Unequal marriage. Reasons, advantages and disadvantages of unequal marriages. Unequal marriages: problem or advantage What is the name of unequal marriage

Relationships where a man is older than his lover, or vice versa, a woman finds a gentleman younger than age are quite common. Therefore, it is no longer a wonder for us to observe when a man of respectable age leads a girl several decades younger than him, or a young man wants to create an alliance with a woman much older than himself.

What drives these people and how, in general, does it happen that people of different ages, life experiences, values, interests not only meet, but get married, creating families? Love does not divide people into age categories, races and social statuses. She is deaf to the pleas of the mind to change her mind, and direct her energy to " better" an object.

Recently, judging by the statistics of the institution of marriage, there has been a clear trend towards an increase in the number of couples where the woman is older than the man. At the same time, the opinion of the society about this trend differs: some perceive it as a normal phenomenon, while others sympathize with such couples, making unpromising predictions about the duration of the marriage. What drives these people? Love or material interest?

You can't argue with statistics

Despite all the predictions, according to statistics and multiple research results, in every third European couple who decide to legalize relationships, a woman is older than her chosen one in age. So a third of the total number of unmarried girls meets with men who are younger in age.

Sociologists believe that the reason for this inequality in marriage is the growth rate of modern emancipation. Many women today are able to provide for themselves, so the need for a man as a patron fades into the background.

When a mature and self-confident lady is not interested in material values ​​in marriage, she chooses a partner, in character traits or qualities, whom she is personally interested in. For a financially independent woman who is able to independently cope with children and build a career, the choice of a life partner is not influenced by any social factors, and even more so by someone else's opinion.

Having achieved success in material terms, such women are much more interested in spending time with a partner who still has everything in the future and big plans for life than with a person who has everything predictable in advance.

Even if the young spouse is guided by mercantile interests, in some cases he can become the main link in a strong relationship. For a woman, a young husband is an indicator of her youth. After all, she, entering into an unequal union, wants to find peace from nit-picking and unreasonable claims. Therefore, human relations in such a marriage develop perfectly.

but on the other hand

Looking at unequal celebrity marriages, where a man is much older than a woman, it is clear that for the sake of his beloved he is forced to monitor his health, keep himself in shape in order to keep himself in shape longer and look young. According to psychologists and doctors, success in personal life is the best remedy for a midlife crisis.

Unequal celebrity marriages, both abroad and in Russia, are a clear example of the fact that a partner who is 10-15 years older than a woman is far from new. And this is not at all a tribute to fashion, and not marriages of convenience, as many mistakenly believe. According to sociologists, the number of such unions is increasing every year.

The girl is young and beautiful, and the man is wise and experienced. Such marriages are beneficial for both. The spouses are thus fed from each other with new knowledge, and the man in this union may already have experience of a previous family life, and most likely could learn some lessons from this.

Choosing an unequal union, a woman does not feel a thirst for profit or an inferiority complex. First of all, she wants to see in her chosen one such positive aspects of a good husband as reliability and confidence in the future. And it is much easier for a person with a decent life experience to provide this.

If a man is older, then, most likely, relationships on the side will not be interesting for him. In addition, according to many women, they are much more romantic and gallant than their peers.

The only negative point can be only excessive employment of a man. After all, very often self-confident representatives of the strong half of humanity work a lot and stay at home a little.

A mature husband has the experience of the past years behind him, so he can value time without limiting himself to conventions. In sexual terms, he has the opportunity to show with his young wife all his fantasies that have not been realized before. Moreover, a young sexual partner is able to quickly accept her husband's fantasies than a wife of the same age.

And for a young girl, it is very important to realize that an experienced husband can give her much more pleasure than a young sexual partner. Very often, unequal marriages, for example, of celebrities, where he is older, are due to the fact that a person with a creative profession is confident and interesting.

An adult man is more serious about raising children in the family, finding a more competent approach in this matter. It turns out that in a union where the husband is much older than the wife, there are many advantages that can compensate for such a disadvantage as the age difference.

Let's remember history

What is another word for an unequal marriage or a relationship between two people of different sexes with a big age difference? An unequal marriage, where the man is older or vice versa, is called a misalliance. Such relations have existed at all times and in any society, and the attitude towards them has always been ambiguous.

