Selection and use of skin care products for a bedridden patient. It can be the first, passionate and innocent, but every time you want it to remain unforgettable - the first, sweet kiss! Expert help to highlight your individuality

Even the most flawless makeup cannot hide skin imperfections, so it is important to know how to choose the right facial care. This is one of the most unprotected parts of the body. The person is constantly exposed to external negative influences. In addition, any problems in the functioning of the body are reflected, as a rule, in the most visible place.

That is why it is important to take care of thorough and proper facial skin care. This is the only way to restore her healthy and radiant appearance. It is important to remember that home care should be systematic.

We decided to tell you the basics of how to create your own proper skin care system. Read more step by step in the article on how to properly care for your facial skin.

Determine your skin type

There are countless skin care products available today. The most important thing here is to know your skin type and select the right cosmetics according to this. If you have the opportunity to consult a cosmetologist, then this is simply wonderful. It is these specialists who know better than us how to choose facial skin care in each specific case. But you can also do this yourself - the main thing is to figure out how and by what signs to recognize this or that skin type.

Signs of oily and combination skin

Oily skin types are characterized by enlarged pores and an oily sheen. Most often, it is this skin that is susceptible to inflammation, the formation of acne and comedones. Combination skin combines oily skin in the T-zone and dry (or normal) skin in the cheek area. This type is characterized by an uneven structure and heterogeneous coloring: in dry areas the skin flakes, and in oily areas it is prone to the formation of acne and inflammation. Each skin type has its own facial skin care products.

How do you know if your skin is dry and dehydrated?

Dry skin, as opposed to oily skin, is distinguished by corresponding signs: narrowed pores, tightness. It is this type of epidermis that is most susceptible to premature aging and the appearance of the first wrinkles. And dry skin also needs to be carefully taken care of - use suitable products for intensive moisturizing.

It is worth noting that dry and dehydrated skin are two different concepts. Dry skin lacks intercellular lipids, while dehydrated skin needs only a sufficient amount of moisture. To recognize what type you have, observe yourself and the condition of your facial skin. In dry skin, a state of tightness is almost always present. Dehydrated skin can feel tight after washing, which often results in an oily sheen.

How to “get through” problem skin?

External manifestations of problem skin are acne, increased greasiness, unhealthy color, pallor, excessive dryness, itching, age spots, sagging and early wrinkles. At least one of these signs already indicates that you need to think about how to choose the right facial skin care.

Pay attention to age-related changes

It is important to remember that the choice of facial skin care product should be based on your age. Nowadays there is a fairly widespread opinion that it is better to start using anti-aging cosmetics from a young age. In fact, in young girls, the skin is able to independently produce the required amount of collagen, hyaluronic acid and other substances that maintain the tone and healthy appearance of the skin. Various peptides, ceramides and collagens are more needed for mature skin; they can even be harmful for young skin.

If your skin is normal, can you relax?

If you are the happy owner of a normal skin type - you do not have a single defect described above, then you still should not relax. She also needs daily care. And here it is also important to choose the right facial care. Otherwise, various skin diseases can be provoked.

Cleansers should be selected depending on your skin type.

For dry Full-fat milk works great. You can use it only once - in the evening before bed. In the morning, simply rinse your face with clean water. A gentle plant-based moisturizing lotion is also suitable for cleansing dry skin.

For fatty skin, it is better to use a special gel containing bactericidal and anti-inflammatory additives. You need to wash your face with this product twice a day – morning and evening.

For combined skin, you need to pay attention to products that are easily washed off with water. Pay attention to your T-zone. If it is characterized by increased oil content, then it is better to use preparations to cleanse the skin twice a day - morning and evening. Otherwise, one thorough cleaning in the evening will be enough. If you are looking for facial products online, choose cleansing milk.

The use of toners is advisable for cleansing oily skin. In this case, the product must contain anti-inflammatory components, alcohol and substances that narrow pores. The use of toners is also recommended for combination skin, but only in the middle part of the face - where you notice oily shine and excess sebum.

Toner is another familiar item in our daily facial care chain. However, there are some features of its use, which also depend on skin type. For oily skin, the toner should be applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the face. For those with dry skin, apply the product with your fingertips using light massage movements, evenly distributing it over the face.

For those with dry skin, it is better to take a toner that contains chamomile and rose water, which moisturize and soothe the epidermis. For oily and combination skin, you should choose a toner with a low alcohol content.

When caring for your face during the day, you can use serum - it suits everyone without exception. It perfectly soothes the skin, strengthens its resistance to external negative factors and protects against temperature changes.

After cleansing the skin, it is necessary to ensure sufficient hydration. Special creams are great for this. When choosing cosmetics for facial care, we remember several rules. For young skin, an ordinary moisturizer will be enough. For those with mature skin, comprehensive care is provided - nutrition and hydration. As for mattifying cream, it is used for oily and combination skin to eliminate shine.

