Treatment with urine or about the secrets of urine therapy. Different ways of using urine therapy and their effectiveness

The history of urine therapy dates back many centuries. In ancient Rome, wool was cleaned with urine, and the Greeks used it to disinfect the oral cavity and wounds. But in ancient India, healers strongly recommended even drinking urine to treat various ailments.

To drink or not to drink?

The opinions of medical experts on whether urine therapy is beneficial for health are mixed.

In particular, traditional medicine does not recommend drinking urine to heal. Doctors are always afraid when radical methods of urine therapy are used. First of all, we are talking about the treatment of patients with urine, which is obtained from the patients themselves. Drinking the urine of sick people is not safe for health, because it contains pathogenic bacteria that can serve as a source for the development of various pathologies. Moreover, urine contains acetone and salts of heavy metals - they also will not bring any benefit.

Those who are considering external urine therapy as a treatment should be aware that other people's urine should not be used. It is especially dangerous to drink the urine of a person who has been diagnosed with pyelonephritis. A small amount of such a liquid is enough for the patient to “earn” blood poisoning or gangrene. Such consequences can be expected with a high degree of probability if urine gets into a small wound or cut.

Some are interested in the question of whether women in an interesting position can drink urine. The answer is unequivocal: it is categorically contraindicated for them. Otherwise, the expectant mother may have a miscarriage.

However, even if this does not happen, it is very likely that the further development of pregnancy will be pathological.

Varieties of urine therapy

There are several classifications of the above treatment method. It is customary to allocate internal urine therapy, external and washing the body cavities.


Internal urine therapy involves the use of liquids orally, i.e. directly through the mouth. It is believed that such urine therapy for weight loss is just an ideal option. Of course, it is imperative to take precautions.

Those who adhere to such a method of treatment as fasting, according to adherents of urine therapy, should not disdain drinking urine, because it helps to strengthen the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the functions of the organs that mediate its normal functioning. These include, in particular: lymph nodes, thymus gland, bone marrow.

It should be noted that urine has a rather complex structure. It contains nucleic acids, including urinary, enzymes, hormones, amino acids, purine bases, vitamins.

That is why urine therapy, reviews of which, however, are very controversial, is perceived as a worthy alternative to drugs and dietary supplements.


This treatment option involves the treatment of damaged areas of the body (abrasions, cuts, burns) with tissue swabs, bandages, gauze soaked in urine.

It should be noted that some position urine therapy as an effective way to improve the condition of the hair. Under adverse environmental conditions, they fade very quickly and become brittle. Adherents of the above method of treatment recommend using urine that has been infused for 5-7 days to give shine to curls and rub it into the scalp, while massaging the hair itself. In parallel with this, it is necessary to drink 200 grams of urine every morning. This way you can stimulate hair growth.

Some proponents of alternative medicine claim that alternative treatment is effective in improving the condition of the skin, in other words, facial urine therapy is a useful and necessary procedure. It is believed that urine permanently relieves acne and acne. This problem is relevant, first of all, for young people, since skin rashes cause them a lot of discomfort.

To solve the problem, you need to use a cotton pad soaked in urine to treat problem areas, and after a quarter of an hour rinse your face with water. A couple of repeated procedures - and in a few days there will be no trace of acne.


The third variation of urine treatment is washing the nostrils, auricles, and anus with the “processed” liquid.

It should be emphasized that adherents of urine therapy have developed a detailed system for classifying the varieties of the fluid in question.

Is baby urine good for you?

It should be noted that the urine of infants is highly acidic. Proponents of the method of treatment in question argue that it is useful to take such urine both internally and externally. Moreover, it perfectly cleanses the intestines, from this point of view, the urine of newborns is an integral part of the enema. There is also an opinion according to which, with the help of urine therapy, you can get rid of infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted ones.

What kind of urine is good to drink, and what is not?

Experts in the field of the above method of treatment state that it is desirable for adults (35 to 60 years old) to use only liquid obtained from people aged 18 to 30 years. At the same time, they strongly recommend using the urine of a person of the same sex as the patient.

