Cosmetics for diabetics which is better. Creams for diabetic foot. Efficiency Substances

Endocrine disruptions cause pathological changes in the body. Among them, diabetes mellitus is the most common. With a long absence of compensation, complications develop in patients. The most common is diabetic foot. To prevent the development of complications, endocrinologists advise to control blood sugar levels, follow all the recommendations of the attending physician and apply foot cream for diabetics. The last point is important not only as a treatment, but is also the main method of prevention, so that the skin is always moisturized and supple.

Topical agents help moisturize the skin and stimulate the regeneration process. The cream for the diabetic foot is especially important, since if left untreated, the complication leads to the development of ulcers and gangrene. The following drugs are most in demand in the pharmaceutical market:

  • Zinc-based ointment is prescribed for diabetes to treat wounds and inflammation. Thanks to the main active ingredient, the product allows you to accelerate regeneration by creating a barrier in the form of a film on the surface. If a diabetic has sensitive skin, then it is recommended to buy an ointment with the addition of superoxide dismutase. The substance softens the effect of the drug and prevents the development of irritation. Among the main advantages of zinc, a small number of contraindications, rare cases of allergies and an antiseptic effect stand out. The medicine costs 40-50 rubles.
  • Cream "Bepanten" is known for its regenerating effect. It is created on the basis of dexpanthenol. After application to the skin, the main active ingredient returns to its original form, that is, pantothenate (pantothenic acid). It stimulates the tissue healing process. The price of "Bepanten" varies from 220 to 300 rubles.
  • Cream "Panthenol" serves as a means for healing tissues and relieving inflammation. The main active ingredient is dexpanthenol. It is often used when the skin is damaged due to chemical, thermal or mechanical effects. The tool costs 120-150 rubles.
  • Baby cream moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Its composition is virtually harmless, therefore, diabetics with any type of skin can be used. The most effective fat-based baby cream, which contains various oils and herbal extracts with a healing effect. It costs about 20 rubles.

Cream with urea

Topical preparations containing urea serve as a means of preventing and eliminating cracks in the foot and corns.

Thanks to its main active ingredient, Urea foot cream for diabetics moisturizes the skin on the legs and makes it more elastic.

The following drugs are most in demand:

  • The German topical agent "Baehr" helps to moisturize the skin of a diabetic. The cream has its effect thanks to hyaluronic acid, urea and glycerin. With regular application to the skin, it prevents thickening of the dermis. To reduce the activity of the sweat glands, eliminate odor and kill bacteria, Baehr contains panthenol and bisabolol. Macadamia oil is also included as an additional source of hydration and accelerated skin recovery. The cream has virtually no contraindications, except for the possible intolerance of the composition, so it can be used as a treatment and prevention of complications of diabetes. The cost of funds varies between 1250-1500 rubles.
  • "Healer" is a cream-based topical agent that has a softening effect. It is used for the treatment and prevention of corns and corns. Thanks to tea tree oil, which is part of the "Healer", bacterial and fungal infections are eliminated. Tocopherol, allantoin and urea perform the function of moisturizing the skin. A tube costs 100-150 rubles.
  • Cream "Ureata" is used for severe dryness of the extremities. It consists of 10% urea, tocopherol and secondary components. Serves "Ureata" to normalize the water-lipid balance and saturate the skin with urea. The cost of funds is 400-500 rubles.
  • "Caremed" cream is based on urea, lipids and antioxidants. Thanks to its composition, it nourishes and saturates the skin with moisture and creates a protective barrier. The price of the cream varies from 450 to 550 rubles.
  • "EVO" is a domestic topical agent. It is recommended for dry skin. The cream contains oils and extracts from plants. Due to their healing properties, EVO accelerates the healing of cracks, reduces the severity of sweating, eliminates odor and relieves irritation. In Moscow pharmacies, its price does not exceed 200 rubles.

