What to name a girl dog? Names for girls' dogs are rare and beautiful: small breed, large, mongrel, black, red, hunting. A name for life: creative nicknames for German Shepherds

One of the most popular and diverse breeds is the German Shepherd. These dogs, whether boys or girls, are distinguished by incredible working and protective qualities, even to this day they are used in shepherding work, they guard houses and serve in the ranks of the army and police. Shepherd dogs have a unique character; they are both kind to their owners and distrustful of strangers.

Each shepherd is unique in its own way, since they can all differ in their appearance. Based on this, each shepherd needs its own unique name, which will reflect its strong-willed, strong and devoted character. This article will tell you about the basic rules for choosing a nickname for boys, and will also present options for nicknames for a German shepherd.

Rules for choosing a nickname

Every owner wants to invest deep meaning in a dog's name, but at the same time preserve the beauty of consonance, but it is very important not to forget about the following rules:

  1. The nickname should be short and convenient and should contain no more than a couple of syllables.
  2. The nickname should be bright and expressive so that it is an motivating sound for the pet.
  3. It is important that the dog’s name is liked by all members of the family in which the pet lives.

Requirements for the name of a boy's shepherd dog

The phonetic principle of a dog's nickname is recognition and clarity for the dog. It’s worth taking a closer look at these aspects when choosing a nickname.

The name for the dog should contain sonorous letters, such as z, d, r, g, b, zh. This rule should be observed so that the dog can hear and recognize its name at a great distance.

You cannot call a dog a word that is very common in the family’s vocabulary, as this will confuse the animal.

You shouldn't call your dog words causing negativity, such as stress, fear, demon. The dog's name should not cause negative associations among family members.

The nickname should not be consonant with the names of the training teams, since a dog with the nickname Fas may not understand the word and in a stressful situation perceive it as Fas.

You shouldn't give your shepherd a nickname in the form of a human name, especially which is relevant in the region or country where the dog lives.

A shepherd boy should have an exclusively male name. This rule should be observed to prevent the consequences of emergency situations when a dog may show unwanted aggression outside the home, since a stranger, understanding the gender of the dog by its name, will be able to protect himself or his animal, especially if his animal is a girl.

Dog's calling

It is important that the animal's name should reflect its working or service qualities. If a German Shepherd is bred exclusively for domestic life, then we can say that he serves as a family guard and companion. But, in addition to this, a shepherd can be a detective, a shepherd or a security guard. Depending on the main vocation, you can call the dog the following names:

  • Dogs, military personnel, police, shepherd detectives can have names like Hawk, Rex, Schwartz, but in this case you should refrain from names in the form of a rank or unit name.
  • Dog, protecting the territory or person, may bear names such as Rambo, Thunderstorm, Thunder, or Sheriff.
  • Dogs with pedigrees, accepting participation in competitions or exhibitions, can bear the names Marquis, Richard, Leader, Sheikh, Best.
  • If a boy shepherd acts as a companion, then more frivolous nicknames will suit her, such as Bagel, Sancho, Fig, Zephyr or Dzhigit.

Traditions of posterity

In addition to the basic rules for choosing a nickname, there is a fairly old tradition of naming purebred dogs, which applies not only to boys, but also to girls. Here is the following order:

Thus, a purebred dog, just like a person, can have a last name, first name and patronymic, which then makes it possible to create a shortened version of the animal’s nickname.

Acceptable nicknames for a German Shepherd

Every owner wants to give their pet a name that is universal, exclusive and original, and, of course, you can come up with a long and unique name, but in this case it is important to remember that the sister of talent is brevity.

Possible nicknames for a boy's shepherd dog

So, you have decided on the choice of breed - this is a shepherd dog. Found a club or kennel, or agreed with friends who will give (sell) you a puppy. The whole family is excited.

The day has come - and a nimble and carefree piece of fluffy energy has appeared in the family - ! He joyfully rolls around the apartment in a ball, fearlessly rushes at his enemies in the form of a broom or slippers, and does not yet look too much like an adult shepherd dog - an intelligent and serious creature.

