How to send a girl off without offending. What to do if a girl rejected

What to do if the girl sent off? This question often torments guys who have only recently embarked on the path of seducing women. In this article, I will talk about how to learn to be normal with girls' refusals and not worry about it.

Why do girls turn guys down

First you need to understand that everyone is rejected without exception. I am sure that even Brad Pitt has been rejected more than once, although his rejection rate, of course, is several times lower than that of an ordinary guy.

Hence conclusion #1: the more interesting you are as a man, the more often girls react positively to you; , and the number of failures will noticeably decrease, although it will never completely disappear.

Remember: the girls reject everyone. Even with those they like, they often break down. Such is female nature. If you have read, then you probably know that a woman is a natural filter - she selects strong men and prevents the weak from breeding. Her task is to raise healthy offspring, so only strong, healthy males will have access to her body. A woman evaluates them unconsciously, analyzing men according to various criteria: health, material security, physical strength, sexual demand, intelligence, etc. If a man positively stands out from the background of others, he becomes interesting to her. Often this is enough to drag the girl into bed.

But there are situations that even if a man is interesting, a woman still doubts, because a lot of interesting guys can curl around her (if she is beautiful). This gives rise to doubts in her head: which of them to give? Her man must definitely be the best, because if she gives him, other fans can leave. Here, all other things being equal, everything will depend on how persistent this man is. A woman can doubt until the end: to sleep with him or not? If the guy does not insist, she herself will not beg him, and they will just be friends. If the man is for sex, sooner or later she will not be able to resist the temptation, and will give herself to him. The question is, will the man have the patience to wait for this moment?

Why women and men have different attitudes towards sex and seduction

The natural task of a man is to fertilize as many females as possible so that his family has a great chance of survival. The task of a woman is to filter out weak men so as not to give birth to unviable offspring. That is why it is the man who should always approach the woman, and not vice versa. That's why a girl can reject a guy even if she's attracted to him - she wants to see how strong and persistent this guy is, and if she can really give herself to him.

In men, the attitude towards sex is much simpler than in women: he put it on and went to look for another victim if the girl could not tie him to herself. For a woman, sex is always an opportunity to get pregnant. Her instincts tell her about this, and no modern means of contraception will dissuade her from this possibility. Therefore, she will try to avoid sex until she meets a person from whom she will not be psychologically afraid to become pregnant. He may be a scoundrel in life, but instinctively she will perceive him as a strong male, breadwinner and protector, since he formed such an image in her head about himself.

How to deal with rejection girls

Now you understand why girls refuse guys. Such behavior is inherent in them by nature itself. Even if a man is very interesting and wonderful, there is a woman who will still refuse him because of her instincts.

If you want to have many women, you have to, because any seduction begins with an acquaintance. It is logical to assume that the more you approach, the more often luck will smile at you, but no less often you will receive refusals. I must warn you that at first there will be a lot of them - much more than successful acquaintances. This is due to the fact that you are not yet accustomed to communicating with unfamiliar girls and you feel constrained. If you want to succeed with women, you must go this way. The more experience you have, the more freely you will be able to communicate with the opposite sex and girls will respond better to you. But still there will be those who will refuse you.

Remember! In any case, it will not be possible to completely avoid failures.

Therefore, the most correct attitude to women's refusals is to perceive them as part of the game - as part of the process of seduction.

What to do if the girl sent off? - Nothing! Kill it and move on to the next one.

The pickup strategy is similar to the cold calling strategy in marketing. You approach many girls and offer them yourself. Most will refuse, but there are a few who will definitely agree. That's why it's important to save time and not kill yourself over one particular girl. If she doesn't want to, go to the next one and try with her. If 2 out of 10 girls you approach, you dragged into bed - this is a great success, especially at the beginning of your journey. These 10 approaches can be done in one hour. Consider that you conditionally need to spend 1 hour to find 2 sexual partners. Isn't it wonderful? Isn't it worth it to hear 8 times in your address: "No!" or "I'm not dating!"? What do you care about being rejected if you can have sex with a charming young lady tonight instead of sitting at home alone?

Remember! Refusals in a pickup truck are the costs of the profession. Ignore them, focus on your successes.

