Stones for scales. Which stone suits Libra - choosing the perfect talisman

The most sophisticated, charming, and talented people were born under the sign of Libra. Such people are popular with the opposite sex and stand out in the crowd. Their energy is in full swing, and their indefatigable imagination allows them to come up with a huge number of interesting ideas. There are many musicians, fashion designers, and artists among Libras. These people are constantly in sight, so they, like no one else, need protection, support, and internal energy replenishment. Stones can give them all this. Natural minerals will protect you from the evil eye, give you confidence in your abilities, and give you a lot of new ideas.

Characteristics of the sign Libra

In the period from September 24 to October 23, very sociable, intelligent, slightly impulsive, but friendly and nice people were born. To understand which stones are suitable for Libra, you need to understand their character, learn their habits, and peculiarities of their worldview. Representatives of the sign have diplomatic abilities, they are well-spoken, so they often act as peacemakers and negotiators. Libras often work as lawyers, diplomats, critics (they are excellent debaters), and hosts of entertainment programs.

Representatives of the sign are in constant search for harmony and balance. It is incredibly difficult for them to make decisions, so they reluctantly take responsibility, although they carry out instructions in good faith. Libras are characterized by duality, because they want to please everyone, and it is this duplicity that pushes many people away from them. This is an intellectual sign, accustomed to accumulating information in its head, and then using it for its own purposes.

Selection of stones taking into account the decade

Not all minerals are suitable even for representatives of the same zodiac sign. That’s why it’s so important to find out which stones suit Libra by date of birth before buying a gift. The first decade covers the period from September 24 to October 2, and is ruled by Venus. At this time, friendly, gentle and soft people were born, who often cannot defend their interests. Rock crystal, jasper, lapis lazuli, and malachite will give them strength and hardness.

In the second decade (October 3-13) people ruled by Saturn were born. They are modest and hardworking, accustomed to working silently for the benefit of society or family. However, they do not require fame or big money. Such Libras need energetically strong stones that would force their owners to pay more attention to themselves and not to others. Opal, emerald, amethyst, zircon, sapphire, and topaz will do this job perfectly.

The third decade (October 14-23) is patronized by Jupiter. During this period, the most sophisticated and talented Libras were born. They value comfort and are well versed in fashion. Emeralds, tourmalines, rubies, diamonds, and aquamarines will help emphasize their uniqueness.

Diamond and aquamarine are the main talismans of Libra

The main problem of all representatives of this zodiac sign is indecision, uncertainty about the correctness of the decision made. Which stone suits the Libra sign most? Of course, one that will give you fortitude, determination and independence. Diamond, a stone of moral purity and transparency, copes with this task perfectly. It protects against negative energy, stimulates mental activity, and helps to make the right decisions.

It is also worth noting the positive influence of aquamarine on the character of Libra. This mineral patronizes diplomats, negotiators, and lawyers. Which stone is suitable for Libra girls going on an interview or a first date? Of course, aquamarine, because it lifts the mood, lulls inner fears, helps convey one’s thoughts to the interlocutor, and presents its owner in a favorable light.

Lapis lazuli is a symbol of success and good luck in business

Despite their innate talents and ability to find a common language with everyone, Libras very rarely experience rapid rises up the career ladder. They lack assertiveness; innate modesty forces such people to spend their entire lives in the shadow of others, silently doing their work without claiming laurels. Which stones are suitable for Libra who wants to overcome their indecisiveness and achieve success in business? Lapis lazuli will give perseverance and bring good luck. In addition, the stone relieves fatigue, protects against stress, strengthens love and friendships, and brings happiness and joy to the home.

Tourmaline, opal - stones of determined people

Representatives of this zodiac sign are often accused of duplicity. This character trait comes from wanting to be liked by everyone. What stones are suitable for Libra who wants to become a whole person? Tourmaline perfectly eliminates the duality of actions and thoughts. The mineral calms, harmonizes energy flows, helps to make decisions independently, and not depend on other people’s opinions and one’s own emotional state.

What stones are suitable for Libra girls who are indecisive, shy, and apathetic by nature? Magic opal will give you confidence in your abilities and knowledge, help you overcome laziness and take an active position in life. It gets rid of negative thoughts, lifts your mood, helps you find a way out of any situation, and improves the functioning of your immune system.

