How to make your facial skin smooth and clean at home. How to make your skin beautiful and glowing

Many girls and women want to learn how to make their face clean and perfectly smooth. Every representative of the fair sex takes care of her appearance.

Healthy skin is characterized by the absence of deep wrinkles, spider veins, age spots. Her tone is even and she radiates health.

To make your face clean and properly care for it, you need to determine your skin type:

To make your face clean and smooth, you must follow these recommendations::

  1. Thorough daily care and cleansing.
  2. Using professional cosmetics (they are selected strictly for your skin type).
  3. The diet is balanced, the diet includes foods enriched with nutrients and vitamins.
  4. Complete rest at night.
  5. Thorough protection from severe frost and scorching sun.
  6. Playing sports in the fresh air, taking a contrast shower.

note! There is no need to mask problem areas with powder or foundation.

It is important to take care of daily skin care. It is necessary to reconsider your lifestyle and diet.

How to make facial skin without acne and white at home?

Masks and products will help make your skin white, which can be easily prepared at home. With regular use, it will become even and perfectly smooth.

Parsley mask

This is an excellent whitening agent that promotes additional toning.. To prepare the mask, you need to squeeze out the parsley juice or use the entire plant, including roots, leaves, and stems.

It is first thoroughly washed, dried and finely ground. Apply the finished mixture in a thick layer to the entire face. Exposure duration is 40 minutes. After this, the mask is washed off with warm water.

To remove freckles, and unwanted pigment spots, you need to regularly wipe your face with lemon juice and finely chopped parsley in equal proportions.

Thanks to this care, the complexion becomes even. For maximum effective results, repeat the procedure in the morning and evening every day.

Parsley juice is suitable for toning facial skin. To do this, the plant is thoroughly crushed, filtered and poured into a small container.

Twice a day, in the morning and evening, you need to wipe your skin with this natural remedy. The face is pre-cleaned so that no foundation or makeup residue remains on it.

You can put parsley juice in the freezer to make ice cubes. To prepare such a cosmetic product, take chopped parsley and add a little water.

There is no need to strain the mixture. They are good for wiping the entire face and décolleté area. With regular use, you can make your facial skin clear and elastic.

Cucumber mask

To prepare the mask, take only fresh cucumber juice. It has an excellent brightening effect, hides freckles, refreshes and makes the skin rejuvenated.

Add lemon juice to cucumber mask. To prepare a cosmetic product, take a fresh cucumber, chop it, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and sour cream.

The finished mass is applied to the face in a fairly thick layer. The exposure time is no more than 25 minutes. The product is washed off with water at room temperature.

Berry face whitening mask

At home, you can make nourishing and whitening masks based on berries. They contain a huge amount of organic or fruit acid, which has found wide application in cosmetology.

With regular use, you can whiten your face and make it beautiful.

To prepare masks, you can take different berries - strawberries, wild strawberries, black currants, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, viburnum. Fruit seeds can be finely chopped and added to a body scrub.

Important! You should not use berries that can color the skin in an undesirable shade (mulberries, blueberries).

Methods for preparing a nourishing and whitening mask:

  1. In the first option, to prepare the mask, take 100 grams of different berries, soften and squeeze out the juice.

    Gauze is soaked generously with it and applied to the face for 15 minutes. After this, you can wash your face with warm water.

  2. 100 grams of berries are thoroughly crushed until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Add a tablespoon of honey (preferably liquid) to the finished mixture and apply the mask for 20 minutes.

    Wash off with running water at room temperature.

Such masks can be done 2-3 times a week, but not more often, so as not to harm the skin.

We make a beautiful and smooth face with our own hands

To quickly even out your complexion, you need to use cosmetics. It is important to take a responsible approach to the choice of cosmetics. They must suit your face type and be of high quality.

  1. The skin of the face is rubbed with an ice cube of black tea.. It can be replaced with other herbal decoctions.

    After such a tonic, the skin becomes elastic, small pimples and spots disappear.

  2. Facial skin dries naturally.
  3. Next, the skin is treated with foundation. It is important to choose the right shade so that there are no sharp transitions.

    You need to move from the central part of the face to the edges. The foundation is applied to the face, neck and décolleté.

