wet. With every moment, the desired feeling of powerlessness approached, and then Jim finished his frantic lesson in complete exhaustion. That night we no longer had the desire to continue the lessons, as we were tired, especially me. I could not even move my leg, everything was like cotton wool. For many days, Jim and I continued to repeat what we had covered, reinforcing several times. We talked a lot with Jim and his main decision was not to return me to the convention. He promised to place me in one of the girls' schools so that I could live in his city house. This made me very happy, because I was used to classes with Jim and I really did not want to stop them at the end of the holidays. Two days before my departure for the city, something unexpected happened - brother Peter came from the monastery. He and Jim talked about something for about an hour in the office, then Jim came up to my room, his face was frowning. Taking a deep breath, he said:

Annie, brother Peter told me everything, and the worst thing is that he knows about our studies. He threatened me with a scandal, he demands my consent to repeat a few lessons with you. There is no way out, you have to agree, get ready, I will come with him now.

What about you, Jim? I exclaimed in dismay.

I don't know, we'll see, now is not the time to think about it. Not daring to disobey and fearing to lose Jim's favor, I undressed, put on a dressing gown, and sat down in a chair. Involuntarily remembering Peter's past lessons, I had to admit to myself that I had nothing against a couple of lessons with Peter, but I was very worried and embarrassed that Jim would know about this. I also wondered why Peter himself did not tell me about his desire, but turned to his uncle. So without understanding anything, I began to look forward to their arrival. Soon there was a knock and Peter and Jim entered the room.

Hello, Annie, Uncle Jim said that you agree - he said cheerfully, smiling. Not knowing what to answer, I timidly looked at Jim, he nodded his head in the affirmative.

Yes, of course, - I said more and more embarrassed.

Then let's not waste time, undress and come to me, - said Peter.

Jim was next to him. Not knowing what to do, I first looked at Jim and whispered:

Won't you go, Jim?

No, I will fulfill Peter's wishes with you, - he said, and went to the window, being behind me.

After a little hesitation and blushing, I took off my dressing gown and went over to Pyotr. He hugged me, holding me tightly to him, then sat down and began to gently kiss my ruby ​​eye, got up and began to kiss my chest, neck and caress my eye with his hand. Clinging closer to him, I felt his hard tool through my cassock, ready for work, remembering how he dug deep into me. Forgetting everything about Jim, I responded to his caress with ardor. Still pressing me to him, Peter began to retreat to the bed. Approaching her, he lay across the bed, opening his cassock, leaving his legs on the floor, spreading them wide, and ordered me to stand between them and turn my back on him. With both hands on my hips, he pulled me down. Bending my head, I saw his instrument protruding against my recess, from which a gentle pupil beckoned to itself. Pyotr did not move, but the swollen instrument with a huge shiny head was constantly trembling. Patience ran out and I, parting my plump lips, abruptly sank to Peter's feet, with pleasure I felt how the instrument entered the recess tightly. Not having something to rest my hands on, I spread Peter's legs wide and began to make circular movements with my hips, but noticing a nearby table, I leaned on it and began to move on the instrument with bliss. She glanced at Jim imperceptibly, his gaze fixed on my tender body. Suddenly, he made a swift movement forward, unbuttoned his trousers with lightning speed, released the rearing tool, grabbed my head with his hands, pressed his tool to my face. Guessing his desire and feeling guilty before him, and wanting to please him, she caught his head with her lips and began to caress her with her tongue. But I did not forget about Peter's instrument, which was deep in me, not for a moment without stopping movements.

Holding my hips with one hand, as if guiding my movements, he squeezed my lips with the other hand in order to grab the instrument more tightly. I felt plump lips rubbing against Peter's instrument. Jim, holding my head, moved his instrument in my mouth. From double pleasure, my indescribable bliss was short, and moaning blissfully, I became exhausted, but my desire did not subside and I continued to eagerly accept the caresses of my teachers, answering them with all my indomitable desire and passion. But everything comes to an end. First Jim, then I, and at the same time Peter, were exhausted. And in this languor our bodies weakened. After drinking the moisture from Jim's instrument, I released it from my mouth. Jim helped me get rid of Petra's instruments, because. I was unable to stand up by myself, my legs were wadded. Jim laid me gently on the bed. Resting blissfully, I lay with my eyes closed. I lay in this position for half an hour, and suddenly I felt that my nipple, and then the other, were in the mouth of Jim and Peter. Their hands stretched over my body, pleasantly caressing it, and their fingers reached my curly hair, spreading plump lips, deepened into my wet hot body, tickling the ruby ​​eye. Spreading my legs wide, I impatiently and tremblingly pressed their hands so that their fingers went deep into the recess, and Peter's fingers tickled the ruby ​​eye. Desire woke up in me again, impatiently stretching out my hands and taking both instruments, I began to gently caress them with excitement, stroking the soft skin under the swollen mushroom heads. My desire grew with incredible speed, because. I could feel the tools in both hands, ready for work. I really wanted them to do something quickly to satisfy my growing desire. But the instruments were half-excited. He is my frantic and hot caresses, they began to harden, bleed. As soon as the instruments were ready for practice, Jim pulled away from my nipple and whispered:

Caress Peter with your tongue, Annie. Immediately releasing my nipples from his mouth, Peter got up from the bed so that his legs were wide apart on the floor. Standing between them, bending down and moving back, I saw a beautiful instrument with a huge head. Burning with impatience, I parted my plump lips and gradually began to sink onto the instrument protruding and inviting my pink body. Feeling that the big mushroom began to push my already parted plump lips with difficulty, I spread my legs wider, making it easier for him to move into the recess, but the mushroom was so swollen that my measures were not enough, and he could not gradually enter my thirsty body. Deciding to help him, I got up and leaned back. The head of the instrument, leaving the recess, also leaned back, tickling the ruby ​​eye. Having made several sliding movements with the ruby ​​eye on the head, I again got up and directed the head into the recess, and began to lower myself onto the instrument again. The wet head began to go deeper and deeper, stretching my swollen lips and filling the wet recess. But still, patience did not last long, I abruptly sank onto the instrument. It seemed to me that instead of a tool, I drove something like a stake into it. This giant was bursting my swollen lips so much, giving me pleasure that it seemed to me that they were about to burst and he pierced me through and through. The huge head rested against something hard in me, involuntarily shuddering, pleasantly tickling. Peter asked me to roll over on Jim's instrument so that I was facing him. Turning over, I saw Peter's instrument, which trembled. Grabbing it, I took it into my mouth and began to caress with my tongue and move the skin with my hand, giving Peter indescribable pleasure. We repeated the last lesson, Peter and Jim switched places. This change gave me great pleasure, although I felt a slight pain. I am ready to repeat this lesson without end. During this time, I passed out twice, and my teachers' instruments were still in full force. When I woke up for the third time, I felt that the instruments would soon work. Wanting to keep up with them, she redoubled her caresses and, in order to repeat the bliss, began to move her hips on Jim's instrument, although the lips were stretched to the limit, the recess was filled with the instrument. I asked Jim to help me keep up with him. Jim gradually reached the ruby ​​eye and began caressing it. With one hand he held my head and moved the instrument back and forth, with the other hand he caressed my swollen nipples. Soon I felt like a jet from Peter's instrument gushed into my mouth, and at the same time a groan of bliss and impotence. It seemed to last forever, but I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I don't know what time it was. Peter was gone, and Jim, dressed, was sitting on the bed, his head bowed, deep in thought. My dear peers! I have described my lessons to you, but what can be physically experienced cannot be conveyed on paper. That bliss that you experience when the instrument gradually pushes the plump lips apart, enters you and rests against something solid inside, when, shuddering, something tickles, delivering indescribable pleasure and bliss. For several years I continued the lessons, giving myself and him great pleasure. I met Peter several times in the monastery and also continued with him several lessons taught to me. Jim did not want to part with me, but the law of religion did not allow us to connect our lives.

10 years after the end of the holidays that we spent with Jim, I got married. But our meetings did not stop. I had a daughter and after Jim I named her Gina. When she grows up, I will try to convey to her everything that I experienced myself. I am not sorry for what happened to me often, lying in bed, recalling my youth, which was so interesting. Remembering the bliss experienced with Jim, I do not regret, but I am glad that I experienced it. Be prudent, do not regret what you still have to give. But you need to give in such a way that in old age you do not feel sorry for your youth, otherwise in old age you will regret that you missed the moment of youth and did not take from it everything that you could take.

Memories of a young woman
I was born on January 1, 1940. My mother died as soon as I was born. Who fed me - I do not know. I didn't see my father until I was 10 years old. He worked as an agent for the Gipper company and traveled all over the world, rarely appeared at home, and even then more often at night when I was already asleep. One day I woke up in the morning and saw a bearded man near my bed. He patted my cheek with his hand and left. Since then, he has always been at home. We moved to live in another apartment. My father hired a new nanny, and sent Frau Olhel, who raised me, somewhere.

The new nanny was young, beautiful and cheerful. Going out to breakfast, her father slapped her magnificent ass and squeezed her breasts. Nanny laughed. After breakfast, my father left for work. The nanny, her name was Katrin, cleaned the rooms, and I went for a walk outside. I grew up alone and did not know how to be friends with the guys, I had no girlfriends.

Catherine loved to bathe in the bath and dragged me with her every time. We undressed, lay down in warm water and lay for a long time silent and motionless, like corpses. Sometimes Catherine would take me to wash and, rubbing my stomach with a sponge, as if by chance rubbed between my legs with a hand. At first I did not pay attention to it, but gradually I got used to it and found great pleasure in it. I myself began to ask Catherine to rub my pussy and at the same time spread her legs wide so that her hand could move freely. We soon got used to each other. Katherine is no longer embarrassed by me. At the next bath, she taught me to rub the clitoris with my finger and I willingly performed this pleasant duty for both. Katrin finished violently and several times in a row, her orgasm acted excitingly on me. The sight of her body gave me more pleasure than rubbing my pussy.

Catherine slept in her father's room. Sometimes at night I would suddenly wake up and listen to the groans and screams coming from my father's bedroom. These sounds awakened in me some kind of vague lustful feeling. I lay with my eyes open for a long time and tried to imagine what was happening there. Once, after such a sleepless night, I, waiting for my father to leave for work, asked Catherine:

Why did you scream all night? ... And you and father. Katherine was momentarily embarrassed, but immediately assumed a calm, determined expression. she took me by the shoulders and led me to the sofa.

Sit down, I'll tell you everything. - I prepared to listen, but Catherine suddenly fell silent and thought about something.

Wait, - she said and went into another room.

She returned with a bundle. seated next to me, she put the bundle on her knees and asked:

Do you know why some people are called men and others women?

And you've never seen naked men?

