Beautiful makeup for children: step-by-step instructions, interesting ideas and recommendations. Children's makeup

Makeup for women and teenagers is a completely natural and acceptable phenomenon. This is a sign of grooming, a way of self-expression. This kind of make-up does not cause a storm of emotions and condemnation. Makeup for girls is a special topic, one of the most discussed and controversial.

What is children's make up?

To understand what children's makeup is, you need to take into account its difference from adults and teenagers. This is not a reason to appear older and resemble your mother, older sister, or your idol from the TV screen, as many people mistakenly believe. In fact, this is a one-time appointment that is necessary for a specific case.

Therefore, the argument that it is fashionable and modern for children to wear makeup at the same level as adults is wrong.

Children's makeup is a way to present yourself from the best side. It is not applicable in everyday life, since it is inappropriate: the girl is beautiful by nature and spoiling the natural beauty of the child is unacceptable. This kind of make-up helps out on special occasions; it adds brightness and uniqueness to the image. Such cosmetics are especially relevant for girls aged 9, 10 and 11: little girls simply do not need them.

Features and Benefits

Children's cosmetics are different from other analogues. Unlike the purpose of the arsenal of adults and adolescents, these products are not aimed at correcting facial features. Its task is to show the child’s individuality in the right situation.

The peculiarity of children's makeup is the age of the girl. You can’t paint children’s skin and the eyes of babies: their cosmetics are hygiene products. Until the age of six, only face art is allowed.

Some mothers buy children's cosmetics for their daughters almost from kindergarten age. And although, in pursuit of fashion trends, it seems to them that a painted child looks irresistible, in fact, the look of a girl resembles a teenager with an undeveloped body.

One of the features that do not allow applying makeup early is the structure of the skin: in children, it is thinner, therefore less protected and has increased penetration.

For children's make-up, hypoallergenic cosmetics on a water and natural basis with a light and gentle effect are used. It is fundamentally different from other analogues, as it is developed taking into account the increased tendency of the delicate skin of children to injury.

Children's cosmetics take into account the structure of epidermal cells of each age, therefore they have a neutral pH and do not contain chemical components and preservatives that destroy the structure of the skin.

Due to the composition of cosmetics, children's makeup is characterized by low durability. It can lose its attractiveness very quickly if the child touches his face.

When is it appropriate?

Children's make-up is a way to stand out in a particular case. It can be stage or festive. Depending on the occasion, it is great for:



Performances (ballroom dancing, artistic gymnastics);

Stage image (children's theater);


Graduation party in elementary school.

Overall, this is a godsend for kids to be themselves and be special at the same time. Such cosmetics do not clog pores, have a rich palette of shades and do not irritate the delicate skin of the face.

Children's makeup can be traditional and fantasy (face art), when a unique design is applied to the face. The themes of the second method (face painting) are varied. Popular designs for such make-up are:

Wings of butterflies and birds;

Animal faces;

Clown faces;

Pirate Sketches;

Images of your favorite idols (Monster High, Winx);

Horror stories in Halloween style;

Stars, sparks, hearts;

Small independent patterns.

The girl’s make-up does not accept the “heavy artillery” of cosmetics. Even face painting (drawing with water-based paints) should be easy. Otherwise, your appearance will lose the charm of age. You shouldn't wear makeup to school: this is not a place to show off children's makeup.

Why is it needed?

Dressing a girl like an adult woman is ugly and tasteless. Even fashion shows of children's clothing collections by famous couturiers avoid aggressive children's makeup. Experienced makeup artists slightly accentuate the eyes, leaving children the right to individuality.

The purpose of children's makeup is to surprise and draw attention. In one case it’s a bright make-up, in the other – skillful facial accents. This is a godsend for those who want to bring a holiday to every occasion.

For a themed party, performances, or dances, colorful colors are allowed, but they are subject to a specific theme. For example, Halloween-style makeup cannot be confused with anything. The same can be said about the makeup of a girl participating in a dance competition.

