Plan of work with parents on the topic of plasticineography. Plasticineography: features of conducting classes in different groups, the implementation of project activities and circle work. The principle of freedom of choice

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 10 "Fairy Tale"

city ​​of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic

Master class for parents of pupils

Senior group "Cheerful pencil»

On the topic: "Plasticineography"

Developed by:


MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 10 "Fairy Tale"

Ivanova Tatyana Gennadievna


Novocheboksarsk, 2015

Master class on plasticineography

Conducting a joint master class with parents on the topic: “Magic Land of Plasticineography”.

I sculpt from plasticine

Plasticine is softer than clay.

I sculpt from plasticine

Dolls, clowns, dogs

Y. Moritz

Plasticineography- This is an unconventional fine art technique, the principle of which is to create a stucco picture depicting semi-volumetric objects on a horizontal surface. Being engaged in plasticineography, children gain knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as the consolidation of information obtained in direct educational activities to get acquainted with the environment, communication, drawing, acquaintance with the world of various objects in the process of partial use of waste material, the possibilities of visual activity of children expand. In the course of creating stucco paintings, children develop fine motor skills, coordination of hand movements, and an eye. This technique is good because it is accessible to children, allows you to quickly achieve the desired result and introduces a certain novelty into the activities of children, makes it more exciting and interesting.

Educational area:"Artistic Creativity"

The purpose of the master class:The development of artistic and creative abilities in children by means of plasticineography. Improving the professional skills of teachers and giving parents knowledge about plasticineography as an unconventional way of drawing.

Tasks of the master class:

Formation of skills in working with plasticine, awakening interest in modeling;

Mastering new techniques (rolling, pressing, smearing) and creating plot pictures with their help;

Teaching the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper;

Development of fine motor skills;

Acquaintance with the surrounding world;

Development of emotions and fantasy;

Mastering by teachers and parents of non-traditional techniques for working with plasticine;

Training the participants of the master class in the technique of "plasticineography";

To develop interest in non-traditional ways of depicting objects on paper and their widespread use in kindergarten.

Materials and equipment:

Thick cardboard with the image of flowers with a thick outline, size A4;

A set of plasticine;

Napkin for hands;

Board for modeling;


Expected Result:

Creation of a stucco picture depicting semi-volumetric objects on a horizontal surface;

The use by the participants of the master class of the "plasticineography" technique in working with children;

Increasing the level of professional competence.

To avoid deformation of the picture, thick cardboard should be used as the basis;

An adhesive film applied to it will help prevent the appearance of greasy stains on the basis;

You can eliminate the mistake made in the process of depicting an object by applying its contour under a film or a special marker;

Covering a plasticine picture with a colorless varnish will prolong its "life".

Master class progress:

I. Practical part

Educator: Today, dear parents, we will depict animals from hot countries.

I make a riddle:

Walking in hot Africa
Long neck surprises
Himself tall, like a closet,
Yellow, dotted...(giraffe).

That's right, Our giraffe loves his hot country very much. It is as bright as its inhabitant. And he really wanted our guys and you to help him paint his outfit, and not with paints, but with the brightest plasticine.

Before we begin to fulfill the request of our giraffe, let's stretch and warm our fingers. Exercise for fingers "Giraffe".

Stages of work:

1. Image of a giraffe - We pluck small pieces of plasticine from a piece of plasticine, roll them into large balls and put them on the image of a giraffe. The color of plasticine is chosen by the children themselves.

2. Filling in the background - select the desired color of plasticine, apply it to the image and with pressing movements begin to evenly distribute, smear it over the image.

3. Decorating with natural materials - and in order to make your work look brighter and more unusual, you can use various grains, natural materials in your work to add texture and volume.

Perhaps it is impossible to find a child who would not like to sculpt from plasticine. Soft and pliable, it can take any shape, unlike other types of creativity (drawing, appliqués), a failed plasticine craft is easy to fix. Such qualities attract children, so they are happy to sculpt. On sale you can find any kind of plastic material for home creativity and organize self-study for your child. Both adults and children are satisfied! Meanwhile, not all parents know that plasticine can also be painted, creating three-dimensional paintings. This type of activity is called plasticineography.

What does the concept of plasticineography include? This non-traditional drawing technique is a new direction in children's creativity, when a stucco three-dimensional picture is created on a plane. An unusual way of drawing is an exciting activity not only for children, but also for adults. Teachers advise parents to learn unusual visual techniques themselves and teach their child, since plasticineography aims not only to develop children's creative abilities, but also to expand knowledge about the world around them, form intelligence, develop mental processes, actively influence the development of fine motor skills. Such creative activities with children are easy to organize at home. The main thing is that parents themselves should be interested in plasticineography, then the child will also be carried away by this type of creativity.