  4. Concealer helps hide small pimples and wrinkles, as well as other imperfections on the face. Choose a cosmetic product that is a tone lighter than the foundation.
  5. Next, apply powder to the face using a powder puff or a special brush.. It is important not to overdo it so as not to get the effect of a plaster mask.

To make your skin healthy, smooth, and even, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. A rash on the face often occurs after overindulging in smoked and fried foods and sweets.

Daily care should include cleansing procedures, moisturizing, and nutrition.

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The expression “perfect skin” is familiar to many, but what does it mean? First of all, it is a healthy epithelium. That is, the skin of a healthy face does not have irritations, acne, acne or any other rash. Secondly, clean covers. It is enough to wash your face regularly and remove impurities from your face.

There are several important criteria that affect the appearance of the face:

  • nutrition;
  • care;
  • properly selected decorative cosmetics.

Tired skin will never look good. Before you achieve perfect facial skin, you will have to slightly reconsider your daily routine. It is believed that for normal rest, at least 8 hours a day are required for sleep. Exactly how your facial skin will look in the morning depends on how well your body rests at night.

However, sleep alone is not enough for the skin. It is necessary to carefully plan your daily diet. For example, the more fresh it contains, the healthier and more radiant your facial skin will look.

Fish oil, which is worth including in your diet plan, makes your skin more elastic. Vitamins and minerals affect the body as a whole, which is reflected in a person’s appearance (especially useful for facial skin).

Giving up bad habits (tobacco, alcohol, uncontrolled amounts of caffeine) is one of the prerequisites for improving the health of the skin and body as a whole. It is worth remembering that nicotine, alcohol and coffee greatly and prematurely age the skin, changing its healthy color to gray and lifeless.

Correctly selected care helps make the tone smoother and the skin cleaner. For city dwellers, the biggest problem is the lack of truly clean tap water. Usually it is spoiled by various impurities that negatively affect the condition of the skin. Therefore, it is recommended to use thermal or bottled water without gas for washing.

How clean and fresh your facial skin will remain for a long time depends on how high-quality and suitable decorative cosmetics are used for makeup. And, of course, we should not forget that “everything is good in moderation,” including the amount of this very cosmetics.

Cleansing and moisturizing the skin

Modern girls and women most often limit skin care to just buying cream and some lotion, forgetting about two basic rules of healthy epithelium: cleansing and moisturizing. There are a number of simple steps that do just that. And most importantly, they don’t take much time.

1. Firstly, it is enough to cleanse the dermis twice a day with low-fat kefir or lotion, the composition of which is as natural as possible. The product is applied to a cotton swab, then to the entire face, excluding the area around the eyes. When the composition is absorbed a little (10-15 seconds), all fats, pore clogging, and impurities will begin to soften. After this, they can be easily removed with damp cotton pads. So that the product does not linger on the skin itself and does not make it tight and dry, it is washed off with a weak tea or chamomile infusion.

2. Secondly, you can improve the condition of your facial skin and even make it ideal with the help of a regular and inexpensive baby cream that moisturizes and nourishes and does not cause irritation. It does not need to be applied in a thick layer; a small amount, thoroughly massaged into the epithelium in a circular motion, is sufficient.

Of course, you can buy a cream that suits a certain skin type, but most industrial products do not contain the most beneficial substances. In addition, there is no guarantee that it will actually fit or will not cause irritation or allergies.

Olive oil is also a good moisturizer, preferably applied at night as it takes a long time to absorb. A perfectly smooth face is achieved by simply using this affordable and natural product: first you need to wash your face with clean water, then lubricate your skin with oil in a thin layer. With this method, you will not feel a greasy film on the skin, which means there will be no discomfort.

Olive oil has long been used by women as a skin care product because it is a source of antioxidants and vitamins. For a person whose skin suffers from a lack of sun and microelements, such simple but effective moisturizing is very important.

3. Thirdly, you need to drink more fluids during the day. Water is the main component of the human body, so it is important to maintain its amount in cells and skin. The more fluid you drink, the more vibrant your facial skin looks.

Homemade peelings and masks

Despite the wide selection of industrially produced masks and peelings, it is worth taking care of your face at least once a week using home remedies. This way you will know for sure that natural ingredients are used. A fresh and disposable mask will have a deeper and more thorough effect than a product that is stored for a long time due to preservatives. To get perfectly clear skin in just a week, try a few simple and affordable skin care recipes.