Makeup for performances is a vibrant topic. In cases where it is necessary, you can highlight the eyes and draw a picture in the same style as the clothes. This way, facial features will be visible from afar: this is the purpose of such makeup. Clothes and makeup should be in the same style and color.

Makeup for photos, 4th grade graduation, birthday - the delicate work of a makeup artist. This is not a simple standard make-up: it is no less important than hairstyle and clothes.

Experienced stylists can decorate with cosmetics not only a teenager and an 8-year-old girl, but also babies up to 5-7 years old.

Choice of funds

Choosing beauty products for children's makeup is not an easy task. It must be borne in mind that not all components of women's and teenage cosmetics are acceptable:

there can be no foundation, its use will lead to early aging and sagging skin;

Loose mineral powder is allowed with a light texture that is applied in the thinnest layer;

in extreme cases, a bactericidal corrector is used to remove dark circles around the eyes;

The choice of lipstick depends on the occasion: little girls don’t need it (lip balm is enough); fashionistas aged 8 and 9 can pay attention to the transparent version with minimal shine;

mascara is bought for older girls, its acceptable color is brown, close to the color of eyelashes;

For photo shoots, choose light shadows that are close to the natural skin tone;

no eyeliner: this is the prerogative of adults, you shouldn’t age the baby in this way;

Shiny shadows, brown, white pencil and bright black mascara are acceptable only for performances (for photo shoots, birthdays, it is contraindicated).

Face painting is suitable for all children. These paints are harmless and allow you to instantly change a child beyond recognition.

What to look for when buying?

Despite the widest selection of cosmetic products for children, in choosing them you can come across a lot of pitfalls. If a drug is labeled “children’s”, this is far from an indicator of a good and harmless product. Bright, colorful packaging is a clever trick by companies to attract children specifically. It is difficult to dissuade a girl from buying this or that cosmetics if the packaging depicts her favorite cartoon character or musical idol.

When purchasing makeup products, there are a few tips to consider:

cosmetics should not contain hormones of plant and animal origin;

Exotic components are not allowed: they can cause skin irritation and allergies. The effect of cosmetics should be mild;

if the whole chain is written on the package chemical ingredients, this product cannot be purchased;

any beauty product should be washed off with plain water;

expiration date is an important condition: expired products can seriously injure delicate, unformed skin;

Expensive does not mean better: the manufacturer himself is important, whose products have a lot of positive reviews;

It is better to make a purchase in a trusted store(no kiosks or hand sales from representatives of cosmetic companies).

How to apply correctly: execution techniques

Children's makeup, in the understanding of many, means putting on your mother's makeup. In fact, the technique for applying cosmetics depends on the specific case. This is a carefully thought-out style (cat girl, fairy, owl, stage character, Indian flavor, etc.), which will require knowledge of certain nuances of applying makeup.

In addition, a lot depends on the girl’s age: what is appropriate for 11 years old is unacceptable for little 5-year-old fashionistas.

Cosmetics should be applied exclusively to clean skin. Drug intervention should be minimal.

Face art

The technique is performed using face painting (low-grease paints or makeup pencils, for example, water-based Alpino) and painting brushes. The paints can be mixed until the desired tone is obtained; if necessary, they are diluted with water. The drawing can start from any area of ​​the face.

With each new stroke, the tone intensifies and the pattern is drawn, without touching the area of ​​the eyes and mouth. This technique is reminiscent of gouache painting. Thanks to the technique, you can create the image of a clown, a Japanese woman, a dude, an owl, a pirate, a cat girl, or art in the spirit of anime.

Stage make-up

This makeup is needed so that from the stage the face appears expressive and facial features are visible. It is good for gymnasts and young actresses. It is applied with special brushes using bright cosmetic colors. The technique can be mixed when using cosmetics and water-based face paints.

Having powdered the skin of the face, shadows are applied to the eyelid area to match the stage costume, then contours are given to them so that they are better visible from afar. Eyelashes are an important point: without them, makeup will not be bright enough. We must not forget about lipstick: the occasion demands it. To prevent it from smearing when touched, you need very little product. It is applied to the center of the lips, stretching to their borders.

