How not to burn out at sea and get a beautiful tan - the secrets of sun protection. How to get a beautiful tan at sea: effective ways, secrets and recommendations How to sunbathe properly so as not to burn out

Summer is already coming to an end, but the beaches of our country and abroad will not be empty until at least mid-September. The so-called "velvet season" begins, when the nights become longer, and the sun tries to give vacationers its last, but rather hot summer rays. At this time of the year, the flow of tourists and vacationers is getting smaller, many have already managed to not only tan, but also burn out. To prevent this from happening to you, we suggest considering the question of how to properly sunbathe at sea so as not to burn out.

The problem of burning in the sun is ready to bring not only painful sensations, but also rashes, blisters, allergic spots on the surface of the skin. By resorting to a few simple rules of behavior in the sun, the problem of combustion can be avoided.

To go to the seaside and not burn out, you need to take everything you need with you. Let's think about what we can't do without and put the bag together:

  • The first thing we take with us after the towel is sun protection cream. However, we do not put it there immediately, but only after we smear ourselves. The fact is that most modern creams begin to act no earlier than twenty minutes after application. This time is usually enough to pack up and walk to the beach. When applying the cream, we pay special attention to the hands and décolleté area - these are the most susceptible places to the sun's rays, since they are exposed to the sun the longest.

Important! Don't forget that while you are driving along the coast or taking a walk, your body is also getting a tan.

How to sunbathe on the sea, so as not to burn out

The bag is packed, you can go to the beach. However, the proximity of the long-awaited sun and the dream of getting a beautiful and even tan should not reduce vigilance. The possibility of sunburn is always there, even if you go out on a cloudy day. Therefore, we adhere to the following rules:

Oddly enough, reddening of the skin surface is also a burn, though of a lesser degree. Proper tan appears on the skin little by little, without redness.

What to do if you are already burned?

If you follow our advice, you will be provided with a beautiful and healthy tan. However, rules are made to be broken, so it's worth addressing the issue of sunburn.

So, at the first sign of skin redness, you should apply a specialized product that can be purchased in advance at pharmacies or stores. It can also be used for prevention in the evening upon arrival home. Preparations of this type allow the skin to calm down, relieve irritation and fix the tan.

If it was not possible to buy a remedy for burns, reliable and simple folk remedies will always help you:

  • The most common "grandmother's" remedy for burns is the usual sour cream with a high content of animal fat, kefir or cream.
  • A raw, pre-mashed egg yolk will also help. It must be placed on the body until completely dry, and then rinse off the remnants with cold water.
  • Compresses from strong tea leaves will help to remove the burn. It remains only not to be lazy and moisten a soft rag in tea in time.
  • Another problematic and most likely place for burns is our face. In this case, the good old masks of fresh cucumbers will help to escape.

Be careful and take good care of your skin. Our tips on how to properly sunbathe at sea, so as not to burn out, will help you get a beautiful, even, and most importantly healthy tan that can please you throughout the year. Rest, spent with benefit, will give you not only good health, but also a great mood.

  • Gradual: Start with 10 minutes of sunbathing. Ideally, you have 10 minutes in the sun and then the same amount in the shade. The total time of active exposure to the sun at first should not exceed 1 hour per day. After a week, the time can be increased to 2 hours.
  • Correct time: before 11 am and after 4 pm, when the rays are no longer so aggressive.
  • Use sunblock (generally reapply every 30 minutes). It is better to choose a protective one with the abbreviation PPD, since it will not only keep the skin not reddened, but also prevent the development of cancer and premature aging. Creams with the abbreviation SPF guarantee protection only from burns.
  • At the beginning of the holiday, do not swim for a long time. Wet skin becomes an excellent target for sunlight - hands, shoulders and neck can burn. Therefore, stay in the water for no longer than 8-10 minutes, then go into the shade. You can increase the time spent at sea after you get a small even tan. Remember also that UV rays can "get" you even at a depth of 1.5 meters!

Be sure to follow these conditions if you have fair skin. Only people with a dark skin type can relax and protect themselves only with the help of a sunblock, without limiting themselves in bathing and time under the sun. They have a large amount of melanin, which is a natural defense against burns.

