What kind of women do Azerbaijani men like. Famous TV presenter - about Azerbaijani men

We talked about how our compatriots live in the Volga expanses of Russia. Now it's time to find out with whom they live there. Although, what is there to find out - after all, everyone has long known that a more or less self-respecting Azerbaijani cohabits (even marries) in Russia with a Russian. I don’t want to be known as a cosmopolitan, but still I emphasize - not with a Tatar, not with a Chuvash, and not even with an Azerbaijani (and there are many of them), but with a Russian. Why is this happening? What zest do hot Caucasian guys find in Russian beauties? How do northern arrows pierce eastern hearts? I will try to clarify how a person also turned out to be pierced by such an arrow.

1. It's easier with Russians. They don't break like ours, they don't inflate their worth. The golden rule works - be simpler, and they will reach out to you. It is to them, dear ones, that Azerbaijani (and not only Azerbaijani) men are drawn.

2. Russian girls don't try to look better than they really are. Even prostitutes, if you approach them on the street and ask - do you work? They will answer you as is. If you, God forbid, approached a decent girl, she will simply say that you confused her. And if you come up on the street with the same question to ours, even a five-shirvan b ..., then she will make such a commotion that she will not seem small. And in the end it will turn out that the virgin Mary cannot be compared with her in purity and purity, and you will be disgraced on the whole street.

3. Having fun with Russians. They are much more sociable than Azerbaijanis. They can easily drink a couple of bottles of beer with you, otherwise something stronger. I'm not talking about smoking weed yet. And ours will smoke with you except in the toilet or in the basement of a bar. The main thing is that you can easily watch football with them - no jokes about 22 idiots chasing a small ball.

4. They are unpretentious. Only with them you understand your own importance as a simple guy. Not a wallet full of money. They are even ready to pay for themselves in a restaurant, not to mention public transport or taxis.

They do not care about your social status, they are interested in you as a person and as a capable man. But in our country it is the other way around - rarely will an Azerbaijani woman need you without a house and a car.

5. They are more affectionate, more loving. They do not need to be turned on by gifts, for them you yourself are a gift. And what man does not like to feel his relevance and significance. They don't need "shampoo" or "daidai" - they just need a good person! Isn't that right, gentlemen? So, girls, do not want to sit up in the old maids - follow the above five points!

I am a resident of the city of Baku, i.e. capital, was educated in Russian and may not know everything. But who knows? So let's go.

There is not a single woman minister in Azerbaijan. And it wasn't, as far as I know. There is only the chairman of the committee for family, women and children. Ombudsman is a woman. There are women deputies, but not so many.


Much depends on which family the girl is born into. In an intelligent family, she will receive an education, including higher education, she will be constantly reminded of the value of knowledge, the importance of a career, and so on. In a less educated, as well as in families of immigrants from the regions, she may not be born at all. The problem of selective abortions is rather acute in Azerbaijan. The progressive part of the population considers this savagery, nevertheless, such abotry continues to be performed. The state is sluggishly fighting this, sometimes Uzists are forbidden to name the sex of the child. However, in practice, I did not see much progress. The husband's brother's wife is pregnant, and she was given the gender of the child without any problems. It is believed that the boy will become the backbone of the family, bring his wife to the house, and the girl will go to someone else's house, and even cook the dowry.

As I have already noted, many families attach great importance to education. However, the level of education in our country is quite low. It often happens that girls in remote regions are simply not allowed to go to school, especially in high school.


Again, it all depends on the family. In one family, a girl is free, she can meet guys, etc. In another, she is accompanied to school by her parents, a driver in a car, or her brother. If the parents find out that she has a boyfriend, it becomes a tragedy for the family. Therefore, girls often hide their relationship.


The most painful issue is virginity. Every Azerbaijani woman is obliged to keep her virginity until marriage. A rare guy will agree to marry a non-virgin. An even smaller percentage will say it out loud. Therefore, hymenoplasty operations have gained great popularity. Some men divide women into "for the family" and "for a walk."