Since the beginning of human history, there have been, are now and will always be couples who wish to arrange their family life according to their own, individual measure, without regard to the ideas prevailing in society. And if you take a good look at those around you, it turns out that strong marriages of unequal age in Russia or in any other country are by no means a rare phenomenon!

So, for example, in the painting by the famous artist Vasily Pukirev "Unequal Marriage", a young girl and a rather elderly man who are getting married are depicted. This is a clear example of an age difference that did not prevent the creation of a family union.

So in the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Dubrovsky", the main character married the elderly Prince Vereisky. However, in the Soviet Union, such relations were considered to be dissolute and immoral.

Negative sides

In peer marriages, spouses go through all the stages of growing up together. And when a man is older than a woman, he went through all these stages earlier and without her. Therefore, it turns out that at first the husband takes care of, protects and supports the woman, acting practically in the role of a father, and then he himself turns, in fact, into a child who needs care.

Any marriage built contrary to generally accepted canons is called unequal. You can list many factors by which relationships in marriage develop with infringement of the rights of one partner. Social status, age, religion - all these criteria can form the basis for determining a marginal union. Modern society is gradually blurring the boundaries of certain environments. At present, they are much calmer about a union in which the wife or husband is much older than their other half, in which one is poor and the other is rich, one boasts a high social status, and the other does not. What kinds of unequal marriages exist today? And in general, what kind of marriage can be called unequal today?

Modern misalliances are rather conditional. You won't surprise anyone with a big age difference. An example of media stars is proof of this. Galkin and Pugacheva, Babkina and Gorn, Tabakov and Zudina, Konchalovsky and Vysotskaya - there are many such examples, believe me, it is not so difficult to find such unions in ordinary cities and villages. Of course, such a marriage can be called unequal, because one of the partners has much more life experience than his companion. The key to the happiness of such families is their voluntary consent to marriage and great mutual love, giving birth to strong families. And no matter what they say about them, no matter how they blaspheme someone who is much younger than their other half, accusing them of selfishness and greed, they are happy together, and this is the most important thing.

Much more often today you can find unequal marriages in terms of wealth. One is rich, the other is poor. In such a marriage, as a rule, both parties have their own strategic goals, but this does not mean that they are all unhappy. On the contrary, their happiness lies in the fact that everyone gets what they want most in their lives. And it is this conviction that helps to live harmoniously and joyfully.

Social misalliance was completely unacceptable until the last moment. No one married his maids, no one took peasant women as wives, being at a different social level. But nowadays, both monarchs and princes choose life partners from ordinary families, Prince Charles, for example, and society does not condemn him for this. Therefore, today it is difficult to name a marriage that would be called unequal. Time itself aligns everyone, regardless of any differences.

If you look at statistics and social surveys, the following trend is revealed. Modern society calls an unequal marriage the union in which one of the spouses has a physical injury. In such relationships, in addition to love, there is great mercy and a desire to constantly help your partner. Marriage is considered unequal only because in such a family one of the spouses devotes his life to the other. There were many marriages between people of different faiths, races and cultures. And such unions are also perceived as unequal. A huge legal gulf arises between spouses, one must completely disown his usual life and plunge headlong into the customs and traditions of the other. In such families, big disagreements are born only because of different upbringing, and sometimes the language barrier. And such marriages can also be happy if both spouses are ready to live in constant search for the necessary compromises.

Answering the question, what kind of marriage is called unequal, we can safely say that any in which one of the spouses has any definite superiority over the other. Whatever it is expressed in, in material terms, in social status, in religion, in age-related suppression - everything can be easily overcome if there is a mutual strong feeling, selfless dedication, when spouses have common interests and a great desire to go through life together. No matter how public opinion develops, such couples are not afraid to take an oath of allegiance to each other. They will be happy from one desire to overcome any obstacles, relying on the substituted strong shoulder of love. From time immemorial, there have always been misalliances in history that went their own individual way, not looking back, and not being afraid of the wary looks of ordinary people. But they were always strong personalities, brave and courageous people.

The public is very wary of marriages of unequal age, usually regarding such cases as a reprehensible attempt by a younger marriage partner to “correct” their material difficulties at the expense of wealth or views on the property of a more mature partner. The latter, of course, then appears as a careless and frivolous victim of the "tricks" of a swindler (or swindler). Well, if it is not possible to trace the obvious financial and property subtext, people immediately try to find another explanation, most often associating it with some physiological or psychological factors. To be frank, I could never understand what the general public cares about who marries whom or who marries whom. This is a matter of only two, and it should not concern anyone else.

