Competition of ditties "Kozhamyktar" Host - Competition. Tuvan ditties and Scottish dance National Tuvan holiday "Shagaa"



Prepared by: Salchak Sh.Ch.

primary school teacher

Ak-Dovurak - 2015

National Tuvan holiday "Shagaa"

    Introduce students to the national holiday "Shagaa";

    To develop the ability of students to speak in public (read poetry, sing songs);

    To cultivate respect for national culture, customs, traditions, to instill love for the motherland.

Event progress:

Leading: Hello guys!

Today we have gathered to celebrate the New Year in Tuvan style. We will tell you what the word "Shagaa" means, how to meet, tell you about the national games of the Tuvan people and rituals.

Leading: The king of beasts, when he was distributing which animal to enter this annual circle and to whom to start it, announced a competition: whoever sees the first rays of the sun of the new year before anyone else will begin the cycle. The mouse and the camel argued which of them would be the first. The camel only laughed at the mouse: he is big and for sure he will be the first to see the rays of the sun. But the mouse was cunning and did not give up the contest. New Year's Eve has arrived. The steadfast and slow camel was the first to come up the mountain. Soon other animals came up. And the cunning and nimble mouse ran up the camel and sat on its head. The camel did not even feel the mouse sitting on its head. And they began to wait. Camel and mouse looked in different directions. The mouse was the first to announce the new day, so the cycle began to begin with the year of the mouse.

Competition ditties "Kozhamyktar"

Leading: On the eve of the new year in the aals, everyone, young and old, was in a hurry to make the necessary preparations for the upcoming holiday: they carefully cleaned their homes, bought new or refreshed old clothes, stocked up food for New Year's dishes in advance, prepared gifts for relatives, close friends and neighbors, purchased ritual decorations . In a word, every person and every thing must be ready for this significant event.

On the threshold of Shagaa, gray-haired elders, simply respected elderly people, splashing holy water from a healing spring and smoking artysh, uttered good wishes in a low voice. This ceremony reflected the wishes of family members of well-being, health and longevity.

Competition of riddles "Tyvyzyktar"

Uzun kuduruun al,

Ulug kulaam salarym ol.

Baazhyzy: Boydusta

(Ergi, chaa childyn solchuru)

Dort khuular Chechenim, he is iyi khenchelig

Sen ynai olur, men seen ornunga olurain

(dong bile hunnun solchulgazy)

Hoor saryg unup keldi,

Kodan chylgy dese birdi

The bird flapped its wings

Covered the whole world with one feather

You have, I have

The oak has it, the fish has it.

The field is unmeasured

Sheep are not counted

Horned shepherd.

(sky, stars, moon)

In the new wall

In the round window

Broken glass during the day

Inserted overnight.


Sheep in cow

(stocking in shoe)

small, round,

And you will reach the sky.

Leading: On the night before the New Year, no one went to bed, except for babies and young children. The first rays of the morning sun announced the arrival of a step. Seeing them, everyone felt that the new year had really come. According to legend, happiness will come to those who meet the sunrise on the first day of the new year.

Everything that was done on that day was considered “first time done”, and this applied to almost everything: the first meeting, the first word, the first deed, etc. there was an opinion among the people: if you do some good in the first days of Shagaa business, then the whole year will be successful.

Competition of tongue twisters "Durgen chugaa"

Leading: On the first morning of the New Year, all family members put on new or renewed clothes, sat down for the first meal of the new year.

The New Year's meal of Tuvans was dominated by boiled lamb, various dairy products, various pastries, cereals and soups.

Rhyming competition on one long inhalation-exhalation "Uzun tynysh"

Leading: After the first solemn family meal, they moved on to mutual visits and the exchange of gifts. The people believed that the more guests there are on this day, the happier and richer the coming year will be for the owners of the yurt. There was another obligatory attribute - this is a special greeting: “amyrlazhyr”: the younger extended both hands to the elder, palms up, and the older one laid his palms down on them from above. They said: "Amyrgyn-na, Amyr." With this gesture, they expressed respect for each other.