How to choose cream and oil for proper tanning

Suntan cream

SPF - the level of protection against ultraviolet rays (Sun Protection Factor). It can vary from 3 to 50. The higher, the more reliable protection. The optimal level is 30, and with the number 10 you should only take it if you have dark skin. Before buying, make sure that the cream is not for use in a solarium, but for outdoor tanning.

Tanning oil

When choosing a tanning oil, also look at the degree of UV protection. If your skin is pale or not yet accustomed to the sun after winter, then in no case use oil without an SPF index.

How to sunbathe on the sea for a child?

For children, the time spent in the sun is somewhat different than for adults. It is recommended to be on the beach before 10 am and after 5 pm. The rest of the time should be spent in the shade, be sure to wear thin clothes made from natural fabrics for the baby. Also, let's drink water, but not cold, but slightly warm. And don't forget the panama hat - without it, sunstroke can happen!

Types of "sea" tan

If you tan correctly, then your chances of getting a wonderful tan of one of the three types are high. Especially if you use self-tanning products:

olive tan

This is a choice for beauties of the Scandinavian type (in other words, cold). The shade of the hair is very light, wheaten or ash blond.

bronze tan

If you are a burning brunette, then this is your option. Unfortunately, in natural conditions it is very difficult to achieve that the skin acquires this shade. This is only real if you are at sea for a very long time. So this is where a bronzer comes in.

Golden sea tan

It will be ideal for blondes and girls with honey shades of hair, also for redheads. Choose any intensity from light golden to dark chocolate gold. If you buy a bronzer (otherwise - self-tanner), then do not choose a color more than two tones darker than your natural one.

chocolate tan

It should be chosen if your skin is dark, hair - dark colors or chestnut. This shade will be effectively combined with green eyes.

Is it good to sunbathe?

Many people know about the dangers of excessive sunburn. Surely each of us at least once in our lives "burned" to redness, it was unpleasant and painful. But the right even tan is only beneficial for our body, and besides, it cheers up, because the sun is a well-known antidepressant.

So, sunbathing is:

  • assistants in the prevention of rickets in children;
  • remedy for colds and viruses;
  • helpers in the fight against allergies;
  • sources of vitamin D, which our skin begins to actively produce under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

How to sunbathe in hot countries

If you are going on vacation to Spain in the summer, or heading to the African continent, that is, you are in the country on vacation during the period of maximum solar activity there, then:

  • Be sure to change position every 3-4 minutes while tanning.
  • At the beginning of the rest, do not stay in the sun for more than 5 minutes (further break for the shade). The total time of your walks / sunbathing during peak hours (from 12 noon to 15) should not exceed 40 minutes - 1 hour.
  • Lubricate the skin with sunscreen every time after bathing (and before, of course, too), because the cream is erased in water, and if it remains, it can no longer provide reliable protection.
  • In very hot weather, we sweat a lot, so also renew a layer of cream on yourself from time to time, even if you do not swim much or do not swim at all.
  • After returning from the beach, take a warm shower and apply a soothing lotion to your skin.

How not to get a sunburn instead of a beautiful tan? What means to use before, during and after sunbathing.

To make everything clear from the beginning, let's clarify that there is no “safe” tan. If the skin begins to change color, it means that it has sensed danger and is trying to protect itself from harmful ultraviolet radiation as best it can, namely by producing melanin.

But since it is almost impossible to hide from the sun in the summer, and you don’t want to, there are ways to minimize the harmful effects of the sun. This, of course, is about a few rules and recommendations for the use of sunscreen.

What you need to know about the effects of the sun and tanning

Briefly about the benefits and harms of tanning. Only scientifically proven facts:

  • Sunburn cannot be absolutely safe, even in a solarium;
  • The lighter the skin, the more sensitive it is to the sun's rays and gets burned faster;
  • 90% of all age-related changes in the skin are associated with the adverse effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • Type B ultraviolet rays are responsible for skin burns after unprotected sunbathing;
  • Type A ultraviolet rays cause no less harm, as they destroy collagen in the skin and provoke premature aging of the skin;

  • No sunscreen can provide 100% sun protection. The best ones can block 98-99%, in addition, not everyone knows that sunscreen should be applied liberally, about 1 spoon of product only for the face, and for the whole body at least 30 ml per 1 application. So, you can tan even using a good protective agent.

