Interesting traditions at a Russian wedding. Wedding in Russian folk traditions. modern wedding traditions

Since ancient times, a wedding in Rus' has been one of the most important, solemn and exciting events. Centuries passed, life, foundations, living conditions, fashion changed, but the desire of young people to unite in a strong family always burned with a hot flame.

This is what Russian national wedding dresses look like

This is a solemn moment not only in the life of two young loving hearts, but also of two clans, whose members will make up a new family.

The doors of the house where the wedding takes place, in the old fashioned way, are open to everyone - invited and uninvited, near and far - everyone who wants to raise a glass in honor of the newlyweds and wish them a happy life together.

The people have always attached great importance to the formation of a family. Accordingly, the wedding ritual was formed. A folk-style wedding is a real folk drama, which includes game actions, dances, singing, music, acquiring the character of a folk holiday. Each of the wedding ceremonies has its own centuries-old history.

Redemption of the bride according to Russian traditions

On the day of the wedding in the bride's house in the morning, the crying and lamentations of the young woman and her girlfriends should be heard. According to an ancient Russian tradition, while the bridesmaids and the witness dress up the bride, she must mourn her girlhood. Of course, modern brides now rarely cry.

But still on the wedding day, every girl is very worried and hopes that this event will be the most important and unforgettable in her life.

The morning of the wedding day in the groom's house begins with a ritual from the evil eye. To protect the young from the evil looks of envious people, you need to stick a needle, hairpin or pin into his suit.

In ancient times, this ceremony was performed by a sorcerer, in Christian times this duty passed to a friend, and today this function is performed by a wedding manager, toastmaster or witness.

After this ceremony, the groom collects gifts and money for the parents and bridesmaids and, together with the matchmakers and witnesses, goes to the house of his betrothed, where he will have a ransom ceremony for the young.

The bridesmaids and relatives of the bride are waiting for the groom near the gates of the house, at the door of the apartment, in front of the entrance to the young woman's room and try not to let the groom through without a ransom. The ransom can be money, pies, sweets.

During this ceremony, the groom must show the girl's parents his financial solvency, his desire to take care of his wife and his readiness to overcome all obstacles and life's difficulties for the sake of his beloved. After the ransom of the bride, the young go to the church to get married.

Feast at a Russian wedding

After the wedding ceremony, the wedding procession goes to the groom's house, where the newlyweds are showered with grain, sweets and flower petals. This ceremony symbolizes wealth, fertility, love and understanding in a new family.

Parents meet the newlyweds with bread and salt. Traditionally, parents have to bake the wedding bread themselves, but nowadays loaf is increasingly baked to order. The newlyweds treat each other with generously salted pieces of loaf - this ceremony means that they will have to eat a pound of salt together.

Then the husband takes the young wife in his arms and brings it into the house. This is a ritual of deceiving the brownie - after all, the bride grew up in another family and for him she is a stranger.

Then the wedding feast begins. The young people sit at the head of the wedding table. For food, they are served with tied wooden spoons, which symbolize that now they will share all the food in half. Now, at some weddings, crystal glasses are bandaged in this way.

During the feast, the witness must constantly monitor that the bride's shoes are not stolen, the bench on which the young people are sitting is not taken away, and the bride herself is not stolen.

Recently, a new wedding tradition has appeared - throwing a bouquet to the young. At the end of the holiday, the bride, without looking, throws her wedding bouquet to her unmarried friends. The one who catches the bride's bouquet should also soon go down the aisle.

The wedding night

According to tradition, the young people spent the first night in a bathhouse, in the hayloft or even in a barn. It was believed that there they would be reliably protected from the evil eye and damage. Modern newlyweds also adhere to the tradition of spending the first night away from home.

Only now these are more romantic places - the young people book a room for the newlyweds at the hotel, or immediately after the feast they go on a honeymoon trip.

A wedding celebration is an ancient ceremony with the participation of relatives and friends, so it is not surprising that many young couples want to pay tribute to the beautiful old days. To do this, the newlyweds bring ancient rituals and rituals into the modern banquet, thereby emphasizing their patriotic feelings for their homeland. A Russian wedding is at the same time a cheerful, romantic and heart-warming holiday. And adherence to old traditions will surely find a response in the souls of the participants.

What wedding ceremonies are characteristic of the Russian people

Despite the external chaos, the wedding in Rus' was held according to certain canons, in a strictly observed sequence. Russian wedding traditions consist of exciting matchmaking inherent in many nations, business collusion, a cheerful wedding feast and an exciting wedding night. All stages of the event are filled with deep meaning and strictly follow each other. A church wedding is the official recognition of marriage by the church, a feast is a demonstration to society of their legalized relationship.


According to the ancient customs and customs of ancient Rus', if there has been a betrothed for a guy, then a family council is gathering from the closest and trusted relatives. The groom himself might not have been aware of the upcoming changes in his fate, often the decision was made without his participation. Having properly discussed all the pressing issues, the family of the potential husband gathers a delegation to visit the parents of the girl they like. Only respected and experienced relatives from the older generation could be matchmakers: uncles, godparents. The ambassadors had to have eloquence, courtesy, but also be smart and relaxed in order to adequately represent the future family, conduct profitable negotiations, and be able to smooth out unpleasant turns of conversation.

If the families were approximately at the same level of prosperity, then there were no special requirements for the material support of the young. Our ancestors rightly believed that newlyweds should work hard and earn good together over the years.

The matchmaking ceremony, according to the wedding tradition of the Russian people, takes place on certain days that are considered successful: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Since a feast with refreshments was supposed, twilight was chosen for the time of such an event. Indeed, it is in the light of candles that it is so pleasant to have sincere conversations, drink a glass for complete agreement in all matters and treat yourself to a hearty dinner.

rain of abundance

Since our ancestors could not boast of modern special effects, they invented their own, original and no less beautiful. "Rain of abundance" means the solemn showering of the young with valuable cereals of rye, oats and hops, as symbols of the family's financial wealth. Later, the custom is added to shower the young with flower petals, more often roses. Such a beautiful ceremony has successfully taken root in modern society.