  • "Glatte" is a German-made remedy. It is used for dry corns. Additionally, rubbing the soles with a pumice stone after applying the medicine is not required. It is produced in the form of foam, so it is consumed quite economically. It is not recommended to use "Glatte" regularly. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to take a break. The cream costs 650-750 rubles.
  • The Russian company Avanta has released a range of Diaderm creams based on vitamins and herbal ingredients specifically for people with dry skin. Their cost does not exceed 150 rubles. The Diaderm series is represented by the following means:
    • Protective cream with an antiseptic effect is designed to moisturize the skin and soften dry areas.
    • The emollient cream activates the tissue healing process, nourishes the skin and saturates it with moisture. The use for preventive purposes will avoid the appearance of corns and keratinization.
    • Intensive cream is used by people with very dry skin and cracks on it. With regular use, keratinized areas and calluses gradually soften.
    • The regenerating cream is used for fast healing of wounds and cracks.
  • "Dialtraderm Silver" effectively moisturizes the skin, eliminates itching and activates the regeneration process thanks to glycerin, vegetable oils and carbamide (urea). The antiseptic effect of the cream is given by silver nitrate, and tea tree oil helps to eliminate fungal infections. "Diaultraderm Silver" is well suited for people with hypersensitivity of the skin. The cream costs 350-450 rubles.

  • "Virta" prevents skin flaking and the development of inflammatory processes due to the effect of moisturizing and stimulating the process of cell renewal. Regular use of the cream allows diabetics to prevent the appearance of cracks and calluses. It is suitable for people with any skin type due to its mild effect and hypoallergenic composition. It is recommended to apply "Virta" in the morning and in the evening. The average price for it is 200-250 rubles.
  • "Heel-cream" is used by people with very dry skin on their hands and feet. Its composition is chosen so as to activate the process of regeneration and exfoliation of the hardened skin layer and saturate it with moisture. "Heel-cream" differs from other types of topical agents in a qualitatively selected combination of phospholipids and urea. They allow the cream to effectively soften and cleanse the skin. The price for it varies from 300 to 400 rubles.
  • "Callusan Forte" is a special foam cream that does not contain fragrances. It is intended for people with dry skin. Thanks to urea, the product intensively nourishes the skin, while Avocado and Shea butter give it elasticity and softness. With daily use, the discomfort quickly disappears. The cost of funds is 750-850 rubles.
  • GEHWOL med presents a series of topical products for the care of dry skin. They are used as a cure for cracks, hyperhidrosis, ingrown nails and other diseases. "GEHWOL med" funds cost from 400 to 2000 rubles. depending on the size of the container and the form of release.

A foot remedy is selected by the attending physician, focusing on the course of diabetes, the presence of complications and the patient's condition.

If the dermis is very dry and flaky, then 10% urea cream is used. In the presence of deep painful cracks, it is recommended to take a remedy of 15% of the active substance. For preventive purposes, a cream for diabetics should be chosen with 5% urea.

Diabetes mellitus causes negative changes in various organs, disrupts their integrity and function. It gives complications to the legs - is the cause of the development of diabetic foot syndrome.

Every diabetic needs to be aware of the possible consequences of the disease and take preventive measures.

The longer the "experience" of a diabetic, the higher the likelihood of pathology. So, with a disease duration of more than 20 years, approximately 80% of patients develop leg diseases and other serious ones.

The main way to prevent foot disease in diabetes is control and retention.

Foot problems in diabetics

Diabetic neuropathy- pathology associated with disruption of the nervous system in the patient's body. With it, the sensitivity of tissues worsens, i.e. a diabetic transmits to feel pain and temperature, especially in the lower extremities.

diabetic foot- observed in at least 10% of all people with diabetes. This name means a whole range of complications associated with the deterioration of the legs and feet of a diabetic, in particular.

For cramps, it is advisable to supplement your diet with vitamin D, magnesium and calcium, and take dairy products.

The patient is advised to examine his feet and the skin of the lower extremities every day. for cuts, wounds and cuts. When they are detected, careful treatment and a visit to a doctor are required, because with diabetes, even minor skin lesions can cause the development of a non-healing ulcer with serious consequences.