The main amulets of Libra

There are minerals that have a beneficial effect on a person, and there are those that protect him from harm and warn him against rash actions. What gemstones are suitable for Libra as a talisman? Beryl and opal are the most powerful minerals for this sign. They give determination, help to find peace of mind, internal balance, and for Libra this is very important. Beryl helps strengthen family and friendship ties. Opal helps in any endeavor and protects against failure. The stone is incredibly strong when it is inherited; under no circumstances should it be given as a gift.

Libra Talismans

Products in the shape of Cupid, a heart or a frog will help representatives of the sign in love. To be always in harmony with yourself, to have a good mood and a positive attitude, you should acquire an image of scales. To achieve unprecedented heights in the business sphere, it is worth purchasing jewelry with ancient Greek or Japanese symbols. It is important to know not only which stones are suitable for Libra, but also how to wear them.

Minerals show their greatest impact when placed in pendants, medallions or pendants. When buying a bracelet or beads made of stones, you should make sure that they are all the same size and the number of beads is even. For Libra, silver jewelry with inserts of blue, white or green minerals is most suitable. It is important to maintain balance: all jewelry must be harmonious, match each other in terms of the strength of the stones and size.

What stones should Libra not wear?

There are minerals that are beneficial, smooth out negative character traits, strengthen self-confidence, and there are those that are better to stay away from. Libras are strictly contraindicated from wearing products with coils and onyx. Blood-red stones will not bring happiness to representatives of the sign. Since Libra is opposite to Aries, their representatives can be harmed by the talismans of the spring zodiac sign: sardonyx, carnelian, rhodolite.

To believe in the power of stones or not is a personal matter for everyone. But it’s not in vain that since ancient times people have studied the properties of minerals, used them for treatment and magical rituals. At least in order to feel protected and believe in your own strengths, it won’t hurt to acquire a talisman.

When purchasing a talisman, it is advisable to take into account not only the zodiac sign, but also be guided by the date of birth.

Gems of Libra by decade of the sign

  1. Libra, included by date of birth ( September 23 - October 2) in the first astrological decade, are under the influence of Venus. They are characterized by daydreaming and a need for communication; most often, these people are trusting and treat others well. Suitable Libra stones for this decan are amethyst, agate, quartz, moonstone, amazonite, jade, tiger's eye, lapis lazuli, jasper, rock crystal and malachite.
  2. In the second decade of the sign by date of birth ( October 3 - 13) Libra enters, subordinate to Saturn. They are distinguished by prudence in everything, modesty and unpretentiousness in life. What stones are suitable for Libra of this period? Such minerals include ruby, amethyst, emerald, sapphire, tourmaline, topaz, zircon and peridot.
  3. Libra, by date of birth ( October 14 - 22) belonging to the third decade, feel the influence of Jupiter. They have creative abilities and respect traditions. Peridot, zircon, aquamarine, ruby, diamond, topaz, emerald, sapphire and tourmaline are suitable for representatives of this decade.

Talismans and amulets for Libra

Libra gemstones must develop willpower and a sense of responsibility, since representatives of this zodiac sign are susceptible to temptation and often cannot organize effective activities.

A suitable stone for them is diamond. A talisman with it gives determination and courage, which suspicious Libra so lacks.

The stone gives recognition and respect in society, weakens the negative character traits of its owner.

Useful stones for Libra should bring harmony and attention from others. Lapis lazuli with his soft energy he is able to resolve internal contradictions in the soul of his owner. The mineral will help suppress outbursts of aggression if Libra’s hidden feelings do break free. Decoration with lapis lazuli allows representatives of this zodiac sign to find a common language with others without losing their own opinion.

Libra needs amethyst like no other sign.. This stone protects against all bad habits that often appear in weak-willed representatives of the zodiac sign. The Libra talisman with amethyst will help them develop intuition and increase intellectual abilities.

In addition, the gem helps strengthen the nervous system of Libra, which is susceptible to carefully hidden stress and shock.

Opal- a strong talisman for Libra. This stone is suitable for fighters for justice, brave and noble people. This is exactly what most representatives of the zodiac sign are. Opal helps its owner cope with melancholy and mood swings. The mineral teaches Libra to make decisions and set goals without delaying this process. Some astrologers do not recommend Libra to wear opal jewelry too often.