Blessing of the young with a loaf

Since ancient times, bread in Rus' has been not only the main food, but also a symbol of well-being, salvation from hunger, need. Therefore, according to the Russian wedding tradition, the newlyweds are honored and blessed with a specially baked loaf. The festive cake looks great and solid: impressive in size, with a ruddy crust and a patterned decoration in the form of a viburnum sprig, a sign of unbreakable love.

Interestingly, the baking process is very strict and thorough. A married craftswoman, who has many healthy children, puts the dough and kneads the airy dough. It is believed that a happy woman thus mixes part of her successful family share into the dough. For work, the craftswoman dresses in festive clean clothes, washes her hands well, washes her face, and puts a scarf on her head. With a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord, the woman sets to work and prays all the time while the rich loaf is ripening. A representative of the masculine gender is also allowed to the baking process, his task is to put the loaf in the oven with invariable praise to God.

Parents meet the bride and groom with a festive loaf. A wedding cake with a salt shaker on top looks solid on a richly embroidered towel. Young people should carefully break off a piece, dip it in salt and taste it. In the modern interpretation of the celebration, a larger loaf of loaf means the right of leadership in the family. After the festive bread is politely offered to the guests.

Bride kidnapping and ransom

Redemption of a loved one is a funny entertaining ritual at a Russian wedding. The path of the groom to the bride is thorny and goes through numerous obstacles invented by his friends and guests. According to the Russian wedding tradition, fellow villagers arrange a reliable barrier for the guy, not letting him go to his betrothed. According to another ritual act, the bride is safely hidden, supposedly in the witching world. But the brave groom with friends finds his beloved and takes her away on a dashing horse.

Not only the newlywed is subjected to severe trials before a date with the chosen one, but also his true friends. In the wedding traditions of the Russian people, all sorts of games are organized, sometimes very dangerous. For example, jumping over a raging fire, martial arts, a shaky bridge on the way. Nimble bridesmaids also show imagination: they make complex charades, riddles, and require coins. If the groom is generous, family life will be successful, fruitful and harmonious. Having passed all the trials with honor, the future husband can finally hug and kiss his betrothed.

Wedding traditions associated with the decoration of the bride

The snow-white wedding dress of the newlywed became a Russian wedding tradition relatively recently, in the 19th century. And it was accepted to put on a white dress only after the revolution.

In Rus', peasant girls dressed in festive national clothes. Brides from the nobility shone in luxurious dresses made of expensive materials of different colors with an abundance of jewelry.

Dress and veil

The Russian newlywed goes to church in modest clothes of soft colors to emphasize the sad moment of parting with girlhood. If we turn to history, then some offshoots of the Russian nation even dressed the girl in a black outfit for the wedding. After the religious bonding, she was allowed to change into a festive costume of scarlet colors, a symbol of joy and happiness.

The bride's outfit at a Russian wedding consists of several items. The main element of the attire is the national sundress, embroidered with the hands of a young woman, with patterns of beautiful flowers and birds. The embroidery of such decoration is a real work of art. It uses silver and gold threads, beads, lace, braid, pearls. Wealthy families can afford a rich dress made of sparkling brocade. On top of the sundress, a luxurious shower warmer trimmed with natural fur can be worn.

Under the sarafan, according to the Russian wedding tradition, a snow-white shirt with puffy or narrow sleeves, sometimes with seductive slits, is put on. The bare hands of a woman are considered an indecent sign at the wedding, they must be covered from the indiscreet touches of the betrothed ahead of time. The role of underwear is performed by several cotton skirts, which create an unusual splendor of the outfit.

The young bride's head is adorned with a touching wreath of ordinary flowers, a sign of freshness and youth. Later wedding traditions added more color. A satin hoop was put on the head, bright ribbons were woven into the hair, jewelry with gems was used. The young bride's hairstyle is two braids or loose hair. A transparent embroidered veil is attached to a high, richly decorated kokoshnik, often covering the face. A wedding veil not only adds charm to a young girl, but also protects her from the evil eye and damage. At the end of the wedding ceremony, braids are braided around the head under a scarf or everyday kokoshnik.

Bridal bouquet and garter

At a modern wedding, the bride throws her bouquet at the end of the celebration into the crowd of unmarried young ladies to determine the next lucky woman. This tradition was borrowed from the West, but it also echoes the Russian custom, according to which an already married girl gave a wreath from her head to her girlfriends. So young girls tried on a ritual dress, attracting fate.

The Russian wedding is rich in unique and beautiful customs, and some of them are still popular today.

Hardworking - a bright light burns through life, lazy - a dim candle

Wedding in Russian folk traditions

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The fashion for the past is back again. Retro style conquers the young, brides choose weddings in the style of shabby or stylized in the 20-30s of Europe and America. In Russia, the choice often falls on the style of the 70s, the so-called dudes, but recently the fashion for Russian folk weddings has revived. Embroidered sundresses, wreaths and kokoshniks, songs and round dances, interesting customs and traditions, the observance of which once guaranteed a happy and long life.

Of course, today few people can afford to completely recreate the wedding tradition, but anyone can choose some elements.

General information

In the Russian wedding tradition, Christian and pagan motifs are closely intertwined. Weddings, prayers, and choosing the right day were among the first, and most of the customs designed to appease evil forces came from pagan beliefs.

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For the bride, the wedding was not just a celebration: “dying” like a girl, she was “born” again in her husband’s family as a young woman. This is what caused the emergence of a huge number of superstitions and rules.

For example, crying with girlfriends on the eve of the wedding and bathing in the bath meant farewell to the deceased, mourning and the last washing of the body. The dissolution of the braid symbolized the departure from girlhood, the transfer of the newlywed through the threshold of the husband's house was supposed to deceive the brownie, who would have mistaken the new family member for a child and sought to help him. Some of these traditions can be found in any wedding ceremony, and the most interesting ones are worth noting. They will help create the right mood for the heroes of the occasion and the young.

Day selection

October 14, the day of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, was considered the best day for a wedding. By this day, all agricultural work and preparations for winter had ceased, the harvest had been harvested, and the animals and birds that formed the basis of the festive table had time to eat up for the winter. In addition, the first snow that fell symbolized the innocence of the bride and her white veil, which was considered a good sign. “Covering” the earth, the Mother of God protected her and her new family.

Today, the conditions have changed, and the warm summer with long days and bright sun has become the best time. But before inviting everyone to the registry office or the temple, it is worth remembering a few previous steps. Strict observance is optional, but it is worth taking note.