Emphasize - pay your attention only to them, and forget about failures. No need to persuade the girl, chase her, try to insist, etc. You must understand that in this way you may be able to take her phone number from her, but you will spend an incredible amount of effort, and then it turns out that the game is not worth the candle. As a rule, when meeting you, you can immediately understand how a girl reacts to you and whether something will turn out with her or not. If a woman is glad to meet you, that's good. If not, why beg her, if there are plenty of others around who will be happy?

What to do if the girl sent off? Now go to another one! You should not even think about the fact that you were refused and worry about this, look for reasons in yourself, etc. She just didn't like you, it happens. It doesn't mean that you're a bad guy, because many good girls, from the point of view of other people, you don't like either, right? Perhaps the woman who sent you off has some problems and she is not up to dating now, or she has a beloved boyfriend or husband and she is disgusted even to look at other men. So just kill it and that's it. And go straight to the next one. So you will quickly meet the one you like.


What to do if a girl sent off:

  • pay no attention to it;
  • go straight to the next one.

Pleasant emotions from communicating with a new girl who reacts positively to you will quickly allow you to switch from negative thoughts that you were recently rejected.

You need to understand that in a pickup truck, as in any activity, there are dark and light stripes. If a dark streak has gone and you have received several failures in a row, and success does not please you, do not despair. Remember that a dark streak is always followed by a light streak, and all you need to do is just keep moving forward, otherwise you will sit tightly in a losing streak. And if you go forward, sooner or later luck will smile at you.

Remember that quantity always translates into quality. The more you get to know each other, the more you will get. But even if you become an experienced pick-up artist, you will not be able to completely avoid ladies' refusals. All the same, on your way there will be girls who will tell you “no”, although less often than at the beginning. Therefore, refusals should be taken calmly, perceived as part of the process, and not at all worried about them.

Life is an unpredictable thing. It happens - it seems that he has found his soul mate, but after a while everything becomes completely opposite. And at such moments you start to think how to send the girl off! It is this question that we will consider today.

In principle, all methods, of which there are quite a lot, will be divided into three categories:

  • send a girl off with words,
  • send the girl away with an act,
  • or do it in a more original way.

How to send a girl off with words?

In principle, this is the simplest, quite effective, but also very courageous way. How to send a girl off with words? This approach is divided into two ways.

The first way is a direct conversation on this topic. During which you need to clearly understand the reasons for the breakup. And in no case do not shift the blame on her (or only her) shoulders. In general, you should not look for the guilty. After all, if you wish happiness to each other, in no case should you burden yourself and interfere with being happy. If something doesn’t work out for you or you feel uncomfortable, it’s not necessarily someone else’s fault! By realizing this yourself, it will be much easier for you to explain this to your girlfriend. It will be cool if you can weigh everything sensibly, think it over and make the right decision, during which you can part amicably. This will be the most win-win option.

The second way is verbal inadequacy. I do not recommend this method to anyone. But, unfortunately, men and especially teenagers love to use the ego. The point here is simple. You simply have no control over what you say and where, or the consequences of your words. In this case, the “pseudo-man” humiliates the woman, tries to reproach her, show her guilt, and in every way shows her that the ego is not worth enduring. One of the main disadvantages of this method is that it can stretch too long. Since women often try to understand such behavior, somehow explain it, endure it, and often they are simply afraid of change. After all, by acting in this way, we naturally force the girl to make the final decision about your future. And since girls do not like and are not accustomed to take responsibility, the situation hangs in limbo for a long time. And since you are a man, you must make decisions and play the game. This is the main disadvantage of this method!

How to send a girl off with an act?

If you find it difficult to explain in words what you think or you are not sure that you can clearly and intelligibly convey what you want, then it will be better to demonstrate your opinion with an act. Here everything is the same as from words - we act on the forehead or start to hysteria like a girl, humiliating our chosen one. The first option will lead to a faster result, while the second one can drag on for a long time. Yes, and the nerves will spoil both fairly. A classic example of the first way is going to the “left” without hiding it. Or complete disregard, lack of attention and all sorts of behavior that will not hide her low significance!

The second way will be very energy-intensive and rather stupid. Although this does not stop people from resorting to it. There will be many small and medium offenses here, which periodically include grandiose scandals and crap. The main difference between these two paths is the frequency of errors, and accordingly, the scale! Which in turn will significantly affect the final result, the consequences and the speed of solving the problem.

