Before bathing, the child cries. What to do if the baby cries during and after bathing? What will save the child from crying

Parents believe that bathing should certainly give the baby real pleasure. And in most cases this is exactly what happens, but it also happens the other way around - the child screams and sobs, resists and does not experience any joy from the bath prepared with love. Not all mothers and fathers know why the child cries during or after bathing.

Likely Causes

The reasons that make the baby behave in this way and express their protest with all their might are much more than parents are used to thinking. The good news is that most of the causes are easily eliminated, and moms and dads have every chance to turn evening water procedures into an exciting and useful activity for the baby.

cold or hot

A child immersed in water cries often because of physical discomfort. The water is too cold or too hot. The skin of babies is much thinner than that of adults, it protects the body from overheating and hypothermia worse, and therefore some temperature nuances that an adult will not pay much attention to are very noticeable and unpleasant for a baby. Years of observation of a wide variety of babies have allowed doctors to recommend certain temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bfor parents for comfortable bathing - water temperature should not exceed 37-38 degrees. If parents are adherents of the cool bathing technique, which is promoted by Dr. Yevgeny Komarovsky, popular among mothers, then this is also no reason to abruptly launch the baby into cold water. The temperature is gradually lowered from 37 degrees, by 1 degree per day. This will allow the child to gradually get used to bathing in water, the temperature of which is only 22-24 degrees.

Pay attention to the difference in temperature between water and air. If the bathroom is too humid and stuffy, if it is too cold, this can be a concern for the child. Try to maintain no more than 24-25 degrees of heat in the air.

Close or spacious

Many parents try to transfer a child at 1-2 months to bathing in a large bath. Not all children are able to adequately perceive too much water. In the mother's womb, they have been in rather cramped conditions for a long time, it is very difficult for them to immediately accept a large space. That is why Soviet pediatrics recommended at least six months to bathe a child in a small baby bath. But fashionable and modern pediatricians are not so categorical, and some generally argue that a large space is more useful for a child. If the baby is tearing up and screaming immediately after being lowered into the water, this is an occasion to try old method - wrap the baby in a diaper before diving. This will create a realistic illusion of familiar cramped space for the baby. If that doesn't help, it might be worth temporarily returning to bathing in a small tub.

stress and fear

The stress that he experienced once while bathing can cause a child to have a persistent rejection of water procedures for a long time. Soap could get into the eyes, water could get into the ears and nose, and so on. Despite the fact that the child is still small, he is able to remember such events on a reflex level and respond to danger accordingly. Coping with children's fear is quite difficult.

To do this, parents will have to systematically accustom the child to water, distracting him with bright toys, rubber ducks and everything that he is interested in. Special swimming devices very often help to cope with fear - for example, circles around the neck, which can be used for children from one month old.

The child not only receives useful physical activity by making swimming movements, but also gets used to the water, learns to feel safe in it. Many of these products are equipped with bells and rolling bells, which, when moving, will additionally create a “distracting” sound background.

Hunger and thirst

Often the baby cries a lot in the bathroom due to a banal feeling of hunger. The universal medical recommendation says that before evening bathing, at the penultimate feeding, a smaller amount of food should be given to the child, in order to then feed him plenty and send him to sleep for several hours. There is reason and common sense in this. Indeed, a child with a full stomach will simply want to sleep, and right in the bathroom. There is an exit. You can not deviate from the recommendations of the doctor, but do not starve the baby. To do this, it is enough to give him water to drink 15 minutes before bathing, you can feed him an hour and a half before the start of water procedures. As a last resort, reduce the time spent in the bathroom if the baby categorically rejects the water offered instead of food. Advice to give your baby formula or breastfeed in the bathtub is not adequate.

A child will not eat much in water, but his appetite will be interrupted, and in an hour, instead of a good night's sleep, he will demand a new portion of food from his sleepy mother.


Evening bathing is usually preceded by a number of procedures: these are massages and air baths. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the incorrectly calculated time allotted by parents for massage and airing takes all the strength from the child. They simply do not remain to calmly survive also water procedures. Therefore, the roar in the bathroom becomes a furious demand for rest. More specifically, food and rest. It is important to remember that evening massage before bathing should not exceed 10-15 minutes for a child, for a newborn and a baby up to 6 months - no more than 5-7 minutes. If the child is still tired, you should reduce the massage time without sacrificing bath time.