This is how the whole wedding started. In ancient times, matchmaking meant an agreement between the parents of the groom and the parents of the bride, while the opinion of the young was rarely taken into account. Usually matchmakers came from the side of the groom: they were godparents, close relatives or a respected resident of a village, village or street. They were required to be able to persuade and convince, to put the groom in the best light.

Today, the acquaintance of parents on both sides can be presented in the form of matchmaking. Invite them to a party or restaurant by asking them to act out a little play. Joint fun will help to talk and fill the forced awkward pause at the very beginning. The conversation can start with a little intrigue. The groom's parents hint at the true purpose of the visit: "You have goods - we have a merchant", "You have a chicken, we have a cockerel", "You have a flower, and we have a garden." This is followed by an exchange of compliments and praising their "product". By tradition, the bride's parents did not give their consent immediately, they had to be "persuaded".


No matter how they called this action: engagement, bails, conspiracy, vaults, handshaking, zaruchiny. The engagement was the last line, after which, breaking up the wedding was out of the question. The only exceptions were serious reasons: the death of one of the newlyweds or an escape. She passed after inspecting the groom's house. Having made sure that the future spouse is able to provide for his wife and children, the bride's parents agreed to the engagement and appointed a time or refused.

All relatives and neighbors were invited to a gala dinner, but the young people were not present at the table. During the meal, the bride's father announced the engagement, after which the bride and groom went out to the guests, received the blessing of their parents and congratulations from the guests, then sat down at the table. Usually, the future spouse gave the girl a ring as a symbol of love. Having accepted him, she promised to be a submissive and loving wife.

The tradition that existed several centuries ago in the north of Russia is curious. Even if the bride was happy to be married, on the day of the engagement, she had to run away and hide. She was caught by her friends and "forcibly" brought to her father. He blessed his daughter and covered her face with a scarf, after which the groom left, and the young woman began to lament and mourn her girlhood. The weeping continued until the wedding itself, usually for about a week, during which the bride sewed the dowry.

In contrast to the north, in the south, the engagement and the days before the wedding were accompanied by cheerful songs and dances. The groom visited the betrothed every evening and brought her gifts: sweets and small trinkets.

Even if you decide to completely repeat the traditions of your ancestors, it is better to arrange a modern engagement so as not to frighten the guests: they are unlikely to be delighted to see the stubborn newlywed. Hold an engagement in a field or forest, having a picnic and gathering close friends. To prepare guests for the wedding itself, you can organize traditional games and fun, find and print a few folk songs and ditties, as well as weave wreaths or purchase bast shoes. It is worth asking the invitees to choose a stylized outfit - this will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the holiday.

Some Necessary Preparations

Before you send out invitations and look forward to the celebration, you should choose a venue, clothes for guests and newlyweds, as well as think over a table and entertainment. To correctly capture the features of a Russian folk wedding, it is enough to recall descriptions from classical literature and watch films. Soviet films-fairy tales will especially help.


The best option would be a real Russian hut near a river, forest or field. It can be rented for several days, having discussed in advance the number of guests and the number of beds. Thanks to the original interior and decorative elements, it will be an excellent backdrop for photographs. Going outside will allow you to spend time in the fresh air and organize tags, hide and seek and a round dance. Haystacks, wooden bridges across the river, a well, carved platbands and gates, wild flowers - all this will take guests back several centuries.
If the choice fell on a cafe and a restaurant, stop at Ukrainian motives. Close to Russian folk, they will help you feel comfortable and at ease. It is better to arrange tables around the perimeter, freeing up the center for competitions and dances. The ideal option would be wooden benches and tables covered with embroidered tablecloths.

In the corners, you can scatter armfuls of hay, put chests, spinning wheels, wooden utensils, torches, hang wreaths of wild flowers and spikelets and popular prints on the walls. Choose a specialized place - then you do not have to look for props and arrange them.

It is difficult to make a mistake here - everyone has heard about Russian cuisine since childhood. Dishes should be simple and tasty, without exquisite sauces and seasonings. Instead of salads with mayonnaise - fresh vegetables, instead of canapes and sandwiches - a variety of pies and pickles, as well as jelly, borscht, fish soup, fried fish, poultry and meat, homemade sausages, herring and pickled mushrooms.

The same applies to alcoholic beverages: stop at homemade liqueurs, wines, vodka and mead, crossing out expensive cognacs and whiskeys. For dessert, sweet pies, jam, honey, bagels, bagels, gingerbread, nuts and fresh fruits growing in your lane are suitable. From drinks - kvass, compote, jelly, fruit drink, tea and herbal preparations in a samovar.


Finding the right style is pretty easy. Wide trousers, embroidered shirts and sashes are suitable for men, women will look great in shirts and sundresses. For a complete immersion in the style, you can ask married ladies to put their hair under a kokoshnik or scarf, and girls - to loosen curls or braid braids, decorating them with wreaths and ribbons. If the celebration takes place in nature, young guests can be barefoot, in other cases it is better to choose elegant boots or bast shoes. The latter should be distributed in advance to those invited so that they carry shoes.

Newlyweds should take care of renting suits for all guests, because finding such outfits in the closet is quite difficult. If finances do not allow providing for everyone, you can focus on styling: for example, ask the female half to choose modest dresses and sundresses below the knee, complementing them with wide shawls and belts. And do not forget to prepare an embroidered towel in advance: the groom's friend (witness) wore it over his shoulder like a ribbon.

For the bride and groom

There are no special requirements for the clothes of a happy couple. The groom puts on a more elegant shirt than the guests, with embroidery along the hem, on the chest and sleeves. If the rest of the guests flaunt in bast shoes, then the young spouse should choose dandy boots - a symbol of prosperity.

The bride's attire should be rich, but modest, with a predominance of red and white. It was believed that evil spirits would do their best to harm the young, and therefore a special ornament was often embroidered on a sundress, attracting good luck and happiness. Makeup should be moderate and discreet: glowing skin, natural eyebrows, fluffy eyelashes and bright lips and cheeks.

Separately, it is worth noting the hairstyle. For styling, you can choose a long braid or loose, like a mermaid, waves that will be decorated with flowers and ribbons. If you want to keep the tradition, you can choose a kokoshnik, under which your friends will clean your hair.