As for the urine of older people, it is better not to use it at all, since it does not have any useful properties.

Note that the content of hormones in the "processed" liquid directly depends on which gender the person belongs to. Adherents of the theory of urine treatment do not tire of repeating that the patient's use of urine obtained from a person of the opposite sex is fraught with adverse health consequences.

It turns out that only children's urine, in which the percentage of hormones is relatively small, can be used for medicinal purposes.

This is such a delicate matter - urinotherapy. Reviews of those who decided on such experiments contain conflicting information regarding the results of treatment. Some even claim that such a method is akin to a placebo. In addition, experts emphasize that even in the case of using the safest product, which is children's urine, certain rules and patterns must be followed. So, if an adult patient and a child are representatives of different sexes, then the course of treatment should not last more than three months.

Is the urine of a pregnant woman useful?

So, we found out in what cases it is possible to resort to such a method as urine therapy. The treatment of many diseases is subject to this technique. In any case, this is what the proponents of this method say. Moreover, they claim that urine can even overcome cancer. In this case, the urine of a pregnant woman is used as a healing agent. Due to the content of amino acids, cortisol and other vitamins in its composition, this liquid also promotes the formation of blood cells.

Is a "reduced product" useful?

Urine therapy experts are also confident in the benefits of the so-called "evaporated" urine, which is obtained as a result of heat treatment. The liquid is evaporated in a metal container until its volume is reduced by four times. It is believed that such a product can get rid of a whole range of ailments and pathologies.

Why Treatment Fails

Of course, one should not unconditionally believe that urine therapy, reviews of which can be the most positive, is a panacea for all ills. Negative results, and, accordingly, comments are observed quite often.

And one of the reasons for inefficiency is just the use of the product described in the previous paragraph. Everything is very simple. Water evaporates during heat treatment, and as a result, an exorbitant amount of salts and steroids is formed, which leads to hormonal imbalance. In addition, the use of urine increases the risk of infections.

Finally, we note that the effectiveness of the described method of treatment has not been proven, therefore, when choosing it, precautions should be taken.

There are many radically opposite opinions regarding the usefulness or harmfulness of the use of urine. Let's try to figure out in this article what is true and what is a lie.


Urine has a set of valuable characteristics:

  1. destroys pathogenic microorganisms (disinfects);
  2. disinfects;
  3. removes toxins;
  4. eliminates inflammation.

Science-Backed Applications

At the end of the 18th century, a chemist from France, I. Ruel, isolated a component from human urine, which later received the name. By reacting with various elements, it gives many useful complex compounds. It is this component that has become widespread in various spheres of life.

Dentistry and cosmetology

Gels designed to restore snow-white teeth contain urea peroxide. As it decomposes, oxygen atoms are released. They penetrate the enamel and destroy the pigment that contributed to the darkening.

The action of hydroperite for lightening hair of dark colors is based on the same feature.


Due to its bactericidal properties, it is included in shampoos, soaps and other hygiene items that help kill bacteria and fungi. It can act as a deodorant and antiseptic.

furniture industry

It is synthesized to produce resins and adhesive, glue-like substances, which in turn are used to make fiberboards. From fiberboard make cabinet and upholstered furniture.


Osmotic diuretics are intended to eliminate puffiness. After taking the liquid from the tissues gradually moves into the blood. Most often they are prescribed for and lungs.


With the help of carbamide fertilizer, crops are fed. It has a good effect on the growth and formation of plants, especially strawberries.

White granules containing nitrogen are poured into the soil or dissolved in water, and then trees, shrubs and seedlings are sprayed with the resulting solution.

Common misconceptions

Proponents of urinotherapeutic methods believe in a miraculous cure. However, this belief does not find confirmation or scientific justification. Followers of urination are in the grip of myths.

Urine therapy - a panacea for all ailments

A universal way to get rid of ailments of any etiology does not exist in nature. Ingestion of urine is only temporarily able to relieve the sufferer from unpleasant symptoms, steroid medications also work. Then the symptoms return with renewed vigor.

Why buy artificial hormones when you have your own?