How to send a girl off in an original way?

We have analyzed the main ways of how to send a girl off, but often men, because of their fear, begin to invent very extraordinary multi-moves in order to get out of the water. It is about these perversions and will be discussed in the future.

  • One of the most popular ways in recent times has become. Yes - yes, it is often easier for a man to find a conditional guy, to bring his ego to his wife in order to knock them together and then blame the woman for all the sins. Very popular in wealthy couples, where the financial issue of parting is also involved.
  • Another popular way, which eventually began to lose ground, is to simply run away. After all, there is nothing easier than changing the place of residence, leaving in an unknown direction, not getting in touch and generally leaving the life of a girl without words or explanations.
  • Well, as a third example, consider the option with rudeness, which takes place in the modern world in excessive quantities. Sometimes a weak-minded man from impotence inside begins to raise his hand to his girlfriend and literally beat her. The scale can be quite different, and the situation. But the essence is simple, with his rudeness he wants to lose her. Although at the same time, fear makes the ego hold back and make periodic attempts to save the relationship in the form of another batch of promises.


You learned how to send a girl off, but before making a final decision, I advise you to think about whether the game is worth the candle. Maybe everything is not so bad, and it would be more expedient to try to improve what has been built, and not start building new relationships?!

For me personally, this problem is not worth it, and I still sometimes find myself thinking that I don’t understand why this is difficult for someone. But since many guys are worried about this issue, I have to consider this topic.

Let's start with why a guy can't just pick up and send a girl off. The fact is that not everyone understands by what principle a girl appears and where interest, attraction and love go. And if the guy does not understand this, then he doesn't decide who likes him and who doesn't. And this is not normal.

Therefore, in this article, I will tell you about that and explain each step.

How to send a girl away easily and simply?

"Dishonest" Methods

This, of course, is about the fact that you have to cheat a little.

Namely - you will have to reincarnate in such a man who would never have liked her and did not cause attraction. Oddly enough, such methods work very well and the girl herself decides not to communicate with you anymore.

But there is also a downside, which you probably already guessed yourself. After all, a girl is rarely isolated from friends / girlfriends / colleagues / acquaintances, which means that there is a very high chance that you will ruin your reputation among them. But it often happens that a guy wants to quickly send a girl away precisely because he likes another. She can be her friend or colleague, for example. Therefore, be sure to consider whether such behavior is justified. before deciding to act.

"Let's look into tomorrow"

So, the first method is to fight off her initiative with completely unsightly fantasies about a joint future. It is clear that you will have to exaggerate a lot so that she becomes afraid to be with you. But just this method will not harm you in any way.

As an option:

“I think that the most terrible thing in life is to associate it with someone who is really not a couple for you at all. Even if one experiences some feelings, then together they still do not shine. Such relationships are not mutual, which means that one will simply endure all this, and as a result - quarrels, dreams of the best, disappointment and thoughts about a different future ... ".

Girls are very good at taking hints.

It may be that public opinion and her own pride put a lot of pressure on her - then she can say to your words that she does not want anything from you. This is what you need, because after that she will never take the initiative again.

Get cute

A cute guy is something that girls don't like and aren't attracted to in any way, so you won't even have to think about how to send her off. She will try to get rid of it herself.

But how to play this role so that everything looks realistic?

  • Show excessive softness and unreasonable politeness;
  • With her, "give back" if there is an argument with other guys or any kind of rivalry;
  • Build yourself offended, if she even touched you with something stupid, walk with a drooping look and do not talk to her until she notices;
  • Do not stop other people's jokes on yourself, but in response to a comic humiliation, depict a bewildered smile;
  • Start conversations (even if not only she is nearby - this is even better) about love for the fair sex, about the fact that women need to forgive everything, indulge whims, generously bestow;
  • Arrange in advance with a friend, and when you are sure that she hears, tell him a tearful story about how you were “dynamized” by a girl for whom you did everything (took you to restaurants and cinema, gave gifts), and it all ended with You called and she didn't pick up. You can add “memories” to this story about how you hysterically complained to her that she did not answer the phone.

And, of course, if you don't want to wait, then it is better to ask your friends and acquaintances to actively help you - especially with an example in which friends dominate you, and you do not even resist.