To moisturize the skin and achieve better results, you can use special masks. But you need to remember that additional skin care is more important, and such products should be used no more than 1-2 times a week. An alginate moisturizing mask from Zhivitsa is perfect for dry and aging skin. For oily and combination skin, it is better to use a mask with algae from Zhivitsa.

Peels, scrubs and gommages are also one of the elements of additional skin care. To know how to choose cosmetics in this case, you need to remember the purpose of these products.

Scrub is the most popular method and product, which consists of a base and small particles. Peeling is a more liquid form, it contains fewer particles and this method is suitable for gentle exfoliation of the skin. The difference between these two products is in the method of application. Peeling should not just be applied and washed off, but kept on the face for several minutes as a mask.

Both of these products have almost the same effect on the skin. With their help, you can remove dead skin particles, cleanse the skin and give it radiance. Gommage is an even more gentle remedy. It is great for sensitive skin as it does not contain traumatic elements. Using this product is quite simple: you just need to apply it to your face, wait for it to dry and remove it from the surface of the skin in a circular motion.

The selection of facial care products must be correct. Bioactive creams and anti-wrinkle creams are best used after 40 years. When choosing a day cream for your face, remember that it must contain ultraviolet protection. UV radiation has a detrimental effect on the skin, causing its premature aging. Pay attention to this when choosing cosmetics.

RULE 1: Choose skin care products for your skin type

In skin care, the first and most important rule is to use cosmetics specifically formulated for your skin type. The needs of dry and oily skin differ significantly.

RULE 2: Pay special attention to sensitive areas of the skin

The skin in certain places on the face is thinner and more vulnerable. It requires special care, especially the skin around the eyes and lips. These areas are the most sensitive and require special attention.

RULE 3: Gentle Cleansing

Caring for sensitive skin begins with removing makeup. To avoid further stress and maintain natural balance, use pH-neutral makeup removers that are specially formulated to gently cleanse the skin.

RULE 4: Eyes: risk zone

The skin around the eyes is ten times thinner than the skin elsewhere on the face. Use special eye makeup removers.

RULE 5: Peeling (exfoliation) is a necessary facial skin care procedure.

Use the type of peel that suits your skin once or twice a week. Peeling should be effective, but gentle and not injure the skin. Choose products with a neutral pH that cleanse and soften the skin well, maintaining its natural balance.

RULE 6: Hydration is essential

The dermis consists of 70% water, and the epidermis 15%. To keep your skin well-hydrated, choose moisturizers that maintain a constant level of moisture in the skin. You can also regularly use a moisturizing mask, removing excess with thermal water.

RULE 7: Give preference to hypoallergenic decorative cosmetics

To avoid the risk of allergies associated with using cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type, choose hypoallergenic color cosmetics that are specially formulated for all skin types and the skin around the eyes, including sensitive skin.

RULE 8: Sun protection

Regardless of the time of year, use cosmetics with sunscreen filters. They help reduce the harmful effects of sunlight, which accelerates the aging process.

RULE 9: Avoid external adverse factors

Pollution, smoking, stress... All of this has a negative impact on the skin. Use cosmetics that will protect your skin from adverse factors before leaving the house, and thoroughly cleanse your skin when you return home in the evening.

RULE 10: Don't forget about your lips

As soon as you feel it is necessary, use a regenerating lip cream. You can reapply the cream as often as you wish.

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Hereby, in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data,” I confirm my consent to the processing by the Closed Joint Stock Company “L'Oreal”, OGRN 1027700054986, location: 119180, Moscow, 4th Golutvinsky lane, 1/8, building 1-2 (hereinafter referred to as the Company) of your personal data, namely:

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All women dream of beautiful hair and often spare neither money nor effort in pursuit of fashionable new products, the advertising of which promises a wonderful, instant transformation after the first use. Now the supply in the cosmetics market far exceeds the demand. But making the right choice and saving time and money at the same time is not such an easy matter. Therefore, let's try together to choose the right hair care products based on their purpose and composition.

Shampoo. What's inside?

According to dermatologists, one cosmetic product that produces a “cloud of foam” cannot do without surfactants - surfactants. And the more foam your shampoo, the more surfactants it contains. The most common of them are lauryl sulfate (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) or sodium laureth sulfate (Sodium Laureth Sulfate). Lauryl will have a stronger effect, and laureth will be more gentle. Accordingly, the former may be more likely to cause allergies, flaking of the scalp and hair loss. Manufacturers are required to indicate the ingredients in shampoo as follows: substances whose content is the highest should appear at the beginning of the list. It is better that the herbal natural ingredients stated in the advertisement should be as close to the top of the list as possible, and surfactants as far away as possible. But at the same time, the presence of natural ingredients, minerals and vitamins should not be the main criterion for choosing a shampoo. As a rule, their content is insignificant.