Oatmeal flakes crushed in a blender are poured with warm water so that a homogeneous thick paste is formed. It is applied to the skin with light massaging movements, starting from the forehead to the chin and décolleté. Wash off the slurry using the same movements using a cotton pad dipped in water. After the mask, you can apply nourishing cream or olive oil to the skin. By using this oatmeal peeling for seven days, you can completely get rid of acne, blackheads and fine age wrinkles.

Pomegranate seeds

This nourishing scrub mask is especially relevant in winter. Firstly, it is at this time of year that pomegranates are at their ripest and most natural. Secondly, it is ideal as a moisturizer and protectant for weakened and dull skin. Grind pomegranate seeds (half a handful) in a blender, mix with half a small spoon of honey and a large spoon of orange pulp. The resulting mixture is applied with trampling movements to the skin (except for the area around the eyes) for 10 minutes. You can use the scrub mask every day. In a week, the color will even out, the pores will become cleaner, and problematic rashes will disappear. The product is not recommended for those who are allergic to at least one of the components.

Kefir and rice

This homemade mask has no contraindications. Rice grains are crushed (not into dust), mixed with a tablespoon of low-fat kefir, then applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. You can wash it off with either running water or a suitable lotion. This simple combination of ingredients refreshes the skin well, nourishes it, and prevents the appearance of acne and rashes. Expression wrinkles are smoothed out provided that the mask is used at least 2 times a week.

For many, the ideal is clean, healthy, glowing skin. Achieving such a result is not at all difficult as one might think. All you need to do is fill out a few simple guidelines:

  • Before applying decorative cosmetics, you need to lubricate the skin with a protective and nourishing cream. The oily film will protect the skin from the negative effects of cosmetic components.
  • Touch your face less with your hands: a lot of bacteria often accumulate on your fingers, which begin to multiply when they come into contact with the skin. There is no point in scrubbing and rubbing your face with your hands unless absolutely necessary: ​​the integrity of the integument is compromised.
  • Do not squeeze pimples and blackheads on the skin. This is the simplest advice that many people neglect. The more mechanically you influence the inflammatory processes of the skin, the faster they progress. It is more advisable to choose a good remedy for treatment and prevention.
  • To even out your complexion tone and make it perfect, it is advisable to pay attention to creams and lotions that contain retinol. It rejuvenates and heals the skin, makes the color smoother and more pleasant.
  • Before you get perfect facial skin, pay attention to your diet. The fewer preservatives and harmful foods you consume, the healthier you feel, and, therefore, you look. Reduce the amount of sweets and fatty foods. These products can cause a rash that first appears on the face. Excessive amounts of sugar in the diet cause acne and blackheads, not to mention extra pounds.
  • Protect your skin from direct sunlight. The better the face is protected, the longer it remains young and beautiful. The sun, despite some of its benefits, ages and dries out the skin.

Daily care, which takes only 10 minutes, will make your face young, fresh and clean. What else do you need for perfect skin?

Problematic skin hinders a woman’s path to an ideal image. A few tips will help you eliminate imperfections and make your facial skin smooth at home.

Smooth skin on your own – it’s real! Professional techniques and secrets of homemade beauty recipes - to protect women's beauty!

In this article:

Why is it necessary to make the skin smooth?

An even, smooth face looks attractive. It is easier to apply cosmetics on it, the finished image looks more presentable. If there are roughness or unevenness, defects may appear after the final day or evening is created. This can ruin a woman's appearance.

Health problems can cause uneven skin, wrinkles, insufficient skin moisture. The logical answer to the question of how to make facial skin smooth and even will be the solution to the listed problems. This is how you can restore your face's attractiveness.

It is easier to prevent health problems than to treat them. This also applies to facial skin. General recommendations on how to prevent skin problems that lead to unevenness and roughness:

Advice: use corrective and mattifying products in moderation.

Professional methods

How to keep your face clean and smooth if you have skin problems? It is recommended to contact a cosmetologist who will professionally eliminate the defects.

Laser resurfacing

Eliminates defects, gives skin smoothness and evenness. Safe procedure when performed by a qualified cosmetologist. The essence of the procedure: a laser beam eliminates problematic, unhealthy skin cells, and healthy cells are regenerated in their place.

Oxygen therapy

Oxygen is supplied under pressure, due to which it penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis. This procedure activates beneficial substances and eliminates the defective stratum corneum of the skin.


