Do-it-yourself pedicure at home: step by step instructions with a photo. Do-it-yourself pedicure at home: step by step instructions. Hardware pedicure: step by step instructions with photos

Every woman wants to be a well-groomed beauty, like a TV star or a glossy magazine. In the conditions of a crazy rhythm of life - work, home, work - there is not always enough time for salon care. In addition, procedures in the salon are not cheap, which can negatively affect the family budget.

- Simple instructions: Do-it-yourself pedicure at home;
— Detailed step by step instructions: Do-it-yourself pedicure at home;

In this case, a woman can provide herself with proper care at home, for example, do a beauty session on her own legs - a pedicure. How to achieve a good result in this matter? Consider a simple step-by-step instruction "Do-it-yourself pedicure at home."

To start

For starters, you should stock up on all the essentials, which are useful for pedicure: a bowl of warm water, a spoon-pusher to push back the cuticles, tweezers for cuticles, an emulsion to soften the cuticles, a four-sided nail file, polishing, a corn softener, a pumice stone, a towel, a scrub, a mask and a foot cream.


First you need to properly steam the legs in a basin with warm water. For additional softening, you can add simple table salt to the water, to give a fragrant atmosphere - drop a few drops of any essential oil into the water.

As soon as the skin on the legs has steamed out, you need to apply a remedy to soften them on the corns (if any). To get the effect of a greenhouse, you can wrap the legs with polyethylene and put on warm socks. After 7-10 minutes, you can start grinding the sole with pumice stone: first with large crumbs, then clean it with pumice-polishing with fine crumbs. Voila! Feet became smooth.


Now you can start working on nails. A special emulsion will help soften the cuticles. With a spoon, you need to push the cuticles to the outer edges of the nail, and with tweezers, cut off the dead cuticles.

When the nail plate is cleaned, you can start shaping. Each side of the four-sided nail file must be shaped into a comfortable shape and sanded so that the edge of the nail becomes smooth and without hooks.

And finally

Now the best part remains. Need to apply a cleansing scrub to the sole of the foot, then a softening mask. After these simple manipulations, the skin on the legs will become velvety, silky. The final touch is the application of a rich nourishing cream on the skin of the feet, it will fix the feeling of softness for several days. You can also use cuticle oil, it will soften not only the cuticles, but also the dry skin around the nail. It remains only to apply a stylish nail polish and the legs are ready to go!

So quickly, without financial investments and wasting time on trips, a woman can spend her free half an hour with the benefit of her own beauty.

Detailed step by step instructions: Do-it-yourself pedicure at home

In order for the legs not to look abandoned and unkempt, but to look beautiful and attractive, you should take care of your nails and periodically do a pedicure. And if the appearance in winter is not so critical, then in summer this is a very significant drawback, because you have to show your fingers to others more often. Of course, the fastest and most effective way is to visit the salon of highly qualified specialists.

But given the cost of services and the time required for travel, it is much more convenient to perform a pedicure at home, thereby saving time for your own leisure. Such procedures will keep the skin in good and tender condition , and the nails will look well-groomed. It is worth noting that doing a pedicure is not recommended more than once every eight days, and doing it regularly can keep the skin in excellent condition.


Well, let's start the procedure, feet need to be thoroughly washed and in the event that there is old varnish on the nails, it should be removed. In order not to damage anything, it is advisable to use specialized tools, such as a file for grinding rough skin areas, a buff, a cuticle, a nail file 100/180 and wire cutters. All instruments must be cleaned and disinfected with Bacillus before use.

First step: soar legs

The first thing to do before the procedure is soak your feet in the water. This is done in order to make the skin softer. Take a bowl or any other container with warm water. For greater benefit, salts or special mixtures are added to the water. Keep your feet should be ten to fifteen minutes. After a while, the feet are well wiped.

Step two: nails and cuticles

Next step - trimming nails and cuticles. This item requires care and caution - one wrong move and it will be difficult to fix. For cutting, use nail scissors or specialized nippers. Due to the characteristics of the human body, nails should be cut in a straight line, they should resemble a square in shape. What is it for? This form forms additional rigidity and will not allow the nail to grow into the skin on the sides. To get rid of torn edges walk a nail file along the cut.