It is necessary to select shampoo according to your hair type. The packaging or container indicates for which hair this cosmetic product is intended.
- if your hair is oily at the roots, but has dry ends, you should not constantly wash it with shampoo of the same cosmetic brand, otherwise addiction will occur and the desired effect will not occur. You can use shampoos to care for dry hair ends.
- for normal hair type, select shampoo intended only for this type.
- a moisturizing shampoo is suitable for curly hair, and a product with a protein base is suitable for very curly hair.
- if you have very thin and weak hair, you need to choose a shampoo with a so-called thickening effect. These products should remove the sensitive charge and protect the hair from adverse factors, creating a special protective barrier.
- shampoos “for all hair types” are neutral and correspond to the natural pH level of the skin. They won't get rid of problems, but they won't harm your hair either.

If you have an overly sensitive scalp, excessively dry or, conversely, oily hair, purchase shampoo based on “mild” surfactants. Beware of daily use shampoos. Read the packaging very carefully.

Most shampoos will not relieve dandruff or hair loss. In these cases, you should contact a dermatologist. You should look for medicated shampoos not in the supermarket, but in a specialized pharmacy.

You should beware of very brightly colored shampoos with a strong odor; most likely they contain excess dyes and fragrances that can cause an allergic reaction.

You shouldn't expect "miracles" from shampoo. Its task is to remove impurities from the scalp and hair, and not to treat and restore hair.

Do not purchase 2-in-1 products wanting to save money. For example, shampoo and conditioner in one bottle. They have different tasks. So, shampoo should wash the hair as much as possible, and therefore it is more alkaline in its pH level. And the balm has an acidic composition. It is correct to apply them one by one, which cannot be done when using a “2 in 1” product. This cosmetic product does not have the desired effect.

Balms, conditioners and rinses are not a panacea!

These cosmetics, as a rule, do not restore the hair structure and fully moisturize it from the inside. They only improve the appearance of the hair. In most of these cosmetics, the main active ingredient is silicone. This component gives a fairly quick effect, especially on very damaged hair. They smooth out hair scales, fill voids, create a protective film that adds shine. If nature has rewarded you with luxurious, thick hair with which you will not experience serious problems, it is better not to overuse balms, conditioners, and masks. Because, in addition to natural ingredients and vitamins, they all contain thickeners, preservatives, surfactants and other “chemicals” that can damage the hair.

Conditioners are designed to ensure quick drying of hair and reduce static electricity in the hair. When using them, the curls are easy to comb.

If you have thin, straight and oily hair, then constantly using conditioner over the entire length of your hair is not recommended. When accumulated, this product weighs down the hair and over time, curls may lose volume. It is better to apply conditioner only to the ends of your hair. It is recommended to use a conditioner-rinse, which, according to the instructions, must be rinsed off a couple of minutes after application, and not one that does not require rinsing.

The balm, whose structure resembles a liquid cream, gives the hair a healthy look and makes it manageable. This product is more suitable for owners of dry, brittle hair.

Hair masks are responsible for restoring and nourishing hair.

Their components are designed to compensate for the lack of protein and moisturize the hair. But you need to select masks in accordance with your hair type and the functions of the mask itself. It is advisable that masks and balms do not contain mineral oil (mineral oil, petrolatum, paraffinum liquidum). This component forms a protective film on the hair. But at the same time it clogs the pores of the skin. Therefore, the use of such cosmetics can quickly pollute the hair or even cause irritation of the scalp. Do not forget that after using shampoo and other cosmetics, hair must be thoroughly rinsed with water, avoiding any detergent elements remaining on its surface.

Remember, the condition of your hair depends not only on the chosen cosmetics, but also on proper washing and combing. A properly selected diet will help to improve hair health. Cosmetologists recommend eating foods rich in vitamins A, B, E. These are vegetable oil, walnuts (4-5 per day), tangerines, cabbage, bananas, carrots, eggs, cheese

According to the definition, a kiss is touching someone with your lips to express love, gratitude, affection. Since ancient times, well-groomed lips have been considered a sign of trepidation and sexuality! Alluring, beautiful, very often they become the highlight and accent of any makeup. In order for them to always remain exactly like this, it is necessary to treat their care with respect and duty at any time of the year! For example, in winter, we will not be able to throw a warm shawl over them or put on a fluffy hat to protect delicate skin from the negative effects of cold and wind. In the summer? Heat, scorching sun and sea air, of course, sound romantic, but these factors also carry the opposite effects of destruction of the epithelium, which also does not have any additional protection. Due to the fact that there are no sebaceous glands on the lips, they begin to experience moisture deficiency faster than other organs of the human body, and the lips lose their usual shape, and their appearance also deteriorates significantly.

