Easy summer dress for girls crochet. How to crochet a dress for a girl. Step by step instructions, diagram and description, photo and video tutorials for beginners. Crochet dress: patterns and description

And here we have crochet girls dresses for toddlers and older girls. For adult dresses in another section, but here exclusively for girls. Such a dress should be bright, memorable, the girl should feel elegant. Everyone likes it. Therefore, take bright yarn, a dress pattern from this section and go ahead. Send us a photo of your creation.

Summer dress, elegant. Knitted for a girl 2-4 years old from fine mercerized cotton. I used SOSO yarn in 2 colors: white 230 gr., turquoise 140 gr. Kryucho

Set for girls Dusty rose. The set includes a dress and a hat. One size fits all from 2 to 5 years old. 100% cotton, schemes and ideas are taken from YouTube and head. Pla

Dress for girls 3-4 years old. Yarn cotton natural 425 m 100 g. Hook 2. Dress length 50cm. Decorated with sequins. Belt in the form of a bow of satin ribbons. Elm schemes

Dress for girls 2 - 3 years. Yarn cotton natural. Hook 2. The belt is made in the style of ribbon lace. Satin skirt. Irish cru patterns on the chest

Everything worked out as it should! Wonderful day, dress, hairstyle, everyone was satisfied. I knitted a dress for my goddaughter ❤, part-time of my younger sister. Dress

Dress for girls. For age 2-3 g. Natural cotton yarn 100g 425 m, hook 2. This dress is my first serious crochet work. Orga lined dress

Dress for girls "Malinka". Age 3-5 years. Pekhorka yarn natural cotton. Hook 2.5. The belt is made in the technique of ribbon lace, tied at the back

Please your baby with a gift - a dress, crocheted. By choosing bright threads, interesting applications in the form of flowers, insects, etc., decorating the product with beads or beads, you will make a child's dress irresistible. And most importantly, only your daughter will have such a dress. A crochet dress will be a great option for summer clothes: breathable, pleasant to the body and also elegant. In our article you will find all the information you need to create a creative dress for a little girl. If you have ever crocheted, then you can easily figure out the patterns and descriptions!

By the way, a girl needs a dress. Today, many prefer jeans, sneakers, shirts, baseball caps, and girls are starting to play war and other games for boys. But a girl will eventually become a woman. Therefore, it is better to instill a love for beautiful feminine clothes from childhood. And what could be more feminine than a dress? A dress is exclusively women's clothing, and it is the dress that makes a woman a woman. And the most romantic and feminine outfits created using the crochet technique. Lace, intricate patterns, light and graceful models make crocheted products favorite wardrobe items. And what could be cuter than a girl with pigtails in a lace dress?

In this dress, the girl will feel like a real princess. Crochet dresses are usually prepared for special occasions: baptism, name day, matinee.

Despite the fact that crocheted products are usually intended for a celebration or summer wear, they look just as good from thick yarn. Usually winter things are knitted, but this is a completely different technique, which for the most part does not give the zest that there is in crocheted things.

We crochet a dress for a girl with diagrams and a description of the work

We suggest that you consider the option for knitting such a dress.

Below is a description of the work and patterns of a crochet baby dress. This dress is designed for a 1.5 year old girl.

Required for work: 200 g of yarn, 3 buttons, hook 2.

The yoke pattern is shown in Diagram 18-1. On the pattern, we take the designation 1. The hem pattern is shown in Scheme 18-2. Shown here are circular rows. Pattern - number 2. Scheme 18-3 depicts a flower pattern and is knitted in a circle. Diagram 18-4 depicts a leaf pattern. The dress consists of a yoke and a hem.