A newborn may cry in the bathroom due to pain. In many babies, it is in the evening that intestinal colic and gas formation intensify. The tummy swells, as a result of which the baby goes into hysterics. If all the symptoms of colic are present (bloating, tense abdomen, gas discharge, legs drawn up to the tummy and tightly clenched fists), then first you should help the child cope with the symptoms, and only then bathe him. Although many mothers claim that in warm water colic and without dill water pass much faster. The cause of crying in children older than 5 months may be erupting teeth. Unpleasant sensations in a child also increase in the evening and often during bathing in warm water. To exclude pathologies of the nervous system, which also make the baby unconsciously scream and protest against massage and bathing, you should definitely show the child to a pediatrician who will help find out if the baby has pathological good reasons to cry in the water.

Crying after swimming

After the bath, children cry much more often than in the bath. The reasons are the same. The room where the baby is brought from a warm bath can be too cold, the towel can be very hard and unpleasant, the dressing process can be complicated by colic or cutting teeth.

The most common causes of crying after bathing are still hunger and fatigue.

The child's strength is running out, he is hungry. Therefore, evening procedures after the bath should be carried out quickly so that the child does not have to “persuade” mom and dad for too long to feed him and put him to bed.

Some children, after bathing, begin to scream their protest against stopping water procedures too early, if the bathing process gives them pleasure.

Parents need to remember the following:

  • Learn to appreciate the nature of crying. He can tell a lot and help parents find the true cause. A piercing and sharp cry can talk about pain, a plaintive and monotonous cry can talk about fatigue, demanding, episodic, in which the baby seems to “shout” - about hunger, a calling one is an alarm, the child is scared.
  • Make sure the water is warm enough the air temperature in the bathroom and bedroom is normal.
  • Take rattles and rubber toys in the bathroom.

  • Choose a soft and pleasant to the touch towel for the child, so that the baby's skin does not suffer from rough exposure.
  • Do all manipulations with warm hands, children usually do not like the touch of cold fingers.
  • Avoid loud noises, shouting, sudden movements during and after bathing. Calm and confident movements of mother's hands have an amazing calming effect on the baby.
  • Bathe your baby every day at the same time. This should be preceded by the same actions, in a certain strict order (massage, air baths). Then the child will be able to quickly get used to the schedule offered to him. Habituation will cause a more relaxed attitude to water, and to massage, and to evening feeding.

How to bathe children, see the following video.

After discharge from the hospital, happy parents are faced with a lot of questions, the answers to which they will have to find in the next few months. How to put a child to sleep, the better to feed, why children cry after bathing - this is not a complete list of problems that all young mothers and fathers have to solve.

Causes of baby crying after bathing

The purpose of bathing a newborn baby is not only cleansing his skin from all kinds of impurities, but also calming down, preparing for sleep. However, sometimes this procedure has the opposite effect. Instead of relaxing and wanting to sleep, the child begins to cry a lot and it can be difficult even for his mother to calm him down.

Possible reasons why a baby cries after bathing:

  1. Abrupt change in temperature. If in the room where the child is used to being, the temperature is not too high (22-23 ° C), and the water in the bathroom significantly exceeds this indicator. This can cause some discomfort and, as a result, the crying of the baby.
  2. Wrong water temperature. When preparing a bath for bathing a baby, you can not focus on your feelings. The water temperature, normal for an adult, may be unacceptably hot or too cool for a sensitive baby.
  3. Hunger or desire to drink. At this stage of life, a small person is not able to communicate his desires in any way, except for crying. During bathing, a large amount of energy is expended, which can make the child hungry or thirsty, which parents will definitely find out by demanding cry.
  4. Fear of the unknown. In a newborn child, everything around is of interest, and sometimes even fear of the new and unknown. After the end of the bath, the baby may be frightened, for example, by the height to which he was raised to get out of the bathroom.
  5. An overabundance of emotions. In an adult child, soap bubbles, colorful toys and splashes of water cause only joy and tenderness. For the fragile psyche of an infant, an overabundance of emotions, albeit positive ones, can cause stress. This is why babies cry after bathing.
  6. Tiredness and desire to sleep. Water procedures can tire even an adult, a child, having relaxed in warm water, is already ready for bed. When, instead of the expected rest, they begin to wipe and change clothes, the baby may not like it.
  7. Pain syndrome. Bathing time usually falls in the evening hours, during the same period, colic is exacerbated. In older children, crying after bathing may be associated with teething pain.
  8. Bath time. There is always the possibility that the child is not satisfied with the fact that he was bought too quickly or the procedure was delayed.
  9. Time of water procedures. If the baby is hungry during bathing or wants to sleep, it is recommended to postpone water procedures to an earlier or later time.
  10. Parental anxiety. Between a newborn baby and his parents, especially his mother, there is an invisible connection. All young children are very sensitive to her mood. Therefore, when bathing a child, remain calm.

How to avoid baby crying after bathing? In order for water procedures to bring pleasure to both the child and parents, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • To avoid sudden changes in temperature, gradually add cool water to the bath while bathing, so the baby will not feel discomfort.
  • The most sensitive area of ​​the skin of an adult is considered to be the skin of the elbow joint - by lowering this part of the body into the bath, you can understand if the water is too hot for a child.
  • For a more accurate determination of the water temperature, especially during the first baths, it is better to use a thermometer.
  • It is better to bathe the baby an hour after feeding and an hour and a half before bedtime.
  • When bathing, avoid excitement and sudden movements so as not to frighten the child.
  • If the reason why a month old baby cries after bathing is colic, massage the abdomen before taking a bath.
  • The duration and time of bathing should be adjusted depending on the desire of the baby.

If parents have a question why the child cries a lot after bathing, it is necessary to review all stages of water procedures so that this process brings only positive emotions to the baby.

Compliance with the temperature regime

Why does a child cry every time after bathing? Often the reason for such a reaction of the baby is non-compliance with the optimal temperature of water and air, both in the bathroom and in the rest of the room.

Correct temperature:

  • The optimal temperature for bathing a child is 36-37 ° C.
  • The air in the room where the baby grows should not exceed + 22-25 ° C.
  • So that the baby does not suffer from temperature changes, it is recommended not to close the door to the bathroom where the procedure takes place.

Uncomfortable water temperature in most cases is the reason why babies cry after bathing.

Preparation for water procedures

To avoid dissatisfaction of the child, you can prepare him for this procedure.

Manipulations before water procedures:

  • give the child a general massage using baby cream or oil, and massage the abdomen in case of intestinal colic;
  • perform gymnastics appropriate for the age of the baby;
  • go to swimming.

If the first bathing of the child took place on days when the umbilical wound had not yet healed, the bathing water must first be boiled.

Bathing options

How to bathe a child, each parent decides individually, and it is impossible to say which option is better.

Let's consider several ways:

  • In a small bath. The optimal solution for the first baths, when there is a need to boil water. Also, this option is relevant if there are interruptions in the water supply in an apartment or house.
  • In a big bathroom. The advantages of such bathing are that the baby has room for movement: he can actively move his arms and legs, roll over.
  • Swimming with mom. This option can be used only after the complete cessation of postpartum discharge.

In the process of water procedures, parents will definitely understand whether the child is comfortable and will be able to answer the question why the child is crying after bathing in the bathroom.

Folk remedies for washing babies

Previously, it was believed that water for bathing newborns must be boiled. Now the opinion of pediatricians has changed - such advice is valid only in the first days of a baby's life. After the umbilical wound has healed, it is enough to add herbal decoctions to the bath to give the water healing powers.

What can be added to the baby bath:

  • a decoction of string and chamomile (4 tablespoons of dry grass per 1 liter of boiling water);
  • a solution of potassium permanganate (5-6 crystals completely dissolve in a glass of boiling water, after which the resulting solution is cooled and added to the bath).

In such supplements, it makes sense if the child's skin is prone to prickly heat, diathesis, and also until the navel has healed. In other cases, it is enough to bathe the baby in clean water, several times a week, using a special detergent.