Then the cuticle moves. This should be done with a spatula designed for this. For a better effect, you can use a cuticle remover, it is applied to the skin, and after five minutes, carefully wiped with a cotton swab. With smooth, but confident movements of the shoulder blade, you need to clean the nail from the cuticle, gently press the rest of the skin at the base of the nail towards the finger. Also, with a spatula, clean the remnants from under the nails.

Third step: polishing nails

To achieve the finished result, proceed to the next step - polishing the nail. To do this, you need to use a polishing file or buff. It should be remembered that the better the surface of the nail is prepared, the longer the varnish will last and have a more beautiful appearance.

Fourth step: cleaning the skin

The final step in preparing the foot will be cleaning feet from old and rough skin. This is done with one of the most common tools - pumice stone. In addition, you can use special scrubs and cleaners. You can buy the above at any pharmacy. After treatment of the feet, the skin should be lubricated with a moisturizing and nourishing cream.

Fifth step: apply varnish

The preparation is completed, now the most important and painstaking stage - varnishing . The choice of colors depends entirely on tastes and preferences, it is also mono to use a completely transparent varnish. Before application, the surface of the nail is treated with a nail polish remover to clean the surface and remove excess particles. To make it easier to apply varnish, use a separator that is placed between the fingers. If this is not the case, it does not matter, take cotton swabs.

Then on the nail you need spread the base mixture, which will serve as a solid start for further layers, as well as level the surface. Be sure to wait until the base is completely dry and then you can apply varnish. It is recommended to apply two layers - then the color will be richer and the effect better.

Fixing the result

After applying the varnish, you can use a fixative, which will allow the varnish to retain its shape and color much longer. Although this step is optional, you can do without it.

Left patiently wait for the polish to dry completely and enjoy the result of the work done.
We really hope that our step-by-step instruction on do-it-yourself pedicure at home came in handy for you and you were able to use the tips given in it.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Meet the season of open shoes with well-groomed toes? It is quite possible to do a pedicure for yourself if there is no opportunity to visit the salon. How often to do a pedicure? If the skin on the heels is rough, thick and grows very quickly, the procedure should be carried out twice a month. If the skin is thin - once will be enough.

Classic pedicure

On well-steamed feet, the skin from the heels is cut off with a razor, the cuticle is removed with tweezers. This method was probably the most popular in the past decades. But it contains many dangers.

  1. Firstly, you can easily cut yourself with a sharp blade and infect.
  2. Secondly, in practice it turns out like this: the more you cut off the skin, the sooner it grows back and becomes even rougher.

Unedged pedicure

  • Scrub your feet with antibacterial soap to completely remove impurities and also kill all bacteria. Wipe dry.
  • Apply a special tool - (gel to remove corns) - on a napkin or sponge and apply to problem areas.

  • Wrap your foot in cling film and wait 15 minutes or more.
  • Then, using a disposable spatula (grinding file or pumice stone), remove the product: rub the heel first with the harder side, then with the fine-grained one. Do not get carried away, the procedure should not cause discomfort.
  • Rinse your feet with warm water and start processing the cuticles.
  • Remove old polish from your nails with an acetone-free liquid.
  • Apply a drop of oil (olive or burdock) on your nails and massage for 3 minutes.
  • Gently slide the skin folds at the base of the nails down with a wooden stick.
  • Lubricate the feet with oil, paying special attention to the "problem" areas: thumbs, heels and pads under the fingers.
  • Rinse off the oil with sea salt water and dry your feet.
  • File your nails first with a rough, and then with a soft polishing nail file, without rounding them around the edges, otherwise the nail plate may be deformed.
  • On the prepared nails, apply the base, and on top - colored varnish.
  • After it is completely dry, cover it with a fixative - it will hold on for a long time.

Rules for the perfect pedicure

  • The procedure is preferably carried out at the end of the day.
  • If the skin is too rough, pre-steam your feet in the bath. Scrub your feet and legs with a mixture of coarse sea salt and sour cream. Then dip your feet in warm water with 3 drops of oil (almond or jojoba) and the same amount of tea tree oil (this is a natural antiseptic) for 10 minutes. When the skin softens, gently remove the keratinization with a pumice stone.
  • Try to cut your toenails straight, do not round them to prevent ingrown nails.
  • Do not apply funds to open wounds and cracks, so as not to cause inflammation.
  • With specific problems (ingrown toenail, cracked feet and heels), it is better to consult a specialist.

