Synopsis on the development of speech in the senior group Topic: “Golden autumn. Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the senior speech therapy group on the topic "Autumn. Signs of autumn."

Target: strengthening the ability to tell story pictures. To develop a cognitive interest in nature, to develop logical thinking, memory in children. Inspire love for nature. Strengthen the ability to convey your thoughts to the listener.

Equipment: an envelope with a letter and assignments from Autumn, cardboard leaves for the track, an audio recording "Sounds of the autumn forest".


- Guys, I received a letter this morning. Who do you think it's from? Guess the riddle please:
In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly...

Guys, when does this happen?
- In autumn!
- Guys, as you guessed, this is a letter from Autumn.
Let's see what's in the envelope?

Again, the foliage turns yellow outside the window,
And it's raining softly.
And I invite you to visit
Autumn day is in a hurry to us again!

Take your smiles with you
And mood on "five"!
Don't be a minute late!
I tell you now without a joke!

Well, we accept the invitation of autumn?
- Yes!
Then let's hit the road. And in order to get to the forest, you need to move through the autumn leaves and not go astray. (The guys walk along the autumn leaves laid out like a snake on the floor)
- Here we come to the autumn forest.

Drawing "Autumn forest"

The long awaited autumn
colorful butterflies,
Decorate the forest with colorful foliage!
Despite the rain
Despite the cold
May autumn bring joy to you and me!

Beautiful autumn forest! Guys, tell me why people go to the forest? (In order to be in the fresh air, breathe)
And what can be collected in the autumn in the forest?

- I suggest you listen to the forest. What sounds does the forest make? Let's close our eyes, so it's better to listen and hear. (Audio recording "Sounds of the Forest" sounds)
- Open your eyes. Guys, who heard what?
- The rustle of leaves, the sound of footsteps in the forest, the sound of wind and swaying trees, rain.
- That's how the forest met us - rustled, rustled, buzzed!

Let's take a deep breath and imagine the smell of the autumn forest?
- Fallen leaves, mushrooms, withered grass
- Look how many fallen leaves are in the forest.
Let's sit down on this autumn carpet.

Why do you think trees shed their leaves in autumn?
- If the leaves do not fall off, then in winter the branches can break from the weight of the snow.
- Yes, right. Trees prepare for winter by shedding their leaves to protect themselves.
- Guys, look, in the envelope autumn left cards with tasks for us. This Autumn invites us to play the game "Connoisseurs of Nature". Do you like to play?
- Yes!

Let's do a warm-up first.

Fizminutka "We are autumn leaves"

We are autumn leaves
They sat on the branches.
The wind blew, they flew.
We flew, we flew.
And they sat quietly on the ground.

The wind picked up again.
And lifted all the leaves.
Turned them round and round.
And dropped to the ground. (Children imitate the actions of the "leaves" in accordance with the text of the poem: they squat down, fly around the room, sit down again quietly, rise, spin and sit down again)

1 task "Mysterious"

The first task is called "Mysterious". Guys, listen carefully and guess riddles.
Leaves are spinning in the air
Quietly lie down on the grass.
Drops the leaves of the garden -
It's simple... (leaf fall)
It got cold at night
The puddles began to freeze.
And on the grass - blue velvet.
What is it? (Frost)
The wind will call the cloud
A cloud floats across the sky.
And over gardens and groves
Drizzling cold... (rain)
It became gloomy outside the window,
The rain is begging for our house.
The house is dry, but outside
Appeared everywhere... (puddles)
In gray skies low
The clouds are moving close
Close the horizon.
It will be raining.
We took... (umbrella)

Task 2 "It happens - it doesn't happen"

Guys, I will read out the proposals to you, you give the answer yes - if this happens in the fall, no - if it does not happen in the fall.

  1. It may snow in autumn. Yes or no? (Children's answer, explanation)
  2. In autumn you can hear the birds singing. Yes or no? (Children's answer, explanation)
  3. In order to collect raspberries, you need to be able to climb trees. Yes or no? (Children's answer, explanation)
  4. In autumn you can swim in the river and sunbathe on the beach. Yes or no? (Children's answer, explanation)
  5. Apples, pears and plums are called fruits because they grow on trees. Yes or no? (Children's answer, explanation)
  6. In October, it is impossible to stay in the forest for a long time, because mosquitoes bite very much. Yes or no?

