Dyed hair is electrified. Hair is electrified - what to do: the best means so that the hair is not electrified

The problem of electrifying hair is familiar to almost every girl. She worries someone all year round, and someone - only in specific periods. Most often, hair is electrified in winter. Why? Because at this time it is impossible to do without warm hats and woolen things, which in most cases provoke a problem. So that the hair does not become electrified, you must first figure out what is the cause of such a nuisance, and then regularly follow a few simple rules.

Causes of hair electrification

Before dealing with the problem, you need to understand why the curls began to become electrified. Only in this way in the future can you decide what to do with curls. The reasons can be different: dry air, lack of vitamins, cold wind, snow, rain, and the most important thing is wearing hats. In the latter case, at the moment of friction, the curls touch each other or the thing and a static charge arises. That is why the hair is highly electrified, even if it is perfectly even and smooth.

Another reason for the problem is heating. As soon as the heating season begins, the air in the rooms becomes dry and in this atmosphere the hair dries out a lot. At the same time, frosty dryness also affects curls. Another reason why hair becomes electrified is the lack of nutrients, namely minerals and vitamins. The curls become very fragile, thin and dry, so they are easily electrified.

Many are concerned about the question of why curls begin to become electrified even in summer, when they are not affected by cold and they do not come into contact with woolen hats? The reason for this is improper care. First of all, it concerns drying with a hair dryer at high temperatures.

Hair is deprived of moisture and therefore electrified. In addition, this is facilitated by the use of all kinds of irons and curling irons. And even the wrong comb can interfere with the obedience of curls. For example, when the first signs of a problem appear, it is not recommended to use a plastic or iron device.

How to deal with electrification at home?

If your curls are highly electrified, you need to take care of them with cosmetics with natural ingredients. In order for them to become healthy and obedient, use not only shampoos, but also conditioners. You need to choose the latter in accordance with your type of curls. Owners of very dry strands should be especially attentive to this issue - they are initially subject to electrification, therefore, when choosing the wrong remedy, they can be completely deprived of protection.

Wash your hair with balm at least two to three times a week. This should be done using only warm water - up to 35-40 degrees. Apply the balm to wet hair. The principle of action of the product is quite simple: it helps to make hair scales smooth, fills their damaged areas and covers them with a protective film. As a result, curls, even in winter, are not very electrified and are easy to comb.

simple recipes

In order for your hair not to become electrified after rinsing, it is not necessary to use special cosmetic balms. A completely ordinary folk remedy will do. So, for rinsing curls, you can use:

*Mineral non-carbonated water at room temperature
*Cold running water
* Warm strong tea
*Beer diluted with water.

In addition, if the hair is electrified strongly, it is recommended to treat it with hair masks. You can either buy them or make your own at home.

In winter, it is useful to make the following masks:

* Lemon - mix strained lemon juice without pulp and water in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply to clean, damp hair, then gently wring it out and dry. The mask does not need to be washed off to preserve the effect.
* Honey - dilute two tablespoons of honey in a liter of water and rinse the curls with the product after each washing procedure. The mask may or may not be washed off.

You can make masks every week.

Simple tips for taming curls

Even if you have determined exactly why your curls are electrified and dealt with the problem, you cannot be completely sure that it will not reappear at the first frost or the slightest damage to the hair. That is why it is useful to pay attention to a few simple tips and follow them in your daily life.

*To prevent hair from becoming electrified, use antistatic. It is enough just to sprinkle a comb with varnish before combing directly.
*Use rose or lavender oils. Dissolve a few drops of the product in a spray bottle and spray curls.
*Only wear hats made from natural fabrics, as they do not stimulate electricity.
*To prevent hair from becoming electrified, use wooden combs. Birch is the best.
* In winter, do not expose your hair to precipitation - rain or snowflakes.
*When styling your hair, so that the curls do not become electrified, use wax or foam, which include antistatic components.
* Hand or face cream helps well. It is necessary to apply a small amount of the product to the hands and smooth the curls. But the cream should not be much, otherwise the hair will be very oily. Doing this procedure is recommended only if you have dry curls.

"Hairstyle matters so much,

That no matter what golden dress a woman wears,

If she didn't fix her hair,

It cannot be called removed. ”

Lucius Alulei

Well-groomed curls, a neat hairstyle - a business card of a woman. But curls are wayward and do not always please the owner. The problem of unruly hair is familiar to many, but the situation worsens if the curls are tangled and electrified.