When grown women put on makeup, it’s common, understandable and natural. But sometimes children's makeup for girls is also necessary. There are not very many such situations, but it is better to be prepared for them in advance. Therefore, today we will talk about children's makeup.

Little girls regularly sneak cosmetics from their mother or older sister to try them out on the sly. This is normal, because they are not trying on the role of an adult woman. But it’s quite difficult to imagine that this young and gentle creature will apply it every day.

First of all, it's harmful. Delicate baby skin is not adapted to such stress. In the future, this may cause a lot of cosmetic problems. Secondly, it's vulgar. No explanation required here.

But in some cases, makeup for little girls is still acceptable. Here are a few similar cases:

  • Photoshoot. Even children's skin under the gun of a professional camera may not be ideal. Light makeup will help eliminate minor cosmetic defects.
  • Holidays. Children's makeup for New Year, Birthday, Halloween and other holidays is quite acceptable. These can be bright fantasy patterns applied with special cosmetics - face painting.
  • Performances. The only time bright children's makeup for girls may be needed is stage performances. If a child is involved in dancing, singing, circus arts or some sports, he will have to master it. Otherwise, from the stage the face will look like a white spot, especially against the backdrop of bright costumes.

In other cases, children's makeup is unnecessary and even dangerous.

Makeup for a photo shoot

Today, professional photo sessions have become available not only to stars, but also to everyone who wants to capture the brightest moments of life. And children participate in them no less often than adults, because this tender age is so fleeting that parents want to leave as many memories about it as possible. If you don’t know how to do makeup for children correctly and beautifully, it is better to consult with a makeup artist or order work from him. But if you have the time and desire to experiment, then you can turn this into a fun game that will bring pleasure to both you and your baby.

Preparation for a photo shoot depends on age. For very young girls under the age of 6-7 years, no preparation is required; from 8 to 12, minimal intervention may be needed:

  • Tone. You will need the most delicate and light water-based foundation. Apply it with very light movements onto previously cleansed skin. Now take a little powder on the brush, knock off the main part and walk over the face. If there are any flaws, you can first hide them with a corrector. You can apply a drop of soft pink blush to the apples of your cheeks.
  • You shouldn't dye your eyelashes, but to fluff and give them shape, you can go over them with a clear eyelash gel. It is enough to comb your eyebrows with a brush.
  • Lips can be lightly tinted with transparent gloss. It is important not to make them glass, but just to liven them up a little.

Nothing more is required. Children's makeup for a photo shoot should only emphasize the freshness of the face.

For older girls, you can use a more substantial set of cosmetics, including brown or dark gray mascara, light eye shadow, and light lipstick. Particular attention should be paid to the tone of the face, because at this age cosmetic defects appear associated with hormonal changes in the body.

Read also: Keratin lamination of eyelashes - main stages of the procedure

Face art

Festive makeup can be much brighter. A completely different type of cosmetics is used for this. The so-called face painting is safe for their skin, but has rich colors and a dense texture. It is washed off with ordinary warm water, leaving no trace behind.

With its help, you can draw a bright mask that complements the image, create bright patterns. If you don’t know how to do children’s makeup using face painting, then it’s better to seek help from a professional. Many people now offer such services.

On the other hand, you can purchase a kit in advance and practice. Children love face painting, which allows them to turn into a princess, fairy, cat, tiger, pirate, superhero and any other character.

The main thing is not to skimp on quality. There are cheap paints, gouache diluted with water, but they can be potentially dangerous for a child's skin.

When adult women or teenagers dye their hair, eyes and lips, this is common and does not cause indignation. But when makeup appears on children's faces, it becomes somewhat unexpected. There are times when children's makeup is simply necessary, and it is better to prepare for such situations. Let's look at the intricacies of creating an image for babies.