Task 3 "Yes or no"

When I name the signs of autumn, say "yes" in unison. If the signs refer to a different time of the year, say "no" in unison. You are ready? (Yes). Give the correct answer:
Do flowers bloom in autumn? (No)
Do mushrooms grow in autumn? (Yes)
Clouds cover the sun? (Yes)
Does it often rain often? (Yes)

Do fogs float in autumn? (Yes)
Well, do birds make nests? (No)
Animals mink close? (Yes)
Is everyone harvesting? (Yes)
Are the birds flying away? (Yes)

Is the sun very hot? (No)
Does everyone swim in the river? (No)
Can children sunbathe? (No)
Well, what should be done? Jackets, hats to wear? (Yes)
Boots for everyone? (Yes)
Well done! Do you know the signs of autumn?

Well done guys, they got the job done.

Summary of the lesson

Well done! All the tasks of Autumn were completed. It's time to go back to kindergarten.
One, two, three turn around, find yourself in kindergarten. (Children repeat words, spin)
- Guys, look at the table where the letter used to be, there are medals. This autumn has tried, and I will reward you on her behalf.

What did we guys do today? (We traveled through the forest, completed the tasks of Autumn)
We also remembered that autumn is different.
Answered all questions - riddles and tasks. And they showed themselves to be true connoisseurs of nature!

Rodionova Olga Vladimirovna, teacher of MBDOU No. 56, Leninsk-Kuznetsky

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Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in the senior group
Krichigina Natalya Grigorievna MBDOU No. 117 educator in Novokuznetsk THEME: compiling a descriptive story on the topic
"AUTUMN" according to the plan - scheme
PURPOSE: to form the skill of writing a descriptive story
on the theme "Autumn" based on the scheme.
. Consolidation of ideas about autumn and its signs.
. Expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Autumn".
.Development of coherent speech, attention, memory, logical thinking.
. Development of coordination of movements with speech.
. To cultivate kindness, responsiveness, respect for the environment.
. Show the uniqueness of nature in autumn.
. Examination of the painting by I.I. LEVITAN "GOLDEN AUTUMN".
. Conversation on the theme "Autumn".
. Learning poems, riddles, tongue twisters, proverbs.
. Excursions to the park.
. Walking observation.
. Exhibitions of children's drawings.
. Competition of crafts from natural materials. 1
. Reading the works of V.A. Sukhomlinsky “Shameful in front of the nightingale”, V.M. Garshin "The Traveling Frog", I. Sokolova - Mikitov "The Cranes Are Flying Away".
. View D.V.D.
. Collective work “Cleaning the site from dry leaves.
. Composing and sending a letter to television.
EQUIPMENT: a plan, cones, paper sheets for each child, a tape recorder, a telephone, pictures of the sun, clouds, wind, a nest, a lane, a basket, a ball, a glass of milk, a pebble, an autumn meadow, a microphone.
(Children stand in a circle.)
Good morning sunshine.
We are glad to see you.
We all woke up
Gathered together.
Finger game "MOOD".
I. ORGANIZATIONAL MOMENT Phone call to the teacher from television.
A message that they received our letter, and if the children agree, then we will take part in the competition for the best compilation of a descriptive story about autumn (children's answers).
Educator: If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,
If the land is far away - the birds flew away, 2
If the sky is gloomy
If the rain is pouring down
This season is called Autumn.
1. Fixing ideas about autumn and its signs.
Educator: I invite you to take a walk to the autumn meadow. There are many interesting things waiting for us there. We will walk along the path, we will collect cones and put them in a basket, naming words that answer the question “What is autumn like?” (early, late, overcast, rainy, gloomy, etc.)
GAME "What autumn?" (each bump is a word)
Educator: how many cones you have collected! And what else is the earth covered with in autumn? Children: leaves, cones, needles, dry grass.
Educator: do you think we can use all this? Children: yes, this is a natural material from which you can make various crafts.
Educator: our first stop in the clearing is "Solnechnaya"
How does the sun shine and warm in autumn?
Children: the sun is shining, but it is weakly warm, because it is covered by clouds.
GAME for the development of attention "Sun, wind and cloud"
Teacher: let's play a game
(if I show the sun - you raise your hands up, if I show a cloud - you cover your face with your hands, if the wind - you are spinning).
Educator: while we were playing, I saw something very interesting. Let's come and see.