Everything would be fine: there are bowls, a muzzle, a collar, a leash and toys.

There is only no nickname. What nickname to choose?

Just call me Sharik

If a dog is adopted as a cheerful companion or a dacha guard, then names like Sharik, Bublik, Bobik are not bad. But not for a shepherd!

A thoroughbred princess or a noble prince is waiting for something chic and euphonious. Still, this is a serious dog.

The Sheepdog, as the name of the breed suggests, was bred to herd sheep herds - flocks.

Such a canine “profession” was necessary in many places around the globe, which is why the appearance of different shepherd dogs varies so much.

Common to all– protective qualities, fearlessness (after all, the shepherd’s task is to drive away any, even a very large predator), intelligence (shepherds do not wait for a command in an extreme situation, but make decisions themselves; it is impossible to wait until a slow person gets his bearings: the wolf will not wait!).

Maybe you should prefer a nickname that is somehow related to the dog’s “profession”? Huntsman, for example, or Hardy?

Nickname constructor

In fact, purchasing a purebred dog has one more “side effect”: there are rules for choosing nicknames for puppies. There are several of them, and breeders stick to them.

Firstly, all puppies of the same litter - boys and girls - must have nicknames starting with the same letter. Moreover, this letter is determined by the management of the club (and in the nursery - by the nursery itself). For example, there are 9 puppies in the litter, and they are given the nicknames Lucha, Labzina, Larry, Liang, Lloyd, Lyubim, Laura, Lotus, Leonardo.

Secondly, the nickname should contain a hint of the club (kennel), for example, the first letter of its name.

Third, the puppy’s nickname should contain some elements of the parents’ nicknames.

For example, letter -M, nursery "Selena", parents Mars and Seyla - Marcel. This is a convenient example, but it might not have been so, then the puppy’s name would have turned out to be two or three words.

In the case of a purebred puppy, you receive a passport with a nickname already written in, but it is quite possible that it is like the one you see in our example. It’s impossible to call a puppy “Count Schutz Hund.” He needs to be given a “regular” nickname, so to speak, not for exhibition, but for life. It may be consonant with the “official” one, or it may not be.

There are a number of other rules.

For example, not allowed to be given to dogs human Russian names: different Alexandras and Veronicas are not suitable for them. But if you want to call your beauty a foreign name, please: Harry, Lisa, Adriano, Jack, Oscar, Jacqueline and others.

Not accepted either use city names. But there are as many other toponyms as you like: Everest, Missouri, Yukon, Congo, Java, Europe. Here you can emphasize your patriotism: Baikal, Ural, Yenisei, Dniester, Kazbek, Shuya, Taiga.

In search of self-expression

The nickname of a shepherd dog - male or female - can reflect the interests and worldview of the owner.

  • Popular, for example, computer nicknames - Byte, Gates, Web;
  • political- Clinton, Castro;
  • musical— Beethoven, Jazz, Harp, Giselle, Lyre;
  • cinematic— Brando, Monroe, Cruz, Noris, Uma, Sharon;
  • literary- Wendy, Laertes, Hamlet, Bagheera, Stalker, Quasimodo.

For those who are very is interested in the occult, - nicknames Karma, or Chakra, for astrologers and astronomers— Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Sirius, Vega, Alpha, Altair, Space. Don’t just call it the Black Hole or the Milky Way - you will be misunderstood.

Wide owner's scientific interests are also manifested in such nicknames as Quantum or Kant, Default or Oda, Constant or Sigma. However, before you call a dog Inflation or Forest, you should think about it.

Chanel, Brandy, Porter, Harley, Carat, Sherry, Poker, Zero, Bridge, Eclair, Diamond, Yakhont, Broadway - not scientific, but still interests. This also includes "money" nicknames: Thaler, Bucks, Currency, Evrik and others. If only it wasn’t Cent, Kopek or Groshik!