The chance for a divorced woman to remarry is rather low, since she is no longer a girl, and so on. Cohabitation before marriage is also not welcome, many do not rent apartments to unmarried couples, as corrupt police may come and say that a brothel has been found in the apartment. Claim money.


Many women work. Some even believe that it is easier for a woman to get a job than a man. In some families, the husband may forbid the wife to work, but she may not obey him. Quite a few female managers.

An Azerbaijani man considers it a shame not to provide for his family, so I personally did not see those sitting on his wife's neck (but this does not mean that they do not exist). Often it is women who run the finances of the family. In Azerbaijan, great importance is attached to wealth, to look at the level, many girls wear classical style clothes, heels and gold jewelry.


The groom's relatives are obliged to give the bride gifts, gold, etc. The bride's relatives give her a dowry - furniture, dishes, etc., i.e. fully furnish the apartment. It all depends on financial capabilities, sometimes a loan is taken for these purposes. Many guests are invited to weddings, from 100 to 500 people (200-250 on average), who bring money. You can not come to the wedding, but it is desirable to send money. If one of the spouses was at your wedding, you are obliged to send money, as if to repay the debt. Often at the wedding they earn extra money, which normally goes to the newlyweds.

In Baku, it is also customary for the groom's family to provide the newlyweds with a separate apartment. But not everyone does this.

In rural areas, family marriages, marriages between cousins, etc. are common. Grandmother suggested that I marry her brother's son (grandmother is the eldest child, that her brother was the youngest of 5 children, so his son was only 5 years older than me). I refused.

Arranged marriages are also quite common. The boy's mother can look for a suitable match for him. At the same time, it’s not a fact that the guy himself agrees to this, there are disputes in families because of this, the question is who will squeeze whom. It's the same with girls, some are more malleable, others have been raised to be more independent.

After marriage, pressure from relatives on the subject of children begins. Many people give birth in the first year after the wedding. Almost everyone around them is interested in the issue of offspring - as soon as 1-2 months have passed after the wedding, a flurry of questions falls upon the newlyweds. Is there even a special word - birshey-mirshey var? Those. is there anything? Children in our time in the family on average 2-3.

Housekeeping often lies entirely with the woman. The traditional distribution - the husband must bring money to the family, the wife - to take care of everyday life. However, since many women work, the picture is bleak.

The institute of nannies, au pairs and cleaning companies, where men also work, is developed in the capital. In the provinces, this is much more difficult.

In rural areas, and, to be honest, in urban areas, the problem of housing is acute. The older generation is often against the separation of the younger, so that the sons bring their daughters-in-law to their father's house. There, all the housework falls on them.

Due to the difficult financial situation, the husband can leave, for example, to Russia to work. There he can both start an unofficial second family, and officially marry if the marriage is not registered here (which sometimes happens in the villages as well). And the poor wife stays with her father-in-law and serves them in everything ...

It should be noted that, for example, Baku is an oil city. If you could more or less stick to this area, everything will be fine with you, you will be rich, etc. There is money, not everyone, but there is ... And when there is money, there are benefits. If not, if you live in the region - you can only regret ...

There is much more to write, but for now I'll stop there. Ask questions, I'll be happy to answer)

I have one friend. She fiercely hates almost all representatives of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples, publicly calls them prostitutes and sluts. The reason for such a great hatred, which sometimes comes to racism, I do not know and therefore I am lost in conjecture. Most likely there are purely personal reasons for this: maybe she or her close friend had some kind of Slav who took the peasant away, I don’t presume to say, but most likely this is exactly what happened. But I, as a terry liberal, are always confused by such statements in the style of the 3rd Reich. Well, you can not generalize the whole people. However, there is some truth in everything and I think this issue should be analyzed. Firstly, let's not dispute the fact - Azerbaijanis are really greedy for Russian ladies. They have exactly what they cannot find in Azerbaijani women. Mostly they take care of themselves, they are not so impregnable, they are blondes. Secondly, for a typical Azerbaijani, love is something purely physical. Came, section, inserted. That's all love. It's like a 15th teenager. The trouble is that, my brothers in sex, often remain such teenagers until 50 years old. They will never grow up, they will never know true love. I honestly feel sorry for them. That's why they run to Russians and Ukrainians and my friend should not be sad. Well, these undergrowths of love are not worth it, they are not worth it.