Which cream for diabetes to choose for the legs, which ointment to use? With this disease, there are a number of contraindications and indications. In diabetes, the lower extremities suffer the most, up to gangrene. Today, there are many drugs designed for diabetics, but you need to find out how to use them correctly and in what cases.

Features of funds for diabetes

Creams and ointments for diabetics must have many useful properties and be based on components of natural origin. They can be used both for the treatment and for the prevention of the development of leg pathologies. That is why there are different types, for example, a separate group of drugs is intended for gangrenizing the lower extremities. Such creams should contain anabolic hormones and antibiotics.

Properties and composition of foot products for diabetes mellitus

Means for the feet with diabetes should have such properties:

  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • intensively moisturize;
  • saturate the tissues of the epidermis with vitamins and other beneficial substances;
  • destroy pathogens;
  • form a protective film;
  • speed up metabolic processes;
  • tone the skin and blood vessels;
  • affect the deep layers of the dermis, reaching the circulatory system;
  • accelerate blood circulation;
  • oxygenate;
  • retain moisture;
  • regenerate (heal) wounds and ulcers;
  • restore sensitivity;
  • relieve pain syndrome.

IN composition the following substances must be present:

  • essential oil from sage, tea tree;
  • urea;
  • antibiotic;
  • extracts of herbs - peppermint, lemon balm, chestnut;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil base;
  • extract from blackcurrant berries;
  • allantoins;
  • vitamin E;
  • liquid collagens.

Possible contraindications

The main contraindication for a diabetic patient when using creams and ointments is an allergic reaction to one of the components of the remedy. Quite often, DM has comorbidities and complications. In this case, not all creams and ointments can be ideally combined with drug therapy and even diseases.

Due to possible contraindications, every diabetic should consult with their doctor. In many cases, additional testing is required. In addition, each remedy has its own individual contraindications.

When do diabetics need foot cream?

Diseases of the lower extremities:

  • varicose veins and thrombosis.

Other reasons the need to use creams and ointments:

  • dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • convulsions;
  • cracks, wounds, ulcerative manifestations;
  • discoloration of the dermis, itching of the skin;
  • fungus and other bacterial infections.

What can you smear your legs with diabetes, and what can not?

The lower extremities in diabetes mellitus suffer due to impaired blood circulation. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, this leads to varicose veins, ulcers, etc. But the worst thing is the development of pathological changes, which leads to partial or complete amputation of the limb. Regardless of pathological abnormalities, there are a number of indications and contraindications for how to smear the legs of a diabetic and what not:

  1. Use moisturizers and creams, as diabetic skin is prone to significant drying.
  2. If corns have formed, be sure to glue a specialized patch.
  3. Wounds can be treated with Furacilin solution, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine preparations.
  4. It is acceptable to use baby cream and products with sea buckthorn oil.
  5. You can not use alcohol tinctures, iodine, brilliant green and potassium permanganate. This dries out the epidermis.
  6. It is forbidden to use excessively greasy creams, they create a favorable habitat for pathogenic microbes.
  7. Avoid vaseline.

If you strictly follow all the doctor's instructions for using foot hygiene products, you can avoid many complications. Take good care of your skin and observe all sanitary and hygienic standards.

Find out from the presented video the opinion of doctors about what you can smear the lower limbs with diabetes, and what you can’t.