Look, - said Catherine, unfolding the bundle. It contained photographs. She showed me one of them. The photograph was of a man and a woman. They stood completely naked, pressed against each other. With one hand, the man grabbed the woman by the neck, and slipped the other between her legs. The woman with her right hand was holding some kind of long stick sticking out under the man's belly.

A woman, - said Catherine, - has a chest and a gap between her legs, and a man has this fat thing. This thing... - Catherine took out a new photograph, which showed a man and a woman, also naked. The man lay on top of the woman. She lifted her legs up and placed them on the man's shoulders. The man's thing was sticking out of the woman's slit.

You see, a man put his thing in a woman and moves her there. It is pleasant for a woman and for a man too.

And I can insert such a thing, - I said in a voice trembling with excitement.

It's too early for you to think about it. As small as you, you can only rub the pussy with your finger.

You're screaming so much because your dad is putting that thing in you, right?

Your dad has this thing very big and fat. Not only do I scream, but he screams too.

May I see these photos?

Look, only without me you will not understand anything, but I need to clean the apartment.

I looked at these amazing photos for a long time, locking myself in my room. I felt a pleasant itch between my legs and put my hand there. I myself did not notice how I began to rub my pussy with my finger, and only when my heart fluttered from a sharp, still unknown sweetness, I frightened my hand away, wet and hot from abundant mucus.

A few days later, I begged Catherine to leave the bedroom door unlocked, and, waiting for the first whisper and creaking of the bed to come from my father's room, I slowly approached his bedroom door. I carefully opened the door, I looked into the room: my father lay completely naked on his back, and Katrin settled at his feet, sucking her father's thing, which barely fit in her lips. At the same time, the father let out pleasant moans and rolled his eyes. Catherine, continuing to suck her father's thing, looked into my ototron. Then she got up and, spreading her legs, sat astride her father. She obviously did it in such a way that I could see it as best as possible, and therefore, inserting the thing into herself, she turned her chest to me, slowly entered it to the very end. Then both immediately twitched, screamed, began to wheeze and moan, and then Catherine collapsed with her whole body on her father and fell asleep. After 10 minutes, Katrin again began to suck her father's Thing, for the first time I saw how she from small, wrinkled, in Katrin's lips, became even, smooth, big. I also wanted to suck this wonderful thing, but I was afraid to enter their room. That night, Catherine, especially for me, showed how a man's thing can penetrate a woman from different positions. Since then, I often watched the sweet couple of father and Catherine, and more and more often rubbed my slit, enjoying it with them.

I was 11 years old when Catherine got sick. She was taken to the hospital and she did not return to us. Father walked around gloomy and silent for several days, and one day he came home drunk. Without taking off his shoes, he collapsed on the bed and fell asleep. With great difficulty, clumsily and fussily, I took off his jacket. The shirt was also dirty. I took it off too. Then she took off his trousers and was about to leave, when she noticed that the linen was also dirty and had not been washed for a long time. It had to be removed, but the thought that he would remain naked made my heart tremble and sweetly pinched between my legs. I put the suit on a chair and walked over to the bed. Careful not to wake him up, I unbuttoned his undershirt, lifting it up a little and pulling it down to his armpits. Throwing his arms up, she pulled the shirt off his torso. Then I, too, carefully pulled off his underpants. I stood near him for a long time, looking at his big naked "thing" at his broad hairy chest, at his thick arms and sunken belly, at his legs and again at his large, limply drooping penis. I was tormented by a great desire to touch this member with my hand, but I restrained myself. She grabbed her father's clothes and went into the kitchen. All the time while I was cleaning the dress, I thought about the penis, imagined it in my lips, mentally stroked it with my hands. Walking from the kitchen to my place, I again approached the sleeping father and, having gathered courage, touched my penis with my hand. Member was cold and pleasantly soft. The father screamed in his sleep. I got scared and ran away. Touching the cock made a huge impression on me. For a long time I felt his gentle elastic softness. And, excited by what had happened, I could not fall asleep for a long time and lay in a dreamy half-drowse for about forty minutes, then got out of bed again. Undressed, in one undershirt, I entered my father's room. He was still lying naked on top of the blanket, and he was obviously cold. Having covered him with a sheet, I sat down on a chair next to the bed and sat like that until the morning, listening to his heavy breathing.

As if on purpose, the whole week my father came home sober. Until late I read lying in bed and I, waiting for him to fall asleep, turned off his light. Somehow cleaning the rooms, I found a package with photographs that Katrin also showed. This time I looked at them more meaningfully and my imagination from the pictures created colorful moments of hot copulation. I could not resist, 10 days after the death of Catherine, I gave myself abundant pleasure, rubbing my clitoris with my fingers.

That night I received my first regulation. If Catherine had not told me about it, what it is, I would have been very scared. Everything was so unexpected that I did not know how to plug this bleeding vent. Vata was not at home. Three days later, the regulation passed. A week later I put on a bra. The breasts were still small and stuck out with two sharp pyramids. Stroking the nipples of the breasts, I did not feel pleasure. And now, in moments of voluptuousness, I worked with both hands. I grew up in an atmosphere of silent willfulness. My father never talked to me, never asked me anything, never scolded or praised me. One day I was ironing his shirt and ran an overheated iron over it. The shirt is burned. I was frightened, waiting for abuse, but my father did not even pay attention. He got another one, put it on and left. Gradually, I got used to doing whatever I wanted, and I myself was indifferent to what was happening around.

