How to protect the skin of the face from frost? Protecting the face from the cold: recommendations from cosmetologists Protecting the skin from frost Remedies

Strong wind, frosty air, uncomfortable temperature conditions adversely affect the condition of the skin. They can cause frostbite, redness, peeling and various rashes. Weakening immunity makes tissues hypersensitive to environmental conditions. They require additional protection, which can only be provided by special procedures and competent care. How to protect the skin from the cold so that it always remains healthy and elastic?

Manufacturers offer a huge range of winter cosmetics for the face and hands. You should choose formulations containing a variety of oils and fats. It is these substances that nourish the epidermis and protect it from frost. The main thing is to apply funds to previously cleansed skin. Then the effect is much more noticeable.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

A calming effect is provided by some components contained in cosmetics. It is worth opting for products that contain:

  • vitamin B5;
  • AHA - fruit acids that maintain moisture balance;
  • hydroviton is a natural element;
  • tonic avocado, papaya, birch, witch hazel, chamomile and calendula pomace;
  • honeycomb extract forming a protective layer;
  • liposomes that nourish cells with microelements;
  • lecithin, hyaluronic acid, bioenzymes that promote tissue renewal;
  • ceramides that maintain elasticity.

Application rules

It is not enough to have the right cosmetics in stock, it is important to be able to use them. There are general recommendations that are guaranteed to help save delicate skin from the cold.

1. Ideally, apply the cream one hour before going out into the cold street. This time is enough for him to get used to and begin to act.

2. Scrubs and masks are used only in the evening, and not in the afternoon or in the morning.

4. Rubbing frozen herbal decoctions with cubes is a procedure prohibited in winter. It is better to return to it when it becomes warm and sunny again.


Low temperature conditions force us to replace the usual cosmetics. Instead of a tonic, you need to choose a more gentle cosmetic milk or cream, saturated with aloe and ginseng pomace. Instead of a gel, it is preferable to take a foam for morning washing. It is better to opt for the option with green tea or grapefruit extract, without a soap base.

After removing makeup, you need to apply a tonic with vitamins. It is important that it does not contain alcohol. All of the products mentioned above are great for cleansing and radiant skin.

Moisturizing cosmetics

In winter, creams should nourish the epidermis with vital microelements, vitamins and hydrocomponents. That is, to ensure their uniform distribution, thereby forming a natural protective cover.

  • lecithin;
  • vitamins C and A (they are also antioxidants);
  • hyaluric acid.

These substances help to accumulate nutrients and moisture. Creams with the most dense structure are especially effective.

No less useful are 100% jojoba, nut, avocado cosmetic oils. In turn, petroleum jelly is the best option for unhealthy skin (for example, with eczema, psoriasis and other diseases).

Nourishing masks

They need to be done at least once every 7 days. Vitamins must be present in the mixture:
A (minimizes the susceptibility of the skin to sudden temperature changes, participates in the formation of elastin and collagen, has a positive effect on the restoration of the epidermis);
PP (improves blood circulation).

In the evening, it is better to use serine, elastin and collagen masks, as well as products with hyaluric acid - they have a beneficial effect on lipid balance.

Cream protector

If a long stay on the street is unavoidable, then right before going out, use a protective cream. The protective layer has a dense structure, relieves irritation and soothes itchy facial skin. At the same time, powder should be completely excluded - it will only be harmful. Instead, you can apply a bold tonalnik: it will mask the bumps and will be a reliable protection from winds, cold weather, snow.

Proper Diet

Full menu

In winter, it is important to pay attention to food rich in amino acids, micro and macro elements, as well as vitamins that maintain the normal state of tissues. The required diet should include:

  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • young greens;
  • fish;
  • milk and sour milk;
  • liver;
  • lean meat.

Also, skin elasticity is increased by seafood, herbal teas, beans, vegetable oils and natural juices.


If inflammatory reactions are observed on the face or hands caused by cold weather, special nutritional supplements should be taken. They should contain walnut and flax oils, fish oils and other omega-3 acids.

