Fortune telling on cards with whom he cheats online. Fortune telling about the betrayal of a loved one, wife, husband: methods, interpretation

According to world statistics, the largest proportion of divorces occur in the first 5 years of marriage (about a third). Among the reasons, one of the most “popular” at all times remains the infidelity of one of the spouses. In the world it ranks third, in the CIS countries - in second. Women most often file for divorce - about 70% of cases...

These rather disappointing data indicate that the problem of adultery remains relevant. Who in a relationship has not at least once thought about whether their partner has found someone else? Didn't want to find out if your husband or wife has a mistress?

More often than not, women ask this question. Whether this is due to their psychological characteristics (greater vulnerability, emotionality, developed intuition) or to the stereotype already accepted in society that all men are polygamous is difficult to give an exact answer. One thing is certain - suspicion, excessive jealousy, and dissatisfaction with relationships in general do not strengthen a marriage.

So how do you know if your husband has a mistress? And is it even worth guessing at all? More on this later.

Implicit signs of betrayal

Feelings of jealousy can sometimes overwhelm a person. And it’s not surprising - lack of self-confidence, changes in the usual way of life (decreased intensity of feelings, romance) - there are a lot of reasons. Moreover, there are “evidence” that are familiar to everyone, which, according to many people, indicate the infidelity of the spouse. But you need to understand everything carefully and try to draw conclusions based on logic, and not just emotions.

  • A man begins to be more careful about his appearance. The ambiguity of this statement is that such behavior may not be directly related to infidelity. For example, he was reprimanded at work about being neat in his clothes. Or he joined the gym because he wants to keep himself in shape primarily for his wife.
  • Staying late at work. Emergency situations, business trips and other corporate moments are possible for anyone, not just a cheater. This in no way answers the question of how to find out if your husband has a mistress at work.
  • Talking on the phone at home in a private place. It’s probably not very wise to arrange a meeting with your mistress behind a closed bathroom door, if this can be done on the street, in a store, etc.?
  • Decreased husband's sexual appetite. There can also be many reasons for this - from fatigue at work to natural crisis moments in married life (by the way, the first crisis occurs already in the first year of marriage).

When should you be wary?

All these signs by themselves do not provide 100% confidence that your husband is cheating. But some clarifying details may indicate adultery.

  • Appearance. Buying new, more expensive underwear, being more careful about hygiene (especially before leaving the house), foreign objects or gifts, missing a ring on your finger.
  • Protecting equipment from your spouse (carrying your phone with you, new passwords on previously accessible social networks, etc.). And a clear sign is a change in the number or location of condoms (bag, pockets).
  • Psychological and social signs: shifting gaze, secrecy, lack of interest in family life, spending money unknown to the spouse (for example, by finding sales receipts you can find out whether the husband’s mistress eats candy or prefers flowers).

It happens that such actions are not observed, but the premonition of infidelity does not leave. There is a way to find out if your husband has a mistress - fortune telling.

and cups

Of course, such measures are suitable for brave women and those whose attempts at a confidential dialogue with their husband have failed.

For this fortune-telling, you need to purchase two small candles in the church, and a new cup in the store. On one of the days named in the feminine gender (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), at midnight you need to spread some unwashed item from your husband’s wardrobe on the floor. For example, a shirt.

The wife's cup and a new one, just purchased, are placed on top. You need to place candles in them and light them.

While they are burning, you should mentally turn to your husband and remember him. If the candle in the wife’s cup burned out or went out first, then the assumptions are not in vain. If it’s in a new cup, you should breathe a sigh of relief.

This kind of fortune telling is done alone.

Fortune telling by candles in a candlestick

There is another variation of fortune telling, using candles in a circle. To do this, you will only need candles purchased at the church and two candlesticks (you can buy them there).

This time the fortune telling is carried out at dawn on Sunday. The girl should not wear makeup, without jewelry and with her hair down.

It is necessary to place candles in candlesticks on the floor and draw them in a circle with chalk. Next, you need to light the candles (with your left hand), after naming one with your name and the second with your husband’s name. The spouse's name must be the church name (the one with whom he was baptized).

