What are the payments for the Order of Friendship? What are the benefits for the Order of Friendship award? External description of a valuable reward

The statute and description were approved on June 1, 1995. The author of the drawing of the order is the artist A.B. Zhuk, who is also the author of the drawing of the Soviet Order of Friendship of Peoples, established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on December 17, 1972 in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the formation of the USSR for awarding great merits in strengthening friendship and fraternal cooperation of socialist nations and nationalities, for significant contributions to the economic, socio-political and cultural development of the USSR and the union republics and being the predecessor of the new Russian award. A.B. Zhuk himself is a holder of the Russian Order of Friendship, while he was not awarded the Soviet Order of Friendship of Peoples. Candidate of Historical Sciences P.K. Kornakov took part in the development of the sketches.

In the hierarchy of Russian orders, the Order of Friendship ranks after the Order of Honor.

The Order of Friendship is awarded to citizens for strengthening friendship and cooperation between nations and nationalities, for achievements in the development of the Russian economy, for particularly fruitful activities in the development of science, the rapprochement and mutual enrichment of cultures of nations and nationalities, strengthening peace and friendly relations between states.

Although the Statute of the Order of Friendship says nothing more, they are also awarded for other merits - for space flights, for testing new technology, for sporting achievements, for achievements in production activities, for work on the patriotic education of youth.

The first holder of the Order of Friendship No. 1 is the Governor of the Samara Region K.A. Titov, who was awarded this award on November 1, 1994, for his great personal contribution to the implementation of economic reform, implementation of democratic reforms and active work to strengthen Russian statehood.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 28, 1995, the order was awarded to 144 veterans of the Great Patriotic War, including I.S. Mudretsova.

Among the holders of the order: Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A.Ya. Livshits; President of the Republic of Buryatia L.V. Potapov, President of the Republic of Kalmykia K.N. Ilyumzhinov; President of the Republic of Tuva Sh.D. Dorzhak; Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation R.G. Abdulatipov; Marshal of Armored Forces O.A. Losik; army generals V.L. Govorov, I.I. Gusakovsky, V.N. Lobov, G.I. Obaturov; Major General of Police A.N. Zakharov; Chairman of the Regional Council of Veterans of the Primorsky Territory K.F. Kravchenko; cosmonaut V.A. Dzhanibekov; writers Ch.T.Aitmatov and A.A.Vainer; conductor V.T.Spivakov; composers O.B. Feltsman and V.Ya. Shainsky; film directors V.M. Kotenochkin and V.N. Shilovsky; People's Artists O.V. Basilashvili, V.I. Gaft, L.I. Golubkina, M.M. Derzhavin, L.K. Durov, A.D. Zharkov, V.M. Zeldin, L.I. Kasatkina, I.V.Kvasha, E.E.Kio, B.V.Klyuev, Yu.D.Kuklachev, O.K.Popov, V.V.Tolkunova, A.B.Freundlich, G.V.Khazanov, B.V.Shcherbakov ; Honored Masters of Sports E.V.Berezhnaya, I.A.Netto, A.T.Sikharulidze, V.I.Starshinov, S.V.Khorkina, G.A.Yartsev; head coach of the CSKA football club V.G. Gazzaev; mother of R.G. Nazmukhanov with many children.

On March 24, 1997, the Order of Friendship was awarded to 33 employees of enterprises of the Belarusian military-industrial complex. They were awarded this award for their great contribution to the development and creation of the Moscow anti-missile defense system. Most of them are specialists from the system programming bureau of the Russian-Belarusian corporation Vympel.

The Order of Friendship was awarded to 475 people from 58 countries of the world. The first foreign holder of the order was the German cosmonaut-researcher Ulf Merbold (01/24/1994), one of the last was Air Force Major of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland K. Hewitt (09/04/2005), awarded for dedication and high professionalism shown in rescuing Russian sailors.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2002. “For their great contribution to the development of technical cooperation, preparation and conduct of the operation to raise the Kursk nuclear submarine, 9 citizens of the Netherlands and Great Britain were awarded the Order of Friendship, including the president of the Mammut company, I.F. van Seumeren.

91 church ministers were also awarded high awards, including Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev and All Ukraine and Archbishop of Vladivostok and Primorsky Veniamin.

Posthumous awards were awarded to 4 people - Chairman of the Kursk City Council of Veterans of War, Labor, Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies N.G. Presnyakov (05/04/2000); Deputy Head of the Administration of the city of Shali of the Chechen Republic L.Kh. Abkaev (03/21/2003); Deputy Head of the Administration of the Shalinsky District of the Chechen Republic I.M. Dzhabrailov (03/21/2003); member of the Election Commission of the Chechen Republic D.D. Mezhidov (07/23/2003).