Using foundation

Young children tend to have smooth, even skin on their face, so you won't need foundation or powder for a normal everyday look. When it comes to older teenagers, their skin is unpredictable and prone to blemishes such as acne. Such manifestations should be masked with cosmetics. In the case of a photo shoot or other event, even schoolgirls are advised to apply a small amount of concealer and powder.

To perform professional children's makeup, it is recommended to use a water-based foundation. The corners of the eyes, the wings of the nose and the corners of the lips are places where the skin color is slightly lighter than the main tone. Next, a mattifying foundation is applied using patting movements. In order for the foundation to adhere better, it is recommended to mix it with the moisturizer that the child usually uses. This will moisturize the skin and give it an even color. The base is covered with a thin layer of transparent or pinkish loose powder.

How to paint your eyes

To give the look the finishing touch, you should shade the little lady's eyes. Light shades of eyeshadow are suitable for this, but it is better to avoid black mascara. It is better to give preference to gray or brown eyelash colors, this will emphasize the youth and tenderness of the face. Everyday children's makeup does not tolerate drawing arrows with eyeliner; it is enough to tint the outer corner of the eyelid with a dark pencil, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

It is important that all cosmetics are natural and do not cause irritation or other allergic reactions in the child’s body. In addition, when applying eyeliner, the baby may suddenly open her eye, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences. For a special event, you can use face painting.

Highlighting lips

If the baby is under 10 years old, it is better to give preference to colorless glitter, since it is less toxic. At this age, a child’s smile is charming without additional cosmetics. To apply a thin layer of gloss, you should ask the baby to open his lips slightly, but under no circumstances stretch them.

If parents prohibit the use of any decorative cosmetics at such a young age, it is recommended to replace glitter with olive oil and loose glitter. The resulting image is very festive and safe. Teenage girls can already use their mother’s lipstick, but preference should be given to light shades. Under no circumstances should you paint your lips with bright red or scarlet colors, it looks ridiculous and vulgar.

After the holiday, it is recommended to thoroughly wash off your makeup. Parents should tell their daughters about the inept use of cosmetics and its harmful effects on the skin of a young beauty. So that your child has an understanding of the principles of applying makeup, show relevant photos and videos.

In what cases does a child need makeup?

Of course, the regular use of cosmetics by little girls will eventually result in a series of unpleasant consequences, because young skin is not accustomed to such stress. In the future, a lot of cosmetic problems will appear. Besides, bright makeup on a pretty face is vulgar and completely ugly.

But there are times in life when children's makeup is simply necessary:

Holidays. This could be an interesting look for the New Year, March 8, Halloween and other events. Special face painting will help you create an original make-up;

Performances. For girls, stage performances are the only case when a child’s image should be bright and rich. Parents should master the technique of applying bright makeup if the child is involved in singing, dancing, rhythmic gymnastics, etc. Otherwise, the baby risks looking like a gray mouse;

Photoshoot. In front of a professional camera, even children's skin may not be ideal. Light makeup will help eliminate defects and add a special charm.

The main principle is not to make an artificial doll out of a child. It is important that the child maintains a sweet and spontaneous image, regardless of the amount of makeup on the face. You can learn more about the daily makeup technique in the video.

Subtleties of applying makeup for different occasions


If we talk about a photo shoot, then today professional shooting is available to everyone, even children. This allows you to capture bright and memorable events in life. Parents want to prolong the tender age of their children and leave as many memories of them as possible.

The child appears at his best in front of the camera, and it is important to do the right makeup. But to perform make-up and add originality to the image, it is recommended to order the services of a professional makeup artist. If desired, parents can experiment and turn preparation for a photo shoot into an exciting game that will bring positive emotions and put the baby in a positive mood.

Depending on age, the rules for applying makeup change. For little ladies under 6 years old, no cosmetics are required as the skin is too sensitive and delicate. From 7-8 years of age, it is recommended to use natural remedies and minimal intervention.

