H m recycling program. Where to donate unwanted clothes or where your old things are guaranteed to be accepted

Charity Shop

You can bring clothes in any condition to the Charity Shop, as well as shoes, bags and accessories, provided that they are well preserved. Underwear, books, socks, tights and stockings, and swimwear without tags will not be accepted. Clothes in excellent condition will go on sale in the Charity Shop or second-hand shops. With minor defects, but in good condition - donated to charities. Everything else is used for industrial purposes. Charity Shop transfers funds from the sale of clothing to a charitable foundation that helps families in difficult situations.

"Good Things"

“Good Things” collects everything unnecessary for further wholesale sale. Items without gross defects can be taken to the collection point yourself or use the services of a free courier; to do this, you need to leave a request on the website. Proceeds from sales go to charity. Reporting can be viewed on the website of the social business project.

"Shop of Joys"

This is the place to go if you have unwanted clothes and accessories in good condition. “The Shop of Joys” places everything collected for sale or sends it to charitable foundations. Moreover, you yourself can decide what the future fate of a once-favorite skirt or a suit bought in a fit of shopaholism will be - just tell the “Lavka” consultant about your desire. The proceeds will go to charity in any case.


The "dump" accepts appliances, clothes, dishes, books and "anything you just want to get rid of." The state of things doesn't matter. After collection, everything will be sorted and put in order: clothes will be washed, dishes will be washed, and equipment will be repaired if possible. Some will be recycled, some will be sold. In addition, for one category of things you will be given a small bonus - 100 rubles. Items can be transferred to the Landfill yourself, through the nearest parcel locker, or through free self-pickup.

"There is a heart"

The “Heart Is” project appeared in 2012 as an initiative of a team of volunteers and two years later grew into a charitable foundation. Its main goal is to help low-income, foster and single-parent families. “The Heart Is” accepts any clothing - the main thing is that it is in a suitable condition for further use. You can donate items through volunteers or bring them personally to the fund.

"Fair help from Doctor Lisa"

© Vladimir Fedorenko/RIA Novosti

The charitable organization “Fair Aid” was created in 2007 by doctor Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka, better known as Doctor Lisa. On December 25, 2016, Dr. Lisa died in a plane crash; Her post was taken by journalist Ksenia Sokolova. The foundation's employees continue to work on various charitable programs. The fund also accepts clothes in good condition, equipment, toys, dishes and more. Everything you don’t need will be given to those in need: the homeless, the sick, pensioners and the disabled.

Your stuff 4 cash

The VKontakte community supports the idea of ​​street fashion and aims to sell only interesting and unusual clothes. Therefore, there is a rather impressive list of prohibited goods (you can find it in

On the websites “Avito”, “From Hand to Hand” and other well-known sites you can place advertisements for the sale of unnecessary things. If you don't need payment, check out Give For Free or Daru Dar . Children's things are usually distributed on the services Children.Mail.ru, Baby.ru and other sites. The price is low everywhere, and this is an ideal option when you need to empty the shelves. The downside is that it may take quite a long time until a real buyer is found.

At freemarkets, all buyers are real and are ready to exchange your unwanted dress for boots or a handbag. The main thing is to be able to come to an agreement. The best way to follow such events is in a group. "Moscow Free Markets". Some second-hand stores also practice exchange. You bring your old things, and in return you choose something from the available assortment. But there may be certain restrictions regarding, for example, the proportionality of things. It is better to find out the specifics of the exchange in advance. By the way, some semblance of such swaps can be found on social networks. For example, community alkoshmot brings together those who want to exchange things without additional payments. The main idea here is conscious consumption. The group works for two cities at once - Moscow and St. Petersburg, and updates appear several times a day.

This is a great chance to get rid of unnecessary things and do a good deed. Charity stores, for example, “Lavka Joya”, “ BenefitMarket" or "Charity Shop" work in a similar way: they accept things in good condition, and then sell them at low prices to those who really need them. The proceeds usually also go to charity.

Perhaps the most convenient way to donate things to those in need is to leave them in special boxes, which can be found in different areas of the city. So, at the moment in Moscow there are 9 collection points of the “Good Box” project and a number of collection points and containers of the “Good Things” project, and if you manage to come to an agreement with colleagues and management, you can install a container for things right in the office. This is done by Charity Shop employees.

You've probably noticed special boxes installed near cash registers in H&M departments. They accept unnecessary items, and for two standard packages they give a 15% discount on any purchase at H&M. Next, your items will be sent to the German city of Wolfen for a sorting station and recycling. This is how the store shows its social responsibility. The coupon can only be used for one item in the receipt, which is sold at full price.

Such well-known organizations as the Red Cross and the Salvation Army regularly organize collections of items, which are then given to the homeless, low-income people and people with large families. By the way, not only things are accepted. Information regularly appears on official websites or in groups on social networks about what kind of help is especially needed now.

Temples and churches are the first thing that comes to mind when the question of getting rid of old things arises. Indeed, many churches have organized collection points for clothing and food, which are then distributed to those in need. But clothes are not accepted everywhere, so you shouldn’t count on it. If you decide to take something to the nearest temple, it is better to find out all the information in advance. Perhaps things will need to be pre-sorted, not to mention the fact that they need to be washed and put in order.

The funds accept clothing, shoes, bed linen, dishes and other items. You can contact the "Mercy" fund, "Russian Birch", "Volunteers to help orphans", "Civic Assistance", "Perspektiva" center, "Creation" fund, movement "Friends on the Street". Things for the elderly are accepted by the Sofia Foundation. Medicines, hygiene products, clothing and food are also accepted at the “Fair Aid of Doctor Lisa” fund. Also, any clothing in suitable condition is accepted by the “Heart Is” project. He helps large, foster, single-parent and low-income families. You can pass on something that has already served you well, but may be useful to others, through volunteers or by bringing it to the fund yourself.