Manufacturing options:

type 1. MMD round stamp.

type 2. The MMD mark is oblong.


  • 1 Statute of the order
  • 2 Description of the order
  • 3 Order of Friendship of Peoples of the Russian Federation
  • 4 Awards statistics
    • 4.1 Awarded two Orders of Friendship of Peoples
    • 4.2 Awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples and the Order of Friendship
  • Literature


Order of Friendship of Peoples- one of the state awards of the USSR. Established on December 17, 1972 by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the USSR. The statute of the order was partially changed by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 18, 1980. The author of the order's sketch is the artist Alexander Borisovich Zhuk. As a state award of the USSR, the order automatically ceased to exist after its collapse in 1991.

1. Statute of the order

USSR postage stamp 1973

The statute of the Order of Friendship of Peoples, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated December 17, 1972, was as follows:

1. In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Order of Friendship of Peoples was established to reward great achievements in strengthening friendship and fraternal cooperation of socialist nations and nationalities, for significant contributions to the economic, socio-political and cultural development of the USSR and union republics.

2. The Order of Friendship of Peoples is awarded to:
- citizens of the USSR;
- enterprises, institutions, organizations, military units and formations, union and autonomous republics, territories, regions, autonomous regions, autonomous districts, cities.
The Order of Friendship of Peoples can also be awarded to persons who are not citizens of the USSR.

3. The Order of Friendship of Peoples is awarded:
- for his great contribution to strengthening friendship and fraternal cooperation of socialist nations and nationalities;
- for great labor achievements in the field of development of the national economy of the USSR and union republics;
- for services to the national-state building of the USSR;
- for particularly fruitful activities in the development of science, the rapprochement and mutual enrichment of the cultures of socialist nations and nationalities, active participation in the education of Soviet people in the spirit of proletarian internationalism, devotion and fidelity to the Soviet Motherland;
- for special services in strengthening the defense power of the USSR;
- for great services in the development of fraternal friendship and cooperation between the peoples of socialist countries, strengthening peace and friendly relations between peoples.

4. The Order of Friendship of Peoples is worn on the left side of the chest and is located after the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

2. Description of the order

Below is a description of the order in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated December 17, 1972.

The Order of Friendship of Peoples is made of silver and is a slightly convex gilded five-pointed star covered with dark red zinc, framed by silver pyramidal faces and five bunches of diverging golden rays.
In the center of the star there is an applied gilded State Emblem of the USSR, individual parts of which are covered with colored enamel. The coat of arms is bordered by an applied rim with the image of handshakes; in the lower part of the rim there is an applied gilded ribbon covered with dark red enamel with the inscription “USSR”.
Between the State Emblem of the USSR and the rim against a background of white enamel in the upper part there is the inscription “Friendship of Peoples”, in the lower and middle there are laurel branches covered with green enamel.
The size of the order between the opposite ends of the silver pyramidal frame and the beam of golden rays is 47 mm. The order, using an eyelet and a ring, is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. In the middle of the tape there is a longitudinal red stripe 13 mm wide with two narrow longitudinal yellow stripes. To the left of the red stripe there is a blue stripe, and to the right there is a green stripe, each 4 mm wide. The edges of the tape are edged with white stripes 1.5 mm wide.

The numbering of orders was carried out by applying a serial number. The number was written on the reverse of the order, under the inscription “Mint”.

3. Order of Friendship of Peoples of the Russian Federation

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Order of Friendship of Peoples ceased to exist, but was restored on March 2, 1992 by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation No. 2424-1 as a state award of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the appearance of the Russian order has changed somewhat. Instead of the coat of arms of the Soviet Union, the obverse featured the coat of arms of the RSFSR. Also, the inscription “USSR” was removed from the red ribbon at the bottom of the obverse. The reverse of the Russian order remained virtually unchanged, however, Russian orders used four-digit numbering using the number “0” to replace the missing initial digits of the number.

The order existed until March 2, 1994, when by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation it was replaced by the Order of Friendship. In total, the Order of Friendship of Peoples of the Russian Federation was awarded 1212 times, with 40 orders awarded to foreign citizens from 13 countries (not counting the CIS).

4. Awards statistics

In total, during the period from December 17, 1972 to June 27, 1993, 72,761 awards of the Order of Friendship of Peoples of the USSR were made. Another 1,212 awards were made by the Order of Friendship of the Peoples of the Russian Federation in the period from March 2, 1992 to March 2, 1994.

