How to make a paper snowballerina step by step. How to make paper ballerina

A beautiful silhouette of a ballerina made of paper is an excellent decoration that can be used to complement the interior, stick it to a New Year's card or make a three-dimensional figurine. Ready-made templates are easy to find on the Internet. Save and print for yourself, then transfer to sheets of white or colored paper. For beginners, it’s better to start with something simple, then gradually complicate the task for yourself.

Why does a ballerina look so attractive? She gracefully moves and seems to be an extraterrestrial, fabulous creature. Therefore, the image of a ballerina, along with a fairy and an angel, is so popular, especially on New Year's Eve.

First of all, you need to choose the silhouette of a beautiful ballerina for cutting. The internet is full of options. To make the figure voluminous, the skirt (tutu) is made separately.

What will be required:

  • ready-made templates;
  • sheets of paper (white, color);
  • scissors;
  • pencil, eraser (circle);
  • felt-tip pens, pencils or paints (to color the paper silhouette);
  • rope or ribbon (if the craft is for the Christmas tree).

Manufacturing process

A step-by-step master class will begin by choosing a suitable picture. There are several options. First - you need an ordinary white silhouette, a colored ballerina or a real person. The latter option is used when a person’s face cut out from a photograph is glued onto a finished paper craft. The craft is placed inside a holiday card or a Christmas tree toy is made. Original New Year's gift.

For a colored ballerina, you can either pick up a picture of a dancer and print it out and cut it out. Or take a regular white outline and then color it using felt-tip pens or paints. It is not necessary to carefully draw the details, light touches are enough, especially if the author is not a very skilled artist. You can put such a ballerina on a postcard with your own hands. It remains only to fill in the wishes inside.

In order for the image to turn out to be two-dimensional and to be viewed equally from both sides, print two identical, but mirror images. Then glue them together on the wrong side. Then the figure will be double-sided. Great Christmas toy.

Pack. The dress looks better. The easiest way is to cut a paper snowflake for a pack. Carefully make a small hole in its center or cut it to the center to attach a snowflake skirt to the silhouette of a ballerina. Then glue the cut out part. Such a tutu looks beautiful and gives the image of a dancer a special charm.

White silhouette or black? If you want to make a garland of several silhouettes of ballerinas, it is not necessary to make them white. Take sheets of colored paper and choose colors that match with each other. Two or three for contrast. For example, white-black-blue or green-red-gold. By the way, if the garland is a festive decoration, it is better to take classic colors.

Then the craft will convey the spirit of the event. Carefully attach the cut ballerinas to a thread and hang them together on one ribbon or strip. Or tie to one long thread. Then it will seem that the dancers are floating weightlessly.

Silhouette of a ballerina for cutting

To make a paper ballerina beautiful, you will need a ready-made template, which must be circled with a pencil, then cut out the figure. It is easy to decorate an apartment with such crafts: glue them on the windows, make long garlands and hang them from the ceiling, attach threads to the figurines and hang them like Christmas decorations.

You can download the picture you like from the Internet, there are a lot of options. By the way, tracing the silhouette, it is easy to correct the features of the dancer's figure, draw her skirt or remove it (this is necessary if the tutu is cut out separately). Estimate the dimensions of the future crafts.

Craftsmen will draw a little dancer themselves, but if the artist's skills are not great, it is better to take templates for cutting.

No printer. How to transfer pictures if you can not print? It is not difficult. To begin with, display the silhouette you like clearly on the screen of your monitor. Next, attach an A4 sheet to it. Thick paper will not work, it is better to take a regular office paper. Step by step, circle the visible contours of the drawing with a pencil and the template is ready.

Ballerinas: stencils

Ballerinas of similar sizes and figures that take different poses look more beautiful. It seems as if one dancer is moving, changing position. It is desirable to keep the color of the skirt and the figure itself the same.

For example, make 5-6 similar silhouettes of a ballerina, which will differ only in poses. And hang them in a group from the ceiling or on a Christmas tree (if preparations are underway for the New Year). Pick up stencils of ballerinas on the Internet.