Required Items

In order for the bathing of the baby to be successful, before starting water procedures, the mother must make sure that everything necessary is available.

List of things for swimming, during and after it:

  • thermometer for measuring water temperature;
  • gel, foam or shampoo that does not cause tears;
  • a large towel made of natural material, preferably with a corner;
  • herbal decoction or potassium permanganate solution.

As additional devices, you can use a slide, an inflatable ring, bathing toys, a chair for mom, if it is difficult for her to bend over.

Possible difficulties

Sometimes when asked why a child cries every time after bathing, the answer suggests itself.

Obvious problems when bathing an infant:

  1. The kid took a sip of water. In this situation, it is important not to panic - the newborn still has innate reflexes, thanks to which he will not choke, but will only clear his airways.
  2. The parents are uncomfortable holding the child. If the baby swims on his back, it is enough to support his head. When first trying to swim on your stomach, support the baby under the chin and chest.

It can take a long time to figure out why babies cry after bathing. But if you perceive this process as a mutual pleasure, such a problem will not arise.

Bathing a baby is a responsible process that should be approached quite seriously. How the baby likes the procedure depends on his further behavior in the bath. It is no secret that most children love water procedures and enjoy spending time in the water, especially if it is warm. But sometimes the child behaves completely differently than always. He begins to cry, thus expressing his protest against any action. The reasons that can bring a baby to cry, in fact, are not so few.

How to properly prepare for swimming

Young parents at first worry a lot about their wrong actions when bathing. Therefore, they feel insecure, it seems to them that they missed something, they did something wrong. That is why it is important to approach the bathing of the baby with all responsibility.

First of all, you need to check the temperature of the water, it should be about 37 degrees. It would be nice to wrap the baby in a diaper, so he will feel more comfortable in the water. A rag roller must be placed under the baby's head. The movements of the mother bathing the baby should be smooth, there is no need to frighten the child with sharp gestures. Equally important is the voice of the people present at the bathing. The baby may be afraid of loud speech. It is best if the mother communicates with the newborn in an affectionate and confident tone.

Another point concerns the thoughtfulness of the process. First you need to prepare everything you need: bathing accessories, a towel, toys, a ladle and rinse water. This is necessary so that the mother does not leave the child for any reason, it is not known what tragedy the situation may turn into.

What to do if a newborn cries while bathing

It is absolutely unacceptable to bathe a child in a crying state. Whatever the reason, it must be eliminated and the baby reassured. When a baby cries a lot, water can irritate him, rather than give him pleasure. Subsequently, he may associate it with a negative factor and will refuse to take a bath.

One of the most common reasons for a child to cry during water procedures is the feeling of hunger experienced by the baby. As a rule, parents try to bathe the newborn first, then feed him and put him to bed. But not all children are tuned to this rhythm. If your baby is one of them, it is better to give him food, after half an hour you can bathe. If the reason is only hunger, the child will bathe with pleasure.

Examine the child, maybe he has some kind of rash that worries the baby. In this case, you can try adding antiseptic decoctions of herbs to the water, for example, succession or chamomile. Do not use different cleansers more than once a week, they dry the skin.

There is another factor that many do not take into account. It is about the negative experience of the baby. For example, in the last bath he choked and now it seems to him that everything will happen again. In the bathroom, the child reacts to literally everything, including a new washcloth, the sound of water, the sound of a bucket. He can be annoyed even by a bright light bulb that hits him with light in the eyes. By eliminating the cause, you will make bathing a baby a truly joyful experience.

Why does a baby cry after bathing?

Often the baby takes a bath with pleasure, but after this procedure rolls up in a scream. Mom begins to get nervous, because because of his anxiety she cannot dress the newborn, she worries, the movements become uncertain and the baby cries even more. There can be many reasons for the cry of a newborn after bathing.
You just need to imagine yourself in his place. The baby is taken out of warm water, he hardly likes the temperature difference. For example, in the bathroom there may be a temperature of 36 degrees, and in the room where you brought him to dress, only 20. It is clear that such discomfort causes indignation in the child, which he expresses.