As a rule, the award was of a single nature, although a number of order bearers were subsequently nominated for the Order of Friendship of Peoples again.

4.1. Awarded two Orders of Friendship of Peoples

  • Berdnikov, Georgy Petrovich (1915-1996), literary critic.
  • Boychenko, Viktor Kuzmich (born 1925), Deputy Chairman of the USSR State Committee for Foreign Tourism, State Travel Agency.
  • Ignatenko, Vitaly Nikitich (born 1941), prose writer, politician.
  • Kapustin, Sergei Alekseevich (1953-1995), hockey player, Olympic champion in 1976.
  • Losev, Sergei Andreevich (1927-1988), General Director of TASS.
  • Stepanov, Vladimir Ilyich (1912-1987), USSR Ambassador to Yugoslavia.
  • Tonini, Michel (b. 1949), astronaut researcher (France). He flew on Soviet (1986) and Russian (1992) spacecraft.

4.2. Awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples and the Order of Friendship

A number of holders of the Order of Friendship of Peoples were subsequently awarded the Order of Friendship of the Russian Federation:

  • Zhluktov, Viktor Vasilievich (born 1954), hockey player, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1986). Awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples in 1982 and the Order of Friendship in 1996.
  • Toropov, Ivan Grigorievich (1928-2011), people's writer of the Komi Republic. Awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples in 1978 and the Order of Friendship in 2004.
  • Guryanov, Sergei Ivanovich (1928-1997), chief engineer of Kolenergo


  • Kolesnikov G.A., Rozhkov A.M. Orders and medals of the USSR. M., VI, 1983
  • Grebennikova G.I., Katkova R.S. Orders and medals of the USSR. M., 1982.
  • Collection of legislative acts on state awards of the USSR. M., 1984
  • Shishkov S.S., Muzalevsky M.V. Orders and medals of the USSR. Vladivostok, 1996
  • Durov V.A. Domestic awards. 1918-1991. M., 2005
  • Gorbachev A.N. Multiple holders of orders of the USSR. M., 2006
This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed 07/09/11 14:13:50
Similar abstracts: Order of Friendship of Peoples (Belarus), Order of Friendship of Peoples (Belarus),

The state award system cannot be considered fully formed and effectively operating without the establishment of certain social and material privileges for persons awarded state awards. In this part of our study, we will look at the complex of social and material privileges that are currently provided to citizens awarded orders and titles of both the Russian Federation and the Soviet Union.

The high status of state awards should also ensure the high social and legal status of the awarded persons. The first legal document establishing social and material advantages for a certain category of citizens of the Russian Federation was Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation dated January 15, 1993 No. 4302-1.121. According to the resolution, Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1 “On the status of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation” was approved. Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory." The law recognized the need to implement government measures to guarantee the material and social well-being of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory. Subsequently, they were granted the following rights:

Acceptance as a matter of priority by heads and other officials of state authorities and local governments.

Increasing all types of pensions for old age, long service, and disability.

Exemption from taxes, fees, duties and other payments...

Priority free personal and free care for family members in outpatient clinics, priority free personal and free hospitalization for family members and treatment in hospitals, hospitals, hospitals.

Priority free provision of medicines purchased according to doctor’s prescriptions, home delivery based on a doctor’s opinion.

Free production and repair of dentures (except for those made of precious metals).

First-priority receipt at the clinic at the place of residence or at the place of last work of a free trip to a sanatorium, dispensary or rest home once a year, and for members of their families... for 25 percent of the cost. All types of medical care in sanatoriums, dispensaries and rest homes, as well as food, are provided free of charge. Persons who have received vouchers for treatment are given the right to free travel to the place of treatment and back by rail in double compartments of sleeping cars, by air or by water in 1st class cabins.

Exemption from housing and utility bills, fees for using a home telephone and private security alarm...

Free receipt of ownership of occupied residential premises...

Priority improvement of living conditions, while providing additional living space of up to 20 square meters. m.

Free acquisition of land plots... of at least 0.20 hectares in cities and towns and 0.40 hectares in rural areas.

Free major housing repairs regardless of the type of housing stock. Priority release of local building materials for the construction of individual residential buildings and major renovations of housing.

Priority use of all types of communication services, priority and free installation of home telephones, priority and free equipment of housing with private security alarms.

Free personal travel twice a year (round trip) by rail..., water transport..., air or international road transport.

Free personal use of intracity transport, commuter trains, and in rural areas, intraregional buses.

Extraordinary purchase of tickets for all types of railway, water, air and road transport.

Free personal and free use of halls for accompanying persons for officials and delegations of airports and air terminals, railway stations, stations, marine terminals (ports) and river terminals.