Stop "Flight"
Children: this is a nest and a feather.
Educator: what do you think, who are we going to talk about now?
Children: about birds.
Educator: what are the names of the birds that fly away from us in the fall and return in the spring? (migratory).
Teacher: Why are they leaving?
Children: birds have nothing to eat, insects hide, it gets cold.
Educator: what migratory birds do you know?
Educator: will all the birds reach the warm edges?
Children: no, various dangers await them on the way .. Educator: you will find out one of the reasons for the death of birds if you guess the riddle?
Teacher: Let's do a little experiment.
Throw a small stone into a glass of milk.
Do you see a stone? Children are not.
Conclusion: in fog, the birds also can not see anything.
Educator: so why is fog dangerous for birds?
Children: during fog, birds can go astray.
Educator: our next stop is "Autumn"
Ball game "PICK UP ACTION WORDS" answering the question "What are you doing?", "What are you doing?"
1. The sun (what does it do?) - shines, warms.
2. Cloud (what does it do?) - closes, floats. 4
3. Wind (what does it do?) - blows, drives, howls.
4. Insects (what are they doing?) - hide, burrow.
5. Birds (what are they doing?) - fly away, wave, fly, scream, etc.
6. People (what do they do?) - collect, put on, clean.
6. Animals (what are they doing?) - prepare, change, fall asleep.
7. Leaves (what do they do?) - fall, spin, fly, flutter, rustle, rustle, fly around.
Educator: next stop "Listvennaya"
Educator: what kind of artist came without paints and without a brush, but painted all the leaves for us? Children (autumn).
Educator: how can you call it in one word - what did the leaves look like in the fall?
Children: multi-colored Educator: what is the name of the natural phenomenon when leaves fall?
Children: leaf fall
Educator: what will happen if the leaves do not turn yellow and fall from the trees for the winter? (children's answers).
Music sounds.
III. Conducting a dynamic pause
Teacher: Guys, let's play. We will recite a poem and perform movements.
The autumn leaves are swirling softly.
(children spin on tiptoe, arms to the sides).
Leaves lie quietly under our feet.
And rustling underfoot, rustling. 5
(movement of hands to the right, to the left).
It looks like they want to spin again.
(rising, spinning).
Game for the development of phonemic hearing.
Name the words with the sound Zh (circling, lying down, spinning)
Name the words with the sound Sh (rustling, rustling)
Divide these words into syllables with claps.
Educator: kids, and if you were composers, what kind of music would you compose about autumn? (children's answers)
-And if you were an artist, what colors would you paint Autumn with? (children's answers)
-And if you were writers, then what story about autumn would you write - we will hear now.
Educator: today we are participating in a competition for the best compilation of a descriptive story. Look carefully at the diagrams and tell us about autumn, i.e. make up a story.
Children make up a story - a description according to the schemes.
Sample story.
In autumn the sun shines, but warms weakly. The sky is overcast, gloomy, covered with clouds. The leaves on the trees become colorful. The leaf fall begins. By the end of autumn, the trees are bare. The ground is covered with colorful leaves. Migratory birds fly away to warmer climes, while wintering ones stay with us. The animals are getting ready for winter. Squirrel and hare change coat color. The squirrel prepares stocks for the winter. The bear and the hedgehog go into hibernation. People harvest, make preparations for the winter, put on warm, waterproof clothes. In autumn, you can play with leaves, collect natural materials and make various crafts.
Educator: what a wonderful autumn we have! You all answered the questions well, tried to tell the story correctly, beautifully, and were active. And I want to give you autumn leaves and a real microphone for the role-playing game "Television" as a keepsake.

Lesson summary

Educational area: speech development

Age group: 5-6 years (senior group)

Topic of the lesson: storytelling training: writing stories about« Autumn has come » . Reading poems about early autumn.

Purpose of the lesson: teaching children to write a story from personal experience.


Educational: Messenger speech: develop monologue speech, teach coherently, in meaning write short stories from personal experience. Sound culture speeches: to teach children to differentiate by ear the sounds [h], [s]. Grammar speeches: to activate the use of adjectives in speech, to improve the ability to coordinate words in a sentence. Formation dictionary: exercise in the selection of synonyms and antonyms for adjectives.