Do not forget about daily care: wash your feet regularly using antibacterial soap, exfoliate and moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream. Massage your feet (with your hands or with a wooden massager) while lubricating the skin of your feet with oil or fat cream. In order to eliminate sweating and unpleasant odors, choose socks made from natural materials. Pamper your feet regularly with masks.

Foot masks

  • To prepare, chop 3 orange slices in a blender, add st. a spoonful of any vegetable oil and a coffee spoon of starch, mix well. Apply the mask on clean feet and after 20 minutes wash off. The procedure can be done three times a week until the desired result is achieved. It perfectly softens the skin of the feet and removes dead skin cells.
  • Very quickly softens the skin with a compress of watermelon juice (a teaspoon) and pounded egg yolk. Apply a mask on pre-steamed feet, leaving for 20 minutes. Wash your feet, apply a nourishing cream and put on clean cotton socks.
  • An effective remedy for sweaty feet is rose petals. Grind pre-dried petals (100 g) in a blender and mix with 100 g of vodka (50 g of alcohol). The mixture should be brought to a boil, cool and warm applied to the feet for 20 minutes.

So, now you know all the secrets of the perfect pedicure at home. Self-care will take quite a bit of time, and affordable masks made from natural products will not yield to salon ones and will make you the owner of beautiful and well-groomed legs.

Pedicure is not just a whim of a fashionista, but high-quality foot care and health care. It should be done as regularly as a manicure. You need to perform the procedure at least once every 3 weeks, depending on the condition of the legs and the type of pedicure.

The classic version involves the use of masks, baths for tissue regeneration and cleansing of the cover from pollution. At the same time, the shape of the nail plate is corrected, the cuticle is trimmed. Hardware methods soften dead cells, remove the stratum corneum of the epithelium. Eliminates the possibility of injury and cuts.

What you need for the treatment of nails and feet

To carry out a cosmetic procedure, you will need the following tools:

  • foot bath;
  • pedicure scissors or nippers;
  • cuticle tweezers;
  • nail file;
  • grinding nail file with an abrasive surface;
  • polishing nail file with a rubber tip;
  • foot scraper;
  • finger separators (for neat work).

What is included in the pedicure set besides this? Experts advise stocking up on special scrubs, masks, balms, moisturizers, cooling gels and talcum powder with a disinfectant effect.

An alternative to ready-made cosmetics are mixtures of base and essential oils. Soften and moisturize the skin phytoessences of rosemary, orange, lavender, anise, sandalwood.

How to do a pedicure - a classic step-by-step technique

Every girl (woman) should have the skills to perform a classic pedicure. This procedure will allow you to put your feet in order at any time when it is not possible to visit a beautician.

Preparation before the procedure

At the preparatory stage, you need to remove the varnish coating and clean the nails, feet and skin. For this purpose, a bath with warm water (up to 45-50 degrees) is used. It should not be cool or too hot. In the bath, you can add a few drops of essential oil, baby soap, a decoction of medicinal plants, sea salt or special products with a softening effect.

Treatment of rough skin step by step

When the rough skin becomes soft, you can begin to remove it:

  • The legs are taken out of the bath one by one and treated with a metal “grater”.
  • With the help of a pumice stone, the coarsened areas of the legs are cleaned in a circular motion.
  • To get rid of corns, you need to take tweezers, carefully remove the keratinized layers.
  • After processing the skin with a polishing file.
  • If there are still coarsened layers on the heel, then you can remove them with a razor, which is included in the pedicure set.
  • If the layer of dead epidermis is small, a scrub or peeling will help get rid of it.

What is included in the work with nails and cuticles

How long after the bath can I start processing nails? You don't have to go straight to this step. Wait 20-15 minutes. This is necessary so that the plates dry out and do not exfoliate after filing and cutting.

With the help of a nail file and tweezers, the nails are given the desired shape; it is impossible to cut the skin too much where it comes into contact with the nail roller, which can lead to infection of the skin. An orange stick is used for polishing.

It is best to apply a special emollient to it, wait a few minutes and gently push the skin aside with an orange stick.

Lacquer coating

Step by step work steps are as follows:

  • degreasing the nail plate with nail polish remover;
  • covering the nail with a leveling base;
  • applying colored varnish in two layers, dry each of them thoroughly;
  • fixing the main color with a fixative.

The final step is to moisturize the skin of the feet. You can rub a nourishing cream into the skin, make oil wraps, apply disinfectant talc.

