How to tie a stole on a dress in different ways. Visual photo instructions on how to beautifully tie a scarf, scarf and tippet (17 photos). Tandem with a coat

With the onset of cold weather, people began to warm up thoroughly. Who took out hats and gloves, who wrapped themselves in scarves, but fashionable glamorous ladies remembered such a stylish and warm little thing as a stole. But, in order not to spoil the sophisticated elegant image due to inexperience or inability, decided to talk today about.

For those who do not know yet, a wide and long cape, most often rectangular in shape, is called a stole.

The abundance of stoles is striking in its scale. And, above all, they differ in the material of execution. The most common are cashmere capes, but along with them, woolen, linen and fur stoles are also popular.

In addition, there are stoles not only for winter, but also for summer. Most often they are made of silk, velvet and lace.

History of stoles

The fashion world owes the appearance of this stylish and beautiful accessory to the daughter-in-law of Louis XIV Isabella Charlotte Palatine from France.

Sources say that the young duchess often froze in the royal palace. And one day, to keep warm, she threw a sable fur strip over her shoulders. Such a sensual and luxurious combination of fur and delicate female skin was immediately appreciated by court ladies, and this fur cape quickly gained popularity in France, and soon in Europe, inheriting the name palatine.

Tippet - how to wear it?

Today, when stoles have become one of the most popular women's accessories, a modern woman needs to understand well how to wear a stole correctly and not too monotonously, what it is better to combine it with, how to choose a shade....

How to wear a tippet: 11 options

How to wear a stole with outerwear?

To answer this question, you must first understand what kind of outerwear will be discussed.

  • If this classic coat, sheepskin coat or natural fur coat, it is best to pick up a cashmere stole. You can tie it in the Dolce & Gabbana style (throw a cape around your neck and tie a voluminous knot at one end, fix the other end under the knot and carefully drape). Stoles with fur decor will also look original. You can simply throw them over your shoulders and they will make your look truly luxurious.
  • If you are going to wear stoles, you should choose less wide models. However, if you have one stole for all occasions, you can solve the situation with the help of a suitable scarf tie. For example, a method called "college"(fold the scarf in the form of a ribbon and tie a loose knot on one side at a height of about a third of the tippet length, thread the other side through this knot and adjust the length to your liking).

More ways to wear a stole

Stole in business style: how to wear it correctly

Since we spend most of our time at work, and we don’t want to part with our favorite stole, we need to be able to combine it with business office clothes. Better choice of materials silk plain capes. As for the ways to wear them, you can experiment with knitting in the form rings, butterflies, vests and other options.

These stoles will look great with blouses or classic dresses. Here you can play with flowers. For example, to pick up some bright scarf for a black dress, which will certainly add zest and juiciness to this image.

Sometimes stoles are worn not only around the neck, but also around the waist. You can tie it over your trousers and shirt. This option is also considered very fashionable and original, it will give a dull business image new colors. Use to freshen up your look and create many new ways to wear your tippet!

How to wear a stole in solemn occasions?

If you want to wear a stole with an evening dress, it is important to choose the right scarf. And here stop your choice on silk or fur stoles and also pay special attention to color. Choose models in the same color scheme or even the same color as the dress. To make the look more luxurious, the scarf can be decorated with the same details that are on the dress. It can be embroidery or fringe.

How to wear a stole with an evening dress? There is no need to be particularly sophisticated here, just throw it on your shoulders or on your hands. The dress itself is always beautiful, and there is no need to knit complex combinations from a scarf. In this case, the stole plays only an additional role and should not attract the main attention.

But in fact, in order to describe all the possibilities, , one article is not enough, so I suggest you experiment. And may you succeed!

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There are no trifles in fashionable images. A special role in them belongs to such a fashionable accessory as a stole.