Colored figurines look good. They add color.

Ballerina - DIY postcard

Why buy ready-made cards, choosing the right picture and “adequate” greeting text, when you can make them at home? A graceful silhouette of a ballerina will become an excellent decoration.

What will be required:

  • a sheet of thick paper (the basis of a postcard);
  • colored paper (for a ballerina);
  • finished stencil;
  • scissors;
  • thin marker;
  • beads or sequins;
  • glue;
  • bow (for a skirt);
  • a pen and a good idea (for congratulations).

Manufacturing process:

  1. First you need to prepare the basis of the future postcard. Fold a sheet of thick paper in half, trim the edges so that they are the same. Imagine where the ballerina will be - outside, inside or on both sides. The last option will require 2 stencils (so that the ballerinas are different or one, but in different poses).
  2. Print the selected stencil with a silhouette and press it firmly to the paper. With a thin marker, carefully circle the stencil, drawing the figure of a ballerina. For beginners, it’s better to try your hand with a pencil, because you can’t erase wrong lines with a marker. However, the stencil is easier to trace than a regular template, because the silhouette is there from the inside.
  3. When finished, remove the stencil and color the ballerina with a thick marker. A dark color looks more effective: black, blue or dark purple.
  4. Skirt. It can be made from a cut of a colored bow or other beautiful fabric. The edge of the material must be pulled off by sewing it or gluing it to make the skirt airy and voluminous. Carefully glue the finished skirt to the silhouette of the ballerina using PVA glue or clerical glue. Press firmly and hold the material for a couple of minutes until the glue “takes”.
  5. Decorate your head. Ballerinas often decorate their hair with shiny hairpins or wreaths. This will require several beads, beads or sequins of the desired color. Gently glue them to the ballerina's head, forming a shiny wreath.

Everything, the ballerina is ready. We must wait until the glue is completely dry and fill the postcard. If you need two dancers, then the second one, inside the postcard, is better to make it not voluminous. Draw a skirt or stick a paper one.

It remains to write beautiful congratulations and wait for a reason to give a card!

Snowflake - ballerina

A spectacular decoration, especially for the New Year, when you need to prepare an apartment or office for the holiday. Why cut ordinary snowflakes? It is better to make beautiful skirts for little dancers out of them. They will complement any interior.

What will be required:

  • sheets of paper (for ballerinas and snowflakes);
  • scissors;
  • ready-made templates (separately figures of dancers, separately snowflakes);
  • pencil;
  • glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. To get started, select and print graceful silhouettes of dancing ballerinas. Transfer them to sheets of white paper, then carefully cut them out. The beauty of the finished craft will largely depend on the actions of the scissors (rough strokes are clearly visible).
  2. Snowflake. It is not necessary to take patterns of complex snowflakes, it is enough to understand the manufacturing scheme. Many made these in childhood, diligently cutting out intricate patterns from white or colored paper. Only a snowflake with sharp patterned edges looks better for a skirt. The size should be looked at the paper figure of the dancer. It is not necessary to make a snowflake skirt short, the main thing is that it does not exceed the length of the legs.
  3. Figurine assembly. Carefully cut out the middle of the finished snowflake. Then, if the ballerina figurine has its arms folded, you can pass it through the hole, securing a beautiful skirt around the waist. If not, you need to cut the snowflake to the middle, thread it over the ballerina figure and glue the edge.

White faceless figurines will look better. They look the same on both sides, in addition, real white snowflakes. However, you can leave them white, and cut out the figures of ballerinas from sheets of multi-colored paper.

Everything, the finished craft can be hung through a thread to the ceiling, attached with tape to glass or on a Christmas tree.

Origami - ballerina

Folding origami is a complex matter that requires attention and a step-by-step scheme. You need to follow the pictures in a certain order.

The only material is a sheet of paper. A regular A4 will do. Fold neatly, clearly forming all fold lines. The finished figurine can be used as a Christmas decoration or attached to the ceiling. Get a voluminous craft.