We get acquainted with the secrets of plasticine technology

What are the secrets of plasticineography, is it possible to teach them to children? Teachers confidently say that this technique is quite accessible to preschool children, and with the right approach, plasticineography as a means of developing children's creative abilities can become a serious support for family education. In order not to miss the moment, it would be nice for parents to know when they start creating stucco paintings with kids. According to experts, such classes can be carried out already with three-year-old children. The main thing when creating pictures from plasticine is to take into account the age of the child and his technical skills, since due to the complexity of the image, interest in creativity may be lost. Therefore, the kids are first introduced to the simplest techniques of the "ABC of modeling":

  • smearing - the most simplified way of plasticineography, accessible even to the smallest child. Plasticine is smeared with fingers on a finished smooth base.

  • rolling - Increasing complexity of work. It requires certain muscular efforts, since the plasticine is rolled out with direct hand movements in the form of a cylinder or in circular motions in the form of a ball.
  • Flatten and stretch - the most important stages in the creation of stucco paintings. They are necessary for the image of various decorative and applied forms, for example, cakes, a heart, an oval or an elongated cylinder, a flagellum. To do this, first roll out a ball or sausage, and then squeeze it with your palms, transferring various bends, indentations or an elongated tip with your fingers.

The plots of paintings for preschoolers at this age can be well-known autumn and summer motifs, for example, "The Sun" (on a blue background, we flatten the yellow ball, and smear the rays around); "Flowers on the Grass" (we smear green plasticine on a smooth base, put flattened multi-colored balls on top). In a similar way, "Autumn leaves on the ground", "Falling snow", "Hedgehog", "Colorful fireworks", "Christmas tree garlands" are decoratively depicted. Teachers are advised to use rhymes, riddles and short stories about a stucco picture to maintain interest in creativity and encourage a child, for example:

I mold the sky, the sun, a stream from plasticine,
I'll stick flowers everywhere, I'll draw a cornflower.
And daisies, forget-me-nots, baby buttercups
They will smile at the sun, enjoy the warm summer!

We made koloboks
Flattened them from the sides.
It turned out to be a pancake,
Very soft (plasticine).

Important: working with plasticine is a rather difficult task for fragile children's fingers. Therefore, firstly, plasticine for plasticineography must meet the necessary requirements (heat the solid mass in warm water); secondly, while creating a stucco picture, it is necessary to change the types of activities, making pauses to prevent the baby from overworking.

Technique for older preschoolers

When the simplest methods are mastered by children, they move on to a more complex stage of learning, show new techniques and a variety of plasticineography. Thus, a certain system of work on the picture is created. What techniques of plasticineography are typical for this particular technique?

  • smoothing down - reception is necessary to prepare the basis of the future picture. To get a smooth surface, you need to gently smooth the plasticine layer with your fingertips. You can moisten your fingers with water, then things will go faster. Work requires certain muscular efforts, therefore it is available only to older preschool children.
  • Topping - used to create new details in the picture and give it a decorative effect. The preschooler pinches the plasticine with his fingers where it is necessary to decorate the image.
  • Lubrication, pressing - techniques are necessary for tight attachment of the elements of the picture.
  • Sticking- connects one part of the image to another or helps to apply the necessary details to an already finished drawing, photograph.
  • Mixing different colors of plasticine to get shades - necessary for the decoration of the picture. Children are taught to knead colored balls in one piece or to mix different colors right in the outline of the drawing in the form of a neat overlay of one colored piece on another.

To make plasticine paintings more expressive, it is good to use elements of natural material: leaves, shells, nuts, seeds, small pebbles, bean seeds, etc. Beads, beads, small buttons will look beautiful in decorating images.

Important: plasticineography as a means of developing fine motor skills of the hands involves a gradual transition from simple methods of work to more complex ones. Then the preschooler will be able to prepare the composition for a long time without getting tired. And the system of methods of working with plastic materials learned by the child will help to create new ideas and creative discoveries.