Obviously, the owner of such a shepherd hopes for significant benefits from keeping the dog. Or he dreams that his nickname will attract financial success. Or maybe this is in case of a crisis, when he can say: “It’s okay! We have one Buck."

More examples of nicknames for shepherd dogs for boys and girls, which brilliantly reflected the multifaceted interests and knowledge of the owners.

Automotive: Honda, Lexus, Ford, Audi, Opel.
Mythological: Zeus, Hera, Athena, Naiad, Ondine, Odysseus, Penelope, Ajax, Achilles, Nymph, Muse, Fairy, Fairy, Troy, Siegfried, Arjuna.
Historical: Hannibal, Bagration, Caesar, Horace, Scythian.

Name and type of shepherd

Another option is to give the dog a “traditional” name, so to speak - from a book or movie.

This is not the best way: Well, how many German shepherds Rexes, Mukhtars, Dzhulbars can run through the streets! However, as a last resort, this option for a shepherd is better than Quintessence or Microna.

You can refer to the shepherd breed and somehow associate the nickname with it:

  • collie(Scottish Sheepdog) may be called Kilt or Scotch;
  • – Kurt or Brünnhilde, Otto or Gerda;
  • – Abrek or Shaitan, Ali Baba or Bai;
  • – Kanga, Austria;
  • Australian Kelpie(which apparently has a wild dog among its ancestors) - Dingo, Dynamo;
  • (there are 4 different types, all very nimble and active) – Best, Hercule;
  • Bergamasco Shepherd(used in the Alps, wool in “ropes”) - Alpa, Cord;
  • (bred in Great Britain) – Brita, Milord, Lady, Nanny;
  • (bred in England from dogs that arrived with the Vikings) - Viking, Cunegonde;
  • bearded collie(except for sheep farming, it was used to search for truffles) – Truffle, Rapunzel;
  • welsh corgi(the smallest shepherd) - Wales, Malysh, Golden Eagle;
  • Hungarian Kuvasz– Matthias, Cherry;
  • (often silver or golden color) – Arctic fox, Gold;
  • (Hungarian Shepherd of exceptional intelligence, wool in cords or ribbons) Socrates, Lama;
  • bullets(originally from Asia, jumps beautifully) – Froggy, Pamir;
  • (bred in Crimea) - Crimea, Abrau, Whitey.

A few words about the nicknames of boys and girls shepherds

Actually there is more than forty types of shepherd dogs, although not all can be found in Russia. Nicknames may reflect features of their appearance or origin, or may not have anything to do with the breed characteristics themselves.

Often seeking a successful nickname, the owner’s gaze turns to flora(Palm tree, Rose, and the same Flora) or fauna. There is, of course, room for creativity here. Tigger, Leopard, Tur, Panther, Leopard, Eagle, Golden Eagle, Vulture, Whale, Cobra - as long as the nickname reflects the brave disposition, strength, and swiftness inherent in shepherd dogs.

Finally, the focus of attention is often dog appearance. There is also complete diversity here, because shepherd dogs are very different. The nickname may be reflected shepherd color- Noir, Black, Brown, Gray. If you are not a polyglot, clarify what it means English or German word, which you want to make your dog happy as a name. No, the puppy will still love you, even if you name her, for example, Klein (little).

Among shepherd owners a passion for "aristocratic" nicknames: Rex, King, Count, Sultan, Shah, Prince, Regina, Shahinya, Kaiser. Which is not surprising, because these dogs are so majestic and noble!

Does a nickname affect a dog's character? Probably yes. Scientists say that dogs are very sensitive and willingly adapt to their beloved owner. But for us, all words mean something, and we unwittingly put all these meanings into our understanding of the nickname. The dog just catches what its name is: with humor (Venik), with admiration (Griffin) or imposing aggressiveness (Cobra; in general, a lot of “growling” sounds in a name make the dog more aggressive).

The nickname should, if possible, meet the requirements related to. It should not be long, preferably two syllables.

