Beautiful and well-groomed feet paws. Well-groomed feet - a beautiful pedicure! If your feet are sweating

Make it hot every night foot bath within 15-20 minutes.

For the cleansing bath:

Dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda in 1 liter of water, add 1 tablespoon of soap shavings.

Toning bath done with a handful of salt in 3 liters of warm water. After the bath, rinse your feet with cool water slightly acidified with boric acid (1 teaspoon per glass of water).

For a soothing and invigorating bath:

Pour 2 tablespoons of a mixture of chamomile, flaxseed and pine needles into 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew for 20-30 minutes and pour the infusion into a basin of water.

After the bath, clean the places on the legs where the skin is rough, using a fine-grained pumice stone or a special pedicure brush with hard bristles.

Once a week, you can clean your heels with a special foot scrub. It is applied to a grinding file and with light circular movements for 2-3 minutes, wipe the skin on the heels, then rinse with water and repeat the procedure again.

Do after bath foot massage.

Take two dry brushes with medium-hard bristles and rub your legs at the same time in a circular motion - from the feet up to the inguinal folds. Continue massaging until the skin turns red.

After the massage, apply a fat cream to the skin, moving from the toes to the heel. The foot cream leaves feet soft, rosy and tender.

And the best cream is the one that you make yourself.

- Thoroughly mix 1 yolk with 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil, then, stirring constantly, pour in 1 tablespoon of vinegar essence and 1 teaspoon of turpentine. Apply the cream on the feet with massage movements.

- Buy any, the simplest, but fresh (look at the production time) cream for oily skin. Buy vitamin A in liquid form at the pharmacy. Mix 10-15 g of cream and 10-15 drops of vitamin until smooth and immediately apply this mixture on your feet, rubbing it well into the skin.

And you must also do foot masks.

“The blue clay foot masks are especially good. They are made simply: apply diluted clay gruel on the feet. After drying, wash off the clay with warm water and lubricate your feet with cream.

– Dissolve 10 uncoated aspirin tablets in a small amount of water, you can add a spoonful of lemon juice. It should turn out gruel. Lubricate steamed heels, corns, calluses with this gruel. Wrap the top with foil and put on socks. Wait 15-20 minutes, then gently work with a pumice stone.

– When roughening the soles, dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda and 1 tablespoon of planed laundry soap in 2 liters of hot water. Soak your feet in this water for 20-30 minutes daily at night. After the foot bath, lubricate with a fat cream.

- To soften and moisturize the skin of the legs, make a nourishing mask 2-3 times a week: mix 4 tablespoons of thick kefir, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Apply it on the skin of the legs for 20 minutes, then remove the remnants of the mask with a soft cloth.

If your feet are sweaty...

Sweating feet is a serious problem. It leads to erosion, roughening of the skin, fungal infections. Increased sweating of the feet is observed in people with vegetovascular dystonia, anemia and flat feet.

Experienced cosmetologists-dermatologists advise:

This problem needs to be solved comprehensively: from the inside and outside.

Means for oral administration:

- infusion of sage - 0.5 cup 2 times a day for a month;

- tincture of peony or heather - 30-40 drops 3 times a day for 30-40 days;

- vodka tincture of walnut partitions - 30-40 drops 3 times a day for a month. Grind the partitions in a coffee grinder and pour vodka so that they are completely closed. Infuse for 5-7 days in a dark place at room temperature;

- a decoction of blackberry leaves, oregano, nettle and lemon balm, mixed in equal proportions - 0.5 cup 2 times a day before meals.

Means for external use:

- contrast baths for vascular training. Start and end with warm water - 40-50 ° C. Cold water temperature - 15-20 ° C. Do 3-4 lowerings for 1 second. After the procedure, get your feet wet, apply cream with camphor or menthol and put on socks;

- baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a decoction of oak bark - no more than 2-3 times a week, so as not to overdry the skin;

- baths with essential oils of rosemary, pine or lavender;

- wipe dry skin with a 1% solution of formalin alcohol, salicylic alcohol or formidron - 2-3 times a week;

- powders, which include urotropine, boric acid, talc, zinc oxide and burnt alum. Powder can be poured into socks, tights no more than 3 times a week.


In spring, redness and rashes in the form of small bubbles often appear between the toes. If this happened to you, you need to urgently change your shoes to more comfortable, spacious feet and isolate your fingers from each other with a small bandage. Then you should achieve the speedy formation of a crust on the affected areas. And only then get an ointment that heals and restores the skin from the first-aid kit. But if at the same time you do not fight the cause of erosion - sweating, then soon everything will happen again.

- To accelerate the formation of a crust, 2 times a day for 15 minutes, make lotions with a 2% solution of boric acid, a 0.25% solution of silver nitrate or bright red potassium permanganate. The solution must be cool.

- Affected areas of the skin can also be lubricated with any aniline dye - brilliant green, fucorcin.

- Use Solcoseryl jelly, methyluracil ointment, sea buckthorn cream as healing ointments.