It will be more difficult to send a girl off quickly, showing sympathy. In this case, you can use a similar chip: provide her with absolute freedom.

Every girl struggles with the temptation to give herself to another if her boyfriend is completely out of control of her, while remaining sweet, meek and supple. If this happens, then she will no longer need you.

As mentioned above, such "dishonest" methods can seriously harm your image. If a girl you like sees such behavior, you can say goodbye to dreams of her forever.

The same can be said about what I will talk about below.

Pathetic coward

Everyone has heard of such "men". They offend their own women, knowing that they are weaker, but in fact they are cowards and do not show their "strength" anywhere else. Neither girls nor other guys like them.

So, if you have chosen a similar role, then you need to behave like this:

  • Regularly tell her how unfair life is to you, while getting annoyed and taking your anger out on her;
  • Become a "habalka" - argue with everyone in a row and on any household trifles, even with girls. Argue in such a way as to certainly prove that you are right, at any cost;
  • Let all facets of her behavior irritate you, “drank” her, hysteria and scream for any far-fetched reason. If you can't behave like this with her, choose another victim, but so that she can see it.

Carefully! This method is only good if you are outside of any group. Or if your acquaintances are present, they should know that all this is performances. Otherwise, your reputation will suffer greatly.

Say it straight

For me, this is the most correct option, it is effective and honest, and you will not get a negative opinion from the people around you, including girls.

But the problem is that this method is not effective for many guys. Moreover, in many cases this leads to the opposite effect - the girl's pride is hurt and her predatory instinct wakes up, which will not calm down until you fall in love with her.

But with the right application, this approach will allow you to quickly and environmentally send the girl off.

What are the guys wrong with this method?

At some point, they show weakness and insecurity.

For example, you had a conversation in which you said that you had no desire to meet her. Usually this is not enough, the girl does not understand and continues timid attempts to take the initiative.

Misbehavior: allow her such behavior or try to explain, remind you that you have already talked about this. Her first attempts will be from afar - just to ask something, to call on a far-fetched pretext. Out of courtesy, you keep up the conversation. She understands that you can take the next step - and so on increasing. That is, he presses you the way a guy usually does with a girl.

If you started talking to her, you say with utmost confidence and clarity that this is the last time.. Further - a complete ignore, no matter what she does. She can come up with various provocations, but you don't have to do anything.

If you want to be completely frank, then insecure behavior and fear of quickly sending a girl off is due to the fact that the value of any girl is too high for you. Because of this, you fail to defend your right to self-determination.

In fact, this issue is overblown. In this matter, only one thing is needed - self-confidence and determination. But if it is difficult for you to send a girl away, then this is reflected in your whole life and it is difficult for you to say “no” to all other people. And if so, then you will be manipulated. Truth is the only value.

Choose what suits you best. But I think that softer is the very first option. No others


There are many different options “how to REJECT a girl. Not all advice is ethical, actionable, or prudent. But, as they say, you choose.
1. Most importantly, if you decide to leave a girl (guy) - BE FRANK. The first item on otshivaya girls must be sincere recognition and explanation on your part. I know it's very difficult, but this, in my opinion, is the only true remedy!
If you, having overcome yourself, were able to admit that your feelings have faded, that you are in favor of parting, and this did not help, then ... you have problems
Let's move on to more drastic measures. Reject, so rebuff, throw, so throw.
2. YOU must fake an absolute loss of interest in her person! No calls, no courtship, no other signs of attention. No initiative!
YOU are Mr Passivity!!! Many girls will immediately understand what's what. In short, it's a classic way to DROP a girl (leave a girl).
Did not help? Nothing, we still have a lot of "secret weapons" that she can't resist
3. Constantly notice her flaws. Oh how we women don't like that. For many, this can turn them off once and for all. And there is no need to get rid of us, we will do everything for you (read: we will leave you)
4. Constantly argue with her (even if you know she's right).
5. Start taking public interest in other women. Turn around on the street at the beauties passing by, admire this or that actress in the cinema, etc.
6. More secrets. Why can't you have secrets?
7. Be a bore. Talk for hours about how your work day went. Focus on her least favorite topics.
8. Flirt in front of her with her best friends. (perhaps she will be the first to get rid of you) And you won't have to strain yourself in search of solutions, “how to leave a girl?”
9. Periodically disappear somewhere. Go underground. Turn off your phone.
10. Be late for a date. And if she shows her indignation, answer: “What, only you can be late ?! Stopped and that's it…”
11. Talking on the phone, go to another room. Even if you are talking to your mother or Seryoga from the 3rd entrance And if your girlfriend enters the room at that moment, hang up immediately.
12. Listen to music she hates.

