Elevated progesterone as a sign of pregnancy before a delay. Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area and the occurrence of hemorrhoids. The occurrence of lack of concentration, forgetfulness and apathy

Probably every woman in her life at least once suffers from this issue. I am pregnant for the third time, so I can already accurately and accurately tell you what are the earliest first signs of pregnancy.

On New Year's Eve 2014, I already knew for sure that I was pregnant with our third child, and without any tests and long before the onset of menstruation.

- How? - you ask.

This is not my first pregnancy, and I can already accurately determine the onset of a “miracle” by a special state of health and changes in the body. This earliest early signs of pregnancy.

In this article, I will describe them in great detail to help girls determine if they are carrying a new life under their hearts. I remember how difficult it is to understand yourself when you are pregnant for the first time. Therefore, for newly minted expectant mothers, this information will be very useful.

So let's go!

What are the earliest signs of pregnancy

  • Altered sense of smell (irritating odors)

My third pregnancy is desired but not planned. We wanted to give birth again, but a little later, when the son is a little older. But the universe decided otherwise!

One day, everything started to stink! Yes, that's exactly what you can't call it. I became acutely aware of smells. I set it to cook to eat - and could not stand the smell of meat, although it never bothered me. My husband came home from work - and I drove him to the bathroom. He was offended and I felt sorry for him. But everything stank to me: my favorite perfumes, food, flowers, I smelled any smell that other people standing nearby did not feel. It's been that way every time I've been pregnant. Therefore, for me this is a 100% sign!

  • Skin changes (pimples, acne, pigmentation)

I looked at myself in the mirror and could not understand: my whole face was covered with blackheads and blackheads, the pores expanded. Remedies for acne and acne hardly helped. There was one of two things: either hormonal failure or pregnancy!

  • Fatigue (fatigue, drowsiness)

I started wanting to sleep all the time. Before I got out of bed in the morning, I already felt tired and overwhelmed. During the day, I crawled to the bed, lay down, my eyes closed, children jumped over me, my husband did not understand why I was lying in bed, but I didn’t even have the strength to talk! She did all her homework by force. And it lasted 2.5 months!

  • Mood changes (tearfulness, irritability, sentimentality, apathy, isolation, aggression, need for communication)

Everyone celebrated New Year's holidays. But I was sad. I wanted my husband to hug, regret. I couldn’t see anyone, but it’s New Year, everyone comes to visit. Apathy began to everything that used to interest me. I didn't want anything. Or suddenly everything began to infuriate, annoy, I yelled out loud at the children and my husband. And then she didn’t understand why she fell for them. Or she started crying while watching a movie or a program, which is completely unusual for me. The mood changed very sharply and often.

  • Palpitations, shortness of breath

It would seem that there is no load on the body in the first weeks of pregnancy, but it feels like the heart is about to jump out of the chest, it’s hard to breathe. If for some reason you need to bend over or climb the stairs - that’s it, there’s nothing to breathe, your head is spinning, and your heart is knock-knock-knock, knocking often, often ... So this is another early sign of pregnancy.

  • Headache, migraine

Again, in connection with the hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman, headaches are possible. My migraines became more frequent, my head ached a lot, especially when moving, my eyes hurt in bright light. Suspecting my interesting position, I did not take painkillers ...

  • Copious discharge

There were such abundant discharge from the vagina that without a daily routine anywhere. And also occasionally transparent, thick and viscous. But this is normal if there is no color, smell and itching. The secretions form a mucous plug that protects the baby from external infections.

  • Abdominal enlargement

Well, of course, the belly does not grow immediately. But about a couple of weeks after conception, I had the feeling that I could not pull my stomach in. It feels like something is bursting from the inside, when you try to draw in the stomach, pain occurs. Perhaps this is due to changes in the uterus, which begins to increase.

  • Pain in the lower abdomen (pulls the stomach)

Several times a day I was sick and pulled the lower abdomen, and I ran to the toilet, all waiting for the appearance of menstruation. And the stomach pulls at the beginning of pregnancy also due to hormonal changes and the growth of the uterus. So this is the earliest sign of pregnancy before the delay.

