How to become a soft woman. How to be feminine

Not every girl has ideal manners and irresistible appearance from birth. But any schoolgirl can become a feminine and well-groomed girl. After all, even many sexy celebrities once had their shortcomings. And only hard work allowed them to achieve external beauty and success in life.

How to become feminine and well-groomed at 12, 14 or 16 years old?

Femininity is based on many factors. These include:

  • Your face;
  • Fashion style;
  • Behavior in society;
  • Hobbies;
  • Attitude towards others.

The problem with many teenage girls is that they act too casually. As a result, those around them are perceived as guys.

Therefore, to achieve the goal, it is worth behaving like a woman. Do not get into serious quarrels, do not swear, do not use physical force. And your natural charm will be fully manifested.

After changing behavior, you can begin to make external changes. Wear make-up, wear flattering clothes, wear high heels.

As a result, you can become yourself. Guys will fall in love with you, and not accept someone like you.

But in order for the effect to be long-lasting, you need to work every day. After all, even a slight delay can lead to negative factors.

How to become a well-groomed girl?

Well-groomed is everyday monitoring of appearance. It develops gradually. A girl with this quality has self-confidence and attracts the views of others.

To always be feminine and well-groomed you will need:

  1. Wash your head. Appearance in public with dirty hair is unacceptable;
  2. Monitor the condition of the nails. They should always be neat and clean;
  3. Choose clothes carefully. Wear what suits you, not what is comfortable;
  4. Use different accessories. Jewelry for the body or clothes emphasize femininity;
  5. Apply makeup (dosed!). A girl without makeup is a symbol of collective farm labor.

All these and other rules are very simple. But because of laziness, bad mood, hard study and so on. we neglect them. As a result, others think about us not properly. And we remain princesses only in our hearts.

When caring for themselves, many girls overplay. This leads to ladies in Indian make-up, girls with weird hairstyles, and high school girls dressed as prostitutes. In order not to relate to these cultures, one should know the measure in changing appearance.

spiritual femininity. How to achieve?

Despite all efforts, it is impossible to change the external appearance without internal changes. Start by changing your behavior and communication style. Remember that true femininity is:

  • Calm conversation;
  • Quiet laughter;
  • Good attitude towards people;
  • Lack of thirst for money;
  • Search for life compromises.

Stereotypes about people form quickly. And if for some time you behaved like a quarrelsome, then it will be difficult to change in the eyes of others. Don't do reckless things. They can quickly kill the feminine.

Also, do not show your emotions too brightly. Restraint makes a real lady out of a simple girl. With restraint, you can woo any guy and achieve your goals in school or future work.

Why is it worth being a woman?

Today, many girls do not want to be feminine and well-groomed. Many try to be like men, forgetting about their original role. But the further you go from femininity, the more difficult it will be for you in life.

Of course, smoking, drinking and half-dressed ladies are of great interest. But this interest is purely physiological. And only a girl who is well-groomed in all respects can find true love or get a good position.

Femininity- this is a combination of all female qualities, including a number of character traits and behaviors. Femininity as a psychological phenomenon is due to the feminine nature itself. The physiology of a woman gives rise to psychological femininity in her. Hence the conclusion:every woman is a priori feminine! And the question of how to become feminine is, in fact, the question of how to return to the roots of your natural femininity or how to allow yourself to be a woman?

Femininity is a relative concept. Its content changes depending on the historical era, culture, society and the events taking place in it. Each individual girl understands femininity in a special way, and men have their own point of view on what a feminine lady should be like.

But in that a real woman is always feminine, there is no doubt and cannot be! It is soft, warm, bright, energetically very positive and therefore incredibly charming, alluring, desirable.

Femininity, like a real woman, is very difficult to understand, but you canfeel. Femininity is an emotional rather than a rational concept. After all, everyone feels what femininity is, feels it when he sees a feminine girl, but hardly anyone can completely decompose femininity into components.

Lightness, elusiveness, mystery, subtlety and tenderness, which sound even in the very word “femininity”, are always in her. Undoubtedly feminine.something morethan just a set of qualities and behaviors that should be inherent in a real woman.

However, it is impossible to start working on oneself in the direction of developing femininity without understandingclearlyWhat is femininity anyway?