She shouldn't be is consonant with the commands: Pound – “Fu!”, Fax – “Fas!” and the like. She must well pronounced so that the owner does not trip over the letters, and the dog immediately understands that this is its nickname, and not a complex word similar to it.

In general, a sonorous, beautiful name is desirable. You will have to yell it at the dog park many times. It's probably best to avoid names like Pfennig.

It is considered bad luck to call a puppy nickname of his deceased predecessor. And there is no need. That dog is no longer there, and if you keep the name, you will unwittingly see the old one in your new pet.

Of course, no matter what you name your shepherd puppy, he will be your most beloved dog, and you will be his most beloved owner. But it’s still better to take the choice of nickname seriously.

So, what is worth remembering if you are looking to purchase a German Shepherd puppy. Firstly, this is a large and service dog, so its name should be as sonorous, short and clear as possible. It must be different from all ordinary words and work commands. What is it for? Just imagine a critical situation when you need to give the dog an urgently needed command. How will you do this if the animal's name consists of several words or is too difficult to pronounce?

If, according to the passport or from the kennel, the puppy was given a complex long name, you can come up with an everyday working nickname. Let the complex and long ones be left for the passport or for exhibitions and titles. The main thing in work is convenience and functionality. The nickname should be sonorous and short so that it is easy to pronounce.

Secondly, the name must suit the dog. Agree that nicknames, for example, Funtik, Pupsik, Dogi or Archik, are not very suitable for a German shepherd. It is very good if nicknames for German Shepherds somehow reflect the essence of the dogs’ character, their behavior, their appearance or their color. Fourthly, you should not call a service dog by a human name from your everyday life. The animal should know well when it is addressed to it, and not to a passing neighbor.

To summarize what has been said, let's highlight the basic rules when choosing a nickname for a German Shepherd puppy:

  1. The name of the dogs should be suitable for their character, appearance, and features of their use. For example, the nickname Black can be given to a black male.
  2. Choose a sonorous, well-pronounced name that doesn't sound like a command or an everyday work word.
  3. If the passport contains a one- and two-syllable name, for example, on the mother’s or father’s side, as well as the name of the nursery, then be sure to come up with a working everyday nickname. It should be short and understandable.
  4. Do not call your puppy a human name from your environment or frequent use.
  5. The German Shepherd's nickname should not be funny, offensive, or contain rude or obscene words.

Don't forget that German Shepherds are confident and determined dogs; they will become excellent guards and faithful companions. Take these traits into account when choosing a name.

If you already have a puppy in your home, but you still can’t find a suitable name for him, don’t rush. Take a closer look at your pet, perhaps over time you will see some unusual character traits, some peculiarity of behavior. If you are superstitious, do not choose the name of your previous pet for your new pet. Or if you have negative emotions with some names, we also do not recommend using them. Find out an example of a good nickname meaning in the video from Polit Russia.

Nicknames for beautiful girls

If you are the happy owner of a girl (female) German Shepherd, do not rush to give her a cute and calm nickname. Especially if the dog will be involved in official work. As practice shows, girls can be fiercer and more aggressive even than males. It should be a louder and even harsher name. Luckily, there are good choices among the available options.