Environmental conditions

Temperature regime

Alcohol, cucumber extract, gel and everything else that characterizes summer creams is excluded in winter. They dry the skin even at -1 degrees. But at -10 degrees, you can safely refuse water-based creams. This is the time for a natural base such as mink oil or lecithin.


An optimally humid microclimate is a decisive factor on frosty days. It is extremely necessary to increase it indoors. To do this, just put a container of water on the heated battery or hang a damp towel. But the best solution is a standard humidifier.


Another important point: hot water should be completely excluded. In winter frosts, it damages the lipid barrier of tissues. Conversely, washing procedures based on temperature contrast improve blood circulation and normalize the condition of the skin.

Folk recipes

For dry skin

In cold weather, fortified masks are extremely useful - 1-2 times in seven days. There are several viable options.

1. Parsley rhizome, chopped with a grater, mixed with fresh sour cream. The composition is applied for a third of an hour, then removed with warm water.

2. Half a raw chicken egg plus 1 table. l. cottage cheese and 1 tsp. l. olive oil is an effective remedy for peeling.

3. Masks with lecithin, peach, almond and agave pomace, as well as wheat germ help nourish the epidermis.

For oily skin

The best solution for her is film masks. However, in the cold, very fatty products are required. They should be applied in the thinnest layer to avoid comedones. There is also a proven recipe: mix 1 table. l. cottage cheese and kefir, and then we smear the face and after 1/3 hour, wash it off with plain water.

With frostbite

Unprotected skin is highly exposed to cold air masses. The result is frostbite. Although in this case it is too late to protect the hands and face, but you can try to restore the epidermis. To do this, immediately rub the affected area with a warm cloth, and when you come home, grease with fish oil or vegetable oil. So, in winter it is better to monitor the skin and not bring it to an extreme state.

Weather in the winter period of the year is a stress factor for our skin, which significantly worsens its condition. In winter, our immunity is noticeably weaker, as a result of which the skin becomes more sensitive and rapidly loses its tone. How to protect skin from frost?

It is worth noting that scarves and warm mittens remain the main means of protecting the skin of the neck and hands from the cold. The most difficult situation is with the skin of the face, especially around the eyes and in the corners of the mouth, since in this period it is not only sensitive, but also needs special, balanced and properly selected care. Today, manufacturers of the cosmetic industry offer a huge selection of skin care products in the winter. The composition of almost every such product includes various oils and fats. Such products perfectly nourish the skin and protect against frost. They should only be applied to a cleansed face. When choosing a protective cream, you should carefully study the packaging. In winter, it is useful to use cosmetics that have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects, due to the components included in their composition. It is better to choose those funds, which include:

  • ceramides, which make the skin smooth and supple;
  • plant bioenzymes, hyaluronic acid and lecithin, which contribute to skin hydration and renewal;
  • liposomes that provide skin cells with the substances they need;
  • sesame oil, grape seed oil, honeycomb extract, due to which a protective film is formed on the skin that prevents moisture from evaporating;
  • extracts of calendula, chamomile, aloe, cucumber juice, witch hazel, birch, papaya, avocado, which moisturize and tone the skin;
  • hydroviton - a natural moisturizer;
  • alpha hydroxyl fruit acids (ANA), which help maintain normal skin moisture balance;
  • vitamin B5, which is an excellent moisturizer and nourishment for the skin;
  • Coconut oil provides nourishment and protection to the skin.
In order to protect the skin from frost, in addition to the use of protective cosmetics, it is important to observe the following rules:
  • The cream is applied to the face an hour before going outside, this is how long it takes for the cream to be completely absorbed and continue its work even in the cold.
  • Apply cleansers such as masks and scrubs in the evening and not before going outside.
  • It is mandatory to nourish the skin of the hands, but no later than an hour before leaving the house. It is worth knowing that some creams, which include glycerin, can cause peeling and itching of the skin.
  • During the winter cold, it is better not to wipe the skin with ice cubes from herbal decoctions. This procedure is very effective for all skin types only during the warm periods of the year.
If the skin is prone to inflammatory reactions, you can take nutritional supplements that include essential fatty acids of the omega-3 group (fish oil, walnut oil, flaxseed oil.). Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the condition of the skin, regardless of the season, so even in winter, a nourishing skin cream should contain UV filters.