"Kazhyk" - Tuvan national dice game

On the first day of Shagaa, each aal made a collective sacrifice to the guardian spirits of the area and clan near a small ovaa. This rite was also based on the idea of ​​fertility magic - they prayed for a rich offspring and for the well-being of children and loved ones.

Competition of national clothes

Leading: New Year, like any holiday, is filled with games and entertainment. The roller coasters were especially popular. It was a real delight for the children, who ran up and down from morning to evening. Instead of sleds, they used the skins of animals.

Competition "Tevek"

Leading: So, during this day we learned how they prepared for the holiday, how Tuvans used to meet Shagaa, what rituals they performed.

Sayan mountains

Who saw the beauty of Tuva

Can't leave the dream

To come back here again

Or maybe forever.

Ah, the blue mountains! Mountains Sayan!

The beauty of the Siberian fields

In winter in fluffy snow

With peaks in the clouds!

Charash tyvamny kym korgen

Sagtssh-setkilin atyrgan.

Kanchap bilir eglip keerin

Base katap eglip keerin.

Ak-kok hemner, holder! Taiga Saiyan!

Nogaan, kyzyl, saryg, charazhyn,

Kyzhyn, chayyn ak-kok hemneri

Mengileri buluttard.

I wish you a good holiday Shagaa!

Ch. kozhamyktar, ‘chastushki, choruses’) occupies a central place in the song tradition of the Tuvans of the Erzin kozhuun. These choruses can be associated with a specific situation (for example, a wedding). The texts of kozhamyk reflect almost all the realities of folk life. The dialogic form of performance is characteristic, a kind of competition in the art of impromptu, the duration of which is limited only by the skill of the singers and the situation.

Kozhamyk is the most popular and popular genre of traditional folklore. Until now, samples of kozhamyk can be recorded in all settlements, as well as at shepherd's sites. Almost everyone can perform at least one or two kozhamyk, but there are true masters of this genre who can improvise kozhamyktar on any topic. Many performers consider the lyrics they composed to be "their own" and the genre as a whole to be local in origin. Kozhamyktar of other kozhuuns are performed rarely, as an exception. Melodies are often defined by performers as generic. So, they can attribute the performed melodies as “the tune of the Soyans”, “the tune of the Irgits”, “the tunes of the Kyrgyz, Choodu” (these are the main aimaks - clans - Erzins), etc. In reality, the generic status of tunes is not directly revealed. Perhaps such representations reflect the earlier stages of the existence of the tradition.

The performers of the kozhamyk genre are mainly middle-aged and older people, both men and women, although there are no prohibitions on the performance by children or young people. Kozhamyk is sung solo, occasionally accompanied by a stringed bowed musical instrument (byzaanchy, morin-khuura, igila). The instrument at the same time duplicates the melody. There is also a form of dialogue performance when two or more people participate. In such situations, there is an honing of the skill of improvisation and a competition in wit and possession of poetic art.

Currently, there are five types of performers in the Erzin tradition. The first type is performers who do not perform anywhere, sing only "for themselves" and hardly agree to sing for recording. This category is dominated by men. The second type is performers who often sing in everyday life mainly songs learned from other people, and quite willingly respond to a request to sing. Performers of this type are mostly among the Erzinians - women and men. The third type is performers with an innate gift for improvisation, who often use poetic speech in everyday life.

Performer Kozhamyk A.B. Banchyk with children and grandchildren

from the village Kachyk of the Erzin kozhuun of the Republic of Tyva. Photo by G.B. Sychenko.

Such performers do not have to be persuaded to sing, since this is a natural state for them. There are fewer of them than the performers of the second type, among them there are both women and men. A striking example of this kind of performer is Sara Batyrgievna Sagdy. The fourth type - performers who have a natural talent, improvisational abilities and are active participants in various forms of modern cultural life. Both men and women are also found here. Finally, the fifth type includes those who have the gift to compose beyond the bounds of tradition. There are few such performers.