The bride's bouquet should be simple, with a predominance of wildflowers. You can weave young twigs of trees or bushes of berries into it.

It is worth remembering that many people prefer to go to the registry office and the temple in a white dress and a classic suit. You can change into Russian folk clothes before the banquet. If you do not want to waste time and money, it would be better to choose a kokoshnik with a white translucent veil cape.

One day before…

Modern brides and grooms say goodbye to the outgoing freedom at stag and hen parties. These concepts come from the distant past: on the eve of the wedding, the young woman gathered her friends and went with them to the bathhouse to say goodbye. They sang songs (sad in the north and merry in the south), gossiped and untwisted the bride's braid, removing the ribbon from there - a symbol of girlhood.

The current newlyweds can take note of the custom and rent a sauna, Finnish or Japanese bath for the last “sip of freedom”. The best option would be a traditional Russian steam room - with birch and oak brooms, an ice pool and an appropriate interior. There you can relax, have a snack and have some beauty treatments. And don't forget to braid with a red ribbon: let your friends undo it, mourning your departure from your father's house.

When visiting, remember to take precautions. Choose a more gentle option or schedule a bachelorette party a couple of days earlier if you are afraid of health problems.

Day X

If you want to keep the traditions in strict accordance with the rules (first the ransom, then the wedding, at the end of the banquet), it is worth simplifying the styling a little. Limit the similarity in clothing to bright scarves and ribbons, an abundance of ditties and sayings, contests associated with village life.

If the sequence of the ceremony is not very important for you, and the banquet is planned in a real village hut, you can divide the whole day into two parts: traditional registration and wedding and a stylized performance with bride price, abduction, games and dances. Thus, you do not have to change clothes several times, and guests can enjoy a real holiday.

Immediately after the wedding, the bride and groom are transported for dressing to different places closer to the rented house. After preparation, the spouse with friends and guests drive up in carts and sleighs pulled by horses, or approach on foot. Have a friend choose and learn a few folk songs in advance to infect everyone with fun and prepare for the next action.

In the house of the bride, the groom is met by her girlfriends, with whom it is necessary to agree: pay a ransom with sweets or coins, solve riddles, pass tests, sing or dance. Druzhka should praise the groom and help him. You can supplement the tests with sayings and ditties. The tradition of some areas is interesting: on the wedding day, the bridegroom's mother dressed in rags met the young bride in the house. By this she tried to inspire the girl with horror and respect. Today, the future mother-in-law can come out to meet the groom, deciding to test him on a par with her girlfriends.

The entertainment of guests during the banquet should be done by the toastmaster and musicians. It is better to choose a Russian folk choir, an accordion and balalaika player or gypsies: romances and folk songs will be a great addition to the table. Do not forget to follow the most interesting signs that the toastmaster can explain to those present: break the loaf, go around the table three times, tie two bottles of champagne.

Games and fun

What is fun without dancing and entertainment? The easiest way is to arrange small master classes in folk dances and hold a battle of craftsmen. Previously, more dexterous guys tried to conquer the narrowed ones with dances, and girls and children more often led round dances with songs and refrains.

On the street you can play bast shoes, hide and seek. For kids, you should invite animators and play a real fairy tale, ride those who wish on horses and sleighs. Some specialized villages offer trips to the menagerie with pets. It will be informative to conduct classes on playing the harmonica or balalaika, creating baskets and wooden utensils, painting popular prints and clay mugs.

The toastmaster and friend can entertain guests in the form of buffoons or parsley. Folk motifs should prevail in their speech: sayings, fables, colorful comparisons and obligatory ditties. By tradition, the latter become more and more erotic towards the end of the celebration, hinting at the wedding night.
For the young and strong, you can arrange power competitions: wrestling, tug of war, lifting tubs, barrels and girls. If space permits, set up a pole with a few bags on top. Let the guests try to get to them and rip them off. At fairs, a rooster usually served as a prize, but now it’s limited to sweet sets.

Do not save on safety: invite good specialists and ask guests to be attentive. This is especially true for horseback riding.

winter fairy tale

No need to be upset if the wedding fell on the winter month. You can hold a wonderful ceremony by combining indoor banquet and outdoor entertainment. Yes, and the flushed bride and girlfriends in the photo will look like beautiful Snow Maidens.

First of all, remember Gogol, "The Night Before Christmas" and the entertainment of young people on Christmas Eve: snowball fights, chasing, sledding and sleigh rides from the mountains, ice skating. What is not a reason to update the boots and wrap up properly? You can combine entertainment with hot tea and a light snack for those who are hungry, and finish it in the restaurant hall to gypsy tunes and remote songs.

A few tips for the end of the evening

Our ancestors believed in omens and did not hesitate to lure good luck. Everyone has heard about the kidnapping of a shoe, throwing a bouquet and a coin under the right heel of a spouse, but that's not all. Let's dwell on a couple of customs that will help end the evening on a positive note.
First, you need to break the glasses or plates of the bride and groom. This brings good luck, and the size of the fragments helps determine the sex of the unborn child. Large pieces predicted a boy, small ones predicted a girl.

Secondly, it will be useful to recall the history of the tradition of throwing a bouquet. She came to Russia from Europe, but in Rus' the bride passed the baton differently. She closed her eyes and stood in a circle of girlfriends, who began to dance around her and sing. The young woman held out the bouquet without looking, letting fate decide for her.

And let's say a few words about the garter. Once her role was played by a ribbon tied just below the knee. Trusting her husband, the newlywed allowed him to untie her, lifting her sundress. Usually after that, the ribbon was thrown to unmarried guys: they had to stand still so as not to interfere with the destination.


It must be that the Russian folk wedding is one of the brightest, most memorable and at the same time simple. Returning to the past will appeal to the older generation and will allow the young to remember interesting and funny traditions and games again. In order to feel the spirit of antiquity again, it is enough to read the classics or watch the film adaptations of fairy tales. The outfits of red maidens and heroes will prompt you with interesting decisions, and your favorite story can become the basis for the whole holiday.

Why not send the future husband to the queen for little shoes as a test or ask him the riddles of the real Baba Yaga? And remember: any fairy tale always ends with a happy wedding.