However, I would like to write about real Azerbaijanis. A real Azerbaijani can only love a real Azerbaijani. This is not racism, by no means. We just belong to the type of people who have traditionalism in their blood. This is not a notorious mentality or religious views, which often do not give a damn about when the hormones in the blood start to play. It's something else. A normal, healthy, educated Azerbaijani who does not suffer from sexual perversions, in my purely personal opinion, can only be happy in marriage with an Azerbaijani woman with similar qualities. I will not explain this in detail, I will only say that the life of a person in a family is not only sex. Life together is conversations, discussions, and finally conflicts. Can you imagine what kind of insanity happens when a husband screams in Azerbaijani and his wife in Russian, or even worse, in Ukrainian.

Why am I writing such a non-standard post for myself? In the morning I felt how disproportionately little love we have. All my friends marry exclusively, with whatever intentions. I want to say that you need to love and marry only the right and right people for you. Not deceived by physical attraction, love with all parts of the body, soul and mind.
Kiss and run.

Brought up in the spirit of their compatriots: they honor their elders, value family and religion. Being outside their country, they can give the impression of unbridled, loving, hot guys. All due to the fact that hot southern, Caucasian blood flows in them. Azerbaijanis are sincere, courageous, straightforward. These qualities can both scare and, at the same time, attract girls.

If by the will of fate you fell in love with a guy, then you should know that perhaps your serious relationship is doomed to failure. Muslims are usually not on and, having enjoyed the available intimacy with them, return to their homeland and find themselves a young, faithful wife, who has been brought up in the spirit of Eastern traditions from birth and knows how to please her husband and how to build a strong family life.

If you do not want your relationship to be fleeting, first of all, do not be too available. If a guy is truly in love, he can wait for intimacy with a girl for as long as it takes. And if you are a virgin, then this will double your significance and attractiveness in his eyes.

If you want to build a serious relationship, then you should consider changing your faith. This will greatly facilitate your future life together, it can help to win over his relatives to you.

Do not forget that Muslim women have their own characteristics of upbringing and behavior. Read special literature, this will help you adjust your behavior for the sake of your loved one. For example, a wife should become the highest pleasure for an Azerbaijani, a consolation in grief, a reason for joy. She must arrange the family nest in such a way that it would be pleasant for her husband to be there, so that he would rest in soul and body.

When meeting with an Azerbaijani guy, you need to put his interests and values ​​​​above your own. Oriental men are accustomed to dominate, to be the first and foremost in everything, and in the family - in the first place. His companion must be faithful and obedient, these are the main qualities of a good wife. She must be able to admire a man, even if he is not rich and successful. Oriental men bring rich gifts to good wives, surround them with tenderness and care.

An Azerbaijani girl must dress modestly and behave decently in public. Forget about short skirts and T-shirts above the navel - the Azerbaijani guy will not tolerate this. The main principle in the clothes of Muslim women is to look modest in public and amaze with their beauty at home. By the way, when meeting with an Azerbaijani, avoid frequent trips to clubs, to visit and even to shops. A decent girl spends most of her time at home, taking care of children and household chores.


  • how to meet at work
  • How to call "Azerbaijanis"?

Often, Russian girls are extremely disappointed in their compatriots and look for a husband abroad. Someone jumps out to marry an American, someone for an Egyptian, and there are women who marry Azerbaijanis.


Accept the faith of your future husband. Before getting married, very often a woman has to change her religion to Islam. True, there are times when relatives are not so categorical and allow the bride not to accept their faith. Also, a prerequisite for the wedding is the voluntary consent of the bride and her relatives.

Listen to the guy. When planning to marry, every girl should know that she will have to settle at home and run a household. Plus, the choice of clothes always remains with the husband. If young people live in the guy's homeland, then the girl is obliged to wear a scarf that covers her face and head, with a small slit for her eyes.

Respect each other's principles. A girl should listen to the guy's opinion and take care of him in everyday life. An Azerbaijani, in turn, must take care and financially provide for his beloved.

