Beautiful erotic messages to your beloved. How to write an erotic letter to a man

Hi my Sweetheart! In the morning I lay down to rest .... and mentally began to make love to you: ... after a pleasant excitement in my soul, we went into the room. A light red silk fabric is thrown over the table lamp, giving the bedroom an oriental motive. I laid you on top of a terry sheet on my stomach, sat down at the head myself and began to lightly stroke your head, knead your neck muscles .... Then I applied fragrant massage oil to my hands, lubricating them not only palms, but also my chest, stomach... my whole body... I want to slide it over you, absorbing your male energy and giving my own... Now I turn to back massage, with wide movements of the palms... forearms... warming up the muscles more... I sit down at your feet , I start stroking from the ankles up, moving closer to the hips.

A vulgar letter to a beloved man. how to write a sexy letter

In general, try your best. How to contact Best of all, of course, sounds exciting SMS to a man. In your own words, tell us what you want. Add as much sexuality to your phrases as possible.

No need for sharpness. Just a certain amount of intimacy in the right place. A very important element in your SMS message will be the appeal.
Write to him "my best", "native", "favorite". The sound of one's own name is always pleasant for a man. However, in addition to it and its pet derivatives, there are many other options.
You can also refer to your loved one, for example, like this: “my hero”, “my happiness”, “desired”, “kitten”, etc. Well, then - the message itself.

Dirty letter...

Social networks also allow you to connect with your loved ones erotically. SMS that excite men will be stored in the message history for a long time, again and again warming up the interest of partners, reminding them of a spicy conversation and their feelings.
A good and passionate lover can hone the art of a seductress for months and years. The main thing is to be able to start a loved one at a distance. Just do not forget about literacy.

If a man understands spelling better than you, and you send him SMS with gross errors, you will not excite him, but rather make him laugh. Well, you just have to decide what kind of messages they will be.

SMS or MMS… Poetry or prose… Show your imagination. Look for the right approach. And if you can find it, everything will be great.

It all depends on the stage of the relationship. It's not a secret for anyone that men are turned on by vulgar SMS.

Erotic letter to beloved man, boyfriend


How to write a kind and gentle letter to a loved one, a man? Give your beloved a letter in which tender words will turn into tender lines with kind and gentle meaning, with love and respect, with a rainbow of feelings and emotions ... A tender letter about Love and tender feelings to your beloved man Imagine that you fell in love (very much!) with a man who lives, unfortunately, far from you. You love him for a long time. But you no longer have any strength to hide your love for him.

Describe what you feel in writing. You will feel better. He is more comfortable. Love - do not pay attention to the kilometers separating you! On the contrary, let him understand that kilometers are nonsense, the main thing is feelings! The kind that makes his heart melt.


Do you doubt what he needs? You are afraid that he will not reciprocate. Do not be afraid. You write! Do not spread any negativity on the lines.

Love letters to a man in the distance

How to excite a man strongly through SMS But remember, for a strong effect, you need not just a call to action, you need aggression on your part. : put on or spank, ”or“ Look in the pocket of your jacket, but not in a crowded place ”and there are pre-invested fishnet panties. Etc. How to excite a man by correspondence: SMS examples Writing one SMS is a mine that can remain intact, or it can make an explosion. Or rather passion. Below we present passionate sms skirmishes that will surely inspire you to exploits! How to excite a man by correspondence: examples of SMS How to excite a man by correspondence: examples of SMS How to excite a man by correspondence: and a little fun Exciting SMS poems for a man Rhyme, and even with humor, will never go out of fashion.

How to write an erotic letter to a man

Such things are evidence and proof of treason, the consequences of which can be sad for everyone. Agreed to become a mistress - learn to hide your feelings. A little understanding of the situation will help the article Why does a man have a lover if he loves his wife. If with such notices you consciously seek to quarrel a married couple, then remember the heroine from the Soviet film "Office Romance" - Olga Ryzhova. Shot from the film "Office Romance" The woman has become a laughingstock for everyone. Although I sympathized with this woman, she exceeded the permissible limits of the hero's patience.
Your relationship after such amateur performances can deteriorate forever without really starting. Recommendations Here are a few tips for writing passionate messages to a loved one or admired person:

  1. Write yourself and from the heart. The text should be written by you, not templates and stamps from the Internet.

Letter to beloved...

I'm yours! I am completely yours! It annoys me so much the way you undress me…. I'm ready to kiss your hands. Can. First - the arms, then - the neck, chest, tummy, and lower, lower, lower ....

You love kissing me in that sequence. I learned this from you. I also learned to look for and find erogenous zones. Your whole body is covered with them! I'm proud of it, but surprised.

I have never met anyone like you anywhere. With what pleasure I enjoy you, dreaming of drinking you to the bottom, my angel .... Your divine body is my talisman. I love it when your body touches mine.