If the skin on your feet is too dry, it will often turn red, inflamed, as the skin barrier is damaged. The stratum corneum will thicken, and corns will appear. What to do?

Experienced dermatologists-cosmetologists advise:

- First of all, give up soap. Wash your feet only with mild gel or alkali-free foams.

– Rinse your feet thoroughly after washing and wipe them dry.

- Before going to bed, apply first cold pressed oil - olive, avocado, wheat germ, borage seeds, corn on the skin and do a light massage.

- At night, after steaming the legs, apply thinly sliced ​​onion slices to the keratinized skin on the feet, then wrap the legs with plastic bags and a bandage, put on socks on top. In the morning, the feet should be washed, the softened skin removed and powdered with talcum powder.

- Tomato paste will help get rid of corns. It, as in the previous recipe, must be applied to the soles, then wrap the legs with a plastic bag and put on socks for the night.

- An indispensable tool in the treatment of corns is fresh propolis, which must be crushed and applied to sore spots for the whole day. In the evening, steam your legs and apply propolis again. The course is about a week.

Cracks in the heels

They are very painful, often inflamed. In addition, if you have cracks on your heels, you will no longer be able to wear your favorite sandals in the summer - it's a shame ...

Experienced dermatologists-cosmetologists advise:

- Treat the crack with brilliant green, soften the edges with a moisturizer.

- After the crust has formed, exfoliating agents can be applied - the usual 3-5% salicylic ointment, creams with fruit acids or keratolan - a product containing 10% lactic acid. They should only be applied to warm skin.

– To prevent cracks, use foot creams daily. In the cold season, apply a moisturizer at night, and an exfoliating cream in the morning. In summer it's the other way around.


Experienced dermatologists explain:

- If you have a fungus on your feet, you should definitely consult a doctor who will write you prescriptions for the necessary antifungal drugs. The disease itself will not go away, but will only intensify with time, bringing you a fair amount of torment.

- Do not try to pick up a medicine in a pharmacy on your own - there are many varieties of fungus, and it is unlikely that you will be able to guess which fungus has "settled" on your feet.

But traditional medicine offers such recipes for the treatment of fungus.

– Grate the garlic and mix with fresh butter in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture should be applied to the sore spot and changed daily until complete recovery.

- Soak feet with fungus-affected nails in a decoction or infusion of milkweed.

- A mixture of 2 tablespoons of lilac flowers, 3 tablespoons of oak bark, 2 tablespoons of calendula and 1 tablespoon of celandine pour 0.5 liters of water. Boil and let it brew for an hour. Wash your feet with a cloth soaked in the infusion, then wipe dry and put on clean socks.

– Dissolve 1 teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of warm water and wash your feet morning and evening with this solution. After each procedure, put a cotton swab moistened in the solution on the place affected by the fungus and leave to dry. Then wash your feet with soda solution and wipe dry. The course of treatment is 10 days.

- Prepare a saline solution from 1 liter of water and 1 teaspoon of table salt. Then crush a large fresh clove of garlic and add 1 tablespoon of salt solution to it, strain and squeeze. Add another 4 tablespoons of the solution to the resulting mixture and moisten the affected areas with this mixture 2 times a day. Store the prepared solution for no more than 12 hours.

Feet without calluses

New shoes bring not only joy - often we begin to suffer from corns.

Experienced dermatologists advise:

– With light and superficial corns, foot baths help, during which the corns are removed with a pumice stone. Then the feet are dried and a special patch is applied to the corns. Such procedures should be done until the corns disappear.

– If you have calluses on your feet, apply salicylic acid to them after pumice.

- If corns form between the fingers, lubricate them with a nourishing cream at night, and powder them with powder during the day.

- Remember that powders cannot be used for water corns. Such calluses, if they do not go away on their own after a couple of days, require treatment by a dermatologist.

- Use propolis to remove corns, putting it in the form of a cake mixed with fat.

- With knocked down legs, scuffs and blisters: dilute potassium permanganate in water until pink, add a little table salt. Dip your feet in this water for 20 minutes, then dry them, blotting with a napkin.

- An unaged corn can be painlessly removed by applying to it for 8 days at night compresses of bread crumb moistened with vinegar.

- On old, deep corns, apply after a bath at night a piece of aloe leaf or lemon peel with pulp for 2-3 days.

How to protect your feet from swelling?

It probably happens to each of us: you take off your shoes in the evening and see that your legs are swollen. As a rule, by morning the swelling disappears, and we forget about the troubles. If the legs do not hurt, and swelling on them appears only occasionally, indeed, there is nothing to worry about, probably ordinary daytime fatigue is to blame for everything.

But what to do if the legs swell and hurt regularly?

Experienced phlebologists advise:

- Do not constantly wear shoes with a heel higher than 5-6 cm.

– At the end of each hour, try to raise your legs up for 15 minutes. Of course, few people can afford this, but it is really very useful.

- You can step from toe to heel and back several times in a row, stretching the muscles of the lower leg.