Foot creams for diabetes: an overview

  1. Cream Ureata ("Ureata") based on urea. Perfectly eliminates dryness, unpleasant smell, irritation. Regenerates damaged areas of the skin. The cream belongs to the moisturizing type. The cost is in the range of 300-400 rubles.
  2. Cream "Dia Ultraderm" Aqua accelerates blood circulation, heals small wounds, sores. Designed for sensitive skin types. The composition contains carbamide, wheat germ oil and other natural ingredients. The cost is 200-250 rubles.
    This brand also has an antibacterial foot cream - Dia Ultraderm Silver and intensively moisturizing and nourishing - Dia Ultraderm Aqua 10 And Aqua 15.
  3. Cream "Virta" ("Virta") intensively moisturizes, renews the cells of the epidermis, relieves peeling and drying. Neutralizes the processes of inflammation, protects against the formation of cracks, corns. The cost is 150-200 rubles.
    There are several varieties of foot cream from this manufacturer: with urea for patients with diabetes, with echinacea from cracks in the feet, cream against sweating and odor. Also under this brand you can find other caring cosmetics for the feet: regenerating and restoring foot mask, moisturizing and exfoliating foot gel, etc.

Foot ointments for diabetes mellitus

Ointment "Zinc" has an anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect. Feature - the creation of an inconspicuous film that protects against external irritants. This ointment is available in different compositions. For diabetics, it is preferable to buy an ointment based on superoxide dismutase.

Urea-based ointments are excellent help. There are many varieties of them. They compensate for the lack of moisture in the epidermis, eliminate irritation, deodorize. Lipid-based ointments have a good effect on the skin in diabetes mellitus. They act like zinc-based ointments. There are special insulin ointments, thanks to which even the level of glucose in the blood decreases.

Ointments for the legs with diabetes should be prescribed by the attending physician and dermatologist. It is strictly forbidden to engage in self-treatment.

Folk recipes

  1. With diabetes, the lower limbs always swell, which leads to a slowdown in blood supply. To prevent and eliminate swelling, it is recommended to wipe your feet with a homemade cream. To do this, put vegetable oil on the fire, bring it to a boil and pour in the nettle root. Boil for 8-12 minutes. Cool the resulting mixture and rub into the skin of the legs until completely absorbed. Do not forget that pressing movements cannot be done.
  2. Collect the fruits of bird cherry, brew in water in the ratio: 2 tbsp. l. for 400 ml of water. Wash the wounds well with this decoction and apply compresses for 20-30 minutes.
  3. With significant wounds and ulcers, bleeding, you can use a decoction of yarrow. Brew in the usual way, make foot baths and compresses.
  4. Use the herb centaury. Brewed according to instructions.
  5. Pick fresh herb wormwood, squeeze out the juice and lubricate the wound.
  6. If the wounds bleed, squeeze the juice from the nettle and apply a compress.
  7. Aloe juice is also used.
  8. Make a mixture of rosemary, mustard seeds and chamomile. Take the components in equal proportions, soak in cool water and leave to infuse for 24 hours. Moisten a piece of gauze in the resulting solution and wrap the lower limbs with it. But it is strictly forbidden to use this mixture for blood clots and varicose veins.
  9. For diabetic foot, make clove oil or buy clove oil from a pharmacy. Soak a piece of gauze with oil, apply to the affected areas for 15 minutes. This oil can be taken orally 4 drops before meals.
  10. Ordinary yogurt made from cow's (not store-bought) milk helps a lot. With the help of curdled milk put compresses.
  11. In many cases, it is recommended to make honey lotions. But be sure to combine honey with other ingredients. For example, with aspirin and burdock leaf. First, put a little honey on the wound, sprinkle a crushed tablet on top and wrap the leg with a burdock leaf.
  12. Make a decoction of eucalyptus, add honey and take a foot bath.
  13. If you have trophic ulcers, make a mixture of honey, fish oil and xeroform in equal proportions.
  14. The most inexpensive and simple, but highly effective tool. Take a crumb of fresh bread, sprinkle with fine salt and chew. You should be salivating enough. When the crumb is wetted, put it on the wound, bandaging it. You can keep up to 8 hours.

If your wounds are deep, then do the compress differently. From the bandage, twist a swab of the desired size, dip it in juice, decoction or a mixture of the above recipes. Apply to the wound so that the swab is inside the wound.

How to apply foot creams correctly?