Wedding customs change over the years. Every year, young people prefer to abandon some signs and rituals, or they remember their roots and add more and more nuances to the celebration. For example, the tradition of exchanging rings exists in almost every nation; it is not abandoned to this day. But the Christian custom of meeting the young with an icon is not honored by everyone even in our country, this is a personal choice of the bride and groom.

Wedding traditions and customs of the Russian people

The Russian celebration of marriage is a whole range of different customs and signs. In ancient times, people sacredly honored and observed every ritual.

As now we have a toastmaster or leader, our ancestors also chose a person-leader. He was called a friend, later - a thousand. He followed the observance of all rituals, toasts, congratulations. Sometimes, as a ritual action, it was customary to scold a friend or a thousandth, and he had to adequately respond to this.

In past centuries, not a single marriage was concluded without matchmaking and matchmakers who resolved various issues. Now this is no longer, only if in a comic form. The bride and groom decide for themselves how worthy they are of each other and how the celebration will be held.

The tradition of the Russian wedding also included handshaking, which is now almost never seen. The parents of the young people gathered and, while drinking strong alcohol, discussed all the nuances of the wedding: where the young family will live, who pays for what, how to celebrate the wedding.

Of course, the loaf has not outlived itself to this day. Many people still bake wedding loaves, which the bride and groom should definitely try. Previously, this treat was baked for a huge number of people, so the diameter of the bread reached incredible sizes. Now this role is partially played by the cake.

There was also a rite of vaults in Rus', which was carried out even before the young people go down the aisle. This magical act was intended to unite the young family, to provide them with many years of living together. The groom was brought to the bride, their hands were joined, tied with a ribbon or a towel, and they were led in a circle a certain number of times.

The brides had to cry before the wedding, lament and sing special farewell songs, which said how they did not want to leave their father's house and how wonderful it was in girlhood. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether the girl likes this union or not. It was necessary to cry.

Wedding traditions in Russia: modernity

Not all wedding customs and traditions in Russia are strictly observed. Some have already become obsolete, others we have begun to borrow from other countries. The result is a whole complex of transformed rituals.

For example, the blessing of parents took root very firmly. Even if they decide to skip the morning blessing before the wedding, then at the banquet itself there will definitely be a toast from the parents, which will sound in the spirit of the blessing. The parental word was always honored, it was important for the young to know that this marriage was approved.

The comic ransom of the bride came to replace the real ransom, when the groom literally gave money to the girl's parents in order to marry her. Now this fun action is designed to amuse the guests, test the strength and ingenuity of the groom. All the money raised goes to the budget of the newborn family.

A trip to the registry office can hardly be called a tradition, it is rather a necessity that you need to go through in order to officially become husband and wife. Of course, earlier there were no registry offices in Rus', there was a wedding. Now some young people also prefer to get married so that their marriage is concluded before God.

Of course, it is customary to give wedding gifts. Previously, these were things necessary in the economy. Now more often they give money to start a family life.

Wedding traditions in Russia include. In the distant past, dance had a magical meaning. Round dances were danced around the young, and they themselves circled in a certain direction. Thus, troubles and evil spirits were driven away. Nowadays, the dance of the young is part of the banquet, when the bride and groom show their choreographic capabilities to beautiful music, entertaining guests and showing love for each other. It can be waltz, tango or something else.

"Bitterly!" guests shout with a glass in their hand for a reason to make the newlyweds kiss. Previously, it was a sign that the glasses were not water, but really vodka, “bitter”.

Wedding loaf: traditions

Bread has always been especially revered in Rus'. And the wedding loaf was even called a talisman. It could be stored, taken with you on the road, protected from the evil eye.

Such a loaf was baked only by women who had a light hand and a strong marriage. Widows, divorced and childless were by no means allowed to this important matter.

The tradition has come down to us to meet the young with a loaf, and also to divide it in order to find out who will dominate in the house.

This round bread was necessarily decorated with various symbols: rings for a strong marriage, ears of wheat for wealth, leaves and petals for healthy children.

It had to be shared among all the guests. No one should leave a wedding without trying the loaf. A piece was also taken home and divided among the whole family, which did not have a chance to attend the wedding. Conspiracies were even committed against him, which were endowed with magical significance.

Modern newlyweds prefer to buy ready-made or order loaves. However, the most skillful bake them themselves, which is considered a special honor.

Wedding tradition: family hearth

This is a very exciting and beautiful rite that came to us from ancient times. Young people love it for its beauty and romance, but it also has a symbolic meaning.

The essence of this ritual is that the parents of the bride and groom light a candle and pass it on to the young, and at the same time say a parting word on how to keep comfort and warmth in the family.

Most often, modern newlyweds buy a special beautiful candle, usually red. And the parents light it with the fire of their candles to the beautiful words of the presenter. After this ceremony, the hearth remains with the newlyweds. They say that in difficult times you can light it, and peace and tranquility will return to the family, and all troubles will pass by. It can be lit by both moms or dads, and all parents together.

Thus, not only the experience of older generations was passed on, but also two families, two clans were united. Lighting a candle, the parents accepted both spouses as their children and made a promise to love them and help with advice.

Armenian wedding traditions

Armenia, like any other country, has changed over time. Some customs faded into the background, while others remain unchanged to this day.

As in Rus', in Armenia, the wedding was necessarily preceded by matchmaking. Previously, the groom did not take part in it, only matchmakers came. Then it became customary to take the groom.

Matchmakers came after dark to hide from the eyes of neighbors. After all, a refusal could greatly reduce the rating of a failed husband. Men have always been considered the most important, so matchmakers have always been male. The father never betrayed his daughter the first time, it was considered a shame. As if the bride is defective in some way, so they want to give her away as soon as possible.

Refusing in person was not accepted. There were many allegories that meant either "We'll think about it, come back again" or "Our bride needs another groom."

Be sure to give a dowry for the bride. And the more dowry, the more enviable the bride. But this custom is outdated. Now, as a sign of respect, the groom's side says that no money is needed, they only want this girl to become a member of their family.

Armenian weddings were usually celebrated in late autumn or early winter. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, the crop has already been harvested, which means there is a lot of food. Secondly, the body after the summer is strengthened and full of strength, which means that children will be born strong and healthy.