- It is very useful for swelling of the legs to engage in water sports, primarily aqua aerobics: on the one hand, a person moves a lot, getting a good physical activity, on the other hand, water puts pressure on the skin, preventing blood vessels from expanding and legs to swell. It is very useful to swim, especially in sea water.

- All dynamic sports have a good effect - running, skiing, cycling, skating and even simple walking.

To relieve swelling and pain in the legs at the end of the day, take foot baths every evening.

Foot bath with chamomile and lemon balm: 1 tablespoon of chamomile and 2 tablespoons of chopped lemon balm pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. In 1 liter of water at room temperature, dissolve 1 tablespoon of sea salt, add a strained decoction of herbs and place your feet in the bath for 25-30 minutes. Then rinse your feet with cool water and rub them with a towel.

Mustard foot bath prepared at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water.

Experienced phlebologists warn:

The appearance of edema may indicate problems with the kidneys, heart, lymphatic vessels, etc. Quite often, the cause lies in varicose veins. And in all these cases, exercises and compression hosiery alone cannot be dispensed with - a full diagnosis and adequate treatment are necessary.

How to do a pedicure?

Like manicures, pedicures are best left to a professional. But if we have mastered the manicure, then we can do the pedicure ourselves, if necessary. When you are in the salon, watch the work of the pedicurist and try to remember the techniques and sequence of operations.

For a pedicure, you can use the tools with which you did a manicure. These are scissors or tweezers for cutting off the regrown edge of the nail, an orange tree stick for processing the skin around the nail plate. You can use sharp metal tools, but be very careful not to hurt yourself when they come off.

It is advisable to have special devices for separating fingers to gently apply varnish on nails, but you can replace it with cotton rolls.

So let's get to the pedicure.

First, cut the nails evenly with short scissors, without rounding the edges so that the growing nail does not grow into the skin. File the cut nail with a nail file. If you decide to paint your nails, it is necessary that the legs themselves look perfect, otherwise the nail polish will look vulgar.

To remove old varnish, it is advisable to use a varnish remover that does not contain acetone.

Pedicure masters warn:

Nails don't breathe under polish. Often, toenails turn yellow from frequent application of varnish. Therefore, it is useful to give the nails the opportunity to breathe without varnish, just as

like fingernails.

Worrying about the skin of the face and hands, we very often do not pay attention to our own legs. Therefore, I would like to remind you that you should not forget about beautiful and well-groomed legs - this is a kind of guarantee of well-being. To maintain good shape, do not neglect the opportunity to devote 20 minutes of free time to relaxation. And in order not to have to deal with the treatment of corns on the heel, you need to periodically pamper yourself with tonic and relaxing baths. From time to time you need to perform light exercises that will give the joints flexibility. Taking care of your feet is not difficult, it is enough to follow some rules.

General rules

Contrast baths. This procedure improves blood circulation, you need to do it daily. The legs, in turn, are lowered first into hot water, then into cold water, repeating the operation 10 times. It is very useful to add decoctions of herbs.

Softening baths. Once a week, to remove dead skin particles, it is necessary to do softening baths. Old skin is removed with a pumice stone, then the feet are dried and a nourishing cream is applied.

Massage. To improve blood circulation and avoid swelling, massage should be done twice a week. Before starting the procedure, the skin is lubricated with lotion or cream, then a light stroking is carried out with the palms, starting from the toes and rising to the knees. After that, the foot is wrapped around the hand and massaged with the thumb, making circular movements for two minutes. It is also useful to massage each finger separately. This helps to restore strength in tired muscles, reduces joint pain and swelling.

Gymnastics. At least 3 times a week, you should do gymnastics for the legs. To do this, you need to rise on your toes, linger in this position for several seconds and return to the starting position. This exercise is done 15 times. Then you need to take 10 steps on the heels, as well as 5 each on the inside and outside of the foot.

Foot care

To prevent sweating, you need to observe hygiene, sprinkle the interdigital spaces with talcum powder and regularly bathe with horsetail and hazel leaves.

To combat cracks, the skin of the heels is steamed in water with the addition of soda, cleaned with a pumice stone and applied with glycerin or a cream with vitamin A.

Calluses must be removed before the skin becomes rough. The legs are steamed in soapy water, lubricated with a special liquid and carefully cut off with nail scissors. With inflamed skin, a bath with the addition of a decoction of pine needles will help.

With a foot file, carefully, so as not to get hurt, remove the keratinized skin on the heels. Chamomile decoctions have a positive effect on the skin of the legs. To soften the skin of the foot, it is recommended to use wheat bran baths.

Every two weeks you need to do a pedicure. You need to remove the varnish coating with a liquid that does not include acetone. After that, the legs are steamed in warm water and wiped with a terry towel. Nails should be filed rather than cut off. In no case should you cut it with an oval, because this way the nail can grow into soft tissues.

If the nails become "loose", red spots appear, and the skin on the feet begins to peel off - you need to see a doctor, these may be symptoms of a fungal disease.