For older preschoolers, the plots of the paintings can be more complex than for kids, compositions on the themes of the seasons, for example, "It's snowing", "Butterflies in the meadow", "Basket with mushrooms", "Still life of fruit", "Vase with wild flowers ", "Rainbow and rain". Children like to create pictures from the life of animals ("Inhabitants of the zoo", "Hedgehog with mushrooms", "Dog plays with a ball", "Kitten and ball"), from the life of people ("Holiday", "Space", "Children sculpt a snowman ") or fairy-tale characters. They can compose small funny rhymes and stories themselves to beat their crafts:

I sculpt from plasticine
Balloon, ball and penguin.
And here is the hippo
He has a big belly.
Plasticine ears
wiggle at the crown

Important: Parents! Do not forget to rejoice with your children for each of their creative finds. Try to save crafts for a long time, give them to relatives, friends, to give significance to children's creations.

Plasticine method

To make it easy for parents to organize the education of children at home, experts have developed a plasticineography technique for children, which involves the following step-by-step work:

  1. First, we teach younger preschoolers to knead plasticine until it becomes pliable.
  2. For kids, we offer a ready-made base or ask for a little help in preparing it, for example, create a contour together with an adult.
  3. We teach older children who already have the skill of working with stucco material to prepare the basis of the paintings. We correct the movements of the hand when smearing plasticine from the center to the edges.
  4. For small children, we offer no more than two techniques for making simple images. The elders perform paintings that are complex in terms of decoration, using a whole range of techniques.
  5. To get a new color shade for a drawing, even young children are taught to combine different colors of plasticine, for example: yellow and red for orange, blue and yellow for emerald, blue and white for cyan.
  6. We show older preschoolers that strokes can look like silk, glass or ceramics, be rough or embossed.
  7. To roughen the details, we use various methods with the help of a stack: we apply relief dots, strokes, stripes, curly lines. To depict thin plasticine threads, plastic syringes without needles will be indispensable.
  8. We teach children that in drawing it is best to use bright, soft material to give the image an interesting shape.

How to properly prepare materials for creating plasticine paintings

  • To give the picture stability and avoid deformation, use only thick cardboard for the base of the picture.
  • To avoid the appearance of untidy plasticine spots on the basis of the pattern, cover it with adhesive film.
  • To avoid mistakes in the sculpting process, pre-apply the outline of the pattern on the cardboard under the film.
  • To prevent the picture from spoiling for a long time, cover it with a colorless varnish.
  • To work on the picture quickly, prepare the necessary materials in advance: cardboard, outlines of drawings, plasticine, hand napkins, stacks, toothpicks, a set of natural material, a modeling board.

What is plasticineography

Teachers, teaching preschool children, use various types of plasticineography, which are easy to organize at home. Parents need to know what and how is used in different age periods. All preschoolers will have access to direct plasticineography , in which the stucco image is built on a flat surface. When making a picture, you must first roll up three-dimensional forms, for example, koloboks, sausages, then arrange them along the contour and flatten them in accordance with the plan, attaching the details well.

Kids easily master this technique already at the age of two or three. They are offered a simple drawing without small details, at the initial stage with a ready-made base. Older children create more complex compositions. They independently prepare the base, perform a contour, which is gradually filled with softened plasticine.

Reverse plasticineography (stained glass) involves drawing from the back of the base. To do this, it must be transparent, for example, plastic or plexiglass. The drawing is made on the basis of a marker, and then its elements are filled with plasticine. Pieces of plasticine of the required size and color are selected into the image, softened, and then smeared over a transparent base. To get a thin, neat layer, you can smear it with your fingers or a stack, carefully pressing the plasticine to the surface.

Modular plasticineography belongs to a complex technique and requires preschoolers to master all the techniques of modeling. Then a stucco picture is obtained, consisting of various decorating elements: balls, cakes, cylinders, braids and other technical elements.

Mosaic plasticineography - a technique loved by children, since the image is made only of plasticine balls. A fairly simple technique is available to children of all ages. The main thing is to select the appropriate colors and carefully fill the contour space with elements without going beyond it. The method of work consists of rolling small balls, placing them on the base and pressing against it.

Contour plasticineography - involves sculpting the object along the contour. The step-by-step steps of the action will be as follows: first, a drawing is applied to the base with a marker, then a contour is laid out using thin rolled flagella, the image is filled with flagella of the corresponding color. Teachers advise using a large syringe without a needle, into which plasticine is placed, then the syringe is placed in hot water to soften. Thus, you can get beautiful even flagella.

Multilayer plasticineography - represents sequentially applied layers of plasticine on the base. A similar technique is necessary for landscapes: images of forests, water, fields, when you need to choose not only the primary colors, but also their shades. Such work is quite difficult for small preschool children, and it is appropriate to carry it out only with older children. The method of work is as follows: different colors of plasticine are selected, from which thin cakes are made. Then the blanks are superimposed on each other in the form of a multilayer cake in accordance with the pattern.