I love it when your body touches mine. I love it when our bodies touch. The most beautiful moment... When you enter me, previously caressing, without ceasing ....

You can do it! You know how to caress so sweetly that I could never say no to you.

How to excite a man by SMS? erotic sms: examples

Why do I call you exactly the sun? Simply, no one but you will warm me with its warmth: I only need you. Your name warms me. I call you in my dream. Can you hear my call? Respond, otherwise I'll just go crazy ... I want to hear your steps coming from the corridor.

I want to know that you feel good with me, that we will always be together .... However, you yourself know perfectly well what you need to tell me so that the soul, from happiness, turns into a beautiful bird, and flies in me, because you are with me again ....

Tell me what are you dreaming about? I will definitely try to fulfill all your dreams. I want to do this to prove to you the power of my love. She is limitless. Do you believe me without proof? Then I beg you, come soon. All poems are written by you .... The scent of your cologne is in the air....

Erotic letter to a loved one

Elena Smagina A few years ago, she exhibited her, so to speak, creativity for an erotic story competition))) and won first place, do you want to read? gently kissing my neck and earlobes… I really really want to make love to you! Various…

it can be chaotic, but it can be beautiful. But ours with you, together with Love !!! Enjoy caresses and shower you with them, drown in the aroma of your skin. Tremble with passion and make you tremble, my love.

To lie in each other's arms, giving rest... And again, all over again. Fly, soar and enjoy! My tongue feels so good when it caresses your skin...

tasty… muuuuuurrrrrrr. It's so nice to kiss your neck, shoulders, chest ... and nipples ... that caress the tongue ...
But we don't want that, do we? Sexual SMS to excite a man, a guy In continuation of the topic, we suggest adding playful sexual SMS, the purpose of which is liberation. And not only men, but also you. Offer to play a game in SMS, create a sexual quest (correctly answers an intimate question - receives a reward indicated in SMS). So, the first SMS is a question, the second SMS is a reward and we are waiting for the correct answer! Sexual SMS It is also impossible to imagine a vibrant sex life without knowledge in this area. Look for interesting facts, ancient rituals, historical figures associated with sex, unusual names for seemingly familiar poses and write playful SMS. For example: "We're going to the rodeo tonight." If you just started dating, he will remain at a loss.

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Any man is pleased when he is loved, when he is admired, when he is taken care of. For a woman who gives him happiness, he will be ready for anything. But it so happens that life and everyday life kill romance between lovers. If you want to add tenderness and passion to a relationship, I suggest writing a letter for your loved one.

Remember how long it has been since you received postcards and letters? A man will definitely be delighted with such a surprise and appreciate your efforts. But so that he would once again be convinced of how unpredictable and amazing you can be, so that he would again see a passionate and desirable woman in you, we will write not just a letter, but an erotic message.

Of course, your loved one will be pleased to read an erotic letter when you are not around. He will think about you and want you even more. But don't give up on the idea of ​​making a surprise for someone dear just because you live in the same apartment. Just ask him to check his mailbox after dinner if he doesn't do it himself.

A man will be surprised at an unexpected letter, rejoice at the words that are written in it, and then, for sure, will not let you fall asleep soon.

What do you need for erotic writing

It is not necessary to look for a holiday for a gift such as a letter. Please a man just like that, without any reason. After all, you are also pleased when your loved one makes gifts not only on the eighth of March and birthday.

In order to please her husband with an erotic message, not so much is needed. First you need to find a pen and a piece of paper. It will be great if you find another envelope and a few stamps at home. If not ours, then buy them at a stationery store or at the post office.

Of course, you can write a letter not by hand, but type it on a computer. But, you see, your husband reads the printed text every day in electronic messages. But the text written by your hand will be much more pleasant to read, even if the handwriting is not at all legible. It will even add mystery and intrigue to the message.

Even the fact that a man knows your handwriting and immediately guesses it is very good. If he may not recognize you by handwriting, then it is better to sign the letter. For intrigue, you can not write the name on the envelope, but it is desirable under the text itself. Otherwise, a man may begin to fantasize and think about who could write him a letter and represent not you at all. And this is not at all what we want.

In addition to the above stationery, you will also need about an hour of free time.

Make sure that no one can interfere with you at this time. Turn off your phone and close the door. While you are writing a message for a man, focus only on him and your feelings. So the text will turn out to be more sincere and of high quality.

The main condition for writing an erotic letter is to put a piece of your soul into it. Your letter to a dear man should be honest and frank. Write what you might have wanted to say for a long time or what you would never have dared to say. Open yourself to your loved one from a new perspective.

So where do you start writing?