In summer, it is very useful to walk barefoot on sand and small sea stones, this will replace foot massage.

Carefully groomed feet

Beautiful legs are not only a priceless gift of nature, but also the result of constant care for them, so they should be a separate item in your personal care program. Our feet not only serve us faithfully, taking an average of about 270 million steps. Your general well-being also depends on them, your legs get tired - you are also unwell.

After a shower or bath, dry your feet thoroughly with a towel, not forgetting to dry the skin between the fingers, lubricate with a special foot cream, massaging each toe individually, slightly pulling them away. Then stretch your foot with your thumb. This small massage improves blood circulation and stimulates the work of all organs of your body. As soon as you have the opportunity, go barefoot - it's a real rest for the feet, and it also trains the calf muscles perfectly.

Polished nails look beautiful only on well-groomed feet. Therefore, it is imperative to remove keratinized skin on the feet - with the help of a special peeling cream for the feet, which in the most gentle way will eliminate keratinized scales that make the skin on the feet, heels gray, ugly. If such a cream is used regularly, the skin will become soft, smooth, tender. It is best to pre-moisten the skin before treatment, apply the product, massaging, then remove by rinsing with warm water.

Another equally common way to get rid of dead skin cells on the feet is to use a pumice stone after a warm foot bath. It is useful from time to time (preferably at night) to wipe rough, rough heels with lemon juice, which in a gentle way, but quite effectively copes with this task. After 10 minutes, wash off the juice and apply a thick layer of universal fat cream, put on thin cotton socks and relax. The skin after such a procedure becomes smooth and tender.

In any case, after the cleaning procedure, the legs should be rinsed with cold water from the shower, while directing the stream of water from the fingertips to the thigh. Contrasting water procedures - an excellent training for blood vessels - will prevent the appearance of ugly "stars" that protrude under the skin of capillaries.

Nails should be trimmed about 1-2 times a month. It is best to do this after a warm soapy bath with special tweezers or small scissors. Nails are cut straight to avoid ingrown nails. Do not cut your nails too short, especially on the thumbs, they protect the skin from contact with shoes, friction, scuffs and calluses.

Trim the uneven edges of the nails with a special nail file, do not cut off the skin at the base of the nails, but only move it away with a rounded spatula.

If you wish or lack of time, you can not do all these manipulations on your own, at home. Go to a beauty salon where a specialist will give you a pedicure.

Every time after washing, lubricate the legs, including the feet, with a rich moisturizer, cosmetic or vegetable oil. Even if you do not like oil, remember that after applying it, the skin will become soft and supple. In no case do not use Vaseline, boric Vaseline, creams based on them to soften the skin of the feet, their action only with rare use can create the effect of moisturized, soft skin. With frequent use, the skin becomes even drier, flaky. For those who have very thin, dry skin, glycerin-based foot creams are ideal.

Some of your habits (tight shoes, tight stockings, constant wearing of socks, the habit of crossing your legs when sitting) are bad for your legs because they interfere with blood circulation. If you are forced to sit or stand for a long time, for example at work, then blood and lymph stagnate in the feet. Hence the heaviness in the legs, swelling, which in the worst case can lead to varicose veins. And so beloved by many high heels prevent the outflow of blood to the heart. Therefore, try to wear shoes with high heels (above 7–9 cm) as rarely as possible, on special occasions, please your legs with shoes with low flat soles.

To relieve fatigue, rinse your legs with cold water or wipe with ice cubes, apply menthol gel, lie down for a few minutes, raising your legs higher.

Energetic STOP MASSAGE, widely used in Asian countries, will allow you to relieve tired legs in a short time.

1. With your thumbs, press vigorously on the bottom of the nail bed of each finger, then on the joints and separately on the base of each finger.

2. Grasp each foot with your hands and massage the area between the metatarsal bones (just below the base of the fingers).

3. Massage the sole from heel to toe, kneading the inner arch of the foot.

4. Massage the areas on both sides of the Achilles tendon (ankle).

Recently, unfortunately, fungal diseases of the feet are widespread. The reason for this is non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, sweating, flat feet. The disease is transmitted not only directly from a sick person, but also through contact with his personal belongings (socks, slippers, scissors, towels, etc.), as well as in baths and pools. That is why you should never use someone else's shoes, when visiting the pool it is better to wear rubber slippers on your feet, and do not violate the rules of hygiene.

It is also advisable to wear socks, stockings made of natural fibers (cotton, wool, silk), because they do not interfere with air exchange, feet do not sweat, and favorable conditions for fungi are not created.

In order to get rid of excessive sweating of the feet, try using one of the remedies we offer:

- take 1 tsp. salt and tea soda, dissolve in 1 cup of boiling water, wash your feet with this cool solution every morning and evening, then dry your skin thoroughly;

- take 50-100 g of oak bark per 1 liter of water, boil for 20-30 minutes over low heat, cool and use the decoction for daily foot baths;

- once a week it is advisable to arrange a special bath for the feet: pour warm water into the basin, add 2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, dip your feet there and massage your feet with a special brush. After that, pour cold water over your feet, dry with a towel, if the skin of the feet is dry, lubricate it with cream or vegetable oil.