Difficult? Who said it would be easy? Sending off a girl (getting rid of a girl, leaving a girl) is similar to war, and in war, as you know, all means are good !!! And what did you think to yourself? We continue.
13. Forget complimenting her. Even if she looks irresistible, you still have a goal!!! And this goal is to PARTS WITH THE GIRL, or rather, to get rid of her (leave the girl)!!!
14. Focus on her physical flaws. Like, “something you’ve gotten better lately…” or “these pimples will go away someday, or is it hereditary…”
15. Forget about culture, especially in public places.
16. Forbid her to go shopping. Be terribly greedy. Yes, for many of us - it's like death. Because of this point, many girls themselves will leave you without blinking an eye.
17. Fight with her parents. A very good way. After all, now they have automatically become your allies, and, accordingly, they will not strongly object to your separation, and perhaps they themselves will tell her, they say: “You leave him ...”
18. The same with her best friends. It would seem that this advice is the complete opposite of advice number 8, but it is a fact and it works.
19. Ask a friend every day at 22.00 to send you a text message like: “good night, cat” or something like that. At the same time, it is necessary to save it in advance under some strange name, like “B.K.” or "Light-work".
20. Go on a date drunk.
21. Call her sometimes by a different name. One of my acquaintances got rid of a girl in this way (rejected her).
22. Tell her that you signed up on some dating site. To her question "Why?", answer "Just to have fun."
23. Occasionally rush out of dates. Say that you forgot to turn off the water in the bathroom or that you remembered something important.
24. Constantly reproach her for weak mental abilities.
25. Explain that you do not like those who hang themselves on you.
26. How to leave a girl? Here's how: become the opposite of yourself. I'll explain now. Let's say you work out at the gym. Do not mind it! Tell her that a man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey, and that a beer belly will suit you very well. Soon, after the done “operation”, you can easily continue training. Muscle memory is a powerful thing.
27. If She wants a child from you and keeps telling You about it all the time, say that You are not planning to have children for the next 10 years. This factor can make a girl seriously think about your future together. And this can help you a lot in your initial task - “how to REJECT (leave) a girl”.

28. Go on a business trip for a long time. Many girls are not able to spend time alone. Maybe the girl will leave you first.
29. A very insidious way to get rid of a girl. You need to make an appointment in some cafe, bar or restaurant. Ask your friend (or some acquaintance) to appear on a date shortly before you and sit down at her table. Do you understand what I'm getting at? Exactly!!!
And at this very time, You appear (better even with flowers), and when you see that she is sitting with a stranger, make a scene (only without fanaticism). I agree, the method is terribly mean, but just as effective.
30. At her birthday, start arguing with everyone. Contradict everyone. And in the end, loudly slamming the door - gone.
Let's add a few more fun ways to REJECT a girl (how to get rid of a girl).
31. After a passionate kiss, spit to the side (Horror, but it works).
32. Say that you are only interested in sex in her.
33. Hit religion (just don’t go too far) One of my acquaintances wanted to be funny like that, and, as a result, he successfully achieved the goal of “how to leave a girl”, and also left the university, sports (was a kms in athletics), in short, now he's a scroll of jehovah or something like that. I made fun of
34. Ask a friend (whom she, of course, does not know) to come up on the street and kiss you passionately. By the way, it is better to ask not a friend, but a friend. Effect 100% - Get rid of it at once (and not only from the girl, but also from the teeth too)
35. Say that you already have a family in another city, and that you can no longer deceive yourself or them. Throw so throw.
36. Ask a friend to leave lipstick marks on your shirt. For more credibility, you can also add her perfume.
37. Put a note in your pocket with the phone number of the same girlfriend, and ask to wash this thing.
38. Complain about the fact that the house is a mess, the dishes are not washed, the clothes are not ironed, the dust is not wiped off ... In short, strain it in everyday life.
39. Put some naked beauty on the screensaver of your computer.
40. Refuse sex in every possible way!!! After a while, it will clear itself.