There was a case, I was going to the cinema and ironed my best dress. I went to wash my face and hung it on the back of a chair by the table. Father was having dinner. When I returned, I saw that blueberry jam was spilled on the table, a jar was lying on the floor, my father was wiping stains from my suit and trousers with my dress. I won’t say that at that time I was completely indifferent to such an attitude of my father towards my things, but in general I endured this tragedy calmly. I brought water in a basin, threw my hopelessly ruined dress into it, and silently washed the floor with this dress. I went to the cinema that evening in a different dress. The boys took care of me, they liked me, but my silence scared them away. After staying with me for one or two evenings, they left me, but it didn't really matter to me.

One day, I was riding the tram home late at night. The conductor was dozing, a guy came to my platform. He must have been drunk and had no idea what he was doing. Hugging my shoulders from behind, he turned me to face the window and shielded me from strangers with his broad back. His hands penetrated under the collar of the dress and slid under the bra, began to knead the chest. I tried to free myself from his embrace, but he held me tightly. So we stood for 10 minutes silently and motionless. When the tram approached my house, I whispered to the guy: "I have to get out now, let me!". He reluctantly unclenched his hands, and I didn’t even look at him, I left, with indifference to others. I became indifferent to myself. Nothing touched me, nothing interested me, I was very bored. Sometimes I was tormented by anxiety, even fear. At such moments, I stayed at home and life seemed to me bottomless, lonely, and I was in it a tiny grain of sand, rushing into the abyss, lonely and weak, and defenseless. Life was so monotonous and boring that not only were they alike from day to day, like two drops of water, but the years did not differ much from each other. One day, when I was 13 years old, my father came home earlier than usual. Three hefty guys entered the room with him. Without saying a word, they began to wear things. I barely had time to pack the little things scattered throughout the rooms. Two hours later, things were packed and they were taken somewhere. My father put on a dress for me and, silently taking my hand, left the deserted house. At the entrance was a new "oppel-record" black. My father ordered me to get into the car with a glance, and he got behind the wheel. We drove through the whole city. The car stopped in front of a huge house in the posh area of ​​kavlbura. The porter jumped out of the entrance and helpfully opened the car door. Our new apartment consisted of 10 rooms. Three father took me. The housekeeper settled in the back room. She cooked and served meals. She was still cleaning the apartment. The housekeeper's name was Frau Nilsson, she was 40-45 years old. She was chosen by my father in accordance with the spirit of our family. She was a majestic woman with lush brown hair, with a huge bust. She had long legs. By nature, she was closed and silent. She did not interfere in my affairs and took everything for granted.

Three months later, our house finally fledged. There were books in the library, carpets in the corridor and living room, expensive paintings on the walls and nylon curtains on the windows.

The first few days I didn't go out. I didn't know where my father kept the money. Once I climbed into his secretary, I found a checkbook in my name. I had 10,000 crowns in my account. I took the book with me and got 100 crowns in the bank.

Until 12 at night I walked the streets, looked at two paintings, ate ice cream. I came home by taxi. My father had guests, they drank in the living room, talked noisily and laughed. I went to my room, undressed and went to bed. At three o'clock I woke up from a heart-rending scream, then something heavy rumbled, I put on a dressing gown and went out into the corridor. A faint light filtered through the living room doors. The glass doors were not fully draped and you could see what was going on in the room.

The father was without pants and his huge cock stuck out like a stick.

My dear, my dear, - the woman whispered in a broken voice, - have pity.

I can't... it's so big... tear me apart.

The father was sullenly silent, looking at the woman with angry, drunken eyes.

Oh help!!! - The woman exclaimed plaintively and began to crawl away from her father, kicking her legs in a funny way. The father did not pay any attention to the woman's lamentations. He silently grabbed her legs and pulled her to him. Throwing her hands away, he spread his thighs with force and began to force his cock into the woman, kneeling down.

She screamed heart-rendingly and began to scratch her father's face. Blood flowed down his face.

I couldn't resist and entered the room. Without saying a word, I lifted my father's face up by the chin, wiped the blood with my handkerchief and gently pushed it away from the wheezing woman. Then she grabbed the woman by the collar, lifted her off the floor and slapped her cheeks with a backhand.

Get out!

My appearance apparently stunned the woman, and the slap left her speechless. She dressed feverishly and, without saying a word, ran out of the apartment. I returned to my father. He sat humiliated and depressed, trying not to look me in the eye. I smeared the scratches on my face with iodine and pressed him to me, barely restraining myself so as not to look at his mighty cock, which still stuck up like an obelisk. I was so excited that I was afraid to do something stupid. Therefore, having finished my work, I said good night and hurriedly went to my room.

Lying in bed, I thought with horror that looking at the woman lying on the floor in front of my father, I wanted to be in her place. What blasphemy! what terrible thoughts. But no matter how I tried to drive away these thoughts, they overcame me more and more. I remembered that when I slapped the woman on the cheeks, and then escorted her out of the living room, my dressing gown flew open and my father could see me naked. Too bad he didn't see me. I had to open my robe and draw attention to myself. I am already 15 years old, I have beautiful breasts, slender legs, a toned stomach. Next year I will be able to participate in a beauty contest.

What am I thinking about. What a disgrace. This is the father. My lazy and phlegmatic being is not accustomed to such experiences. I soon got tired and fell asleep. In the morning, remembering vicious thoughts, I was no longer horrified by them, they took root and became ordinary and even boring. After all, these are just thoughts.

My father left for work earlier than usual and I had breakfast alone. Frau Nilsson did not express her attitude to the nightly incident with a single gesture, although I know for sure that she heard everything.