Extraordinary use of all types of services of communication institutions, commercial and consumer service enterprises, when visiting cultural, entertainment and sports institutions. Extraordinary free visits to state museums, art galleries, exhibition halls and centers, exhibitions and fairs.

The preferential right to remain at work in the event of a reduction in the number of staff, regardless of the time of work at a given enterprise... Free training and retraining in new professions. Providing additional leave without pay for up to three weeks a year at a convenient time.

Free burial with military honors. Construction of a tombstone at the expense of the federal budget.

In order to improve the social protection of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory and to give them the right to independently choose the form of provision of state benefits, the Federal one was adopted on July 23, 2005, providing for the replacement of social benefits provided by the state with monthly monetary compensation in the amount of 25,000 rubles. It was also stipulated that the cash payment was subject to indexation.

Despite the introduced monetary compensation, some of the previously provided state benefits were retained. For Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory, the right to free care in outpatient clinics, hospitalization and treatment in hospitals, hospitals, and clinics was retained. Priority free provision of medicines, priority to receive free travel vouchers, free travel and treatment in sanatoriums, dispensaries and rest homes once a year, priority to improve living conditions. Free installation of home telephones and equipping housing with private security equipment. Including burial with military honors and installation of a tombstone at the expense of the federal budget.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provided corresponding social benefits for Heroes of Labor. On January 9, 1997, a Federal Law was adopted establishing rights and benefits designed to ensure the material and social well-being of Heroes of Socialist Labor, as well as full holders of the Order of Labor Glory. Heroes of Labor were granted a similar list of privileges as Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory. However, some benefits have been reduced.

The Federal Law of May 9, 2006 also extended the replacement of social benefits with monetary compensation in the amount of 20,000 rubles to Heroes of Socialist Labor and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory (for Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of the Russian Federation - 25,000 rubles).

When studying the issue of providing social benefits and material privileges to honored citizens of Russia, it should be noted the Federal Law of March 4, 2002. This law determined the conditions, procedure for the appointment and payment of additional monthly material support for outstanding achievements and special merits of citizens of the country awarded the highest orders and titles of the Russian Federation and the USSR.

According to this law, additional financial support was established:

415 percent of the base portion of the old-age labor pension - Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, Heroes of Socialist Labor, citizens awarded the Order of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called or the Order of Glory of three degrees, citizens awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree.

330 percent - to citizens awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II, III and IV degrees, laureates of the Lenin Prize, laureates of State Prizes of the USSR and laureates of State Prizes of the Russian Federation (RSFSR).

250 percent - to citizens awarded the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees, the Order “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR” of three degrees, champions of the Olympic Games.”

The law did not provide for additional material support during the period when these citizens performed paid work.

The analysis of legislative acts of the Russian Federation establishing increased social security for awarded persons shows that in the early 2000s. the list of citizens who received the right to benefits and additional material support was significantly expanded. This circumstance indicates an improvement in the economic condition of the country and the attention shown by the state authorities to its citizens, whose outstanding achievements and special merits were noted with high state awards.

Summing up the study of the history of the formation of a complex of state awards and the development of the legal framework of the award system of the Russian Federation, we note that the state award system was created on the basis of the traditions of domestic award practice of previous historical periods. At the same time, the regulatory and legal part of the award system of the Russian Federation was built on the basis of the award legislation of the USSR, brought into line with modern historical reality.

The Russian award system created to date includes the main elements of the state award system, the most important of which are: award badges and regulations regulating the order of their functioning and establishing the internal hierarchy of awards. The structure of the system of state awards of the Russian Federation includes legal, functional, ideological, social, emblematic and material categories, as well as the category of forms of awards, which allows us to consider the complex of state awards of the Russian Federation a systemic education.

Information from site partners: the price of coins of modern Russia, both commemorative and collectible coins intended for regular circulation, can be viewed on the website www.raritetus.ru

From the book by A.I. Goncharov "Award system of the Russian Federation":
(the work was published in 2009, so some issues covered in the articles are outdated,
but the history of the creation of the New Russia awards is covered in sufficient detail)

During the Soviet Union it was one of the most prestigious awards. It was awarded only to people who worked for the good of the Fatherland and strived for a bright future.

When was it founded

The Order of Friendship of Peoples was born on December 17, 1972. The seventies in the history of the great Soviet power were among the most productive in terms of economic development. Powerful enterprises for the extraction of coal and oil were created. During the crisis, the USSR was actively selling its fuel resources, as well as diamonds. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the state, a decision was made to create the Great Order of the USSR. This decision was made in honor of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Union. On July 18, 1980, the statute of the Order of the USSR changed due to a decree of the government apparatus.