Unequal marriages, they are also called misalliances, have always existed, and in any society the attitude towards them was ambiguous. Since the beginning of human history, there have been, are now and will always be couples who want to build their family life according to their own, individual measure, without regard to the ideas prevailing in society. And if you take a good look at those around you, it turns out that misalliance is by no means a rare phenomenon! In the days of “gloves and swords,” a misalliance was a union of representatives of various classes (remember, “no king can marry for love”). Rare heroes (or brave madmen?) dared to elevate a loved one to their level (or fall to the level of a chosen one?), because in addition to titles, there was a big difference in the degree of education, and in worldview, value orientations, and habits.

If we talk about today, then the concept of misalliance includes the presence of a difference in age between spouses, in height (the so-called “Italian marriage”), a different position in the social hierarchy (for example, a rich man and a dowry), a contrast in external attractiveness (“beauty” and "monster", as in the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower").

So people who are completely different from each other can be married, but only for some couples such a discrepancy can become a serious problem, lead to a break, while others will completely ignore both the differences themselves and the attitude of other members of society towards them.

Misalliance examples

Big difference in age

What does science say about such marriages? If a man is much older, then this significantly reduces the life expectancy of his younger wife. The data was obtained in the course of rigorous research conducted by a large group of specialists from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. It has also been proven, on the basis of numerous facts, that mature men who happily marry young ones certainly live longer than those who take wifes of the same age. The risk of death in older husbands, whose wives are 7-9 years younger than them, is 11% lower than in men living with a spouse of the same age as them.

By the way, many scientists have long believed that this "age dependence" is equally true for both sexes. The results of new studies, however, refute this assumption. Scientists analyzed data on the life expectancy of as many as 2 million Danish couples. As a result of this painstaking work, the following trend was revealed: the life expectancy of women is reduced in direct proportion to their age difference with their husbands, and regardless of which of the spouses is younger.

Studies have shown that the risk of death in those women whose husbands are 7-17 years older is more than 10% increased compared to those who live with spouses of the same age. Paradoxically, with a younger husband, a woman is even more likely to die prematurely: with a corresponding age difference of 7-9 years, this risk increases by 20%, and by as much as 30% if the difference is 11-13 years. Probably due to increased stress. The fact that an older woman has a young spouse is considered by most of society as a violation of established norms, which often leads to social exclusion, stress and, as a result, to a significant decrease in the quality of life. In addition, when a spouse is 10 years younger, you will inevitably worry all the time so that he does not look at his peers.

Someone once calculated that the optimal age of partners in a successful marriage varies within 10 years. In these marriages, youth and experience, eccentricity and prudence are sometimes very successfully combined. Marriages between peers, especially when they are 19-20 years old, very rarely work out well. Everyone's thoughts are filled with interest in themselves, everyone wants to assert themselves, and mainly at the expense of the other, they are not used to managing money, building a family budget - too. Conflicts arise, and then the young wife believes that the only way to save the family is to have a child. But all the same, an inevitable divorce soon follows. And who is happy about it? It is not for nothing that both doctors and psychologists say that the ideal difference in the age of spouses is from 3 to 6~7 years. 10 years is fine too.

Now let's talk about age differences as defining in the relationship between two people. Any woman wants to be proud of her chosen one, and then she immediately sees that she has a bright, extraordinary personality in front of her. Well, how can you resist if such a person begins to look after you? And the secret is not that you want to touch his glory, the point is his magnetism, intelligence, life experience. He attracts, and you no longer care how old he is now and what will happen in 10-15. This cannot be known.

Pablo Casals, who gained worldwide fame, married at the age of 70 a twenty-year-old girl. He is known all over the world, she is from a very wealthy family, she had no shortage of fans. He regained his youth, she acquired love, worship, respect. And she was a girl with a rich inner world, sincerely wishing for spiritual intimacy with her husband.