Textured plasticineography - the most difficult technique, as it involves the manufacture of a three-dimensional image. It can be distinguished bas-relief (French bas-relief - low relief, the volume of the picture is less than half), high relief (more than half protruding) and counter-relief (lat. contra - against and relief, in-depth drawing). To get such paintings, you can use a special roller with an image printed on it. In stores, you can buy ready-made templates for this technique.

Caring parents will always find an opportunity to influence the development of children's creative abilities through plasticineography. This is perhaps the most accessible and exciting way to solve many issues of development and education, thereby preparing preschoolers for schooling and enriching family leisure.

Svetlana Davaeva

At the beginning of the school year, I met middle class parents"Tsagda" with the theme and purpose of the mug "Bee". Actively used such forms of work as open days, consultations, sliding folders, master classes.

Master class "Magic country Plasticineography". Parents painted flowers using different approaches.

Thank you at the end of the master class parents and invited them to participate in a joint competition of creative works on plasticineography.

Bolev's family Daniil "Guys, let's live together!"

Family Bolev Daniil "Butterfly"

Family Tserenova Vika "My Kitten"

Family Mandzhieva Alina "Butterfly"

Independent work of Alina "Flowers"

Family Gracheva Ksyusha "Flowers"

Elzyta Akimova's family "Summer. Ladybug"

Family Atinov Elvega "Crane Operator"

Family of Sanjiev Savra "Nemo"

Independent work by Ubushieva Vilena "How beautiful summer is!"

Parents they tried and they got such wonderful work, and now the jury needs to take stock. Dear colleagues, what works, in your opinion, are worthy of prizes?

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Plasticineography in our time is becoming more and more popular in kindergarten. This is not only a pleasant leisure, but also a whole area of ​​​​creativity, which has its own types and techniques. It is gaining more and more attention of teachers, as it allows solving many developmental and educational tasks in the process of playing. But it is especially important that the child has the opportunity to make a beautiful work of art with his own hands.

Plasticineography as an unconventional way of combining modeling and drawing

You can draw in different ways. Today, non-traditional techniques are popular among preschool teachers: drawing with fingertips, palms, prints of objects, inkblotography, plasticineography.

The mind of a child is at its fingertips.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

On the one hand, the child is included in an exciting process, but at the same time, many nerve endings on the fingertips and the surface of the palms transmit signals to the brain, activating its activity. When little hands tear a paper napkin, learn to roll a ball of dough, feel materials, or show a “magpie-crow”, information enters the brain and is distributed to various centers (auditory, visual, mental, emotional and speech).

Plasticineography is an unconventional way of drawing using plasticine. Activities with plastic material are taught to children at an early age. Modeling trains the fingers and activates the sensors located on the hand, associated with the work of the brain, helps to relieve muscle and emotional tension. Modeling classes develop not only dexterity and coordination of hands, but also creative imagination.

Creating a picture in this technique is a new level of work with plasticine, which can become art.

In the technique of plasticineography, true works of art are created

The use of techniques, methods and techniques in working with preschoolers

Plasticineography in its purest form is available for children of the middle and senior groups of the kindergarten. Young children acquire elementary skills and abilities during short-term individual or subgroup lessons.

It is important for the educator to remember that in groups of primary and secondary preschool age this type of creativity is aimed not so much at the result, but at getting positive emotions, developing interest in children and the desire to improve skills.

In order for the lesson to be a pleasure, the materials must be of high quality, and the tools must be comfortable. Paper is suitable for the basis of a future plasticine picture, but thick cardboard, plastic, plexiglass or ordinary glass is preferable. Plasticine must be non-greasy, otherwise stains will appear on the paper or cardboard base, and the work will look untidy. Choose a bright and malleable material for modeling.

From the tools you will need a modeling board (can be replaced with a piece of plastic or oilcloth), a plastic rolling pin for rolling plasticine, a set of stacks, scissors, various devices for creating patterns on a plasticine surface (brushes, pastry syringe, strainer, plastic fork).

Plasticineography teaching methods:

  • visual (showing samples of work, illustrations on the topic, observing the actions of the teacher);
  • verbal (conversation, explanation, story);
  • practical (exercises with material, working out techniques, game actions, experimentation).