Until dinner, I lay in the living room on the sofa doing nothing and thinking about nothing. Boredom gave me a headache. Before lunch, I decided to take a walk. Near our house there was a bar with a vending machine. You could dance there. The bar was empty, only a few youths, 17-18 years old, and two tall, thin girls in trousers, stood in a group at the window, occasionally exchanging words. They didn't have money for the machine. And they were waiting for one of the visitors to come. I asked for a bottle of beer, threw the crown into the machine and sat down at the bar to watch the dance.

As soon as the music started, they grabbed the girls and started dancing. This was done with such haste that one would have thought that if they missed a beat, they would have enough of a blow. I finished my bottle of beer and sat at the bar just like that.

One of the youths pulled me by the hand, silently dragged me to the middle of the hall, and we began to dance. When the record was over, I lowered the crown again. Now another guy has taken me. Then the third. So I danced with all the guys. When I started to leave, one guy followed me, the whole company followed us.

Where do you live? he asked, looking me up and down.

Here in this house...

We'll go to you, he said in a tone as if everything depended on him. I kept silent. As we climbed the stairs, the sound of music came from somewhere. One girl and a guy began to dance ... But we have already arrived. They felt at home in my room and treated me like an old friend. Their audacity impressed me. I took everything for granted. One of the young men went somewhere and returned with a bottle of whiskey. Another turned on the tape recorder. The furniture was hurriedly parted in the corners and they began to dance. The young man who followed me first was the overseer. Everyone obeyed him silently. He had a long, well-groomed face and blue eyes. The second young man in a black sweater was called a big man. He kept squinting his eyes and baring his teeth. His voice was low and hoarse, and there was always some kind of menace in it. The girls also had nicknames. The oldest was called the artist. She was beautiful, well built, but very tall. She was wearing trousers and a blouse. The beautiful crooked leg was called the robber. She drank a lot and acted very cheeky. All the boys kissed her and she, kissing, twitched her whole body, clinging to her partner. Her lips were so pumped that they were swollen and bright red. One always sat in one place. This third girl drank very little, danced reluctantly, lazily, trying to settle down somewhere as soon as possible. Her generally simple face was adorned with lush black hair and beautiful scarlet lips. On the right arm, above the elbow, was a red rose tattooed with long blue thorns on the stems. She was dressed in a simple gray dress, from under which protruded pleated petticoat. She had beautiful legs and high breasts. This girl was called the deathbed. I, too, soon came up with a name - Puppy. At 6 pm the overseer turned off the tape recorder and went to the exit. Everyone reached out for him, only the deathbed was left sitting in my room. I went outside with the guys. The overseer led us to a mansion and, before calling, called me with his finger.

Will you go? I nodded my head.

Give us money.

I had 85 crowns left out of the 100 I received from the bank that evening, and I gave everything to the overseer. He counted the money and slipped it into his pocket. The robber came up to me and asked:

Do you know where you're going?

No, I answered in such an indifferent tone that she immediately stopped asking questions.

The gate was opened. We walked through the garden to the house. In the hallway we were met by some old man, wrinkled and hunchbacked. Looking around the whole company, he suddenly turned to the overseer:

How many times do I have to tell you not to bring the new ones here right away. The overseer took out the money and silently thrust it into the old man's hand.

How many?

Eighty crowns.

120 more behind you.

The old man led us into a small room, draped with crimson velvet along the walls, and left. There was no furniture in the room. Everyone sat down on the floor, covered with a thick fluffy carpet. The ceiling in the room was upholstered in red silk. Sconces hung on the walls, emitting a dim, matte light. Everyone sat waiting for something. Suddenly, a beautiful blonde woman entered the room. She was dressed in a luxurious dress that shimmered in scarlet and purple. In her hands was a small white box.

How many of you? she asked, turning to the overseer.

Eight people.

One of us is brand new, she only has one pill.

The woman opened the box and began handing out two pills. She gave me the last pill.

Do you need water or will you swallow it? she asked, leaning towards me, I can bring.

Don't, I'll swallow it.

While I was talking to the woman, the guys had already swallowed the pills and lay down on their backs with their eyes closed. I also swallowed a pill and went to bed like everyone else. After a few minutes, I felt some kind of force pick me up and quickly carry me up. I felt light and free. My heart became joyful, I wanted to sing, spit, scream to the point of madness. Someone touched my thigh and began to stroke my stomach. From this touch I was struck by a sweet chill, the lips in the crotch became wet. At that moment, music was heard. Someone laughed contagiously. I opened my eyes. The room was transformed, it was huge, it shone all over, shimmering with multi-colored highlights. Everything flashed and spun before my eyes with unfathomable speed. Suddenly I noticed that the Artist was lying without trousers and the Evil One was unbuttoning her panties. Her long legs were wet all the time. The robber, leaning over Arrogant sucks his cock, Overseer, standing completely naked, pulled up her dress and, pushing aside nylon panties, inserted a member into her pussy. I managed to notice that the Evil One took off her panties from the Artist and they joined together with a scream and a groan. At this time, someone pulled me by the hand. Very close to me lay a naked woman who brought us pills. Her eyes burned me with lustful fire. She reached up to the collar of my dress and pulled it off with force. The dress was torn to the waist. I liked it and I began to tear my dress and underwear until it was torn to shreds. I stayed in a bra and nylon shorts, the woman put her hand under my shorts and began to skillfully rub my clitoris with her finger. To help her, I tore my underpants, the woman pulled me up to her and, turning my chest out from under the bra, began to gently kiss and bite her. I trembled in convulsions of paroxysm. I don't remember how I ended up under this woman. I remember that her burning face was between my legs, and her lips and tongue were in me.