LetterNicknames for girls (females)
AAlpha, Alma, Iris, Ariadne, Addie, Alaida, Azari, Adeline, Alta, Aza, Amanda, Quince, Alba, Ada, Azara, Harp, Astra, Adele.
BBagheera, Berta, Basta, Barbara, Bambina, Betty, Bonna, Bonita, Becky, Berita.
INValda, Venus, Virta, Vlada, Vienna, Vyuga, Varna, Vesta.
GGabby, Galatea, Hekla, Gloria, Greta, Gamma, Groza, Gerda, Glory, Gretchen.
DDaisy, Dina, Donna, Derika, Gypsy, Haze, Damka, Domenica, Dalma, Dara, Jackie, Gemma, Delta, Della.
EEgoza, Eva, Efina.
ANDJosephine, Giselle, Julsia, Jacqueline, Jeanne.
ZZara, Zabava, Zateya, Zlata, Zolda, Zidda.
ANDIrma, India, Spark, Inda, Truth, Isis, Isolde.
TOKaira, Blob, Cobra, Drop, Casiopea, Katana, Carmen, Cassie, Doll, Cassia.
LLinda, Lada, Lady, Lala, Lizzie, Leila, Laima, Lucia.
MMary, Malva, Milady, Mam, Madonna, Monica, Dream, Blizzard, Malta, Maggie, Miranda.
NNera, Nellie, Nevada, Nora, Nymph, Naira, Nika, Nicole.
ABOUTOde, Olympia, Osta, Octave, Ocher, Oreanda.
PPrima, Palma, Palette.
RRada, Rose, Raquel, Rhyme, Rhona, Rapier, Riesel, Rusty (Rastinella)
WITHSabrina, Signora, Susan, Cindy, Arrow, Sandra, Selena, Silva, Stella.
TTanta, Taiga, Tina, Tequila, Tera, Thames, Tiffany.
UUlana, Undine, Ustilada.
FFelicia, Florence, Fortuna, Fairy, Frida, Flora, Felada.
XCharisma, Charter
CQueen, Celsius.
HChara, Enchantress, Chisara.
ShShadrin, Shammi, Shaina, Sheina, Shelma.
EElba, Hellas, Etna, Elsa, Emma, ​​Angie, Era, Esther, Elite, Esmeralda.
YUUnita, Utah, Yuzhanka, Ugra.
IYanina, Yanetta, Bright, Jasper.

Do you believe that a nickname influences and determines the fate (character) of a dog?

Nicknames for strong boys

You have or will have a male German Shepherd, then it’s time to find out what names you can choose. Boys of this breed are incredibly brave, loyal and often ferocious. All warlike and formidable names are suitable for them, especially if the dog is a service dog.

LetterNicknames for boys (male)
AAntey, Air, Axel, Azart, Aramis, Altai, Almaz, Atlas, Ampere, Cupid, Arnie (Arnold).
BLeopard, Baron, Barkhan, Buran, Basalt, Bard, Black, Boss, Bruno.
INJack, Wolf, Leader, Varyag, Knight, Vulcan, Viking, Volt.
GHarold, Grif, Gideon, Gilmore, Grant, Thunder, Goliath, Grim, Gray.
DJared, Jean, Julbars, Domenic, Dantes, Dinar, Dobrynya, Joker, Savage, Dick, Jack.
EYenisei, Elizar, Jaeger.
ANDGerard, Jacques, Gesture.
ZZador, Zach, Zeus.
ANDIcarus, Ingus, Irtysh, Irbis.
TOQuint, Claude, Clark, Kazbek, Kaiser, Cardinal, Corsair, Kant, Consul, Colt, Chancellor.
LLord, Locky, Fierce, Lars, Lucky.
MTycoon, Milan, Muscat, Mars, Moor, Milord.
NNord, Neman, Newton, Norman, Nick.
ABOUTOrestes, Oscar, Otis, Orion, Orpheus, Olympus, Otto.
PPerseus, Paladin, Parthos, Pirate, Pierre, Pierce.
RRenold, Rex, Ramses, Richard, Rio, Ricky, Ralph, Roger, Richard, Redmond.
WITHSeth, Spartak, Sultan, Suleiman.
TTyphoon, Topaz, Titan, Tigran, Tamir.
UHurricane, Hurricane, Wizart.
FFargus, Farhat, Flipper, Phobos, Falkor.
XCharon, Hart.
CCicero, Cymbal.
HChampion, Charlie, Chucky, Chengis.
ShSherlock, Sherkhan, Sheriff.
EElkhan, Elf, Esenhower
YUYustan, Yulan.
IJaguar, Yary.

Video " How to choose a name for a dog?»

What you can name your pet, what you should consider when choosing a name and what it is better not to use, a dog trainer will tell you in this video (video from ZooGrad).

Meaning Quiz “Write the name of the dog and its meaning”:

“Dear readers, we invite you to start an exciting quiz on the meanings of dog names. For example, Adele means noble, kind. We look forward to interesting options from you!”