The techniques used in plasticineography are already partially familiar to children from modeling classes. This is rolling and rolling, flattening and stretching, that is, the usual actions with a piece of plasticine to give it the desired shape. But there are also some tricks here: pinching, smearing, pressing, smoothing, mixing colors. The teacher pays special attention to mastering them.

Tasks of plasticineography from nursery and second junior to preparatory groups

  1. Developing. Techniques for working with plasticine develop finger dexterity, prepare the brush for writing. The ability to correctly perceive composition and scale improves.
  2. Cognitive. Pupils get acquainted with a new type of fine art, comprehend the interaction of two different techniques - appliqué and modeling, the basics of which they have already mastered.
  3. Aesthetic. Children develop a sense of color and shape. The first experiments with a combination of shades and materials are carried out.
  4. Educational . Children are taught to be independent, diligent, patient and accurate, they gain experience in working in a team. Depending on the topic, love for the native land, the ability to see and protect the beauty of nature, a benevolent, grateful attitude towards relatives and friends, love for pets, etc. are brought up.

The skills and abilities of children become more complicated year by year. The main directions of work with preschoolers are also changing.

  1. In the first junior group of the preschool educational institution, children learn to make elements from plasticine, one lesson - one element (ball, cylinder, sausage); create images of simple objects; master the techniques of pinching and smearing, develop the basics of the ability to work according to a given pattern.
  2. In children of the second younger group, it is important to develop the ability to draw with plasticine, to cultivate independence (the child does not repeat after the teacher, but learns to build the composition himself). Group work begins.
  3. In the middle group, the skills of working with plasticine and creating more complex images are honed; children are taught to create works using a variety of materials (groats, beads, buttons, etc.); develops an interest in teamwork.
  4. For older and preparatory groups, the complication and development of the plot-game plan of the lesson is characteristic; development of speech activity of pupils in the process of creating plasticine images; learning to create a collective work of artistic value.

Types of plasticine drawing in kindergarten

Plasticineography can be divided into several types, starting from the material that is taken as the basis of the picture. Works are performed on paper, cardboard, plastic, ordinary or organic glass.

Thick cardboard often deforms, but it is simple and easy to work with. Plastic and glass bases are easy to apply (they won’t bend or wrinkle), but to avoid cuts, be sure to conduct a safety briefing and teach your children to tape the edges of the base with tape, or do it yourself first.

According to the method of creating an image, plasticineography happens:

  • Direct It is performed with plasticine of different colors. In the first junior group, these can be vegetables, winter snowfall, leaves.
  • In the second younger group, children will willingly perform bright work on the theme "Dishes for Dolls", "Fish", "Mushroom". In the middle group, the plot and contour are much more complicated: transport, trees, houses.
  • Stained glass or reverse. The contour of the image, applied with a marker on a glass base, is filled with plasticine.
  • Mosaic. Plasticine balls of different colors are applied to the base in accordance with the plan.
  • contour. This type of work is recommended for pupils of the senior and preparatory groups, because it requires perseverance. Heated plasticine flagella of different colors must be squeezed out of a syringe (without a needle) and filled with a contour.
  • Multilayer. Plasticine is applied to the base with strokes in several layers, various colors and shades of the material are combined, a three-dimensional, complex image is obtained.

How to warm up the material: roll out part of the plasticine into a sausage, push it into the syringe. Excess material is cut off with a stack. We close the syringe with a piston and heat its contents with water or a microwave.

Photo gallery: types of plasticineography depending on the method of application

Contours are painted over with plasticine in the first junior group “Fish” is performed in the 2nd junior group The work of a pupil of the middle group is made as a “Gift for dad” Fish "The multi-layer technique is very picturesque and allows you to convey the colors of wildlife

Difficulty level of crafts

Children of each age group have different levels of ability. For harmonious work and positive emotions, this moment must be taken into account.

Table: the level of abilities of children of different ages

Age groupPlasticine skillsWork formType of work
Yaselnayapossession of the skills of rolling, rolling, flattening, connecting elementsindividualpattern making
honing the skills acquired in the nursery group,
mastering more complex skills: pinching, pulling, cutting, smoothing,
work with simple tools: stacks, scissors
individualpattern making,
implementation of such
Mediumhoning skills acquired in early age groups,
mastering the technique of mixing plasticine of various colors,
work with more complex tools: brushes, curly shapes, syringe (regular without a needle or confectionery with a variety of nozzles)
work in subgroups
the execution of such
independent composition planning
Olderthe use of waste material is added,
combination of elements of various types of plasticineography
work in subgroups,
independent choice of materials,
composition thinking,
attraction of plot and game elements
Preparatoryfamiliarity with new techniques (bas-relief, tile),
training in the design of the finished work (frame, baguette, background, passe-partout)
work in subgroups,
independent choice of materials and type of work,
composition thinking,
a combination of different techniques of fine art,
obligatory use of plot-game elements