Then someone pushed a woman off me. Turning around, I saw Taskmaster lay down on her. Haughty ran up to me. Without saying a word, he grabbed my waist and threw me to the floor. I felt his elastic cock pressed into my stomach. He could not hit me in any way, although I was burning with impatience. Finally, the head of his penis at the very entrance. He twitched, poked his thighs. I'm crazy. finally, unable to withstand this torture, I catch his penis, and direct it with my free hand right on target. Hit! a short sharp pain and I feel something alive and solid beating in my body. Finally! Oh, the moment long desired. The arrogant one pressed his legs with his hands and, having risen, with strong movements of the body plunged his penis into me. And I all went into the sweet sensation of copulation. Pleasure is growing rapidly and it seems that there will be no limit. And suddenly I was pierced by such a sharp feeling of joy, such an intoxicating delight that I involuntarily cried out and began to thrash about. For a few minutes I fell into a pleasant oblivion.

Someone kisses me, squeezes my breasts, but I can't move a finger. Gradually, my strength returned to me. I open my eyes and see how the Artist, seated astride the Evil One, furiously moves her ass. It turns out to be a big man near me. He can't do anything yet. His cock, fresh out of the Rogue, dangled. Gradually I adapt and things get better. His big cock grows and hardens. When the member opens and becomes long, I release it from my mouth and lie down on my back. Big Guy doesn't take his dick out of me like Arrogant did. After that, he put his cock in my vagina and began to move slightly inside, making me shudder with pleasure. I managed to finish twice in a row, the feeling is not as sharp as the first time, but deeper and more lasting.

The excitement caused by the pills passed suddenly. I woke up first, just at the moment when I was sucking the member of the Evil One. Everything immediately decreased, faded, became everyday and boring. I was still moving my lips and tongue, but that sweet feeling that I had recently taken over was gone. I pulled my dick out of my mouth and collapsed to the floor in exhaustion. I felt the Evil one lay down on me, thrust his cock into my vagina and began to move it hastily. It didn't give me any pleasure, but I didn't have the strength to resist. Evil soon finished and lay down next to me.

I was the first to wake up after a prostration caused by strong excitement. I had a bit of a headache and was a bit nauseous. All around lay pale and exhausted. The Artist had a huge bruise on her stomach from kissing. The arrogant lay between the Robber's legs, with his head resting on his pubis. The Rogue's lips were covered in blood. About two meters away from me, the Overseer was sprawled on his back and a beautiful woman passionately sucked his drooping penis. She paid no attention to me. I well remembered that I had torn my clothes, but I could not understand why I did it.

I got home at 12 o'clock in someone else's dress, broken and hungry. She ate quickly and went to bed. Since that time, I already belonged entirely to the gang and meekly obeyed its reckless laws. We were tightly bound by boredom, which none of us alone could fight. I learned to drink whiskey without getting drunk. Every week we went to the Hunchback to go crazy in drug delirium. Time passed. I grew up. Now I did not at all resemble that puppy who for the first time blindly and thoughtlessly thrust himself into the jaws of the devil. At 17, I looked like a well-formed woman with high breasts and wide hips.

Sex has become the essence of our life. Everything we did, whatever we talked about, it all came down to this in the end. We despised everything that people invented to shackle the freedom of sexual relations. We took special pleasure in doing what was considered obscene and even harmful. We flourished lesbos, blowjobs, homosexuality, intercourse through the anus, anonism alone and in the company. Some could not stand them, they were sent to a psychiatric hospital, but then they all returned to us again. We all had gonorrhea and were even proud of it.

One morning, when I was still lying, the Overseer and the haughty man came to see me. They spent the night in vain and were pretty drunk and annoyed. Two girls, whom they agitated, were beaten off by some guys. I got up naked and began to open the bottom drawer of the table, where the stocks of wine were stored. From sleep, I could not get into the keyhole in any way and for a long time fiddled with it, bending low. My appearance aroused the guys and the Taskmaster, dropping his pants, came up to me. He inserted his cock from behind and, bending down, took the key from me. Opening the table, he took a bottle of whiskey, opened it with his teeth and handed it to Arrogant. He poured whiskey into a glass and served it to us. The arrogant could not stand it and began to shove his penis into my mouth. Sucking it was not comfortable. It kept falling out of his mouth all the time. This went on for about 20 minutes. The arrogant was nervous. He straightened up. His member fell out and drooped. He walked over to the table and poured himself a whisky and drank.

What are you? the overseer asked menacingly, coming close to him.

Let's go together, said Arrogantly offended. The overseer turned to me, gave me an inquisitive look, and lay across the bed on his back with his feet on the floor.

Come here, he called me. The arrogant began to take off his pants. I walked over to the Taskmaster and sat on him. He inserted his cock into me and put it on himself, spreading his legs. Arrogant approached from behind. He stuck his finger into me and moved it forward and back for a long time, as if testing me. This was not new for me. Taking his finger out of my anus, Arrogant thought for a few minutes, and then put his big dick to the back hole. He completely entered me. At first it hurt, I moaned. I felt like I was being torn in half. Both members moved in me synchronously. I did not feel pleasure from this copulation, but I soon got used to the unpleasant sensations and even began to help with the movements of my body. In the midst of copulation, Frau Nelson entered the room. At first she was speechless, and, staring wildly, froze on the threshold. Both guys did not pay any attention to her and continued to do their job.