While the candles are burning, you need to mentally ask them to say whether your spouse (say his name) has a mistress. If the wife's candle burns out or goes out, most likely the husband has a woman on his side. If your spouse's candle burns out, don't worry about it.

Fortune telling by candle and water

Another way to find out if your husband has a mistress is fortune telling with a candle and more often with water.

To do this, light one candle and wait a few minutes until the melted wax appears. Next, pour it into a bowl of cold water and see what shape is formed. If you get a picture similar to a female figure, this indicates that the husband has a mistress.

Fortune telling with holy water

Another fortune telling will help answer the question of how to find out if your husband has a mistress with the help of holy water. For it you need a glass of water blessed in the church, a tablespoon of salt, A4 size paper and matches.

You need to write the word “mistress” on a piece of paper and set it on fire. At the same time, put the salt into the water and start stirring. If the paper burns longer than the salt dissolves in water, then you can rest easy for your family. Of course, you need to focus all your attention and thoughts on the tormenting problem.

Fortune telling by coins

Another fortune telling that uses holy water can answer how to find out if your husband has a mistress. In addition to this, there are 4 coins of different denominations, milk and red wine.

Coins are placed in a bowl of water. Then, in another container, mix wine and milk in proportions 1:1. Remove the coins from the water, place them in a mixture of water and milk and leave for 4 hours. After this time, one coin is taken out by hand. Its denomination indicates the strength of the husband's feelings towards his wife. If this is the smallest coin, most likely the husband is giving his feelings to another woman. Ideally, the highest denomination coin indicates a strong attachment to your wife.

In conclusion

A woman who suspects her boyfriend of cheating no longer feels happy. Suspicion, manipulation, a constant feeling of comparing oneself with others, similar thoughts wandering around one thing - how to find out if your husband has a mistress. Not the most pleasant list of how difficult it is for a wife during this period.

And it’s even more difficult to look critically at the situation in the family and at yourself. Of course, the ability to cheat is not the best quality in a person. But what brought him to this? Your own unfulfillment and desire to assert yourself by conquering other women? Or is it still an unfavorable situation at home, because of which he runs away to someone else?

Research shows that men prefer women who are confident, self-loving, and have interests and hobbies. They are attracted to brightness and mystery. So why not start working on your own self-esteem, learn to love yourself, do what you like, and enjoy every day? As soon as a woman’s life is filled with her own goals and meaning, a man will not be able and will not want to leave her for someone else.

When it comes to treason, a person’s face changes, which is not surprising. Even those who do not remain faithful themselves change, for some reason believing that it is possible to cheat on him, but not on his partner. Well, this state of affairs can be attributed to the costs of education.

As soon as the betrayal becomes obvious, a person has the feeling that someone has turned off the light in his life, not forgetting to cut off the oxygen. Some people don’t even want to live, because it seems to them that all the best is left behind, and everything that was wonderful in their life is over forever. Of course this is not true. Yes, surviving betrayal is not always easy, but it must be done in any case.

But sometimes it happens that the fact of betrayal is not so obvious, although there are many doubts about this. But how can you know for sure whether he or (she) had something on the side? It’s simple – turn to the cards with these questions! The Tarot deck will be able to guide you in this sensitive issue.

Fortune telling for treason is one of the most popular. So, let's look at the layout for treason (which is done with nine cards) in more detail:

  1. Card No. 1. Contains the answer to the question: What is my current position in our relationship??
  2. Card No. 2. Contains the answer to the question: How does my partner treat me??
  3. Card No. 3. Contains the answer to the question: How does my partner interact with the opposite sex??
  4. Card number 4. Contains the answer to the question: Was there any betrayal (were there any intimate relationships)?
  5. Card No. 5. Contains the answer to the question: Was there betrayal at the emotional level (the state of falling in love)?
  6. Card No. 6. Contains the answer to the question: Was there betrayal at the level of intelligence (kinship of souls and interests)?
  7. Card No. 7. Contains the answer to the question: What are the true reasons for your partner’s behavior??
  8. Card No. 8. Contains advice: How to behave in this situation?
  9. Card No. 9. Contains the answer to the question: What awaits you in the near future in your relationship with your partner??