Photo gallery: samples of the work of children of different age groups

Image of a flower in direct technique (first junior group) "Daisies" made by children of the second junior group Children of the middle group according to their strength composition "Cosmos" The work of the children of the senior group A beautiful gift for Mother's Day (preparatory group)

We plan plasticineography classes in kindergarten

For a teacher, art classes are an opportunity to create a connection between art and different fields of knowledge. The creative process integrates the development of speech, patriotic, labor and environmental education. Therefore, topics are selected in such a way that they reflect the diversity of the surrounding world and correspond to socially significant events that take place in the nearest time, or season, to the lesson. For example, it is advisable to plan a patriotic theme in November, for National Unity Day, making flowers, treats would be appropriate for Mother's Day.

Approximate topics for classes with children of middle preschool age

  1. "Apples and berries on a plate."
  2. "Bugs in a flower bed."
  3. "Mushrooms".
  4. "Sun in the clouds".
  5. "Sprig of rowan".
  6. "Autumn Tree"
  7. "Fish".
  8. "Christmas tree".
  9. "Christmas decorations".
  10. "Snowman".
  11. "Snow Woman - Frantiha."
  12. Teremok.
  13. "Owl".
  14. "Fun Rocket"
  15. "Gift for dad (grandfather)."
  16. "Pie for Mom"
  17. "Flower - seven-flower".
  18. "White birch".
  19. "Space".
  20. "Starry sky".
  21. "Easter Egg".
  22. "Lily of the valley".
  23. "Snail on a leaf".
  24. "Dandelion"

In the preparatory group, the topics “My homeland”, “My family”, “Underwater kingdom”, “Autumn fairy tale”, “Winter-winter brought us fun” should be introduced. "Round dance at the Christmas tree." They are more voluminous in content and require good preparation of children. You can also plan the image of painted dishes and various items of clothing, folk toys, for example, Dymkovo, the human body in motion.

Children of the seventh year of life are sometimes able to create real masterpieces, if they give scope to their imagination.

Photo gallery: works of children of middle and senior preschool age on the theme "Hedgehog", "Peacock", "Rowan Branch", "Clown", "Flowers" and others

"Hedgehog" A colorful image of a peacock On a wonderful tree we see signs of all seasons Collective work "Underwater World" Funny bear made in the brushstroke technique Mosaic plasticine painting "Christmas ball" Original Christmas decorations in mixed media "Chrysanthemums" "Grandmother Yaga's hut" Painted Easter eggs "Rowan branch" "Merry clowns" "Flag of Russia"

Templates to help the teacher

Templates, the contour of which must be filled with plasticine of different colors, are suitable for direct and more complex types of plasticineography.

Photo gallery: templates depicting fruits, vegetables and animals

Ladybug Pattern Hedgehog Pattern Puppy Pattern Bullfinch Pattern Cat Pattern Vegetables and Fruits Pattern

Photo gallery: patterns of clothes and utensils

Pattern "Jug" Pattern for painting "Gzhel" Pattern "Teapot" Pattern "Cup" Pattern "Pan" Pattern "Pants" Pattern "Sweater" Pattern "Jacket" Pattern "Fur coat" Pattern "Skirt" Pattern elegant dress Pattern clothes for dolls

Photo gallery: patterns of transport and figures of people

Truck Template Ambulance Template Taxi Template Steamboat Template Boat Template Helicopter Template Airplane Template Steam Engine Template
People Shapes Pattern Clown Pattern Little People Pattern Children Pattern Man in Motion Pattern

It is also interesting to work with templates on cardboard with a ready-made background. The contours are filled with colored material.

Photo gallery: Animal templates with ready-made backgrounds

Lion Pattern Bug Pattern Grasshopper Pattern Dragonfly Pattern
Stegosaurus Template
Template "Pterolactyl"
Dinosaur Pattern
Pig Pattern
Rooster Pattern
Ostrich Pattern

Description of the content of the summary of the GCD on plasticineography for the nursery group "Kolobok" by the author Potekaeva N. G.

  • Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale "Kolobok", looking at illustrations for it, coloring the coloring pages based on the fairy tale "Kolobok".
  • Form of work: subgroup (6-7 people).
  • Objectives: teaching the methods of rolling, attaching, pinching; development of coordinated work of both hands; teamwork training.