It is no secret that with the advent of cold weather, the condition of our skin worsens, it becomes dry, loses elasticity, various reddenings appear, and the pores become enlarged. This is explained by the fact that in winter the content of oxygen and moisture in the air becomes less than necessary for normal skin respiration. The lower the temperature, the less water vapor the air can hold. Frost takes moisture from the epidermis, and ice microcrystals destroy its protective layer. To neutralize the adverse effects of environmental factors, it is necessary to choose the right special winter care program.

As temperatures drop, softer skin care products should be used. For dry skin, it is better to use cosmetic milk or cream with ginseng or aloe extracts, but you will have to give up tonic for a while. For oily skin, it is worth using a gentle foam for washing, only without a soap base, for example, with grapefruit or green tea, and not a gel with a drying effect. The make-up removal procedure, regardless of skin type, should end with the use of a fortified tonic without alcohol. It will perfectly cleanse the skin of dead particles, and also give it a glow. In addition, in winter, you need to use less hot water, as it destroys the lipid barrier of the skin. But contrasting water procedures help strengthen immunity and improve blood circulation.

Any moisturizing cream intended for skin care in the cold season should effectively perform three functions: supplying the epidermis with hydrocomponents, trace elements and vitamins, their uniform distribution and restoration of the natural protective layer that prevents moisture loss. The most effective are those creams that contain hyaluronic acid and antioxidants (vitamins E and C), as well as lecithin, which is an active participant in the metabolism of fatty acids that help retain moisture in the deep layers of the skin. Those women who work on a computer need to irrigate it with thermal water every time skin tightness appears. After removing makeup, it is recommended to use a cream with a denser texture, as they effectively retain moisture and nutrients in the skin.

As an effective moisturizer, you can use 100% cosmetic oils - jojoba, walnut, shea butter, avocado, shea, etc. Creams based on petroleum jelly are recommended for people with very dry skin, as well as for those who suffer from skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, etc.).

Humidity in the room is important for the skin, especially in winter. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the humidity in the apartment, in the office, etc.: purchase an air humidifier, put a wet towel on the battery, or simply put a vessel with water.

In addition to water, our skin loses a significant amount of vitamins and microelements, so in winter it is necessary to make nourishing masks at least once a week. Nourishing masks should be enriched with vitamin A, since it accelerates the renewal of epidermal cells, affects the production of its own collagen and elastin, and also neutralizes the negative effects of external factors, namely, reduces skin sensitivity to temperature extremes. It is good if vitamin PP is included in the nutritional masks, which improves tissue nutrition and blood circulation. Be sure to apply night products containing hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin and serine to the face at night, they restore the natural level of skin moisture and normalize lipid balance.

You should be aware that not all moisturizers can be used in winter. For example, summer moisturizing cream ingredients such as cucumber extract, cream gel base and alcohol additives begin to break down the lipid layer of the skin already at a temperature of -1 ° C. And at temperatures below -10 ° C, water-based creams are not recommended. They must be replaced with products with a natural base: lecithin or mink oil.

If you need to be in the cold for more than two hours, immediately before going outside, apply a rich layer of cream-protector with a dense texture, which includes components that soothe and relieve irritation. By the way, the use of compact powder will have to be abandoned for a while, since it dries the hydro-lipid layer of the skin. But you can use a greasy tonal base, which will effectively protect the skin from frost and wind, and also hide all its irregularities.

We operate from within.
In winter, it is very important to eat food rich in vitamins, microelements and amino acids: meat, fish, beef liver, seafood, dairy products, nuts, dried fruits. In addition, consuming foods such as juices, fresh herbs, herbal teas, legumes, seafood, and vegetable oils help improve skin elasticity.

Skin care, as mentioned above, at any time of the year should include three main stages: cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing, so all cosmetics should match your skin type. It is worth knowing that during the winter your skin type can change, if you have oily skin, then in winter it is highly likely that it will become normal. Accordingly, normal skin will become dry, and dry - sensitive.