Which minerals to choose for Libra of the fairer sex

Based on their date of birth, astrologers recommend that Libra women wear jewelry with tourmaline. It is difficult for representatives of this zodiac sign to arrange their personal lives, since Libra women are often stingy with emotions. Tourmaline helps the soul to open up, teaches you to express your feelings. The mineral reduces the negative impact of the changeable nature of Libra women. The stone brings success to its owner in all professional fields, but tourmaline is especially useful for women doctors and teachers.

Libra women really need love and attention from others. Coral will help its owner become the soul of society. In addition, jewelry with it strengthens marriage bonds and protects love. Corals protect women from external negativity, anger and envy, pushing them away from their owner. Wearing coral has a positive effect on your skin and overall well-being.

Precious jewelry with malachite is a strong talisman for the Libra woman.

The stone has soft energy that matches the strength of the sign. gives a woman harmony in everything: in family, relationships and work. The mineral promotes self-realization and the implementation of plans. A talisman with malachite enhances the eloquence of Libra, making them more convincing and diplomatic.

Emerald also suitable for the Libra woman. A talisman with it helps to maintain a beautiful appearance. Emerald is most suitable for women dreaming of pregnancy or young mothers. The gem protects both the physical and mental health of its owner.

Libra men and gemstones

Yellow and colorless sapphires are suitable for Libra men according to the horoscope, as they increase resistance to external influence and make mental activity more productive. This is very important for representatives of this sign, as they think for a long time and then do nothing. Sapphire makes men more decisive and courageous. In addition, the stone helps to gain high positions in any society.

It is useful for Libra men to have a talisman with peridot. The mineral helps to calm down and relieve internal tension.

Libra values ​​comfort very much, and peridot attracts financial well-being and success in life to its owner. The gem protects honest and decent people holding responsible positions. Chrysolite protects its owner from temptations and deceptions. The stone is able to raise self-esteem and neutralize feelings of guilt for imaginary misdeeds.

They often refuse to fight in any of its manifestations, preferring to adapt. Astrologers advise them to purchase a talisman with opal. You don't have to wear the stone, just look at it for a few minutes a day. This will make a man stronger, more responsible and independent. Opal gives determination and courage. The mineral helps a bachelor decide on the choice of his other half.

Astrologers warn

Among the minerals that are not suitable for Libra, astrologers highlight jet. This black stone causes attacks of misanthropy, which is contrary to the essence of the humane Libra. Jet is capable of bringing discord into the lives of representatives of this sign and putting them into depression.

Hematite and onyx are also unsuitable stones for Libra. Onyx strengthens the control of emotions, helps to contain them inside. And Libras are already inclined to withdraw into themselves, hiding their sorrows and joys in their souls. Onyx accumulates energy, including negative energy. Representatives of the sign will not be able to fight it, but will absorb it into themselves.

It is not advisable for Libra to wear hematite too often or for a long time. The mineral helps fulfill desires, but Libras often don’t know what they want. Hematite harms people with weak character, because it helps to achieve not only good goals, but also bad ones. In addition, the strong energy of hematite can harm the health of Libra.

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac. A distinctive character trait of people born under it is the ability to convince their opponent that they are right. They can defend their opinion in any situation. Thanks to this quality, they often realize themselves in such fields of activity as peacekeeping missions, law and diplomacy. In any controversy, the last word, as a rule, goes to Libra. They know how to give reasons and arguments that will convince others of the correctness of Libra’s judgments.

It is important for Libra to feel that people need them. They always strive to help everyone and sometimes they do not do it from the bottom of their hearts. Libras suffer from frequent mood swings for no apparent reason. It is difficult for them to make any definite decision. The fact is that they always weigh the pros and cons and often they turn out to be equal. Libras are pleasant conversationalists. In communication, they shine with their intelligence and sense of humor. It is easy to communicate with such people, so they usually have many friends.

We will tell you which stone is suitable for Libra to wear as a talisman, and which minerals are contraindicated for them.