Hardware pedicure technology, sequence description

The procedure consists in the comprehensive care of the feet and nails with the help of one machine with different nozzles for removing rough skin, grinding, polishing. The advantages of hardware processing is to minimize the risks of damage to the skin and nail layer, which means that the likelihood of infection is reduced to zero.

The main thing is to choose the right one to give the nails the perfect shape and restore smoothness and elasticity to the skin.

Important! Before performing hardware treatment, disinfect and soften the feet to prevent infection from entering the tissues and make the keratinized layers more pliable (baths with decoctions of herbs, essential oils will help).

The instructions for performing a hardware pedicure are simple. Step by step work:

  1. To begin with, it is important to choose cutters according to the instructions for using the device.
  2. Treat the heels, the skin of the feet, paying attention to the pads where calluses and corns form.
  3. Be sure to clean the outside of each finger and gently buff the cuticle.
  4. For processing fingers, small nozzles and caps are used.
  5. Then give the nail plate the desired shape, eliminate rounding to prevent it from growing into the skin.
  6. Apply varnish, let it dry.
  7. Make a light foot massage with moisturizing or therapeutic compounds (baby cream, balm, antimicrobial ointments).

To avoid damage to the skin and infection of the nail plate, you need to remember the rules of technology and precautions:

  • perform trimming procedures carefully, using special blades and scrapers;
  • be sure to disinfect the feet after each stage of treatment;
  • in case of fungal infections, seek help from professionals so as not to aggravate the condition of the nail plate and skin;
  • carefully treat all tools with antiseptics before carrying out a pedicure;
  • it is forbidden to cut the cuticle excessively, in the presence of blood, treat the cut and bandage the finger with a bandage;
  • it is important to carefully choose cosmetic products for foot care, taking into account skin type and age characteristics.

What is a rub

Previously, special foil was used for chrome-plated pedicure, but today a mirror rub is popular. It is a pigment in the form of a fine powder. It is rubbed into the nail plate. There are many color variations, from classic gold and silver to vibrant neon hues. The pigment is very economically distributed over the nail plate, so one small jar is enough for a long time.

Mother-of-pearl is perfectly rubbed with fingers or using a special applicator, which is included in the rubbing kit. It turns out an original shade with the possibility of drawing an artistic ornament.

Toenail shape

Varieties of forms of toenails:

  • neat squares or rectangles, a short length is preferable for them to avoid injury to the nail;
  • round shape - the lines are smooth, the plates are cut short, it is easy to edit with a nail file;
  • pointed - suitable for confident, eccentric women, but gives a lot of trouble on the legs (this form is rarely used);
  • oval - when the length of the nail is a continuation of the cuticle line.

As for the design options, then on the legs you can do:

  • plain pedicure,
  • white or colored jacket,
  • add an ornament, rhinestones, pebbles, drawings, three-dimensional figures.

Useful video

A visual technique for conducting a classic edged pedicure.


Or in the salon it involves cleansing the feet of coarse tissues, nourishing and moisturizing the skin. The shape of the nail is modeled and the plate is decorated. The legs become not only beautiful, but well-groomed and healthy!

Video tutorials, master classes by professionals, as well as books on this topic will help to master the theory of pedicure and the technology of performing work.

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Pedicure: types and techniques

Every woman always wants to look young, well-groomed, impeccable. To do this, you need to monitor your health and appearance every day. One of the types of necessary procedures is a pedicure. In this article we will tell you how to do a pedicure and what are its varieties.

Pedicure is a periodically necessary procedure for the care of the feet and toenails. This is not only an aesthetic procedure, but also a medical one. Its essence is to remove and treat ingrown nails, calluses, hardening of the skin, nail plates. Constant attention to your feet will help to timely identify foot deformities, flat feet, and various skin diseases. It is worth considering that for certain diseases it is contraindicated to do this procedure. If you have any doubts about the health of your feet, be sure to consult with a specialist.

The structure of toenails

Nails are derivatives of the skin, horny plates on the terminal phalanges of the fingers. The main component of the nail is keratin. Between its layers are placed thin layers of fat and water. It is thanks to these layers that the nails are elastic and shiny. Nails perform a protective function, protecting the sensitive ends of the fingers from possible damage. Nails are trimmed painlessly, like hair, due to the fact that they do not have nerve endings.

Many are interested in how much the toenail grows when growth is faster or slower. Below are short answers to these and other questions.