Hormonal levels and balance are regulated by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. When a person applies evaporated urine to the skin or drinks it, he adds unaccounted for, and, therefore, excess, hormone-containing substances to the body. Such rash behavior leads to dysregulation of hormone production.

No contraindications

Such self-deception can be costly for people with venereal diseases, diseases of the digestive system, and inflamed mucous membranes of organs.

VIDEO About urine therapy

Prevention of ailments

Never used prophylactically. They are prescribed exclusively during the period of exacerbation.

And urine therapy is almost identical to the consumption of steroids.

Urine therapy has no side effects

Just the opposite is true. Consumed for a long time, a yellow liquid has the same detrimental effect as steroid treatment. Patients treat the latter with apprehension, trying to delay the moment and trying to find a non-hormonal approach. The same should apply to the use of urine.


The long-term effect of urine can affect:

  1. work of the adrenal cortex, leading to dysfunction and premature aging;
  2. women's health, resulting in;
  3. endocrine processes, contributing to obesity;
  4. the functioning of nerve endings, provoking mental abnormalities;
  5. vital activity of hormone-producing cells, contributing to their death, and when the changes become irreversible, it leads to disability.

If you are going to take the advice of urine worshipers, it is important to weigh the pros and cons and carefully study the possible prospects.

VIDEO We smash folk methods of treatment (urine therapy) - Everything will be kind - Issue 295 -11/27/2013

Urine therapy is a method of treatment that came to us from India, but has not received official status, so it belongs to alternative medicine. Modern scientists and doctors have not been able to give a single answer to the question "How useful is urine therapy?". Therefore, today we decided to tell you about this folk method of treatment in more detail.

Urinotherapy: composition of urine

Urine is a waste product of the human body. Its main component is water, and everything is dissolved in it metabolic products, toxic substances, trace elements and hormones that have already completed their service life. And speaking in general, the urine contains those substances that, for one reason or another, are no longer needed by the human body.

In the presence of pathological conditions, urine may contain appropriate inclusions. For example, in diabetes mellitus, sugar can be detected in the urine , with kidney pathology - proteins, with hormonal disorders, many macro and microelements are excreted in the urine , with malnutrition, urine is formed uric acids (oxalates, urates, carbotanes, phosphates, etc.).

Urine treatment - for which diseases is it effective?

Today, urine is used, as, for the treatment of various diseases, for cosmetic purposes. Adherents of this method of treatment give a lot of arguments confirming its effectiveness.

  • For example, there is an opinion that all water in the human body, including urine, has a special structure. Its molecules are ordered in a certain way. In order for water to acquire the desired structure, the human body spends a huge amount of energy on its transformation. If you drink urine the body does not have to convert water , which means that it wears out less, respectively, a person will live much longer.

Urine has a very complex structure. Its composition includes over 200 different components. Thanks to this, its use allows you to cleanse the body of toxins. It can also successfully replace many drugs and dietary supplements.

To date, urine therapy has been successfully used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, infectious and colds, fungal skin lesions, and eye diseases.

Harm of urine therapy: the biggest misconceptions in urine therapy

Admirers of urine therapy, being under the influence of myths, consider it a natural way of treatment. However, this is actually not the case. Now we will tell you about what misconceptions about urine therapy can lead to serious consequences and harm your health.