Kozhamyktar is performed in a variety of situations: during leisure, festive feast, meetings and communication of young people, at a wedding, for various types of work, on the road. Any situations where a lot of people gather are favorable for execution. kozhamyk. In addition to the public form of existence, singing “for oneself” is also common, in the absence of any public.

There are few restrictions on the execution of kozhamyk. So, they are not performed during shamanic and Buddhist rituals. The ban on singing is associated with a period of mourning, as well as being in sacred zones - in the mountains, taiga, near sources, where it is not customary to talk loudly and make noise.

The subject of kozhamyktar is very wide and quite diverse. Samples of the genre do not have fixed names, however, performers use various terms that specify the content or nature of the performance of specific kozhamyk. So, for example, kozhamyk of a comic nature is called bashtak / bashtan / khoglug kozhamyktar ‘comic / humorous / funny kozhamyk’, kyzhyrymak kozhamyk ‘mocking kozhamyk’. On the contrary, sad kozhamyk can be called mungaraannyn kozhamy ‘kozhamyk of a sad person’. They are adjoined by өskүs kizhiniң kozhamyy ‘kozhamyksiroty’.

Folk group “Tyva kyzy” is the only female folklore group performing throat singing

Some texts reflect folk ideas about the art of song improvisation. For example, in kozhamyk performed by S.B. Sagdy, the main artistic principle of kozhamyk is mentioned - the principle of pairing (it is already contained in the very term kozhamyk):

Kozhamykka eki-le men

Leather yrlap kaaptar men

Kozhar pöske khilin-not men

Kushkashtarny daarap kaar men

I can sing kozhamyk well,

Pairing is easy.

I am a master at sewing

I can embroider birds with patterns.

Most kozhamyk performers consider "their own". Such "authorship" in reality is an improvisation within the rather rigid framework of traditional poetic and musical clichés. If kozhamyk was composed and performed earlier by someone else, as a rule, a close relative of the performer, then such samples are called accordingly: avamnyn kozhamyy 'mother's kozhamyk', achamnyn kozhamyy 'father's kozhamyk', kyrgan-avamnyn kozhamyy 'grandmother's kozhamyk', kyrgan- achamnyn kozhamy 'grandfather's kozhamyk', etc.

In the modern era, such definitions as ep-nayyral kozhamyy ‘kozhamyk of friendship and peace’ appear. The main compositional form of the poetic text kozhamyk is a stanza consisting of four lines. Stanzas are paired, unpaired and mixed, when both types of stanzas are combined in one song sample. The pairing also appears within the stanzas. The number of syllables in each line is eight, the lines are divided into two half lines: 4 + 4. Deviations by one syllable are possible in each of the half lines (but not simultaneously in both). This type of poetic organization can be defined as a symmetrical syllabic.

Saara Batyrgievna Sagdy - a master of the kozhamyk genre from the village. Bulun-Bazhy

Erzinsky kozhuun of the Republic of Tyva. Photo by G.B. Sychenko.

The tunes of kozhamyk belong to the so-called typical tunes - melodies of a typified structure, based on several slogo-rhythmic types. There are five of them in the Erzin tradition. The slogo-rhythmic type covers a line, and most often all the lines in a stanza are based on the same slogo-rhythmic type. Since all syllogo-rhythmic types, regardless of their rhythmic pattern, are based on a line of eight syllables, a poetic text can be realized in any syllabic-rhythmic type. Each of the slogo-rhythmic types, in turn, can be combined with various intonation patterns. At the intersection of the slogo-rhythmic type and the intonation model, typical melodies arise. The connection between the tune and the poetic text is very free - the same poetic text can be performed on almost any typical tune.

Typical tunes exist in the form of performance options, sometimes quite far from each other, but still recognizable by ear. The system of fret supports is of great importance. In one typical tune, the system of fret supports is preserved, although it can vary melodically. The tunes of kozhamyk are based on the pentatonic scale, which, for some performers, is combined with a different modal system, apparently preceding the pentatonic scale. This can be seen as a manifestation of the diversity of the genre.