It is worth repealing that the lighter the skin of a person, the less adapted his body is to life in hot climates. Often, people with very fair skin cannot get a golden tan at all. The skin gets a burn, which then passes and everything returns to normal.

If you have fair skin, then the risk of developing skin cancer is many times higher than that of darker individuals, so sun protection should not be taken lightly. At sea, do not go out without applying a high protection cream and sunbathe under an umbrella. Believe me, even with such protection, you will get a tan, but not burn out.

Sunbathing Rules:

  • In the middle of the day, from 12 to 16 hours, it is not recommended to sunbathe. If you still prefer to be on the beach at this time, take sunbaths under an umbrella. A certain amount of rays also pass through the fabric, and the skin will receive a moderate dose of radiation, unable to burn it;
  • When on the street or at the beach, always apply sunscreen or milk with a factor of at least 25 to all exposed skin areas;
  • Sunscreen should be applied every 2 hours and also after swimming;

  • If you spent the whole day outside, in the evening it is recommended to take a cool shower and use a cream containing panthenol and aloe;
  • To get an even and beautiful tan, you should take care of exfoliating the skin in advance. For this, a body scrub, coffee or a rough washcloth is suitable.

There are not so many rules and it is not difficult to follow them, the main thing is to adhere to the measure in everything. A little sun won't hurt, and even if you're not afraid of burns, always remember that nothing ages your skin like the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Read also about How to choose sunscreen

What to do if you still get burned. First aid

Burned skin needs to be cooled down first, so cold showers and compresses will help a lot.

Further, the best sunburn remedies are panthenol and aloe. Before the holidays, it is often recommended to stock up on creams and lotions with these ingredients in advance. It is necessary to apply anti-burn agents often so that the epidermis recovers faster.

One way or another, ultraviolet rays cause significant damage to the skin and all we can do is try to minimize this damage in order to reduce the risk of melanoma (cancer) and premature skin aging.

The sun is the main source of vitamin D, it serves as an excellent antidepressant, improves mood, helps fight fatigue and irritability. But the abuse of sunlight leads to heat, sunstroke and burns, premature aging of the skin, increases the risk of cancer. Still, how to sunbathe? Here you need to remember the golden rule - everything is good in moderation.

healthy tan rules

For a proper and long-lasting tan, use the following tips.

Skin preparation for tanning

A couple of days before a trip to the sea, do a peeling (you can do it at home). It will exfoliate dead skin cells and smooth out uneven skin, resulting in a more even tan.

Nutrition for proper tanning

Sunbathing on an empty stomach or on a full stomach will be uncomfortable for you. The best option would be a meal an hour and a half before going to the beach. You can eat a little salty and drink tea, preferably green. Products that promote sunburn include those that contain carotene - carrots, peaches, apricots. Products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E will help protect the skin from sunburn - eggs, fish, seafood, vegetable oils, nuts. Use medicines with caution, as some medicines make your skin more sensitive to sun exposure.

The best time to tan safely

Remember that sunbathing on the beach is best from 9 am to 11 am, or after 5 pm. If you sunbathe in the heat of the moment, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., you won’t notice how quickly you “burn out”, and instead of an evening walk with friends you will have to lie on the couch, smeared with sour cream or kefir.

The basic rule of proper tanning

For proper tanning, moderation is needed: gradually increase the time in the sun, taking into account the individual tolerance of sunlight. It is best to sunbathe little by little, “small portions”. Then the tan will lie on the skin in an even layer, even if you initially have white skin, and will delight you on long winter evenings.

Protecting the head and eyes from the scorching sun

Staying under the scorching sun, do not forget to cover your head with a hat, it will protect you from overheating. Your eyes are also sensitive to UV light, so wear sunglasses.