- one of the most ancient and well-known breeds today.

This animal is perfect, but every child has dreamed of her at least once.

Not a single border guard or law enforcement officer can be imagined without a German Shepherd.

Long years of evolution have not affected her in any way - she is still brave, courageous and devoted.

A dog's name reflects the main characteristics of the animal's character.

If you want your dog to perform excellent security service, then you should not call him Donut or Baby. The same goes for female dogs.


You need to choose names so that they emphasize the most important and distinctive features, and do not reveal negative and undesirable ones.

How does it affect character?

With a nickname you show how much your pet is different from the rest, how much better it is and what features it has. It is impossible to explain such an influence; it acts as if on a mental level, because it is not for nothing that there is a saying: “Whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail”.

A nickname is a clue about what kind of character, intelligence, and temperament an animal has. Therefore, German Shepherds, as guards and defenders, do not carry Pretzel or Sweetie. On the contrary, the most common names are Berkut, Apollo, Hector, etc.

If you are not satisfied with the official name, there is always a separate column in the documents where you can write down your nickname.

It is the breeders who choose the name based on the pedigree, but the owner writes the usual nickname if the official name seems too pretentious. Basically, as I noticed, there are very few people who would give nicknames to “Germans” out of their heads. Many approach this very responsibly, realizing that their animal will always be associated with this name. I think this is correct. A dog's name is no less important to me than choosing a name for a child. With this nickname you will decide the entire fate of your pet.

How to choose?

If you still decide to choose a nickname, abandoning the name in the documents, you will have to follow some rules to make life easier for yourself and your German Shepherd:

  • choose a simple and not very long nickname. It is advisable if it is a one-syllable name. A long name is inconvenient to use. While you are calling your dog to forbid something, he will have time to do some mischief. You can give a long nickname, but when raising you call it a simplified version;
  • When choosing a new nickname, consider the dog, her and the breed. Try to make sure that the nickname is combined with these indicators. A red dog named Snowball will cause dissonance among many;
  • Don't name your pet after your previous dog. This may cause confusion for some and memories for you. A dog is a new stage in life, there is no need to associate it with the past;
  • do not choose human names, otherwise every second passerby on the street will respond to the name “Vasya” or “Seryozha”;
  • Avoid funny nicknames. It's only fun at first, and then you'll get tired of everyone laughing when they hear your pet's name. And the dog itself will not understand such a reaction from others.

What to name the boy?

There are many methods for choosing a name. They depend on the color of the dog, his character traits, maybe even on the occasion or situation that contributed to the appearance of the puppy in the house. In any case, it's up to you to decide.

If a German Shepherd is bred to work in law enforcement agencies, then they are often given the names Sheriff, Jace, Buyan, Nestor, Rojek. These are names that would emphasize the status of the dog.

Depending on the color of the boys, they can be called:

  • Black();
  • White or White();
  • Gray (gray);
  • Dark (dark);
  • Red (red).

If the dog will work in security companies in the future, the name Storm, Tamerlane, Chompy, Cher or Tsar will suit it.

If you want your dog to be kind and friendly, the names Bim, Buddy, Dobie, Kai will suit him. But, if you like warlike dogs, then your pet can be called Imperial, Shuttlecock, Wolf, Napoleon, Samson.

Many dog ​​owners are interested in the specific meanings of the nicknames they give to their pets. The name Harold will reflect the boy's pride and courage, his self-confidence. A dog named Jewel will be calm, and Icarus will become a good watchman. Quint will make the dog calmer and kinder, and Morgan means “loving people.”

Here are some other examples:

  • Zucker – “sugar”, worn by those with a gentle character;
  • Leo – “brave”;
  • Otto – “rich and wealthy”;
  • Karl – “free”;
  • Falk Hawk is one of the most unique names for a German Shepherd.