It’s so hard to tell a girl that you don’t want to date her, that she’s not your type, because it can upset her a lot, moreover, cross out all her plans regarding your relationship.

What to do if the girl is really not a match for you? Of course, she needs to beautifully refuse relationships, in general, and a date, sex, in particular. How to send a girl away?

The girl may not respond appropriately

When a girl takes the initiative and invites a guy to meet, she experiences excitement, her emotional background is increased. Why? Yes, because she proposes to a guy, that's why she worries whether he will agree or not. You must refuse as politely and correctly as possible to keep to each other.

Don't lower her self-esteem

Even if you did not consider the girl as a possible partner from the very beginning of communication, because she is simply not your type, do not tell her that she is not your type.. This will only lower her self-esteem and hurt her. You can say something more correct, for example "I'm sorry, but my heart belongs to another girl" or "I'm not ready for a serious relationship yet, I'm sorry". Now this is another matter, if the girl is offended, then not so much.

Consider and justify your words

It is necessary to make this necessary so that the girl thinks that you really cannot date her. It is better not to continue the conversation on another day and not to postpone, solve everything here and now by prioritizing right away. WITH do not use the words “probably”, “maybe”, “I don’t know” and similar ones so that there are no uncertainties. Without them, your speech will be more persuasive, more understandable.

Don't look away

When you talk to a girl you want to nicely refuse, don't look away, look straight into her eyes so that she has no doubt that you are telling the truth (even if you are lying).

Give the girl a final compliment

To sweeten your bitter words say something nice at the end of your speech. For example, you can say this phrase: “I am very pleased to know that I evoke such tender feelings in you”. Or say something like this: "Your courage does you credit, not everyone in your place would dare to say this". Be sure to note that, they say, you would not want this conversation to spoil your friendship with her, because she is very dear to you.

However, it is likely that such a compliment will not brighten up the negative sediment in the girl’s soul from this conversation, but will have the opposite effect. Although there’s nothing to be done about it, apparently, you were only interested in her as a partner for a serious relationship, and she doesn’t want to remain friends.

“We choose, we are chosen, as it often does not coincide ...” - is sung in an old song. Sometimes there comes a moment when a guy realizes that the girl next to him is not at all what he needs. And everything seemed to start out great, and he liked her so much that he didn’t want to look at anyone else, and he was in a hurry to meet, and gave flowers. But it's gone. Now the guy is annoyed by her words, she is reluctant to answer her calls, and just watching football is now more pleasant than walking with her in the park. At such moments, the guy realizes that it is time for him to say goodbye to this girl.

Worst Breakup Scenarios

What categorically should not be done in this case is to say goodbye by SMS, phone, e-mail, mail or acquaintances. Only immature youths, cowards and boors do this. If you want to look like a real man, then you will have to tell the girl about the breakup in person.

Some guys use lies to break up. Some say that they have another, whom they have loved for a long time - and this, of course, ends in tears, tantrums and mutual insults. Others report a mythical trip to another country. But then you will need to disappear from the city in which you live. Still others, comedians, proclaim themselves to be representatives of non-traditional orientation, who, allegedly, with the help of a girl, tried to hide their homosexual inclinations from their parents and society. But all these deceitful methods lead only to an ugly conflict and parting with a great negative attitude towards each other.

Lying is never a good breakup.

How to break up with a girl so as not to lose face and not offend her? After all, in spite of everything, she is a wonderful person and did not deserve to be abandoned in a boorish way. One thing is for sure - no need to invent anything, be honest and truthful! You will have to say this directly and sincerely - but it must be done gently and skillfully.

Choosing the Right Approach

In many films, books and magazines, men use two radical methods to break up with a woman - a gradual distance and a gradual increase in attention. Let's analyze the effect of these methods.

  • When increasing attention you need to pester the girl with constant calls, attention and the omnipresent presence in her life. Do not let her meet her friends, do not let her go alone (even to the store), interfere with her doing her own business. Demand a report on every minute spent without you and ask in detail about every man with whom she communicates (teacher, boss at work, colleague, brother, friend, husband of a friend, etc.). In most cases, the girl begins to avoid such an obsessive and jealous boyfriend, and in the end she herself wishes to leave. But there is an option that she will like it, so this method does not always work.
  • When moving away need to call and see each other less often. Conversations should be boring - only about work, in the "question-answer" mode. With this method, you need to make your meetings rare and short, do not create romantic situations, avoid touching, kissing and, of course, sex. A kiss can be quick and cold, a light touch of the lips - no more. The girl herself will notice your distance.