The main qualities, traits and features of behaviorthe women that make upfemininity:

  • self-worth, self-love, self-acceptance,
  • self-confidence, self-awareness of a beautiful woman,
  • kindness, benevolence, peace,
  • tenderness, tenderness, the ability to care,
  • tranquility, serenity,
  • gentleness, condescension, the ability to forgive,
  • fidelity, honesty,
  • self-esteem, nobility,
  • openness, trustfulness, responsiveness,
  • sociability, readiness to listen and understand,
  • the ability to verbally support, motivate and inspire,
  • the ability to create an atmosphere of love, to love other people, children, a man, the whole world,
  • restraint, modesty, upbringing,
  • moderate emotionality, sensitivity, empathy,
  • intuition, wisdom,
  • the ability to think creatively, non-standard, illogical,
  • defenselessness in behavior, the ability to ask for help,
  • physical weakness (or the ability to hide strength),
  • smile, optimism, cheerfulness,
  • sexuality, coquetry, playfulness,
  • external attractiveness, the ability to emphasize beauty with suitable clothes and cosmetics,
  • neatness, neatness, neatness, ability to take care of oneself,
  • smoothness, lightness, grace, lack of fuss in movements,
  • the absence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, gluttony, obscene language, rudeness, aggressiveness, neglect, promiscuous sex life, always bad mood, frowning, and the like - this is not about femininity!).

How to become feminine?Develop, educate, supportin itself positive female qualities! The formation of one of them will certainly entail the development of others. And it doesn’t matter where to start, from the outside or from the inside! They go hand in hand.

So, having put on a flowing, airy, pastel-colored dress, you won’t want to walk with long strides, squat down and wave your arms, but even, having learned to walk with restraint, softly, evenly, you won’t want to wear sporty shapeless gray trousers.

As the bud of a flower, having opened one petal, cannot but open completely, so the whole womanbloomsfinally realizing his femininity.

It's easy to be feminine! Just needallowyourself to be yourself, not to resist your nature, to be inharmonywith her. Allow yourself to be feminine, tender, defenseless, without worrying about the consequences!

Of course, in practice, everything is not so easy and simple for a number of reasons.

Three psychological problems on the way to femininity

Any woman who is aware of her self-worth, understands and accepts, loves herself, finds femininity in herself.automatically.Treating yourself as a feminine girl, it is impossible not to be.

Just one thoughtI am feminine and beautiful!”, held in the mind and repeated as an affirmation, can change facial expression, gait, voice volume, communication style, habits, life goals, worldview and much, much more!

First barrier on the way to femininity -self-dislike.The significance of this problem is underestimated both by women themselves and by society as a whole. But this problem gives rise to many others! Family conflicts, unhappy children, divorces and the problem of female loneliness are very often based on a woman's dislike for herself, rejection of femininity, her female gender role, her destiny, elementary ignorance of herself.

Even if you put on the most beautiful dress, do a chic hairstyle and make-up, you won’t be able to see your beauty without loving yourself!

How to realize your self-worth and love yourself read "" And " ".

Second common hurdle on the way to femininity -desire for masculinitysuggesting a departure from femininity. A woman often does not realize this desire as such, she simply purposefully cultivates traditionally masculine qualities in herself in order to be realized in life, in order to survive in society. She considers them important and necessary. And not only her!

No one teaches girls to be a good mother and wife (automatically, mother's behavior is taken for granted, normal, but it may not be so!), but girls study all kinds of sciences at school and then at universities they master professions in order to earn their own living to work on an equal footing with men.

“Study well, then go to work! It is unlikely that you will marry well! We can’t support you forever, what are you going to do?” - the parents say to the girl ... But here's the “trouble” - the female body and psyche are not designed by nature for hard work! Softness, tenderness, modesty - will not help to break through in life. So, you need to “break” yourself, become like a man, so as not to lose the battle for a place under the Sun!

But you can't be feminine and masculine at the same time! One can be relatively more or less masculine or feminine. You have to choose! You need to make a decision, determine for yourself that “point” between masculinity and femininity, at whichI want toto be (I want to be myself, not someone else!).

Third barrier. Even if a girl finds herself a worthy mate, a man with whom she can afford to be feminine, finally stop fighting like a warrior for the right to live with dignity,she doesn't allow herself to!