The intonational expansion of a melody covers either two or four lines, that is, a melostrophy can be two- or four-line. The melody usually begins in the lower zone of the scale, then captures the upper zone and ends, as a rule, in the middle or lower zone. Chants of one syllable in the melodies of the kozhamyk genre are minimal, they rarely exceed two or three sounds. The pace of execution is from fast to medium.

Performers kozhamyk B.-Sh. N. Tangyt and K.Y Tangyt

from the village Moraine of the Erzinsky kozhuun of the Republic of Tyva. Photo by G.B. Sychenko

The manner of performing kozhamyk is directly related to the type of performers identified in the tradition. The performers of the first type are characterized by the declamatory manner of singing kozhamyk. Performers of the second category are characterized by developed intonation with good singing breathing. Traditional sound production involves an open manner of singing, ornamentation is present in the melody. The most vividly traditional folk sound production is manifested by performers of the third type - folk singers-improvisers, whose style is distinguished by a bright sound and an abundance of decorations. Another feature of this type of performers is that they can fold kozhamyk “on the go”, alternate singing with poetic inserts. Performers of the fourth type are characterized by a sonorous, open sound, clear articulation, and some smoothness of local features of intonation. Their singing style was influenced by frequent performances on stage. Performers of the fifth type go beyond the tradition in the field of text, melody and timbre.

The tradition of performing kozhamyktar still exists on the territory of the Erzin kozhuun, but every year there are less and less performers who know the art of improvisation. There are new forms of existence associated with performance on stage. In stage versions, new characteristics appear related to theatricalization, processing of tunes and their arrangement for various instrumental compositions that are not characteristic of tradition. At the same time, the improvisational character is often lost and the traditional performing style is lost.

In order to popularize and preserve the tradition of kozhamyk, a CD with folklore records was released, and a scientific and methodological publication is being prepared.

An interesting and informative program for the guests was prepared by the children of the senior group of the kindergarten. Young polyglots demonstrated knowledge of their native and foreign languages, introduced the audience to Tuvan ditties, national games, showed how to greet and talk in English, performed Russian and Scottish dances. Nadezhda Demenkova, head of the city children's methodological association and head of kindergarten No. 34, said that such events are held in all kindergartens in Kyzyl and are aimed at preserving and studying native Russian and Tuvan languages. - Today we visited preschool institution No. 19. The senior group of the kindergarten prepared a small concert, which showed how artistic and talented children are. They are fluent in three languages: Russian, Tuvan and English, they know the traditions and customs of the peoples. This is what we, educators and teachers, strive for. To convey to the public that it is necessary not only to love and preserve the native language, but also to treat other languages ​​and traditions with the same respect. The head of kindergarten No. 19, Lidia Mongush, notes that teachers of Russian, Tuvan and English languages ​​​​work in their institution. Through classes, educators try to show and instill love for their native language: - Children of five nationalities study in our kindergarten - Russians, Tuvans, Buryats, Kirghiz and Armenians. And we introduce children to the traditions of each nation, somewhere through a game form, somewhere through books, dances, music and much more. Last year, our kindergarten took the Grand Prix of the charity gala concert “A fairy tale has come to visit us”, dedicated to perpetuating the memory of Tuvan volunteers, among kindergartens No. 4, 19, 21, 29 and 40 of the city of Kyzyl.

Victoria LACHUGINA, "Tuvinskaya Pravda"
This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
below is the date when the material was published on the site of the original source!

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K ozhamyk is one of the main genres of the song tradition of the Todzha Tuvans, an indigenous small people living in the Todzhinsky kozhuun of the Republic of Tyva. Kozhamyk songs mostly do not have a timing and are performed almost anywhere and at any time, however, some connection with ritual genres remains. A variety of situations for the performance of kozhamyk songs is ensured by improvising a poetic text to one of the typical tunes directly during singing.

Genre kozhamyk(pl. leathermyktar) - a song, a ditty, a chorus - is widespread among Tuvans everywhere and is one of the favorite among Tuvans-Todzhans, an indigenous small people living in the villages and towns of the Todzhinsky kozhuun of the Republic of Tyva and having significant differences from other Tuvans.