It is better to start a letter with an appeal to a loved one. Think, maybe you need to start the words "Dear Dmitry", or maybe it would be better to write "Hello, my gopher." It all depends on how you are used to communicating with a man. But still it is better to give preference to a more serious option. You are writing an adult letter with a completely non-childish purpose. Try to do without "babies", "seals" and "hamsters". Let a man feel like a man.

What can be written in a frank letter to a man?

After the greeting, the letters used to write news, weather or something interesting. So are you. Write to your beloved man that recently you were left without him a little longer than usual and realized how madly you missed him. And it doesn't matter that in recent days your maximum distance between each other has been like from an apartment to a store around the corner. Write that you alone were terribly cold and chilly. Write about how you would like him to warm you, hug you and not let you freeze.

Write, for example, that you wanted to keep warm and while you were looking for a blanket, you remembered what you did together on it the last time. Maybe it will even be a story that you put the kettle on for the same purpose, and the thought of sex in the kitchen came to your mind. Ask if he minds. Let this be a rhetorical question.

If your relationship has not yet reached sex, then remember another moment in your life when your man could turn you on, even if it was touching his hand or texting him at night. Well, if you can’t surprise your man with sex in the kitchen, then you can write that you warmed up without him in a hot bath. And you missed him so much. There are countless options for such spicy stories. I'm sure you can come up with a lot of similar options if you want to.

The main thing in this part of the letter is to make it clear to your beloved that you missed him, that you needed him. Thus, the man will delve into your letter with even greater interest and delight.

In the second part of the letter, the addressee is usually asked about his affairs, news and other aspects of life. You can also ask the man something.

Ask, for example, if he remembers that sex in the kitchen that you mentioned above. Ask if he would like to repeat. Write whatever you'd like and don't forget to mention something specific and special, like the way he kissed your back or the way he acted bossily and made you feel completely defenseless.

If this is too much for you, write something more decent. Maybe it will be a story about how you like it when he kisses your hands. Ask him to repeat.

It is very important that you can hook his memory and make him feel the passion and excitement that he once experienced with you.

Then ask him in a letter if he likes it when you, for example, take off his shirt or lick your lips. Do not be afraid to go too far, your man will understand you correctly. You can ask if he wants you to moan loudly with him or bite his earlobe. Let your man's fantasy begin to draw pictures and images in his head.

Just do not stretch the poem into 10 sheets. Let it be a page and a half essay about how you want it. Write in clear and accessible words.

How to finish a letter?

Finishing the letter, write that you love him very much, write that you need him. After the man is a little aroused, remind him that you need him. This will be an insanely nice line.

At the end of the erotic message, write to your beloved “thank you” for having him. So reliable, native and the best. If you are overclocked to write the page completely, do not rush, this is not the end.

There should be a line with your name on it. Write something simple like "Your Tanya". Add "Kiss".

And the most interesting is the “postscript” section. Recall that you recently bought new underwear and ask your loved one to let you know if he wants to see it. Or that he has a "great ass". In short, it should be a line for which he will reread the letter again and again.

When you finish writing the letter, reread it and put it in an envelope. For effect, you can sprinkle the leaf with your perfume or kiss it with painted lips.

It remains to sign the envelope, seal it and, sticking a stamp on it, send it. If you live together or not far away, throw the letter into the mailbox yourself, so it will definitely not be lost.

That's all you need to please your loved one with an erotic message. After he reads it and evaluates it, bring the fantasies from the letter to life. He should know that your pleasant surprises end even better.

Another means of rekindling sexual feeling is by writing a sex letter to your partner. As soon as you find yourself getting aroused while away from your partner, and when you come home, the arousal disappears like a hand, try to describe your sexual feelings at the moment when you experience them. As I said before, domestic stress can easily overwhelm sexual feelings and weaken them. Sexual feelings can live within us, but they need a little outside help to manifest themselves in the home environment.

When you feel aroused in separation from a partner, imagine a love scene with a partner, giving vent to your sexual sensations. In a letter to your partner, outline what you want to do, then describe the love scene and how you feel, as if everything is really happening. Here is an example of a letter from a man to his wife.

"Expensive. How I miss you. I feel so excited, but I can't see you to touch. How I love touching your beautiful naked body. His graceful curves, your beautiful breasts give me pleasure and drive me crazy with desire. I love to touch your hard nipples and suck them.

At this moment, I imagine holding you in my arms. I feel your warm soft body pressed against mine. I like to hold you tightly to me. I breathe in your gentle scent, and my love for you grows stronger. I kiss your tender lips and my whole body trembles. Gradually, our kiss becomes more and more passionate, and you open your mouth for me. My tongue penetrates your mouth and its wetness excites me even more.

I hold your head in my hands and stroke your beautiful hair. I like to run my fingers over your body, knowing how it turns you on. I love the light touch of your fingers on my body. Just as you give me pleasure with every touch, I know that you also enjoy my caresses.