Alas, if you choose the second method, a simple distance will not be enough. Sooner or later, you'll have to get to the main part: making an appointment at a coffee shop "for a serious talk about us." Come with a modest bouquet a little earlier than the appointed time, order coffee and immediately pay the waitress so that she no longer comes to your table.

When the girl arrives, give her flowers and say clearly, confidently: “Katya, I really appreciate the honesty and openness of our relationship. Therefore, I tell the truth - our relationship is dying. You yourself see it. We got everything we could from the relationship, they are squeezed like a lemon. They don't have a future. If we pull them, then apart from the lost nerves and time, this will bring nothing to you or me. You are a wonderful person, but I am not your hero, and you are not the woman of my dreams. It's time for us to choose new paths where we may meet our True Love. And now, before leaving, I want to tell you "Thank you!" for all the good things that happened between us. I will always remember this. Good luck!".

After that, you need to abruptly get up and, without looking back, leave. Most likely, she will call and demand the continuation of the conversation, saying that not everything is lost and everything can be returned. Do not be rude, do not hang up, on the contrary - always answer her call, but speak very briefly and be softly persistent: “There will be no return to the past. I wish you all the best, Katya."

It needs to be experienced as an operation. Then it will become easier for you, and in a couple of years you will be able to communicate in a friendly way when you meet. Moreover, the girl will have the best memories of you - after all, you behaved like an honest person and a real man!

1. Call her at half past three in the night and ask with a heartfelt way: "Sunny,
I so want to see you! We are here at Slavik's in Northern Butovo. Good company
music, liquor..."
so sleepy..."
2. Having promised to call in the evening, call at half past six in the morning: "Oh,
I'm sorry, Irina and I sat up at the computer in her office - we didn't notice
when it got dark!"
3. Remember once and for all: there is no greater torture for a woman than hours
listen to your story about how your working day went.
4. Being late for a date by 25 minutes, take your time. Anyway, she will be happy
to see you - in a torn quilted jacket, a vest with a strong smell of horse
sweat, tarpaulin boots and a huge backpack. Explain to her that you were at the dacha (in
hike, in prison).
5. Sitting with her in company, constantly blow smoke in her face. At the end
in the evening, anxiously ask: "By the way, does tobacco smoke bother you?"
6. In the subway, look long and hard at the opposite end of the car.
Finally, when she asks what did you see there, without looking away,
ask: "See, he's there, in a red jacket? Pretty, right?".
7. Passing with her past a commercial kiosk, suddenly stop. Find on
showcase some feminine trinket; inquire: "Listen, and these spirits
good? Right? Are they really French? Do they have an evening scent? Well then
well ... ". Having bought a little thing, hide it in your pocket and never think about it again,
despite the expressive looks.
8. Being invited to the subject for a birthday or any other holiday,
be embarrassingly late. It's worth coming not too sober. Do not spend money on a gift. Behind
put your feet on the table during the meal, rinse your mouth with champagne and burp loudly. If it is not
acts, acute alcohol poisoning can be staged at the extreme,
half an hour locked in the toilet.
9. Seeing at her door a man in overalls, obviously a locksmith or plumber from
ZhEKa, contemptuously say: "Well, you have acquaintances ..."
10. Casually engage the lady in a discussion about the benefits of plural marriage.
11. In the cinema, during the most tender and deep kiss of the heroes, it is delicious
spit in the aisle and loudly ask: "Fuck something when?!".
12. Fill each pause in the conversation with stories on the topic "How are we here the other day
got drunk with Vovets ... " From time to time, do not forget to shoot a couple of thousand
for beer.
13. To a girl in high heels - gently: "Darling, if you want, I'll show you the most
romantic place in Moscow?” This is followed by a two-hour walk through the broken
sidewalks, puddles and roofs.
14. Invite your friend to your dacha for barbecue, and in the area
hand her a shovel and unobtrusively ask her to dig a garden.
15. If she even digs up a bed without frowning, one thing remains: start
her into the forest, like Snow White, and he himself - tear. Maybe someone will pick up such a treasure.