Precious and semi-precious stones for Libra should be chosen not only according to the horoscope, but also taking into account the date of birth. Here's how to do it:

  • For Libras born from September 24 to October 2, Venus gives its protection. Such people are friendly towards others. The distinctive features of their character are tenderness and gentleness. Therefore, sometimes it is difficult for them to make firm decisions when necessary. Stones for Libra are diamond, malachite, quartz, lapis lazuli, amethyst and.
  • Libras born from October 3 to October 13 are favored by Saturn. Such people give themselves completely for the sake of their favorite business. Moreover, they do it selflessly. They do not demand respect or material rewards in return. It is important for them simply that their work is useful. The patron stone for Libra in this case will be: ruby, zircon, emerald, tourmaline, amethyst, etc.
  • Libras born from October 14 to 23 are protected by Jupiter. Such people appreciate what they have without asking for something more in return. They are mostly refined natures, connoisseurs of beauty. In this case, the following stones may be suitable - talismans: sapphires, and diamonds.

Common talisman stones for Libra


is the best talisman for Libra. For those representatives of this zodiac sign who lack hardness, this mineral gives it. Thanks to him, Libra will learn to make strong-willed decisions and take a tough position on certain issues. In addition, a diamond helps you choose the right path in life. This stone also protects the owner from any negativity directed against him.

Good talismans for Libra are. They contribute to the development of the gift of eloquence and help to convince others of the correctness of their judgments, while preventing quarrels and scandals from arising. Aquamarines help you find harmony with yourself. In addition, such stones attract good luck. They help you achieve your goals, no matter what obstacles arise along the way.

The zodiac sign Libra is the most doubtful zodiac sign. Tourmaline will help them get rid of this character trait. Thanks to him, Libra will learn to make firm decisions on certain issues without hesitation. In addition, it gives peace and helps to find harmony with oneself.

For the sign of Libra, it will be a good talisman. It attracts good luck, helps you achieve your goals, and bestows happiness and a positive attitude.

Another amulet for this zodiac sign is opal. It gives self-confidence, helps to make the right decisions and charges the owner with positive energy, which relieves apathy and depression.

Libra is also suitable for wearing a talisman such as beryl. It will protect against any negativity, help you find loyal and devoted friends and strengthen family relationships.

When choosing stones according to your zodiac sign, you also need to take into account who will wear it: a man or a woman. The fact is that there are minerals that are suitable only for representatives of the stronger sex or the weaker sex. We will talk about them further.

Stones for Libra women

According to the horoscope, a stone such as coral is well suited for Libra women. It is considered the best talisman for the fair sex of this sign. helps to avoid age-related changes in appearance for a long time. In addition, it bestows wisdom and helps to make the right decisions in certain situations. Coral also protects against evil witchcraft and any negativity directed against the owner.

Libra is suitable for the fair sex. This stone attracts happiness and love, adds the missing firmness to one’s character and helps one make responsible decisions independently.

If Libra women have problems with eloquence, then they should wear a stone such as. It will help you develop your oratory gift, as well as choose the right path in life. In addition, the stone helps to achieve harmony with oneself and with the outside world.

Suitable for Libra women carrying a baby. It will provide protection to the mother and her baby and will help the woman during childbirth.

In addition, during pregnancy, Libra women are recommended to wear lapis lazuli. It relieves depression, depressed mood and has a positive effect on the mental state of the expectant mother.

Stones for Libra men

If we talk about which stones are suitable for Libra men, then, first of all, astrologers recommend that they wear zircon. It helps develop the gift of eloquence and gives confidence in one’s own abilities. also attracts money luck. With its help, you can improve your material well-being in a short time. In addition, zircon helps to make the right decisions and take responsibility even in difficult situations.

Another stone for Libra men is. It gives self-confidence, calms and allows you to get rid of the negativity that has accumulated during the day. In addition, it helps to recognize lies and deception, attracts money and helps improve your financial situation.

Colorless and yellow sapphires are suitable for Libra men. They improve brain function, help build a career and increase self-esteem. In addition, such stones provide protection from any negativity.

As for which stones are not recommended for Libra, regardless of gender, these are, and.

People of any zodiac sign need protection and Libra is no exception. Stones - talismans - can best provide this. The main thing is to choose the right option for yourself and believe in its magical properties.

The first decade of Libra is located between September 24 and October 2. People born in this decade are captivated by Venus. They are inclined to communicate, gentle, naive and dreamy. Such people are very tactful, polite, and respect others. In general, very pleasant and courteous individuals. They sometimes lack toughness, which is why their main talisman is. Libra stones of the first decade: rock crystal rocks, tiger eye, and.

