How to prove to a girl that you love her. The strongest evidence of your love for a girl

Dating & Pickup

How to prove that you love a girl

On the Internet, you can find many different articles that describe the ways and methods of how you can prove your love to a girl. But much to your dismay, this is just a carbon copy of Western magazines for women, where the authors describe the “ideal” and “romantic” man for housewives. Therefore, they have no practical benefit for men.

In fact, if you are asking the question: "How to prove your love?" - You have a huge relationship problem. You must be clearly aware that in the relationship between a guy and a girl there should not be any evidence, demonstrations and confirmations: either you have love, or you don’t have love! It doesn't happen otherwise!

If you woke up one day and realized that you urgently need to prove your love to your girlfriend, then you have a couple to hold your horses and think carefully about your behavior, as well as the behavior of your girlfriend. But first, let's look at three typical situations when guys rush to prove their love.

Relationship problems and the loss of a girlfriend

Before breaking up with a guy, almost every girl makes a whole series of various hints and remarks that guys in most cases simply ignore or refuse to understand. Such comments may relate to various areas of activity of the couple:

  • You lie on the couch, go to work and earn money.
  • You and I don't go anywhere, I want to take a walk.
  • You spend more time with your friends than with me.
  • I'm tired of the distance, I want to live together (go and arrange for us).
  • You are being too boring, I want more emotions (be smart and organize something).

It can be noted that almost always all the claims of girls are of an applied nature, which can be easily assessed: done or not.

So, after quarrels or parting, many guys come up with a “brilliant” idea: “She left me because she fell out of love. I need to prove my love to her." And they begin to write whining words, give flowers and make some surprises.

But tell me honestly, where does it come from when the problem is completely different? The girl breaks up not because of love, but because the guy does not suit her in the material, spiritual, physical sense. And the girls tell the guys their problems and claims.

What to do in such a situation? Scroll in your head all the words and remarks over the past six months, determine the exact cause of the conflict (loss of love is not the reason!), Correct the situation and return the girl. Unfortunately, corrections do not always help, sometimes it becomes too late, but in any case it is possible and necessary to try. Read more in our other articles.

Blackmail and manipulation by a girl

If you do not take into account the most stinging statements of girls, for which you can get a soft spot, then the phrase: “You don’t love me anymore!” - is one of the most effective against many guys. How it works?

The girl wants to get some thing, or wants to get some certain actions from the guy, so she starts to manipulate him. If she says the phrase: "Do it for me, otherwise I'll be offended," then there are a huge number of guys who will pass it on past their ears, and she will not get anything. But if we turn to high feelings and love, then in 99% of cases the guys begin to apologize and open up a field for manipulation. And then it starts:

  • Prove to me that you love me, buy me a new phone
  • You do not love me? Love, then let's go to the sushi bar
  • I knew that you don't love me, you can't even send your friends for me.

The more a guy succumbs to such blackmail, the more weak and attached he becomes to the girl. It's funny, but many girls then part with the guys, because they "became different", although it was they who broke all the will and self-sufficiency of the guy.

What to do in such a situation? In this situation, you need to clearly grasp the difference between blackmail and real claims against you. How to do it? Try to take a sober look at yourself from the outside. If the claims are justified, then correct the defect in order to prevent the first situation we have considered. If you do everything right, then you need to follow a simple principle: "Whatever a girl does, it should not affect my behavior." At first there will be scandals and tantrums, but then the girl will run out of steam, and already all proposals to you will be reasonable and constructive.

Relationship fading

When we see a girl every day, we begin to feel and understand her quite well. Therefore, we can easily determine the moment in the deterioration of relations. When we ask a girl about this, she replies: “Everything is fine, nothing happened,” but our feelings cannot be deceived.

We begin to worry, delve into our relationships, make various surprises, gifts and romantic meetings, but nothing helps to restore normal relationships and prove our sincere love for the girl. Relations are fading every day, and we do not see a clear reason for this.

The reason for this fading. There is a good rule for relationships that goes like this: “After 2-3 years of a relationship, girls break up with their boyfriends due to the pointlessness of continuing.”

Remember that all girls date guys for some end goal. Such goals can be family, children, career growth, buying some gifts. Of course, there is a place for understanding with warmth, but one does not interfere with the other.

Therefore, after 2-3 years, the girl asks herself the question, what do I expect from this relationship, what can they give me? As a rule, they all want the next step from the guy: a wedding, a family, another expensive and meaningful “offering”. If the guy does not do this, then the girl loses interest and breaks up with him.