To break up with a person you don’t like, you need to gently but convincingly tell him or her about the lack of sympathy. It should be politely and clearly explained that the guy is not interested and there is no chance to continue communication. You should not use obscene expressions and threats so as not to offend a man. Another way is to try to dislike him.

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The same rules apply to annoying fans.

Polite Ways to Refuse

If a girl says "no" - this does not always mean that she really does not want something. Men perceive women's refusal as coquetry and begin to show even more attention to the object of their sympathy. Therefore, you need to speak in a serious voice, without a share of irony and ambiguity. Compliance with some rules will show the fan that his courtship is in vain:

  1. 1. Don't flirt with a guy when you don't like him.
  2. 2. If a man is an old acquaintance, colleague or classmate, you need to explain briefly and politely the reason for your refusal.
  3. 3. An obsessive stranger, in public transport or on the street, does not need explanations, you should tell him: “ I have a boyfriend" or " I don't meet men". No need to answer his questions, you should just ignore the guy.
  4. 4. To a young man who has a girlfriend, you can use blackmail and intentions to communicate with his lover.
  5. 5. You can not raise your voice and say offensive words so that he is not offended.

Similarly, you need to behave with a girl who does not like. At the same time, the guy should be polite, honest and adamant. At the same time, you should behave in an honest, polite and adamant manner.

To break up with a man beautifully and then remain friends, you should follow some rules.

  1. 1. You need to talk about the positive qualities of the interlocutor and do not skimp on compliments.
  2. 2. You should speak sincerely, looking into the eyes of a man.
  3. 3. One must be friendly and polite.
  4. 4. You can offer your friendship and help, say that you don’t want to stop communicating with, that the person is very dear.

How to leave a girl

How to dislike a guy?

You need to try on one of three images of girls that do not attract young people:

  1. 1. A married housewife who "drowned" in routine duties. You need to talk about your children who have nothing to feed, about a husband who is too jealous and tough, or pretend that the proposal to meet a strange man is too insulting. Questions will help: “Do I look like a woman of easy virtue?”, “Who do you take me for?”, “Do you think it’s normal to make acquaintances with guys when you are married?”
  2. 2. Selfish and materialistic woman. To create such an image, you need to ask about salary, car, apartment. To the answers of a young man, a girl can be contemptuously told that the guy obviously cannot satisfy her material needs.
  3. 3. A woman who talks a lot without ceasing on various topics that are absolutely not interesting to men. Stupid and superficial girls are not conducive to communication, so this method works quickly.

No one wants to carry on a conversation if a woman does not show interest. Complete ignorance or unequivocal answers can save you from unwanted courtship.

You can use the following phrases to get rid of an annoying guy on the street in a funny but not offensive way:

  1. 1. "Can I take you out?" - "Of course, I'm going to take tests for AIDS, will you keep me company?"
  2. 2. "Where shall we go? To me or to you?" - "I do not mind. You to you, and I - to myself."
  3. 3. "Let's meet?" - "First, I have to get my husband's approval. I have a CCM in boxing, let's dial him now and arrange a meeting?"

If a young man began to be rude and inadequately accepted the refusal, then you should not be rude in response, you just need to ignore the rude person.

To get rid of particularly annoying and admirers, you can pretend to be mentally ill or inadequate person, ask for help from strangers. A girl can say that she was a nice guy in the past and still feels uncomfortable in a woman's body. And also refer to unconventional orientation or unusual preferences in intimate relationships. This confession will shock a stranger, and he will leave without further ado.

How to respond to an insult

Rejection on social media

You can send a guy by correspondence, for example, VKontakte, in the following ways:

  • Constantly refer to employment and lack of time to communicate with a guy.
  • Write one of the phrases: "We are too different, so continuing the relationship is useless." "I need time to sort out my true emotions and feelings for you." “I need time to sort out my true emotions and feelings towards you. “I am not ready to continue communication now, because I have renewed my relationship with my ex. »

One way to make a bad impression on a social network is to act like a highly intelligent person, communicate in incomprehensible words, choose boring topics for conversation. If the guy reproaches, note his low level of mental abilities and be indignant at the large number of grammatical errors that he makes in correspondence.