If, despite all your efforts, some areas of the feet are painful, itchy and flaky, do not put off a visit to the doctor.


We think that the body does not look attractive, especially in summer, during the beach season, if unattractive hairs are not removed from the legs, armpits, along the bikini line. Agree, smooth, delicate skin is much more beautiful and attractive.

Choose the method of hair removal yourself, but we will only talk about each of them in more detail.

You can quickly remove hair with an electric razor for women - a depilator. This method is sometimes called dry shaving, which is very convenient. Is not it? The working surface of the device has a comfortable shape, which makes it easy to cope even with underarm shaving. Some models are equipped with several interchangeable nozzles, including a massager.

One of the most popular hair removal methods is wet shaving. Especially for women, razors have been created with safety blades, a strip of moisturizer that enters the skin through the gap between the blades during shaving. Numerous creams and gels for and after shaving will help you properly care for your skin.

In addition, they have a pleasant smell, which will allow you not to use after the procedure either deodorants or perfumes that leave traces on the skin, leading to the formation of age spots on the skin under the influence of sunlight.

Especially popular in recent years are creams and foams for hair removal. The product is applied in a thick layer on the treated area of ​​the body, after 5-10 minutes the cream is removed with a spatula along with the hair. The skin is rinsed with warm water without soap. It is not recommended to use deodorants, sprays containing alcohol after the procedure.

Another, no less reliable tool is cosmetic wax. With it, it is convenient to remove hair on the legs, along the bikini line. Wax is heated in a water bath to the consistency of liquid honey and applied with a brush in strips of 10-3 cm from bottom to top. Special woven strips are superimposed on top (included with wax). After 10 minutes, the strips are removed with one jerk in the opposite direction of hair growth, and the skin is lubricated with aftershave cream.

Hair removal procedures performed in beauty salons are much more effective, for example, electrolysis - the destruction of hair follicles (follicles) with electricity. After 2-3 sessions, the hair stops growing at all.


Bathing, showering, bathing are water procedures that are regularly necessary not only to cleanse the body, but also to strengthen the immune system of your body. However, try to turn your bathroom from a washroom into a real oasis of peace, beauty and pleasure.

Indeed, to enjoy the pleasant warmth, gain strength, relax, take care of your health and beauty, you just need to plunge into the bath. And all you need for this is just 15-30 minutes of free time, aromatic essential oils and herbs, sea salt or cosmetics based on seafood.

Do you want to cheer up, feel more confident? Take a refreshing bath in the morning. The optimum water temperature for them is 33-35 ° C, essential oils of mint, lemon, rosemary or coniferous extract can be used as an additive, they are taken within 10-15 minutes. After an invigorating water treatment, rub the body dry so that the skin turns slightly red from the influx of blood.

Soothing baths will help you unwind after a hard day's work, inspire restful sleep, or set you in a romantic mood. The water temperature is close to body temperature, the duration is up to 30 minutes. Rose (petals), laurel (essential oil), lavender (flowers, essential oil) will calm the nerves, relieve stress, insomnia; rose and jasmine will enhance sensuality in intimate relationships. Try to ensure that the atmosphere in the bathroom is appropriate - relaxing, beneficial to the nervous system. Wrap your head in a towel to make it more comfortable to lie in the bath, apply a nourishing mask to your face, turn on soothing music or light a scented candle. All this will enhance the relaxing effect of the bath.

Warming baths with a gradual increase in temperature to 39 ° C stimulate the process of blood supply, use them for hypothermia for 15–20 minutes. Warm baths must be completed with a cool or cold shower.

By the way, taking a bath is convenient to combine with many cosmetic procedures - various masks for the face, neck, decollete, peeling for the whole body. Peeling with sea salt once a week will remove the scales of dead cells on the body, magnesium, which is part of the salt, stimulates the metabolism. After such cleaning, all cosmetics are absorbed into the skin faster and better.

SALT BATH has a beneficial effect on the skin, it loses less moisture than in ordinary water. Coarse-grained sea salt is sold in pharmacies, many cosmetic companies produce bath additives in the form of flavored or ordinary sea salt.

Dissolve 400 g of sea salt in 1 liter of hot water and add to cold water. Stay in the bath for no longer than 15 minutes. During this time, the skin of your body will be saturated with minerals, microelements, which will accelerate the removal of toxins from the body.

BATH WITH ALGAE or sea extracts (sold in the form of easily soluble bath tablets) improve fat metabolism in tissues, promote tissue excretion, moisturize the skin and act invigoratingly.

AROMATIC BATH - a feast for the soul. Just add a few drops of essential oil to the water. These concentrated vegetable oils are not only absorbed by the skin, but also affect the brain through the respiratory centers, improving mood, stimulating the work of certain internal organs, calming and relieving fears, insomnia, etc. Essential oils have a wide spectrum of action. Hops, valerian, lime blossom or sandalwood are effective for improving sleep. Bergamot, mint, citrus fruits have a restorative effect. For colds, we recommend using anise, eucalyptus, pine needles.