A woman who has learned to be strong and proud notices that she is stronger than a man, more responsible, more organized, more active, more enterprising, more ambitious than him and gets annoyed at the thought “I am more courageous than him!!!”.

And whoever is more courageous in a pair is a man! If a woman in the family is a “man”, then reproaches, reproaches, resentment, anger and disappointment cannot be avoided.

But a family for a woman is not a competition and not a dispute “Who is stronger, more successful, better?”, It is not a confrontation with a man, but assistance to him. wife for husbandcompanion, not the enemy.

Femininity suggestsaltruism, loyalty, flexibilityand the ability to deal with pride. Undoubtedly, one can boast to a man of superiority in intellect and physical strength, but will he then see a woman in his chosen one? Will she feel and act like a man next to her?

The roles of “leader”, “wrestler”, “champion” are best left at work. At home, a real woman is driven, submissive, compliant. And it is much more pleasant and easy for her to be like that than strong and responsible for everything and everyone!

Femininity is muchmore importantstrength, intelligence, success and even beauty (in terms of fashion standards and parameters)!

Femininity for a woman - natural and directthe way to a happy life! And it is femininityrealmen are looking for and most of all want to see in their chosen one!

How feminine do you feel?

Describing the ideal representative of the beautiful half of humanity, guys often mention such a characteristic as femininity. This quality is glorified by singers and writers, portrayed by artists and composers.

What does femininity look like? Perhaps it's all about the right clothes and makeup? Or does a beautiful figure play a special role? Of course, external data is not the last place in the concept of "femininity", however, young people appreciate the inner female power more.

Beautiful girls, who do not understand at all why the opposite sex considers them more like friends, sooner or later begin to ask the right question: what is femininity and is it not what men expect from young ladies?

According to numerous sources, femininity is a combination of characteristics that are usually attributed to the weaker sex or expected from girls, such as sensitivity, honesty, devotion, tenderness, gentleness.

All this makes the representatives of the strong half of humanity feel like a man. Of course, in different cultures and eras, femininity was interpreted in completely different ways. However, the qualities listed above are inherent, perhaps, in every time and people.

But! Modern ladies are becoming more confident in their own abilities, free and wanting independence. To cope with difficulties, women make their efforts without asking for help from men. Femininity is slowly disappearing...

Guys love with their eyes, as you know, that's why a feminine lady for them is the one whose figure and appearance arouses desire. This is the so-called external femininity, which creates a certain set of impressions for the stronger sex with just one look at the girl.

How to become feminine and desirable for a man? Is the figure and selectivity in clothes important?

  1. A feminine woman, according to many men, has long hair. Historically, young ladies with a thick "mane" to the waist are considered more attractive than girls with short haircuts. However, the main thing is well-groomed and natural hair, it is better to do without high and overly complex hairstyles.
  2. A beautiful figure is not just a tribute to fashion. You should not think about beauty standards, it is better to think about normal weight, exercise and nutrition. A slender figure, optimal body weight are signs of femininity.
  3. Femininity through men's eyes is the presence in the girl's wardrobe of dresses, high heels, transparent blouses. In clothes, materials that are soft to the touch are preferable, which flow and give the figure lightness and airiness. Excessively brutal things destroy the feminine essence.
  4. Polls on men's forums show that, not really understanding the intricacies of using cosmetics, guys subconsciously consider excessive "coloring" on the face to be vulgar. In their opinion, a feminine woman prefers soft and delicate shades in makeup.
  5. The figure, of course, is important, but a well-groomed and neat appearance is considered an equally essential condition for the external attributes of femininity. Beautiful skin, clean, smooth hair, neat manicure are the most feminine signs of a true lady.

It is extremely difficult to explain and talk about what inner femininity is through the eyes of men. Each representative of the stronger sex is aware of what a feminine woman she is, but rarely can anyone convey in words.

This is not a figure, not hair, but something so personal that it can induce a guy to action, arouse in him a desire to achieve a girl.

Let us turn again to the men's forums. What do guys mean by "femininity"?