How to wear it so that you look like a style icon in any situation? It is quite simple, it is only important to understand the secrets of this accessory.
But first, about the accessories themselves. Only models made of thin, softly draping materials will look spectacular. Whatever it is - cotton or silk for spring-summer looks or fine wool for autumn-winter ones, the accessory should be light and flexible.
The second important detail: the color, since you will wear it near your face, accurately match the shades of the accessory to your own color type. But how and with what things in your own wardrobe you will combine them depends only on your taste. An accessory can act as a bright and self-sufficient accent, or it can become an elegant addition to a thoughtful and subtly color-matched look.
How to properly and beautifully wear a stole
“Correct” in the fashion world means beautiful and spectacular. It is enough to choose for yourself a few current models and master the simple ways of how to wear a stole. In this case, all the elegant options you created will be correct.

This accessory can be worn not only on the shoulders or neck. There are many options for how to wear a stole on your head, creating elegant headdresses with it.

The simplest is to make a “hood” with it. Drape the accessory over your head, line up the ends, and gently wrap it around your neck once or twice. Form beautiful folds around the face and at the back of the head.

Such a hood is suitable even for those who fundamentally do not wear a hat, it is easy to remove and put on during the day and it will not spoil even the most complex styling.
Detailed and visual instructions "how to wear a stole" in this video will answer many questions:

How To Wear a Stole With a Coat and Jacket
In the fashion world, these accessories are considered the perfect additions. With their help, you can perfectly diversify everyday looks, built on simple and versatile things. This property is especially important in sets with coats or jackets.

How to wear a stole with a coat? This accessory will be the best companion for models made of fine wool of the simplest silhouette. It can be beautifully tied and draped on models with miniature turn-down collars or stand-up collars. And of course, the combination with models with a simple rounded neck without additional details will be very impressive.

The accessory can be difficult to drape around the neck, or you can use all its capabilities, beautifully spreading it over your shoulders. Throw it around your neck, throwing one end over your shoulder. Form a beautiful "swing" in the neckline and secure them with a large brooch or pin.

Combinations of a simple style of elongated models and a stole as a vest look fashionable and very stylish. Release both ends of the accessory on the chest, straighten them and fasten them to the waist with a thin strap.

For jackets, especially in casual style, these accessories add nobility and elegance. Wearing a stole with a jacket, as with a coat, will allow its well-fitting style without additional decor. But with voluminous jackets, a simple “French knot” will look best.

Fold the accessory in half across, wrap it around your neck, skip the loose ends into the loop formed. Spread them out and either loosely lower them to your chest, or wrap your neck again, securing them at the back of your head. You will get a semblance of an elegant snood.

How beautiful to wear a stole with a dress
Pay tribute to the accessory itself, the pattern and beautiful draperies that it creates are expressive touches of the image in themselves. And do not lose sight of the possibilities of your own figure. Beautifully wrapped around the neck, the accessory draws attention to the décolleté and visually increases the volume of the chest. This is a great solution for fragile and tall girls.

And how beautiful it is to wear a stole for fashionistas with magnificent forms. All ways of wearing this accessory with loose ends are perfect for them. You can beautifully throw one of them over your shoulder, creating an asymmetric composition, or you can also freely release both ends of the accessory on your chest. It will create a spectacular vertical line that flawlessly slims any figure and even visually adds height.

In any combination, this accessory will look advantageous if you learn how to use it in a variety of outfits. For example, you can wear a stole with a dress as a spectacular decoration or addition. The only condition for creating a stylish look is that the dress itself should be of a fairly simple cut, with a figure-hugging silhouette.

These accessories look great paired with models with an open neckline or shoulders. In this case, you can simply throw them beautifully over your shoulders, or create a simple and beautiful drapery, securing it with a brooch or pin. This option is perfect for an evening out to the theater or any official event.
How to wear scarves and stoles
Use different accessories from your collection in each case, and your dress will look like a new and unusual outfit in each case. Just like stoles, you can wear large shawls made of light and airy fabrics.

Any accessory can act both as a complement and decoration of the image. In addition to simple options for how to wear a stole around your neck, there are several very effective ones that are also not difficult to master.