When preparing a bath with the addition of essential oils, remember that they do not bind water molecules, that is, they do not dissolve, but remain on the surface of the water. In this regard, do not pour the indicated number of drops of oil immediately into the bath, but use emulsifiers: mix the oils with 1 glass of cream or 2 tbsp. l. honey, add the already prepared mixture to the water. Easier to use oils, enclosed in special gel balls, they can be put into the bath immediately, they dissolve easily.

It is very good for the body to periodically take a BATH WITH ROSE PETALS. Fill the bath with warm, but not hot water, dissolve 2 tbsp. l. honey, 1 cup heavy cream (or 1/2 liter fresh unboiled milk), add a few handfuls of pre-brewed petals. Stir the water, immerse yourself in it entirely, relax, lie down for 30-40 minutes. Then just lightly blot the skin with a soft towel, in no case washing off the magic elixir of youth.

FOAM BATHS are also extremely popular, as additives in this case, various foams and bath gels are used. So that the skin after such a procedure does not become dry, try to buy products whose pH is neutral (5.5).

CREAM BATH SUPPLEMENTS contain substances that replenish body fat, providing your skin with moisturizing cleansing.

After the bath, dive deeper into the bowels of your favorite terry bathrobe, relax for 10 minutes and proceed to cosmetic procedures. The skin of the body, like the skin of the face, needs nourishment and hydration, therefore, after water procedures, soften it with body lotion or emulsion, apply gel, milk on dry skin. Unlike a cream, they will not leave a greasy sheen on the skin, keeping it moisturized for a long time. Apply the product in a thin layer, rub until completely absorbed.

All offered body care products are similar in composition, but rather differ in smell: floral, refreshing, herbal, fruity and refined. You should like the smell of the drug, it is better if it is light, barely perceptible, does not change, and even more so does not enhance the smell of your body.

There is also a special aromatic powder, which is applied to the body after washing, lays on the skin with a thin film. It will help keep you feeling fresh for hours. In addition, the skin will not shine from sweat, as the powder will absorb tiny droplets of it.

Applying deodorant should be a mandatory item in your body care program. At the same time, it is important (especially in summer) to use only non-alcoholic and preferably non-perfumed options that do not irritate sensitive skin that has undergone depilation.


By the way, regular salt baths will help to effectively fight cellulite (loose fat deposits on the thighs, buttocks, arms), so be sure to include them in our special anti-cellulite program. When cellulite appears, the skin becomes uneven and bumpy, like an orange peel. To cope with this cosmetic defect is possible only with proper nutrition, regular physical activity, the use of massage and abundant water intake.

If you constantly consume a lot of sweet, meat dishes and not enough vegetables and fruits, then the body processes all dietary fats and deposits them in the form of toxins, leading to loss of skin elasticity. Other causes are oxygen deficiency and lack of movement. Regular walks in the fresh air and light physical activity are enough to start a long journey to getting rid of cellulite.

The latest anti-cellulite preparations containing moisturizing ingredients, natural oils and extracts of medicinal plants will help you a lot. If, in addition, brown or red algae are present in their composition, then the agent, when applied to the skin, will act as a drain, preventing excess fluid from accumulating in the tissues.

Such products nourish the skin at the same time, but are effective only in combination with massage and, we are not ashamed to remind you again, regular exercise. You can easily do the massage yourself: grab a skin area with your thumb and fingertips, gently pull it up or simply rub the product applied onto the skin with a special studded rubber brush. The laziest of you will be helped out by the so-called massage leotards, which create the effect of a light acupressure with every movement.

You can restore the skin to its former elasticity, as well as reduce the volume of the thighs, lower legs by 1–2 cm, by contacting a beauty salon for help, which conducts anti-cellulite wraps. The healing clay of the Dead Sea is applied to the skin of problem areas, then the necessary areas are tightly pulled together with dense cotton ribbons. Thus, cosmetologists achieve stimulation of the metabolism in the body, while the skin is supplied with minerals and trace elements.

Nutrition is a very important point in the treatment of cellulite. Therefore, try to eat more raw vegetables and fruits, dishes prepared from any whole grain, but significantly reduce the consumption of meat, fats, flour products. During the day, you need to drink 2-3 liters of mineral water, green tea without sugar or herbal infusion.

There will be no trace of cellulite, the skin will become elastic and healthy if you supplement this program with a set of exercises that activate the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, and lower leg. Consult with specialists, he will select the load, the number of exercises, the methodology for conducting classes especially for you.