Through injections with hyaluronic acid skin smoothing, regeneration, rejuvenation and improvement of general condition occur.

Liquid nitrogen massage

The procedure eliminates pigment spots, evens out the surface of the skin, gives elasticity and smoothness, and rejuvenates. The cosmetologist uses a wooden stick with cotton wool, which is dipped in liquid nitrogen, then massaged over the face.

Chemical peeling

Another answer to the question of how to achieve smooth facial skin is chemical peeling. He rejuvenates, smoothes facial skin, eliminates age spots, activates the regeneration process. The cosmetologist selects the optimal concentration of the peeling agent, and then applies it to the patient’s face.

Homemade beauty secrets

There is no need to spend money on expensive cosmetic procedures. You can help your skin yourself at home.

Exercises for facial muscles

Using your fingertips, perform massaging movements from the forehead to the temples, from the sinuses to the earlobes, from the chin to the earlobes. Such exercises will even out the structure of the skin, making it smooth and elastic..

Scrubs and masks

Mask recipes

Apple mask: grate a fresh apple, place in a saucepan, add milk, add egg yolk. Stir, put on fire, bring to a boil. Cool, apply the mixture to your face, after 10 minutes remove the mask using a cotton sponge.

Strawberry mask: mash strawberries, add 5 drops of sandalwood oil. Apply strawberry pulp to your face for 15 minutes.

Scrub recipes

Honey scrub: mix candied honey with 5-6 drops of rosemary essential oil, apply to face. Use your fingertips to massage gently for 5 minutes.

Coffee scrub: pour ground coffee with a small amount of warm water, apply coffee grounds to your face. Massage with fingertips for 5-7 minutes.

Cleansing and mattifying

Treatment of inflammation, whitening

Inflammatory skin processes and age spots worsen the condition of the skin. Troubleshooting methods:

Removing bags under the eyes

Brew strong black tea, soak 2 cotton pads in it, and apply to the area under the eyes. Keep until completely dry.

Choosing the right cosmetics

Cosmetics should be selected only according to skin type.

Proper nutrition

For healthy skin, you need to pay attention to foods such as broccoli, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, bananas, avocados, and citrus fruits.

You need to keep your salt intake to a minimum and drink plenty of water (at least 2.5 liters). Advice: consume a minimum of fatty, fried foods, a maximum of fruits and vegetables.

No stress

Nervous stress has a negative impact on overall well-being and skin condition.

Advice: don’t get nervous over trifles, have a positive attitude towards the world around you, and if necessary, take sedatives based on natural ingredients (after consulting a doctor).

Rejection of bad habits

Smoking and alcohol do not enhance the sweet, gentle image of a modern girl, and they also spoil the condition of the skin. It is recommended to replace smoking and alcohol with fitness and walks in the fresh air.

After familiarizing yourself with the secrets of beauty, you can choose the appropriate option to improve your skin condition.. What will it be - expensive procedures in a beauty salon or homemade beauty recipes? The choice is yours!

In contact with

Clean, smooth, elastic facial skin, free from imperfections, is the dream of every woman. Not many people have it naturally, so it is important to know how to properly care for it and make it perfect not only with the help of cosmetologists, but also at home.

Read about all the secrets in our article.

How to get perfect facial skin: learning to live correctly

The health of our integuments is a reflection of the work of the body. If you lead an incorrect lifestyle - you neglect hygiene, sports and love fatty and sweet foods, then this will immediately affect the condition of the dermis. How to achieve perfect facial skin? Read our tips.