Dry skin.
For dry skin type in winter, it is recommended to make nourishing masks 2 times a week and 1-2 times - fortified. It is best if these are masks with extracts of avocado, wheat germ, agave, almond and peach oil, lecithin. Since dry skin needs moisturizing, especially in winter, it is necessary to replace the nourishing mask with a moisturizing one 1-2 times a month. For dry skin, a mask of half a raw egg yolk, a teaspoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of cottage cheese is very effective. Or we rub the parsley root on a fine grater and add sour cream, mix thoroughly and apply on the skin of the face. After 20 minutes, the mask must be washed off with warm boiled water.

Oily skin.
Oily facial skin in winter suffers less than others from frost and cold wind. But regular care is still necessary. Women with oily skin types can use anti-aging products, since at this time the heaviness on the face from the use of such products will not be felt. Once a week it is necessary to make fortified and nourishing masks. For oily skin, masks with a soft, emulsion or gel texture are best suited. Oily skin type perfectly tolerates film masks. The most effective are masks, which include components such as rosemary, propolis, extracts of needles, cucumber, lavender. A cosmetic product intended for skin care in winter, containing a large amount of fatty components, should be applied to oily skin in a thin layer to prevent the appearance of comedones. For oily skin, a mask of 1 tbsp is effective. kefir and 1 tbsp. cottage cheese, which is applied to the skin of the face for 15-20 minutes.

Normal skin.
Owners of a normal skin type should alternate vitaminization, nutrition and moisturizing procedures 1-2 times a week.

Eyes and lips require special care in winter. For eyelid skin care in winter, it is effective to use bioactive patches under the eyes, plates impregnated with special products, which are applied to the skin of the eyelids for 20-30 minutes, after which they are removed, and a cream is applied to the skin of the eyelids.

Frost has a detrimental effect on the skin of our lips, it cracks, flakes, which causes the lips to lose their elasticity and natural shine, and sometimes even hurt. Therefore, 20 before applying makeup on the lips, you need to apply hygienic lipstick with gentle massaging movements. In winter, it is recommended to use lipsticks with a more oily texture, which include jojoba oil, mink oil, hyaluronic acid. For normal skin, a mask of raw yolk, a teaspoon of glycerin and a grated apple is ideal.

An effective natural remedy for the skin is the usual vegetable, olive or sea buckthorn oil, which is applied with a cotton swab to the skin, rubbed, and then the residue is washed off with warm water.

If for some reason you have frostbitten skin, you should rub it with a scarf or mitten, lubricate it with vegetable oil or fish oil at home. In case of severe frostbite, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In winter, our skin is not the best period. Peeling, redness, cold allergy, microcracks, itching, dull complexion. Many women take these manifestations for granted and believe that in extreme conditions of exposure to frost, prickly wind, temperature changes, it is impossible to keep the skin in a normal state. It's a delusion.

Indeed, in winter, stressful conditions are created for the skin: cold, frost and wind dry it, temperature changes disrupt the sebaceous glands. In addition, under such circumstances, the renewal of the epidermis is much slower. All these factors not only have a negative external effect, but also significantly disrupt the internal processes occurring in the skin. The immune system on its own can no longer cope with the load that has arisen: the skin loses its elasticity, fades, dehydrates and ages. But not everything is as hopeless as many people think. Proper care and the right cosmetics can significantly improve the condition of our skin and reduce the negative effects of external factors.

What are the rules for winter skin care

Many have probably heard about the rules of winter care, they are simple and their implementation is accessible to everyone. Most often, the problem is the lack of a systematic approach to their implementation. In winter, it is important not to forget about the following points:

  • preference in skin care in winter should be given not to moisturizing, as we did in the summer, but to nutrition and protection. Moisturizing creams also need to be applied, but this should be done at night. In the morning and before going out under makeup, it is more correct to apply nourishing and protective creams. Most often, manufacturers of high-quality cosmetics include nutrients in the composition of protective agents. Thus, the cream performs two functions at the same time: it protects and nourishes the skin. Apply any cosmetics in winter should be 30-40 minutes before going outside. During this time, the substances of protective creams will have time to be absorbed into the skin and form a protective barrier, and water-based products will not cause significant harm;
  • skin nutrition must also be carried out with the help of nourishing masks, which should be done at least twice a week. To accomplish this task, you can use the products of cosmetic brands, or you can prepare nourishing masks yourself. Perfect for this are products such as frozen berries, various natural oils, sour cream, cottage cheese, honey, oatmeal. In addition, we should not forget about pharmacy vitamin complexes that need to be taken orally. They will very well support not only the condition of the skin, but also the health of the body as a whole;
  • Washing should also be taken into account. To do this, you need to use gentle cream-based products that gently remove impurities and soothe the skin. All alcohol-based products must be excluded. Cleansing procedures such as peels and scrubs are best done at night and in no case before going outside.