5 fortune telling for adultery on different cards + 3 other options for fortune telling + 7 obvious signs of adultery.

Betrayal hurts the pride of any person, destroys even long-term relationships, destroys families, and makes loved ones irreconcilable enemies.

But how can you recognize your partner's infidelity? With the help of specific signs, and also by conducting fortune telling for treason.

There are several variations of this spell depending on the magical items you use.

Of course, you shouldn’t accuse your loved one of all mortal sins just based on the results of fortune telling, but you need to think about it and take a closer look at his behavior.

How to find out if there was betrayal without fortune telling?

Rarely does a person want, out of the blue, to find out whether his partner is faithful to him or not. Usually, cards and other magical objects are turned to when there is a suspicion of treason.

Try to analyze the behavior of your loved one to understand whether he is faithful to you.

The main signs of betrayal:

  1. Irritability, and the main object of this irritability is you, therefore they constantly make comments to you, compare you with others.
  2. Lack of interest in marital sex, and indeed in the family.
  3. Secrecy – mobile phone and laptop are password-protected, telephone conversations are behind closed doors, etc.
  4. Constant delays in the evenings, frequent business trips on weekends.
  5. Spending on the side.
  6. Take more careful care of your appearance.
  7. The smell of someone else's perfume on clothes, traces of lipstick on the collar, etc.

If your loved one behaves strangely, then you can use fortune telling to find out whether there is betrayal or whether it just seems to you that the union is cracking.

But even if the result of fortune telling is positive, do not rush to make a scandal. If you want, talk to your other half frankly (but be prepared for a portion of mental pain if the fact of betrayal is confirmed).

The wisest thing to do is to wait for time, collect more evidence and think about a plan for further action. It’s easy to destroy a family (the lover or mistress of your other half will only say thank you), but correcting your impulsive actions can be oh so difficult.

Fortune telling for treason on different cards

Determining betrayal with the help of cards is quite simple, because there are a great many options for fortune telling on different decks.

Alas, sometimes cards lie, especially if you use cards that you played with earlier, abuse fortune telling, or cast fortunes on the day of a major Christian holiday.

But, even if all the conditions were met. Do not rush to accuse a loved one of treason, wait for some more evidence of his infidelity.

Fortune telling for treason using playing cards

The most common ways Buying a new deck is not difficult. The only difficulty is to read the layout correctly to determine betrayal.

Here are 3 simple options for fortune telling for treason:

  1. 4 suits. Choose one card from the deck and see what suit it is.
    There is a high probability that your significant other has a lover or mistress who is not married.
    You have nothing to worry about, because your soulmate is faithful to you and is not going to cheat on you.
    Your partner is thinking about cheating, but real action is still a long way off. So now is the time to take care of strengthening the union.
    Your significant other cheated on you before marriage, and although she is not cheating on you now, there are many omissions in your relationship.
  2. 8 cards. You need to draw 8 cards from the deck and arrange them one by one to form a vertical row.
    1st card
    This is your subconscious attitude towards your partner, perhaps these are the feelings and emotions that you hide even from yourself. Sometimes she reveals the secret desires of a fortune-telling woman.
    He will show you the true reason for your doubts about your husband’s fidelity.
    Will give a brief description of the relationship in your married couple at present.
    It is the main one in this scenario, it contains the answer to the main question of fortune-telling about the fidelity of a loved one - whether there was betrayal.
    It doesn’t matter if the answer of the fourth card assures you of your loved one’s fidelity, feel free to put it aside without even opening it. If the fact of betrayal is confirmed by fortune telling, then its meaning is very important for you, because it contains consequences and the answer to the question of how the fact of adultery will affect your relationship.
    He will tell you how to strengthen your relationship and prevent betrayal in the future if the fourth one promises you the fidelity of your loved one. If there was betrayal, then she will tell you how to stop the betrayal and return your husband to the family or prevent your lover from being taken away.
    This is your attitude towards your boyfriend or husband in the future. If you have been cheated on, find out the interpretation of this card and you will know if your relationship has a future.
    Will show how your partner will treat you in the future.
  3. Which suit is greater? If the previous fortune telling with playing cards is too difficult for you, try getting confirmation of betrayal using suits.