Each cream or ointment for foot care and the treatment of pathological abnormalities in diabetes mellitus has individual application requirements. But there are also general rules:

  1. Apply the cream and ointment with light movements, lightly massaging.
  2. The skin is thoroughly cleansed beforehand.
  3. The skin must be well dried.
  4. If a concentrated ointment is applied, be sure to use cotton swabs or sticks, a sponge or spatula for this.
  5. Tools should be used regularly. If the doctor prescribed three times a day, then you need to apply the remedy 3 times a day. You can not independently cancel the duration of treatment. Many ointments need to be applied even after wounds have healed and the problem has been eliminated to consolidate the result.
  6. If inflammatory processes are noted, apply the cream to a larger area than the site of the lesion. This will protect healthy tissues and cells.
  7. Choose a cream or ointment that addresses a specific problem.
  8. Be sure to read the instructions for use and follow the expiration date of the product.

And remember, any remedy should be used only after consulting with your doctor. It is strictly not recommended to use anything on your own initiative.

Endocrine disruptions cause pathological changes in the body. Among them, diabetes mellitus is the most common. With a long absence of compensation, complications develop in patients. The most common is diabetic foot. To prevent the development of complications, endocrinologists advise to control blood sugar levels, follow all the recommendations of the attending physician and apply foot cream for diabetics. The last point is important not only as a treatment, but is also the main method of prevention, so that the skin is always moisturized and supple.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about diabetes

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aronova S. M.

For many years I have been studying the problem of DIABETES. It's scary when so many people die and even more become disabled due to diabetes.

I hasten to announce the good news - the Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has managed to develop a drug that completely cures diabetes mellitus. At the moment, the effectiveness of this drug is approaching 100%.

Another good news: the Ministry of Health has achieved the adoption special program which covers the entire cost of the drug. In Russia and CIS countries, diabetics before can get a remedy FOR FREE.

Learn more>>

foot cream for diabetes

Topical agents help moisturize the skin and stimulate the regeneration process. The cream for the diabetic foot is especially important, since if left untreated, the complication leads to the development of ulcers and gangrene. The following drugs are most in demand in the pharmaceutical market:

  • Zinc-based ointment is prescribed for diabetes to treat wounds and inflammation. Thanks to the main active ingredient, the product allows you to accelerate regeneration by creating a barrier in the form of a film on the surface. If a diabetic has sensitive skin, then it is recommended to buy an ointment with the addition of superoxide dismutase. The substance softens the effect of the drug and prevents the development of irritation. Among the main advantages of zinc, a small number of contraindications, rare cases of allergies and an antiseptic effect stand out. The medicine costs 40-50 rubles.
  • Cream "Bepanten" is known for its regenerating effect. It is created on the basis of dexpanthenol. After application to the skin, the main active ingredient returns to its original form, that is, pantothenate (pantothenic acid). It stimulates the tissue healing process. The price of "Bepanten" varies from 220 to 300 rubles.
  • Cream "Panthenol" serves as a means for healing tissues and relieving inflammation. The main active ingredient is dexpanthenol. It is often used when the skin is damaged due to chemical, thermal or mechanical effects. The tool costs 120-150 rubles.
  • Baby cream moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Its composition is virtually harmless, therefore, diabetics with any type of skin can be used. The most effective fat-based baby cream, which contains various oils and herbal extracts with a healing effect. It costs about 20 rubles.

Cream with urea

Topical preparations containing urea serve as a means of preventing and eliminating cracks in the foot and corns.

Thanks to its main active ingredient, Urea foot cream for diabetics moisturizes the skin on the legs and makes it more elastic.