What was the statute

It was not so easy to receive the Order of Friendship of Peoples. It was awarded only for great services to the Fatherland. Only those who were not indifferent to the fate of fraternal peoples and friendly nations could receive it. The Order of Friendship was given only to those who believed in a bright future and the building of socialism. The topic of building economic relations and developing the culture of the republics of the Union was also one of the most pressing in this matter.

Who could receive the award?

The Order of the USSR is worthy of citizens of the Republics who lead their state and their people to a bright future. By the same principle, this title can be awarded to enterprises, military units, defense formations, institutions and operating organizations, unions, as well as regional republics that have retained autonomy, districts and cities. The Order of Friendship of Peoples could also be issued to persons who were not citizens of the USSR, but who distinguished themselves by special services to the Soviet state.

How is the award awarded?

The person who did not make a significant contribution to strengthening the cooperation of friendly peoples of a single socialist union was not worthy of the Order of the USSR. Great labor achievements in the development of the country's economy also played an important role. The Order of Friendship was given only to those who took part in the nation-state building of the Union. Fruitful activity in the field of science and scientific discoveries also provided a chance to receive this award.

The process of bringing the peoples of the Union closer together, their cultural exchange and mutual enrichment, educating citizens in the spirit of true genuine Soviet patriotism, according to all the canons of the proletariat, made it possible to receive the Order of the USSR. But the main rule was loyalty to the Motherland. Let's not forget about his merits in strengthening the defense power of a strong state, which could also contribute to receiving the Order of Friendship of the Peoples of the USSR.

The order must be worn in accordance with the rules, which have also been prescribed and officially issued. The valuable award should be worn on the chest, on the left side. It is usually worn near the Order of the Banner of Labor.

External description of a valuable reward

Let's talk about the appearance of the Order of Friendship of Soviet Nations. It has a slightly convex shape. The surface of the order is covered with gilding and bright red enamel. Silvery pyramidal-shaped faces frame a star with five tufts, on which shiny rays diverge in different directions like a golden fountain.

The Order of Friendship of Peoples has a gilded coat of arms of the USSR, which is located in its very center. Individual parts of the coat of arms are covered with colored enamel. Handshakes as nations also have a place on the coat of arms. This symbol is located in the form of a rim around the coat of arms of the USSR, next to a gilded, dark red ribbon with the proud inscription “USSR”. Laurel branches, which were beautifully covered with a smooth green enamel, are one of the oldest symbols of power and prosperity.

About materials of manufacture

This order was made of silver, the content of which typically reaches
38.998±1.388 g. This standard was adopted back on September 18 in 75 of the last century. The total weight of the valuable reward was 42.9±1.8 g.

About the amount of the reward

The size is usually measured from one end of the pyramidal star to the diametrically opposite one. Thus, the original order has a length of 47 millimeters.
All valuable orders in the Soviet Union were connected to a pentagonal block. It was covered with colored moire ribbon made from high-quality Soviet silk. The tape width corresponding to production standards was 24 mm. The red stripe located along the base was 13 mm wide and was a kind of symbol of the state and was located in the middle of the ribbon.

Two narrow longitudinal stripes seemed to “accompany” the red ribbon along the edges. They were symbols of endless Soviet fields and the sun, which gave a rich harvest. The yellow stripes reached a length of 4 mm. Along the edges of the block there were white stripes of one and a half millimeters each.

History of the award

The Order of Friendship of Peoples (the price for it sometimes reaches an impressive amount) is a rather rare award and is of particular value. Many artists worked to create such a beautiful design of the order, which has a rather complex and interesting design. The most frequently awarded awards were to enterprises and organizations that worked hard for the benefit of the Fatherland. The author of the order project is Alexander Borisovich Zhuk.

Republics that were lucky enough to be the first to receive the order

Less than half a month had passed before the first lucky ones began to be awarded the new, only recently created, order. On December 29, 1972, 15 republics, autonomous republics, as well as regions and districts of the Fatherland were awarded. The first award rightfully belonged to the Russian Soviet Republic, while the second order was given to the fraternal Ukrainian people.

Rewarding citizens

Aviation workers at that time were considered heroes and “shock workers,” so they were the very first people awarded this award. So, 199 people were awarded on February 9 during 1973. It was they who fulfilled and exceeded the plan for air transportation, mastered new aviation technology and helped in the reproduction of the national economy.