The celebration is always magnificent, loud with countless guests. This is true to this day. All relatives are invited, even distant ones, so as not to offend anyone. Previously, guests were convened with music, and the most respected residents were invited with special honors.

Guests from the side of the future husband tried to give as much gold jewelry as possible. After all, this is how the well-being of the family should be shown.

Makars were necessarily present at the wedding - armed strong young guys who acted as bodyguards. They protected the entire procession and the groom in particular.

There was always plenty of food, and the dancing did not stop. The parties competed in what is more happy and cheerful. No one should be inferior in the dance to another.

Wedding traditions and customs in Belarus

The Belarusian wedding is similar to ours, primordially Russian. There was a matchmaking, and here the signs played such an important role that, having seen a black cat, the matchmakers could return. For matchmaking, they took gifts and treats with them to appease the bride's parents.

They married more often at the end of summer, at the beginning of autumn, when the harvest was over. But in mid-January, according to Belarusian customs, weddings are prohibited.

Before marriage, the future wife arranged a bachelorette party, where she said goodbye to her unmarried girlfriends. They wove wreaths. The bride should have the most magnificent, beautiful and tight wreath.

The young woman was dressed up in a strange house not far from the groom's house. It was considered very bad luck to take a girl across the road on her wedding day. They put on her wedding dress, braided a tight braid. (or a scarf) was put on at the very last moment.

There was definitely a ransom, comic and cheerful with games and rhymes.

After the arrival of the groom, the hands of the future spouses were fastened with a handkerchief, they were circled several times around the table with a white tablecloth. After that, they helped themselves and went to the temple to get married.

After the wedding, the newly-made family had to go around seven bridges and visit the grave of their ancestors. These traditions are still alive today. The newlyweds try to visit seven bridges so that the groom carries the bride in his arms through each of them. Instead of the graves of ancestors, memorials, mass graves are often visited.

After the walk, everyone escorted the young people home. The threshold was a special place. He was often associated with death, so the husband had to carry his wife in his arms over the threshold, and the guests showered them with grain.

Already in the house, the veil was removed from the young wife, given to the older girlfriend, so that she would also get married soon. A simple scarf was put on the head of the newlywed, symbolizing the female share, the role in the family.

Many traditions have survived to this day, while others have been transformed. But ransom, loaf and bachelorette party have always been and are of great importance in the wedding ceremony.

Wedding ceremonies and traditions in Ukraine

Wedding Ukrainian traditions are not much different from the original Russian ones. But they have more pagan nuances. We will consider only the most interesting and unusual Ukrainian rituals.

  • Theft of girls. During the dance, it was quite possible to steal a girl, even from a rich family, and then marry her, if she did not mind, of course. It took a lot of courage and dexterity from the guy to carry his prey as far as possible from home and hold it there for at least a day. If they find him early, don't take his head off. But after 24 hours, he was forgiven if the abducted woman did not want to marry him, or they married him if both agreed.
  • Girl's marriage. It was not forbidden for girls to marry a young man they liked. She couldn't refuse. Such matchmaking was used only in very rare cases, if the girl was deceived by the guy. So she could protect herself.
  • Liberation through marriage. For a long time on Ukrainian soil there was a custom not to execute a convict if some girl wished to become his wife. This also applied to convicted women. There is a belief that once a Cossack was taken to execution, a girl came out to meet him and wished to become his wife. But looking at her, the young man wished to be hanged rather than marry her.
  • Married always by seniority. In a family where there are several children of the same sex, the eldest always entered into marriage first and nothing else. Middle and junior had to wait their turn. After all, if a younger sister marries earlier, it will be an insult to the older one. She might not have been taken.
  • According to pagan tradition, it was possible to marry in the spring, when nature blooms, and not only in the fall after the harvest.

  • The wedding twig, which denoted the beauty of the bride, can also be attributed to pagan symbols. It was baked in dough and put on the festive table. After the celebration, all the girlfriends and friends broke off a piece from her.
  • Ukrainian weddings are always wide, noisy, alcoholic drinks are pouring on them like a river. For this reason, even older children were not taken to such festivities.

Tatar wedding traditions

Tatar wedding celebrations differ from Russian ones for obvious reasons: Tatars are a Muslim people. However, we also have a lot in common. For example, matchmaking and.

One of the interesting Muslim customs is the rite of nikah. In fact, this is the same wedding. The mullah gives advice and guidance to the young, and blesses them. Until the nikah is completed, the groom should not be left alone with his chosen one.

The ransom from the Tatars is not a joke, but a real one, when the groom's family is given a dowry for a future wife. The toastmaster is also present at such weddings, but he is not hired, but the most cheerful and courageous among the guests is chosen. Currently, they still prefer to hire a host.

Of course, among the festive dishes there should be traditional pilaf, and among sweets, honey chak-chak.

There is also a special bridal house where the bridal bed is located. She was carefully covered. All the guests touched it and put coins on the saucer. After that, only the older women and the bride remained in this house. They taught the young woman how to meet her husband.

When all the festivities were completed, special contests and games were held in which the groom proved how strong and smart he was. Only after that did he get the right to stay alone with his newly-made wife.

On the day of the wedding, it is also customary to go to the bathhouse. The guests and the groom washed, after which the husband put on new clean clothes that the bride had sewn for him.

Like the lamentations of brides in Rus', the Tatar people have the so-called "caresses". The young wife sat down with her back to the guests and sang songs about the heavy female lot. The guests came up, consoled her and stroked her back.

Previously, if the groom did not immediately give all the dowry, he helped to visit his wife no more than once a week until the full amount was paid. Modern wedding traditions of the Tatars do not imply such measures.

Wedding in India: Traditions

The Indian people, more than anyone else, honors their customs from ancient times. Local residents try to observe all rituals and rituals in order to provide young people with a long and happy life.

We used to think that the Indian celebration is songs and dances in the spirit of any films. This also has a place to be, but to a greater extent it is a spiritual sacrament. A rite called vivaha binds two families together, and also tightly weaves two souls for the next seven lives. That is why it is so important to follow it correctly.

The wedding is organized and paid for by the bride's parents. The young woman herself is dressed in a beautiful red sari and decorated in a special way. The color and cut of festive clothing may vary depending on the region of India.