1. In an average person, a nail grows by 4 - 4.5 mm in one month.
2. In a lifetime, a person cuts 4 - 4.5 m of the total length of nails.
3. On the legs, they grow more slowly than on the hands.
4. The growth rate depends on the state of human health.
5. With age, the growth rate decreases.
6. Grow faster during the day than at night.
7. In the warm season, nails grow faster than in the cold.

How to cut your toenails the right way

In order to have the correct shape of toenails, it is necessary to cut them correctly. Pour warm water into the foot bath, add sea salt. Soak your fingers in water for a few minutes. After that, dry with a towel. You need to cut the nail strictly in a straight line from edge to edge. Cutting the sides is not recommended - this can lead to a change in the position of the growth of the nail, i.e. to its ingrowth.

Many women love long, beautiful, healthy nails, but not everyone grows fast. In order to accelerate the growth of toenails, they need help. This can be done with folk remedies (cheaper) or cosmetic preparations (more expensive).

How to speed up the growth of toenails (folk medicine recipes)

1. Use olive oil. Pour heated oil into the bath, lower the nails for 5-10 minutes. Do the procedure once a day for a week. The cuticles will become softer, the nail will shine more noticeably. If the nails have been damaged, then this is an ideal nourishment for their structure.

2. Nourishing ointment. Mix in a toe 5 g of beeswax, 50 ml of calendula oil, boiled egg yolk. Heat the resulting mass in an enamel bowl, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. Apply at bedtime by rubbing into each nail and the area around the nail.

3. Universal oil. Mix in a glass bowl (jar) 2 drops of tea rose essential oil, 2 tbsp. l. apricot kernel oil, 5 drops of geranium essential oil, 1 tsp. almond oil. Apply to fingers before going to bed, rubbing well. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator.

4. Iodized coating. For aesthetic reasons, this procedure is best done in the cold season. No one will see your yellow fingers in socks. Each nail plate, using a cotton swab, is covered with one layer of iodine. With such a pedicure, you need to walk from several days to one week.

5. Sea breeze. Get a bag of sea salt, vitamins A, E (in drops) at the pharmacy. It is better to choose salt complete with a pleasant essential oil. Pour warm water (0.5 - 1 l) into the pedicure bath, add 1 - 2 tbsp. l. fragrant sea salt, a few drops of vitamin A and E. Lower the fingers for 5 - 10 minutes. Use the procedure several times a week.

6. Softening toenails with a soda bath. Pour hot water at a temperature comfortable for you, add a couple of tablespoons of soda there and lower your feet there, wait 15-20 minutes, then lubricate the skin of your feet with a softening cream.

Most importantly, think about your nails at least a few times a month. If you do any procedures a couple of times a year, the effect of this will be small.

Varieties of beautiful forms of toenails

The most popular nail shape is oval. The nail is elongated and is a continuation of the cuticle line. This form can often be seen on the fingers.

pointed. It is one of the most difficult techniques to perform. "Sharp claws" love confident, eccentric women. Very rarely done on feet.

Rectangular. Elongated nail, upper cut with right angles. Performed with manicure and pedicure.

Round. All lines are smooth, rounded. The length is short. It is not often seen on toenails.

Square. Like a rectangular one, only a short length. It is the most common on the legs.

Features of a pedicure at home

For those who do not have time to go to salons and who want to save costs, a home pedicure on their feet is the ideal method.

It is necessary to prepare:

- nail polish remover, nail polish;
- cotton swab;
- towel;
- warm water;
- sea salt;
- tools (scissors, nail file, cuticle spatula);
- bowl (bath);
- Scrub with oil (for aroma).

Pedicure procedure at home:

We clean nails from varnish. Pour water into the bath. Add sea salt and oil. We lower the legs into the water, let it soak for 10 minutes. After that, we rub the skin with a scrub, wait a few minutes and wash everything off. We cut the desired length, clean, form the desired shape. We file and polish nails. We wipe dry, apply the base and paint with your favorite varnish. After the procedure, be sure to lubricate with a moisturizer. And you will get a fashionable pedicure at home.

Types of professional pedicure

Medical pedicure

Our legs sometimes need not only aesthetically pleasing procedures, but also medical ones. One of the types of therapeutic foot care is a medical hardware pedicure. Its main task is to correctly combine non-traumatic hardware pedicure with professional medical cosmetics. Therapeutic pedicure can only be performed by a specialist with a medical education.