Awarding organizations and enterprises

Soviet women were very active in terms of public life. They sought not only their direct gender responsibilities. Everyone wanted to work for the good of the Motherland. Just as a Soviet man defended the honor of the Motherland, the Soviet Women's Committee made a huge contribution to the development of ties and strengthening relations between fraternal peoples. For this, this organization was awarded the order. The award was made on March 6 in 73 of the twentieth century.

The Soviet state saved the whole world from fascism in 1945, so all its citizens knew first-hand how difficult the war years were and how valuable and important peace was. That is why young enthusiasts created their own public organization to protect peace, which was also awarded the valuable and honorable Order of Friendship in 1974.

Of course, it could not have happened without leading industrialists who worked for the benefit of the country’s economy and were one of the “locomotives” of the state. The Leningrad association "Kirov Plant" made a significant contribution to the development of the social economy of the USSR, for which it was awarded the order on April 30, 1976.

Cultural organizations also made a significant contribution and gave the Soviet people the opportunity to become accustomed to art, to experience beauty, to be more educated and comprehensively developed. The Leningrad Circus, which gave bright, high-quality performances, was awarded this order in 1978.

Newspapers filled the minds of our compatriots and played an important role in shaping the information awareness of citizens. Thus, the newspaper "Moscow News" was awarded in 1980, and the "Literary Gazette" - in 1979. The Moscow theater "Romen" at that time was considered one of the most famous, its actors and performances were the favorite for the people of the USSR, so it was also awarded such an award in 1981.

The USSR folk dance ensemble included the best, most talented and experienced dancers who captivated and carried away into the magical world of dance. They were awarded the order in 1981. The magazine “Around the World” was one of the most popular, as it contained articles of an informative and interesting nature. They were printed competently and talentedly, and were liked not only by adults, but also by children.

It is not surprising that this magazine was also awarded the Order of Friendship in 1982.
During the collapse of the Soviet Socialist Power, the Order of Friendship of the USSR lost its union status and acquired the status of an order of the Russian Federation. However, later the status of the order was returned to him; the event occurred in March, 2nd, 1992. Since they started releasing it again, the appearance has also changed a little. The symbols of the former power, such as the red ribbon and the inscription “USSR,” have disappeared.

About the history of the Order of the Russian Federation

The first award ceremonies were resumed immediately after the renewal of the order. The sensational orbital station "Mir", namely the flights there, the study and the courage and great heroism shown during this time were worthy of the Order of the Russian Federation.

River navigation also took place in the economy of the newly born, new country, Russia, because it is one of the most convenient and less financially expensive. In addition, there are many rivers in Russia, and they are actively used for various types of transportation. Therefore, on October 20, 1993, people working at the Volga United River Shipping Company solemnly received the Order of Friendship of Peoples of the Russian Federation.

There are many celebrities who have been awarded this honorary award:

Djuna Davitashvili, a healer whom many influential people in the countries of the former Soviet Union turned to for advice.

UNESCO Director Federico Mayor was also awarded the order.

Garry Kasparov is known not only as a great grandmaster, but also as a person who has earned the Order of the Russian Federation.

Among the artists, one of the lucky ones who received the famous award was Alexander Shirvindt, and among the writers - Mikhail Zhvanetsky, known for his witty jokes, caustic remarks and eloquent statements.


This order is one of the rarest awards since the Soviet Union. And not much is known about its varieties and variations, but some external signs can tell us something interesting.
It is important to remember that the order consists of four parts:

  1. The first part is a red five-pointed star with rays diverging to the sides.
  2. The second part is a round medallion, which is artistically framed with images of handshakes.
  3. The third part is the coat of arms of the Union, which is superimposed on the second part (medallion).
  4. In the fourth and final part there is a ribbon with the inscription “USSR” in dark red. On the arc you can see the mark “MINT”.

Many collectors are ready to purchase the Order of Friendship of the Peoples of the USSR, the price of which ranges from 500 to 2000 conventional units. It is of antique value.

It is also important to know that the Order of Friendship does not provide benefits, although it is a very rare and very valuable award.

Established on December 17, 1972 by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the USSR. The status of the order was partially changed by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 18, 1980.

Order status

The order was awarded for great merits in strengthening friendship and fraternal cooperation of socialist nations and nationalities, for significant contributions to the economic, socio-political and cultural development of the USSR and union republics.

The Order of Friendship of Peoples is awarded to:

  • citizens of the USSR;
  • enterprises, institutions, organizations, military units and formations, union and autonomous republics, territories, regions, autonomous regions, autonomous districts, cities.

Order of Friendship of Peoples Persons who are not citizens of the USSR can also be awarded.