Why does our face of frostbite and wind suffer?

Most women believe that it is simply impossible to maintain their facial skin beauty in winter. But this is a delusion. In fact, the cold and wind dry the face, and the temperature difference (after the street into the room) disrupts the work of the sebaceous glands. In addition, in frosty and windy weather, the skin cells of our face are updated much more slowly. All this becomes the reason that the skin simply cannot cope with the influence of external negative factors. It loses its elasticity, shrinks, various irritations occur. But if you properly care for your face in winter, then the effect of such factors on the skin can be significantly reduced.

How to protect your face from external negative factors in winter

If you use moisturizers, it is recommended to avoid water-based creams. The fact is that the water contained in the cream evaporates quickly and tightens the skin. This contributes to the occurrence of microcracks on the face.

In frosty and windy weather, under make-up, as a base, you need to use more greasy and thicker products. A special winter face cream can be considered a wonderful option. It not only protects our skin from wind and frost, but also perfectly nourishes it. But you need to know that choosing a winter cream is better than well-known brands, since dubious cosmetics can only harm the skin.

Even the most oily skin becomes defenseless during frost and wind. That is why it requires delicate cleansing, just like other skin types. For oily skin, it is recommended to use a gentle foam for washing. For all skin types - soothing cream or milk. You need to know that various aggressive agents, tonics and solutions are not recommended for cleaning pores on the skin of the face.

Ice washing should be postponed. In frosty weather, the skin of the face already receives full anti-aging cold therapy. That is why this procedure should not be used, so as not to injure the skin additionally.

The cream should be applied to the face at least an hour before going out into the cold. During this period, cosmetics will be absorbed and will perform their protective function in the cold.

Also, women are advised to perform facial cleansing procedures when there is no need to go out in the cold. Masks, scrubs and peels are best done in the evening, after removing makeup. If, after these procedures, you go out into windy and frosty weather, then the risk of getting frostbite of the skin, even severe, increases.

It is also necessary to ensure that the composition of cosmetics intended for protection against frost does not include glycerin. On the one hand, this frostbite component protects the skin, but on the other hand, it can cause redness and itching, especially for women with sensitive facial skin.

In some women, frost causes an allergic reaction on the face. It manifests itself in the form of inflammation, rash, red itchy spots. In this case, self-medication is not recommended - contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist. Specialists will recommend you special protective ointments or medications that help normalize facial skin.

To moisturize, protect and soothe the skin of the face after frost and wind, it is good to use cosmetic oils, especially if the skin is dry. Perfectly moisturizing oils: shea butter, avocado, jajoba, etc.

Some masks that help restore the skin of the face

In winter, you can use masks from frozen berries (they retain vitamins). The mask also perfectly nourishes the skin, which includes: honey, olive oil, oatmeal and cottage cheese. A wonderful remedy is sauerkraut, which tones the skin and saturates it with vitamins.

In winter, use a sour cream mask. Fresh pumpkin (grated) mixed with sour cream. It is applied to the face for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

The carrot mask perfectly nourishes the skin. Juicy, grated, carrots mixed with oatmeal. The principle is the same.

Brightens the skin curd mask. Mix fresh cottage cheese (2 tablespoons) with one raw egg yolk and add two drops of hydrogen peroxide. Apply on face for 10 minutes (no more) and then rinse with warm water.

Take care of your face, both in winter and summer, use these tips. After all, a woman should be beautiful at any time of the year.