The use of cosmetics for proper tanning

Before going out in the sun, do not use toilet water, perfumes and essential oils, as well as creams based on glycerin or petroleum jelly. And don't forget to use sunscreens that are high in SPF and/or UVA. They protect the skin from harmful UV rays. Choose a sunscreen based on your skin phototype. Fortunately, the store has a very large selection of sunscreen.

Proper use of sunscreen for proper tanning

Sunscreen must not only be chosen correctly, but also applied to the body very skillfully and carefully. In general, sunscreen is applied at home, 30 minutes before going out, but not on the beach, and certainly not after you have already “burned out”. Many of us apply cream only on the shoulders and back. And that's it. And what, the skin on the rest of the body is very rough and does not need care? Or will you lie in the shade with the rest of the body? Don't think. So do not forget to apply the cream on the armpits, earlobes and neck. It is also necessary to apply a special protective cream or special oil to the hair. Protect your lips with lip balm.

Basic rules for staying on the beach

  • When sunbathing lying down, remember that your head should be slightly raised. Therefore, if you are not sunbathing on a sunbed, put a small makeshift cushion under your head.
  • Dry your body with a towel after leaving the water, because water droplets on the body focus sunlight like a lens, which can lead to burns.
  • Do not quench your thirst with too cold and alcoholic drinks. For this, water with lemon or mineral water is best suited.
  • Do not practice sleeping on the beach. If you still decide to sleep in the fresh air and at the same time get a long-awaited tan, let there be a person nearby who can wake you up and turn your sunbathing body on the other side in time. After all, it is unlikely that a neighbor sunbathing nearby will care whether you are sleeping or are in a deep faint, whether you are sunbathing on one side or you need a full tan.

after the beach

After sunbathing on the beach, it is best to take a cool shower at home to somehow cool the skin heated during the day. Long baths are not recommended, because the top layer of your skin will dry out very quickly, and you will easily lose that beautiful tan that you were striving for ... After-sun products will not be superfluous either. They must be applied to already cleansed skin with light massaging movements so as not to harm the sensitive layers of the skin. These products will help restore the water balance of your skin, soothe irritated areas.

Have a nice rest and even tan!

Good afternoon dear friends!

The sun is in full swing on the street, many are now resting on the seas, oceans, so I want to raise such a topical issue - how to sunbathe in the sun ?

Many people know that now the sun is not as safe as it was a few years ago, and if you overdo it with a tan, you will not only suffer from sunburn, but you can also get skin cancer.

Since ancient times, it has been known that dark skin makes a person visually rougher, so a tan was considered a sign of masculinity. In ancient Egypt, in paintings and frescoes, men were usually depicted as swarthy, and women, on the contrary, with fair skin. Even from films, we notice that until the 20th century, aristocrats avoided tanning, since dark skin was considered the lot of poor peasants who constantly worked in the field. For women from the upper classes, this was a shame, so they constantly hid their white, delicate skin from the sun under umbrellas. Women from a wealthy society considered white skin a matter of pride and in no case allowed the slightest tan.
Now times have changed and women, on the contrary, tend to be swarthy, and not only in summer, but also in winter, sacrificing their time and finances to visit the solarium. Nowadays, a beautiful, even tan is a symbol of beauty, youth and health.
But the tan will only be beautiful and healthy if we tan correctly! Of course, during the winter we really yearned for summer, for the sun, and as soon as the heat sets in, we are immediately ready to rush into the arms of the sun! 🙂 But it can have a bad effect on our health and mood. Why do we need burnt skin and a spoiled vacation? To prevent this from happening, let's look at some useful tips that will help you get a beautiful, even tan without harm to your health.