Paper ballerina applique

The graceful silhouette of a dancing girl is great for creating an applique. The ballerina can be decorated with multi-colored rhinestones, paint on other elements, creating a surrounding background.

What will be required:

  • finished stencil;
  • a sheet of light cardboard (the basis of the application);
  • dark gouache (any color);
  • tassel;
  • colorless glue;
  • sequins;
  • satin ribbon;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing process:

  1. First of all, draw or print a ballerina figurine. The difference between the stencil is that the figure is circled from the inside, not from the outside. Thus, the finished result is neater and more beautiful even for beginners. All all blots remain on the border of the stencil. They are more convenient to use for creating applications or decorating postcards, when the silhouette is placed on paper, and not cut out.
  2. Here you need the very silhouette of a ballerina. Carefully cut it out, following the contour and transfer it to the base - a sheet of cardboard. Attaching more densely, circle the figures along the lines.
  3. Color the circled figure with dark colors. If the base is colored, it is better to choose a color that matches with it. For example, a black figure looks beautiful on a white / blue / green background.
  4. When finished, leave the craft, let it dry.
  5. Pack. Cut off a piece of fabric or fringe, create a skirt (gather the fabric from the edge on the belt and fasten it). The ballerina will hold the ribbon with her hands. At the same time, it can be glued either completely or in parts.
  6. Sequins, small sequins serve as a background decoration. Dropping glue on several areas of the base, sprinkle them with sparkles. If instead of them there are beads or sequins, then hold with your fingers so that the glue is fixed.
  7. Figurine decoration. It is important to show imagination here. To complement the image with paints, drawing pointe shoes and a wreath on her head to the ballerina, add elements for the background - a stage or a round arena, the edge of the curtain, as if the dancer is on stage. Anything.

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Ballerinas are always associated with tenderness and grace. Let's fill the house with delicate and graceful figures of little girls in tutus. An original window decoration for the New Year, a pendant or as a New Year's toy. It's not hard to do if you follow the instructions.

We will make two types of ballerinas:

  1. From napkins;
  2. From paper.

You will need:

Dancing paper ballerina

    You will need:

    A4 paper

We will print any template you like on the Internet. Can . Let's cut it out.

We apply the stencil to another sheet of paper, circle it again and cut it out. The body is ready.

The skirt is a snowflake. Take a sheet of paper and cut out a square from it like for a snowflake. Let's bend it into a triangle.

With respect to the large angle, we bend two small ones inward.

We cut off the excess. Take any picture you like for snowflakes and transfer it to the blank. Let's cut it out.

We unfold the skirt and make an incision in the center with the sharp side of the scissors or a clerical knife. We pass our girl through the incision and you're done! We got a very simple and elegant dancing ballerina. The skirt, by the way, can be made of tulle.

Ballerina from napkins and wire

    You will need:

    Several white napkins
    Medium wire
    white thread
    Hot glue

Making the body

Take a long enough piece of wire and bend it in half. We make a small oval and twist the wire under it.

The oval will be the head of the ballerina, and the twisted part will be the body. It is not worth twisting strongly, the legs should be long. Let's bend the oval. This will make the head voluminous. Now bend the ends of the wire on the legs.

Next - hands

Take another small piece of wire and attach it to the body. Scroll a few times around the torso and bend the tips, as you did with the legs. Finished with the base.

Wrapped in "leather"

Take ordinary napkins and tear into small strips. They need to be deployed.

Apply hot glue to the ballerina's hand and wrap it with a napkin. So we wrap each part of the body.

Don't forget to wrap your head. This is how the result should be.

Let's make a skirt

To do this, take a napkin and unfold it completely. The best fit is large and dense. Bend it into a triangle, and then another.

When graceful snowflakes-ballerinas made of paper are merrily spinning in the air, it seems that the magic is already very close, and the soul is filled with a joyful presentiment of the holiday.

fold it into a triangle (first we bend it diagonally several times, and then we turn the edges towards the center);

put a stencil on this triangle;

carefully outline with a pencil;

cut out.