The Order of Friendship of Peoples is awarded:

  • for his great contribution to strengthening friendship and fraternal cooperation of socialist nations and nationalities;
  • for great labor achievements in the field of development of the national economy of the USSR and union republics;
  • for services to the national-state building of the USSR;
  • for particularly fruitful activities in the development of science, the rapprochement and mutual enrichment of the cultures of socialist nations and nationalities, active participation in the education of Soviet people in the spirit of proletarian internationalism, devotion and fidelity to the Soviet Motherland;
  • for special services in strengthening the defense power of the USSR;
  • for great services in the development of fraternal friendship and cooperation between the peoples of socialist countries, strengthening peace and friendly relations between peoples.

The Order of Friendship of Peoples is worn on the left side of the chest and is located after the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Description of the order

The Order of Friendship of Peoples is a slightly convex gilded five-pointed star covered with dark red enamel, framed by silver pyramidal faces and five bunches of diverging golden rays. In the center of the star there is an applied gilded State Emblem of the USSR, individual parts of which are covered with colored enamel. The coat of arms is bordered by an applied rim with the image of handshakes; in the lower part of the rim there is an applied gilded ribbon covered with dark red enamel with the inscription “USSR”. Between the state emblem of the USSR and the rim, against a background of white enamel, in the upper part there is the inscription “FRIENDSHIP OF PEOPLES”, in the lower and middle there are laurel branches covered with green enamel.

The order is made of silver. The silver content in the order is 38,998±1.388 g (as of September 18, 1975). The total weight of the order is 42.9±1.8 g.

The size of the order between the opposite ends of the silver pyramidal frame and the beam of golden rays is 47 mm.

The order, using an eyelet and a ring, is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. In the middle of the tape there is a longitudinal red stripe 13 mm wide with two narrow longitudinal yellow stripes. To the left of the red stripe there is a blue stripe, and to the right there is a green stripe, each 4 mm wide. The edges of the tape are edged with white stripes 1.5 mm wide.

History of the order

The Order of Friendship of Peoples is one of the rarest and most expensive orders of the USSR of the post-war period. The order is distinguished by a very beautiful design and complexity of execution (consists of four parts). A significant percentage of all awards made with this order were enterprises, institutions and public organizations.

The first awards of the order were made on December 29, 1972. On this day, by Decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Order of Friendship of Peoples was awarded to fifteen union republics of the USSR, all autonomous republics of the USSR, all autonomous regions and national districts (53 awards in total). The Order of Friendship of Peoples No. 1 was awarded to the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR), and Order No. 2 was attached to the banner of the Ukrainian SSR.

The first citizens awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples were civil aviation workers. A large group of them (199 people in total) was awarded by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on February 9, 1973 “for great achievements in fulfilling planned targets for air transportation, the use of aviation in the national economy of the country and the development of new aviation equipment.”

The first public organization awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples was the Committee of Soviet Women. He was awarded this award on March 6, 1973 “in commemoration of the outstanding services of Soviet women in communist construction in the USSR”, as well as for “the fruitful activities of the Soviet Women's Committee in the international women's movement... great contribution to the development and strengthening of friendship of the Soviet people with the peoples of foreign countries " The Soviet Women's Committee was awarded the Order Badge No. 54.

In 1974, the Soviet Peace Committee was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

Of the industrial enterprises, the first to be awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples was the Leningrad Production Association Kirov Plant “for its great contribution to the development of the national economy of the USSR and in connection with the 175th anniversary of its founding.” This award took place by Decree of the USSR PVS dated April 30, 1976. Among the order-bearing groups we can also name the Leningrad Circus (1978), “Literary Gazette” (1979), the newspaper “Moscow News” (1980), the Moscow Theater “Romen” (1981), the USSR Folk Dance Ensemble (1981), the magazine “Vokrug” light” (1982), etc.

The Order of Friendship of Peoples was awarded to the cities of Kyiv, Tartu, Pleven (Bulgaria), etc.

The first foreign citizen to receive the Order of Friendship of Peoples was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam, Comrade Nguyen Thi Dinh. The Order was awarded in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 7, 1973 for “great services in strengthening the international solidarity of progressive, democratic and peace-loving forces, fruitful activities to ensure peace in Vietnam and unite the patriotic forces of South Vietnam and in connection with International Women's Day 8 Martha".

Repeated awards of the Order of Friendship of Peoples occurred extremely rarely. There is a known case of awarding two of these orders to the Deputy Chairman of the USSR State Committee for Foreign Tourism, Hero of the Soviet Union, V.K. Boychenko. Over the years, Viktor Kuzmich Boychenko was a member of the Soviet Peace Committee, a member of the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and a member of the Soviet War Veterans Committee.