Advantages of medical pedicure

1. Minimal risk of injury.
2. Removers are used to soften the epithelium.
3. Used cosmetics perform healing, antiseptic functions.
4. Multifunctionality of the procedure. An experienced master can cope with any severe cases (ingrown toenail, fungus).
5. Only the keratinized layer of the skin is removed, and healthy tissues are not damaged.

Step by step instructions for pedicure

1. The master examines the feet and offers treatment options.
2. Foot treatment with antiseptics.
3. Applying a softening agent to the skin of the feet.
4. Removal of the keratinized layer of the skin, its polishing.
5. If there are any skin diseases, then procedures are performed to treat them.
6. The desired shape is given to the nail plate. It is cleaned, polished and treated with medical means. At the request of the client, varnish is applied to the nail.
7. Treatment of the foot with an antifungal agent and massage with a nourishing cream.

Medical pedicure: video

Classic pedicure

One of the most popular and affordable methods is the classic edged pedicure. This pedicure is performed in the salon and at home.

The essence of the procedure

The cream is applied to hard areas of the skin. Then the nails are cut (dry), their length and shape are formed. Only after this does steaming occur. To do this, use different infusions of herbs, aromatic essential oils. Steaming takes no more than 15 minutes. The next step is foot cleaning. With the help of a pumice stone (rough at first, then softer), the feet are cleaned of keratinized skin. Then, with the help of a pedicure set, the cuticles are cleaned. The final step will be washing in clean water and applying a nourishing cream to the feet. On average, the procedure takes 40 - 60 minutes. It is enough to do it once a month to maintain the result.


Affordable price;
- the effect is noticeable for a long time.


Possible infection;
- risk of minor injury (cut);
- only a good specialist is needed, otherwise the effect will be short-lived and unpleasant.

Variant of the classic pedicure

Hardware pedicure

This treatment method is a salvation for problematic nails and skin of the feet, so this is an ideal men's pedicure, as men have rougher skin and more often have problems with nails and skin of the feet, unlike women.

Hardware pedicure step by step

At the beginning of the procedure, the feet must be treated with a disinfectant. After that, a preparation is applied to soften the keratinized skin. Few minutes soften the legs. Then the master with the help of different nozzles can remove calluses, ingrown nails, cracks. Cuticles also do not go unnoticed. Even warts can be removed painlessly. The electric device has different nozzles, thanks to which the master can perform work of any complexity. The result is noticeable immediately, but sometimes in severe cases, the procedure must be repeated several times. After finishing, a softening cream is applied. Some professionals use place creams for paraffin masks. Everything takes about 1 hour.


Hard to reach problem areas are removed;
- absence of possible injuries;
- saving time;
- painless;
- Ideal for people with diabetes.


The high cost of equipment and procedures;
- a small number of skilled craftsmen.

Fraser for pedicure

A pedicure machine is not very expensive if it is intended for home use, which cannot be said about professional models. Purchasing a home pedicure machine will save you a lot of time for foot care. For the best result, you can take a few pedicure lessons from professionals or watch a video with a similar technique. The main thing when choosing to look at the quality of which the nozzles (cutters) are made, and the device itself. The best option for a professional pedicure is a router with a spray or a vacuum cleaner, as they will partially remove dust from the treatment area and protect it from it.
A good router is defined by the absence of handle vibration at maximum speed with a new thin diamond nozzle installed and the presence of forced cooling of the handle (except for routers with a brushless (brushless) motor, where the handle is sealed and very durable).

European pedicure

The safest method of caring for feet and nails is a European unedged pedicure.

The essence of the procedure

With frequent use of this method, the cuticle becomes thinner. A special tool is used to remove the cuticle. It can be in the form of milk, gels, creams, masks. Under their influence, the hardened cuticle dissolves within 10 minutes. At the same time, the area around the nails is nourished. After dissolving the cuticle, it is moved to the base of the nail with an orange stick. Scissors in the European pedicure are not used, the formation of the nail occurs only with the help of different nail files. After that, cream and remover are applied to the feet. After softening, grinding is carried out with a pumice stone. Then it is moistened with a cream and a light massage is done for better blood circulation. Lacquer is applied last.


Saves time;
- painless;
- no risk of infections;
- lasting result.


For the best result, you need to do the procedure often at first;
- not suitable for heavily groomed nails and feet.