  • Myth 1: Urine therapy is effective in treating all diseases.
    Remember, today there is no medicine (either folk or pharmacological) that helps get rid of all diseases. And urine therapy is also not a panacea. It acts like hormonal drugs and can temporarily alleviate the suffering of the patient, but no one can predict the consequences of such treatment. To date, the effectiveness of urine therapy has not been scientifically proven. And those cases when a cure does happen is nothing more than a placebo effect.
  • Myth 2: Urine therapy has no side effects.
    The real situation is radically opposite. Treatment with urine has a lot of side effects. Scientists argue that the effectiveness of urine treatment is ensured by the presence of steroid hormones in it, which have pronounced antibacterial properties. However, you will not find a mention of this in any book on urine therapy, since society is very wary of hormonal treatment. In addition, prolonged use of urine, like other hormonal drugs, can cause your own hormonal system to stop working normally, and then turn off completely. Experts say that this process can become irreversible and a person will become disabled for life.
  • Myth 3: Pharmacological drugs are artificial hormones, and urine is natural
    In any book on urine therapy, you can find such a statement that the body will not be harmed by those hormones that it itself produces. But in reality this is absolutely not the case. The amount of hormones in our body is strictly controlled by the pituitary and hypothalamus, but only as long as it is in the blood. Once they are processed and excreted in the urine, they are no longer counted. Therefore, if you drink or rub urine, then you saturate your body with “unaccounted for” hormones that break down all hormonal secretion to the body.
  • Myth 4: Urine therapy has no contraindications
    As mentioned above, urine therapy is harmful to humans. But it is especially dangerous in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, diseases of the kidneys, liver and pancreas. The result of such self-medication can be infection of the blood or internal organs. It is also categorically contraindicated for people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, since urine will contribute to the development of ulcers, colitis and enterocolitis.
  • Myth 5: Urine can be used to prevent disease
    Where did you hear about hormonal prophylaxis? And urine therapy also refers to hormonal treatments. The consequences of such prevention will be unpredictable, starting with a stomach ulcer and ending with infection of the blood and respiratory tract.

Urinotherapy - pros and cons: an authoritative opinion of doctors about folk treatment with urine

An unequivocal answer to the question "Is urine therapy effective or not?" it is very difficult to give, since in scientific circles there are active disputes on this topic to this day. After talking with doctors, we learned their opinions on this issue:

  • Svetlana Nemirova (surgeon, candidate of medical sciences):
    For me, the word "urinotherapy" is almost a dirty word. I am sad to see how people ruin their health, considering this method of treatment as a panacea for all diseases. In my practice, there were cases when, after using urine therapy, a patient was brought to me by ambulance in a terrible condition. It all started with a small spot between the fingers, which was mistaken for a corn. Of course, no one went to the doctor, but took up self-medication, urinotherapy. As a result of such irresponsibility, he was already brought to us with terrible pain in his leg, tissue necrosis. To save a man's life, we had to amputate his leg.
  • Andrey Kovalev (physician):
    All substances that enter the human body, and, accordingly, into the blood, are carefully filtered through the kidneys. And then all the excess fluid, along with toxins, as well as excesses of other substances, is excreted along with the urine. Our body worked, spent energy to remove all unnecessary substances, and then the person peed in a jar and drank it. What could be the use of this.
  • Marina Nesterova (traumatologist):
    I will not dispute, urine does have excellent antiseptic properties. Therefore, for any cuts, bruises and other injuries of a similar nature, its use can be effective. Urine compresses will help relieve swelling and prevent microbes from getting into the wound. However, the internal use of urine is out of the question, especially for a long time. You will ruin your own health!

Although representatives of traditional medicine have a negative attitude towards urine therapy , many famous personalities do not hide the fact that they use this method of treatment in practice. For example, the famous actor Nikita Dzhigurda not only does not hide the fact that he uses this method of treatment, but also openly urged others to do the same. Famous TV presenter Andrey Malakhov also speaks positively about urine therapy.

In 1915, the military doctor Ya. I. Zdravomyslov developed an effective method for the treatment of infectious diseases with sterilized urine of the patient himself. After checking the effect of urine on himself, he showed the harmlessness of its use when administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly and intravenously. Its tonic effect was proven, after which sterilized urine began to be used to quickly cure diseases. Subcutaneous injections of sterilized urine were carried out for a period of two to six days several times a day. This resulted in good and fast results. in the treatment of urine:

  • lobar inflammation of the lungs,
  • flu,
  • pneumonia and a number of other diseases.

Injections with sterilized urine are made to the patient himself under the skin (mainly the thighs). For adults, the dose is two to three milliliters (although more is allowed, for example, up to five milliliters). For children, the dose is from 0.2 to 1.5 milliliters, taking into account the age of the child. The number of injections ranged from two to twelve times a day, taking into account the severity of the disease and the required number of days until complete recovery. The method is valuable for its high efficiency, speed of effect, as well as the absence of toxicity and complications, it was used for pneumonia, effusion pleurisy and in front-line hospitals.