  • Remember to hydrate. Set an optimal drinking regime for yourself. The amount of water you need to drink depends on your workload and lifestyle. People involved in sports require about 2 liters of water, and the average volume is 1.5 liters per day. By receiving enough fluid, your body will function normally - metabolic processes and cell renewal will become faster. Most likely, you won’t be able to drink so much water at once, so you need to gradually accustom yourself. To do this, use apps that count the volume of water you drink. Moisturize outside - use cream. It should be applied daily, in the morning after washing. Choose a product with a natural composition.
  • Eat right. The love for sweets and fast food is immediately reflected in the color and condition of the dermis. Add more vegetables, herbs and fish to your diet, and remove chocolate, mayonnaise, hamburgers and other unhealthy foods. Cook dishes by steaming or in the oven without oil.
  • Maintain good hygiene. Change your pillowcases twice a week, and divide your towels into two groups - for the face and for the body. Use wet cleaning wipes at work and on the road.
  • Lead an active lifestyle. Running, fitness, gym - any sports activity has a beneficial effect on the body. Waste and toxins are eliminated faster through sweat. During exercise, blood circulation and metabolism accelerate, muscles are tightened.
  • Reduce your exposure to negative factors. The greatest harm to the condition of the dermis is caused by alcohol and cigarettes. Lack of sleep or, conversely, excessively long sleep also have a negative effect, but to a lesser extent.
  • Protect from ultraviolet radiation. UV rays can have an aggressive effect, it loses its elasticity faster, and pigment spots appear. Therefore, in the summer, use sunscreen for your face with the maximum degree of protection.
  • Keep your hair clean. Dirty curls contain products from the sebaceous glands, which then end up on the face, causing inflammation. Wash your hair whenever it gets dirty. Try to keep your forehead open, and if you wear bangs, pin them up. While washing your hair, thoroughly wash your temples and ears with shampoo; a lot of dirt accumulates on them.

Don’t forget that this way of life should become systematic.

How to achieve perfectly clean, smooth and beautiful facial skin: a set of care products

  • Cream. A woman with perfect skin always has two creams on her shelf - day and night. They differ in structure, density, fat content and purpose of use. The purpose of the day cream is to tone and moisturize the face and prepare it for applying makeup. It has a light structure and low density. Night cream is thicker and thicker; it is necessary to start the processes of restoration of the dermis and to nourish it with vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Eye cream. The area under the eyes is the most sensitive. It loses elasticity faster than other areas. This is justified by the fact that there is much less muscle, elastin and collagen fibers in this area. So don't forget about her. Use a special cream. Apply it twice a day - morning and evening.
  • Tonic. Every woman should choose this product in accordance with the condition of her skin and its structure. For oily skin prone to imperfections, it is better to use mattifying and cleansing toners. For dry hair, products specifically designed for this type are suitable.
  • Gel or foam for washing. This is a product for daily use, you need to select it according to the type.
  • Masks. This is a product for additional care. For dry skin, choose moisturizers; for oily skin, masks with lemon juice, sour cream, kefir and other cleansing and oil-reducing ingredients are suitable.
  • Scrub. This product will provide effective cleansing and renewal. It will carefully remove old cells and cleanse pores. Choose products with natural exfoliating ingredients, such as coffee or berry seeds.

How to make sure your face is always perfect: choosing the right decorative cosmetics

Despite compliance with all of the above rules, sometimes certain problems arise. You can create the perfect tone at home using cosmetics. Which one, read on.

Most cosmetic products are made with the addition of chemical ingredients and petroleum. For some women, such cosmetics are simply not beneficial, while for others they cause allergic reactions and worsen their condition.

But this can be corrected if you use mineral-based decorative products.

  • Concealers and correctors. With their help you can disguise imperfections - inflammation, age spots and acne. Concealer for oily skin will not only hide imperfections, but also absorb excess shine and allow makeup to last longer.
  • Foundation powders. A wide selection of shades will allow every woman to choose mineral powder. The advantages of such cosmetics are not only the excellent effect, but also the care of the dermis. This remedy soothes inflammation, increases tone and elasticity, and absorbs excess fat.
  • Mineral based highlighters. They are necessary for highlighting certain areas of the face.
  • Veil. It eliminates oily shine and gives a beautiful look.

The use of mineral-based products can permanently eliminate allergic reactions to cosmetics, treat inflammation and the consequences of acne.

And to see clearly how to make your skin perfect with makeup, watch the video.

How to make your facial skin perfect and beautiful at home

The most common cause of appearance problems is considered to be improper care, which consists of insufficient cleansing of the face. Over the course of a whole day, dust and dirt accumulate on it, mixed with sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands. All this creates an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply. The pores become clogged with this dirt and bacteria multiply there, causing inflammation, acne and pimples.