I like to take off your bra and feel the tenderness of your breasts and the hardness of your nipples. I know that you want me just as much as I want you. I submit my love to you. You are all I want. I burn with the desire to connect with you, to merge with you, to enter your warm and moist womb.

As soon as my fingers just touch your wet womb, even more excitement permeates my body. Slowly and rhythmically, I move my finger in a circle until it touches the clitoris. I pick up the pace, you start to breathe heavily, I increase the speed and pressure.

I can feel that you, like me, want more. Everywhere touching you, I hear your gentle response sounds. My hard erect cock that was longing to enter you finally got what it wanted. What heavenly bliss to penetrate into your sacred chamber, what love overflows my heart, what passion is born in me. I begin to slowly sink deeper.

Time stopped. Finally, we are one. I move forward and fill you, hear your loud cry and feel you surrender to my presence. I keep moving back and forth, back and forth, my cock getting harder and harder. Every movement inside you soothes the most tender strings of my soul. I feel like I'm ready to explode, but my tension eases when I hear your delicious moans of pleasure.

Together we plunge into the sensations of love, pleasure and ecstasy. All my love rushes to you when you reach orgasm. Your breathless moans of pleasure peak, and a sparkling burst of pleasure explodes in me as I reach relief. And we plunge into an intoxicating unity, clinging to each other, our naked bodies are intertwined, I find peace. My life is at peace and I feel so complete again. I thank God for you and for the special gift given to me from above - to love you and be loved by you.

Then we lie side by side, I gently run my hand through your hair and look into your beautiful eyes. I say, "That was great," and you give me a gentle smile. And again I remember how lucky I was.

I will always love you, (put your name)

Etc. How to excite a man by correspondence: SMS examples Writing one SMS is a mine that can remain intact, or it can make an explosion. Or rather passion. Below we present passionate sms skirmishes that will surely inspire you to exploits! How to excite a man by correspondence: examples of SMS How to excite a man by correspondence: examples of SMS How to excite a man by correspondence: and a little fun Exciting SMS poems for a man Rhyme, and even with humor, will never go out of fashion. How to write an erotic letter to a man Such things are evidence and proof of infidelity, the consequences of which can be sad for everyone. Agreed to become a mistress - learn to hide your feelings. A little understanding of the situation will help the article Why does a man have a lover if he loves his wife.

A vulgar letter to a beloved man. how to write a sexy letter


Please take care of yourself. And take care of your strength so that we can enjoy each other for a long time. I want you, I love .... Take me, dear! I'm already waiting for you... A letter to your beloved... You have no flaws. Do you want me to spread, with a luxurious carpet, the whole sky under your feet? Do you want me to make the land yours? I know you don't need it.

I believe you need. I never doubted you for a moment. After all, relationships are the sweetness of trust. I have always believed in you and will always believe in you. Forgive me for jealousy: I'm afraid that you will be taken away from me.


Forgive me for being rude: I am an imp with the appearance of an angel. Forgive me for the truth: it is bitter, but it breathes with a clear conscience. Sorry for the misunderstanding: it happens to everyone .... I see you even on the palm of my hand, because, on it, I often put your photo in order to absorb your image with my eyes, glances and soul.

I want to bring your photo to life…. I'm sorry, I can't say otherwise. I miss you….

An exciting letter to a loved one from a distance

You are my dearest person. I feel how painfully creep the days in separation from you. How to excite a man by SMS? erotic sms: examples For example:

  • "Let's do it again! I want!"
  • "I want more than last time."
  • "I've thought of something, I'm waiting for you, today will be even better."

Before - more information One more point. It is important not only to know what words excite men.

SMS will have a much greater impact if you subtly hint in it at a certain quality of your man, at some feature or character trait that is unique to him. An erotic letter to a loved one. For example, he hugged from the back, kissed his neck, and that was the beginning. Send him an SMS: “I am now thinking about how you gently hugged me for the first time ...”. And that will be enough to get you on the same wavelength.
Men, like women, are very fond of affection and affectionate words.


Cunning, play, enjoy the fact that you are a woman! "Depraved" from the lips of a loved one sounds like a compliment! Cunning, play, enjoy the fact that you are a woman Affectionate and exciting words for SMS to men in verse and in your own words As we have already said, there are many phrases, phrases that seem to be unrelated to intimacy. But great for stimulating sex. Think back to the date on which you had your first sex, and specifically what was the background to sex. The meeting place, how he hugged, what he gave that day, etc.

Love letters to a man at a distance THEN LET'S START! What should and should not be written to a man? Whatever a man is, he is madly in love when a woman changes. Remember this as a multiplication table.