The bride can have only one hairstyle - a tight long braid. It is forbidden for an Indian woman to let her hair down in public. Before the wedding, the girl's hair was thoroughly washed and smeared with precious oils. Then the braid was braided.

The future wife also has a special make-up. This is a black eyeliner that makes the look more mysterious. A small red dot on the forehead, called a bindi, is equivalent to a wedding ring, as is the ring in the left nostril. This is a sign of a married woman.

An Indian wedding lasts 4-5 days. All this time, many different ceremonies are held, none of which can be missed.

One of the main qualities of the bride was considered (and is considered to this day) chastity. The woman was compared with the field, and the man with its owner. The first one to plow the field owns it by right, as well as everything that grows on it. Therefore, marriages with girls who lost their virginity were considered a meaningless exercise. It turns out that the groom stole the wife from someone else, this woman and all her children do not belong to him.

Now, as in many other countries, a young family leaves by car, but earlier the bride was taken away on a decorated elephant or horse, and all the guests saw them off with songs and dances.

Italian wedding: traditions

Italy is always unbridled fun, noisy games, dancing and an abundance of wine.

It is believed that the custom of carrying the bride in her arms over the threshold came from here. After all, if the bride stumbles on the threshold of the house, this predicts a lot of troubles and troubles.

In addition to the dance of the young, the bride still needs to dance separately, demonstrating her choreographic skills. She usually starts alone, and then guests join her, who simply cannot sit still.

The basic rule of Italian weddings is that everything should be fun. There are usually many guests, these are relatives, close and distant, friends, families of friends, friends of the family of friends, etc.

The Italians are also very responsible. Until now, for them it is not just a vacation. In order for the life of the young to be happy and rich, sweet, they are supposed to eat honey for the first two weeks after the wedding, which they do.

One of the interesting rituals is the sawing of a log by young spouses immediately after the wedding. And you have to cut it by hand. This symbolizes the strong union and cooperation of the newlyweds. It is worth adding that it is not customary for Italians to marry early. Marriage at the age of 30-35 is considered early.

Gypsy wedding: customs and traditions

Those associations that arise in you when presenting gypsy fun are the best fit for the definition of a wedding.

The gypsy people absolutely do not spare money and effort for the wedding, as it is considered the most important event in life. Therefore, whoever marries, everyone walks and treats all passers-by.

The wedding took place in an interesting way. Children could still be babies, and their parents had already agreed on a wedding. When the children reached a certain age, the marriage arrangement was obligatorily respected. You can even exchange brides if two families have a son and a daughter. In this case, a ransom is not necessary, as this is a mutually beneficial solution.

If a young man does not have money to ransom, or his beloved is intended for another, he could steal her.

At the celebration, the guests - men and women could not sit together, they were supposed to have different tables. The first wedding night should not take place after the feast, but during. The young were taken to the tent, where there should be no one but themselves. When the bride's shirt was taken out on a tray, a special fun began. Parents congratulated each other, were proud of their children.

If the bride was innocent, she was given expensive gifts. If not (which happened very rarely), her parents had to reimburse all the expenses for the wedding.

American wedding: traditions

We are all familiar with the customs of the American wedding celebration from films and TV shows. Not accepted in the US. If you arrange a celebration in accordance with all the rules, you will have to pay for the engagement, rehearsal, the wedding itself, as well as the buffet during the honeymoon.

From there came the custom to make an offer in an original and beautiful way, so that later you could tell your friends and girlfriends. Marriage is not necessary at all. The lovers themselves decide everything, and then only report this good news to the rest. A rehearsal is not always necessary, but it is sometimes arranged to introduce the guests and create a favorable atmosphere.

Comic marriage registration ceremonies are not accepted in America. The more romance, the better. It is believed that guests should cry at the ceremony itself, and laugh at the banquet.

For married life to be successful, the bride must have something blue, something borrowed, and something new during the ceremony.

In the US, they get married in churches much more often than in our country, even if the couple is not very religious. After the ceremony, the groom carries the bride in his arms, they are showered with petals and rice.

Second wedding day: traditions

Not all newlyweds want to celebrate the second day. However, the wedding ceremony in Russian traditions suggests that the next day after the wedding there should be fun and a continuation of the banquet. Previously, weddings were held for a week, now it is customary to celebrate only two days. This custom can be completely abandoned if the young so wish.

In Rus', the second day was obligatory. The newborn family received guests, treated them. The young wife demonstrated her skills as a housewife. Sometimes they jokingly interfered with her, scattered garbage, overturned buckets. And the first pancake was served with a surprise, vinegar or coal was mixed into it. A guest who ate such a pancake still had to praise the hostess and give her money for her troubles.

Of course, there were also mummers. Everyone had fun, came up with costumes, the funnier the better. They walked the streets, treated passersby with vodka.

Such customs reign not only in Russia. So, for example, it is also customary for Dagestanis to invite relatives to the house on the second day and treat them. Young people continued to give gifts. And the young wife was obliged to dance with anyone who wanted to.

The Kazakhs, on the contrary, the newlyweds should visit all relatives, and they treated them and gave gifts.

There are separate tribes on the island of Borneo, where the second day is not so cheerful. Their honeymoon is an ordeal. Three days after the wedding, young people do not have the right to go to the toilet. To endure this, they have to eat and drink almost nothing. And only if both cope, they will be granted a happy and long life together.

As we can see, the wedding traditions of the peoples of the world differ from each other, but one thing is invariable: all the rites and rituals are designed to hold a young family together for many years.

There are always couples who want to have a wedding according to the traditions and customs of the Russian people. Someone prefers the most spectacular, well-known rituals, while someone digs deeper and follows the established rules with an understanding of each rite. The traditional wedding of the Russian people is soulful, amazing, interesting, dear. This unique event remains in the memory of the guests, and the newlyweds receive an unforgettable parting word for a prosperous marriage.

What wedding ceremonies are characteristic of the Russian people?

A Russian wedding has long been a complex of customs, rituals and traditions performed according to a strict sequence according to a certain scenario. The most important rituals in Rus' were conspiracy, matchmaking, wedding, bachelorette party, wedding feast and wedding night. Each action had an important semantic load. For example, a wedding is the legal, religious registration of marriage, and the wedding night is its physical bond. The wedding feast, according to the traditions and customs of the Russian people, symbolized the public approval of marriage.