A light water- or oxygen-based cream is suitable as a foundation. It is applied with light patting movements to the cleansed skin of the baby’s face. Apply loose powder over the entire face. At this age, blemishes and acne rarely appear, but if they are present, a corrector will be required. Cheeks should be decorated with soft pink blush. A clear gel is suitable for eyelashes, but mascara will have to be abandoned.

The baby's lips will be decorated with transparent or pale pink gloss. The main thing is not to create the effect of a glass mouth. That's all. The task of children's makeup is to emphasize the natural beauty and cuteness of a small face.

Older and teenage girls are allowed to wear adult cosmetics, including full-fledged foundations, eye shadow, blush of a suitable shade, mascara and lipstick. Since age is characterized by hormonal changes in the body, numerous defects appear on the skin, which should be masked with a corrector.

Face art

To perform festive makeup in the Weiss art style, completely different, brighter cosmetics are used. Face painting is completely safe for children's skin, does not cause irritation and does not clog pores, while it has a rich color and dense texture. It's easy to remove - just warm water and there won't be a trace left of the makeup.

It allows you to draw bright patterns and a mask of any animal. But such an image is difficult to create without practice and training. It is recommended to contact a face painting specialist. But if you want to create an interesting makeup look for your child with your own hands, you should purchase a special set and practice before the holiday. Children love face painting for its brightness and the opportunity to transform into any fairy-tale or real character.

The only condition is not to skimp on the quality of cosmetics. Cheap products are potentially dangerous for children's skin and can cause an allergic reaction.

Stage image

To make facial features look clear and expressive from the stage, makeup emphasizes contours. The use of low quality cosmetics and provocative shades is prohibited.

At an early age, every child is beautiful without makeup. However, there are events in which makeup is practically necessary: ​​holidays, photo shoots, performances. In this case, you need to know how to do children's makeup.

Makeup for children differs from that for adults:

  • no need to apply several layers of tone;
  • natural, water-based cosmetics are used;
  • instead of charcoal ink, brown or transparent is used;
  • It is unacceptable to use eyeliner;
  • To highlight the eyebrows, use a light brown gel or pencil.

The main principle of children's makeup is naturalness. Vulgar and provocative tones should be excluded. After all, children's skin itself is fresh and blush, there is no need to apply layers of creams.

Baby Makeup Basics

There are several types of make-up for children. Each of them has a different set of cosmetics and choice of tone. If you are planning a photo shoot, then the set of cosmetics should be minimal.
The main thing is that the child after its application does not lose its natural beauty. After all, this makeup should only emphasize the freshness of the face. For stage performances, it is necessary to make the face brighter so that it stands out from the stage. This is best done with a bright lipstick or lip gloss. Face art is most suitable for children's parties and masquerades.

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Choosing a tone for eye and lip makeup

The first stage of makeup is choosing a tone. If the child is very small, it is better not to spoil his skin with foundation and powder. An exception may be problem skin. In this case, you must first wipe your face with a tonic, and then apply a translucent foundation.
If the skin is very uneven, then the layer can be slightly increased. After it dries, you need to lightly powder your face. The foundation should be as natural a color as possible. To make your cheeks more expressive, you can apply blush. A couple of strokes of the brush at the level of the cheekbones will be enough.
Using cosmetics you can make your eyes more expressive. To do this, you need to choose the right color scheme of shadows. They should be applied in 1 layer so that they are translucent. This will help highlight your eye color without looking provocative. Shadows should be applied only to the upper eyelid.
When choosing mascara, you should consider the age of the child. If the girl is too small, it is better not to dye her eyelashes. Over time, children may forget about makeup and rub mascara all over their face. It can also get into the eyes, and the child will feel a burning sensation.
For middle school age, you can use mascara, but not jet black. It is better to give preference to gray and brown colors. 1 layer will be enough to highlight and fluff your eyelashes. Under no circumstances should you use eyeliner. This will be inappropriate on the child’s face, and besides, the eyes will be visually smaller.
For girls in graduating classes, makeup can be made brighter. More saturated shadows and 2 layers of mascara will make the face brighter and more expressive. In this case, eyeliner should also be abandoned, since its presence will add several years to the girl.
If you do makeup for children, it is best to highlight your lips with gloss rather than lipstick. The choice of color will depend on the shadows and outfit. It is better to choose beige, peach, pink or colorless glitter. Do not apply several layers, as this may cause the shine to bleed. 1 layer will be enough to give your lips expressiveness and volume.
Children with their clear skin do not need to use cosmetics often. Only on the occasion of any celebration. This needs to be explained to the child from early childhood. When choosing cosmetics for children's makeup, you must follow the basic rule - only natural and high-quality products.