Educational: systematize and consolidate ideas about autumn, seasonal changes, signs, autumn weather.

Educational: to introduce children to the perception of artistic and poetic works about autumn.

preliminary work: observation of changes in nature on walks, on the way to kindergarten, in the garden; reading and memorizing poems about autumn, viewing illustrations; didactic games "Associations", "Cloth", with sounds.

Equipment: diagrams, leaves (red and yellow) by the number of children.

Lesson progress:

Methods and techniques Teacher's activity Children's activity

1. Organizational moment:

The teacher with the children enter the group where red and yellow leaves lie on the carpet.

Updating children's knowledge

Didactic game "Correct words"

Guys, look what's on our carpet?

These are leaves.

That's right, this autumn leaves, and what are they in color, in shape?

They are red, yellow, beautiful, different.

Why do you think these leaves are red and yellow? How did they get into our group?

Because now autumn, the leaves fall from the trees, fall to the ground, the wind brought them to us ...

I suggest you raise these beautiful autumn leaves, look at them. Let's play with these leaves.

Children pick up leaves (each child has a red and yellow leaf).

Children stand in a circle.

The game is called "Correct words". I will name the words, if the word has a sound [z], you raise a red sheet, and if the sound [s] - a yellow sheet. Let's try. (fence, plane, star, bag, hare, sun, castle, dog, magpie)

Well done, everyone did it, let's collect our leaves in a bouquet and put them in a vase.

They sit down.

2. The main part of the lesson:

Vocabulary formation (selection of synonyms and antonyms for adjectives)

Schematic work.

Teacher questions.

Physical education minute « Autumn leaves »

Repeated work according to schemes (for fixing).

The development of coherent monologue speech.

The teacher asks the children in turn, helps, tells if there are difficulties, asks for help from the pupils. Focuses on time, if one of the children did not have time to tell, then be sure to listen after class

Guys, you correctly said that now on the street autumn. This is the time of the year when nature changes, the weather changes, animals and birds behave differently. Today I want to offer you write your own story about autumn.

Look at the reproduction of the painting "Goldenautumn » artist I. I. Levitan.

which one is shown here autumn?

Guys, look at the reproduction of the picture "Lateautumn » Kubareva V. G.

What autumn you see here?

Beautiful, bright, sunny, quiet.

Gloomy, cold, dark, damp.

Right. Autumn it can be different - it can be warm and sunny, such autumn also called golden, or maybe cold and rainy - this is a late autumn.

Tell me what clothes we wear autumn?

Jackets, sweaters, boots, hats, we take umbrellas if it rains.

What happens to nature?

The leaves and grass are turning yellow, it is raining.

What autumn do animals and birds?

Birds fly away to warmer climes, animals prepare supplies for the winter.

We remembered signs autumn, talked about clothes, about nature. Now you can compose your story about this time of year, and so that your the stories were right, we will use schemas.

Look at the screen:

1 scheme: changes in nature.

2 scheme: the behavior of animals and birds.

3 scheme: clothes, occupations of people.

With these plans, you will write your own stories. But first, let's get some rest.

Say what autumn happens to the leaves?

They turn yellow and fall.

Yes, they fall autumn the wind picks them up and carries them away. Let's imagine that you and I are bright autumn leaves and fly a little.

Physical education minute « Autumn leaves »

We are leaves autumn,

We are sitting on branches. (sit down)

The wind blew - flew

We flew, we flew (easy running around)

And they sat quietly on the ground. (sit down)

The wind came up again

And lifted all the leaves. (easy running around)

Twirled, flew

And they sat quietly on the ground. (sit down)

Now take another look at the diagrams. Let's repeat:

1 scheme: changes in nature.

2 scheme: the behavior of animals and birds.

3 scheme: clothes, occupations of people.

Now I invite you to make your own tales of autumn and tell them to us.

Make up stories from personal experience.

3. Final part classes:

Guys, today we remembered about autumn, her signs, the weather, what changes are happening to animals, you all prepared your stories very well today.

And now, I want you to evaluate your work, how our lesson went, say whose story you remember the most.