The method of urinotherapy and the effect of urine

The method of autourinotherapy was used for decompensated heart disease with very large edema of the legs and other places. Exposure to urine on the body has not yet been studied. The usual treatment was ineffective and did not give results, but three days of treatment with urine reduced shortness of breath, the patient began to fall asleep calmly, and on the third day he was able to walk. At the same time, contraindications were revealed - hyperazothymia and uremic symptoms. It was found that subcutaneous injections are much more effective than intramuscular and intravenous ones, and the high efficiency of early therapy was confirmed. A large number of children with whooping cough in the convulsive period with vomiting have been treated with the urine of a large number of children, other drugs have not been used. It was noticed fast. Within ten days, the children could not be isolated and urine therapy method started using.

Urine treatment with this method was used for:

  • articular rheumatism,
  • parameter,
  • gouty arthritis,
  • sciatica,
  • chronic sciatica and other diseases.

The action of urine and its properties

In all cases, there was a persistent therapeutic effect, a rapid drop in temperature and a decrease and cessation of pain, a decrease in infiltrates and an increase in diuresis, uric acid salts disappeared in the urine.

When studying the composition of urine, attention was paid to the presence of hormones and antibodies in it. There were many such substances in the urine of pregnant women. Special treatment of the urine of pregnant women made it possible to obtain a sterile, very active medicinal preparation, which was called gravidan. The mechanism of action of gravidan is a powerful effect, similar to the effect of a polyhormonal drug.

In addition, these methods are widely used for the treatment of:

  • acute dysentery,
  • typhoid,
  • flu,
  • pneumonia and other diseases in the army.

A special effect was noted for diseases occurring with high fever.

At the same time, there was a rapid reduction in temperature, a decrease in pain, the removal of intoxication, the absence of side effects, complications, relapses, and a faster recovery than with other methods of treatment.

Most medicines are expensive preparations containing a minimum of natural substances. However, for hundreds of years, ordinary urine has been used for treatment. The method of healing is called urine therapy. What it helps from and what are the dangers of such self-treatment, it will be useful for all fans of Gennady Malakhov to know.

The essence of medical practice

One of the branches of alternative medicine is urine therapy, also called urotherapy or uropathy. All these terms denote a practice that uses the healing properties of human urine to combat various ailments.

There are several therapeutic uses for urine:

  • Ingestion (or urophagia) - drinking through the mouth (orally);
  • External reception - rubbing liquid into damaged areas of the skin, gums, hair, etc .;
  • Washing - use when cleaning the body from toxins and harmful substances. For example, passing through the nose (with sinusitis), introducing with an enema into the anus, etc.

Uropathy has been known since ancient India. She is mentioned in Ayurveda and yogic texts, Sushreta Samhita and other monuments. In the West, the technique has been widely used for only a little over a century.

To date, treatment with secretions has not received any evidence of clinical efficacy. That, however, does not prevent urine from being one of the most popular means of folk healing.

In this video, Gennady Malakhov will tell you how he himself relates to urine therapy, what this technique can help with:

How useful is urine therapy? Composition of urine

Urine is a by-product of the body that is produced in the kidneys. It contains many products of cellular metabolism, which are subject to purification from the circulatory system.

The human excretory fluid has the following components:

  • Water (95%);
  • Urea (9.3 grams per liter);
  • Chlorides (1.87 g/l);
  • Sodium (1.17 g/l);
  • Potassium (0.75 g/l);
  • Creatinine (0.67 g/l);
  • Other dissolved ions, inorganic and organic compounds.

Due to the presence of a group of physiologically active substances, treatment with urine is akin to hormone therapy. True, to achieve this effect, the liquid must be taken orally in large quantities.

Doctors recognize the property of urine to destroy harmful and pathogenic microorganisms in the wound, tissues and pathological foci.

What does urine therapy treat?