The most typical example of such a situation is a marriage proposal. The girl is waiting for this step from the guy for 2-3 years, if he does not mature, then the girl simply leaves him for another. Even if the guy realizes his mistake and proposes to the girl, then she no longer perceives him, because she is not a man!

Therefore, if your relationship with a girl has been going on for a significant period, then you need to think not about high feelings and romance, but about specific goals that interest the girl. If you cannot achieve these goals with a girl, then it is useless to prove your love, she will leave anyway.

What to do in such a situation? You need to determine the goals and motives that the girl pursues when meeting with you. If you can fulfill them, then just do not miss this opportunity, and the girl will be with you. If you cannot fulfill them, then there is such a thing as “restarting the relationship”. Read more about it in the articles on our website.

General Conclusion on Proofs of Love

It is worth noting that in a relationship a man should not prove his love to a girl with any words and signs of attention. All evidence of a man must come from his actions that he does for the sake of his girlfriend. If he does them, then the girl herself will understand the warm feelings of the guy. And this is a fact.

Various gifts, going to restaurants and other things are not love, and even more so they are not proof that you love a girl. Therefore, solve existing problems, monitor the emotional state of your girlfriend and do not blame everything on love, it has nothing to do with it.

How to prove your love to a girl? Surely every second male representative, having heard this question, will wave it off and say that there is no need to do anything like that, because she already knows everything. However, dear men, this is not so at all. Love is everyday work, where you get exactly what you put in. Surely you appreciate your soul mate and love her more than anyone else in the world! Then make her feel it!

Remember, at the very beginning of your relationship, you thought every minute about how to please your girlfriend. And then, especially if people have been dating for more than a year, the relationship changes somewhat. No, you don’t need to think about how to prove it, for sure by this time she already understood everything. However, remember how fire is maintained! If you do not throw firewood or twigs into it, it will go out and it will be very difficult to light it. So in the case of feelings, if you do not think about how to save them and make them stronger, they will fade.

Life consists of pleasant trifles, surprises. Here's to making your soul mate happy. And in this article you can find some tips and recommendations on how to do this.

Surprise your beloved, think about how to prove your love to a girl. For example, tell her nicely about how you love her. No, not by phone and not in person, but in a different, new way. For example, ask those acquaintances whom she has not yet seen to help you. Buy some flowers and some postcards. Write beautiful words of love on them and give them to your friends. Do you know how expensive your chosen one usually goes to work or college? Let your friends take turns giving her flowers and cards. And only in the last write that these flowers were from you. The original way, right?

If you are still wondering how to prove that you love a girl, then here are a few more ways. Tell about your feelings in several languages ​​of the world, writing all this on a large paper. Tie it to balloons filled with gas or helium and send a confession to the window of your beloved. Imagine she is sitting in a room, reading a book or preparing for an exam, and suddenly she receives such a wonderful message from you. Surely your chosen one will be delighted. Or if you don’t like this method, write a declaration of love with chalk under her windows at night, and call in the morning and ask her to look out into the yard.

Flowers are a banal way to prove your love to a girl. It is known that each of them expresses some kind of feeling. Choose in the store those that can most clearly express your feelings and go ahead with a bouquet for your chosen one. Try to choose unusual "talking" plants and tell your chosen one about what each flower expresses. And you need to do this not only on a holiday, but also on a normal one.

You can also surprise a girl with a romantic dinner prepared by your hand. Find out what dishes she prefers, what kind of music she likes. Put it all together, create a romantic atmosphere with balloons, candles, incense sticks and flowers. And do not forget that after dinner you need to invite her to dance. Well, if you are going to ask her to marry you, then this will be a great way. Go to a candy store before dinner, ask the salesperson to pack the ring box among the candies so that it is barely visible. And at dinner, offer her candy. Surely this will also become an example of how to prove your love to a girl.

Remember that feeling will wither like a plant if it is not watered and cared for every day. And such gentle creatures as girls need your care and affection. Try to surprise them, give them tenderness every day, showing attention and romance.

Many guys are not romantic by nature, and girls constantly want to receive proof of love. This is a difficult problem that affects almost all couples after about six months of relationship. If you do not pay attention to these dilemmas, then in a year the relationship can change significantly and there will be no trace of past feelings. Let's try to figure it out: how not to ruin the relationship and what should the representatives of the stronger sex do to prove their feelings?

Why girls need proof of love

Most often, a guy believes that since he is in a relationship with a girl, it means that he loves her and wants to be with her. The fair sex thinks differently. Many of them simply cannot enjoy a developing relationship and are constantly looking for signs that love has passed. There are several reasons for this thought:

  • low self-esteem;
  • unsuccessful previous relationships;
  • increased emotional excitability;
  • lack of attention;
  • jealousy on the part of the girl.