Marriages with Eastern people. Should I be afraid of mixed marriages?

A young Muscovite married an Azerbaijani. Educated, courteous, wealthy.

She married for mutual love, and initially their family life could only be envied. And then. everything went awry and awry due to the fact that the wife (and even more so, the mother-in-law) refused to adapt to the lifestyle of a “normal oriental man”


“My granddaughter married an Afghan. His mother, however, is Russian, so he has dual citizenship. Now he wants to register in my apartment (my granddaughter lives with me), but I'm afraid - an oriental person, they talk so much about them. ” (M. N. St. Petersburg).

“I married a Muslim Arab from Israel. Everything was more or less normal until we went to visit him. There are 9 brothers and sisters in his family, all are married or married, all have their own children. And I, the youngest daughter-in-law, turned out to be everyone's errand (such a tradition there). Two months seemed to me like twenty years in a lunatic asylum.” (Natasha, Perm).

“I married a Pakistani. And he immediately gave me an ultimatum: no mini-skirts and open dresses, no makeup, not a single look at men (“a woman should look at the floor”). Basically, she was under house arrest. ”(Alina K. Moscow).

There are not very many such exotics in my mail. Mostly they complain about compatriots, that is, about former compatriots, and now, it seems, also foreigners. The nationality of the husbands is different, the religion is one - Islam. And what is sometimes forgiven to “real” foreigners (“it’s customary for them”), “our foreigners” are categorically refused to forgive. “If he needed a slave wife, then he would take her in a neighboring village (aul, village).”

Usually this happens: nine out of ten marriages are between people of the same nationality and the same religion. But it's no secret that white-skinned and blond northern women have always been popular with dark-skinned southern and eastern men. Sometimes things end in marriage. And here it is appropriate to recall the immortal statement of Comrade Sukhov: "The East is a delicate matter." That is, to clearly imagine what surprises you can encounter, so as not to complain later and not shed bitter tears.


When Marina brought her fiancé Muslim home for the first time and introduced him to her mother, she experienced an ambivalent feeling. Firstly, Muslim was exactly twice as old as his twenty-year-old bride, and therefore only five years younger than the alleged mother-in-law. And secondly, he was a very interesting, intelligent, well-bred man with a quiet, insinuating voice, almost European manners and, apparently, considerable means. That is, not a son-in-law, but the dream of any mother-in-law.

As a matter of fact, Marina herself would have managed without her mother's blessing: old-fashioned! But Muslim strongly insisted on this, saying to the young and frivolous bride:

There will be no happy family without parental blessing. It is a pity, of course, that neither my father nor yours lived to see this day. But the mother in this case is the head of the family. My mom sent a letter, she agrees. Now I need to ask yours.

Of course, Marina told her mother all this before introducing her to Muslim. And thus presented him in the best light: parents are now spoiled by the respectful attitude of children to the opinion of their elders. Still, there is something subtly attractive in Eastern traditions.

Nina Andreevna and her daughter lived in a small two-room apartment on Profsoyuznaya Street. Muslim offered to exchange it for a bigger and better one - with a substantial surcharge, of course. Money, chores - that's all. From the future mother-in-law, only one thing was required: consent to registration

If you think that, having registered in Moscow, Muslim immediately tried to get his mother-in-law out of the house, then you are mistaken. Only three months passed after the wedding, when they moved to a beautiful four-room apartment in the center of Moscow. The apartment, however, required repairs, but these were already trifles. Muslim promised to make a toy out of the apartment in a year at the latest. In the meantime, there was no time for repairs: Marina was expecting a baby.

Muslim, of course, became the official owner of the apartment. According to his firm conviction, a man should be not only the master of the house, but also the master of the house. A woman's place is in the nursery or in the kitchen. Therefore, Marina had to leave the fourth year of the foreign language, and not on academic leave, but completely. “A married woman should not work, it is a shame for a man.”

Marina did not argue: she idolized her husband. Gentle, caring, generous. He was able to literally get out of the ground what Marina wanted, one had only to give a hint. True, a difficult pregnancy did not allow her to be especially capricious. Even the caring care of her husband created only psychological comfort. I had to go to the hospital to save. Muslim visited her daily: with flowers, fruits, small gifts.