Owners of thin curls especially suffer from electrification, the problem doubles in winter. What to do with unruly strands? Why is hair electrified? Let's solve the problem!

Causes of "electrical" behavior

Let's remember the lessons of physics - what is electrification? The world is created from atoms, consisting of elementary microparticles rotating next to them (electrons with a negative charge and neutral neutrons).

Positively charged protons live inside the particles. An atom has the same number of electrons and protons, so the atom is neutral. But he has a feature - the ability to exchange electrons.

The interchange leads to an imbalance and the acquisition of a different charge status (the particle becomes negatively or positively charged). The process of exchange of electrons is called "static electricity". It becomes the culprit of the electrification of hair.

With vigorous combing, long curls create a voltage of 10-20,000 volts! For a person, such discharges are safe due to the weak strength of the current. The only thing that a person feels is tangible tingling.

Hair electrification occurs during the interaction of equally charged particles. Such atoms repel without touching each other - the same happens with curls, from which they bristle and stand on end. An object rubbing against the hair becomes a catalyst for static voltage (curls are electrified from a hat, sweater, from a comb).

Winter - stacking "on end". A “sparkling” hairstyle often visits women in the cold - it's about clothes. In nature, there are materials with which atoms interact most actively. These are wool and synthetics. In the cold, you have to wear a lot of warm clothes that are closely adjacent to the strands of hair and body - friction creates “electrical” problems.

The second culprit of the "New Year's" hairstyle is low humidity in the apartment and on the street. In winter, the air masses are very dry. Dryness is an excellent condition that provokes the appearance of static stress. But moist air neutralizes the discharges and reduces the electrical effect to "no".

Hair is not electrified at air humidity from 80-85%. Such indicators are observed in cloudy, rainy weather, which is rare for the winter period.

Unhappy women, tormented by "electric" curls, are looking forward to the end of the season to get rid of their jackets and hats. But hair is electrified not only from the cold! Other factors have also been noticed in creating inconvenience:

Thread condition. Healthy hair, smooth, elastic does not electrify. But dry, lifeless curls are subject to this effect. When the hair structure is broken, the hair scales do not fit snugly together and are more "responsive" to friction.

Hair falls out, lose health and during pregnancy. Due to hormonal surges (especially in the first trimester), curls lose their former elasticity, begin to become terribly thinner and electrified.

Illiterate care. Is it good or bad to use thermal hair units? Fans of hair dryers, curlers, irons! You will have to “fall in love” with the inadequate behavior of the hair - they will become very electrified!

After ironing, hair dryer (with regular heat exposure, the hair dries out terribly), electrification occurs. The same thing happens after washing the hair (the curls quickly lose their fat layer and dry out).

After painting. Frequent hair coloring also affects the condition of the bulbs. After lightening or changing color, the hairs become hollow and brittle. After dyeing, the strands fluff up, losing their natural lubrication, become thinner and instantly drawn into the process of static exchange.

Girls who dream of smooth, shiny hair are faced with the problem of electrification after lamination. Although this procedure is designed to saturate the lock with moisture, the lamination process dries out the curls and is not suitable for everyone.

The same effect is possible after keratin straightening. These procedures are designed for initially healthy hair (the ideal state of curls is a rarity in modern times). Injury leads to a deterioration in the condition of the hair (careless combing, pulling tangled curls).

An unbalanced diet, a lack of vitamins and the negative impact of the environment worsen the condition of the strand: strong wind, hot sun, unstable humidity and air temperature.

What to do? Forget about shampoos? After all, dirty hair is not electrified! Or switch to artificial, extended strands? Or short hair? But even after a haircut, curls can become electrified. Do not despair! It is easy to get rid of such a phenomenon.

How to fix the problem

If the curls rebelled at the wrong moment and the strands should be tamed instantly, the following methods will come to extreme help:

  1. Intensely breathe into the palms folded in a handful and run them over the head. Wet hands instantly destabilize the electrical charge.
  2. If you carry hand cream with you, apply it. Rub a drop of cream in the palms and iron the curls. But do not overdo it - otherwise the hair will become greasy.

For the "education" of curls in the cinema, beer will fit in the bar. You need 2-3 drops of beer to moisturize the “mad” strands (the hair does not smell like beer from such an amount). Mineral water is useful at work - wet curls are not electrified!

To neutralize a hair riot, use a clothing antistatic agent or hairspray. Spray the product on the comb and comb - the hair will return to normal. If blow-drying is an important part of life that you can’t refuse, go for a model of the device that has an ionization function.