What do you want there? I asked coolly. However, Frau Nelson regained control of herself and assumed her usual cold, untouchable face.

I'll come by later, she said with dignity, and turned to leave.

Wait, I need you. Frau Nelson turned around. For a moment, lustful lights flickered in the beautiful eyes. Both calmly and attentively looked at me.

There are cigarettes on the table. Light one and give it to me.

There are no cigarettes here, rummaging around on the table, she said.

Take it from me in trousers, grimly grunted Arrogant, - Those gray ones. Frau Nelson took out cigarettes, lit a cigarette, and gave me one right in my mouth.

Will you still need me? asked Frau Nilsson. At this time, the Taskmaster began to finish. He screamed, wheezed, twitched and threw a stream of sperm at me. I also began to feel a pleasant tickling in my chest, but I couldn’t finish, the dull heaviness in the anus from the arrogant member interfered. Frau Nelson was still standing beside us. The overseer got out from under me and put on his trousers. Sitting down in an armchair, he drank some wine, stretched out with pleasure, carefully examining Frau Nelson. I was already tired of all this and it hurt me, but the arrogant one still could not finish. When I was about to get up, I heard the nervous voice of Frau Nelson:

You allow yourself a lot. I turned and saw that the Taskmaster had pulled up Frau Nelson's hem and was stroking her white knees. Frau Nelson had an indignant face, but she did not try to lower her skirt and the Taskmaster put his hand into the narrow gap between the thighs and began to rub the crotch. This unheard-of impudence angered Frau Nelson.

Let me go, get away from me, I'll call the police. At the same time, Frau Nelson's legs parted on their own, letting the overseer's hand to the innermost places. Frau Nelson began to breathe heavily and intermittently, slightly moving her hips. She was still pushing Taskmaster away with her hands, but so weakly that the boy didn't feel it at all. Arrogant's cock was still moving inside me, he still couldn't come. The amusing spectacle began little by little to excite me. I looked at Frau Nelson with all my eyes, finding special pleasure in this.

Frau Nelson no longer repulsed her rapist. Relaxed with pleasure, she leaned helplessly back in her chair, limply spreading her legs to the sides. The overseer began to take off her panties. She started, then resigned. As soon as her back opened, the Taskmaster knelt between the maid's legs and greedily began to kiss her lush thighs, getting closer and closer to Frau Nelson's crotch. She let out a long moan of pleasure and twitched all over. It gave me energy and strength. Our game resumed with renewed vigor. The arrogant one, who was also watching the overseer's fuss, now grabbed my hips and, lifting him up a little, began to thrust his cock into me again with strong thrusts. We all finished at the same time. Frau Nelson bit the Taskmaster in the agony of paroxysm and finished long, long-drawn howling and wheezing.

An hour later, the boys left, I had lunch, dressed and went for a walk. Our car was not there, so we had to walk. At 4 o'clock we usually gathered in the square near the bar. There you could drink and dance. It wasn't long before four and we had to hurry. I took the tram. There were three of us in the bar. Two boys and a robber. I still didn't know the boys well, because they were in our company recently. With one, I seem to have already been blissful, but I don’t remember exactly, and I saw the second only once. We met again. One of the boys was called Gloomy, and the second was Tall, for his huge growth. After a few drinks, we went for a walk. It was about six. Having caught up with the huge house, Verzila offered to come in and get acquainted with his apartment. He ran home first and escorted his parents out.

You can be up to two o'clock in the morning, he said, when they approached him. At the entrance, Grumpy hugged me by the shoulders, his hand penetrated the collar of my dress and gently squeezed my chest.

You will be with me? he asked quietly.

As you wish, - I answered indifferent tone.

Don't you want to? - The guy was surprised.

I don't care.

We entered the apartment. Gloomy lagged behind me.

Be careful with him, Owl warned me, that guy has a huge dick. He almost tore me apart. Owl in our company recently. She is only 16 years old.

Verzila's apartment is smaller than mine, but the furnishings are prettier, more modern, and more cheerful. We drank some more. The boys got into a fight. Most of all went to the Arrogant. His eyebrow was cut and his right ear was swollen. The Robber came up to him and ran a handkerchief across his face. It turns out they fought because of the Owl, they did not share it. Before the boys because of this did not fight. Angry sat down on the sofa and began to masturbate a member of Gloomy. Someone suggested to announce the whole evening. Everyone agreed and sat in a circle.

The boys lowered their trousers to the knees, and the girls lifted their dresses to the waist and took off their underpants. Someone in this case sat in the middle and should finish quickly, as efficiently as possible. The pleasure of others will depend on this. Then the next one sits in the circle and so take turns everything. The first in the circle of the village is Robber. She chose among those around her the object of passion - it was Evil, and turned to face him, spreading her legs wide.

Evil liked the Robber. He lustfully looked at the pink half-opened lips of her slit and with quick energetic movements brought his penis into a state of erection. The robber liked it. She pulled her knees up slightly, leaned back, and sticking her finger inside her began to furiously rub her clitoris.

It grew very large and stuck out forward like a small tongue. Gradually, lust took hold of everyone. We began to masturbate with enthusiasm.