Poetic texts kozhamyk mostly improvised on one of the typical tunes directly in the course of performance. Practically all carriers of the tradition master the skill of improvisation to one degree or another. Todzhans value humorous, witty texts. According to Valery Satovich Sambukay, "the saltier, stronger, funnier, the better." The more topical the text kozhamyk and the more perfect its form, the higher the status of the performer.

The main masters of the genre are currently middle-aged and older people, usually women, although there are no restrictions on the age and gender of performers. Men perform kozhamyk loud, bright voice. Women's style of singing kozhamyk has a quieter, more modest sound. Perhaps it was influenced by the atypical situation of performing folklore samples in the process of collecting work (the presence of strangers, strangers, the presence of equipment, etc.). Among the special performing techniques we will include melismas specific to Todzhans - singing, grace notes (especially for men), - an abundance of vocalizations.

Traditionally kozhamyk sung either solo or in dialogic form. Recently, an amateur ensemble performance focused on monophonic singing has been practiced. Execution kozhamyk does not involve instrumental accompaniment, dance or other movements. Anyone present can take part in the traditional dialogic ensemble. The dialogue is usually built on the principle of opposing the sexes (for example, between a girl and a guy) or childbirth. The attitude towards the performers on the part of the listeners is very interested, they react lively and directly to the performance kozhamyk. At the same time, each of the listeners can join the ensemble at any time.

Kozhamyk is predominantly an untimed genre. According to the testimonies of the informants, it can be performed almost anywhere and at any time: in the settlement and outside it (on the road, in the taiga), during work and leisure, in solitude and during gatherings. There is a ban on its performance in sacred areas, such as the pass, where you can’t sing, talk loudly and generally make noise so as not to anger the mountain spirits-owners of the places.

Some connection kozhamyk with calendar and family rituals is still seen. In particular, the Tojins mention two calendar holidays, during which they used to sound kozhamyk: it is a New Year Shagaa and spring youth games Oitulaash. On Oytulaash dialogue competitions in singing kozhamyk were held along with other competitions: wrestling Khuresh, games, etc. They were called oytulaashka skinmyktaary(kozhamyki of spring youth games). There is evidence of a connection between the genre and non-ritual games. According to Galina Bice-oolovna Khertek, “ kozhamyk they sang when they played lapta, ball, cat and mouse.

At the wedding kozhamyk performed as a well-wishes to the young representatives of the bride and groom. In addition, special question-answer forms may sound in the wedding ceremony. kozhamyk, which are a kind of competition of representatives of different genera. Wedding versions of the genre are called where kozhamyk. From other rites of the life cycle where they sing kozhamyk, Tojins mention the holiday of the first haircut of a child Urug bazhy kezer toy, on which these songs are performed during a feast after good wishes - yereelov. There is also evidence of kargysh(curses) performed on typical tunes kozhamyk.

So, kozhamyk turns out to be associated, on the one hand, with competitiveness (boys and girls, representatives of different genders, etc.), on the other hand, with good or negative wishes.

Subjects of poetic texts kozhamyk quite varied and determined by the specific situation. For example, kozhamyk, performed at a wedding for young people or at the celebration of the first haircut of a child, contains good wishes. Texts of spring youth games oytulaashka skinmyktaary are predominantly love-themed. Joking, humorous kozhamyk performed in any situation. In general, three main figurative-thematic spheres are distinguished: love, inter-clan rivalry and chanting of native places.

Let us note the reindeer herding theme in the song texts of the Todzhans and reindeer herding and pastoral clans, as well as the frequent use of local toponyms, by which it is often possible to determine the geographical reference of the performers (see examples of poetic texts).

Sometimes performers use terms that specify the nature or content of kozhamyk: For example, bashtak kozhamyk ‘ comic kozhamyk’; bagai kudalar dugayynda kozhamyk‘kozhamyk about bad matchmakers’, ivi dugayynda kozhamyk‘kozhamyk about deer’, hake dugayynda kozhamyk‘kozhamyk about a cuckoo’, charlyyshkyn dugayynda kozhamyk ‘ kozhamyk about parting.