The second ten-day period falls from October 3 to October 13. Libra of this decade is more subject to the influence of Saturn. These are shy people who live ordinary lives. They are characterized by prudence and hard work. The work of such Libras is always for the benefit of society. Their main stone is . He is strong and a little selfish, which will only benefit the selfless and simple Libra of the second decade. They need stones that will help them pay attention to their needs and fulfill their desires without remorse. Amethysts will be useful.

The third ten-day period covers the period from October 14 to October 22. People of this time are sensitive to the waves of Jupiter. They are not devoid of talents, have refined manners and an original perception of the world. Libras of this decade tend to respect traditions and appreciate life and its possibilities. The best stones for Libra of this period: emerald, topaz, ruby, sapphire, tourmaline.

Personalized Libra Jewelry

Libra's amulets and stones should first of all strengthen willpower, because people of this sign are more susceptible to dangerous temptations than others. It is important to develop responsibility and effective activity.

The best talisman for Libra is a diamond. It is able to solidify the suspiciousness of the sign, adding courage and determination to it. As a rule, Libra does not need recognition, but a diamond will open them up to this pleasure in full. The stone awakens respect for its owner in others and repels negative thoughts and feelings. Diamond dulls the negative traits of representatives of this zodiac sign.

Hardworking and humble, Libra needs success and attention. A stone called lapis lazuli can give them. Such a talisman creates harmony both within a person and in relationships with people, which the closed Libra so needs. The stone effectively suppresses aggression, although this is a rare phenomenon for a reserved sign. The soft influence of the talisman allows you to interact with the world without neglecting your own opinion.

Which stone suits Libra more than other signs - amethyst. He does not allow the weak-willed sign to get carried away by bad habits. The stone develops intelligence and activates intuition. It can help calm your nerves, reduce stress and fight depression. This is a useful property, because Libra often suffers from internal experiences.

Libra's strong stone is opal- suits that part of the sign’s representatives that boldly defends justice and nobility. This stone controls mood well and prevents mood swings from developing into melancholy. Opal helps you make decisions quickly, formulate goals and develop an action plan. Although astrologers do not recommend wearing opals all the time, they will come in handy during periods of stagnation and boredom.

A talisman with beryl strengthens family relationships. It protects on a long journey, opens up new horizons and paths to them. help you form your point of view and think quickly. They make wonderful amulets against the evil eye, damage and envy.

Like their symbol - the two scales - people of this sign are prone to duality. Tourmaline will help you get together and choose a common position. The stone removes any influence (even your own mood), and makes it possible to independently resolve issues. The talisman will be useful for absent-minded and nervous people, because it pacifies and makes the owner calm and balanced.

Sapphires are very suitable for Libra. This zodiac sign easily succumbs to negative emotions, and sapphire will easily eliminate them. The talisman resolves love issues and attracts sympathy.

Talismans for women

Stones for female Libra should simplify the personal life of the owner. Tourmaline copes well with this task. It reveals the usually constrained emotions of women of this zodiac sign, teaches them to show emotions and feelings. The stone also pacifies changeable notes of character. Thanks to this, it is easier for women of the Libra sign to find a life partner. Tourmaline is especially useful in that it teaches and heals, although it promises success in other areas.

Corals give a woman the love of others. A talisman with these stones liberates and allows you to conquer society and improve family life. Having coral with her, a woman will be protected from sidelong glances, bad words, and envy. Astrologers claim that the stone preserves youth, skin tone and good health.

Representatives of the charming sex who lack harmony can use malachite. The talisman will regulate any relationship in the life of the owner. In addition, he will reveal eloquence, diplomatic qualities and the gift of persuasion, which in turn will help to realize and realize the intended goals.

Emerald - the answer to the question which stone is suitable for Libra dreaming of children. The amulet not only decorates the appearance, but also fulfills the innermost desire of girls about motherhood. Emeralds are useful for young mothers to maintain mental and physical health. will protect you from the evil eye, make peace with your husband and protect you on the road.

Opal also cares about her owner's personal life. The stone of fidelity will balance the mood of this zodiac sign and establish mutual understanding with your loved one. Talismans with beryl have powerful protection, and malachite will enhance a woman’s attractiveness. Amethyst blocks bad thoughts and destructive energy.

Precious amulets for men

Libra's birthstone for men is undoubtedly sapphire. A precious yellow or transparent talisman is ideal for Libra men and blocks outside influence, which helps make thoughts more productive. Since this zodiac sign constantly thinks, the properties of sapphire will be simply priceless. Owning such a stone will make a man more decisive.