Only after that we expand the triangle and enjoy the result: we get a very beautiful openwork snowflake. Using different types of stencils, you will get the basis for creating different figures of ballerinas and skirts.

So we get a ballerina and her snow-white openwork tutu.

We put on a ballerina skirt. We fix it with a drop of clerical glue.

And at the base of the hands we tie thin threads that will keep our beautiful dancer on top.

This is how you can make wonderful ballerina snowflakes! The templates for creating them are quite simple, even a child can cut them out, especially with the help of an adult.

Arm yourself with sharp scissors, print stencils and decorate your home with a round dance of dancing ballerinas! The main thing is to find a suitable place for each ballerina. It could be a Christmas tree...

or window opening.

And it can be any place in the room, classroom and school office!

Snowflake ballerina ideas with photos:

The thread can be decorated not only with a ballerina snowflake, but also with an ordinary paper snowflake. It will turn out very elegant.

A snowflake skirt can be made from thin tulle or lace fabric. You will get a real ballerina in a tutu.

Snowflake - ballerina (video master class):

Snowflake-ballerina (master class):

How easy it is to make a ballerina snowflake:

Soon New Year's holidays! Every inhabitant of the planet Earth will strive to decorate his house in all sorts of ways and methods, with the help of lights, colorful balls, all kinds of handmade snowflakes! So we strive to keep up with the times and bring to your attention the most wonderful hanging " snowflakes - ballerinas"! Little touching ballerinas "dance" in the air, under the influence of the lightest air current, freeze in place and ... again whirl in their snowy dance, demonstrating their unusual and sophisticated outfits.

How to make paper ballerina snowflakes

You don't need to look for a more touching New Year's decoration! And to make it, you need nothing at all - only white paper for snowflake skirts, white cardboard for the dancing figures themselves and a thread or fishing line.

Take your child by the hand, seat him at the table as soon as possible and start a wonderful action - create your own fairy-tale characters that will warm your hearts and remain in your memory for a long time. And someday later, when your children will tell their children about it with a smile, you will hear in their narration longing for bygone childhood years, holidays, New Year's handicrafts created with your own hands, fairy tales ...

So, what materials do we need to recreate dancing snowflakes - ballerinas?

  • White cardboard (for a ballerina figurine);
  • White paper (for snowflakes);
  • Ballerina templates - cut out from various pictures and photos with ballerinas;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Thread or fishing line;
  • Button or tape.

To begin with, let's look with you on the Internet for various pictures and photographs of ballerinas in a dance. Having picked up the most liked snowflakes of a ballerina, print the templates on a printer and carefully cut them out with scissors.

Prepare white cardboard, attach ballerina templates to it, circle them carefully and cut them out again. Make a small hole in the head of each ballerina - you will thread the thread into it and hang the dancing beauty in the air.

Half the job is done! Now it's time to dress up the ballerina in a wonderful openwork tutu! To make snowflake skirts, we take a sheet of white paper, attach a saucer or plate of the right size to it, circle it and cut it out. If available, you can use a compass for the same purpose. The resulting circle - we fold the template, in half three times, and then on each side of the resulting sector we draw the jagged pattern we like!

And again you have to use scissors. Carefully cut out the snowflake and cut a small star in its center. Pass the ballerina's body through this asterisk and glue a snow skirt at the very waist.

Snowflake - the ballerina is ready! Thread a thread and hang this chiseled beauty in the most visible place!

Ballerina snowflakes, stencils for printing

And on New Year's Eve, when we all fall asleep, maybe ... she will be invited to dance by a one-legged tin soldier in love, as in G. Andersen's favorite fairy tale “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”! And in order for this miracle to really happen on a fabulous night, we recommend that you re-read this wonderful fairy tale again to your inquisitive children, gathering with the whole family under the Christmas tree and looking at the artsy dances of our “snowflake-ballerina” with you!