Lesson progress

Organization of a project or circle on plasticineography

You can diversify the forms of working with children in drawing with plasticine using project and circle activities. In the first case, the educator has the opportunity to go deeper and more systematically to familiarize children with this wonderful art form, in the second - to expand the range of topics and additional materials used.

Stages of project preparation

  1. Purpose: the formation of creative thinking of pupils of preschool educational institutions using the technique of plasticineography.
  2. Tasks:
    • training in the implementation of simple elements in a given technique;
    • learning to create objects of the surrounding world in artistic form;
    • learning to work in a given space;
    • development of spatial thinking;
    • development of aesthetic taste;
    • mastering the basics of design;
    • education of perseverance, accuracy, patience;
    • attraction to work in a team.
  3. Drawing up a detailed planning:
    • preparatory stage of work;
    • attracting motivating material at the beginning of project activities;
    • if possible, time the implementation of the project to a significant event in the life of the kindergarten (Mother's Day, Autumn Festival, New Year, Victory Day, Cosmonautics Day).
  4. Implementation of project activities.
  5. Project presentation. When the project is completed, it can be shown (to another group, in the hall of the kindergarten, in the assembly hall at the holiday). Children talk about their work to the audience, who evaluate their work.

Description of the project "Gifts of Autumn"

  1. Purpose: to prepare creative work for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten.
  2. Tasks:
    • honing the skills of working with plasticine;
    • development of aesthetic taste;
    • artistic reproduction of objects of the surrounding world;
    • group work training.
  3. Pupils are divided into subgroups, independently distribute responsibilities for creating separate parts of the composition: drawing mushrooms with plasticine, creating tree trunks in contour technique, using mosaic technology to depict berries and animals, using scissors and stacks to create three-dimensional elements.
  4. Presentation of the work at the Autumn Festival in the assembly hall (with musical accompaniment and poetry reading).

Photo gallery: collective work of children of the preparatory group for the project "Autumn"

"Autumn Trees" "Children in the Autumn Park" "Autumn in the Forest" "Plasticine Autumn"

Literature and tips for creating a circle

Before developing the work program of the circle, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the methodological manuals for working with preschoolers in this technique:

  • G.N. Davydov. Plasticineography for kids. - Scriptorium, 2003.
  • Shnitskaya I. O. Application from plasticine D .: Phoenix, 2008.
  • Yanushko E. A. Lepka with young children (1–3 years old). Methodological guide for educators and parents. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2006.

For self-education, it will be useful for the teacher to familiarize himself with the manuals for the development of fine motor skills of hands in children:

  • Anishchenkova E.S. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech in preschoolers. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2006.
  • Bolshakova S. E. Formation of fine motor skills of hands: Games and exercises.- M .: TC Sphere, 2009.
  • Koltsova M. M. Motor activity and development of brain functions in a child. - M .: Pedagogy, 1973. - S. 144.
  • Pavlova L. Significance of the development of hand actions. Preschool education. 1984, no. 1.
  • Tsvyntary VV We play with fingers and develop speech. - St. Petersburg: Hardford, 1996.

The program of the circle takes into account:

  • age characteristics of children who will be engaged in a circle;
  • forms of conducting classes;
  • methods and techniques that the teacher will use;
  • means (materials and tools for creativity, attraction of ICT and technical means);
  • class mode;
  • predicted results to be achieved during the implementation of the program;
  • lesson topics.

Fragments from the program of the plasticine drawing circle for the senior group

  • It is recommended to involve information computer technologies. This is necessary to show working diagrams, illustrative examples, images of works of art. Viewing such material develops the imagination and creative thinking of pupils.
  • Visual-figurative thinking prevails among preschoolers, so presentations and video material stimulate emotionally rich work with plasticine.
  • The mode of the study circle: for children of the older group (5-6 years old) classes are held in the afternoon, twice a week. The duration of the lesson is 25-30 minutes.
  • The work on drawing with plasticine is carried out in several stages, at each of which different tasks are set for the child.

Program monitoring displays what the level of skills was at the beginning of the school year and what the children learned at the end. For each child there is a table that displays the level of skills in working with plasticine and modeling tools, the ability to follow the teacher's recommendations, the level of development of creative thinking, independence in building a composition and developing a creative idea.

Plasticine drawing video

We bring to your attention video materials about different techniques of plasticineography.