For tension and stress, Libra men have a weapon in the form of peridot. It promises the owner success in life and career and promises wealth. However, a cunning pebble will honestly serve only a decent person. Chrysolite can improve a person’s opinion of himself, remove guilt for allegedly bad deeds and protect the owner from lies.

The influence of opal on this zodiac sign is so great that it is enough to hold it in your hand for a few minutes to recharge for the whole day. Opal gives strength, allows you to independently and decisively fight problems that often make men withdraw. This talisman helps you choose a life partner.

Libra can collect their thoughts under the influence of aquamarine. Tourmaline will calm changeable moods and charge you with optimism. You can take zircon with you to negotiations to enhance your eloquence.

Stones are destructive for Libra

Libra should beware of stones that are shown as their opposite - Aries. This ,

Stones for Libra are not difficult to choose if you know some secrets. In addition to the zodiac sign, you also need to take into account the person’s birthday, gender and many other factors. If you choose the right stone, it will help in all areas of life.

Stones for Libra are not difficult to choose if you know some secrets

When determining suitable stones, it is necessary to take into account the decade of birth. There are 3 main groups:

  1. Libras born between September 23rd and October 1st. This is the first decade. This sign of Libra is characterized by having their head in the clouds - they often dream, but at the same time they need a lot of communication. They are characterized by gullibility. They treat other people well. The following may be suitable for them: jade, lapis lazuli, malachite, amazonite, moonstone and tiger's eye. Agate, amethyst, and jasper also have a good effect.
  2. Libra born between October 2 and October 13. This is the second decade. This zodiac sign is distinguished by prudence. These people are very modest. Most suitable for them: topaz, tourmaline, chrysolite. Also – various forms of quartz.
  3. Libra born between October 14th and October 23rd. This is the third decade. Libras have well-developed creativity. They carry out traditions. Emerald and sapphire are recommended for this zodiac sign Libra. You can also wear tourmaline, topaz, ruby. In addition, you can use zircon, aquamarine and chrysolite.

You need to select stones according to your zodiac sign, based on your date of birth. Then the effect will be even stronger. In this case, the Libra stones for each day will be different. For example, on September 24 it is recommended to give aquamarine. The symbol of October 1 is a pomegranate, and if a person was born on October 23, then it is best to give him topaz as a talisman. But, regardless of birthday, all Libras are advised to be careful with stones that have a bright red tint.

Not all semi-precious and precious stones are suitable for Libra. It is not recommended to choose jet. This black stone is capable of causing misanthropy, which is not at all typical for Libra, who is distinguished by his love of humanity. Because of this, people (Libra according to the horoscope) have difficulties in life and depression.

Onyx and hematite are also not suitable. The first makes a person less emotional, restrains all experiences inside. And Libra is prone to this even without onyx. This mineral is capable of accumulating energy, not only positive, but also negative. As a result, a person simply cannot cope with it. Of course, you can periodically wear hematite, since it is capable of fulfilling a person’s desires, but only if the latter knows what he really wants. In addition, hematite cannot be kept with you for too long.

It is not recommended to use opal all the time. Although it belongs to the group of Libra talismans, it is still not suitable for long-term wear. This is especially true for female representatives. In addition, the coil is contraindicated.

Libra is the opposite of Aries, so all its talismans are also not recommended for use. This applies to sardonyx, rhodolite, carnelian and bright red stones.

Stones and talismans for Libra (video)

Talismans for Libra

Who is suitable for Libra is not difficult to determine. It is imperative to take into account the person’s character traits and what the mineral affects. The following stones can be distinguished:

  • Lapis lazuli. This is the best talisman for Libra. It will make a person more successful, assertive, and decisive. To do this, you must have jewelry with such a mineral. Thanks to this, a person will become more confident. His best qualities will be revealed. If you can’t find a common language with a company for a long time, then lapis lazuli will strengthen friendships and help you find a soul mate. By the way, jewelry with lapis lazuli will set you up not only for work, but also for relaxation. The stone removes emotional stress and absorbs all negativity. That is why it is recommended to clean it at least once every 2 weeks - put it in running water for 20 minutes.
  • Topaz. Also a wonderful mascot for Libra. It gives wisdom, attracts money and luck. Makes a person decisive and helps cope with emotions. In addition, topaz can stimulate aspirations.