The ionizer activates the generator of negatively charged particles built into the hair dryer. Ions saturate the air stream and, getting on the hair, neutralize the positive charges. Removing electrification, they simultaneously heal curls.

In addition to the "ambulance" in the fight against static hair electricity, get acquainted with regular ways to tame naughty strands. What can be done to eliminate electrification problems?

How to deal with it

To forget about an unpleasant phenomenon forever, follow three rules:

  1. Choose the right hair care products wisely.
  2. Use the advice of a folk pharmacy.
  3. Choose the right accessories.

Caring preparations

Antistatic care for curls includes the use of specially designed products - these are sprays.

Sprays are the best helpers in the fight against rearing strands. Attack antistatic can be bought in specialized departments of cosmetics. But it is better to make the spray yourself at home from natural ingredients. Rid your hair of unnecessary chemicals! Arming:

  • Polysorbate-20 (9 ml).
  • Camellia oil (10 ml).
  • Rose essential oil (3 drops).
  • Etherol of cardamom (8 drops).
  • Distilled water (60 ml).

Polysorbate 20 is an emulsifier with astringent and moisturizing properties. It is used in the manufacture of cosmetics, perfumes, soaps, bubbling bath balls. You can buy it in pharmacies or specialized stores.

Pour the polysorbate into the container, mix in the rest of the ingredients (except water) and shake thoroughly. Add purified water last. You will get an aromatic amber-colored liquid. This is antistatic.

The spray should be used one hour before going outside. It is applied in 2-3 sprays from a spray bottle. Don't overdo it! Otherwise, the curls will become oily.

There are many recipes for making homemade antistatic. Take 4-5 drops of essential oil (lavender, eucalyptus, jasmine, ylang-ylang) and dilute in 70 ml of pure water. Antistatic ready!

If there are no ethers, a mineral water with added lemon juice (in a ratio of 5x1) will go into action. You can rinse your hair with lemon water after washing.

Helpful advice. To wash your hair (especially if the curls do not have volume), use a shampoo that includes ceramides, silicone or keratin. These products perfectly moisturize curls and prevent electrification.

And thin and dry hair regularly indulge in cosmetics with panthenol and amino acids. They enrich the hair follicles with vitamins and restore the structure of the curl.

Folk remedies

A quick way to improve the condition of your hair in a short time is to care for curls with natural masks. Regular procedures will restore the structure, reanimate health and give curls strength and density. The best recipes for how to get rid of electrification problems:

Kefir mask. Mix fatty kefir (25-30 ml) with egg yolk and ½ mango pulp. Mix the ingredients well and apply on the head. Warm your hair and keep the product for half an hour.

Honey. In burdock or coconut oil (17-20 ml), add liquid honey (30-35 ml), one yolk. Mix the mass and apply to the hair. The procedure time is 40-45 minutes.

Lemon-olive. Mix olive oil (60-65 ml) with lemon juice from ½ fruit. Heat the mass in a water bath to + 35⁰ C and apply on the head. Keep for half an hour.

Pumpkin. Mix pumpkin pulp (150 g) with olive oil (50 g), heavy cream (100 g) and wheat sprouts (4-5 pieces). Apply to hair. The procedure time is 20-25 minutes.

From the oil, the curls are moisturized, well nourished and restore natural elasticity. Healthy strands are not afraid of any electrification!

Hair masks against electrification should be done 2-3 times a week. After a month of procedures, the curls will become thicker, healthier and will never go into an "electric revelry".

Choosing accessories

In order not to electrify curls, pay close attention to the choice of comb / comb. Forget about metal and plastic products - they contribute to the transfer of charged particles and increase electrification.

The main rule: if the comb is a comb, then it is wooden (ideally made of birch), if it is ordinary, only using natural bristles. Ebony combs perfectly cope with the task of destabilizing static voltage.

Leading manufacturers of hair care products offer special comb-brushes with ionization function. Such a comb will become the pride of the owner and the decoration of a handbag.

Refuse to use flat irons, irons (at least during the problematic hot / cold seasons). Choose hats, scarves from natural fabrics, pleasant to the touch and soft to the body. Do not forget about vitamin supplements, good nutrition, and hair, in response to care, will become strong, healthy and not subject to the laws of physics.

It seems that you regularly wash your hair, take care of it, but at the most inopportune moment, the strands do not want to fit.

They stick out, stand, become like a halo. Before proceeding with the elimination of this phenomenon, it is worth knowing the causes that cause it.

Why is this happening?