My uncle married at 49 to a 27 year old woman with two children. Agree, the difference is rather big. And before this marriage, she had a husband of a completely different age, whom she left for the sake of my uncle. There were scandals in both families. Her parents did not want to recognize her uncle, considering him old; uncles mother and daughter assured that she would leave him very soon, and he would suffer. To which he reasonably replied: “But at least for a while I will be happy. Nobody knows what will happen next." Since I remained neutral and believed that he was free to manage his own life, in the eyes of all his household members, I quickly migrated to the “bad” category. But everything turned out just fine for my uncle and his young wife!

What attracts older men in an unequal marriage? They are trying to start a new life, otherwise what lies ahead? Retirement and oblivion. Yes, there are children, grandchildren, but I am also full of energy and want a full life - so, or something like this, the elderly man thinks. What if it becomes possible to have a child? Those children who were born at a young age, of course, are dear and loved, but then there were so many other problems that there was no time to deal with them especially. And here is a beloved woman, much younger, and a child in common with her, like a gift of fate. How can you not be proud of yourself and not be grateful to your young wife!

In addition, when a wife's sexual desire gradually begins to fade away, she, moving away from intimacy, increasingly refers to the fact that she has a headache, the man panics. Life is over. And then a young, beautiful and (unexpectedly!) Desirable woman who responds to his impulse appears. How to resist? And no one tries, because it turns out that there are still joys of life ahead. And the man’s strength comes from somewhere, and the work goes better, and there are a lot of plans. And it turns out that an elderly spouse benefits from this marriage even more than a woman.

When the age difference is already quite large, then a man often simply enjoys courting his wife. He remembers his youth, and relives its best moments again, his sexual desire intensifies. Again, he wins. What does the woman think about this? Tell me who doesn't like worship? And what if such elderly husbands are well provided for, can they fulfill the whims of their chosen one? Again, they do not arrange jealousy scenes, do without petty nit-picking, and prove their worth. Years later, the young wife will faithfully look after the respected spouse and give warmth and tenderness. Perhaps tenderness, trust, and a little worship unite more firmly than crazy youthful passion.

In a marriage based on love and mutual respect, age difference is irrelevant. I remember well how the marriage of Tabakov and Zudina was discussed. Yes, just look at him, in him both then and now there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcharm. You look - you see the Personality.

Now about marriages of a different nature. My mother had a friend whose father was 20 years younger than his wife.

By the time they got married, she had two children from her first marriage, then two common children appeared. They lived a very happy life. True, being much younger than his wife, the husband died earlier. He was a doctor, rode a sleigh across the river. The ice could not stand it, he fell into the icy water, caught pneumonia ...

"Star" history knows examples of happy and long marriages with a very large difference in the age of the spouses. Leni Riefenstahl, for example, was 40 years older than her husband (!), And they lived a wonderful, creative life. Such successful cases are explained quite simply: with a significant difference in age (20 years or more), the “older half” has an incentive to “hold on”. If a woman takes care of herself, if she and her husband have common interests and she does not move away from them, what does age have to do with it.

Family life can fail for a thousand reasons, and the age of the spouses is not the main thing here.

I wonder if an ideal formula for a marriage of different ages has been found at all?

According to some psychologists, there are several explanations for why a person chooses a partner for himself, much older or younger than himself. Here are the most common ones.

With age, women become good connoisseurs of the spiritual world, so to speak, heart experts, they more easily manage to become a friend to their husbands, to give the right advice. They clearly know when to praise him to make him feel like a knight. Wise by life experience, women do not quarrel over trifles, over much, insignificant things, they know how to “close their eyes”, they do not belittle, a man lives in an atmosphere of tenderness and care. A woman does not interfere with his career and does not require infinitely large amounts of money.

You can hear the opinion that the factor in the conclusion of an unequal marriage are physiological motives. Authoritative sexologists explain that the experience of one, older and, accordingly, more sophisticated partner can make such a union very harmonious sexually.

Having comprehended all that has been said, there is a temptation to come to the conclusion that people of different generations unite their destinies solely because of some kind of psychological complexes or banal physiological needs. Undoubtedly, such cases take place. However, to reduce everything to complexes and physiology would be a clear simplification and even a mistake. Not all participants in unequal marriages are people with problems. Therefore, families are far from being an exception, whose members - a mature husband and a young wife (or vice versa) - live together for many years in perfect harmony. The couple are happy!