Nina Andreevna was also crazy about her son-in-law. like from a man. While Marina was bored in the hospital, her mother and husband became lovers. Neither then nor later did Muslim feel guilty:

If she behaved like our women, nothing would have happened, I swear by Allah! What if I couldn't find a woman? And then a blonde walks around the house, you know, the dressing gown is short, transparent, the figure is normal. And she flirts with me, builds her eyes, smears her lips. I am a normal man, not a saint and not sick - why refuse?

Yes, he just raped me! - Nina Andreevna later asserted. - He said: "I'll kill you if you don't give it." It will become of him - he would slaughter him like a chicken. And it turns out that it’s my fault that I went home in a dressing gown. Summer, heat - what else to wear? In a veil? Or in this, like her, in a veil? So, thank God, we are not in Iran.

But this was said later, much later. And at first, Nina Andreevna praised her son-in-law to all her friends and acquaintances: her daughter and her husband were lucky, you can’t say anything.

Marina gave birth to a daughter. And on this happy period in the life of their family ended. Of course, Muslim came to pick up Marina and her daughter from the hospital, brought flowers and thanked the doctors and nannies. But at home he wiped the smile off his face, as he took off the mask, and said:

You will give birth to one more girl - blame on. I need a son, an heir, a support in old age. I won't forgive you for your second daughter.

Marina heard marriage of an Azerbaijani and a Russian girlfriends that many men react in this way to the birth of girls. One such, they said, frightened his wife with divorce and other punishments to the point that the unfortunate woman gave birth. twins. Twin girls. Oddly enough, the happy father now breathes only them, completely forgetting about the desire to have a son. So everything will be ground, formed. Muslim will calm down and love the baby. Moreover, he called her mother's name - Aziza. True, he did not consider it necessary to consult his wife about this.

If Marina was offended, then pro. But Nina Andreevna threw a huge scandal:

It's not just your daughter! she shouted to her son-in-law. - The girl will live in Moscow, she is half Russian! You could ask me, I'm the same grandmother to her, like your mother. Only that one is far away, and I am here, in my apartment.

In my apartment, - outwardly calmly told her son-in-law. “And in general, don’t you dare raise your voice at me, woman.

From that day on, he never called her by her first name and patronymic, or even just by her first name. Only "woman". And he tried to do it in such a way as to offend and hurt more painfully. First of all, turn her own daughter against her, suggesting to Marina in every possible way that her mother is a brawler, an intriguer and she needs to buy a room somewhere so that she lives separately.

Nina Andreevna might have agreed to this. But she didn't want to lose her lover. Since the relationship continued almost in front of Marina. In any case, Muslim did not take any special precautions and seemed to even strive to be “caught red-handed”. And most likely it was deeply indifferent to him: if a woman allows herself to be treated this way, then let her think about the consequences.

Marina learned about what was happening literally under her nose, almost a year later. Aziza was a fragile child, she was often sick, and Marina simply did not have the strength to think about anything. Moreover, Nina Andreevna worked, she was not going to leave the position of a senior economist in the bank, she did not plan to babysit her granddaughter from morning to evening.

One night, Marina woke up from the crying of her daughter. I changed her into dry clothes and wanted to go back to bed. But she was very thirsty, and she went to the kitchen. The absence of her husband in the matrimonial bedroom did not surprise her: Muslim often returned at dawn, or even did not come to spend the night at all. Another thing struck me: a male voice that was heard in the bedroom of her mother. The man was clearly fighting off Nina Andreevna, and he was not shy in expressions. At first, Marina realized that her mother was blaming some man for being “flying” and now she would have to have an abortion. And also in the fact that “two are not enough” for him and he runs to the side, among the girls. And then Marina realized with horror that she was blaming all this. Muslim.

It all ended suddenly. Two juicy slaps were heard in the room, and an enraged Muslim came out into the corridor. And when he saw Marina near the door, he gave another slap in the face: “Don’t you dare spy on me, bitch!”