    You need to select 5 cards from the deck and look at what suits fell out: black - there was most likely betrayal, red - they are loyal to you.

Fortune telling for treason on the Lenormand deck

The legendary French fortuneteller Maria Lenormand created her own unique card deck: playing cards were supplemented with plot pictures, which made it easier to interpret the results.

If you have such a deck, you can use it to determine whether there is cheating in your relationship.

Shuffle the cards thoroughly and, having drawn out 10 cards, arrange them as follows:

Now reveal the cards in order, because depending on the position, each picture has its own interpretation.

1. shows the partner’s state at the moment (whether the relationship brings him joy or whether he is unhappy in it)
2. reveals a state that your partner is hiding (for example, he may not be satisfied with the psychological side of the relationship, constant quarrels, but he clearly does not show or express this)
3. indicates the state that the partner is showing
4. shows the partner's thoughts, plans and hopes related to the relationship
5. reveals how a partner feels in intimate life
6. shows the partner’s subconscious feelings - what kind of relationship he really needs, what he subconsciously strives for and what kind of person he would like to see next to him
7. shows the partner's conscious feelings
8. reveals your partner's true attitude towards you
9. answers the question whether there was betrayal (if Fox, Book, Lily, Snake, Pisces cards fell in this position, then this indicates a 100% fact of betrayal)
10. gives a forecast for the future in the development of relations

Fortune telling for treason using Tarot

If you know how to read Tarot, you can make this layout to find out whether your loved one is cheating on you or not:

Lay out the cards exactly in the sequence shown in the picture, because each position indicates a specific state of affairs:

1. indicates what position you occupy in your relationship with your partner
2. speaks about your partner's attitude towards you
3. indicates how the partner treats the opposite sex, how he behaves in relationships with the opposite sex
4. was there physical cheating (intimate relationships)
5. was there betrayal on an emotional level (love)
6. was there any betrayal on an intellectual level (friendship, close communication, common interests)
7. explains the reasons for the partner's behavior
8. gives advice on what to do in such a situation
9. says what you can expect from your partner in the future

If you are not a very experienced fortune teller, then you can choose the simplest option for fortune telling. After shuffling the deck, draw 1 card from it.

There are 5 cards in the Tarot that indicate betrayal, deception, and infidelity:

Reversed Mage
There is a person in your environment who is trying to deceive, become a rival, who has his eye on your partner.
May indicate that your partner may succumb to temptation and succumb to short-term passion, satisfying his needs. He may be cheating with a variety of other non-steady partners who may provide him with a little more sexual sensation and pleasure than a regular partner.
Reversed Priestess
Reversed Priestess
Inverted Last Judgment
Indicates errors in judgment and reluctance to take responsibility for actions and decisions. A partner may try to avoid responsibility for what he did in the past and shift this responsibility onto you so that you can “shove up” the results of his mistakes and wrong decisions.
Indicates the consequences of deception. A cheating partner, an untrustworthy friend, or a dodgy business partner can leave a trail of destruction in their wake. You have been betrayed and you can no longer trust the people around you.

Other fortune telling options for a partner’s betrayal

Receiving news of betrayal is always unpleasant. Much depends on how exactly you find out that your partner is cheating on you: see it with your own eyes or get confirmation through fortune telling.

As you understand, the last option does not give a 100% guarantee and is not a verdict: there was treason, which means you need to break off relations with the traitor.

You should take a closer look, play it safe, and use other types of fortune telling.