Video: "Fish in an aquarium" from plasticine

Video: plasticine contour drawing master class

Video: aquarium - crafts with plasticine in a combination of plasticineography and modeling on a plane

Video: draw plasticine autumn forest

In the plasticine classes, children work with different materials and tools, develop fine motor skills and train their hand for writing. This type of art introduces the original use of materials and opens up a new look at everyday objects and objects of nature. Preschoolers improve their speech skills and enjoy socializing in a team.

Recommendations for parents "Plasticineography is interesting!"

Wed, 04/27/2016

Educator MADOU Borovsky

Kindergarten "Zhuravushka"

Suslikova T.S.

Plasticineography is interesting!

Plasticineography - This is an unconventional technique for working with plasticine, the principle of which is to create a stucco picture depicting semi-volumetric objects on a horizontal surface.

Main material- plasticine, and the main tool in plasticineography is the child's hands. This technique is good because it is available to preschool children, allows you to quickly achieve the desired result and introduces a certain novelty into the creativity of children, makes it more exciting and interesting, which is very important for working with kids.

Plasticine classes contribute to the development of such mental processes as attention, memory, thinking, as well as the development of creative abilities. Plasticineography contributes to the development of perception, spatial orientation, sensorimotor coordination of children, that is, those school-significant functions that are necessary for successful schooling. Children learn to plan their work and bring it to the end.

Being engaged in plasticineography, the child develops the skill of the hands, the strength of the hands is strengthened, the movements of both hands become more coordinated, and the movements of the fingers are differentiated, the child prepares the hand for mastering such a complex skill as writing. All this is facilitated by a good muscle load of the fingers.

Volitional effort develops - children spend more time completing the task, try to complete it to the end, elementary self-control skills are formed (they prepare the workplace in an organized manner, clean it, control behavior), there is an increased interest in classes (they try to complete the task correctly).

Cognitive activity is being implemented. All selected material for classes with children has a practical orientation, relies as much as possible on the life experience that children have, helps to highlight the essence of the features of the objects and phenomena being studied, activates the images and ideas stored in memory. This allows you to clarify the knowledge already acquired by the child, expand it and apply it in practice.

In the process of playing out the plot and performing practical actions with plasticine, there should be a continuous conversation with the children. Such an organization of children's activities stimulates their speech activity.

Sensory standards (color, shape, size) are developing, which occupies one of the central places in working with children in plasticineography. When creating a work, children get acquainted with the means of artistic expression (proportion, rhythm, color, volume, texture, color).

Children develop tactile and thermal senses of fingers, which is necessary for the accumulation of the child's sociocultural experience.

Features of the material used.

Plasticine- soft, pliable material that can take the shape given to it. But at the same time it has a number of negative points:

1 Stale plasticine becomes hard, it is difficult to knead it, prepare it for work, especially for children's fingers.

2 In its composition, plasticine has fatty components and, when applied to a paper base, forms greasy spots over time.

All these troubles can be avoided

  1. Plasticine is a voluminous material, which means it has weight. Therefore, not thin sheets, but thick cardboard should be used for work, so that the base does not deform when performing pressing, lubricating, smoothing the surfaces of objects created from plasticine.
    1. So that the picture does not lose its attractiveness over time, the base should be covered with adhesive tape. This will help to avoid the appearance of greasy spots, it is easier to work on a slippery surface and with the help of a stack you can remove excess plasticine without leaving marks.
  2. If the work is done as a gift or to decorate a room, it is recommended to cover the surface of the composition made of plasticine with a colorless varnish. Plasticine under the varnish film hardens over time, the product becomes brighter, it is easier to remove dust from the varnished surface.
  3. A cloth hand napkin must be present on the child’s desktop so that he can use it at any time, and after the work done, initially wipe his hands with a napkin, and then wash them with soap and water.
  4. Working with plasticine is time-consuming, requires effort, so children need a minute's rest in the process of doing it in the form of physical exercises and finger games.

In many ways, the result of the child’s work depends on his interest, therefore, in work it is important to activate the attention of the preschooler, to encourage him to work with the help of additional stimuli, such as a game, a surprise moment, musical accompaniment, etc.

Learning to draw using the plasticine technique should begin with a gradual increase in the complexity of the material. The development of the plot is better to start with subject images: first you need to work out all the main elements of the plot drawing, and then move on to more complex compositions. It is also necessary to pay attention not only to the technical, but also to the expressive side of the activity.

Sometimes a child refuses to work out of fear that he will not cope with it. Therefore, children need encouragement. Successful performance of work gives the child confidence in his abilities, positively sets him up for further tasks.