From a voluminous, but very thin model with fringe along the edges, you can make an original decoration in the form of a rose. Drape the accessory over your shoulders, leaving one end longer than the other. Twist the long one several times and assemble it into a neat bud, secure it with a fringe, tying it at the base and, using a brooch or pin, attach the resulting “rose” to the short free end.
This addition will look spectacular not only in combination with simple dresses, but also with a projectile based on jeans and a shirt. They can also diversify the simple style of a coat or jacket.
How to wear a shawl with a scarf and a turban
Do you like non-trivial solutions? Then try to tie the accessory with a scarf "a la 70s". To do this, fold it in half lengthwise and wrap your head around it, bringing the ends strictly to the back of the head. Collect them with a light “accordion” and tie a tight but voluminous knot. The ends can be freely released on the back, or can be wrapped several times around the neck.

Exotic, but very stylish looks "turban", made from such an accessory. Just like with a scarf, bring the ends to the base of the neck, but do not leave them free, but wrap them around the forehead. The ends of the turban can be fastened with a beautiful knot over the forehead, or you can take them back and secure them with an expressive brooch.
An exhaustive answer to the question "how can you wear a stole?" will give you your own collection, in which there must be a place, both for plain models and decorated with bright prints, seasonal and frankly elegant. The possibilities that this accessory gives are endless, and you should definitely take advantage of them.

What is a stole and how to wear it correctly, every fashionista should know, as this stylish accessory will help bring a certain romance and femininity to the image. This is a detail of a woman's wardrobe that can turn an ordinary outfit into an elegant and stylish thing.

What is the product

What is a palatine? Many women are interested, who even in autumn and winter want to look elegant. This product is a scarf that has the shape of a rectangle. If knitting is used for its manufacture, then delicate delicate patterns are selected.

The width of the product is at least half a meter, and the length is approximately 2 meters. It is mostly worn as a scarf, shawl or cape.

After looking at the photo of the stoles, you can decide on the method of its design. Wearing or tying the accessory in various ways, you can change your style and appearance. If earlier it was down products, now they are made from viscose, silk, linen or wool.

History of occurrence

What is a stole and what is the history of this women's accessory? For the first time, Elizabeth Charlotte introduced fashion for him. According to available historical information, the duchess often froze in a huge palace. One day she put on a small fur cape made of sable. The court ladies immediately liked such a product, and it became widespread in France, and after a while throughout Europe.

The stole came to Russia from Germany. He acted as an additional accessory of women's winter wardrobe. In Russian court fashion, it lasted for about 2 centuries, and now this accessory has begun to be popular again.

What can you wear a stole with

You need to know not only what a stole is, but also how to wear it correctly. This product is considered a universal accessory, as it can be beautifully combined not only with outerwear, but also:

  • wear over a light evening dress or business suit;
  • tie like a scarf.

Depending on the weather conditions and outfit, this accessory is selected, which will be a good addition to the created image.

If it is cool enough outside and you need to wear warmer clothes, then the stole should be made of a coarser and denser fabric. If the weather is warm enough, then a silk and light product is ideal, which will go well with a bright sundress or dress.

For social events and festive evenings, exquisite luxurious stoles are suitable, which are made individually for each outfit. To complement your evening dress and stand out, it is desirable that the stole has a silver or golden tint. In addition, dark colors look very elegant.

It is worth paying special attention to jewelry that successfully complements the image. According to its color scheme or texture, the stole fabric can be combined with a handbag, and then the appearance of the owner of a beautiful outfit will be harmonious and complete.

How to wear a stole

How to wear a stole to look stylish and elegant - every girl needs to know. This is a cape, so you can just throw it over your shoulders over a business suit. Thus, you can easily keep warm at work on a cool morning. With a business suit, it is best to combine capes of calm, muted tones without bright flashy patterns. Geometric prints are allowed.

If you need to diversify your outfit and there is no mandatory dress code at work, then you need to know how to tie a stole around your neck beautifully. The bright colors of this accessory will act as a decoration on the chest. In this case, it would be logical to wrap it around the neck several times, making a luxurious collar-necklace.

With the help of such an accessory, you can easily even somewhat veil your figure. Over a dark dress or business suit, you can throw a bright stole around your neck, and lower the remaining edges to the level of a skirt or dress. You can also use this accessory in the form of a belt to match the dress.