There are many reasons: lack of nutrients and vitamins, cool wind, precipitation, dry air, hats. Hair under a scarf or hat is in close contact with each other, generating static electricity. Hair is electrified at any time of the year, but more often it happens in winter. The strands lack moisture, which also affects the process of synthetics, which is part of almost all clothing.

Improper care is also one of the main causes of static electricity. The scales of a healthy hair are located very tightly to each other, so electricity accumulates in them in a minimal amount. Another thing is sick hair, weakened by paints (), dryers, styling with irons. However, you should not put up with this trouble, because there are quite effective methods of dealing with this phenomenon.

What to do if the hair is electrified? A few effective tips

So, let's figure out what to do if the hair is electrified:

Intensive moisturizing

Often, overdried hair is prone to such manifestations, so it is very important to moisturize them (). For example, washing your hair every day can significantly worsen the condition of your hair. Therefore, water procedures are recommended to be performed once every 2-3 days.

Make regenerating masks at least once a week, they can be purchased at a specialized store, folk remedies based on olive oil and eggs also do their job perfectly.

If the hair is electrified, and you urgently need to build a hairstyle, thermal, ordinary or mineral water will help to quickly remove the electricity - it must be sprayed onto the strands or moistened with your palms. This method will quickly eliminate the phenomenon, but unfortunately its effect is short-lived.

Leave-in conditioner

Leave-in product is applied to damp hair. The conditioner remains on the strands until the next wash, and its effect is similar to a moisturizer for hands or face.

Interesting: leave-in conditioners are made on the basis of glycerin, there are no oils in such a product. Glycerin moisturizes the strands and detangles them. The tool shows excellent results during a long journey, relaxing on the seashore, and also has a protective effect against the negative effects of sea and chlorinated water. The leave-in conditioner is recommended for use by those women whose hair is curly and unruly.

In order to reduce electrostatics, it is worth drying your hair with an ionic hair dryer. Of course, any electrical appliance designed for hair dries and weakens it. The strands become more brittle and thin. For protection during drying, use a hair serum, dry your hair with an ionic hair dryer.

Interesting: the ion hair dryer has antistatic properties. The basis of its work: the device produces a hot stream of air, while generating negative ions, which neutralize the positive charge accumulated in the strands. This device dries hair gently and very quickly due to the fact that ions break down water molecules. After drying with an ionic hair dryer, the hair becomes silky and shiny.

The combing procedure should be done as infrequently as possible. And the comb should be made of natural materials, the most successful option is wood. And just before combing, put a few drops of any essential oil on the comb.

It is believed that a brush with natural bristles is able to cope with this problem, but this method is not suitable for everyone. You can also purchase special combs made from anti-static materials, namely silicone and sandalwood.

Folk methods against static electricity on the hair

And finally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several very effective ways that "came out" from the people:

Means Mode of application
Oils: lavender or rose It is very easy to use this tool: just rub a couple of drops in the palms of your hands and spread it over the entire length of your hair. These oils can also be applied to the comb. Thanks to this, you will get rid of electrification, as well as give the strands shine and silkiness.
Vegetable little and rosemary Rosemary oil must be mixed in equal proportions with olive or ordinary vegetable oil. Apply the composition to the hair and soak for 30-60 minutes, rinse with shampoo. This mask can be left on all night.
Water Plain water will help hydrate your hair, making static electricity stand no chance at all! Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily.
Mango Mix ½ of a mango fruit with the yolk of one egg and a teaspoon of kefir using a blender. Apply the resulting composition to the hair, soak the mask for at least a quarter of an hour and rinse with slightly warm water. This mask will relieve you of a troubling problem and make your hair soft and shiny. You can also replace the mango with a ripe pear.

Bonus video What to do if hair becomes electrified?

Many women face the problem of electrified hair. Most of all, hair is electrified in the cold season, during the period of wearing warm hats. But do not assume that the problem lies precisely in the clothes. Of course, it creates additional static in our hair, but it is not the main cause of electrification. Leading trichologists say that our hair needs protection from the cold, and in order to avoid hair loss, in winter it is simply necessary to protect your hair from frost with a hat.

Often the hair becomes naughty, begins to stick to the comb and scatter in different directions. In most cases, this is due to a lack of vitamins in the body. It is very important to properly monitor their condition, because hair is the main decoration of a woman, they speak of her health and lifestyle. Hair care is not an easy task. Electrifying hair is a fairly common problem that worries the beautiful half of humanity. Our article contains the best tips for dealing with static hair.