Taking into account the customs and traditions of the Russian people, matchmaking was a negotiation of families interested in marriage. This is a mandatory, basic ritual that preceded the wedding. In Rus', it was customary to marry early, so the choice of the bride for the son was done by the parents. The newlyweds themselves might not know about the upcoming wedding. Before the matchmaking, a family council gathered, which was attended by the closest relatives.

According to the customs and traditions of the Russian people, when choosing a bride, they did not take into account the financial situation, since it was believed that in marriage the couple would make everything on their own. Matchmakers were chosen with special care, because the outcome of the ceremony depended on the ability to conduct a conversation, win over people, present the groom's parents in a favorable light. According to the customs of the Russian people, the godparents of the guy, close relatives or a person who was respected acted as matchmakers.

The matchmaking itself took place in compliance with many signs, on which the future life of the newlyweds depended. The girl's parents came to marry. Families of the young established contacts with each other, since family ties at that time had serious weight. For the matchmaking, the so-called easy days were chosen: Thursday, Tuesday, Saturday, night or evening with a burning candle. After a successful completion, they put a bottle of alcohol on the table, and the matchmakers drank from the glasses as a sign of consent.

rain of abundance

This beautiful wedding custom, used by the Russian people, was intended to give the newlyweds well-being in material terms. In the modern age, rice is used for a rain of abundance, and earlier they took rye, oats, hops. They poured it on the young people's heads, threw it under their feet, so that throughout their life together they would have a lot of money for a decent life. Rose petals are also used - a sign of love, beauty.

Blessing of the young with a loaf

Another wedding tradition of the Russian people is the blessing of the young with a loaf, which bestowed happiness on the future family. Baking was prepared specifically for the ceremony, it was decorated with various patterns. Among the latter, the most important was a sprig of viburnum, personifying love. Loaf baking gave the wedding celebration a special meaning. To prepare it correctly, it was necessary to take into account many rules and rituals.

The Russian people have a custom according to which the dough for the wedding loaf was kneaded by one married woman who has many children and is happily married. So she shared her happiness with the future couple. Before cooking, the woman had to wash her hands, wash herself, put on a cross, a scarf on her head. While kneading the dough, she prayed. A married man also put a wedding cake in the oven with prayers. The larger the baking, the richer and happier life it promised to the couple.

According to the wedding traditions of the Russian people, in order to festively, beautifully meet the bride and groom, the most respected or eldest person in the family made a speech, and the parents of the young one carried out a loaf on a towel embroidered with patterns, congratulating the newlyweds. The couple took the loaf and bit off it: whose piece turned out to be larger, he was considered the head of the future family. Then the child cut the pastries and delivered them to the guests.

Bride kidnapping and ransom

In Rus', the pre-wedding ransom of the bride took place in several stages. At first, fellow villagers blocked the way for the groom on the way to his beloved. The second part of the ransom took place near the house of the future wife. The young guy had yet to find a bride. According to the traditions of the Russian people, initially the ransom was a performance where the groom and his friends played the role of strangers who make their way to the other world for their beloved. A horse was considered a wonderful helper for a young guy, delivering him to the bride's house and taking out a couple.

The Russian people have a custom according to which the groom's team had to pass tests, fulfill various desires of those who carried out the ransom: cross flimsy bridges, jump over fire to show strength and dexterity. Girlfriends could put forward strange demands, ask for money, make riddles. During the ransom, the main goal was to request the maximum price, the confrontation between the two sides. The stronger the struggle, the stronger will be the union of two hearts. After that, the groom could put the ring on the young finger, give a kiss.

Wedding traditions associated with the decoration of the bride

The custom of dressing the bride in a white wedding dress in Russia appeared only in the 19th century, and came into use in the middle of the next century. Until that time, according to Russian traditions, brides wore an old folk costume. Between the noble and peasant wedding attire, the difference was immediately visible. The bride from the nobility wore a dress with precious decorations, sewn from expensive fabrics.

Dress and veil

Until the 19th century, a wedding dress shimmering with all shades of red was common in Rus'. The young lady went to the wedding in modest, sad clothes, as this symbolized the parting with the girl's life. In some regions, girls walked down the aisle in black clothes, a veil of the same color. After that, the bride changed into a red wedding dress, which symbolized the beginning of a new life, joy.

Wedding attire, according to the traditions of the Russian people, consisted of a set of clothes. The wedding sundress was a work of art, as it demonstrated the mastery of the hostess' needlework and the material well-being of the family. Wedding clothes could be passed down from one generation to another. Sundresses were embroidered with gold threads, decorated with braid, beads, silver and gold embroidery. A wedding dress was sewn from brocade, wrapped in pearls, expensive furs.

According to the customs of the Russian people, a wedding shirt was considered part of the wedding dress. The sleeves in it could be tapering, puffy, long, with slits. They performed a protective function. It was believed that young people should not touch each other with their bare hands during marriage. A huge number of underskirts were hidden under the wedding sundress, making the figure magnificent, performing the role of underwear.

A wreath woven from wild flowers, symbolizing youth, was considered an ornament of the head. Later, wedding dresses appeared, interpreting it - hoops, ribbons. The head of the newlywed was decorated with various jewels. The girl's hair was braided or left loose. According to the custom of the Russian people, the veil or veil served the bride not only as an adornment, but also as protection from evil spirits and evil spirits. After the wedding, two braids were braided, which wrapped around the head of the young woman. A kokoshnik was put on top.

Bridal bouquet and garter

During modern weddings, the bride appears with a bouquet, and then throws it to a crowd of unmarried ladies. This tradition, like the garter, came to us from the West. Throwing a bouquet symbolizes the transfer of the status of the bride to the girlfriend. That rite is used by the bride to say goodbye to girlhood. The roots of the tradition go back to England (18th century). Slavic brides, according to the traditions and customs of the Russian people, decorated their heads with a flower wreath, which they then allowed their friends to try on.

Video: Russian wedding in folk style

A wedding in Rus' is not only a general celebration with dancing, drinking, joy, a holiday for everyone, but also a carefully thought-out procedure prescribed by the church, paganism and the customs of the Russian people. To organize a real celebration according to all the traditions in modern times, you will have to do a lot of work, but it will turn into a luxurious, fun holiday for guests and newlyweds. The video below will help.