How to tie a stole on a coat, girls who prefer this original accessory are interested. Winter stoles look luxurious and unique with the addition of fur inserts used in the edging, or completely fur. The best combination would be a coat and a fur stole, as it looks stylish and sophisticated.

Usually such a winter cape is fully opened, to the full width, and covers the shoulders. One part can also be thrown over one shoulder so that the edges fall.

General rules

If you wear a stole with a dress, then you cannot combine this accessory with products that have a complex or asymmetrical cut, draperies, a fluffy skirt or a lot of additional decor. The model of the dress should be classic, completely fitting the figure or slightly expanding downwards.

The richer and deeper the shade of the stole, the more elegant and stylish the image looks. A wide fur product is ideal for tall and slender girls. For miniature and fragile women, it is best to choose a stole from short or sheared fur, with a maximum width from the elbow to the hand.

Cashmere stole looks good with a sheepskin coat, coat or natural fur coat. In addition, an interesting option would be an accessory with fur decor. You can simply throw it over your shoulders, and it will make the created image simply luxurious.

Stoles of medium width go well with down jackets. If you need to combine this product with business attire, then plain silk capes would be an ideal option. Regarding the ways to wear them, you can use a variety of options, it all depends on your own preferences.

How to choose a product

The choice of stole largely depends on the color type of the woman's appearance, as he focuses on the face of his mistress. When using this accessory, you need to take into account that the emphasis in makeup should be done on the eyes, and its shade and texture should be combined with the costume and makeup.

Everything should be matched harmoniously, because with the wrong choice and combination of shades, you can easily spoil the created image.

The key to success in creating a stylish image is not always fashionable and expensive clothes. Accessories often play the main role in this ensemble. For several seasons in a row, a stole has been such a stylish accessory that allows you to significantly diversify your wardrobe and not be repeated in images. In the article, we will consider what a stole is, what it is made of, how and with what it is worn. Now let's take a closer look at each question.

History of appearance

The stole, namely the product of a rectangular shape, which was originally used as a cape, came into fashion in the second half of the 17th century. It happened in France, thanks to Elizabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate - the wife of the brother of King Louis XIV, Duke Philip I of Orleans. The duchess's stole was a veil made of sable skins, brought from the German Principality of the Palatinate.

Elisabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate, thanks to her fur stole, demonstrated an elegant way to protect against the cold, because before that it was not customary to wear any capes with dresses. About 50 years later, at the beginning of the 18th century, stoles became fashionable in Russia, where they remained popular until the beginning of the October Revolution of 1917.

What is a stole: description and photo

Initially, a stole was understood as a product of openwork knitting, the width of which was half a meter, and the length reached two meters. It was used as tied around the neck or worn as a headdress on the head. Today, this concept has become much broader. What is a stole in its modern form?

A tippet is a shawl or scarf made of yarn, wool, silk, satin, chiffon or any other fabric. The length of such a product is 0.5-1 meter, and the width is 2 meters or more. It is this description of the stole that can be found today. Depending on the type of fabric, colors and decor, there are several varieties of canvas. Moreover, it is worn not only on the neck or shoulders, but also skillfully tied in the form of a vest, skirt and even a dress.

Varieties of stole

Depending on the type of fabric that was used in the manufacture of the stole, there are:

  • The dense stole is made of dense fabric and is designed for the cold season. These are products made of velvet, velor, cashmere, natural wool, etc.
  • The fur stole is made of artificial or natural fur of various animals (sable, arctic fox, mink, fox). Ideal for the weather conditions of the harsh Russian winter and perfectly harmonizes with a fur coat made of the same fur.
  • The light tippet is sewn from chiffon, silk, linen and the finest cotton. It pleasantly touches the body and gives the long-awaited coolness in the summer heat.