Misalliance social

If marriage partners come from different social strata, their perception of reality may also differ significantly. According to statistics, such marriages most often break up when the difficult everyday life of family and everyday life begins. It is also noteworthy that those who are higher in social status, just the same, rarely manage to remake a partner “for themselves”. It is more likely that the opposite will happen: the one who is on the step below will bring another closer to his level. The social variety of misalliance is often accompanied by a great dissimilarity in the intellectual abilities of the spouses. If a woman is inferior in the development of her mind, then, as a rule, they even envy a man, because in this case the wife becomes completely controlled by her husband and devotes herself without a trace to her family and children. Describing such women, it is customary to say that they did everything to make their husbands become talents or geniuses, as they simply did not prevent them from developing their abilities. And if a man does not shine with a mind in marriage, then his wife usually causes pity in the circle of relatives and friends, and all other dedicated people. He may have completely different virtues (courage, strength, kindness), but this is not taken into account. An example of this kind is the fairy tale Cinderella. Yes, the prince married a poor, simple-hearted girl. And what, interestingly, was then? How did they live and raise their children? Were the members of the royal family strongly reproached the prince, were the children ashamed of their simple-minded mother, was Cinderella herself at luxurious balls? In other words, was love alone enough for them to be happy?

Today it is not so difficult to marry a foreigner. Abroad, Russian women have developed a reputation as “good wives.” Usually women go abroad with the hope of a wonderful future and do not really think about the mental, cultural and national characteristics of the host country. Meanwhile, each nationality has its own preferences, which not everyone can get used to and accept for themselves. And, if, before moving to the homeland of their "soulmate", some features of the nature of the newly-made wife were hidden

Misalliance national

somewhere deep and far away, then in a foreign country they will come to the fore.

Again, it all depends on the feelings. If she loves her husband, she will try to adapt to her new environment, to new relatives. In my opinion, marriage looks more complicated when the bride moves to the Caucasus. There are indeed very difficult problems. There, for sure, not a single mother-in-law will accept you with open arms. Yes, you yourself are unlikely to like to always be under the strict control of your spouse and his mother. This is especially true for small settlements, where traditions have evolved over the centuries and are honored endlessly. In European countries, they are more relaxed about such things. There, children are separated quite early, they say, live as you want.

"The beauty and the Beast"

A noticeable difference in height, when a man is shorter than a woman, has long ceased to excite the people. The marriage of these spouses is usually called "Italian". But the difference in external attractiveness between spouses is not that rare, and the woman does not necessarily represent the “beautiful side”. A handsome man and a "gray mouse" - this is the alignment here.

Once I was resting in a boarding house on the sea. There was a woman living next to us. She was tall, and not even thin, but somehow skinny, her appearance was far from shining, if not worse. So she told all the vacationers what a handsome husband she had, a sea captain, and he would come for her. To be honest, no one believed her. What was our shock when one fine day she rushed towards a handsome man and hung on his neck. He turned out to be her husband. Tall, stately, handsome, very accommodating, smiling, in short, there are only advantages and no disadvantages. When this woman walked with him in the evening, holding his arm, she looked at everyone with such pride, and it was directly written on her face: but you don’t have such a man! I must say, the women envied her a lot, and by no means white envy.

Therefore, do not worry if you do not have long legs of the model and its parameters, do not suffer if it seems to you that you are not beautiful enough, be afraid not to love. Because true love makes a person close his eyes to external, and even "internal" shortcomings. In order to be loved, you do not need to be a written beauty or have the soul of an angel - this is a proven fact.

Difference in financial position

Everything is clear here: one of the spouses is rich (like Croesus), the other is poor (like a Kazan orphan). How many young beauties, without a penny in their pocket and without experience in love, but with a great desire to live in a luxurious mansion, ride a yacht and visit fine restaurants, do everything possible and impossible, hoping to get their hands on some rich man or celebrity!

Of course, in the case of equal players in this field, marriage, family and living together become objects of the most real material transaction. In such marriages, the threat of divorce is unlikely - all the rules are known, you just need to follow them strictly.

But just when the very young girl who has nothing but a pretty face comes into play, the chances of marriage are minimal, and divorce (if the marriage does take place) is prohibitively high.

I would advise such girls to go somewhere to study in order to have an education when they finally get ready to work. And to get the blessings of life with your own labor and mind.