Textskozhamykbased on the syllabic system of versification - the repetition of lines equal in number of syllables. Four 8-syllable lines form a stanza. The lines in each stanza are joined by an initial rhyme, beginning either with the same vowel or with the same syllable. The number of stanzas in a song is limited only by the performer's imagination.

The use of such a structural-poetic device as figurative-syntactic parallelism gives special beauty to the texts. It appears in paired lines or paired stanzas.kozhamyk: figurative parallelism is also accompanied by an identical or similar arrangement of speech elements that occurs in parallel lines.

Lines of the same number of syllables in singing receive equal length due to the typification of the syllable rhythm. IN five syllogo-rhythmic line types identified kozhamyk based on a combination of short and long durations. Chants in Tojin kozhamyk are minimal, which is largely due to the fast or medium pace of execution. The melostrophy of typical tunes, like the poetic stanza, covers four lines.

Sound pitch system of the Tojins kozhamyk oriented to the anhemitonic pentatonic scale, but it also has a mode with a tritone inclusion (“Dorian pentatonic scale” according to A.N. Aksenov). The scale of a song usually includes 5-7 steps. The tetrachord is identified as the main egah, in which the final tones of the tunes are mainly e And g.

tunes kozhamyk are typical, that is, they have such features as typification of the structure (mainly rhythms), polytext and non-contemporaneity. It was the typical tunes in the past that were, perhaps, generic markers among the Todzhans, which was repeatedly pointed out by the bearers of the tradition themselves. Thus, the motif of the rivalry of clans, manifested in poetic texts and the dialogic form of performance kozhamyk, finds its embodiment in the melody of songs.

Currently the genre kozhamyk the lirical song tradition as a whole represents the most fully preserved part of the musical culture of the Tuvan-Todzhans and occupies a dominant position in it. New forms of existence of the genre appear kozhamyk associated with amateur performances and its stage embodiment. They involve theatricalization of the genre, the use of instrumental accompaniment and lead to the loss of improvisation skills and the traditional manner of singing. We also note the emergence of a certain number of texts that respond to the historical events of our time. In particular, these are texts on Soviet subjects, in which Russianisms are often used. In general, the musical style of Todzha kozhamyk different time one.

Kozhamyk "Chary mungan kuzhur bodum" (audio 01)

Charm mungan kuzhur bodum

Sharym-Taigaa chede berdim.

Shar[s]-la mungan Salchak oglu

Charyn charlap kaya cheder.

Evie mungan kuzhur bodum

Odugenge chede berdim.

Inek mungan Khemchik oglu

Izin and step cheder eves.

Riding a reindeer, I am poor

I reached Sharym-Taiga.

Salchak's son on horseback

Can't get anywhere.

Riding a deer I'm poor

Got to Audugen.

The son of Khemchik riding a cow

It will follow (my) trail, it will not reach.

Kozhamyk « Arga-dashtyg tulaa bolgan" (audio 02)

Arga-dashtyg tulaa bolgan

Aryskanga ottaar ivim.

Aryg-silig oglu-bile

Amyranyp Choruur Ivim.

At the forest-stony swamp,

My deer grazing on the windfall.

With a clean-tidy fawn

Feeding my deer.

Kozhamyk "Iy-le hemnin ishtineide" (audio 03)

Iy-le chemnin ishtineide

Inek chives sigen-not bar.

Ie ҩgnүң ishtineide

Ishtim ynak urug-la bar.

On the river valley

There is hay that the cow does not eat.

In mother's yurt

I have a dearly beloved girl.

In (one's) native yurt

There is a girl whom I love dearly.

Kozhamyk "Eder hektin ayalgazy" (audio 04)

Eder hektin ayalgazy

Ezim arga tarai bergen.

Ezhikeyni chagyg sozu

Ette, botta blue bergen.

The singing of the singing cuckoo

Spread throughout the forest.

my favorite orders

Soaked into my soul-body.