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CHICKEN LEGS A-LA LOUIS XIII Boil the chicken leg in salted water with celery root. Separate the chicken meat from the bones and turn it in a meat grinder. Add mayonnaise, butter, pepper, salt to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. Transfer the received

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Fried chicken legs Composition. 300 g of chicken, 30 g of lard, 30 g of starch, 1/4 egg, 5 ml of soy sauce, 5 g of sugar and salt each. Cooking method. Chicken legs (preferably chicken) chop off 1–2 cm below the knee joint and clean the bones. Then moisten the legs in a mixture of starch,

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WORLD STANDARD LEGS “Most women hardly feel the lower half of the body. And there is an explanation for this. The fat that is located in the lower half of the body is burned with great difficulty. This is a stubborn and lazy fat. It is much harder than in other parts of the body, it comes out

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Slender legs, tightened buttocks This program helps not only to model ideal legs and buttocks, but also effectively burns excess fat. It is so effective that it allows you to evaluate the first result after a few weeks of regular

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Slender legs, tightened buttocks This program helps not only to model ideal legs and buttocks, but also effectively burns excess fat. It is so effective that it allows you to evaluate the first result after a few weeks of regular training.

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Chapter II Well-groomed brushes

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Chapter 8 Well-groomed hands Hands, like the neck, immediately betray the age of a woman, especially if they are not taken care of. If you have dry, slightly rough skin on your hands from constant work, the recipes I offer will help you perform a small miracle. With their help, you soften and

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Legs, shake! Here are some exercises that will help you improve blood circulation in the lower extremities and avoid various troubles associated with their diseases. 1.? Raise one leg as high as possible, pull the toe towards you. Keep your foot in it

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Beautiful manicure - well-groomed hands The word "manicure" comes from the Latin words manus - hand and cura - care. Thus, literally, manicure means caring for the hands, i.e. nails, brushes, fingers.

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Chicken legs in tea marinade You will need:? 5-7 chicken legs; ? 300 ml of water; ? 3 art. spoons of tea leaves; ? 1.5 teaspoons of salt; ? 1.5 teaspoons of pepper; ? soy sauce. Cooking method: 1. Prepare the marinade: boil water, put tea leaves and leave for 10 minutes.

From the author's book

89. Oh, what legs! The calf muscles experience great stress when walking and can be pumped or spasmed - hence the fullness. But before you start training, you need to decide if there are any contraindications to procedures to reduce the volume of calves and

The long-awaited summer is on the nose - it's time for short skirts, sandals, the sea, the sun and bikinis. Most often, we desperately put our figure in order, completely forgetting about the most important part of our body - About the Legs! After all, beautiful and well-groomed legs, pink and childishly soft heels - this is, so to speak, the face of a self-respecting lady!

So, what pitfalls can we come across and overshadow our summer vacation?

The main problems in this period:

Cracks and dry heels due to dust - this is the time. Secondly, to be honest, in winter the heels are hidden from prying eyes, so we believe that you can take care of them not so scrupulously.

Calluses due to new shoes, perhaps not yet worn out enough or a little tight (see next point)

Heaviness and fullness in the legs due to constant heat and increased varicose veins in the summer. Vessels dilate, our legs swell.

Dry or exfoliating nails, the consequences of the negative effects of heat and salty sea water

- "corns" occur due to uncomfortable shoes or frequent wearing of rubber slates

Start taking care of your feet today!

Stage 1

Let's start with the legs. For this, decoctions of herbs are suitable, which can be found in any pharmacy.

Black elderberry flowers will save you from fatigue

Flaxseed will help strengthen the skin of the legs

Linden and chamomile will help with swelling of the legs

St. John's wort refreshes tired feet

Calendula will help with bad smell, scuffs and cracks as a disinfectant

And here is my favorite recipe: a foot bath, as they say, "in haste."

We pour warm water. Add coarse sea salt to it. We steam the legs for 10-15 minutes. Such a bath perfectly tones tired legs, relieves fatigue after a hard day's work.

Stage 2

Foot peeling.

Now spas offer many different types of peeling (chemical, hardware, mechanical). By paying a “good” amount to an experienced pedicurist, you can experience all the delights of this action. But peeling can be done at home.

A homemade scrub is such a useful contraption that consists of solid particles and a base (butter, natural yogurt). Solid particles perform the most important mission: exfoliate dead cells, renew and rejuvenate the skin.

Coffee peeling.

Ground coffee 1 table. spoon

Sea salt 1 teaspoon

Olive oil 2 tablespoon

We mix everything and get a wonderful foot scrub.

After using it, the legs become noticeably softer.

Did you know that sea sand is an amazing foot exfoliator? Being at sea, do not be lazy, type and bring some sand with you. Fine sand is best for this procedure. Mix the sand with oil (olive, sunflower) - you get a scrub in the form of gruel. Gently scrub your pre-steamed feet with this mixture for up to 3-4 minutes. After such a procedure, the skin of the legs becomes smoother and healthier. Not only you will notice the result!

Stage 3

The next step to the beauty of your legs will be foot masks. It is advisable to apply the mask for 20-30 minutes, while the legs should be wrapped with cellophane and a towel for a brighter effect and deep penetration of nutrients.