If you decide to name your cable based on his character, then the following names are suitable for active dogs:

  • Buran;
  • Bard;
  • Alakai;
  • Bugs;
  • Top;
  • Thunder;
  • Jax;
  • Solt;
  • Cliff;
  • Lloyd;
  • Mitch;
  • North.

A kind and sympathetic male dog can be called:

  • Packs;
  • Remmy;
  • Rooney;
  • Spikes;
  • Tito;
  • Terry;
  • Urry;
  • Felix;
  • Freddie;
  • Harty;
  • Javi;
  • Charlie.

If you want your dog to have a funny nickname, then the following names will suit her:

  • Jam;
  • Loaf;
  • Obi-wan;
  • Frodo;
  • Simba;
  • Rogue;
  • Gin;
  • Shastik;
  • Shrek.

To give your dog more charm, you can choose a sublime nickname:

  • Centurion;
  • Sherlock;
  • Shakespeare;
  • Everest;
  • Jupiter;
  • Sirius;
  • Raphael;
  • Raymond;
  • Maximus;
  • Leonardo.

For serious and service dogs, the following nicknames are suitable:

  • Laid;
  • Eli;
  • Zeus;
  • Wolf;
  • Hermes;
  • Weiss;
  • Jack;
  • Baron;
  • Leopard.

The names of any kings or rulers also leave an imprint on the character of the dog.

What to name the girl?

Girls are mostly called affectionately, emphasizing their gender, as well as the grace and character of a lady.

Despite this, girls also do so-called “men’s work.” Such dogs are called Alpha, Ice, Vega, Jess, Lucky.

Depending on the color, the nicknames vary slightly; they may sound like this:

  • Blackley or Blacksey (if we call a black dog);
  • White or leave White (for white);
  • Grace (for grey);
  • Darkie;
  • Reddy or leave Red (for the redhead).

The gentle character of the dog is emphasized by the names Lottie, Katie, Daisy, Vivian, Rachel. If the puppy likes to fool around and play, he can be called Puma, Naida, Indigo, Thunderstorm, Evra.

Names with meaning are popular for girls. So, Aza means nervous and restless, Alva is the complete opposite of Aza. They call a pet Betty if they want it to be kind towards children, the name Gloria will give the dog playfulness - dogs with this name are smart and cheerful. Lucias are diligent and easy to train, and if the girl is named Regina, she will become the real pride of the owner.

Other examples:

  • Bridget – the owner of a strong character;
  • Elsa – “noble”;
  • Emma – “all-encompassing”;
  • Heidi – “noble and kind”;
  • Crystal – “beloved”.

Active girls are usually called:

  • Icy;
  • Aina;
  • Bayra;
  • Vaida;
  • Hera;
  • Gita;
  • Dina;
  • Irma;
  • Lola.

To emphasize kindness and friendliness, the female can be called:

  • Mila;
  • Meili;
  • Maisie;
  • Nikki;
  • Ollie;
  • Patty;
  • Polly;
  • Rosie;
  • Stacy.

Suitable names for cheerful and playful girls:

  • Smiley;
  • Teens;
  • Fiona;
  • Fifi;
  • Frutti;
  • Shasta;
  • Shoko.

You can make your dog look aristocratic with the help of nicknames:

  • Chanel;
  • Eleanor;
  • Juno;
  • Ioannina;
  • Rachelle;
  • Rhonda;
  • Rafaela;
  • Patricia;
  • Ophelia;
  • Adelia.

For girls on duty or guard duty, the following nicknames will be suitable:

  • Naida;
  • Nike;
  • Ista;
  • Jessica;
  • Gerda;
  • Greta;
  • Vita;
  • Bagheera;
  • Bella.

What should you not call your pet?

Don't give your dog a name that is too long or too funny. This will make it difficult for you to communicate with her. Also, the dog's name should not offend any people or passers-by. There is no need to call your pet a swear word.

Also, too common names will not work, otherwise half the dog park will respond to him. As was said, human names will not work. Don't call your dog a name that matches the command.

The name should be rare, but short and concise. The dog should have no doubt that you are calling it.