Relationships should be built by two, and guys should not forget about it. It is also important to know that girls think a little differently, and sometimes they draw erroneous conclusions from a simple situation. For example, a guy at work was entrusted with an important task, and he spent the whole evening thinking about its execution, was silent and looked slightly detached. A girl may regard this behavior of her loved one as a threat to the relationship. Until the guy tells what is the reason for his thoughtfulness and detachment, the girl is ready to draw different conclusions for herself and come up with her own version to explain his behavior. In this regard, the primary task of a guy is to be able to establish a dialogue in any situation.

A woman loves with her ears

For women, the behavior of a young man, his actions and words are important. The fair sex is somewhat conceited by nature, so it is important for them to often hear compliments and declarations of love. From the lips of a loved one, it is undoubtedly pleasant to hear tender words. Words of love give confidence, improve mood and stabilize the emotional background.

It is especially important to give compliments and confess your feelings if you did this all the time at the initial stage. As a rule, at the stage of development of relationships, guys pay much more attention to girls. They give gifts, write love SMS, say nice words. Further, love moves to a new level and the number of tender words decreases significantly. The girl is accustomed to constantly hearing that she is loved, desired and irreplaceable.

The decrease in the number of pleasant words is subconsciously regarded by her as a crisis that can lead to the breakup of the couple. If you don't have the opportunity to constantly give the girl the same amount of attention as at the stage of courtship, then it is worth explaining the reasons. During the conversation, you must convince your soul mate that nothing has changed and you still love her. It is important to choose the right words and back them up with action.

From word to deed

It does not matter what words you will express your feelings if the girl does not see specific actions from you. It is a mistake to think that modern representatives of the fair sex are primarily waiting for gifts. Of course, a bouquet presented without a reason will be a pleasant surprise and prove to the girl that she is loved, but you can express your feelings differently.

Such trifles as a given hand when descending the stairs or exiting the car, help in solving everyday issues or a cup of tea presented in the morning will say much more about feelings than even the most expensive gift.

What needs to be done so that the girl does not need proof

Most people who do not have a psychological education, to the question "How to prove to a girl that you love her?" The answer is simple - words and deeds. This is partly the correct answer, but it cannot be called a universal recipe, because it will not work if you do not respect your girlfriend and take care of her. After all, beautiful words are worthless if you make fun of the shortcomings of your chosen one or do not accept her for who she is. Gifts and beautiful deeds will not matter in the eyes of the fair sex if you do not show sincere concern for her.

The psychology of men and women is very different. Girls are more vulnerable, sensual and romantic. At first, the guys are trying to seduce the fair sex. But realizing that the girl already belongs to a young man, he forgets that he needs to feed love every day and prove its existence. Without this, relationships can collapse. It is important to prove to the girl that she is the only and most important in the life of a young man.

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    Basic Rules

    Girls are always pleased to hear kind words addressed to them. At first, men always admire the appearance or mental abilities of the object of their adoration. Over time, they forget to praise the passion and enthusiastically perceive the dishes that she cooks.

    In order for a girl to always know that she is loved, it is worth as often as possible:

    • Give her flowers (even if it is a bouquet of daisies, the girl will definitely appreciate this gesture).
    • Remember what sweets she likes and periodically indulge her with sweets.
    • Drive a passion to restaurants and cafes. Girls love to dress up, so an extra reason to put on new shoes will be received with delight.

    All the fair sex love soft toys. Therefore, it is periodically worth visiting the store and buying teddy bears for your beloved.

    Don't forget about manners. Therefore, it is important not to forget:

    • Give a hand when a girl gets out of public transport or a car.
    • Open the door in front of her, letting the object of your adoration go forward.
    • Hold the umbrella over her in such a way that drops do not drip onto her shoulder.

    Don't forget to look into her eyes. Every time you meet, it is recommended to look around her with an enthusiastic look and be sure to say how beautiful she looks and every time she amazes with her beauty.

    original ways

    Most of all, women love unexpected surprises. Sweets and flowers can be bought at any store, but if you give your beloved an unusual surprise, she will understand that a man thinks about her and always wants to surprise her. The most unusual manifestations of serious emotions always remain in the soul, so you can go the following way:

    • Make a cake yourself and write the name of your beloved on it or decorate it with chocolate hearts. Even if the culinary creation is disgusting in taste and literally falls apart in her hands, this will be the most touching act.
    • Make a gift box with your own hands, which will contain a cute teddy bear or a beautiful pendant. Additionally, it is recommended to attach a postcard to the gift, in which it will be written about the tender feelings experienced by the young man.
    • Write a poem. Even if the poetry is far from ideal, the lady will definitely appreciate this gesture and understand that it took not only time, but also courage to compose the verse.
    • Come up with a quest game. To do this, it is necessary to develop tasks that the beloved must pass. As soon as she completes one of the tests, a pleasant surprise awaits her. After each stage, she will receive something romantic and cute.