  • Diamond. If you need to determine which signs are suitable for a diamond, then it is Libra. He will be a reliable talisman for a person. He is a symbol of moral purity. Vesom must have jewelry with a diamond - this is one of the main amulets. The diamond will work as a mirror shield, so it simply reflects all the negativity. In addition, it helps a person develop in the right direction.
  • Beryl. Whoever suits beryl is definitely Libra. This gem is the key to strong family ties. In addition, it allows you to improve relationships with relatives, friends, and colleagues. It will help a person to properly spend all his energy on various areas of life. Great for creative people and those who work hard mentally.
  • Tourmaline. It would be difficult to find a more suitable stone for Libra. He is able to develop intuition and helps make the right decisions. It eliminates the duality of nature, therefore, the longer a person wears jewelry with tourmaline, the more he perceives himself as a full-fledged person. Develops balance, saves from negative energy.

  • Sapphire. Since almost all Libras are very emotional, they are recommended to carry this crystal with them. This stone is capable of calming ardor. The person will become calmer and more resilient. It harmonizes the personality. In addition, if someone is sick, then you just need to hold the stone in your hands: it takes away the painful energy.
  • Amethyst. This stone promotes mental balance. The person will become calmer. Protects against negative energy. In addition, it will protect against nostalgia, which destroys the integrity of the individual.
  • Amber. If you need to choose the right thing in any area of ​​life, then it is best to wear jewelry with amber. Each zodiac sign has different jewelry and wearing options. For Libra, it is recommended to wear a ring with such a stone. It will help a person go in the right direction. Wear it exclusively on the second finger.

Gallery: stones for Libra (50 photos)

How to choose an amulet based on a person’s gender

According to the horoscope, Libra women need to wear tourmaline jewelry. It is quite difficult for representatives of this sign to cope with their personal lives, especially considering that in most cases they do not show their own emotions. But tourmaline will help you open your soul and teach you how to do this. Such a talisman is best suited for Libra women, especially if they are single. In addition, tourmaline is able to hide the variability of personality. The stone will bring good luck to a woman with any specialization, but it is especially recommended for teachers and doctors.

Libra women need the attention of other people. They definitely need communication and love. It is coral that will help a woman become more sociable. Products with such a stone can also strengthen family relationships. Coral protects love, it protects external negativity. In addition, wearing the stone close to the body improves the condition of the skin and overall well-being.

Malachite is suitable as a talisman for a woman. It promotes harmonization in all areas of life. The mineral increases self-esteem, makes dreams and plans come true. Thanks to him, you can fully realize yourself. Persuasiveness in speech develops, so that a person becomes more diplomatic and has oratory abilities.

You can also wear topaz. This crystal also helps in life. In addition, turquoise is recommended, especially for pregnant women. The mineral is able to protect both the woman and the baby. In addition, lapis lazuli can be worn during pregnancy. It has a positive effect on the psyche and prepares for motherhood.

This one is also suitable for Libra women. It preserves external beauty and reveals the inner world of a person, making him more attractive. This stone is most suitable for women who want to become mothers. The gem will prevent mental disorders.

It is important to know, which stones are suitable for Libra men. It is best to use yellow sapphires, but colorless options will also come in handy. They strengthen resistance to external negative influences and develop mental abilities. Working with your head will be more productive, which is very important for people of this sign. In addition, sapphires can make a person more courageous and decisive.

It is imperative to choose the right stones for Libra men. For example, chrysolite is excellent. It is able to calm and remove emotional stress. In addition, chrysolite is a talisman stone that will attract money to its owner, which is very important for Libra, who prefer financial well-being and complete comfort in life. But the gem will protect only honest people.

Opal is also suitable for a man. They prefer not to fight, but to adapt, so such a talisman will help them with this. It is not necessary to carry the mineral with you every day - you can simply look at it periodically - at least for a few minutes a day. It will make a person more decisive, and will help single men choose their mate.

Stones for attracting financial well-being (video)


Many people think about which stone is suitable for Libra. There are many options, but when choosing, you must take into account your date of birth, decade, gender and other factors. It is best to contact a specialist, but you can choose a good amulet yourself. The main thing is not only the choice of a suitable talisman, but also the correct handling of it.

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