It must be remembered that in order to maintain strong family relationships in an unequal marriage and mutual tender feelings, each of the two will need dedication, greater than in a normal, “equal” marriage. Let us return to Exupery's thoughts on this matter: marriage is strong not when the spouses look at each other, but when they look in the same direction.

Unequal marriage A marriage is called in which one of the spouses is much older than the other. More often in such a marriage, the husband is much older than his wife, and the age difference in such a marriage can reach more than 20 years.

Most people are calm about the fact that a man in his years marries a young girl. However, no one believes in love between a middle-aged woman and a young man who is fit for her sons.

Despite the prevailing stereotypes, a difference of 15-20 years in favor of a woman is considered a biological and social norm, and the opinion that a woman ages faster than a man is nothing but a delusion. Scientists have proven that if the peak of male sexual activity occurs at the age of 35-40 years, then the peak of female - at 45-50 years! It is this age of a woman that can be considered “Balzac”, and not at all the notorious 35, as it was in the time of Balzac. No wonder, apparently, the proverb is so popular among the people that “at 45 a woman is a berry again!” Just at this time, many women, against the background of changes in hormonal levels, are able to experience stronger sexual sensations than in their 20s. Sexual desire is aggravated, a special romanticism arises, which, of course, cannot but attract people of the opposite sex.

There are many examples confirming this truth. It is known, for example, that sung by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Anna Petrovna Kern married for the second time Alexander Vasilievich Markov-Vinogradsky who was 20 years younger than her! And, remarkably, this marriage union arose precisely out of love. This is evidenced by an entry in the diary of the "young" spouse:

"It's good to love! And I love her, my Annette, very much! Everything that is done is from God, and our union, strange as it may seem, is blessed by HIM!..”

Indicative in this sense is the marriage of the great French singer Edith Piaf whose last husband Theo almost fit for her grandchildren. Edith was neither a model of morality, nor a standard of beauty - drinking almost from adolescence, later addicted to drugs, with fingers twisted with rheumatism ... But it was also, albeit very unusual, but still love!

The same can be said about marriage. Agatha Christie And Max Malone, who was 15 years younger than the detective queen. When Max first offered Agatha a hand and a heart, she refused, because she believed that in the company of a mature lady he would waste his youth and not be able to have children. But Max convinced her. Their marriage was very strong and harmonious.

Modern psychologists argue that in the relationship between a man and a woman, one of the fundamental factors is not age at all (and certainly not the age difference), but the so-called psychological compatibility of partners, as well as the knowledge of some wisdom that can make a marriage truly lasting. Perhaps these wisdoms are used by mature, wise women.

To strengthen your marriage union, you need:

    Leave at least two evenings a week free in order to spend them together (or with your family).

    Learn to overcome vanity. For example, a man whose wife earns more should be proud of his “second half”, and not envy her. A woman whose husband has suddenly become unemployed or, for whatever reason, has moved to a less paid job, needs to be not only tactful, but also strong in order to continue to inspire the head of the family.

    Try to be flexible (flexible). If a man makes a career or starts his own business, and the wife wants, for example, to study, then one should adapt to the desires and aspirations of the spouse without going into conflict. Adapting doesn't mean you stop being yourself. The more a person retains his personality, his individuality, the more carefully he will treat his marriage partner.

    Clash of opinions and emotions should not be avoided. The strongest relationships are those in which partners candidly discuss or dispute any issues, and do not harbor resentment in themselves. However, frankness, which is an important condition for normal relationships between members of the marriage union, does not always have to be absolute. A little mystery can make them more interesting and exciting.

    You can not remember only the mistakes of the spouse. Happy couples, even after many years of living together, look at each other as if from the bottom up, slightly idealizing each other, which further strengthens their marriage.

Between people of different estates or classes, between people who differ greatly in property or social status.

In most cases, as a result of an unequal marriage, the spouse or spouse of a lower social origin reached the same position as the higher-ranking spouse. For example, in Russia, a woman who married a nobleman herself became a noblewoman. If this does not happen, then such an unequal marriage is called morganatic.

In a class society, misalliance, as a rule, was condemned. This was especially true of ancient India, where in some cases it was punishable by death, and the children from such a marriage were outside the estates, that is, below both parents.

The theme of misalliance was often used in the works of the 18th and early 20th centuries. One of George Bernard Shaw's plays is called "Misalliance".

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