We start knitting from the neck in straight and reverse rows. First of all, we collect 73 air loops. To rise to a new row, we knit 3 air loops. Then we knit according to the scheme 18-1 (you need to knit 11 rapports and 3 edge loops on both sides). The diagram shows all incs and all rows. Having connected the rows according to the scheme, the work must be completed on the yoke. Tie the edge with the eleventh row from the diagram. When tying, you need to connect the row into a ring and close the incision.
It is necessary to fold the yoke so that the cutout is in the middle at the back. We mark the bridge of the sleeves, leave them unprocessed. With the exception of these places on the shelf and back, we knit the hem. Knitting should go in a circle, i.e. there should be no seams. You knit 128 double crochets in a circle for the penultimate tenth row of the coquette. From each air loop of the pattern we knit three columns with a crochet. Then we knit 16 rapports according to scheme 18-2. You need to knit in a circle, we place the line of rise to a new row on the side. The scheme fully shows all the additions and the necessary rows.
We connect the details.

We tie the neckline and the slit on the back with one column with a crochet. We knit a loop for a button through an arch of five air loops. Diagram 18-4 shows a picture, you need to tie five leaves. We knit flowers according to the scheme 18-3. We sew applications to the dress using buttons.

Create a cute baptismal dress with a crochet hook with instructions

The sacrament of baptism is of great importance for the child and his family. Since children are completely clean from sins, they are always dressed in white clothes for baptism. For a girl, a white crocheted dress would be a great option. Our grandmothers also dressed up in such clothes, so this is the most suitable outfit for the church. Also, this dress can be used in the future as a summer version of clothing. You can knit a hat and a handbag to it, decorate them with bright appliqués or embroider them with beads.

PThe dress is knitted without shoulder and side seams. Dress size 68 and length 44 cm.

To work, you need 100 g of yarn and a hook 2.5.

We start knitting from above from the neck and knit with a single cloth. To begin with, we collect 75 loops and knit according to the scheme:

We knit nine rows.

Please your baby with a gift - a dress, crocheted. By choosing bright threads, interesting applications in the form of flowers, insects, etc., decorating the product with beads or beads, you will make a child's dress irresistible. And most importantly, only your daughter will have such a dress. A crochet dress will be a great option for summer clothes: breathable, pleasant to the body and also elegant. In our article you will find all the information you need to create a creative dress for a little girl. If you have ever crocheted, then you can easily figure out the patterns and descriptions!

By the way, a girl needs a dress. Today, many prefer jeans, sneakers, shirts, baseball caps, and girls are starting to play war and other games for boys. But a girl will eventually become a woman. Therefore, it is better to instill a love for beautiful feminine clothes from childhood. And what could be more feminine than a dress? A dress is exclusively women's clothing, and it is the dress that makes a woman a woman. And the most romantic and feminine outfits created using the crochet technique. Lace, intricate patterns, light and graceful models make crocheted products favorite wardrobe items. And what could be cuter than a girl with pigtails in a lace dress?

In this dress, the girl will feel like a real princess. Crochet dresses are usually prepared for special occasions: baptism, name day, matinee.

Despite the fact that crocheted products are usually intended for a celebration or summer wear, they look just as good from thick yarn. Usually winter things are knitted, but this is a completely different technique, which for the most part does not give the zest that there is in crocheted things.

We crochet a dress for a girl with diagrams and a description of the work

We suggest that you consider the option for knitting such a dress.

Below is a description of the work and patterns of a crochet baby dress. This dress is designed for a 1.5 year old girl.

Required for work: 200 g of yarn, 3 buttons, hook 2.

The yoke pattern is shown in Diagram 18-1. On the pattern, we take the designation 1. The hem pattern is shown in Scheme 18-2. Shown here are circular rows. Pattern - number 2. Scheme 18-3 depicts a flower pattern and is knitted in a circle. Diagram 18-4 depicts a leaf pattern. The dress consists of a yoke and a hem.

We start knitting from the neck in straight and reverse rows. First of all, we collect 73 air loops. To rise to a new row, we knit 3 air loops. Then we knit according to the scheme 18-1 (you need to knit 11 rapports and 3 edge loops on both sides). The diagram shows all incs and all rows. Having connected the rows according to the scheme, the work must be completed on the yoke. Tie the edge with the eleventh row from the diagram. When tying, you need to connect the row into a ring and close the incision.
It is necessary to fold the yoke so that the cutout is in the middle at the back. We mark the bridge of the sleeves, leave them unprocessed. With the exception of these places on the shelf and back, we knit the hem. Knitting should go in a circle, i.e. there should be no seams. You knit 128 double crochets in a circle for the penultimate tenth row of the coquette. From each air loop of the pattern we knit three columns with a crochet. Then we knit 16 rapports according to scheme 18-2. You need to knit in a circle, we place the line of rise to a new row on the side. The scheme fully shows all the additions and the necessary rows.
We connect the details.