Girls want to be beautiful at any age. In adolescence, liking yourself and others becomes even more important. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to properly use cosmetics and get acquainted with the tricks of applying school makeup for teenagers.

Makeup for middle grades

For middle school girls - 6, 7, 8, you can only wear light, natural and elegant makeup for school. You can read in more detail about this type of makeup below, and you will also find tips and step-by-step instructions for performing daytime and formal makeup.

The first rule that a little woman needs to remember is that beautiful school makeup will not work without well-groomed skin. In adolescence, the skin is prone to the appearance of rashes and acne, so a toner and lotion for problem skin should appear on the girl’s shelf. And in winter there should be a cream that will save your face from chapping.

Daily facial care is very important to look beautiful even without makeup. Girls aged 12 should not use foundations and powder - these are too “heavy” cosmetics for young skin and school makeup in general.

Special attention e It’s worth taking the time to get acquainted with makeup brushes, how to care for them, and how to make eyelashes beautiful without resorting to using mascara. This is done using a curling machine.

The main principle of school makeup for teenagers 13 and 14 years old is a minimum of decorative products.

Girls at this age can get acquainted with the eyebrow correction procedure. But this is not at all necessary. It’s better not to paint your eyebrows; you can add a little brightness with shadows.

School makeup for girls 12 or 13 years old is best done using hypoallergenic cosmetics in delicate pastel colors.

By the way, if the student is very young, but wants to show off in an interesting way, then you can put on special makeup for children.

But, already at the age of 14, makeup for school can be done with more “adult” cosmetics. It is better to use products based on mineral components - they are more gentle on young skin.

In school makeup for teenagers, makeup artists advise eliminating eye pencils, because using them requires skill, and winged eyeliner can make the look overloaded.

Eye makeup for school is done with shadows of natural colors (beige, peach). It is better to replace mascara with a gel base that strengthens eyelashes. Instead of lipstick, use lip gloss - transparent or soft colors.

Everyday makeup

For girls at this age, it is better to wear simple, unnoticeable makeup for school, and it is better, in general, not to overuse makeup. Maximum - colorless or with a slight pinkish hygienic lipstick.

How to beautifully do makeup for school for girls in grades 6, 7, 8? Just follow these steps:

  1. Moisturizing and cleansing facial skin treatments are carried out.
  2. Tidy up your eyebrows: comb, if desired, fix their shape with gel.
  3. Shadows close to natural shades are applied to the moving eyelid and carefully shaded.
  4. Eyelashes are curled with a curling machine or a transparent strengthening gel is applied. Girls 13-14 years old can rarely wear makeup for school using mascara. But you need to use it in small quantities. The effect of eyelash extensions is extremely undesirable.
  5. Lips should be painted with hygienic lipstick or transparent gloss.

With step-by-step makeup for school, girls 12, 13 or 14 years old can create a look that is gentle and appropriate for the setting.

Video: everyday makeup for girls 13 and 14 years old.

Festive make-up

If an important event is expected ahead, then a girl of 12, 13, 14 years old can afford delicate formal makeup for school. The main thing is to maintain harmony and not overdo it.