The same can happen if the water temperature is too high. Pediatricians say that the baby’s body should not turn red when bathing, if this is just your case, then the reason may be that the baby is not feeling well, which does not tolerate heat. A newborn may cry after you have dressed him. Then the matter is in too warm clothes, from which he is hot.

What will save the child from crying

Hunger and thirst are two more reasons why a baby cries. We have already talked about this, you just need to satisfy the physiological needs of the baby, and only then proceed to bathing. The most common reason for crying is elementary fatigue. It is difficult for us adults to understand, but water procedures for a child are associated with a large expenditure of energy. While he is playing with his mother in the bathroom, having fun splashing, the baby does not feel tired. But as soon as he is taken out, he realizes that he wants to eat and sleep and insistently demands what he wants.

In the case of a child under three months old, it is quite possible that the time of taking a bath coincides with colic. And they torture the child almost every evening. In warm water, all the muscles of the baby relax, the spasm goes away and the baby feels comfortable. But as soon as he is taken out of a warm bath, he immediately twists his legs. In this case, pediatricians recommend doing a baby massage while bathing. He will relax the child and the pain will not torment the newborn so much.

Well, in the end, the baby can just be capricious. He does not like that the process is completed, he requires the continuation of the procedure, or maybe he is annoyed by dressing.

Bathing a baby for many parents turns into a whole ritual. Who will bathe the baby for the first time after arriving from the hospital? What time of day should this be done? How often to bathe? Which bath is best? This is only a small fraction of all issues related to the organization of such an important process as bathing a baby. And, of course, at the first immersion of the baby in the water, the whole family will be present, including grandparents, aunts and uncles. And everyone will consider it their duty to give valuable advice on how to pour, what to bathe in, how to rinse, etc. And everyone will be moved and rejoice, watching every movement and breath of the baby.

Most children look forward to being redeemed. While some children, taking a bath, scream as if something threatens their lives. And how to explain to an unintelligent creature that it is just water, and that there will be no harm from bathing, but only the other way around?

So, all children react differently when they see a bath. Some people enjoy being in the water and are outraged when you try to take them out of there. Others are categorically against water procedures. There are also such kids who are delighted with bathing one day, and terrified the next.

But what about those parents for whom bathing a baby turns into a test for everyone? What to do if, at the sight of only the bathroom, the baby starts hysterical, and the crying of the child cannot be calmed down? And bathing is necessary for all children, regardless of their addictions.

Some parents don't want to see it as a problem if their child doesn't want to bathe. They simply grit their teeth and with the words: “the deed must be done”, gently but persistently immerse the screaming child in the water. Adults lather, lather, water and rinse a frightened and heart-rendingly screaming baby. Ten minutes of the child's yelling and the parents' irritation, and the job is done. And no one seemed to be hurt, and the baby's day regimen was observed. Is it so? Hardly.

Do not force or force your child into the bathroom. Some children are able to forget such unpleasant moments, while others can be permanently traumatized. And in this case, there is a high probability that your baby will stop believing in you. Losing a child's trust is very easy, but getting it back is not so easy. Such a baby may also develop a fear of water.

The most important thing in this problem is to understand the reason for such a child's hatred for bathing. For example, the temperature in the bath may be too hot or too cold for the baby. Try to make the water temperature as comfortable as possible for your child.

It is possible that your baby does not like that you leave him alone in the bath, and he feels abandoned and alone. In this case, the best option would be to take a shower. Or bathing in a big bath with mom.

Maybe your child feels uncomfortable in a small enclosed space. After all, most adults close the door to the bathroom while bathing their baby. Try to open the door. And if possible, change the place by placing the bath in a large room. In warm summer time, if you live in a private house, you can completely move this procedure to the yard.

Also make sure that the products you use to bathe your baby are safe for him. After all, shampoo or soap can irritate if it gets into the eyes, thereby killing the child’s desire to swim forever.

The baby can also be frightened if you dip him into the water too quickly and abruptly. In such a situation, it is worth starting swimming very slowly. First, gently sprinkle water on the child's feet, then on his knees, and thus slowly but surely rise up.