Reflection « autumn tree » : I offer you leaflets - yellow and brown, if you liked our lesson, you liked it make up stories, take a yellow sheet and attach it to our autumn tree, and if you don’t like something, then take a brown piece of paper.

Look at our tree!


It suddenly became twice as bright,

Yard in the sun

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly... fly... fly...

Gossamer webs fly

With spiders in the middle

And high from the ground

Cranes are flying.

Everything flies! It must be

Our summer is flying by.

Theme: Autumn. Autumn signs.


Correctional and educational:

To teach children to select signs for the word "autumn" and to coordinate nouns with adjectives in gender, number and case.


To develop in children the ability to make small sentences; answer questions in full sentences;

- generalize and systematize children's knowledge about autumn (the days are getting shorter, colder, it often rains, the leaves on trees and shrubs turn yellow, dry, fall; insects disappear, migratory birds fly away; animals prepare for winter; people harvest vegetables and fruits);

Practice writing stories

Activate the dictionary on the topic;

Develop attention, memory, thinking.

Correctional and educational:

To educate children in the interest in those changes in nature that occur in the fall;

To form an aesthetic perception of the autumn landscape.

Equipment: illustrations depicting autumn, mnemopics for the game "Pick up a sign", a picture-graphic plan (scheme) for compiling a story about autumn.

    Organizing time: The speech therapist reads a poem:

The leaves are falling from the trees in the forest.

The rain is pounding on the rooftops.

The bright sky says goodbye to the earth

Gloomy autumn knocks on the window.

What season do you think the poem is about?

What are the autumn months?

What can you call autumn in September? (early, gold).

What do you call autumn in October? (rainy).

How can you call autumn in November? (late).

2. Introductory conversation

What can you say about the sun in autumn?

(Heats badly, there are fewer sunny days).

What is the sky like in autumn? (gloomy, heavy, cloudy, rainy, cloudy, gray, dark).

What happens to trees in autumn? (Leaves: turn yellow, turn red, fall off, dry up. Trees stand bare.)

What is the name of the phenomenon in nature when leaves fall from trees? (Leaf fall).

Leaves in autumn, what do they do? (They turn yellow, blush, dry up, fall, spin, fly, crumble)

What happens to the grass in autumn? (Dries up, turns yellow, fades)

What do birds do in autumn? (Fly away to warmer climes)

Why? What are these birds called? (migratory)

What do insects do in autumn? (Hide in old stumps, snags, climb under the bark of trees).

What do animals do in autumn? (Getting ready for winter. Some go to bed for the whole winter - a bear, a hedgehog, a badger. Others change their skin - a hare, a squirrel, a fox. Still others make supplies for the winter - a squirrel, a hedgehog.)

What is the weather like in autumn? (Cold, rainy, windy, sometimes it snows.)

What happens only in autumn? (Harvesting, departure of birds, leaf fall.)

3. Physical education.

A cloud covers the sky

The sun doesn't shine

The wind howls in the field

The rain is drizzling.

The waters murmured

fast stream,

The birds have flown away

To warm climes.

4. Finger gymnastics.

One two three four five, (hitting the table with fingers, starting with the little fingers )

The rain came out for a walk (indiscriminate strikes on the table with the fingers of both hands)

Went slowly out of habit“walk” with the middle and index fingers of both hands)

Where is he in a hurry?

Suddenly reads on the sign: (rhythmically hit with palms, then fists on the table)

"Do not walk on the grass!"

The rain sighed softly :(often and rhythmically beat their hands)

Oh! ( one cotton)

And left. The lawn is dry. (rhythmic clapping on the table).

5. Reading the story "Autumn".

Autumn comes after summer. Gradually, the days become more and more cloudy, the sun shines less and less. The sky is covered with gray clouds. It often rains - long, drizzling. The leaves on the trees turn yellow and fall off. The cold wind rips the leaves from the branches of the trees, and they fall to the ground, covering it with a golden carpet. The grass will take out. The street is damp and slushy. The birds no longer sing. They hide from the rain, gather in flocks and fly away to warmer climes. You won't go outside without an umbrella, you'll get wet. Yes, and cold without a jacket and boots.