This is how you can do light makeup for school:

  1. The skin is cleansed and moisturized. You can use concealer to disguise “problem” areas.
  2. Apply blush in a soft pink shade to create a subtle glow on your cheeks.
  3. Apply peach or pink shades to the upper eyelid. Draw a line with a brown pencil and shade it well so that the eye makeup does not seem overloaded.
  4. Elegant makeup for school for teenagers 13-14 years old can be done by applying mascara. But you must follow the rule - the shade of the mascara should be as close as possible to the natural color of the eyelashes.
  5. Eyebrows can be filled in with a brown pencil or eyeshadow.
  6. Paint your lips with gloss in soft colors. If you are doing makeup for school for a 12-year-old girl, then it is better to use colorless or hygienic lipstick or gloss.

Video: beautiful festive makeup for girls in grades 7 and 8.

Makeup for high school students

Girls at this age can afford more experiments and interesting solutions. The main thing is that the resulting image meets the standards of the educational institution and does not cause protest from parents.

The main principle remains healthy, well-groomed skin. Therefore, it is worth purchasing products that are suitable for the skin type of young creatures.

As for decorative cosmetics, you can conduct small experiments. At the age of 15-17 years, girls consider themselves adults, they want to stand out from the crowd. And even despite the assumption of experiments, makeup for school should be light and not provocative.

You can use a light foundation, brown eye and eyebrow pencil, and mascara. However, when making up for school for teenagers, you should avoid bright lipstick, “smoky ice” - on the face of a young girl such a color will look unnatural and inappropriate.

It is best, in addition to the natural range of shadows and pencils, to choose gloss - transparent or light tones.

At this age (as at any other), we must not forget that you should always wash off all cosmetics at night. This will allow young skin to remain healthy and beautiful.

In spring, for teenage makeup, you can use brighter colors than in the cold season. In winter, you need to take care of protecting your skin from hypothermia and chapping using a nourishing cream.

Everyday makeup

Everyday makeup for school for girls in high school (i.e. 9th, 10th, 11th grade) should be neutral. It should emphasize the advantages and in no case overload the face.

Step-by-step instructions for doing makeup for school for girls 15, 16, 17 years old:

  1. Concealer is applied to previously cleansed and moisturized skin to hide “problem” areas.
  2. Apply a light foundation and carefully blend in the area of ​​the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. But if you plan to wear very light makeup for school, then a 9th grade student can refuse foundation.
  3. Eyebrows are combed and drawn with a special pencil. It is very important that the shade of this product matches the color, otherwise there will be a color imbalance.
  4. Beige or peach shadows are applied to the upper eyelid.
  5. The lower eyelid is emphasized with light brown shadows.
  6. Using a brown pencil, draw a thin line along the eyelash line on the upper eyelid and slightly emphasize the lower eyelid.
  7. The upper eyelashes are painted with mascara in one layer.
  8. Cheekbones are emphasized with peach-colored blush.
  9. Transparent gloss is applied to the lips.

Everyday school makeup for 16-17 year old students should be kept as neutral as possible. Bright details will look out of place in an educational setting. But for various special occasions you can please yourself and add bright notes.

Festive make-up for high school girls

This type of makeup is easy to do. Just follow the instructions:

  1. You should apply concealer to make your skin look perfect. If desired, you can use foundation for school holiday makeup, especially if it is done by a 16-17 year old student.
  2. For eye makeup, use shades of shadows, as in everyday makeup, but they can be applied more intensely. They can also highlight the lower eyelid.
  3. If you wish, you can draw an arrow for school makeup. It will highlight the look and make it more pronounced.
  4. Eyelashes are painted with light brown or gray mascara.
  5. You can apply a soft lipstick or gloss on your lips.

Beautiful makeup for school for students aged 15-17 will help maintain a festive mood and atmosphere.

Video: perfect makeup for a school holiday for girls 15-16 years old.

Makeup for school can be done for different situations, for example, on September 1, New Year, the end of the school year, March 8, for some joyful events, for a disco, for a photo shoot for the school album.

But we must not forget that school makeup should be light and natural. Its main task is to highlight all the charm of a young face. And if you follow all the tips and recommendations, you can easily create beautiful makeup for school.

By the way, we can’t forget about hairstyles! How to make beautiful and appropriate hairstyles for school!

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