SPA pedicure - complete relaxation

The essence of the procedure

SPA is one of the most expensive and lengthy foot care procedures. For complete relaxation of the client, calm music plays, various incense smells, candles burn. The work is aimed at relaxing the client (cooling, moisturizing, softening, massage). All this is done with the help of scrubs, creams, lotions, therapeutic mud, sea salt and other necessary substances. Horny skin areas are not removed with blades or hardware attachments. It uses special concentrates of seaweed and Dead Sea salts. Thanks to the application of alpha hydroxy acids to the cuticles, they become softer. Old, unnecessary cells are removed. Calluses, rough skin areas are removed with the help of a special marine serum. It does not corrode the skin, but gently removes the dead layer of the epithelium. After that, peeling is carried out with the help of scrubs. The final step will be the application of healing masks. In the summer, masks with a cooling effect (menthol, mint) are used. Especially in demand are creams, oils with an antioxidant - vitamin E, which keeps the skin in good shape, gives it elasticity (prolongs the youth of the epithelium). After that, the feet are moisturized with a cucumber complex (cucumber extract, chamomile extract, aloe, panthenol). All this takes approximately 1.5 hours.


The result is visible for a long time (sometimes up to one month);
- relaxation not only of the legs, but of the whole body;
- there are no traumatic risks;
- infection is excluded.


One of the most expensive types of pedicure;
- specialized salons, there are few masters.

Japanese pedicure

This method rejuvenates and tones the skin of the feet.

The essence of the procedure

First, the feet are treated with an antiseptic. Then, with the help of a tatibana stick, the cuticles are pushed back, and a remedy with cucumber extract is applied. A mineral-based emollient is applied to the cuticles. Scrub lubricates the entire foot. After that, aromatic baths are applied. The next step is polishing the nail with a rice block to the perfect shape. To inhibit the growth of cuticles, they are lubricated with lotus oil. Powder is applied to the nails, which is made on the basis of beeswax. A substance based on citrus essential oil perfectly rejuvenates the skin of the feet. The last stage of the Japanese pedicure is the application of therapeutic masks based on herbs and foot massage.


Relaxation of the whole body;
- painless;
- no risk of injury or infection.


The high cost of the procedure;
- few good specialists.

When using exfoliating Japanese socks at home, the effect will be almost like after visiting the salon. At first glance, these are ordinary plastic bags with a liquid substance inside. It is the composition of the liquid that plays the main role.


1. We purchase socks for a pedicure.
2. We put them on clean feet.
3. Wear exfoliating pedicure socks for 1 - 2 hours (depending on skin problems).
4. Remove them, wash off the remaining liquid from the legs, apply a moisturizer.
5. We are waiting for the result. Within one week, the skin will gradually peel off. It is important to have patience and not cut it off on your own. You can only use softening baths. Pedicure socks get good reviews, they will not always remove corns and calluses.


Affordable price;
- minimum time spent;
- long lasting results.


- with open wounds on the legs.

This type of foot care appeared not so long ago, but has already managed to gain great popularity. A lot of positive reviews about pedicure socks indicate that there really is an effect.

There are different manufacturers that offer Japanese socks. But not all of them are of good quality. Therefore, before buying, it is advisable to read the reviews of those who have tried the socks on themselves.

Every girl always strives to stand out from the crowd. Not only the arms, but also the legs should look bright and well-groomed. You don't have to go to a salon to get a pedicure. A similar procedure can be carried out independently. How to do a pedicure at home with your own hands? Step by step instructions will be described in detail in our article.

Usually, the question of a beautiful design for a pedicure is asked in the summer, when beautiful fingers are visible from under open shoes. With beautiful nails, every girl will feel confident. To create a pedicure at home with your own hands, a step-by-step instruction with a photo of which we will consider, you will not need a special apparatus.

Preparatory stage

There are many options for creating a bewitching nail design. For work you will need:

  • scissors and cosmetic forceps;
  • cuticle spatula;
  • wire cutters;
  • brush;
  • file;
  • cotton wool;
  • nail polish remover.

To pre-treat the nails, you will need a bath, scrubs and a moisturizer.