Write a sexy letter

You lie relaxed, moaning with pleasure, and my touch excites you more and more .... Now I knead the muscles of the buttocks with strong movements .... and begin to slide my whole body along your back, lightly touching your buttocks with my chest ... back to the very back of the head ... I feel like arousal covers you more and more ... I slide off you ... Turn your face to me, please ... I want you to look at me .... I pour oil into my palm and, without taking my eyes off you, apply it with caressing movements to my chest, stomach ... thighs ... this makes our passion even more intense ... And I begin to slide my chest over you, constantly touching and teasing your mighty weapon, which has long been ready to pierce my body .. Sliding up, I kiss you, your greedy lips speak of desire ... but no, no, Expensive.

An erotic letter to a beloved man, boyfriend.

Combined This variety combines elements of electronic and paper notices. The bottom line is that the object of sighing receives a beautiful envelope in which a printed and frank text is contained on a white sheet of A4 paper. Intrigue and originality are the main advantages of this method.

To whom to write and under what circumstances Conditionally, I distinguish two categories of people to whom one can and should write passionate messages. Beloved or spouse If the relationship has passed the stage of the “candy-bouquet period”, but the guy is in no hurry to move to a new level of relationship and does not understand hints. An unusual notice in writing will help achieve what you want.

You know every gesture, look and movement of your spouse by heart. But a text message is a great reason to diversify your intimate life and look at your relationship from a different angle.

Letter to beloved...

Previous16171819202122232425262728293031Next Another way to revive sexual feeling is to write a sexual letter to your partner. As soon as you find yourself getting aroused while away from your partner, and when you come home, the arousal disappears like a hand, try to describe your sexual feelings at the moment when you experience them. As I said before, domestic stress can easily overwhelm sexual feelings and weaken them. Sexual feelings can live within us, but they need a little outside help to manifest themselves in the home environment. When you feel aroused in separation from a partner, imagine a love scene with a partner, giving vent to your sexual sensations. In a letter to your partner, outline what you want to do, then describe the love scene and how you feel, as if everything is really happening.

Erotic letter to a loved one

And if you can find it, everything will be great. Erotic letter to your beloved man, boyfriend Describe what you feel in writing. You will feel better. He is more comfortable. Love - do not pay attention to the kilometers separating you! On the contrary, let him understand that kilometers are nonsense, the main thing is feelings! The kind that makes his heart melt. Attention Do you doubt what he needs? You are afraid that he will not reciprocate. Do not be afraid. You write! Do not spread any negativity on the lines. Love letters to a man at a distance How to excite a man strongly through SMS But remember, for a strong effect, you need not just a call to action, you need aggression on your part. the slave is waiting in the back seat: dress or spank, ”or“ Look in the pocket of your jacket, but not in a crowded place ”and there are pre-invested fishnet panties.

How to write an erotic letter to a man

Elena Smagina A few years ago, she exhibited her, so to speak, creativity for an erotic story competition))) and won first place, do you want to read? gently kissing my neck and earlobes… I really really want to make love to you! Different ... it can be chaotic, but it can be beautiful. But ours with you, together with Love !!! Enjoy caresses and shower you with them, drown in the aroma of your skin.

Tremble with passion and make you tremble, my love. To lie in each other's arms, giving rest... And again, all over again. Fly, soar and enjoy! My tongue feels so good when it caresses your skin...

tasty… muuuuuurrrrrrr. It's so nice to kiss your neck, shoulders, chest ... and nipples ... that caress the tongue ...
Erotic letter to your beloved Elena Smagina Several years ago, she exhibited her, so to speak, creativity for an erotic story competition))) and won first place, do you want to read it? waist, you begin to gently kiss my neck and earlobes ... I really really want to make love to you! Different ... it can be chaotic, but it can be beautiful. But ours with you, together with Love !!! Enjoy caresses and shower you with them, drown in the aroma of your skin. Tremble with passion and make you tremble, my love. To lie in each other's arms, giving rest... And again, all over again. Fly, soar and enjoy! My tongue feels so good when it caresses your skin… delicious… mooooooooorrrrrr.

Beautiful erotic letter to him - beloved guy, man.

Erotic mail.

L darling, hello! I am writing to you as emotions overwhelm and overwhelm me. Please read everything from start to finish. This is important to me, because you will read a lot of "magnificence".

When I first saw you, I started to go crazy. From your appearance. You are so sexy….. From the ends of your hair to your toes! Yes, there is no one like you .... No, because…. I'll tell you why now.

I want to touch you, gently, gently, stroking every inch of your body. Touch with fingers, handles, tongue. How do you like it better? I love touching your baby. Do you remember which part of your body I call that, and why? Not in order to humiliate your dignity, but in order to express my love and passion for you.