We tie the neckline and the slit on the back with one column with a crochet. We knit a loop for a button through an arch of five air loops. Diagram 18-4 shows a picture, you need to tie five leaves. We knit flowers according to the scheme 18-3. We sew applications to the dress using buttons.

Create a cute baptismal dress with a crochet hook with instructions

The sacrament of baptism is of great importance for the child and his family. Since children are completely clean from sins, they are always dressed in white clothes for baptism. For a girl, a white crocheted dress would be a great option. Our grandmothers also dressed up in such clothes, so this is the most suitable outfit for the church. Also, this dress can be used in the future as a summer version of clothing. You can knit a hat and a handbag to it, decorate them with bright appliqués or embroider them with beads.

PThe dress is knitted without shoulder and side seams. Dress size 68 and length 44 cm.

To work, you need 100 g of yarn and a hook 2.5.

We start knitting from above from the neck and knit with a single cloth. To begin with, we collect 75 loops and knit according to the scheme:

We knit nine rows.

child dress

The work of the wonderful master Olga from Tambov (nickname on the Internet Pusi) is simply mesmerizing. You can look at them for hours.

Like all needlewomen, Olga Pusi, walking on the Internet, finds something interesting for herself, draws ideas, but never copies them. This is like an impetus for creativity, and as a result we get masterpieces. All Pusi's works are done with taste, very carefully, professionally. And the good news is that Olga generously shares her experience with others.
Unfortunately, there are no patterns of products that Olga knits. She, as a rule, does not know how the product will look before the end of work, adjustments are made in the course of knitting.
All sets are made for girls aged 6 months. These original crochet dresses for girls are crocheted from 100% of the finest cotton.

Lilac knitted from the pekhorka "Successful", 100% mercerized cotton, 220 m, 50 gr.

A little description:

Description of the flower, each leaf is knitted separately.

so that in the end, from each forked checkmark, 4 new checkmarks are obtained, and then - according to the figure.
Does anyone understand? So twisted that she herself is not very ...

Drawn by hand, so do not judge strictly. The selected elements can be inserted where necessary (it all depends on the threads, the density of knitting and the necessary flaring - the photo shows where I inserted it in my dress).

Girls, and I read the skirt diagram like this:

Three stripes of shells go unchanged along the entire length of the skirt, the expansion is due to the middle insert (I did not knit all three unchanged strips of shells, for example, I knitted only along the last shell on both sides, and did not knit repeating rows).
In the original, the skirt between these three strips of shells and the expanding insert has 5 ch, but I indicated in the photo where I knitted 5 ch each, and then switched to 3 ch. And I liked the holes of 3 loops more, they are neater ... But I knit freely, so choose as you like.
Oh, and I almost forgot. In the 5th and 7th rows for these holes, I knitted the third loop from under the chain, but further - from the third loop of the chain. And I liked it more from the loop, and not from under the chain.

Knit on Osinka
The description is taken Analysis of the dress in the Country of Mothers.
The set is decorated with satin ribbons and wonderful flowers. The craftswoman spent about 5 hours knitting this “bouquet”. A fishing line is tied into the petals, which makes the petals keep their shape - “stand”. Each petal is connected separately, and only then they are assembled into a flower.

Pattern for a skirt without a wedge: knit 1st row 2 times, then - according to the pattern.
In the 4th row, you need to start making additions after 3 and 1 ticks.
The fourth checkmark must be doubled, knit a triangle to the desired height,
so that in the end, from each forked checkmark (columns) you get 4 new checkmarks and then - according to the figure.

A beautiful child is a real joy for a mother. Therefore, many people prefer to crochet baby dresses to make their girls unique and original. In addition, this work is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

We model dresses

Various crochet children's dresses with patterns can be found in specialized literature. But all of them have one drawback - rarely when made exactly according to the description, it is ideal for a child. Therefore, you always need to turn on your imagination and try to make clothes as individual as possible.