Marina was saved from an acute nervous breakdown, and possibly even from suicide, by the fact that she was pregnant again, and this time without any complications. Knowledgeable women said that it was definitely a boy, all toxicosis and complications - from girls. And Marina had an obsession: to give birth to a son. Muslim will calm down, there will be peace in the family, but somehow the mother will be sorted out. After all, you can buy her not a room, but an apartment, her husband has a lot of money.

Of course, when Marina discovered her husband's relationship with her mother, she was shocked, and quite a bit. And having recovered from the first shock, she hated it. no, not Muslim - Nina Andreevna. I hated it so much that sometimes I was ready to kill. In the literal sense of the word. At first, she made scandals to her mother for any reason: she did not remove the dishes from the table, she took a bath when the child needed to be bathed, and so on. Then the scandals began to take place with the use of the so-called “profanity”. And then Marina began to beat Nina Andreevna, and tried to hit so that traces remained. Despite the fact that Nina Andreevna was far from an angel, her hand did not rise to hit back a woman who was six months pregnant. Also, my own daughter.

Muslim was pretty amused, although in his presence he once and for all forbade women to sort things out. And in order to better understand, he backed up his suggestion physically. Both the wife and the mother-in-law got it - equally. And all this in front of Aziza, who did not understand anything, but was terribly frightened.

In general, the atmosphere in the apartment, as they say, left much to be desired. In addition, the promised repairs did not take place: Muslim was engaged in some important business, often went on business trips. Many things remained unpacked - in boxes, bales, suitcases. The taps were leaking, the doors were warped - the house was collapsing almost before our eyes. Marina did not care: until her mother moved out, she did not want any changes for the better. “Otherwise, you can’t get her out of here with boiling water.”

Of course, high-profile scandals could not remain a secret for the neighbors. Moreover, both Nina Andreevna and Marina periodically ran to complain about each other, now to one neighbor, then to another. Mud on each other poured enough. All the neighbors knew that Nina Andreevna deliberately beat the dishes and did not want to nurse her granddaughter, while Marina beats her mother herself and allows her husband to beat her.


However, no one interfered: it was a family matter, and it was scary to get involved with Muslim. He did not hide the fact that he had a weapon and, if necessary, he would use it. God forbid, he did not threaten the neighbors, on the contrary, he offered: “If there is anything, tell me. I have a gun, friends, we will quickly put things in order, no rogue bandits will turn up.” But it is not known whether protection will be needed or not, but he has a gun. What if they are really bandits? And relationships are ruined. Bite your elbows then.

Finally, Marina was taken to the morning it became known - again a daughter. It was a disaster.

Muslim no longer took any flowers and fruits to his wife. And the mother-in-law told her to get out of the apartment with her daughter and granddaughters. At the latest in a month. Where is none of his business. He warned that a son was needed.

Nina Andreevna could not restrain herself and, in the presence of one of the neighbors, told her son-in-law that it was his own fault: what a man if he cannot make a boy for his wife! By what miracle she remained alive after that, neither she nor Muslim still understand. Say that to an oriental man!

Nina Andreevna was frightened and rushed to her closest friend for advice. She recommended that, firstly, to a lawyer, secondly, to a deputy, and thirdly, to a journalist. It is not known why, but Nina Andreevna preferred to start from the third point. So I got to know the history of this family. And I managed to meet and talk with Muslim thanks to a funny coincidence: one of my classmates now worked with Muslim (both, by the way, Azerbaijanis) and gave me something like a recommendation. Like, this one will be able to understand at least something, since she is an Arabist by education, and the study of Sharia was part of the institute's program.

Muslim explained to me that, of course, he was not going to expel anyone from the apartment. So, got excited, said for the sake of a red word. He knows the laws and is not going to break them. But he was very offended that he was not a son. And then there's the mother-in-law.

Of course, it was not necessary to settle down together. My mistake. But I thought it would be like ours: one woman in the bedroom, the second in the kitchen, and both are engaged in children. And it turned out. Marina was gradually re-educated, she began to understand what a woman can and cannot do. Well, she is still young, she will grow wiser. A. Yes, and I didn’t beat her, so I taught her a little. In our country, you know, women are not particularly coddled. Only to the mother with all the respect she deserves. And for the wife, for the sisters, the word of a man is the law. That is why there are almost no divorces.