As a mask, you can apply mayonnaise, mashed potatoes, sour cream and even cottage cheese. Moreover, the latter also have bleaching properties.

And here are some effective recipes for masks to soften the rough skin of the heels.

Mix chopped apricots with a little olive oil. We warm up a little. Put on the heels in a warm form.

Grind the zucchini and apply on the heels in the form of a compress. This tool not only softens the heels, but also helps to get rid of cracks.

Stage 4

How to get rid of "corns".

"Corns" are keratinized, but at the same time very painful areas of the skin. Most often they appear on the feet and heels. There are many reasons for the appearance, the main ones are: wearing high heels, wrong or uncomfortable shoes, overweight. You can get rid of "corns" at home with the help of compresses and pumice, but you need to know that this is a long and hard work.

A compress can be made from grated onion, propolis, tomato, fresh aloe or celandine. The duration of action is 12 hours. After removing the compress, the “corns” are rubbed with pumice and smeared with cream.

Stage 5

How to get rid of odor and excessive sweating of the feet.

Another annoying problem. The reason for the unpleasant odor is increased sweating, which intensifies in the heat, during physical exertion. Sweat itself is made up of water and salt, but bad breath is caused by bacteria that thrive in warm, humid environments. To reduce sweating of the feet, it is advisable to wear shoes made from natural materials that are breathable and light. Don't forget about foot hygiene. A fungus can often be the cause of bad breath. Therefore, at the first suspicions (sweating, unpleasant odor, itching), you should consult a doctor.

To get rid of the smell of sweat, it is advised to wash your feet more often and change your socks. In my opinion, such advice is given by people who know this problem only by hearsay. For a long time, these procedures will not help. For a short time, baths with chamomile, a decoction of oak bark or strong tea leaves help to get rid of the smell of sweat. You can wipe your feet with a solution of table vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 3.

To make our legs look 100%, you should take care of your nails. Remember to do a pedicure 2-3 times a month. These are simple procedures that can be done at home: trim nails, monitor the cuticle and the appearance of the nail plate. If the nails began to exfoliate, try treating them with iodine at night. You can thickly lubricate the nails with medicated oils (for example, grape seed oil). But if the nails have acquired a yellowish color, then you can try wiping them daily with lemon or making baths with the addition of lemon juice. It can also indicate a lack of vitamins in the body.

The most important thing is that care should be daily, and then your legs will look amazing not only in evening shoes, but also barefoot on the sea coast.

Hands and feet are a visiting card of a woman. Psychologists have long noted the fact that, looking at a woman, a man, first of all, pays attention to her arms and legs, and only then to her face and other parts of the body. And if the nails on the hands or feet are untidy, broken off, then no matter how pretty a woman is, she will not make a proper impression on an intelligent man.

Benefits of a pedicure

A neat, beautiful pedicure is the best decoration for women's legs. On such legs and open shoes look elegant. However, in addition to aesthetic, pedicure also performs important sanitary and hygienic functions:

  • During the performance of the relevant procedures, the general condition of the skin on the feet is checked, cracks, calluses, abrasions can be detected and treated in time. In this way, a number of unpleasant skin diseases can be avoided.
  • A beautiful pedicure involves the timely cleansing and processing of nails, which will not allow them to grow into the body and cause unpleasant pain.
  • Before pedicure work, special antiseptic and softening foot baths are made, which positively affects the skin and nail plates. Thus, the nails receive the necessary hydration and nutrition, which helps to fight their delamination, making the nails stronger and stronger.
  • A beautiful pedicure made with varnishes not only looks impressive, but also performs protective functions, covering the nail plates, preventing pathogenic bacteria from getting on them, preventing delamination and brittleness.
  • The result is obvious - nails are healthy, strong, smooth.

Benefits of a professional pedicure

A modern woman, of course, is able to do both manicure and pedicure for herself. It turns out she is quite professional. However, it is still better that a beautiful pedicure be done by the hands of a master. The whole process consists of a number of steps:

  • Procedures for softening rough, callused layers of the skin and removing them.
  • Processing and treatment of deformed nail surfaces.
  • Prevention and and fungal diseases.
  • Removal of cuticles, foot massage and stimulation of energy points-centers located on the feet. This procedure is very effective for the whole body.
  • On request - gel Each type of pedicure is distinguished by its medical and technical features and is useful for feet and nails in its own way.

What is a gel pedicure

This is the coating of the nail plate with gel and the formation of it under this coating. Modern gel technologies help to solve many problems:

  • Hide the imperfection of natural nails, if they are uneven, stained or too fragile.
  • Cope with the curvature of the nail plates or their departure from the nail bed.
  • Fix wrong

Such a manicure is done only on the thumb - the rest of the toenails are not suitable for this, because. too small. But it can be decorated with painting, rhinestones and other attributes of nail art. A beautiful pedicure, a photo of which can be seen in different versions, will allow you to visualize all its advantages.

Dear ladies, always be gorgeous and fully armed from the top of your head to the tips of your toenails. And let men admire your legs with pleasure!