I remember how you undressed me, quietly, carefully, as if you were afraid of something. But he was afraid for nothing. I'm yours! I am completely yours! It annoys me so much the way you undress me…. I'm ready to kiss your hands. Can I? .. First - the arms, then - the neck, chest, tummy, and lower, lower, lower .... You love kissing me in that sequence. I learned this from you. I also learned to look for and find erogenous zones. Your whole body is covered with them! I'm proud of it, but surprised. I have never met anyone like you anywhere. With what pleasure I enjoy you, dreaming of drinking you to the bottom, my angel ....

Your divine body is my talisman. I love it when your body touches mine. I love it when your body touches mine. I love it when our bodies touch. The most beautiful moment... When you enter me, previously caressing, without ceasing .... You can do it! You know how to caress so sweetly that I could never say no to you. Ready to give myself to you at any time (night and day). I remember how excited you are when I tell you "take me, my love ...". You get turned on, and I love to say it all. Talk and repeat... Almost every second! I love it when you turn on. I love to feel how your baby swells .... I like to take it in my hands, playing with it with manicured nails. I know how to do it without hurting you. You should have seen, in these moments, your eyes! In their brilliance - the buzz of appeasement. I read from the look that you want more and more, that you want all these games to never end. And I am ready to continue them indefinitely myself!

I'm bastard when I see that you are pleased with me. It seems that at such a moment you are capable of anything for me. But I don't like taking advantage of you. All I need is your body. The whole body is yours! I can't do without it! You will say that I am the most vulgar vulgar thing in the Universe, but I will not pay any attention to it at all. I will undress you again, abruptly throwing every attribute of clothing far beyond our room. As long as you do the same with my clothes…. I will kiss you relentlessly. Kissing you is something magical. I'm sorry that sometimes I bite and you feel pain. I don't do it on purpose, to be honest. It's just that my love overwhelms me, I cease to control myself completely. But what am I explaining when you understand everything yourself? .. I'm sure that you feel the same way. But you do not say it, but give it with hugs ....

I remember our first time. It had everything. First - the moon, champagne, stars, music, night. Then - confessions, the silkiness of the sheets, the fiery passions .... Your moans, which escaped, as if to freedom, from the depths of the soul, suddenly .... You yourself, then, were frightened and did not expect. I was even ashamed, although there was absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. You heard my moans too. They have always (were and are) real, not some arrogant, not artificial.

You love my moans so much! You compare them with romantic music. You do everything to make moans flow like a river. Oh how you do it! I remember how you whispered my name. And I, in response, whispered yours, like the most native words in the world. Then she whispered something like “more…. more…. more….". Yes, I do not remember if these words were. The main thing is what we felt when our bodies and hearts flew away from feelings. By the way, about flights of feelings…. Do you know what I want when we meet again? I want you to enter me, and after sex, do not try to get it out of me. I want to feel and feel you inside me. Kind of a strange desire, isn't it? And we, women, are all with some oddities ....

I also want us not to waste (not waste) every minute of ours. I want, as then, in a hotel .... Do you remember how we made love without ceasing? We forgot about food, and about time, and about fatigue ..... We lived in each other! They only drank, in between, grapefruit juice, and ran to the shower. After the shower - again intimate .... Yes, for several days. If you told your friends, they would be envious for sure! By the way, you asked if the size of your baby suits me? He is better than I thought! How much can he... Awesome! The main thing is that a lot can be done without getting tired. Sex giant! Doesn't offend you, I hope my compliment is like that? I have never said such a compliment to anyone! Your baby is the sweetest. Because when it was our first time, I did not feel any pain at the first intimacy. Oh, how the phrases are confused! It's all emotions, emotions...

I hope no one reads my letter but you? I don’t consider our telephone conversations, which “met” with us when you were on business trips, to be vulgar. We missed each other so much! I wonder if the operators listened to us? This would be heard! It all started, of course, with banal questions…. “What are you wearing now?”, “What panties are you wearing?”, “What color panties?”. I loved it all... I just couldn't sleep afterwards. I wanted to really feel you so much .... I know I won't let you go anywhere else! I can't live without your body, I wrote it already. Handsome you are my sexy .... Please take care of yourself. And take care of your strength so that we can enjoy each other for a long time. I want you, I love .... Take me, dear! I'm already waiting for you... If you see me, you will understand what a gift you got! I kiss you in all your places!

E rhotic writing is a message, a mental touch of the body and soul to the desired and beloved erotic image of your chosen one or chosen one.

What else can you write to your loved one? -

Love Disability. -

Beautiful erotic letter to him - loved the guy, man.

mail erotic.

A yubimy hello! I am writing you, because emotions overflow and overwhelm me. Please read all from beginning to end. It is important for me because you read a lot of "great."