  • Before you expose your skin to ultraviolet light, it must be prepared for this. Therefore, for fair skin, it is recommended to start sunbathing for 5 minutes a day. For dark skin from 10 minutes. If the weather is not very sunny, then it can be longer. Every day, a little, for 5 minutes, increase the tanning time. If it is not possible to have a little bit every day, then on the first day of exposure to the sun, do not stay under open rays for more than 10 minutes without a break. Sunbathe for 10 minutes, then take a break for 30 minutes, sit in the shade. So gradually increase the sunbathing time, but do not forget about breaks.
  • The maximum time spent in the sun should not exceed 2-3 hours a day. And every hour it is important to take breaks, sit for 5-10 minutes in the shade, under an umbrella.
  • Be mindful of the best time to sunbathe. This is in the morning until 11 o'clock and in the late afternoon, after 16 o'clock. And in this period, from 11 to 16 o'clock, the most dangerous time for sunbathing, because the sun at this time is very active and dangerous for the skin.
  • 1.5-2 hours before the start of tanning is worth a bite to eat. Swimming and sunbathing immediately after eating or on an empty stomach is not recommended, so as not to feel dizzy and nauseous.
  • Before going to the beach, you should not use soap or shower gel, as they degrease the skin, thereby removing the protective layer from it. Also, do not use lotion or toilet water before the beach, as they increase the sensitivity of cells to ultraviolet rays and this can lead to the appearance of age spots on the skin.
  • Do not forget about hygienic lipstick, as lips are especially prone to chapping on the beach near the water. And it’s better to forget about makeup while tanning, if you don’t want uneven, dark spots to appear on your face.
  • Be sure to bring a hat to avoid sunstroke and sunglasses.
  • Don't forget sunscreen. Apply a protective cream before going to the beach for 30 minutes so that it is well absorbed. But one smear will not be enough. You should reapply the cream throughout the day when you are at the beach, every 3-4 hours and after each swim. Pay attention to more sensitive and delicate skin, such as face, ears, neck, décolleté, shoulders. These places burn especially quickly. And they need to be lubricated more often, preferably every 30-40 minutes.
  • While tanning, do not lie in one position, turn every 5-10 minutes, then on your back, then on your stomach.
  • When sunbathing lying down, you need to keep your head in an elevated position (on a pillow), and position your legs towards the sun, then the tan will lie flat.
  • Never sleep under the sun, otherwise you will not escape the sunburn.
  • Do not apply products containing glycerin or petroleum jelly to the skin. From them, drops of liquid form on the skin, and in the sun they have the properties of optical lenses, and this can lead to burns. Therefore, after bathing, it is also recommended to wipe yourself dry.
  • Before bathing, it is also advised to apply a protective cream, since ultraviolet penetrates into the water. You can also get burned while swimming. Don't forget children's sun protection, because children's skin is very sensitive and needs special protection.
  • If you sweat a lot while sunbathing, then use a sunscreen more often, as sweat reduces the effect of the cream.
  • After sunbathing, take a cool shower and apply a nourishing body lotion.

Benefits of sunburn

Is there any benefit from tanning, besides the fact that a tanned body is very beautiful?

Yes, there are other benefits as well.
Especially in our country, there is an acute shortage of sun, which lasts half a year, in the autumn-winter period. This is one of the reasons many people experience depression. And under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, a substance is produced in the body that causes a feeling of joy and pleasure - this is endorphin. Being produced in the body, it drives away any depression. After all, it’s not for nothing that our mood always rises in spring, when after a long winter the sun begins to shine brightly and delight our eyes 🙂
In addition to endorphin, the sun's rays contribute to the production of vitamin D in the body. It is also called the "solar hormone". Without the influence of ultraviolet radiation, its appearance is in no way possible. Vitamin D is necessary in our body for phosphorus-calcium metabolism, due to which muscles and bone tissue are strengthened. It also increases physical and mental capacity, improves blood circulation and normalizes pressure.

  • skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis)
  • fungal skin lesions
  • vegetovascular dystonia
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis)
  • respiratory diseases
  • prevention and treatment of diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency

As you can see, the sun's rays are necessary for our body.
But there are also contraindications.

Contraindications for sunbathing

  • allergy to sunlight
  • postoperative period
  • acute colds
  • chronic diseases at the stage of exacerbation
  • hypertonic disease
  • malignant and benign neoplasms (many moles on the body)
  • tuberculosis
  • thyroid disease

I hope you find these tips helpful and keep you safe while on the beach! Take care, dear ones!
In the following articles I will tell you how to choose a tanning cream and what to do if you still could not save yourself and got a sunburn. Do not miss new articles, subscribe to updates.

And in conclusion, I suggest watching a video on how, in accordance with your sunbathe properly.

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