  • Cleanse your face daily morning and evening. Wash your face not with soap, but with special products. They have an antibacterial and matting effect and reduce the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Use warm or cool water to wash your face. Hot water stimulates the production of sebum, so you should not wash your face with it. If the tap water is hard and unfiltered, then it is better to use boiled soda with a spoon. Then it will become soft and will not dry out.
  • Use lotions and tonics. Wipe after every wash. They will help restore water-lipid metabolism.
  • Remove dead cells with a scrub. Use it no more than 2 times a week. It is better to steam the skin a little first, then the pores will open.
  • Go to the bathhouse. A weekly visit to the bathhouse or sauna will help cleanse the skin, as the dermis is steamed under the influence of high temperature. Using cleansing cosmetics in a bath increases their effectiveness several times.

Cleanse comprehensively, use all products systematically. Then it will be clean and attractive.

What we've learned about ways to get perfect skin

To make your face glow with health and have a fresh look without inflammation and imperfections, use the entire range of proposed measures.

Change your lifestyle and diet, give up bad habits. Visit the gym and bathhouse or sauna. Regularly use pore cleansing products and take care of it with creams and face masks.

Use mineral-based decorative cosmetics, as they do not cause allergies and do not have negative effects. On the contrary, he takes care of her.

Ideal skin means clean pores, absence of peeling and inflammation, healthy and even complexion. Even girls who don’t care about the latest in fashion or hairdressing want to become the happy owners of a beautiful face. This is not surprising; dark circles under the eyes and facial wrinkles reveal one’s true age, while age spots and pimples spoil the aesthetic appearance. For these reasons, it is important to learn how to care for your skin yourself, without resorting to the help of cosmetologists.

20 steps towards perfect facial skin

Step #1. Moisturize your skin regularly. To achieve a beautiful pink hue, you need to drink enough liquid per day (at least 2.8 liters). Give preference to freshly squeezed juices with parsley or celery, homemade compotes without sugar, still mineral water, green and herbal tea. Drink plenty of clean water, it removes toxins and rids the body of toxins, giving your face freshness. Regular consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits also helps to moisturize the skin.

Step #2. Rub your skin with cosmetic ice. To prepare it, you need to mix 35 grams into one composition. linden, 15 gr. geranium, 30 gr. burdock root and 45 gr. birch bark. After this, pour filtered hot water over the herbs and leave for 3 hours. Strain the mixture and add 3 ml. thyme or tea tree ether, pour into molds. Place in the freezer and wipe your face 3 times a day for 5 minutes. Do not stay at one point for more than 3 seconds.

Step #3. Choose cosmetics correctly. As for decorative cosmetics, give preference to the professional series with natural additives. Such products enrich cells with oxygen, preventing premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles. Reduce the use of foundation and powder; these cosmetics clog pores and complicate the self-cleaning process.

Step #4. Use thermal water. Make it a habit to carry thermal water in your handbag. It can be used both on clean skin and when updating makeup. The remedy is considered especially relevant in the summer, since the epidermis suffers from a lack of moisture. If you work in an office, purchase a compact air humidifier; it does the job perfectly and replaces thermal water.

Step #5. Don't neglect creams. This is a necessity, not a whim, especially in the summer. Give preference to serums and hydrogels that enrich the skin with moisture. They should contain retinol, liquid protein and medicinal herbs. In cold weather, use protective anti-frost creams; they prevent the appearance of cracks and inflammation. Always remove makeup before going to bed, if possible, do this 2-3 hours before going to bed.

Step #6. Don't touch your face with your hands. Don't constantly try to fix your makeup or remove sweat with your hands. For these purposes, use matting or paper napkins. Blot your face with it as needed, then spray your skin with thermal water. Otherwise, you risk becoming the owner of ulcers that leave behind purple spots.

Step #7. Follow the work and rest schedule. Sleep at least 7 hours a day, preferably on a low pillow. It should not be too soft or, on the contrary, hard. Choose an optimal height of no more than 10 cm. If you often work at a computer for a long time, wear special glasses designed for this purpose. They can be purchased at an optical shop or pharmacy.

Step #8. Do not squeeze out blackheads. If you are not experienced in this type of procedure, do not try to squeeze out pimples or blackheads. Such actions lead to disruption of the skin, inflammation, redness and unpleasant painful sensations appear. Worse, if the actions become a habit, you risk losing your perfect skin forever. Choose the optimal series of care products for yourself or use traditional cleansing methods, they are no less effective.

Step #9. Apply your makeup correctly. Before directly using decorative cosmetics, use serum, gel or primer; they form a protective film. Take a closer look at the VOV company; the cosmetics from this manufacturer are distinguished by their natural and hypoallergenic composition. They also sell an excellent base for makeup.