There are many colors of stole. Moreover, in different countries the canvas is painted in accordance with their national motifs. There are stole in the Indian style, Japanese, Russian, etc. To decorate wide and long canvases, fringe, tassels, frills and ruffles are often used.

photo and ground rules

In order for the stole to really become an elegant addition to the female image, and not a means to emphasize figure flaws, it is necessary to choose it correctly and wear it correctly in accordance with the type of clothing and features of the figure.

Here are a few simple rules on how to choose and how to wear a stole:

  1. Light stoles made of flowing fabrics are difficult to keep on the shoulders, neck or head. In this case, it is appropriate to use a brooch or pin as a clip.
  2. The stole on the coat will lie more evenly and beautifully if the cut of the outerwear assumes the presence of a straight collar.
  3. Fur stoles go to many women, but not everyone can choose and wear them. So, for example, full ladies should avoid capes made of long-haired fur, since it visually adds a couple of extra pounds, although it looks spectacular.
  4. Women of short stature should not buy a stole that is too long, since the ends of the scarf hanging down strongly will only emphasize this feature of the figure.

What is a stole, how to wear and choose it, figured it out. Now consider several ways to tie the fabric.

Traditionally, the tippet is worn so that both ends hang down in front, after which one of them can be thrown back.

Stole clothing

With the help of a stole, you can easily diversify your autumn or summer wardrobe. To do this, it is enough to learn how to tie a sundress, top or vest out of it.

  1. Sundress. Bring the fabric behind the back, wrap it in front, cross the ends on the chest and tie around the neck. A trendy waist strap completes the look.
  2. Top. To do this, a wide and long canvas must be folded in half, after which it should be tied around the waist and around the neck. A beautifully tied stole in the form of a top will visually enlarge a small chest.
  3. Vest. Throw a stole around your neck and gird yourself with a thin strap at the waist.
  4. Skirt. The fabric is wrapped around the hips and fastened with a knot or brooch on the side.

Finally, the long-awaited warmth has come, and down jackets have been replaced by light raincoats and jackets. But to make the mood especially “spring”, you need to complement your everyday look with a bright accessory. In today's material, we have collected 17 visual photo instructions on how to properly and beautifully drape a scarf, stole or scarf.

1. Hidden knot

A beautiful, simple and quite original way to tie a long warm scarf. An accessory tied in this way will not only reliably protect the neck, but also decorate a coat or turtleneck.

2. Pretzel

A silk scarf folded into a triangle can be wrapped into a charming, intricate pretzel. A scarf tied in this way will become a spectacular detail of a business or romantic look, and will also protect your throat from the wind.

3. Braid knot

A simple and very effective way to protect your head from the wind and turn a warm scarf into a beautiful accessory.

4. Harness

Today, scarves are designed not only to protect from the cold, but also to decorate a graceful and beautiful neck. For example, simple manipulations will help turn a light long scarf into a beautiful tourniquet necklace.

5. Wild West

The original completion of the everyday look will be a scarf tied in the wild west style. To do this, the scarf must be folded into a triangle and laid so that the ends are at the back of the head. Cross the ends at the back, bring to the front and tie.

6. Flower

Instead of the usual knot, a charming flower can be woven from a light chiffon scarf. To do this, you need to twist the scarf into a bundle and do the manipulations shown in the picture, leave the ends of the scarf hanging freely.

7. Big bow

A long warm scarf tied into a large beautiful bow will become an original decoration for a winter down jacket or coat.

8. Cute bow

The ends of a light silk scarf can be tied into a small neat bow, which can be fixed with a small elastic band. A scarf tied in this way will bring a touch of elegance and French charm to your look.

9. Negligence

A simple way to create a stylish casual look with a touch of casualness with just one stole.

10. Cascade

Another simple way to turn a faceless scarf into a highlight. In addition, a scarf wrapped in this way will protect your neck from cold and wind.

11. Stylish simplicity

Perhaps the easiest way to tie a scarf, which even a child can handle. Looks impressive enough.

12. Variety

As many as eight ways to wear a scarf that will help you create different looks and moods with just one piece.

13. Under the belt

Want to freshen up your look? Throw a neatly folded stole over your shoulders, fixing it at the waist with a thin strap.