  1. A feminine woman is relaxed and calm. Irritability, nervousness and hysteria do not adorn a sweet lady. She is like a kitty that lies on the soft, but at any moment is ready to get together, concentrate and go on the "hunt".
  2. The ability to trust a man is an important quality of girls. A commanding tone, numerous teachings and a heavy look are unlikely to adorn a woman. The guys, looking at the young lady, should want to stand up for her, hide behind her back and keep her from any problems in every possible way.
  3. True femininity is the ability to listen and communicate. This means both the ability to feel and "infect" the emotions of the interlocutor, and general erudition, the possession of certain knowledge, speech skills. In addition, it is important for a girl to be able to keep secrets.
  4. Emotionality is also a sign of femininity, so you should not succumb to feminist sentiments and forget about your nature. But! Excessive expression of feelings can transfer you to the rank of an unbalanced person and a hysterical personality. An important rule is naturalness and, oddly enough, reasonableness in emotional manifestations.
  5. Figure, pretty face, good taste in clothes? No. Women have long been associated with motherhood. Not a single beauty can be compared in femininity with a future mother, with a girl raising a child. This is a natural instinct, if you like, a female destiny.

Men's forums are full of opinions and comments regarding the feminine essence, femininity and the ideal image of the second half. So, what is she - a feminine woman?

She is charming, distinguished by sophistication, good manners, the ability to profitably teach herself, which produces an incredible effect. What is femininity in the eyes of men?

This image includes criteria such as:

  • inner softness;
  • trust and respect for the partner;
  • the ability to avoid conflict;
  • affectionate character;
  • love for a child
  • a slim body;
  • long hair in natural shades;
  • love and desire for purity in all aspects;
  • desire for self-development;
  • no bad habits.

Of course, some guys are crazy about girls with a strong character, purposeful and able to solve their problems on their own.

However, these men still prefer to link their fate with feminine girls, who are distinguished by weakness and softness.

How to become more feminine?

True femininity lies in simple truths that are available to every girl. But as it usually happens, simplicity is an extremely complex thing. The men's forum and the guys' comments show what they expect from potential life partners.

So, what should a girl change in herself so that a man considers her feminine?

  1. Inaccessibility. A girl is a goal for the representatives of the stronger sex, because they still remain warriors and hunters. A man wants to conquer a fortress, to conquer the peak. A feminine woman is valued for her inaccessibility and the ability to be proud (of course, without too much fanaticism).
  2. Happiness. Joyful carelessness, smiling and easy communication give the girl more femininity. Many men aspire to such a young lady. However, today's ladies are less and less happy with trifles, small surprises, acquiring detachment, masculine traits.
  3. Weakness. Modern girls enter into a tough confrontation with men for social dominance, equal rights and more significant social roles. Such a struggle does not contribute to femininity, because by their nature, lovely ladies are weak creatures in need of a male shoulder. Men on the forums are sure that the charm of a woman lies in her weakness.
  4. Effectiveness. An attractive and charismatic girl stands out from the general crowd. A sweet young lady seems more feminine than a beauty whose clothes are dominated by a masculine style. Figure-hugging dresses and additional accessories always attract guys.
  5. Romance. Who said sentimentality is out of fashion these days? Admiring the sunset, walking and kissing under the moonlight, watching a melodrama together - romance, which, unfortunately, gradually disappears due to the oversaturation of impressions and emotions in our lives.
  6. The ability to love. The uniqueness of a woman lies in her desire and ability to love, give her feelings and take the emotions of the chosen one. What a beautiful girl in love! Especially when the love is mutual. However, some modern young ladies prefer short-term relationships that do not involve deep feelings.
  7. The ability to inspire. Inspiration makes representatives of the strong half of humanity write poems and poems, perform feats, and improve themselves. However, only a feminine girl is able to inspire with her figure, voice, love - by any means available. There is a curious phrase that says that behind every great man there was a great woman.
  8. Thrift. The ability to create comfort in a home, to preserve the hearth and the desire to raise a child are qualities inherent in an economic woman. However, they are also present in a feminine girl, since both of these characteristics are taken into account by men when choosing a future wife.
  9. Moderation. Femininity does not mean the desire to fill the entire living space of a guy. Do not forget that a real woman is somewhat inaccessible, mysterious. She is a riddle that a man wants to solve. You should not fully open up at the very beginning of an acquaintance, simultaneously demanding the same step from a partner.

Femininity through the eyes of men is a combination of multiple factors. Beautiful figure, romance and softness ...