Step #10. Watch your daily diet. Balance the optimal amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. Focus on foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and don’t forget about Omega acids. Completely give up homemade canned food and pickles, do not eat sausages and sausages, and do not abuse fast food. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day, with one serving not exceeding 350 grams. Eat lean fish at least once a week, and eat chicken, beef or turkey every day. Cook food by steaming or in its own juice; fatty foods accelerate the production of subcutaneous sebum and form plugs in the pores.

Step #11. Protect your skin from UV rays. When visiting a solarium or sunbathing, use face cream with the maximum degree of protection. If you do not want your complexion to differ from your body tone, sunbathe at a safe time when the sun is less active. Wear glasses, a cap or a wide-brimmed hat and avoid wincing to avoid causing premature wrinkles.

Step #12. Maintain good hygiene. Change bed linen, in particular pillowcases, at least 2 times a week. Separate bath towels into those for the face and body. Make sure you always have cleansing wipes for your hands and face in your handbag.

Step #13. Play sports. Physical activity speeds up metabolic processes, normalizes blood flow, and tightens the muscles of the body and face. It is not necessary to sign up for a gym and run on the track for hours; for the first time, regular walking or dancing classes will suffice. Choose the direction you like and take action!

Step #14. Avoid negative factors. Learn to cope with stress in a short time, and prevent the appearance of prolonged depression or general fatigue. Practice meditation, distract yourself by watching your favorite TV series or reading an interesting book. As for physical stress, this includes alcohol and tobacco. If you really want to drink, give preference to semi-dry or dry wine. Quit smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes.

Step #15. Nourish your skin. A caring mask made from available ingredients is perfect for these purposes. Pass half a banana through a meat grinder, chop a quarter of a cucumber. Combine the two compositions, add 30 ml to them. olive oil and 25 gr. flax porridge. Stir, make a mask, leave for 1 hour. Apply the composition 3-4 times a week.

Step #16. Wash your hair regularly. Dirty hair contains products from the sebaceous glands, which are transferred to the skin upon contact. If you wear bangs, pin them up whenever possible to prevent the pores on your forehead from becoming clogged. When carrying out cleansing procedures, pay attention to the area behind the ears and temples; it is in these areas that most acne and inflammation accumulate.

Step #17. Make homemade face lotion. To properly cleanse your skin, you need to use natural ingredients as often as possible. To prepare tonic at home you will need 30 ml. vodka, 10 gr. sage, 15 gr. oak bark, 20 gr. chamomile flowers. Brew herbs in 75 ml. boiling water, leave for 3 days. After the expiration date, strain and pour in vodka. Wipe your skin every morning and evening. Store the composition in a dark place.

Step #18. Get rid of age spots. You can whiten your face yourself using lemon or parsley. In the first case, squeeze the juice from the citrus and soak a cosmetic swab in it, then wipe off the spots or freckles. To use the second recipe, chop fresh parsley, mix it with sour cream, make a mask and leave for half an hour.

Step #19. Take care of the area around your eyes. These areas contain a small amount of muscle, collagen and elastin fibers, which is why they are most susceptible to the appearance of wrinkles. Buy a professional product that will saturate your skin with moisture and oxygen. Apply the cream with tapping movements along the tangent of the orbital bone, smoothly moving onto the dark circles. You should not smear the upper eyelid, it is not so susceptible to dehydration and the formation of defects.

Step #20. Get rid of dead skin cells. Use gentle peelings or scrubs; both purchased natural products and homemade products are suitable. To prepare the composition you will need 5 walnuts, 70 ml. freshly brewed coffee, 50 gr. grounds, 20 gr. sour cream, 45 gr. gelatin. Grind the nut kernels in a coffee grinder or crush between two spoons, add sour cream and grounds. In a separate bowl, pour gelatin and coffee, wait for swelling. Massage your face for 10 minutes, then leave the mixture for another quarter of an hour. Carry out the procedure 2 times a week.

To achieve perfect skin, you need to make every effort, especially at first. Regularly nourish and moisturize the epidermis, get rid of age spots and dead particles. Play sports, watch your diet, relax on a low pillow. Use thermal water and homemade masks, do not squeeze pimples.

Video: secrets of perfect facial skin