Interesting anatomical facts

Did you know that the skin is essentially the most complex organ in the human body? And it is this organ, like a real knight, that takes on the responsibility of protection and takes on all the blows from the world around us. And the princess’s task is to maintain health, beauty and provide proper care.

Is significant care really that important?

Many people ask exactly these questions, citing the fact that there are more important things to do, but what, she put on her makeup and went! However, this opinion is very erroneous! Of course, applying decorative cosmetics, in this case lipstick, is a corrector against peeling and chapped lips, but in fact, this is just an illusory deception that does not solve the problem of skin health and elasticity! In the smallest microcracks formed, a huge amount of destructive bacteria, invisible to the eye, accumulates, which enter our body with saliva and can cause very serious diseases. Therefore, care has not only aesthetic, but also medical indications!

How to choose the right care product?

And, indeed, there are currently a huge number of products on the market aimed at solving a particular problem! Is it possible to choose one truly effective remedy for all seasons? It was the answers to these questions that Bentley Organic technologists thought about when creating their lip balm. This type of organic balm perfectly softens the delicate skin of the lips, while carefully caring for it. When applied, Bentley Organic balm forms an invisible protective film on the lips, protecting them throughout the day from any negative manifestations and bad weather. The balm not only has a protective function, but also heals dry and chapped lips, this happens thanks to the oils and beeswax included in its composition. In addition, all Bentley Organic products are Soil Association Certified, meaning they are not tested on animals and contain no animal ingredients, parabens, GMOs, SLS or SLES, or petrochemical derivatives. Your lips acquire a healthy appearance, an alluring shine, and, of course, at your discretion - the freshness and trembling enthusiasm of green mint or the subtle aroma of strawberry cake, which will definitely not leave anyone indifferent!

When choosing products for cleansing and moisturizing the skin of a bedridden patient, the following points must be taken into account:

  • All hospital hygiene products must have a neutral pH level and must not contain alcohol or components with aggressive odors.
  • It is necessary to have products for each stage of hygiene: cleansing, protecting and moisturizing. Even if you purchase a 3 in 1 cleansing cream, you will need at least another product to nourish and moisturize the skin.
  • It is necessary to take care of the hygiene of the intimate area. In the genital area, the skin is especially sensitive, so even gentle detergents are not always suitable for intimate hygiene.
  • When selecting skin cleansing products, it is recommended to first try different options (creams, foams, gels), and then choose the product whose texture is most pleasant to the patient and which is easiest for the caregiver to handle.
  • When choosing protective equipment, you need to pay attention to the condition of the skin and the presence of irritating factors (urine, feces). If the skin has a pronounced tendency to irritation, peeling, itching and the appearance of bedsores, as well as if bedsores have already appeared, it is necessary to use protective products with a pronounced healing property (for example, balm, gel, etc.).

  • Moisturizers should be selected based on intensity. Aging, dehydrated skin requires the most intense hydration.
  • To moisturize areas of rough skin (heels, knees, feet), it is better to use special creams and gels that help smooth and soften the skin.
  • Biologically active components that increase the effectiveness of skin care products for a bedridden patient include panthenol, Shea butter, canola oil, aloe vera extract, grape seed oil, olive oil, vitamin E, calendula extract, chamomile extract, zinc oxide.
  • When using products to cleanse and moisturize the skin of a bedridden patient, the following points must be taken into account:

    • Leave-in skin care products are not a complete replacement for bathing and showering. The patient must be fully bathed in water at least once a week.
    • Before purchasing a product, you should carefully read the composition for possible allergens.
    • Hospital hygiene products used must be dermatologically tested.
    • In order to whip up foam on foaming sponges and mittens, they do not need to be completely immersed in water - you just need to lightly touch the water, and then methodically squeeze and unclench your palm.
    • After applying products that cleanse the skin without water, you should not leave them on the skin - you must wipe the skin dry with a towel.
    • To carry out the hygiene of a bedridden patient, in addition to detergents, such devices as an inflatable bath for washing hair, an inflatable bath for washing a bedridden patient, absorbent sheets, a bedpan, and a dry soft towel are also needed.

    • Foams, gels, lotions and creams should only be applied to the skin using wet wipes. Applying the product with gloved hands is ineffective and may cause discomfort to the patient.
    • At the first sign of an allergy or irritation from skin care products, you should immediately stop using them and switch to a different brand.
    • Do not rub protective and moisturizing lotions into wet skin - only into dry skin!
    • Wet wipes are disposable. Reusing wet wipes for skin treatment is unacceptable.