  • Breast tenderness

The chest began to hurt, it was simply impossible to touch it, and it swelled up (which I am very happy about, because after feeding two children, the shape of the breast was not pleasing!). Also darkened nipples. By the way, the sensitivity and soreness of the breast persists even now (30 weeks of pregnancy).

  • Nausea

I sat down at the table to eat and felt nauseous. There was no vomiting and no reference to time - some girls say that they were sick in the morning. I was just nauseous all the time, not much.

  • Changing taste preferences

Waking up one fine day, I poured myself morning coffee (I'm generally a coffee lover, I love it very much!) AND I COULD NOT DRINK IT! I was so disgusted!

  • Increased urination

I ran to pee every hour, it turns out that this is how progesterone affects the bladder.

  • Contraction of the calf muscles

In the evenings before going to bed, when I went to bed, my leg muscles somehow strangely contracted, twitched, as if they were having a small cramp. I stretched out my toes and rubbed my calves. This happened several times during the night. In the second trimester, this was not, and in the third it appeared again due to a lack of trace elements in the body: potassium, calcium and magnesium.

  • restless sleep

During the day, I just fell down from fatigue, and at night I woke up and could not fall asleep. I turned around, got up to drink, to the toilet, I was tormented by insomnia. This is also the earliest sign of pregnancy, everything is connected with hormonal changes. It is difficult for the body to relax, because the processes of preparation for bearing a child are in full swing.

  • Constipation

I did not consider this problem a consequence of pregnancy, but as it turns out, during pregnancy, hormones disrupt the functioning of the intestines from the very first days. Progesterone has such an effect on the stomach that, in addition to everything else, there is also belching, and, excuse me, gases.

  • Absence of menstruation

In the absence of menstruation, we first of all suspect the onset of pregnancy. But in my case, this was not the main symptom, because I just stopped breastfeeding my son for a couple of months, and my cycle has not yet improved.

So here are mine the earliest signs of pregnancy.

I got 17 signs. Already 1.5 - 2 weeks after conception, they begin to appear and intensify. And this state persists for about 2.5 months.

You can still measure the basal temperature, but I did not do this. When such cardinal changes occur in the body, it is clear what is happening: PREGNANCY HAS COME AND you can expect replenishment in the family! I took one pregnancy test to show my husband, although I already knew everything for sure.

Of course, all people are different, all individually. Maybe you will not have any signs of pregnancy at all, and the test will never show two stripes, it happens. But I sincerely hope that my article will be at least something useful for you.

As I promised, MY VIDEO about the earliest signs of pregnancy.

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Click on the buttons and tell your friends! Thank you! I wish you good luck and excellent mood!

With love for you

Irina Zhukova

Not every woman can recognize the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation. The thing is that all of them (toxicosis, uterine growth, etc.) appear the brighter, the longer the gestational age of the fetus. But nevertheless, it will be useful for every woman to know this information.

The first signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation occur at least 1 week after the "successful" sexual intercourse. Before this period, no such significant changes occur in the body of a lady that could provoke certain symptoms of an interesting situation. During the first week, the fertilized egg makes its longest journey - from the fallopian tube to the uterus (in the case of a non-pathological pregnancy), then attaches to the wall of this organ. And from that moment on, hormones begin to be intensively produced, contributing to the preservation of the viability of the fetal egg. A woman feels their action as a slight ailment. What are they?

Temperature increase

The first sign of pregnancy before a delay in menstruation is an increased basal body temperature. If you make a schedule, you should know that the highest values ​​​​on the thermometer can be seen on the day of ovulation, over the next days, if the conception took place, the temperature will remain subfebrile - that is, 37-37.2 degrees. Some women perceive the basal temperature as one of the clear indicators of how the pregnancy is proceeding. Allegedly, if it is below 37 degrees, this means there is a threat of miscarriage or the ovum has attached itself outside the uterus. This is by no means always the case. Firstly, not every woman takes measurements correctly (it is necessary to measure the temperature, guided by certain rules). Secondly, the thermometer itself may not show quite accurate values. But this small error should not scare. Modern gynecologists generally do not recommend measuring basal temperature so that there are no unnecessary reasons for excitement. There are more accurate methods for determining how well the process is proceeding, not based on the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation.

An increase in body temperature can also be in the first 2-4 weeks. This is due to the production of the hormone progesterone, which somewhat slows down heat transfer. Up to 37.2-37.3 degrees is normal if there are no other symptoms similar to the disease. It is not worth drinking medicines to normalize temperature values. In the early stages, in general, you need to be very careful with medicines, take only when strictly necessary and on the recommendation of a doctor. You can slightly improve your condition by walking in the fresh air, regular airing of the room and light, loose clothing.


Of course, the apogee of this unpleasant state is still quite a long way off. But there are such sensitive women who feel the first signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation in the form of dislike for any previously loved foods and dishes, nausea (especially in the morning), feelings of fatigue, irritability, insomnia, lowering blood pressure. In general, these symptoms are very similar to premenstrual syndrome. Toxicosis is not a dangerous phenomenon if its course is not severe, that is, if there is no frequent, debilitating vomiting. In such cases, a woman is usually recommended to be treated in a hospital, since constant vomiting interferes with the absorption of essential nutrients from food and can lead to dehydration. Sometimes, on the contrary, there is an increased appetite.

Chest pain

In the second half of the menstrual cycle, many women, regardless of whether they have the prerequisites for imminent motherhood, experience pain in the chest. The chest becomes very heavy. With its large size, it is impossible to do without a bra that supports heavy breasts well. The nipples become quite sensitive. Some call such phenomena mastopathy. In fact, these are ordinary, absolutely normal cyclic changes for the female body. During pregnancy, discomfort, as a rule, becomes even stronger. In some cases, a whitish or yellowish sticky liquid - colostrum - begins to stand out from the nipples already at such an early date. These first signs of pregnancy before a missed period are associated with increased production of the hormone prolactin.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Unpleasant pulling sensations, expectant mothers who are not yet aware of their situation, are often perceived as harbingers of menstruation. But pains occur periodically, but there is still no menstruation ... If unpleasant, pulling sensations occur frequently and are quite painful, this may be due to the tone of the uterus. You can alleviate your condition with the help of No-Shpy tablets and papaverine rectal suppositories, which quickly relieve spasm of the muscles of the uterus. And often it helps to just lie on your side a little.

Intermenstrual discharge

This first sign of pregnancy before menstruation is quite rare. Sometimes in the middle of the cycle, after ovulation, a bloody “daub” is found on the linen. This may be nothing more than implantation bleeding, which is caused by a fertilized egg that penetrates into the wall of the uterus. By the way, since we are talking about bleeding, it should be noted that sometimes during pregnancy there are “not real” periods, that is, there are very meager, menstrual-like discharges. If the doctor does not see abnormalities on ultrasound, then this is not a pathology.

Increasing the number of allocations

We mean discharge that is not associated with any infectious disease or thrush. In many women, in addition to increasing vaginal discharge, libido - sexual desire - also increases.

bowel disorder

In most expectant mothers, the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation appear in the form of increased gas formation and other intestinal disorders. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, as a result of which intestinal motility slows down. Some even think that the uterus begins to grow, the tummy increases. As you now understand, this is not due to the rapid growth of the fetus, but due to the slow functioning of the digestive system.

HCG growth

HCG is a hormone responsible for the normal course of pregnancy. It is produced only in expectant mothers and in certain diseases. This hormone can be detected in the blood using laboratory tests - urine and blood tests. The second method allows you to detect hCG in very small quantities. It makes sense to take an analysis, regardless of whether the first signs of pregnancy appeared before menstruation or not - approximately 10 days after the intended conception, earlier - it does not make sense.


If you do not want to donate blood, you can conduct a home diagnosis of pregnancy using a test. Fortunately, it is quite inexpensive, affordable for every woman and extremely easy to use. Mistakes are rare, and then due to a poor-quality test or a woman's violation of the instructions for use.

On each test, regardless of its sensitivity, there is an inscription stating that it is recommended to use the test from the first day of the absence of menstruation, but at that time other first signs of pregnancy will appear before the delay in menstruation. But what if you “test” a little earlier than the recommended time? Theoretically, and practically, it is possible to get a reliable version of days 10-12 after a possible conception. You only need to use high-quality test strips with high sensitivity and be sure to “test” in the morning, and in order to achieve the maximum concentration of urine in hCG, it is advisable not to urinate at least 6 hours before the test.

A positive result almost always indicates pregnancy. A negative result does not always indicate its absence. Also, sometimes women observe fuzzy results - the second line seems to have appeared, but very pale. In this case, you need to repeat the diagnosis in a few days.

Remember that all the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation are relative. You can only trust the diagnosis made by the doctor.

In this article, we will talk about the first signs of pregnancy before a missed period. Distinguishing them from ordinary ailments is not always easy, so they should be considered only in the aggregate.


The starting point for fetal development in obstetrics is the date of the last menstruation. However, in fact, fertilization occurs 2 weeks later during the period of ovulation - the maturation of the egg and its release from the ovary. Up to this point, the occurrence of pregnancy is impossible. Even if conception occurs a little earlier or later than the usual ovulation period, only a fully mature egg can be fertilized.

Some women can feel the moment of ovulation. At this time, they notice a slight pain in the area of ​​​​the appendages, which lasts a short period of time, and then abruptly ends.

Conception occurs during the fusion of a spermatozoon with such a mature egg and the formation of a zygote - a single-celled stage of the future embryo. Within a day, it begins intensive division, with each new cell being formed on the basis of the combined maternal and paternal chromosomes.

Advice! The timing of ovulation varies from woman to woman. So, with a menstrual cycle of 28 days, it occurs on day 14, but if the period between them is 32 days, then ovulation occurs approximately on day 18 of the cycle.

But if menstruation is irregular, it becomes problematic to calculate its period. In this case, the basal temperature method is used, which we will talk about a little later.

The first signs of pregnancy

Already in its first days, the body begins an active restructuring, preparing for bearing a baby. So the first signs of pregnancy can appear in the form of:

  • small yellowish-brown discharge, similar to the onset of menstruation;
  • change in basal (lowest, typical for sleep or rest) temperature;
  • increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • back pain;
  • "fullness" of the abdomen, resulting from an increase in blood flow to
  • uterus
  • intestinal disorder;
  • malaise, rapid fatigue;
  • restless sleep;
  • headaches;

  • change in taste sensations;
  • aversion to certain smells;
  • severe drowsiness;
  • throwing it into the heat, then into the cold;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • increased salivation;
  • change in sex drive.

Advice! In some women, these signs may be erased and practically not felt. But if you have at least some of the above symptoms, it is better to do a pregnancy test.

How pregnancy is determined using tests

The most reliable sign of conception at an early stage is the determination of the amount of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) that appears in the urine. Its increase in the blood occurs within a few days, but in the urine it can be detected only after 7-8 days from the moment of conception. Therefore, the presence of this hormone before this period does not make sense.

The principle of operation of pregnancy tests sold in pharmacies is based precisely on the reaction of hCG. In laboratory conditions, a more complex (and more accurate) technique is used: the study of a specific fraction of this hormone.

Advice!In some cases, a fertilized egg reaches the uterus with a delay of several days. Therefore, if the first pregnancy test gave a negative result, but the above symptoms are still present, it is better to wait a few days and re-test.

Minor bleeding

To explain the cause of bleeding at an early stage of fetal development, let's turn to the physiology of the pregnancy process:

  • the fertilized egg does not enter the uterus immediately; the fallopian tubes move it out of the oviduct only for 6-12 days;
  • for a few more days, the embryo is in the uterus in “free swimming”, and only then is attached to its wall;
  • the moment of attachment may be accompanied by bloody spotting; it is called implantation and is referred to as an early symptom of the onset of conception.