6. Game "Pick up a sign" . Children select signs for the word "autumn" using mnemopics.

Autumn (what?) - ... (Cold, rainy, golden, colorful, colorful, productive, warm, cloudy, clear, snowy, cheerful, sad, deciduous, etc.)

7. The game "What does not happen in the fall?"

Snowdrops do not grow in autumn.

Don't swim in the river in autumn.

They don't sunbathe in autumn.

Fur coats are not worn in autumn.

8. Drawing up a story about autumn, using a picture-graphic plan.

9. Bottom line.

Summary of the GCD on the development of speech in the senior group on the topic "Inventing a story based on the painting Autumn."

Author: Ekaterina Anatolyevna Kotenkova, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 1, village of Staroe Melkovo, Tver region, Konakovo district.
Material Description: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on speech development "Inventing a story based on the painting Autumn." This material will be useful for educators of older groups. This is a summary aimed at developing coherent speech of children, compiling their stories.

Goals: Strengthening the ability to tell story pictures. To develop a cognitive interest in nature, to develop logical thinking, memory in children. Inspire love for nature. Strengthen the ability to convey your thoughts to the listener.

1. Educational:
- Contribute to the consolidation of knowledge about autumn, remember its signs;
- to teach children to compose a plot story, using the previously acquired plot building skills based on the picture.
- To stimulate the creative activity of children, to form the ability to develop the plot of the image in the picture.
2. Developing:
- To develop children's speech.
-activate in the speech of children words related to the topics "Autumn"
- Enrich vocabulary.
- train memory, attention.
- learn to compare and generalize, highlight the essential features of autumn,
choose the right words to describe the phenomenon.
3. Educational
- Form friendly relations of children, joint interaction,
- Cultivate love for Russian nature
- Learn to see beauty

1. Pictures depicting "Autumn"
2. Pre-cut pieces of velvet fabric.

The teacher places pictures with the image of "Golden Autumn" on the stand.

I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

I. Ostroukhov "Golden Autumn"
Educator:- Guys, this is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Tell me what time of year it is.
Children:- Autumn
Educator:- That's right, autumn. Pay attention to the pictures. How can you call them.
Children:- Autumn. Gold autumn. (Give your guesses.)
Educator: Well done. Do you think you named them correctly and why?
Children: - Yes.(they give their assumptions: the leaves are yellow, very beautiful).
Educator:- And this autumn is also called velvet. Why do you think.
Children:-(gives their guesses)
Educator:-(takes pieces of velvet in his hand and distributes to the children for them to touch). You guys are now holding in your hands, pieces of velvet fabric. Pay attention to what it is.
Children:- He is soft. Fluffy. It's nice to touch him.
Educator:- Right. Look again at the pictures, what kind of autumn is there. Compare it to your velvet pieces.
Educator:- Our autumn is like velvet.
Children:- Yes.
Educator:- Well done guys. Right. Autumn depicted in the pictures. The same gentle, warm, I want to touch its leaves. Take a walk on the street, roll in the leaves. She's like velvet.
Educator:- Guys, how do we distinguish autumn from other seasons. What happens only in autumn.
Children:- The weather is getting colder, the leaves are falling. The birds are flying south.
(Teacher adds or suggests approvingly)
Educator:- Well done. Let's get some rest.
(physical education minute “Leaves” is held)
We are autumn leaves
We are sitting on branches. (children squat)
The wind blew - they flew, (raising their hands up, shake them)
We flew, we flew (easy running in circles)
The wind came running again (raising their hands up, shake them)
And lifted all the leaves. (easy running around)
Spinning, flying (children spinning)
And they sat quietly on the ground. (children squat)
Educator:- Well done, take your seats. Let's now come up with your own story "Golden Autumn", you can tell what you like to do in autumn, where to walk, why you like autumn. You can look at our pictures and invent your own story based on them.
Children:- Children make up their own story.
Educator:-(if the children find it difficult to come up with, then the teacher himself begins the story, and the child continues). The teacher makes sure that the story is complete.
Educator:- What good fellows you are. What a wonderful autumn you have turned out in stories.
Educator:- Tired. Now let's play.
Children happily:- Yeah.
An outdoor game “At the bear in the forest” is being held (the teacher monitors the correct pronunciation of the chant and compliance with the rules).
Educator:- What good fellows you are. You liked talking about autumn.
Children:- Yes.