When I first saw you - I start to go crazy. From your external kind. You"re so sexy ... .. From the ends up to the toe! Yes, there is someone like you .... No, because?. I will tell you now why.

I want to touch you, gently, gently, stroking every centimeter of your body. Touching fingers, pens, reeds. How do you like more? I love to touch your baby. Do you remember what part of your body so I call, and why? Not to humiliate your dignity, and to his love and passion for you to express.

I remember how you undressed me quietly, neatly, as if afraid of something. But the fear is very vain. I "m yours! I am completely yours! I was so annoying is how you undress me .... I" m ready to kiss your hands. You can .. first - hand, then - neck, chest, belly and lower, lower, lower .... Do you like to kiss me in the following sequence. I learned it from you. Even I learned to seek and find the erogenous zones. You have strewn your whole body! I am proud of it, but surprised. I didn't find anyone else like you. With what pleasure I enjoy you, dreaming drink bottoms up for you, my angel ....

Your divine body - my talisman. I love it when your body up to my touches. I love it when your body touches mine. I love it when our bodies touch. The most charming moment .... When you enter me, foreplay, still .... You know how it is! Know how to caress so sweet that I could never tell you "no." Ready to be given to you at any time (night and day). I remember, as an aphrodisiac you when I tell you "take me, darling ....". You are excited and I like to say it all. Speak ... and repeat. Almost every second! I love you when the plant. I like to feel like your baby...swells. I like to take it in hand, playing with him nails manicured. I know how to do it to hurt you do. You should have seen, in these moments, my eyes! In their splendor - the buzz of appeasement. I read on the view that you want more and more, you want all these games never ends. And I am ready to continue them indefinitely itself!

I am a bastard, when I see you with me nicely. It seems that at this moment you are able to do anything for me. But to use I do not like you. All I need - it "s your body. All of your body! Without it, I can no longer in any way! If you say that I am the most vulgar poshlyachka in the universe, but I do not I will turn any attention at all. Again I undress you, dramatically throwing clothes every attribute far beyond our room. As long as you do the same with my clothes .... I have to kiss you I will relentlessly. Kissing You - it is something magical. I" m sorry, sometimes biting, and you feel the pain. Not on purpose I do honestly. Just me, my love is overwhelming, I cease to control themselves completely. What I explain, when you understand everything myself? .. I "m sure you feel the same. But you do not say it, and you give hugs ....

I remember our first time. It had everything. First - the moon, sparkling, stars, music, night. Then - a recognition, silky sheets, fiery passion .... Your groans that burst like freedom from the depths of the soul, suddenly .... You yourself, then got scared and did not expect. Even ashamed, though, and nothing was quite ashamed. You heard my moans. They always (there were) true and not some arrogant, not artificial.

You are so adore my groans! Compare them with romantic music. You "re doing that moans river flowed. Oh, it turns out you! I remember you whispering my name. And I" m yours, in return, whispering, like most native words in the world. Then he whispered something like "more .... yet?. yet?.". Yes, I do not remember whether these were the words. The main thing is that we felt when our bodies and hearts of senses flew away. By the way, on flights of feelings .... You know what I want, when we meet again? I want you inside me, and after sex did not try to get it out of me. I want to feel and to feel you inside me. A strange desire for some, right? And we, the women, all with some weirdo ....

I also wish that we did not lose (not spend) every minute of our gift. I would like, as it was then, in the hotel .... Remember how engaged we love, without ceasing? We forget about the food, and the time and fatigue ... .. We lived in each other! Only drank during breaks, grapefruit juice, and the shower running. After a shower - again intimchik .... So - a few days away. If a friend told - those would be envious for sure! By the way, you asked whether I am satisfied with the size of your baby? It is - it is better than I thought! And just as he can.... Terrific! The main thing that tirelessly much. Giant sex! You will not be offended, I hope, my compliments this? I have never and never told anyone such a compliment! The kid you - the most delicate. Because when the most was our first time, I did not feel any pain at first close. Oh, how confused the phrase! This - all emotions, emotions ....

I hope, but you no one reads my pismoshko? I do not think our vulgar talk phone, which "met" with us when you are on business trips was. We do not have enough of each other! I wonder if we have listened to the operators? This would have been listening! It began, of course, all the banal questions .... "What are you wearing right now?", "What panties are you wearing?", "What color panties?". I so loved it all .... Just could not sleep afterwards. So much feel you would like to really .... I know that more than anywhere you will not let go! I can not without your body, it is written. Pretty Boy you "re my sexy .... Please take care of yourself. And take care of forces that we long to enjoy each other as they could. I want you, love .... Take me home! I"m waiting for you .... You "ll see me - you will understand what a gift you got! I kiss you in all your places!

E rhotic letter - this letter, the mental body and touch the soul and to the desired favorite erotic image of the elect or chosen one.