According to the popularizers of this method of treatment, it can help with a large number of ailments:

  • Problems with the human integumentary system. Biological catalysts, vitamins and minerals, which are part of the substance, show an effective result in psoriasis, fungus and mechanical damage to the skin;
  • The hairline, when washed with excretory moisture, adds in length and quality. It is enough just to add a few drops of urine to the shampoo before washing your hair, and the recipe for a magnificent head of hair is ready;
  • Fight against early skin aging. You can literally wash away annoying wrinkles from your face and look a few years younger;
  • If you rub a small amount of urine into the temporal lobes, you can forget about chronic headaches for a long time;
  • By rubbing, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is also treated;
  • Acceleration of healing processes for wounds, cuts, bites and burns. According to experts, regeneration is accelerated by 30-40%. Such use is especially important in conditions of unavailability of traditional antiseptic agents.

Doctors practicing in the field of alternative medicine recommend not to disdain drinking urine, despite numerous social prejudices.

However, this action must take place subject to certain rules:

  • The substance should preferably be fresh. With prolonged storage in the refrigerator, the quality and content of nutrients drops significantly;
  • Not everyone has the luxury of drinking their own urine. It is contraindicated in patients suffering from diseases of the urinary tract (especially bacterial ethology);
  • Drinking the secretions of another person is not only possible, but even necessary. But in this case, it is necessary not only to inquire about the presence of certain diseases, but also about the age of the “donor”. People of older and mature age are recommended to choose the products of the vital activity of youth (18-25 years old);
  • There are legends about the benefits of pregnant urine, but it is extremely difficult to get it due to the lack of a civilized market;
  • You can not drink the discharge of a representative of the opposite sex;
  • With special care you need to approach the choice of dishes. Plastic containers are only suitable for testing. For urine therapy, glass glasses and even crystal are suitable.

Famous adherents of the technique

Among the pioneers who made their way through the jungle of social stereotypes, it is worth noting the following names:

  • John Armstrong- Founder of the urine therapy movement in Europe and the USA. His pen belongs to the fundamental work "Water of Life". On the basis of this work he developed in 1918 a treatment practice which he tried with varying success on thousands of patients;
  • 4th Prime Minister of India Morarji Desai In the program "60 Minutes" on the CBS channel, he said that he uses urine for medicinal purposes. According to him, urine is the only available medicine for millions of poor Indians;
  • British theater and film actress Sara Miles I have been using my body products for three decades. During this time, according to her, she got rid of allergies and strengthened her immune system;
  • Singer Madonna prefers external application of urine on one's own legs to eliminate mycosis;
  • Boxer Juan Manuel Marquez uses his secretions for nutritional purposes.

Negative effects of urine therapy

Despite widespread propaganda in the pages of cheap newspapers, dubious book publications and on the air of irresponsible TV programs, uropathy remains officially unrecognized technique.

Evidence-based medicine says that the use of urine can lead to serious negative consequences for the body:

  • Even a healthy person begins to suffer from chronic nausea and diarrhea. The gastric mucosa is damaged and the intestines are struck;
  • Urine therapy for sexually transmitted diseases can provoke blood poisoning;
  • Survival manuals issued by the US and British Armies forbid drinking “homemade” fluids when thirsty and without other sources of moisture. Dehydration will only be increased due to the presence of salts in the composition;
  • Even rubbing into areas of the skin can turn into big trouble. Severe cases are known when self-treatment led to necrosis (death) of large areas of tissue. There is a risk of limb amputation.

Urotherapy is in circulation in a number of backward countries of the third world (for example, in Mexico), but in developed countries this topic is closed

What can unite an Indian prime minister, an American singer and a Spanish boxer? All of them, by their example, confirm the effectiveness of the practice of urine therapy. How it helps depends on how you use it. Rubbing allows you to achieve a disinfecting effect, and drinking fights a dozen known ailments.

Video: treatment of skin diseases with uropathy

In this video, phytotherapist Boris Tkachev will tell you how arthrosis, allergies, joint pain, and most skin diseases can be treated with urine therapy: