Let's sit in silence who is the author. Topic: “Mom is our sun” with reading the work of E. Blaginina “Let's sit in silence. I would sing a song

In this lesson, you will get acquainted with the biography and work of Elena Alexandrovna Blaginina, read the poem “Let's sit in silence” and analyze it.

My toys don't make noise
Quiet in an empty room.
And on my mother's pillow
The beam is stealing golden.

And I said to the beam:
- I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh
Whatever I want!
But mom is sleeping and I am silent
(Fig. 2) .

Rice. 2. Illustration for the poem "Let's sit in silence" ()

The beam darted along the wall,
And then slithered towards me.
Let's sit in silence!

In this poem, the reasoning of the child is very interesting. The protagonist is a reasonable girl, with correct reasoning, who loves her mother very much.

The author called her poem "Let's sit in silence" because she wanted to tell the children that sometimes adults get tired and they need to be given a rest. The girl decided not to play because she noticed that her mother had fallen asleep. She began to sit quietly, quietly, like a mouse. But suddenly she noticed a ray of sunshine that was sneaking towards her mother. He scared her because he could wake up her mother, so the girl turned to the beam.

This work is a true story, because in fact the beam would in no case obey the girl. But every child in such a situation would also protect the sleep of his beloved mother.

Why did the girl decide not to play?

Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...
Well, I didn't play!
I don't start a top
And I sit down and sit.

What did the girl notice in the room?

My toys don't make noise
Quiet in an empty room.
And on my mother's pillow
The beam is stealing golden.

What did she say to the beam?

And I said to the beam:
- I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh
Whatever I want!
But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.

How did the ray react to the girl's words?

The beam darted along the wall,
And then slithered towards me.
"Nothing," he whispered,
Let's sit in silence!

  • "That's what mom" (Fig. 3)

Rice. 3. "That's what mom" ()

  • "Primer book in verse" (Fig. 4)

Rice. 4. "Primer book in verse" ()

  • "Burn, burn bright!" (Fig. 5)

Rice. 5. "Burn, burn bright!" ()

Elena Aleksandrovna Blaginina (Fig. 6) was born in 1903.

Rice. 6. E.A. Blaginina ()

Blaginina was a native of the Oryol village. She did not immediately realize that she was born a poet. Elena Blaginina was the daughter of a baggage clerk at the Kursk-1 station (Fig. 7), the granddaughter of a priest.

Rice. 7. Railway station Kursk-1 ()

The girl was going to be a teacher. Every day, in any weather, in home-made shoes with rope soles, she walked 7 km from home to the Kursk Pedagogical Institute (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Kursk State University (until 1994 - Kursk Pedagogical Institute) ()

But the desire to write turned out to be stronger, and at the same time, during the student years, the first lyrical poems of Elena Alexandrovna appeared in the almanac of Kursk poets.

Then she entered the Higher Literary and Art Institute in Moscow, which was led by the poet Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. V.Ya. Bryusov ()

Elena Aleksandrovna came to children's literature in the early 1930s. It was then that on the pages of the Murzilka magazine, where such poets as S.Ya. Marshak, A.L. Barto, S.V. Mikhalkov, a new name appeared - Elena Blaginina.

Literary critic Evgenia Alexandrovna Taratuta, who worked in the library where the authors of Murzilka spoke to young readers, recalls:

“The guys loved both her and her poems about what is close and dear to children: about the wind, about the rain, about the rainbow, about birches, about apples, about the garden and the garden, and, of course, about the children themselves.”

Rice. 11. Cover of the book "Do not interfere with my work" ()

Books followed magazine publications. In 1936, the poem "Sadko" and the collection "Autumn" were published almost simultaneously. Then there were many other books.

Elena Alexandrovna lived a long life and worked constantly, she wrote poems sparkling with humor, teasers, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, songs, fairy tales, but most of all she had lyrical poems. She also worked on translations.

The best of everything created by Blaginina was included in the collections "Crane", "Fly away - flew away" and "Burn, burn clearly!". The last of them appeared when Elena Alexandrovna (Fig. 12) was no longer alive. She died in 1989.

Rice. 12. Elena Blaginina ()


  1. Kubasova O.V. Favorite pages: Textbook on literary reading for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: "Association XXI century", 2011.
  2. Kubasova O.V. literary reading: Workbook for a textbook for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: "Association XXI century", 2011.
  3. Kubasova O.V. Guidelines for textbooks 2, 3, 4 classes (with electronic application). - Smolensk: "Association XXI century", 2011.
  4. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: Tests: Grade 2. - Smolensk: "Association XXI century", 2011.
  1. Lukoshko.net ().
  2. Nsc.1september.ru ().
  3. Infourok.ru ().


  1. What did Elena Alexandrovna Blaginina want to tell the reader with the poem “Let's sit in silence”?
  2. Prepare an expressive reading of the poem “Let's sit in silence” (if you wish, learn it by heart).
  3. Read several other poems by Elena Blaginina.

Natalia Volgina
Memorizing a poem by E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence" in the senior group

Abstract of the lesson in senior group for speech development:

« Memorizing poem E. Blaginina" Let's sit in silence"

Target: Help memorize and read expressively poem.

Develop children's interest in fiction.

To form an interest in guessing riddles.

Develop conversational skills.

Improve the dialogic form of speech.

Develop speech as a means of communication. - Develop listening skills poems.

Cultivate sensitivity to the artistic word. - Work out the intonational expressiveness of speech. - Encourage children to tell about their perception of a particular act of a literary character.


illustrations depicting the professions of mothers; poem by E Blaginina" Let's sit in silence" .

Previous work:

In the morning in the book corner, a book by E. Blaginina"That's what mom." On the easel - illustrations by different artists depicting mothers at work (laundry, cleaning, cooking, etc., women's professions.

Course progress.

Introductory part.

There is no dearer in the world,

Fairer and better.

I'll tell you friends directly -

The best in the world... (Mother)

That's right, guys, of course, mom. The very first word for a child is "mother" - because for a child this is the kindest, most affectionate, most beloved person! And our mothers are the most hardworking! You have already considered illustrations where mothers are constantly at work. Despite the fact that mothers work where?

(looking at illustrations and telling where mom works)

It's very hard for moms and you owe moms to help: clean up toys, water flowers, take care of animals. How do you help your mothers?

(children's answers)

Well done boys.

Necessary try not to upset mom, as often as possible to please her with your attention, care. And mother's eyes will shine with joy. There are many reasons to take care of your mother. Here listen to this poem.

Poem E. Blaginina" Let's sit in silence"

Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...

Well, I didn't play!

I don't start a top

And I sit down and sit.

My toys don't make noise

Quiet in an empty room.

And on my mother's pillow

The beam is stealing golden.

And I said beam:

I want to move too!

I would like a lot:

I would sing a song

I could laugh

Whatever I want!

But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,

And then slithered towards me.

"Nothing," he whispered,

Let's sit in silence!

Content Questions poems

Guys, did you like it? poem? - What is it called?

About whom poem?

Why was the girl sitting in silence and did not play?

That's right, children, well done.

Questions for memorizing the sequence of text poems- in the question we include words from poems We encourage you to use the author's words when answering.

Why is mom sleeping?

Who's sneaking up on mom's pillow?

What did the girl say to the beam?

Where did the beam go?

Questions for understanding and memorizing individual words or phrases.

- How do you understand the phrase: beam steals gold? - Like this understand: the beam darted along the wall?

What voice should I read the beginning of? poems so that we understand that mom is tired and sleeping? What voice does the girl speak in? beam: "I also want to move!" - What voice do you need? read: "- Nothing," he whispered as if, - Let's sit in silence. "

Exercise children in the expressive performance of these lines.

Let's try to pronounce the words from the text "Mom is sleeping, she is tired." So that we understand that you can not make noise, otherwise mom will not be able to rest.

Reading again poem with a memory setting.

Listen poem again, try to remember it. We have Mother's Day soon and you can read by heart a poem for my mother they will be very happy.

reading poems(3-5 children).

If the child stumbles, we prompt, the child repeats (do not allow long pauses)

Well done guys remember poem and very well read.

Physical education minute:


Sun, sun, golden bottom, (children walk in a circle).

Burn, burn, clear, so that it does not go out! A stream ran in the garden, (children run around).

A hundred rooks flew in (children wave their hands while standing still).

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting, (children squat in place).

And the flowers are growing. (children get up slowly).

Final part.

Guys, did you like the heroine of this poems? - What did you like about her, what is she like? -That's right guys! And you, too, should love and care for your mom.

After all, very often you do not think that your parents can be tired. Adults have a lot of trouble and work. And you, too, as the main character poems" Let's sit in silence", should know this, and not disturb your parents with noisy games when they are resting. If you do not interfere with your parents' rest, then maybe they, after waking up, will play a variety of games with you.

The guys, our lesson ended, everyone listened very carefully and answered questions. And I hope you remember poem and you can tell your mothers and make them happy.

Related publications:

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Let's sit in silence

Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...
Well, I didn't play!
I don't start a top
And I sit down and sit.

My toys don't make noise
Quiet in an empty room.
And on my mother's pillow
The beam is stealing golden.

And I said to the beam:
I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh
Whatever I want!
But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,
And then slithered towards me.
"Nothing," he whispered,
Let's sit in silence!

Elena Aleksandrovna Blaginina
Children's poetess, translator - a native of the Oryol village. The daughter of a luggage clerk at the Kursk-I station, the granddaughter of a priest was going to become a teacher. Every day, in any weather, in home-made shoes with rope soles (it was a difficult time: the twenties), she walked seven kilometers from home to the Kursk Pedagogical Institute. But the desire to write turned out to be stronger, and at the same time - during the student years - the first lyrical poems of Elena Alexandrovna appeared in the almanac of Kursk poets. Then there was the Higher Literary and Art Institute in Moscow, which was led by the poet Valery Bryusov. Elena Aleksandrovna came to children's literature in the early 1930s. It was then that on the pages of the Murzilka magazine, where such poets as Marshak, Barto, Mikhalkov were published, a new name appeared - E. Blaginina. Elena Alexandrovna lived a long life and worked constantly. She wrote poems sparkling with humor, "teasers", "counters", "patters", songs, fairy tales. But most of all she has lyrical poems. She also worked on translations, introduced the children to the poetry of Taras Shevchenko, Maria Konopnitskaya, Julian Tuvim, Lev Kvitko.
The best of everything created by Elena Blaginina was included in the collections "Crane" (1973, 1983, 1988), "Fly away, flew away" (1983), "Burn, burn clearly!" (1990). The last collection appeared when Elena Alexandrovna was no longer alive, she died in 1989.

Literary reading lesson

in 2nd grade



Speech warm-up

Pavel Bashmakov

Elena Alexandrovna

Blaginina(1903-1989) - Russian poet, translator.

Over the rye, crushed by the rain,

It costs almost a day through.

Oryol wind smells like mint,

Wormwood, honey, silence...

Elena Blaginina did not immediately realize that she was born a poet.

She studied at the Kursk Mariinsky Gymnasium and the Kursk Pedagogical Institute. In 1921 she left for Moscow. In 1925 she graduated from the Higher Literary and Art Institute. V. Ya. Bryusov in Moscow. For several years she worked in the expedition of the Izvestia newspaper.

She was married to the Russian poet Georgy Obolduev. She was buried in a cemetery in Golitsyn near Moscow - there was a writer's house of creativity.

Elena Aleksandrovna came to children's literature in the early 1930s. It was then that on the pages of the Murzilka magazine, where such poets as Marshak, Barto, Mikhalkov were published, a new name appeared - E. Blaginina.

“The guys loved both her and her poems - wonderful poems about what is close and dear to children: about the wind, about the rain, about the rainbow, about birches, about apples, about the garden and the garden and, of course, about the children themselves, about their joys and sorrows,” recalls the literary critic E. Taratuta, who then worked in the library, where the authors of “Murzilka” spoke to young readers.

Mother - the main word in the life of any person. And Elena Blaginina in her poems taught children to love, appreciate, respect, treat their loved one with care and concern.

Lexical work (Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary)

  • Top - a toy in the form of a circle, a ball on a rotating axis.
  • Threw - to rush somewhere with a sharp movement.
  • Slipped - quickly and imperceptibly pass, flash.


These balls on a thread

Don't you want to try on?

For all your tastes

In my mother's box...

In my mother's ears sparkle,

They play with the colors of the rainbow.

Silver drops crumbs


Its edge is called fields,

The top is decorated with flowers.

Mystery headdress -

Our mother has...

Name the dishes

The handle stuck to the circle.

Damn bake her - nonsense

He has water in his belly

She churned with warmth.

Like an angry boss

Boils fast...

This is a meal for everyone

Mom will cook for dinner.

And the ladle is right there -

Pour into bowls...

Dust will find and instantly swallow -

Cleanliness for us.

Long hose, like a trunk-nose,

Carpet cleaning...

Ironing dresses and shirts

Iron our pockets.

He is a true friend in the household -

His name is...


p. 119 expressive reading

There are poems that accompany us in childhood, but then we grow out of them. Time passes, and we read them to our children, grandchildren and again rejoice in them as old acquaintances. These are the poems of Elena Blaginina, whose 110th birthday we celebrate on May 27th.

Elena Alexandrovna Blaginina (1903-1989) was born in the village of Yakovlev, Oryol province. Turgenev and Tolstoy, Fet and Tyutchev, Bunin grew up in these parts. She was the daughter of a baggage clerk at the Kursk-I station, the granddaughter of a priest. She wrote her first poems at the age of eight. The girl was going to be a teacher. Every day, in any weather, in home-made shoes with rope soles, she walked seven kilometers from home to the Kursk Pedagogical Institute. But the desire to write turned out to be stronger, and at the same time, during the student years, the first lyrical poems of Elena Alexandrovna appeared in the almanac of Kursk poets. Then she entered the Higher Literary and Art Institute in Moscow, which was founded by the poet Valery Bryusov.
Elena Aleksandrovna came to children's literature in the early 1930s. It was then that on the pages of the Murzilka magazine, where such poets as Marshak, Barto, Mikhalkov were published, a new name appeared - E. Blaginina. “The guys loved both her and her poems - lovely poems about what is close and dear to children: about the wind, about the rain, about the rainbow, about birches, about apples, about the garden and the garden and, of course, about the children themselves, about their joys and sorrows,” recalls the literary critic E. Taratuta, who then worked in the library, where the authors of “Murzilka” spoke to young readers. The first book for children "Autumn" was published in 1936. In 1939 - the collection "That's what a mother!", In 1940 - "Let's sit in silence." After the war, the books "Rainbow" (1948), "Spark" (1950), "Burn, burn clearly!" (1955).
Then there were many other books: Elena Alexandrovna lived a long life and worked constantly. She wrote poems sparkling with humor, "teasers", "counters", "patters", songs, fairy tales. But most of all she has lyrical poems. She also worked on translations, introduced the children to the poetry of Taras Shevchenko, Lesya Ukrainka, Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas, Natalia Zabila, Maria Konopnitskaya, Julian Tuvim, Lev Kvitko.
Blaginina belongs to the artists whose imagination is excited by the truth of the surrounding life. She sees a miracle in everything that surrounds her:
I feel sorry for the harsh and arrogant,
Let their world be complicated, let it be rich.
They are ordinary miracles
They don't see, they don't want to see.
They don't like bread,
Water is not a blessing
The night is not for them to rest,
The day is not in the light.
It's like a rainbow eclipsed in them,
All of her ardor was gone.
And we, without further ado,
We stand for simplicity
Giving left and right
Flowers of worldly joy.
Bread, water, day, night, the joy of walking the earth, listening to the birds singing, seeing the beauty of nature shine for her with the highest light, and all this is reflected in her poems.
Rain, rain, don't rain

Don't wait, wait!
Come out, come out, sunshine
Golden bottom!
I'm on a rainbow arc
I love to run
I'll wait in the meadow.
I'm on the red arc
I can't look
For orange, for yellow
I see a new arc.
This new arc
Greener than the meadows.
And behind it is blue
Just like my mother's earring.
I'm on the blue arc
I can't look
And behind this purple
I'll take it and run...
The sun has set behind the haystacks
Where are you, rainbow-arc?

Blaginina also has a collection of poems for adults “Windows to the Garden”. Home, family, feelings that children experience in relation to relatives and friends are an important area of ​​​​Blaginina's lyrical interests. One of the best family poems is "Let's sit in silence":
Let's sit in silence
Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...
Well, I didn't play!
I don't start a top
And I sit down and sit.
My toys don't make noise
Quiet in an empty room.
And on my mother's pillow
The beam is stealing golden.
And I said to the beam:
- I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh
Whatever I want!
But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.
The beam darted along the wall,
And then slithered towards me.
"Nothing," he whispered,
Let's sit in silence...
In her poems, she tells us about the happiness of loving the motherland, home, family. There are also poems about the Great Patriotic War (the collection “Why are you saving your overcoat?”). She described the war through the eyes of children who lived at that time in the rear, whose fathers fought at the front, and whose mothers worked in military factories.
Ballad of good light.
When the cold winter
the enemy attacked us
I came home one day
and see - the light went out.
I'm in tears: - Mom, it's dark,
because the night will be long! -
She laughs: - Anyway
tears won't help!
And kerosene in a bottle
glass poured,
twisted a narrow wick
and lit the fire.
And quiet, quiet good light
banished the darkness of the night.
- Is it dark, son?
- No!
Light in our house!
And the room was cold
and the wind was away.
I was cold to tears
to breaking bones.
I cry: - Mom, I'm cold,
I can not do it anymore! -
She laughs: - Well, son,
and here I will help.
The stove burns merrily,
and kulesh is cooked.
- Son, - mother says, -
warm up and eat!
I ate a plate of kulesh
I drank boiling water
and happily sat down with a book
to the blind light.
Can you sit for a long time -
I'm all exhausted.
She laughs again: - Chizh!
Get under the covers!
Mom will come running from work,
and I'm right here;
the oil lamp on the table is trembling,
on the chips the light runs,
and comfort in the room.
I feed my mom soup
and drink tea...
And I love her very much
so bright mine
love even more!
In the most difficult days, Elena Alexandrovna did not lose courage and did not stop doing good. During the days of persecution, she was not afraid to support the persecuted and the innocently repressed - Boris Pasternak, Lydia Chukovskaya, Evgenia Taratuta and others. Blaginina's contemporaries noted her rare charm, strictness, honesty, dignity of an artist who does not strive for fame. She was a recognized teacher and model for young poets, an example of perseverance and devotion to art, humility and mercy, pride and independence.
Blaginina had no children, but had nephews whom she loved very much and participated in their upbringing. Addressing them, she wrote:
Record my voice on tape!
Suddenly in two thousand and three
You will hear Aunt Alyonka,
The one that will be in heaven or hell.
Or in that gloomy infinity,
What is called nonexistence
Or in a blade of grass - simple and nondescript -
Over a stream dried up from the heat.
The best of everything created by Elena Blaginina was included in the collections "Crane" (1973, 1983, 1988), "Fly away, flew away" (1983), "Burn, burn clearly!" (1990). The latter appeared when Elena Alexandrovna was no longer alive: she left the world in 1989, leaving behind a huge testament of her magical, charming, bright and kind works.

Sit in silence, think about life, about poetry, about everything that is dear to the heart. Read to your children, grandchildren, learn with them something from the wonderful poems of Elena Blaginina. And be sure to get acquainted with a very kind and philosophical fairy tale "Wonderful Hours".
How cool in the thicket of spruce!
I carry flowers in an armful ...
white-headed dandelion,
Do you feel good in the forest?
You grow on the very edge,
You are standing in the heat.
Cuckoos are chirping above you
Nightingales sing at dawn.
And the fragrant wind blows
And drops the leaves on the grass...
Dandelion, fluffy flower,
I will gently rip you off.
I'll rip you off, baby, can I?
And then I'll take it home.
... The wind blew carelessly -
My dandelion flew around.
Look what a blizzard
In the middle of a hot day!
And fluffs fly, sparkling,
On the flowers, on the grass, on me...
Good morning!

I rise with the sun
I sing along with the birds:
- Good morning!
- Happy clear day!
That's how nice we sing!
I found a kitten in the garden.
He meowed thinly,
He meowed and trembled.
Maybe he was beaten
Or they forgot to let them into the house,
Or did he run away?
The day from morning was rainy,
Puddles of gray everywhere...
So be it, unfortunate beast,
Help your trouble!
I took him home
I fed my fill...
Soon my kitten became
A glance is simple!
Wool - like velvet,
The tail is a pipe...
How good are you!
For raspberries
I put on a belt
Tied up a tuesok
ran through the raspberries
Through the meadow, through the forest.
I moved the bushes
Well, shady, well, dense!
And raspberries, raspberries -
The largest large
The largest large
The reddest redness!
I wandered for an hour
I see - full of tuesok.
I ran back
Through the meadow, through the forest.
The sun wanders above
Good for him and me!

The sun is yellow
Laid down on the bench.
I'm barefoot today
She ran on the grass.
I saw how they grow
sharp blades of grass,
I saw how they bloom
Blue periwinkles.
I heard how in the pond
frog croaked,
I heard how in the garden
The cuckoo was crying.
I saw a goose
At the flower bed.
He is a big worm
Pecked at the tub.
I heard the nightingale -
Here's a good singer!
I saw an ant
Under a heavy burden.
I am so strong
I wondered for two hours...
And now I want to sleep
Well, you're tired...
bird cherry

- Bird cherry, bird cherry,
Are you standing white?
- For the spring holiday,
Bloomed for May.
- And you, grass-ant,
What are you doing softly?
- For the spring holiday,
For a May day.
- And you, thin birches,
What is green now?
- For a holiday, for a holiday!
For May! For spring!
I'm running along the edge
And I sing a funny song.
Echo loud and discordant
Repeats my song.
I asked the echo: - Will you shut up? -
And I calmed down and stand.
And it answered me: "Look at you, look at you!"
It means that he understands my speech.
I said: - You sing awkwardly! -
And I calmed down and stand.
And it answered me: "Okay, okay!"
It means that he understands my speech.
I laugh - and everything rings with laughter,
Shut up - and everywhere silence ...
Sometimes I walk alone
And not boring, because the echo ...

Creeps behind the window
Frosty day.
Standing on the window
crimson color
petals bloom,
As if really
Fires lit up.
I water it
its shore,
give him
Nobody can!
He's very bright
It's very good
Very much for my mother
Like a fairy tale!
About the crystal shoe
A cricket is chirping in the corner,
The door is locked with a hook.
I am looking at a book
About the crystal shoe.
A fun ball in the palace
The shoe fell off my foot.
Cinderella is very upset
Leave the high room.
But she went home
She took off her magnificent dress
And dressed in rags again
And started working...
It became quiet and dark
The moonbeam fell through the window.
I hear my mother's sweet voice:
"It's time for you to sleep!"
The cricket fell silent in the corner.
Turn around on the barrel -
I watch a fairy tale in a dream
About the crystal shoe.
Why are they grey?

Mom kneaded the dough
From wheat flour.
I asked for a piece
I started making pies.
I sculpt
I do
I just don't get it:
Mom has white
I have gray...
I do not know why.
That is our grief!
We cooked
Soup, soup
From barley
Croup, croup.
It turned out porridge -
That is our grief!
Kneaded dough -
And it's out of place!
Kneaded with yeast, -
You can't hold on to the reins!

Bunnies jumped up:
Is your girl sleeping
Chorus girl?
Go away, bunnies,
Don't interfere bainki!
The gulenki have arrived:
Is your girl sleeping
Chorus girl?
Fly away, little ones
Let the little girl sleep!
The sun will rise tomorrow
Alyonushka will also get up.
The sun will warm
The daughter will sing.
Whoa all day long
Love what it is!

Wonderful hours

That was a long time ago. By a high mountain, on the edge of a poor village, lived a widow. Her name was Martha. Martha did not like people. Even the children irritated her with screaming and running around. Martha loved only her goat Snow White and her merry goat.

One evening Marta was sitting on the porch knitting a stocking. Suddenly she heard voices:

The loss of cattle has begun, Elsa! Heard?

How not to hear! Scary for our goats, Louise!

It was the peasant women talking. They were returning with empty jugs from the city. Martha looked after them, and her heart sank with a premonition of trouble. Suddenly, the latch at the gate rang. Martha turned around and saw a neat old man. The old man smiled kindly and said:

Hello Frau Martha. What a glorious house you have - neither give nor take - sugar on a green plate. Only it's too quiet here - even if the bird sings, even if the clock ticks ...

When Marta heard about the clock, she remembered that she had a wonderful old clock. They just stopped a long time ago.

Are you a watchmaker? Martha asked.

A real watchmaker! - bowed the old man.

Martha invited the old man into the house. She took a watch out of the chest and showed it to the master.

The next day the clock was ticking merrily on the white wall of Martin's room. The watchmaker did not take money for the repair, and Martha thanked him with delicious coffee. From that day on, the gray-haired guest often appeared in the old widow's house.

In the meantime, the cattle disease was on the rise, and everyone in the village was very worried about their goats.

One evening, Aunt Martha went into the woods to get firewood. She quickly picked up a large bundle and turned onto a familiar path - home. But the path suddenly disappeared. To the right, Marta saw a tree felled by a thunderstorm; to the left, a large round stone. Neither stone nor tree was here before. Suddenly, there was a slight wisp of smoke, and Marta went in the direction from which the smoke was coming. Soon she saw a fire, near which a watchmaker was sitting, stirring mushroom stew.

Good evening, Frau Martha! - said the watchmaker. - Have dinner with me!