A feminine girl is one who exudes femininity without sacrificing her personality and inner strength. She monitors her behavior, speech and appearance, but she is not self-centered, not rude, she always remains herself. She is the one that other girls look up to, the one they want to be friends with. Being feminine is a personal choice for everyone, and no one has the right to force you to behave in a way that you do not like. If you aspire to become feminine, all you need to do is instill new habits in your behavior and appearance.


Take care of yourself

    Take a shower every day. Feminine girls always monitor personal hygiene. Shower every day and wash thoroughly with soap and water. If you want to be super feminine, you can buy scented shampoo, conditioner and shower gel.

    Use a moisturizer or moisturizing body lotion. Soft skin is an integral part of the concept of "femininity". Every day, use a moisturizer or lotion, apply it to your face and body. If you have oily skin, a moisturizer will help inhibit sebum production. You can choose any cream, but be sure to read the packaging if this cream is suitable for your skin type.

    • You can be a feminine girl even if you have acne! Start drinking more water and rub benzoyl peroxide on problem areas. Even if you didn’t manage to get rid of acne - don’t worry, many people have acne!
  1. Take care of your nails. Of course, this does not mean that you need to cover your nails with new varnish every day. However, nails should always be clean and well-groomed. Trim and file your nails to keep them neat and smooth. Clean them every day (especially under the nails) and check if the varnish has peeled off.

    • If you like changing the color of your nail polish, try matching your nail polish color with your outfit.
    • If you don't want to constantly paint your nails, you can apply clear polish. This polish looks very neat and feminine, and you don't have to worry about its condition.
  2. Brush and style your hair every day. Hair should always be combed and styled. There should be no knots and tangles in the hair, they should be clean. Find a hairstyle or haircut that suits you and try to style your hair every day.

    • You may need to wash your hair every day (depending on your hair type). If your hair looks greasy by the end of the day, you will have to wash your hair every day.
    • Hairstyle does not have to be complicated or special! You can stick to the simplest style: for example, make a parting, pull your hair to one side and stab it with a hairpin. In addition, you can try braiding, making a ponytail or twisting your hair into a bun.
    • If you don’t know what hairstyle to do at all, ask a friend for advice or go to a salon or hairdresser.
  3. Use deodorant and perfume. A good smell is an integral part of a feminine girl! Deodorant should be used every day. In addition, you can use perfume or toilet water - many women have a favorite scent of perfume that they use every day. If you are not very good at choosing perfumes, try a light floral or fruity scent to start with.

    • Prafum should never be a substitute for the soul! Otherwise, people around you will notice.
    • Perfume or toilet water should be used in small quantities, apply them to the pulse points: on the wrists and neck behind the ears (you can only on the neck, especially if you wear something with long sleeves that cover the wrists). Perfume should have a subtle aroma that will be noticeable only when a person comes very close to you. The smell should not hang in the air to be felt by everyone around.
  4. Watch your oral hygiene! Feminine girls always keep their teeth clean. Brush your teeth every day, use dental floss, and be sure to use mouthwash to keep your breath fresh. Carry dental floss with you so you can use it after every meal or snack.

    • It's okay if you have not quite even teeth, and also if you wear braces! Just make sure they are clean.
  5. Apply light makeup. Try to put on some make-up to be more feminine. It is light makeup that makes the face and overall image more feminine, besides, light makeup is much easier to learn than full evening makeup. Practice until you can apply "natural" light makeup.

    • For starters, try using only lip gloss and mascara.
    • Choose eye shadow and blush in light, neutral colors, such as light pink or beige.
    • If you want to wear foundation or foundation, first find a shade that suits your skin tone.
    • Brighter makeup looks great too! But first, practice applying your daily “natural” makeup.

Dress more feminine

  1. Make sure your clothes are clean and ironed. Feminine girls never wear dirty rumpled clothes. Wash clothes in the washing machine in time and do not wear stained clothes, even if they have already been washed. Before putting on things, do not forget to iron them.