You should have married a Muslim woman. Yes, and Moscow is here, you can’t lock women up with a castle and put on a veil.

Why a castle? Why a veil? You just need to be more modest. I got married - I'm responsible for her. Clothes, shoes, food. By the way, I bought all the products, my wife did not go to the shops. Offend there. Let her friends call to her if she wants to show off dresses, rings. She herself wants to visit a friend - I'll take her by car. But you have to reckon with me, right? If not for the mother-in-law! And I was married to a Muslim woman for the first time. Everything is fine, only she had no children, she had to get a divorce. I fell in love with Marina, got married, she loves me. Nothing, she will give birth to a son - I will carry it in my arms.

Marina also blamed her mother for everything. Although. my husband got it too. It is very difficult for a young, beautiful woman to become “just a housewife” and try to please only her husband. We have already forgotten those times when they were locked up in the towers. Erased "gene memory".

I might have left, divorced, but where? How will I live? I have no education, no profession, I don’t want to live with my mother, and I don’t have anyone else. Get married again? So who will take me with two children? My friends are all jealous of me, I can see. Now I don’t even have a headache about food and clothes for girls. Muslim buys and brings. And what is rarely at home - so is he the only one like that? Others do not give money, and do not sleep at home. And I hope that the third child will finally be a boy. Then everything will change.


I didn’t turn my tongue to tell Marina that nothing would change if she herself didn’t change. And, of course, it is impossible for her to live in the same apartment with her mother, no matter who is really to blame for the family drama. Although both are to blame. After all, we know the saying “don’t go into someone else’s monastery with your charter.” We still climb.

And I do not justify Muslim. If he took Marina to his homeland, then she, willy-nilly, would have to become what he wants to see her. But in Moscow it could have been softer. So why in Iran they strictly observe the laws of Islam: they notice a woman with painted lips on the street, they take off their lipstick. with a razor - so even the Iranians allow their women in Europe to "be like everyone else." Alien monastery...

In general, everything is not so scary if you respect each other's beliefs. I can give you a positive example. My college friend has been married to a Kabardian for twenty-three years now. They live in Moscow, but until recently they often went to visit their husband's parents, in Nalchik. My friend is a normal Russian woman, she can smoke in the company, drink on occasion. But with relatives or countrymen of her husband - God save! Then she sets the table and locks herself in the next room: a woman in a male company has nothing to do. All Kabardian friends of Alik, my friend's husband, are delighted:

“Russian wife, but just like an oriental one!”

Lena herself once admitted to me that she was simply bored in this company from the beginning, and she went to her place. It turned out that it should.

Relations with the mother-in-law are excellent, since they are seen from time to time. And knowledge of the Kabardian language - with fifty words of active stock - helps a lot in the markets: Alik's fellow countrymen have goods at half price. In general, they live, they will soon marry off their daughter, then marry their son. After all, Lena would like to pass off her daughter as a Russian (“She is spoiled with us, it will be difficult to adapt”). And he dreams of marrying his son to a Kabardian woman. “You know how they respect mother-in-law with mother-in-law - you can go crazy! And my husband, of course, too, but the first thing is to please his parents. I know I ate it myself. Here I will marry my dunce and I will sit at the TV, and my daughter-in-law will take care of me. Class!".


In principle, any normal man would like his wife to take care of the house and children, not flirt with strangers and consider her husband's word as law. So it was once indicated in Domostroy. And sons-in-law with mothers-in-law enter into “informal” relationships regardless of religion and everything else. But. "Domostroy" is decently forgotten, and Sharia norms, especially with regard to the family, are mostly observed. An Eastern man will behave like an Eastern man, whether his "Western" wife likes it or doesn't like it.

So the East is a really delicate matter. And there's really nothing funny about it. Because you need at least a little to imagine the customs and traditions of the people to which the possible companion (companion) of life belongs. And before the wedding - before, not after, after it will be too late! - agree on reasonable compromises, and mutual compromises, and not just about