The most important thing in this business is to make bathing fun for your baby. Let taking a bath be an exciting adventure for him. Now there are many toys for bathing and bathing: these are all kinds of waterfalls, luminous fountains, floating animals and much more. Choose the ones you and your child like the most. Even a beautifully colored shampoo jar can be great fun while bathing.

A child can also be pleased with the foam in the bath. You can also play with her. Try to inflate soap bubbles, this can also distract the baby from unpleasant memories.

Turn on some music or sing along.

When the child begins to sit, you can also purchase a high chair for bathing. Most of these chairs are equipped with various entertainment elements, and even a restless baby will find something to do.

Perhaps your baby needs open spaces, and a small bath, even if it is orthopedic, is not a joy for him. Purchasing an inflatable neck ring can radically change your child's ideas about water procedures. With the help of such a circle, you can give the child plenty to frolic on his own in a large bath for adults. It is possible that the presence of an adult in the bathroom will also have a beneficial effect on introducing the baby to bathing.

Entertain the baby, throw toys into the water, play with a washcloth, the child will not notice how it becomes clean. And let the baby splash, splash water and wet everything around! It's okay, because the main thing is that whatever your child does brings joy to you and your baby.

If no matter what you do does not help, and the child also cries during the bath, do not be upset. Perhaps the child is just such an unfavorable period, and it just needs to be experienced. At such times, it is possible to introduce the child to the alternative acceptance of water procedures, for example, to rubdown. Definitely, the baby will outgrow his dislike of water, and bathing a baby for parents will be an enjoyable pastime for everyone. You just have to be patient.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Article last updated: 04/04/2019

For most babies, such a procedure as “bathing” causes the most positive and happy emotions. Any newborn toddler loves water because it soothes and creates an atmosphere in which he has been for nine whole months. Older children like to frolic and play in the bath while bathing. But there are also cases when a baby cries during water procedures. And sometimes it is quite difficult to understand why this happens. Although in fact there are reasons for such behavior.

The main causes of crying when bathing

The reasons why a child cries while bathing are completely diverse. There are a number of main factors that affect the behavior of the baby when taking water procedures.

Neither the temperature of the water or the bathing area

Often a child experiences some discomfort when immersed in a bath precisely because of the temperature of the water: too hot or too cold. In addition, the air temperature in the room where it is bathed can also affect the condition of the baby. If it is too low, then the child may freeze before bathing, or after it.

Before starting water procedures, parents must be sure that the air temperature is not lower than 24-25 degrees, and the water fluctuates within 34-36 degrees. Gradually, to harden the child, the water can be warmed up to 27-28 degrees. Check the temperature of the water with a thermometer, or with such a part of the body as the elbow.

Large bathtub

In the first months of life, the baby should bathe in a small bath. Thus, he gets used to water procedures. If you decide to give the baby a swim in a large bath, then make sure that he is ready for this. Of course, in the womb, the baby was constantly in the liquid and got used to such an environment, but it should be remembered that he had not yet had time to get acquainted with large reservoirs. Sometimes a newborn child, on the recommendation of doctors, is wrapped in a diaper before immersion. Such a process is able to recreate familiar conditions for the crumbs.

The kid is afraid to swim

Fear during bathing can arise from soap getting into your eyes, or from accidentally getting water into your mouth or ears. A child, even the smallest one, is able to remember such situations and subsequently experience fear of water.

The child is uncomfortable in the bath

Often fearful that the child will slip out of their hands, parents hold it too tightly. This can create some discomfort, which will lead to the fact that the newborn began to cry and be very naughty while bathing. In this case, you need to try to take the baby in a different way, or give him the opportunity to swim on his tummy.

Other factors

The behavior of a child in water can also be influenced, for example, by the feeling of hunger. If a child wants to eat or drink, then it is natural for him to inform his parents about it. Or maybe he can do it only with the help of crying. You should try to offer the baby in the bath either some drinking water or expressed breast milk.

Neurological disorders

Neurological disorders are also one of the reasons why the baby began to cry in the bath. In this case, the newborn experiences discomfort not only when in contact with water. Cranky behavior usually manifests itself during sleep or eating. Therefore, if during bathing the child cries and there are no visible reasons for this, then you should contact a specialist who will conduct a special examination of the baby.