Beautifully erotic sheet of youmu - to the kohanoma lads, choloviks.

Post erotic character.

L jubilee, hello! I am writing to you, so that emotions change and change me. Be kind, read everything on the cob and to the end. It’s important for me, for you to read a lot of Chudov.

If I bashed you in the first place, I started to go crazy. In your sight of a splendid one. You're so sexy... .. You've got hair all the way down to your legs! So, there aren't many like you...

I want to hitch up to you, lower-lower, stroking the skin of a centimeter of your body. Torkatisya fingers, handles, tongue. How do you like more? I also love to hang around to your little one. Remember, I call a part of your body like that, and why? Chi not in order to lower your goodness, but in order to make my love and addicted to you.

I remember, as if you had broken me, quietly, neatly, not being afraid of something. .. Back - hands, sweat - neck, breasts, lively, and lower, lower, lower .... You love me to kiss in such a sequence. I am writing this, but I am well-wishing. I have not sung anywhere and not a single one like you. For this reason, I am pleased with you, mriyuchi drink until the day you, yangolatko my....

Your divine body is my talisman. I adore it, if your body is worth it to me. I adore, if your body is dotorkaetsya to my. I love it when our bodies stick together. The very enchanting moment .... If you enter me, ahead of you pestyachi, without ceasing .... Tse vmієsh! Pestitate together so licorice that I would never have been able to say “no” to you. Ready to respond to you at any hour (night and day). I remember, how you wake up, if I say to you, “take me, kohani ....” You wake up, but I like to say everything. Speak and repeat .... Almost a second skin! I love you, like your little one swells... I read at a glance, what you want more and more, what you want, so that all the games have not ended in any way.

I'm bald if I'm running, what is acceptable to you. It turns out that at such a moment you are building for everything for me. Ale, I don’t like you to be curvy. Everything that I need is your body. All your body! I can't do it without it! You will say that I myself am a vulgar vulgarity among the All-World, but I don’t have any animal respect. I will renew you, sharply throwing the leather attribute of the robe far beyond our borders. For the time being, you will work the same with my clothes .... I will kiss you innocently. Tsіluvati you - tse schos charіvne. Forgive, sho, inodі, bite, and ti vіdchuvaєsh bіl. Chi is not specially I cherish, honestly. It’s just that my love suffocates me, I don’t control myself anymore. So what will I explain, if you understand everything yourself? .. Impressed that you are the same. Ale, you don’t say it, but you do it in bulk ....

Guess our first time. The newcomer had everything. On the back - moon, champagne, stars, music, nothing. Potim - vyznannya, shovkovistnost prostrated, semi-immediate passions... There is absolutely nothing to mess around with.

You love my hay so much! Porіvnyuєsh їх with romantic music. You are all robish, so that the hay flowed like a river. Oh, how can you get out! I remember "I am, as you are" I am my whispers. And I'm yours, at a glance, whispered, silently found words in the world. Potim whispered to the type "more .... more .... more .... ". So I don’t remember what the words were. Stupid those who thought of us, if our bodies and hearts thought of them. I want you to see me in me, and after that my intimacy does not interfere with me.

What I want is that we didn’t spend (didn’t stain) our leather wool for free. I want, like that, in a hotel... We forgot about the hedgehog, and about the hour, and about that... .. We lived one in one! Tilki drank, in the breaks, grapefruit juice, and in the shower they ran. After the soul - anew іntіmchik.... So - the sprat is uninterrupted. Yakby friends rozpovit - you obzavidovalis b for sure! Before the speech, having fed you, what is the power of your little one? Win - shorter, lower I allowed! And skilki wines can be anything .... It's sly! Golovne, which can be a little rich. Giant statue! Don’t you imagine, I’m spoofing, such a compliment? I have never said such a compliment to anyone! Your little one is the least. Because, if it was our first time, I didn’t feel any pain at the first closeness. Oh, how the phrases get lost! Tse - emotions are everything, emotions ....

I'm guessing, why doesn't anyone read my letter to you? I don’t care about the vulgarity of our telephone lines, as they “smoothed out” with us, if you are in the wake of the letters. We didn’t get one by one like that! Tsikavo, did the operators hear us? This would be heard! Started, obviously, all the banal food .... “Why are you dressed at once?”, “What panties are on you?”, “What color panties?”. Everything was so fitting for me.... Tilka could not fall asleep afterwards. I wanted to see you so much in a right way .... I know that I won’t let you in anywhere else! I can’t live without your body, I wrote already. Krasunchik ty my sexy .... Take care of yourself, be kind. Take care of your strength, so that once again, alone, you could be so full of salt. I want you, I love you.... Take me, dear! I'm already checking you .... If you help me - you will understand, what a gift you got! I kiss you in your moustache!