Fortune telling on cards has its drawbacks:

  • inability to quickly find the deck you need;
  • restrictions on days allocated for fortune telling;
  • inability to correctly interpret the results, etc.

Fortune telling for a loved one's betrayal

If in your case the shortcomings are too obvious, use other methods of fortune telling to identify your partner’s betrayal:

Whatever fortune-telling you choose for treason, do not take it as irrefutable evidence of infidelity. A banal error or inaccuracy should not be excluded.

One way or another, almost every girl in her life is faced with a situation when she begins to doubt the fidelity of her lover. This period of life cannot be called simple, much less pleasant. There are probably few things worse than betrayal, few things worse than doubts about fidelity. And here the most important thing is not to mess things up, not to do something rashly, so as not to regret it later.

But how do you know if your chosen one is faithful to you? Is it really possible to hire a private detective who will follow his every move? For mercy, but this is funny! After all, there are methods that are much less expensive, but no less accurate. For example, you can make a “Loyalty” layout using the cards of Maria Lenormand. This deck of cards will be able to orient you as accurately as possible in the current situation.

Fortune telling for fidelity is one of those fortune telling that cannot be used too often. Firstly, the deck is quite informative and, if I may say so, “serious”, therefore it is not recommended to “tug” it over trifles. Secondly, this fortune-telling illuminates the situation quite well, therefore the information received will be enough for you to draw the right conclusions.

Components of the layout

So, let's take a closer look at the fortune-telling of fidelity, consisting of ten cards:

  1. Card No. 1. Talks about whether your partner is happy today, being next to you.
  2. Card No. 2. Indicates that your partner is not happy in your relationship, however, he hides it from you (for example, he doesn’t like something about you or in your relationship, but for some reason, he prefers to remain silent about this).
  3. Card No. 3. Talks about the state of your partner, which he demonstrates openly.
  4. Card No. 4. Reveals the actions he plans and the thoughts that are in his head.
  5. Card No. 5. Shows what emotions your partner experiences while in the same bed with you.
  6. Card No. 6. This is his subconscious. (Through this card you can understand what he really wants, what kind of partner, what kind of relationship).
  7. Card No. 7. Talks about his feelings for you, which he himself realized.
  8. Card No. 8. This card indicates how your partner actually treats you.
  9. Card No. 9. It is the ninth card that answers the question: “Was there really adultery?” (So, if at number nine you got at least one of the cards below: Lily, Snake, Fox, Pisces, you know that betrayal took place).
  10. Card No. 10. The final card, which predicts how further events will develop.

Perhaps it is safe to say that suspicions of betrayal very often arise even between two loving partners. Although fortune telling is traditionally considered a female activity, men often began to use this method. With its help, it is much more reliable to check your spouse’s fidelity than to search for lipstick on his shirt or examine his pockets. As for men, they can simply tell their fortunes, and not try to convict their wife of cheating due to the presence of suspicious phones or calls.

Free fortune telling for fidelity is very easy to do at home. There are a huge number of simple rituals for this. The main condition for obtaining reliable information is to conduct the ceremony in absolute solitude. The most favorable time of day is considered to be midnight during the full moon.

For a loved one or husband

The simplest fortune telling for the fidelity of a loved one or husband is a ceremony with candles. It is best to spend it on a full moon night on a calendar day. For the ritual you will need to use two thin white candles.

Once you are alone in a separate room, you need to do the following:

  • Place the prepared candles at a distance of approximately 10 centimeters from each other.
  • Light the candles with one match, be sure to take it from a new box.
  • Mentally name one candle with your name, and the other with the name of the person for whom fortune telling is being performed.

The following conclusions need to be drawn:

  • If a candle named after a loved one suddenly goes out, this indicates the fading of the person’s feelings towards you. That is, in this case, the reason may be treason.
  • If your candle goes out, then ask yourself and answer sincerely whether you have fallen out of love with the person for whom fortune telling is being carried out. Most likely, only some life circumstances keep you together.
  • If the candles burn evenly, this means that all your suspicions are in vain. You and your partner sincerely love each other, so you shouldn’t doubt your partner’s fidelity. In this case, the size of the candle flame is indicative. If the flame of the candle named after you is larger, it means that your love is stronger and vice versa.
  • If the candles or one of them begins to crackle or sparkle, this means that there is a rival in your environment who may attempt to take away your beloved boyfriend or husband.