I accidentally turned my gaze towards the Grim and met his greedy, lustful gaze. Then I saw his penis. It was a fairly thick stick, sticking up like an obelisk, though Moody didn't touch it with his hands. At this time, the Robber began to cum. She snarled like a beast and writhed like a snake, tearing at her cunt with trembling fingers. I also came with a sweet, pleasurable dizziness that I didn't get very often.

Following the Robber, the Artist sat in the circle, obviously she was already at the limit, because she did not rub the clitoris, but only stroked it with her fingertips, moreover, her whole body trembled with sharp, almost excited satisfaction. We had not yet had time to properly prepare, as the Artist, having collapsed on the floor with her whole body, thrashed in convulsions of paroxysm. The artist was replaced by Owl. The girl entered the circle, stripped naked and began to squirm slowly, rhythmically, tightly squeezing her thighs with her hand. And suddenly she squatted down and began to rub the crotch with the end of the edge of her palm and turn around its axis barely noticeably so that each of us could see the pink lips of her vagina, shining with abundant mucus. While the Owl was masturbating, we all undressed. Lust raged in us with incredible force. Everyone wanted something unusual. Surprisingly, Gloomy was near me. I began to masturbate his penis with pleasure, and he very skillfully and gently caressed my clitoris. I ended up riding a sullen one and his penis sank deep into me, causing me pain, which very soon gave way to some kind of violent passion that I could not hold back a cry of delight. I managed to finish several times and was already close to fainting when I felt the twitch of his cock and the blows of hot sperm. I returned home at 3 o'clock in the morning and, to my great surprise, found my father alone. He greeted me very cordially and somehow looked at me tenderly in a special way.

Girl, - he said to me, stroking my head, - you are already quite an adult. Why don't we have a glass of wine on the occasion of your coming of age.

With pleasure. Let me just change and I'll come to you right away.

Well, well, I'm waiting for you.

I hastily changed, throwing a blue woolen dress right over my naked body and went out to my father. When he saw me, he was taken aback. And I could not understand why his face was distorted by a grimace of pain, why a glass of wine trembled in his hand, which he handed to me. We drank in silence. I went to the mirror to straighten my hair. It was only now that I realized what made my father so excited. Fine wool tightly fitted the body, and the hardened nipples of the breasts stuck out in sharp, elastic pyramids. I realized that I had made an unforgivable mistake, but now I could not change anything. My father sat down at the table and stared at my feet with an expression of desperation.

Yes, he said softly. - You're quite a woman. - Come here, sit down. I silently nodded my head. Father poured wine.

And what's in there? The father suddenly said, shaking his head. Everything is fine! Let's drink for you!

He looked at me with cheerful, perky eyes and smiled.

You are good, my daughter, you are just gorgeous. Let's drink. We drank. My father took my hand and, looking into my eyes, began to caress my fingers. From wine, from caress, from some kind of intimacy, I felt an extraordinary pleasure and a surge of violent, insane lust swept over me, clouded my mind.

I want to kiss you, he said, - because I have the right to it. I am your father, and you are my daughter.

Yes, my father said. He pulled my head to him and began to gently, and then more and more passionately kiss my cheeks, forehead, eyes, hands.

Let's dance," he said, tearing himself away from my lips. He turned on the tape recorder. Under the smooth, quiet sounds of the blues, we began to squirm in place, tightly pressing our bodies to each other. I distinctly felt the firmament of his tense penis with my stomach, and this made me wildly delighted. Suddenly my father froze, pulled me away and turned away with a soft groan.

What a pity that you are my daughter, he said dully.

He turned sharply to me.

Because... Why talk about it, he waved his hand, let's drink. We drank again.

So why is it bad that I'm your daughter? With defiant malice I asked, sitting on his knees.

You're a crazy girl, he exclaimed, trying to get me off my knees. But I put my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his lips in a long, passionate kiss.

And I like that you are my father, I like that you are a real man.

You are talking nonsense, girl, - he said with fear, pulling away from me. I felt his magnificent cock underneath me and was completely mad with lust.

No, - the father exclaimed in confusion, this is impossible, this is madness! Go to your place, baby. I need...

It's easy to say - go to your place... - I'll sleep with you! - I said decisively and went to his bedroom. He didn't say anything. Throwing off my dress, I lay naked in bed, wrapping my head in a blanket. The father did not go for a long time. I was beginning to think that he had fallen asleep at the table. Suddenly the bedroom door creaked, the father entered the bedroom. He stood hesitantly by the bed for a few seconds, and then began to undress. Apparently thinking I was dreaming, he carefully lay down beside me on top of the blanket.

Lie down under the covers,” I said calmly and authoritatively. The father obeyed. We lay under the covers, keeping an unconscious distance. Between bodies. I was shaking with nervous tremors. It was happening to him too, suddenly I rushed with my whole body, in a frantic impulse I clung to him, my arm around his neck. He grabbed me and pulled me hard against him.

Oh girl, you're beautiful, he whispered, choking in lust. I couldn't speak. Another second and I was under him. He parted my legs and began to carefully insert his penis into my heavily moistened vagina with small pushes.

It's finally done! - flashed through my head, I impetuously moved towards him and the member entered me with lightning speed to the end, resting on the uterus. Feeling its vastness and fatness, I gasped.

Are you unwell? - Carefully asked he.

No, no good. This is me for pleasure.

We raged for several hours. I tried to get to know him as fully as possible. He had me in all sorts of ways and most of all I liked it through the ass. And quite in the afternoon, my father put me by the bed, I lay down on the bed with my chest and felt how his elastic swollen penis enters my anus. That was the last thing that was needed...