  1. Use a nail polish remover to remove any remaining old coating. Before applying a beautiful design on the nails, you need to hold your feet in the bath. As a cleansing composition, you can take sea salt, sodium bicarbonate or chamomile decoction. You can buy a special antibacterial composition at the pharmacy to soften the feet and corns. As the water in the bath cools, you need to add boiling water. This procedure takes about half an hour.
  2. Now you should properly process the feet, removing corns. To do this, use a pumice stone. Make circular movements, it is desirable to affect all areas. After treatment, the legs need to be massaged with a scrub. At the end, dry your feet and use a moisturizer.
  3. Never cut your cuticles, otherwise you will get painful wounds and bruises, which will spoil the appearance of the pedicure. It is enough to move the overgrown skin with a stick, having previously treated the cuticle with oil. File your nails and shape them. Clean out any dirt under your nails.
  4. Now you can move on to creating a beautiful pedicure. The first layer is a transparent base for the nail. Such a coating is absolutely harmless, it will help protect the nails from harmful effects. Be sure to apply a top coat at the end.

How to treat nails with the help of the device?

This procedure does not involve softening the legs. It will be enough to treat fingers with an antiseptic.

  1. Cuticles must be handled very carefully. Move the excess skin from the center to the edges. After that, the cuticle should be sanded.
  2. Sinuses of side nozzles. This procedure involves moving in the direction of nail growth.
  3. Also, nail rollers are used for processing. Movements occur without stopping with the help of soft grinding.
  4. After that, the cuticle is processed using a special nozzle.
  5. Using grinding and polishing nozzles, nails are polished. This procedure is very important, since it removes all roughness from the surface.

How to do a pedicure with gel polish?

Pedicure with gel polish is very simple and lasts a long time. For work you will need:

  • gel polish;
  • base coat;
  • degreaser;
  • cotton pads;
  • Ultraviolet lamp.

The first step is to remove the remnants of the old coating with a nail polish remover. Before you start applying the design, be sure to shape the nail. Next, degrease the nail plate and apply the base base. Dry your nails in the lamp for about 2 minutes. Shellac is applied several times, each layer is dried in the oven. At the end, the sticky layer is removed and oil is applied.

You can choose absolutely any technique for performing a pedicure. After careful processing of the nails, you can proceed to their design.

During the creation of a pedicure, special attention should be paid to coarsened areas. After all, it is not always possible to get rid of corns and corns - to remove them, you can use special tools that are sold in any pharmacy. As an addition, you can use special tools.

Skin softening with a machine

Processing the legs is very simple. To begin with, to soften the heels, you need to apply a special tool, which after a certain period of time is removed from the surface with a napkin.

If there is too rough skin on the heels, then you can remove the hard layer with a rough nozzle. Then change the nozzle to a more gentle one, and walk around the entire perimeter. Be very careful! If you stop in one place, you will severely damage the skin. At the end, you should walk with a machine with a grinding nozzle.

  1. If you decide to do a pedicure yourself at home, you need to disinfect the instruments before each treatment. All saw blades are subject to disinfection. If this is not done, there is a risk of developing a fungus.
  2. Never take other people's nail tools. If you come to the salon, make sure that the master cleans the tools with you.
  3. First of all, perform filing procedures, and then proceed to softening sessions.
  4. It is not necessary to round the nails by removing the corners, otherwise, when they grow back, they can grow into the skin, which will cause great discomfort.
  5. Before applying the coating, be sure to degrease the nail plate, otherwise the varnish will not fall. And when applying a helium base, the surface of the nail should be polished.
  6. Moisturize your feet daily with cream. This will help prevent dry skin and cracking.

As for fashion trends, prints are relevant: butterflies, flowers, swallows.

At the peak of popularity, the latest technique remains - ombre (colors from the base to the tips change color, from dark to a lighter tone). Moreover, the ombre can be performed both horizontally and vertically on the nail plate. French manicure never ceases to be fashionable. It is performed both in the classic version with a white "smile", and in a multi-colored version.

In summer, a bright design, saturated with juicy shades, looks beautiful. You can do the simplest pedicure that cheers you up on rainy gray days. You can cover each finger with different colors. This will be enough to stand out from the crowd.

Various materials are used as decor: lace, stencils, stickers, bulbs, rhinestones and beads. Rhinestones have become an integral part of any pedicure. It is not necessary to spread sparkling pebbles on all nails, they can only decorate the thumb.

Everyone can make an individual design, this is not difficult. The most important thing is to properly prepare the nail plate. Do not be afraid to experiment, create new designs and conquer the rest with your well-groomed fingers!