Crochet dresses can be knitted in several ways. According to the principle of constructing a pattern, they can be either with or without a yoke. The coquette complicates the work a little, but at the same time, the clothes turn out to be more elegant.

You can crochet children's dresses in a circle, from above or below, and even across the product. There can also be several details, but it is best to do without a needle and thread, since crochet techniques allow you to connect different parts without seams.

Also in this technique, you can create clothes that will have a universal size or easily remade for an older child.

Light dress

First, consider the dress on the yoke. In the presented model, knitting begins from a flower chain of motifs. The transition from it to the main pattern will require some experience, for this reason it is better if the crochet yoke for a baby dress starts from a chain of air loops, and the floral ornament is sewn on top.

Initially, the pattern is knitted as follows: 2 double crochets, an air loop, 2 double crochets, 3 air loops and repeat the pattern. The second row is knitted under an arch from one air loop.

After 5-6 rows on a chain of 3 air loops, we knit a new pattern element - 2 double crochets and an air loop between them. The expansion of the canvas occurs due to an increase in the number of air loops in the intervals between groups of columns.

When the coquette is ready, you can proceed to knitting a skirt. It is performed in the same pattern, but it expands: we make 4 out of two columns, and on the sides of them we knit the same groups of two columns. We expand the pattern by adding air loops. This is the perfect crochet baby dress for beginners.

pink simplicity

Another simple outfit that is easy to knit. Here, a crochet yoke for a baby dress has practically no pattern. This allows you to focus on its lower part, made with light lace.

Here, the first two rows are knitted with double crochets in each loop, and each subsequent row is double crochet, 2 air loops and double crochet through 2 loops of the previous row. Adding loops occurs in rows of columns, and it is better to do this in the first of them. When the yoke is ready, the last two rows are knitted with a mesh of air loops, which serves as a transition to the next pattern.

The skirt is knitted in mesh with wide fans. To do this, we knit 10 double crochets under one arch, and in the next row between them we also have one air loop. At the same time, one should not forget to reduce the number of arches in the mesh.

White and pink dress with a flower

There are also quite unusual crochet children's dresses. We will deal with the description of one of them. Its first feature is that both parts are knitted from the waist line. First, we collect loops for a white top and perform it in a circle. The pattern is quite simple - fans of three columns with a crochet and an air loop between them. The next row is knitted in a checkerboard pattern. The fabric turns out to be quite dense, so the yarn should be taken thinner, and the hook is one size larger.

When the top is ready, we knit a skirt from it down. The pattern is the same, but rhombuses are additionally knitted in it, which are built from chains of air loops and double crochets. Adding loops occurs on a continuous canvas by increasing the number of fans.

The dress is decorated with a beautiful voluminous flower made of the same yarn as the skirt. This makes the composition harmonious and complete.

Beautiful and simple pattern for a long dress

Not always crocheted children's dresses are knitted with a short hem. Sometimes there are models in which the length almost reaches the ground. This is especially true for teenage girls. The proposed scheme shows not only a beautiful pattern, but also the principle of its expansion, which can be used on other similar patterns.

The basis of the scheme is a fan of double crochets. They are located on top of each other. The pattern is diluted with air loops, indicated in the diagram by elongated circles.

The entire hem is conditionally divided into 4 parts. As soon as one of them is knitted, double crochets are added in each fan. This moment is highlighted in the diagram with a bold stripe.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the third and fourth expansion occurs at a different point in order to achieve a more even texture of the canvas.

Light children's sundress

The lightest crochet children's dresses are made from openwork nets. There are many variations of patterns on this theme. Let's consider some of them.

The easiest is to knit each row of chains of air loops. In this case, knitting is performed in a checkerboard pattern. If the same pattern is diluted with a double crochet instead of a simple half-column, then you get an imitation of honeycombs.

In working on an openwork mesh, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, to alternate different types of columns and the number of air loops. The result can be a unique pattern, the schemes of which no one else has.