    Even if the representative of the stronger sex has no idea how to cook, it is worth trying to create dinner yourself. It is recommended to decorate the table with candles and flowers.

    Such gestures are very valuable for women. They remember such unusual surprises for a long time. You do not need to be a master of culinary arts or spend huge sums of money to do this. It is enough to show ingenuity and invest a piece of your soul in a gift.


    Women need to be constantly praised. They spend many hours trying to look attractive to their beau, so it's fair to celebrate her success. It is worth as often as possible to tell your beloved about how chic she looks.

    But do not lie and cross the line. If the lady is in the body, then it is stupid to tell her about a slender figure. You need to act according to the situation. If a woman considers going to beauty salons stupid and prefers to read books, then her mental abilities, ingenuity and intuition must be noted.

    If speaking directly is difficult (some men are embarrassed to compliment), then it is worth writing an ardent confession in a letter. To some, this method seems too pretentious. In this case, it is worth taking advantage of the gifts of the 21st century and send a tender message electronically using social networks or SMS.

    Give up hobbies

    Many guys are used to spending all their free time with comrades. Some go fishing all the time, others drink beer or go clubbing with friends. All these events are not liked by the ladies. Therefore, it is worth giving up some of your favorite hobbies. Then the girl will understand that she is in the first place for a man.

    If a woman does not smoke, then cigarette smoke and kissing with an "ashtray" are unpleasant for her. Therefore, it is worth quitting a bad habit. Everyone knows how difficult it is to give up cigarettes. Therefore, this will be a significant act, proving love on the part of the stronger sex. Such feats impress the ladies.

    Listen to her opinion

    Nothing shows love like respect from a man. It manifests itself in the fact that the representative of the stronger sex always asks the opinion of a friend on a particular topic. If a guy decides everything himself or prefers to consult with friends, then this humiliates the lady.

    Therefore, it is important not to forget about her opinion. The next time, when deciding where to go on a date or which jacket is better to buy, you should find out what your significant other thinks about this. The same applies to joint trips and pastimes.

    It is worth considering the characteristics of the character of the lady. If she does not like to make decisions and, on the contrary, she always consults with her man for any reason, then this method of showing love is not suitable.

    Important dates

    As has been repeatedly said, women are sensual and romantic. Therefore, they always remember even the most insignificant, from the guy's point of view, dates. They are very hurt when a loved one does not remember the anniversary or the day of the first date.

    In order not to make the girl upset, it is worth remembering exactly when the first kiss took place. It is recommended to celebrate this date or give your beloved a cute gift. Never forget about Valentine's Day. If a girl sees how other ladies are walking with balloons, and they didn’t even give her a box of chocolates, then the woman will begin to think that her gentleman does not have serious feelings for her.

    Future plans

    The fair sex needs proof that the young man sees a future with her. Don't be afraid to talk about your plans. This does not mean that the next day it is mandatory to submit an application to the registry office.

    For a lady, it is not an official document that is much more important, but the fact that her soul mate wants to be closer to her. Even if the girl does not express a great desire to legitimize the relationship, such conversations will be very pleasing to her heart. So she will see confidence in the future. The beloved must show that he has made his choice and plans to start a family in the future.

    Women love to imagine how their wedding will go, how many children they will have. You need to learn to dream with your beloved. But do not go too far. If a lady is distinguished by love of freedom and a predominantly masculine principle, then there is a risk that she will begin to perceive her beloved as a weak-willed and effeminate representative of the stronger sex. Therefore, in everything it is worth adhering to the measure.

    Getting to know the parents

    If a young man introduces his passion to relatives, then this automatically indicates his serious intentions. But you should understand that it all depends on the age of the partners. If they are 18 years old, then the meeting with their parents is not of a rather serious nature. Older ladies take this acquaintance much more seriously.

    It is believed that after meeting with parents, the next step is marriage. The marriage does not have to be in the same year. Sometimes girls enter the family for years. During this time, they become closer to the mother of their beloved and become something more than just a girl of their beloved son.

    It is equally important to get to know the girl's parents. For her, it will be just as important. In this case, we are talking about the fact that the young man is not afraid to meet her father, who will not ask the most convenient questions and will probably promise to unscrew the guy's head if he offends his beloved daughter.

    This is a very brave act in the eyes of the fair sex. So she can understand that a man wants to be with her, if not for life, but at least he does not plan to break off the relationship because of some stupidity.

    How to behave at a meeting with parents?

    It is important not only to appear in the house of your beloved, but also to make a positive impression on her family. To do this, you need to make preparatory measures. It is recommended to find out from a friend the interests and hobbies of her family. If her mother is fond of Chinese culture, then it is recommended to buy her a souvenir.

    The additional information will help prepare you for the conversations that will take place around the table. If the guy is silent like a fish, then the lady's parents can say that she made a bad choice. In this case, it will be even more difficult to prove your love.

    In order for the girl to understand the seriousness of the young man's intentions, he must carefully prepare for the meeting. Pants need to be well ironed, wash the shirt. Do not wear a tracksuit and dirty sneakers. Thus, the guy will only demonstrate his disrespect for the passion and her family.

    Sitting at the table, you need to take care of your beloved and do not forget to talk with her family. If the father is fond of hunting, then you must definitely ask him about the latest prey and admire the fact that his daughter inherited beauty from her mother and a strong-willed character from her father. This will make a huge impression on her parents. The lady herself will understand what a beautiful gentleman she has and that she doubted his love in vain.

    Make a marriage proposal

    If the relationship has been going on for more than a year, and the girl does not believe in the seriousness of the intentions of her beloved, then it's time to think about moving to a more serious level of living together. A marriage proposal will make a woman absolutely sure that her partner loves her and intends to spend the rest of her life with her.

    Don't ask a lady for a wedding just to impress her. This step must be responsible and serious. If a man is confident in his decision, then it is worth presenting the ring in the most original way. This will once again convince the lady of the heart that she is behind a man, like behind a stone wall. She will be confident in the future, and this will significantly reduce the distance between lovers.

    You can arrange a quiet romantic dinner, light candles and cook something unusual. It is much more interesting to invite a girl for a boat ride or invite her to ride horses. Another option is a balloon. There is nothing more romantic than receiving a coveted ring while soaring like birds.

    It's worth thinking about what to say. The typical phrase "marry me" is romantic and the lady will most likely even burst into tears of happiness, but you can make this moment more memorable. To do this, you need to think over your speech and not be limited to familiar phrases. A lady needs to know that she is special.

    You need to list all the wonderful qualities of your soul mate. Say what a joy it is to be with her. You need to convince the girl that the future with her is the most beautiful thing that could happen to a man. It is worth explaining that this step is thought out and is completely serious. The ring will confirm the most tender feelings of the gentleman.

In order to better reveal this topic, I made a survey among the girls, whom I asked what a guy should do to prove his love for a girl or how he should always act so that the girl does not even doubt him.

How should a guy act so that a girl is sure of his love?

Angela, 22 years old. I think it's difficult: just take it and prove to the girl that you love her. If all the time you treated her badly, then nothing will help here. A girl should always be treated with respect, care, show her feelings, then she will definitely not doubt anything.

Alina, 21 years old. In most cases, love must be proven by actions, not words. If you very often repeated to your girlfriend that you love her, but at the same time met with others, then all words about love will not cost a dime. If you love, then you need to give yourself completely to this person. Why date someone and then cheat? I don't understand.

Christina, 19 years old. My boyfriend treats people very badly. He can yell at them, send them simply because they looked at him badly. But when he is with me, he is a completely different person. He is very gentle, attentive to me, and how caring he is! Most of my friends do not believe me and are very surprised how I can be with him. But I know that he loves me, and I consider his attitude towards me the best proof of that.

Ekaterina, 20 years old. I think that in our time it is ridiculous to prove your love with words. We all know how little they cost. If two people love each other, then they don't even need these three words: "I love you". They already know this and are confident in each other. They also know that if something happens, each of them will always prove their love.

Anastasia, 20 years old. I think the way a guy treats a girl will be the best proof of his feelings. If a guy is always kind to her, worried about her and her health, if he smiles next to her and is ready to step over himself and his pride, then this is the biggest proof of his love.

Eleanor, 21 years old. I believe that if someone loves someone, then he always changes. For example, if a guy has always been angry, then when he falls in love with a girl, he will become kinder, when he was selfish, now he should think not only about himself and his needs, but also about the needs of others. A person's behavior always tells everything about him. After all, it often happens that for the first time you see someone, but the thought that he is in love no longer leaves you.