Frosty weather can be a real nightmare for any skin - low temperatures, cold winds and dry indoor air dry it out. This is very unpleasant in itself, and even can lead to painful cracks. There are several ways, or rather, a whole complex that will help get rid of this winter pain.

Dress thoughtfully

It goes without saying that the less your skin is exposed to cold temperatures and wind, the better, but that doesn't mean you have to wear a ski mask or wrap yourself up so you can't bend your arms in your clothes and turn your head. The bottom line is to choose your clothes carefully.

  • The best winter clothes are those that have special features to keep you out of the cold wind and snow. These can be special drawstrings, cuffs or hoods, high collars, etc. So when choosing what you will wear in winter, first think about frost -30 ° With and icy wind.
  • Knitted hats and earmuffs can look supremely fun, but unlike a good hoodie, they won't keep you out of the wind. The hood, especially if it can be tightened, blocks the path of the wind from both sides of the face.
  • Similarly, leather gloves will provide better protection from wind and frost than cotton or knitted ones.
  • Do not forget to buy a scarf with them, which you can wrap around your neck, and in case of strong wind, cover half of your face.
  • Do not wear too loose clothes, otherwise the wind will find a way to get under a jacket or fur coat. If you just don't have tighter outerwear, you can put on several layers of things under it - and it won't blow through and won't freeze.
  • Avoid wearing spiky items such as wool - this can destroy the skin's natural barrier that retains moisture.

Take good care of your skin

Even if you have chosen the right winter clothes and walk wrapped up from head to toe, the skin still continues to dry. And it's time for a change in skin care.

    Hard hot water makes the skin thinner and drier, so you have to take a warm shower, no matter how much you want to warm yourself in almost boiling water after a frost.

    You should not use simple soap - it dries the skin no less than hot water, it is better to choose an oil-based shower gel that moisturizes the skin.

    Cosmetologists advise peeling more often in winter - old, dry skin cells are removed, and new, full of moisture remain.

    If you are using a water-based lotion, it is best to replace it with a moisturizer with oils, olive or almond. Read the packaging - if the cream contains glycerin, sorbitol, serine and alanine, the skin will remain hydrated longer.

    If your skin is very sensitive, avoid skin care products containing sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS), which makes the skin more permeable.

    A lot of cosmetic products for frosty weather are now on sale - various creams for hands and face. Be sure to pick one for yourself, especially if you are often outdoors, walking or doing winter sports.

    And finally, one of the most common problems is chapped lips. Especially if you go to a ski resort, don't forget to buy a balm with SPF, which protects delicate skin from ultraviolet, wind and frost, and heals small cracks. But it is better to refuse balms with phenol, menthol or salicylic acid - such balms dry lips.

Change habits at home

It is not enough to take care of the skin on the street - at home in the winter, you will also have to change a few habits.

  • Drink water. In winter, it is especially important to drink plenty of water - this will help maintain the level of moisture in the body, and thus prevent dry skin.
  • Buy a humidifier. These devices cost from 400 rubles (average price range from 1500 to 2000 rubles) and help to cope with dry air due to heating devices and batteries. It is especially important to turn on the humidifier at night when your body is regenerating.
  • Eat right. Eat more healthy foods: nuts, avocados, oily fish. An example is the Eskimos, whose diet consists mainly of seafood and fats - this definitely helps them keep their skin in good condition in the harsh conditions of the far north.
  • Alcohol-based mouthwashes, some over-the-counter cold medicines, high blood pressure medications, and antidepressants can aggravate dry skin, so read the side effects carefully and try to find a replacement.
  • Do not smoke and reduce the amount of alcohol.

How to treat dry skin

If none of the above works for you (or you just haven't tried anything and your skin is already chapped), there are several ways to deal with it.

  • Treat cracks with petroleum jelly and leave overnight. In order not to stain the bed and not grease it, you can wear thin cotton gloves or socks. In addition, they will help the skin absorb the Vaseline better.
  • In addition to petroleum jelly, you can use other products, such as Lubiderm or Aquaphor creams.
  • Cracks can be treated with 1% hydrocortisone ointment.

And lastly, if you sleep on cotton sheets, try changing them to silk ones. Some dermatologists believe that cotton absorbs moisture and makes the skin dry.