There is another simple fortune telling with a candle that will confirm or deny the fidelity of a loved one. For the ceremony you will need to use a plate filled with clean water and any wax candle. It is noteworthy that you can use any water, but not mineral water.

Having retired to a separate room, you need to take the candle prepared for the ceremony and hold it in your palms. This will transfer your energy to the attribute you use. After this, it needs to be placed at the table and set on fire.

During the action, you should say the following magic words:

“Pour drop by drop of wax into the water, and don’t laugh at me. Wax candle, melt it, my rival, show yourself.”

After pronouncing the words, you need to close your eyes and perform 12 circular movements over a container of water. During this, drops of molten wax will definitely fall into the water.

It is these that will need to be subsequently counted and the fortune-telling interpreted:

  • An even number indicates the loyalty of a loved one.
  • An odd number indicates treason.

For wife's fidelity

Any man, when doubts arise in his soul about the fidelity of his beloved woman, can clarify this issue with the help of fortune telling. For a simple ceremony you will need her hair, a red candle, a photograph of them together and your own wedding ring.

Once you are alone in a separate room, you must do the following:

  • Tie your beloved wife's hair around your own wedding ring.
  • Tie a red simple thread to the ring, the length of which should be at least 15 centimeters.
  • Light a red candle.
  • Hold the ring over the flame for a certain time. During this procedure, the attribute will be charged not only with the energy of the wife, but also with the natural power of fire.
  • Lightly touch the ring to the images in the photo together, and then raise the ring some distance above the photo.
  • If the ring swings from side to side parallel to your images in the picture, then this indicates that there is no betrayal. In addition, this indicates that your wife loves you so much that she does not even think about infidelity.
  • If the ring swings from side to side, as if crossing out the images in the picture, then this indicates the wife’s infidelity. Moreover, betrayal has either already happened or will definitely happen in the future.
  • If the ring moves in a circular motion, this indicates that your spouse will be faithful to you throughout your life. Therefore, in the future one should not even allow thoughts about her betrayal.

For your partner's loyalty

To conduct fortune-telling of a partner’s fidelity, you can also use rituals that involve performing card layouts. It is believed that in this way you can obtain the most complete information on the issue of interest.

There is a very simple layout, which is formed from nine cards laid out in rows of three cards:

  • The first card describes your present. She talks about your thoughts and experiences, focusing on what is most important to you in a relationship.
  • The second card characterizes the personality of your partner.
  • The third card describes how the partner generally feels about infidelity. She also focuses on how much he trusts you. All this allows us to draw conclusions about whether the partner remains faithful.
  • The fourth card may indicate physical betrayal, if any. Moreover, a positive answer to this question hardly indicates a man’s desire to leave you.
  • The fifth card describes the fact of emotional betrayal, if any. A positive answer indicates that the partner has feelings for the other woman. It should also be taken into account that if the answer is positive, there is a high probability that your loved one will simply be taken away from you.
  • The sixth card indicates events that could lead to intellectual betrayal. If the answer is yes, you need to understand that your partner will never consult you when making decisions.
  • The seventh card talks about the reasons for infidelity. If there were negative answers from the previous three cards, then this card should not even be considered.
  • The eighth card describes the prospects for relationships in the future.
  • The ninth card shows whether you should expect cheating from your partner in the future.

When performing any fortune-telling for fidelity, you must remember that you absolutely cannot perform the ritual in a bad mood or immediately after a quarrel. If it so happens that, based on the results of fortune telling, it turns out that there was no betrayal and your loved one is faithful to you, then you must unobtrusively ask the person for forgiveness, expressing this with a manifestation of the most tender feelings. But you should never admit to your loved one in the future that you were wondering about his fidelity.