Kozhamyk "Meen churtum Өdugeni" (audio 05)

Meen churtum Өdugeni

Mengi harlyg bolbain kanchaar

Meen kadym ivizhiler

Berge cherge turbine kanchaar

Kara-Taiga dep-le taiga

Kadar oddu cheder-le yen

Khamyk maldar kadyp algash

Kadarchylap korbes sen be?

Bazhy Bedik Odugennin

Bazhyn churttap korbes sen be?

Malchyn sugnu oglu-bile

Badyladyp albas sen be?

Ekti Bedik Odugennin

Erin churttap korbes sen be?

Eres-kezhee anchy ooldun

Ezhi bolup albas sen be?

My homeland Odugen

With eternal snows, of course.

My neighbors are reindeer herders

They live in difficult places, of course.

In the Kara-Taiga, called the taiga

Enough feather grass, of course.

All herd united,

Would you like to become a shepherd?

High peaks having Odugen.

Wouldn't you like to try to live at the top?

With the shepherd's son

Wouldn't you like to sign?

High ridges having Odugen

Do you want to live at the foot of the mountain?

To the brave hardworking hunter

Won't you become a lover?

Kozhamyk "Syyn-myygak turlaa bolgan" (audio 06)

Syyn-Myygak Turlaa Bolgan

Synnar adaa Systyg-Khemni

Chymchak aldyn shygzhaa bolgan

Chyryk-chaagay Tozhu churtum.

For deer marals, which has become a parking lot

At the foot of the mountain ranges (flowing) Systyg-Khem.

Soft gold became the guardian

Light-beautiful Todzha land.

Kozhamyk "Oske-head chime bodap" (audio 07)

Өsuke-head chime bodap

Oskus bodum sularadym.

Ozu kara sen[i] manap

Өөrүmge өskelettim, өskelettim.

Heads are dim turulguzhe,

Bazhym dugu kogergizhe,

Kyry beerim ol-la choor be?

Kyrym synar eskerbeen men, eskerbeen men.

Khaya turgan kadyr meeste

Khayyrakan izin kanchaar.

Karam-bile aravysta

Kadailarny khovun kanchaar, khovun kanchaar.

Udur korgen ulug meeste

Ular kushtun izin kanchaar.

Urug-bille aravysta

Ulustarnyn khovun kanchaar, khovun kanchaar.

Ol-la charik kezhe beer men

[Or] tulukka hona beer men

[Or] tulukka hongan sen deesh

Ortun karam meni kanchaar, meni kanchaar

Dee-la charik kezhe beer men

Teresinge hona beer men

Theresinghe hongan sen deash

Tenek karam meni kanchaar, meni kanchaar

Atta-taa chok, trouble-taa chok

Boru chipken taptyg tour be.

Sende-taa chok, mende-taa chok

SSR kirgen, taptyg tour be, taptyg tour be.

Thinking about something else

Orphaned, I'm tired.

You, (having) black thoughts, waiting,

Friends seemed a stranger, a stranger.

Before the loss of the front teeth,

Until my hair turns gray

How did I get so old?

And really, I didn’t notice, I didn’t notice.

On the sunny side of the cliff

So many bear tracks.

About me and my love

Among women, how much gossip, how much gossip.

Opposite the sunny side of the mountain

There are so many traces of the mountain snowcock.

About me and my love

There is so much gossip among people, how much gossip.

I will melt to that shore,

I'll spend the night on the island.

For my night on the island

My dear, what will he do to me, what will he do to me.

I will melt to that shore,

I will spend the night among the feather grass.

For my overnight stay among the feather grass

My dear what will he do with me, what will he do with me.

There is no horse, no mare,

So it is necessary that the wolf ate.

Neither you nor I got it

So it is necessary that he left for the USSR.

Kozhamyk "Kechim shainyn keziya tour on" (audio 08)

Kechim shaynyn keziya tour on,

Kese shappain khayyndyrynar.

Kezek hoyuk uruu-dur men,

Henzig Devane Edertiner.