If you want to get rid of unnecessary things, but do not want to waste time sorting them and transporting them to collection points, you can order the removal of things directly from your apartment or garage. There are special projects in Moscow, for example, “Dump”, which independently and free of charge take away clothes, toys, old and even broken household appliances, and furniture. You can hand over almost everything, not counting construction waste. You can submit a request for removal of items directly on the website. If you have antiques lying around, they will be happy to take them from the Chumadan social service. Items in good condition are sold at flea markets and online stores. And those that nothing can save are sent for disposal. Another project, “Young Timurovites”, gives part of the collected items for sale (this way it is possible to recoup transportation costs), and distributes the rest among the poor, orphanages and baby homes. But in the project “Give things away for free” there is even a relatively overnight pickup - cars are ready to come for your clothes before midnight. Next they will go to families in need and sports clubs.

H&M stores accept worn, torn or simply unclaimed clothing and home textiles. As the company promises, these textiles will be sent to the nearest sorting station, where they will be classified and sorted. You can bring several packages at a time, but it is better to do it gradually - the number of vouchers is limited to two per person per day. By the way, they accept clothes from any brands, not necessarily H&M.

You can see the addresses of stores in St. Petersburg.


Monki also follows the same rule as H&M. The clothes will be recycled with the help of the Swiss company I:CO. All collected items will be sent there, and at the factory they will be divided into several categories. If the condition is good, then the clothes will be sent to second-hand stores, bad ones - for industrial needs, and completely worn-out textiles - for processing and the creation of new fabrics.
You can check in two packages at a time. Any clothing of any brands and in any condition is accepted (as noted in the store, “even a single sock”), as well as home textiles. Shoes and jewelry are not yet accepted. A discount voucher is given for 10%.

    m. Victory Park, 14 Kosmonavtov Ave., Piter-Raduga shopping center; m. Prospekt Bolsheviks, st. Kollontai, 3, SEC "London Mall"; metro station Lesnaya, Polyustrovskiy pr., 84A, SEC "Europolis"

“Uniclo” does not offer discounts for items you bring, but you may come across this store in “Gallery” on the way to the same H&M. A couple of packages can be given away for discounts, and the rest can be placed in a Uniklo charity box. These clothes will go to those who need good things, but cannot afford them. The only negative: they only accept things from this Japanese brand.

    m. Ploschad Vosstaniya, Ligovsky pr., 30 A, "Gallery"

Photo: 247freemag.com, vk.com, vogue.ru

Every housewife keeps things in the farthest corner of her closet that no one wears anymore, but it’s a pity to throw them away. Everything has been more or less decently distributed to friends and acquaintances, as well as their children, and what is left is, so to speak, for future use. However, not all housewives have the nerves and one fine day, while cleaning, she takes these things to the trash.

Now this is not necessary. The H&M brand accepts old clothes and in exchange gives a discount on its clothes.

Action for the environment

To sew some clothing collections of this brand, only environmentally friendly materials that can be easily recycled were used. They are easy to distinguish from the rest by green tags.

Anyone can now join the ongoing campaign and contribute to supporting the environmental situation by collecting a bag of their old items and donating it to the nearest H&M store. These items will be sent for recycling, and the person who brought them will become the owner of a voucher entitling them to receive a 15% discount on any one item from this brand.

How it works:

  • products that cannot be used in the future are recycled and turned into textile fiber, which is used as insulating and shock-absorbing materials in the automotive industry. Both natural threads and artificial and synthetic ones are popular. They are designed to ensure the comfort and safety of passengers. The volume of their use in a middle-class vehicle is 2-3% by weight, but this figure is constantly growing;
  • If used clothing is still in salable condition, it is sold to second-hand stores. There it undergoes processing, is cleaned of dirt and dust and takes its place on the shelf. Thus she is given a chance for a second life;
  • Non-wearable textiles take on the function of cleaning materials. That is, they can be used for washing floors, windows, wiping dust, cleaning the bathroom, toilet, etc. Now there is no need to look around the house for some unnecessary thing to tear into household rags - everything you need can be purchased at the store;
  • If clothing cannot be recycled or reused, it is used to generate energy. An alternative to the huge reserves of coal, peat, firewood and other materials that can release energy and heat during combustion is textiles. Once recycled, it can no longer be used anywhere else except in the energy industry.

Conditions for accepting items

Anyone can donate old items to the hm store, and these can be either fashionable items that are still quite capable of serving their owner, or old, washed-out textiles that have lost their appearance. It doesn’t matter at all what kind of things they are and from which manufacturer. The main thing is not to put underwear, outerwear, stockings and socks in the bag.

One person can check in no more than two bags of medium-sized items of the same content at a time. For each package, you can expect to receive a 15% discount on one item purchased at the H&M store.

Whether the discount applies to sale items that have already been marked down must be checked with the brand's sellers, but buyers claim that it applies to everything. It must be said that the company that established this promotion does not receive income from collecting unnecessary items.

Some of the money is used to reward participants, while the rest is used as donations to local charities and investments in recycling projects for innovation.

A company project like CharityStar involves donating 80 kopecks from every kilogram of clothing collected to a local charity chosen by the H&M brand. On the website www.hm.CharityStar.com you can get information about the amount of clothing collected, funds donated and charities in Russia.