It is known that cosmonauts of socialist countries for performing space flights under the Intercosmos program were awarded the Gold Star medal with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. But citizens of capitalist states who participated in joint flights were awarded only the Order of Friendship of Peoples. The Order of Friendship of Peoples was also awarded to socialist backup cosmonauts.

As of January 1, 1981, over 4 thousand awards of the Order of Friendship of Peoples were made.

One of the last holders of the Order of Friendship of Peoples became in 1991 employees of the Moscow Thermal Engineering Institute named after. Dzerzhinsky - head of the special design bureau V.A. Azikov. and the head of one of the laboratories, V.S. Vdovchenko. They were awarded for the development and implementation of highly efficient equipment for thermal and nuclear power plants.

The last recipient of the Order of Friendship of Peoples in the history of the USSR was the head of the mining and geological party of the Kazakh mining and geological expedition of the State Joint-Stock Industrial Concern "Building Materials" of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kamil Zakirovich Valiev. He was awarded this award by Decree of the President of the USSR dated December 21, 1991 for “achieving high results in work and great personal contribution to the development of the raw material base of building materials of the republic.”

As of January 1, 1995, 72,760 awards were made with the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

As an award of the USSR, the order existed until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. However, after the release of Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of March 2, 1992 No. 2424-1 “ON STATE AWARDS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION,” the order was revived as an award of the RSFSR. The appearance of the Russian order has changed somewhat. Instead of the coat of arms of the Soviet Union, the obverse featured the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. Also, the inscription “USSR” disappeared from the red ribbon at the bottom of the obverse. The reverse of the Russian order remained virtually unchanged, however, Russian orders used four-digit numbering using the number “0” to replace the missing initial digits of the number.

The first awards took place almost immediately after the revival of the order. By Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation Nos. 296, 298 and 299 of March 25, 1992, “For the successful implementation of a space flight at the MIR orbital station and the courage and heroism displayed,” pilot-cosmonaut Sergei Konstantinovich Krikalev and pilot-cosmonaut Alexander Alexandrovich Volkov were awarded and German citizen cosmonaut-researcher Klaus Dietrich Flade. Another citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany, Reinhold Ewald, was awarded this order on the same day in accordance with Decree No. 297 “for active participation in the work of ensuring the space flight of the international crew at the MIR orbital station.” It is interesting to note that S.K. Krikalev was a holder Gold Star of the Hero of Russia No. 1, and the Order of Friendship of Peoples of the Russian Federation, awarded to him for this flight, had No. 2.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 1993, this order was awarded to a group of employees of enterprises and organizations of the Volga United River Shipping Company (16 people in total) for their great personal contribution to the development of river shipping, uninterrupted transportation of economic goods and passengers, strengthening economic ties between regions of Russia and CIS countries.

There are many famous personalities among those awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples of the Russian Federation. For example, this award was awarded to Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, Director General of UNESCO Federico Mayor, President of the International Olympic Committee Juan Antonio Samaranch, chess player Garry Kasparov, writers Vasily Bykov, Viktor Astafiev, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, artists Vasily Lanovoy, Vyacheslav Nevinny , Alexander Shirvindt, sports commentator Nikolai Ozerov, healer Djuna Davitashvili and others. The author of the project of the order is Zhuk A.B. and was himself awarded this award in 1995.

The only person to receive this award posthumously was the coordinator of the Doctors of the World movement, French citizen Boris Borisovich Danishevsky.

The Order of Friendship of Peoples of the Russian Federation did not last long. He made a total of 1,212 awards, 40 of which were awarded to foreign citizens from 13 countries (not counting the CIS). It was replaced by the Russian Order of Friendship, established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 2, 1994. The first holder of the Order of Friendship was the head of the administration of the Samara region, Titov K.A. (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 2050 of November 1, 1994) “for his great personal contribution to the implementation of economic reform, implementation of democratic reforms and active work to strengthen Russian statehood.”

You can learn about the features and types of medals on the USSR Medals website

Approximate cost of the medal

How much does the Order of Friendship of Peoples cost? Below we give the approximate price for some rooms:
Number range: Price:
Silver, dated December 17, 1972, USSR, numbers 18-754 600-700$
Silver, dated March 2, 1992, Russia, numbers 1-1212 3500-5500$

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the purchase and/or sale of medals, orders, documents of the USSR and Russia is prohibited; this is all described in Article 324. Purchase or sale of official documents and state awards. You can read about this in more detail in the ARTICLE, which reveals the law in more detail, as well as describes those medals, orders and documents that do not relate to this ban.