    • Be careful, read the labels on things. Some items need to be ironed at a low temperature, some items should not be ironed at all.
    • If you don't want to iron your clothes, try hanging them up immediately after washing. Or try setting the drying mode to gentle (slow centrifuge rotation).
    • If you notice a stain that cannot be removed, do not throw the item away! Leave it and wear it at home or when doing housework, when it is a pity to wear ordinary clothes.
  2. Buy clothes that fit you well. Do not buy clothes that are too tight or too baggy. None of your clothing should be too tight or tight, it should not expose your underwear, and it should be easy to put on and take off. Things should not hang too loose on you, and they should be of such a quality and size that they do not have to be constantly put in order throughout the day. Try on your favorite clothes to see if they really suit you. If not, don't wear it again.

    Buy feminine clothes. Of course, this does not mean that you need to wear only pink dresses every day to look feminine. But try to put on something feminine every time you go somewhere. Dresses and skirts are the most popular choice, but don't forget trousers, capri pants, shorts, and jumpsuits. Instead of t-shirts, try wearing button-down blouses and blouses.

    • Pink, purple and pastel shades are classic feminine colors. But if you don't like them, you can choose any other color. The main thing is to combine it with the style that suits you.
    • You do not need to constantly follow fashion trends or wear those things that are popular among most women. The main thing is to dress neatly and feminine.
  3. Wear women's shoes. Instead of sneakers and flip-flops, it is better to choose shoes if you want to look more feminine. Heels and platforms are a great way to look feminine, but if you don't want to wear high heels, ballet flats can be worn. Make sure that your shoes are always clean and tidy, without scuffs!

    • If you want to wear shoes with heels but don't know how to walk in them, try stepping on the heel first and then the toe. Practice walking in heels at home before you go out in them!
  4. Carry a small bag. Feminine girls constantly carry a lot of necessary little things with them. If you haven't carried a handbag before, it's time to start! It doesn't have to be an expensive designer bag. Just choose any bag you like (any color and style), it should be the right shape and fit all your belongings.

    • It's best to choose a bag in a neutral color like black or brown - it will go with most of your outfits!

Create an atmosphere of femininity

  1. Choose soft bright colors to decorate your room. The bedroom, closet, table and any other piece of personal space should express femininity. Choose bright soft colors like pink, lilac, blue or yellow. Buying new furniture, painting the walls, or just decorating them with ribbons, posters, stickers can all help make your personal space more feminine.

    Be neat and organized. Feminine girls do not scatter sheets of paper around instead of writing down all the information in a notebook. They do not leave food packaging and empty dishes everywhere. Get into the habit of cleaning your house every day and putting everything in its place. Maintain order among study supplies.

    • By the way, this is a great opportunity to buy girly things for organizing things - different boxes, paper clips, cases and pencil cases. This is a great way to express your femininity.
  2. Buy a dressing table or a mirror. You need a place where you can apply makeup, get new haircuts and try on clothes. Buy a large mirror for your room, and don't forget a small pocket mirror to carry around in your purse. You can even buy a dressing table if you want!

    Show the creative side of your personality! Feminine girls are not afraid to be feminine. Decorate your personal space with cute drawings, postcards from friends and homemade decorations. Buy multi-colored pens and draw a few pictures or posters, sew or embroider, decorate a room with your work.

Everyone has long known that most men like feminine, tender and defenseless girls. This female type is often used in movies, TV series and books. But these are two different things - to look from the outside at the object of universal adoration and to be it. There are several basic rules that will help formulate life attitudes and get closer to the male ideal.

Choose an environment

Before making any internal and external changes, make sure that only people who love you are in your environment. Envious, angry and aggressive, as well as people who show their disorder in life to the whole world, are excluded from the environment. The closest ones are those who may not understand, but will allow you to look at the situation from the outside, those who will help you correct the course of changes - that's who should be next to you at this time.

Think about your behavior

All change starts with a change in mindset. You must conduct a deep analysis and understand what prevents you from becoming tender and flawless. Perhaps this is an inner core that is visible to the naked eye? This is not bad, but in this case, what should you be protected from? Or the manner of speaking: if you speak rudely, in raised tones, or show the world with your conversation that you are its worthy rival, it is unlikely that anyone will have an idea about your tenderness and airiness.

Therefore, you must, through introspection, find out your pros and cons and start moving in the right direction.

Follow a few tips to help you change.

Of course, one theory will not help you become a gentle and feminine girl. At first, you will have to prove this to yourself daily by looking in the mirror. And when you realize that you really love yourself for who you are, you can start to change if you still have the desire.