The following drugs are most in demand:

  • The German topical agent "Baehr" helps to moisturize the skin of a diabetic. The cream has its effect thanks to hyaluronic acid, urea and glycerin. With regular application to the skin, it prevents thickening of the dermis. To reduce the activity of the sweat glands, eliminate odor and kill bacteria, Baehr contains panthenol and bisabolol. Macadamia oil is also included as an additional source of hydration and accelerated skin recovery. The cream has virtually no contraindications, except for the possible intolerance of the composition, so it can be used as a treatment and prevention of complications of diabetes. The cost of funds varies between 1250-1500 rubles.
  • "Healer" is a cream-based topical agent that has a softening effect. It is used for the treatment and prevention of corns and corns. Thanks to tea tree oil, which is part of the "Healer", bacterial and fungal infections are eliminated. Tocopherol, allantoin and urea perform the function of moisturizing the skin. A tube costs 100-150 rubles.
  • Cream "Ureata" is used for severe dryness of the extremities. It consists of 10% urea, tocopherol and secondary components. Serves "Ureata" to normalize the water-lipid balance and saturate the skin with urea. The cost of funds is 400-500 rubles.
  • "Caremed" cream is based on urea, lipids and antioxidants. Thanks to its composition, it nourishes and saturates the skin with moisture and creates a protective barrier. The price of the cream varies from 450 to 550 rubles.
  • "EVO" is a domestic topical agent. It is recommended for dry skin. The cream contains oils and extracts from plants. Due to their healing properties, EVO accelerates the healing of cracks, reduces the severity of sweating, eliminates odor and relieves irritation. In Moscow pharmacies, its price does not exceed 200 rubles.

  • "Glatte" is a German-made remedy. It is used for dry corns. Additionally, rubbing the soles with a pumice stone after applying the medicine is not required. It is produced in the form of foam, so it is consumed quite economically. It is not recommended to use "Glatte" regularly. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to take a break. The cream costs 650-750 rubles.
  • The Russian company Avanta has released a range of Diaderm creams based on vitamins and herbal ingredients specifically for people with dry skin. Their cost does not exceed 150 rubles. The Diaderm series is represented by the following means:
    • Protective cream with an antiseptic effect is designed to moisturize the skin and soften dry areas.
    • The emollient cream activates the tissue healing process, nourishes the skin and saturates it with moisture. The use for preventive purposes will avoid the appearance of corns and keratinization.
    • Intensive cream is used by people with very dry skin and cracks on it. With regular use, keratinized areas and calluses gradually soften.
    • The regenerating cream is used for fast healing of wounds and cracks.
  • "Dialtraderm Silver" effectively moisturizes the skin, eliminates itching and activates the regeneration process thanks to glycerin, vegetable oils and carbamide (urea). The antiseptic effect of the cream is given by silver nitrate, and tea tree oil helps to eliminate fungal infections. "Diaultraderm Silver" is well suited for people with hypersensitivity of the skin. The cream costs 350-450 rubles.

  • "Virta" prevents skin flaking and the development of inflammatory processes due to the effect of moisturizing and stimulating the process of cell renewal. Regular use of the cream allows diabetics to prevent the appearance of cracks and calluses. It is suitable for people with any skin type due to its mild effect and hypoallergenic composition. It is recommended to apply "Virta" in the morning and in the evening. The average price for it is 200-250 rubles.
  • "Heel-cream" is used by people with very dry skin on their hands and feet. Its composition is chosen so as to activate the process of regeneration and exfoliation of the hardened skin layer and saturate it with moisture. "Heel-cream" differs from other types of topical agents in a qualitatively selected combination of phospholipids and urea. They allow the cream to effectively soften and cleanse the skin. The price for it varies from 300 to 400 rubles.
  • "Callusan Forte" is a special foam cream that does not contain fragrances. It is intended for people with dry skin. Thanks to urea, the product intensively nourishes the skin, while Avocado and Shea butter give it elasticity and softness. With daily use, the discomfort quickly disappears. The cost of funds is 750-850 rubles.
  • GEHWOL med presents a series of topical products for the care of dry skin. They are used as a cure for cracks, hyperhidrosis, ingrown nails and other diseases. "GEHWOL med" funds cost from 400 to 2000 rubles. depending on the size of the container and the form of release.

A foot remedy is selected by the attending physician, focusing on the course of diabetes, the presence of complications and the patient's condition.