Uzun shainyn keziya tour on,

Uy shappine hayyndyrynar.

Ulug hoyuk uruu-dur men,

Uyaratpine edertiner.

One eighth of brick tea

Boil without cutting.

I am the daughter of the small Hoyuk,

Do not belittle me, live with me.

Portion of long brick tea

Boil without crushing.

I am the daughter of the elder Hoyuk,

Do not let me be sad live with me.

Kozhamyk "Azas Khöldun ak-la bally" (audio 09)

Azas hөldүn ak-la balyy

Aryk-tyr be, semis-tir be?

Azas Khöldun Uruglary

Amyr-dyr be, mendi-dir be?

Ak-la Sukpak suu teren,

Adym bagai, kanchap kezhein.

Anai-karam arny charash,

Arnym khirlig kanchap duzhayn.

In Lake Azas (water) whitefish

Is it thin, is it fat?

There are girls living by Azas lake

Are you healthy, are you well?

The Ak-Sukpak river is deep-water,

How can I swim across, my horse is bad.

My beloved has a beautiful face

How can I meet, my face is dirty.

Kozhamyk "Charash anyg, shever anyg" (audio 10)

Charash anyg, shever anyg

Chavazhynga churttaksaar men.

Charash-kara saanchynyn

Chanynaiga oluruksaar men.

Kara anyg, shever anyg

Kadyr-Өөske churttaksaar men.

Kadarchynyn, ivizhinin

Kazananga kirikseer men.

In (having) a beautiful, neat beast

Chavasha wants me to live.

With a lovely-cute milkmaid

I want to sit next to you.

In (having) a black, neat beast

Kadyr-Oose wants me to live.

To the shepherd, reindeer herder

I want to enter the shack.

Kozhamyk "Syyn-myygak turlaa bolgan "(andaudio 11)

Syyn-Myygak Turlaa Bolgan

Synnar adaa Iy-le chemim.

Syrynnaldyr chelip kelir

Syyn bashtyg saryg charym.

Elik-khulbus turlaa bolgan

Ezim adaa Iy-le hemni.

Ezinneldir chelip orar

Elik bashtyg saryg charym.

For marals, which has become a parking lot

At the foot of the mountain ranges (flowing) is my river Iy.

With a head like a maral, my light yellow deer.

For roe deer, which has become a parking lot

At the undergrowth (flowing) is my river Iy.

Like a breath of breeze, he will come running to me at a trot

With a head like a roe deer, my light yellow deer.

Kozhamyk "Chortup azhar Tolbul son" (audio 12)

Chortup azhar Tolbul son

Shoochalap kaggan eves.

Chortup kelir meen ezhim

Choop bargan, kanchap bargan?

Khaldyp azhar Tolbul son

Khaalgalap kaggan eves.

Khaldyp kelir meen ezhim

Kanchap bargan, chop bargan?

The castle wasn't closed.

Slowly riding my friend

Fast (surmountable) road through the Tolbul Range

The gates weren't closed.

Fast galloping (on a horse) my friend,

Where did he go, what happened to him?

Kozhamyk "Ol-la charyk, bo-la charyk "(aaudio 13)

Ol-la charyk, bo-la charyk,

Iyi churtug bolurum kai.

Un-bile, moon-bile

Iyi ashtig bolurum kai.

Khaldyp Azhar Khan's son

Haalgaap kaggan emes,

Karak-kulaa budun chuve

Khaldyp azhyp keer-le iinen.

Chortup azhar Tolbul son

Soochalap kaggan emes.

Choraan bodu budun chume

Chortur azhyp keer-le iynen.

On the other side(s) on this side

I would have two camps.

Now with that, then with that,

I would have two lovers.

Fast (passable) road through the Khana Range

The gates weren't closed.

His eyes and ears are healthy,

Quickly (the ridge) he will cross, but he will come.

Slowly (overcoming) road through the Tolbulsky ridge

The castle wasn't closed.

His body is healthy

Slowly (the ridge) he will cross, but he will come.