Causes of hair electrification

When the hair is electrified, it cannot be smoothed, styled, or gathered. Sometimes, even after touching the hair, you can hear a slight crackle, and beat yourself and others with a small discharge of current. This is due to static electricity that appears from friction or contact of hair with hats, clothes, and as a result, static begins to increase even from hair touching each other.

The main causes of hair electrification are:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • dry air;
  • an excess of sun and salty sea water, as well as low temperatures, snow and rain;
  • hats;
  • incorrectly selected comb;
  • hair coloring and perms;
  • using a hair dryer.

Due to these factors, the hair becomes thinner, weaker, dryer and loses its shine. Some women struggle with the problem of electrified hair, with the help of sprays and antistatic agents. This gives a temporary effect. But it is better to deal with the very cause of electrification. Therefore, proper care of your hair is very important.

How to choose a comb

The main tool for the care of our hair, which we use every day, is a comb. Her choice is of great importance in the impact on our hair. To avoid the appearance of static, you need to choose combs with a pile of natural materials. It is advisable to avoid the use of plastic combs. Despite their hygiene and ease of care, plastic combs create static in the hair. In extreme cases, they can be replaced with combs made of carbon or silicone.

The best option in choosing a comb would be a comb made of wood. It is absolutely not electrified, but it must be carefully looked after. Wood absorbs water well and our comb must be kept dry. Do not forget that the comb is a personal hygiene item, and only you should use it.

Hairdressers do not recommend using combs with metal bristles for daily care. These combs are suitable only for styling. Choose good quality combs, you can consult with specialists in specialized hair stores. They will select for you the tool that is best suited for your hair type.

Choosing a hair dryer

We do not always have enough time to dry our hair naturally. In this regard, you have to resort to the help of a hair dryer. Frequent use of a hair dryer when drying is one of the main causes of hair electrification. Therefore, it is necessary to approach his choice wisely, and purchase the device that will not harm your hair.

If you cannot completely refuse to use a hair dryer, then a hair dryer equipped with ionization will help you. It is suitable for all types of hair, and will protect them from brittleness, dryness and electrification. From the use of such hair dryers, the hair becomes softer and more obedient.

There are also hair dryers with tourmaline treatment, which, when heated, emit even more negatively charged ions than hair dryers with ionization. They are much more expensive and are used mainly in beauty salons. Such hair dryers give the hair a healthy natural shine, and negate the problems with electrified hair.

To maintain the beauty and health of your hair, it is important to choose the right cosmetics for hair care. Wash your hair with warm water up to 40 degrees.
Your shampoo should suit your hair type. Give preference to shampoos with natural substances in the composition. After washing your hair with shampoo, be sure to use a conditioner. It will smooth the hair scales and make your hair smooth, silky and more manageable.

You can also use foams and styling sprays with an antistatic effect. They are applied before combing to clean, dry hair. To avoid electrification, you can rinse your hair with cool mineral water or strong black tea. If your hair is in bad condition and you urgently need to fix it, spray antistatic on your comb - this will help to correct the situation.

In beauty salons, you may be advised to do a lamination procedure. This procedure smoothes the protruding bristles of the hair and fills all the cracks on the surface of the hair. Hair becomes thicker and heavier, shiny and looks healthy. The effect of the procedure lasts one to two weeks.

Masks and essential oils

If you combine the above tips with the use of vitaminized masks, then the effect will not be long in coming, and you will forget about what unruly electrified hair is.

  • Recipe 1. Mix two egg yolks with a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of warmed burdock oil. Distribute the mixture through the hair and wash off after 25-30 minutes.
  • Recipe 2. We heat the olive oil in a water bath. Squeeze 3-4 capsules of Vitamin E intended for oral administration into the oil and add a tablespoon of honey. Keep the mask for 25-30 minutes.
  • Recipe 3. Rosemary oil in equal proportions with burdock oil gives a good effect when electrifying hair. You can add a teaspoon of cinnamon to the mixture. Hold the mask for 15-20 minutes.

Masks must be evenly distributed along the length of the hair, and put on a bathing cap, or a bag that can then be wrapped with a towel to create the optimal temperature of the mask.

Lavender, rose, ylang-ylang and eucalyptus oils will help get rid of electrification. But we must not forget that oils cannot be applied in their pure form directly to the scalp. You can add a few drops to your shampoo or hair conditioner, or you can add oil to the water to rinse your hair.