If the dermis is very dry and flaky, then 10% urea cream is used. In the presence of deep painful cracks, it is recommended to take a remedy of 15% of the active substance. For preventive purposes, a cream for diabetics should be chosen with 5% urea.

be careful

According to the World Health Organization, 2 million people die every year from diabetes and its complications. In the absence of qualified body support, diabetes leads to various complications, gradually destroying the human body.

The most common complications are: diabetic gangrene, nephropathy, retinopathy, trophic ulcers, hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis. Diabetes can also lead to the development of cancerous tumors. In almost all cases, a diabetic either dies while struggling with a painful disease, or turns into a real invalid.

What should people with diabetes do? The Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences succeeded make a remedy completely curing diabetes.

Currently, the Federal program "Healthy Nation" is underway, within the framework of which this drug is issued to every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS FOR FREE. For detailed information, see official website MINISTRY OF HEALTH.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones have diabetes.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and drugs for diabetes. The verdict is:

All drugs, if they gave, then only a temporary result, as soon as the reception was stopped, the disease sharply intensified.

The only drug that has given a significant result is Difort.

At the moment, this is the only drug that can completely cure diabetes. Difort showed a particularly strong effect in the early stages of the development of diabetes.

We made a request to the Ministry of Health:

And for readers of our site now there is an opportunity

Attention! Cases of the sale of counterfeit Difort have become more frequent.
By placing an order using the links above, you are guaranteed to receive a quality product from the official manufacturer. In addition, ordering official website, you get a money back guarantee (including shipping costs) if the drug does not have a therapeutic effect.

People who have faced the problem of diabetes in life know firsthand the fact that the lower limbs of the body are among the organs whose health can be threatened by high blood sugar levels. One of the manifestations of the "diabetic foot syndrome" can be long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, and in extreme cases even gangrene.

Many people experience discomfort in their feet, such as burning, tingling, and numbness. Various diseases of the nails, deformation of the feet, excessive dryness of the skin of the body are common. Sometimes, these problems serve as signals that a person needs timely treatment.

The cause of the problems is poor blood supply to the tissues, which often leads to a decrease in skin immunity and the occurrence of fungal and bacterial infections. The situation can be aggravated by loss of sensation in the legs - polyneuropathy. The protective mechanism of reaction to pain may lose its strength due to low sensitivity. This leads to the fact that skin lesions go unnoticed and only at a late stage, when the inflammation process becomes obvious, treatment begins, sometimes requiring a long time. To avoid such situations, you should systematically apply foot cream for diabetics in your personal care. Foot cream for diabetes has a unique formula using only carefully selected components and substances that make up its composition.

Foot cream for diabetes, how to choose?

Diabetic foot syndrome manifests itself in the form of changes that are influenced by elevated blood sugar - polyneuropathy, which combines vascular changes and changes in the level of the immune system.

The special properties of the cream for diabetes, which helps to improve the condition of the patient and his legs in particular, are the effect of a unique formula in its composition.

The pharmacology market provides a wide range of conventional skin care creams, but among them it is not an easy task to choose exactly those that can be safely used for diabetes. It is important that the composition of these creams for patients with diabetes does not include alcohol, salicylic acid, various dyes and preservatives.

Products containing glycerin are also undesirable for use, since they can lead to clogging of pores and the formation of a film on the skin that will not allow it to breathe. That is why it is so important to choose a cosmetic cream that is not harmful and approved for use in diabetes.

Which socks to choose to avoid foot problems with diabetes?

We advise you not to wear socks made of nylon or lavsan, and also to refuse woolen socks. Synthetics and wool often cause irritation on the skin, contribute to excessive sweating of the legs, leading to cracks and infections. The most skin-friendly socks are made of cotton fabric and blended fibers. It is necessary to change them immediately if you feel that your feet are sweaty. For a diabetic patient, compliance with special rules of personal hygiene plays a significant role. Clinical studies show that such measures can reduce the risk of diabetic ulcers, fissures and gangrene by 3-4 times. In the latter case, no creams will help, and surgery or even amputation will be required. Be careful with your feet!