A beautiful hairstyle, well-groomed braids are the pride of any woman. But it is not always possible to ensure the obedience of curls and curls, for example, due to the fact that they are often electrified, stick out ugly from all sides, stick to clothes, face, hands, spoil the appearance. What to do if the hair is "magnetized"?

What causes electrification?

To eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon, you should know the causes of its occurrence. For some, the strands were electrolyzed in cold weather due to wearing a hat, for others this phenomenon is observed throughout the year. This forces many people not to do hairstyles with loose braids, not to take off their headgear indoors, due to the lack of the opportunity to put their hair and hairstyle in order, which is rather inconvenient, because it limits the possibilities, contributing to the emergence of unwanted complexes. Hair is highly magnetic due to a variety of environmental factors. To get rid of this unpleasant feeling, you need to identify the causes of their occurrence and avoid them.

Probably, at least once in a lifetime, every girl faced such a problem as hair electrification.

Reasons why hair is electrified:

All the indicated factors do not limit the list of possible causes that cause electrification. There are many other factors related to nutrition, lifestyle, the characteristics of a single organism, etc. Only by knowing these reasons, you can develop the right way and find a remedy for electrification.

What to do if electrification torments?

Many are interested in the question of what to use from the electrification of hair? No matter how annoying this problem is, there are some tips and tricks that you can follow to avoid static electricity. There are also folk remedies that have helped women since ancient times. Therefore, if the hair suddenly becomes sticky to your hands, shock, refer to these tips:

If the hair is strongly electrified, this indicates another problem in the body - a lack of vitamins.
  1. The use of an antistatic agent is an effective way to remove the charge.
  2. In the absence of an antistatic agent, use ordinary water with the addition of lemon juice or mineral water.
  3. To prevent hair from becoming electrified, beer or kvass also helps. The duration of action is longer than that of water.
  4. Vinegar helps a lot. Dilute 1-2 liters of vinegar with 1 liter of water and rinse your head.
  5. Styling varnish also helps.
  6. To prevent hair from being magnetized, you can use any cream. You need to apply the cream on the palms, and then “walk” them along the hairline.

The easiest way to fix this problem is to breathe over your palms, then run your hands through the strands. Solving the problem with all these folk remedies helps once or twice, but in order to eliminate the problem for a long time, you need to determine the cause and apply elimination methods designed specifically for this.

The best way to solve the problem is an antistatic agent, which is enough to process the curls and they quickly become obedient and smooth.

How to stop electrification?

After identifying the cause, it will be possible to deal with the problem more seriously. If your hair is magnetized, then before putting on a hat, apply a few drops of rose or lavender oil to a comb and comb through. This is an excellent way to remove static electricity.

What to do at home if strands are magnetized? Actions:

  • give Special attention shampoos and other care products. It is known that brittle, split strands are especially electrified, so if you use the wrong shampoo, the consequences will be obvious;
  • avoid hot water. Wash your hair with warm water only;
  • do not overcool the scalp in winter.

Buy a brush made of natural bristles, a wooden comb or ebonite comb will also work.

What to do if the hair is magnetized after styling? Limit the use of a hair dryer or use a quality hair dryer with an ionic function. Refuse metal and plastic combs - artificial materials increase the charge.

Buy a brush made of natural bristles, a wooden comb or an ebonite comb will also work. Refuse hats made of synthetic and low-quality materials. Wear hats made from natural fibres. Problems can also be avoided by using antistatic foam or wax for styling. Periodically take a complex of vitamins and monitor the humidity of the air. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Masks against electrification

There are many more tips on what to do if the hair becomes electrified, for example, apply nourishing masks that reduce electrification. Here are some proven recipes:

It is recommended to refuse to use combs made of plastic and plastic, as these materials have the ability to increase electrification.
  • Mix 50 g olive oil, 50 g lime honey, 2 tsp. oatmeal. Spread the mask over the strands, leave under a plastic cap for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure every 3 days for a month. After that, a positive result will be obvious.
  • The mango fruit is also anti-static against electrification. Cut the fruit in half, mash until a mushy mixture is obtained, grate the egg yolk, add 1 tsp. fatty kefir. Apply the mask on the strands, leave for 30-40 minutes. Repeat the procedure twice a week.
  • St. John's wort, chamomile and nettle can also be used against electrification. Make a decoction of herbs in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, rinse the strands with it. After the procedure, your curls will become healthy-looking and silky.
  • Mix 2 yolks, 2 tsp. honey, 3 capsules of vitamin A (capsule contents), almond, burdock, olive oil - 2 tsp each. Apply to strands, rinse after 30 minutes.