Bloody discharge in a small amount during this period is considered normal, and you should not worry about this (unless, of course, the bleeding is too profuse). Their appearance is considered in gynecology to be one of the very first signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation.

Advice! Heavy bleeding may indicate a miscarriage. It can be dangerous, so if it occurs, see a doctor immediately.

Measurement of basal temperature

As we have already said, the most favorable time for conception is the days of ovulation. The day before its onset, the temperature drops to 0.3 C. At the time of ovulation, on the contrary, it rises 0.4–0.5 C higher than usual, and then falls again. If at this moment pregnancy occurs, due to the presence of progesterone, such a fall does not occur.

Advice! Basal temperature can be measured orally or vaginally. But more accurate is its measurement in the rectum (rectal method) immediately after a night's sleep.

Sensitivity of the mammary glands

  • breast size at this time, of course, still remains the same, but contact with it can cause trembling and soreness; even the touch of the fabric becomes tangible;
  • sensitivity may vary; with a high level of hormones, touching the mammary glands can become quite painful; but in most cases these sensations are comparable to the symptoms of the usual postmenstrual syndrome;
  • another early sign of conception is tightness of the nipples and their slight increase due to the expansion of the milk ducts; This is due to the activity of hormones.

Advice! If the swollen breast has suddenly lost sensitivity, this may be a bad sign and indicate the death of the fetus. The gradual attenuation of this symptom with an increase in the duration of pregnancy is normal.

Feeling of fullness in the abdomen. Increased gas formation

Hormonal restructuring leads to blood flow to the uterus and, as a result, a slight swelling of the intestinal walls. His work slows down, which can lead to bloating, gas and constipation.

The slowdown of the intestines can also occur due to an increase in the level of progesterone, which relaxes smooth muscles. This hormone thus "protects" the uterus from the threat of miscarriage. But unfortunately, such relaxation also leads to a decrease in the speed of food movement through the intestines.

Advice! The work of the intestines in normal mode is always accompanied by a slight gas formation, and this is normal. With significant problems with the gastrointestinal tract and increased secretion of progesterone during pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe medication to reduce its level.

Change in taste of food and aversion to smells

Such excessive sensitivity also occurs due to the intensive work of progesterone, which is able to activate taste and olfactory receptors. To get rid of this phenomenon, unfortunately, is almost impossible.

Some experts argue that the aversion to certain foods is due to the fact that a wise organism at this time helps a woman to select the food that she and her child need. However, even the most well-functioning system can fail. That is why the strange whims of women and the desire to inhale unusual smells appear: gasoline, soap, etc.

Advice! No matter how much you want, you should not breathe harmful fumes or taste inedible objects. This can seriously affect not only your health, but also the development of the fetus.

Frequent urge to urinate

For many, they appear literally in the very first days of conception, especially at night.

This is related:

  • with a change in the hormonal background, in particular, an increase in the amount of the hCG hormone;
  • with an increase in blood volume and, as a result, acceleration of the kidneys;
  • the third reason for this phenomenon is an increase in blood flow to the uterus and a slight compression of the bladder.

Frequent urge to urinate is not considered abnormal during pregnancy. However, if you have any unpleasant symptoms - burning or cramps - you should consult a doctor.

Advice! In order not to get up often at night, you should reduce the amount of fluid taken a few hours before bedtime. It is not necessary to abuse products with diuretic properties in the evenings too much.

Malaise, fatigue

An excess of progesterone, which inhibits the contractile work of muscles, can also have a negative effect on the general condition of the body. As a rule, this is manifested by a feeling of fatigue and weakness. After all, it can also suppress the work of the central nervous system, which does not affect well-being in the best way.

In addition, due to the rapid growth of the fetus, part of the energy begins to be spent on supplying it with nutrients, and therefore its lack begins to be felt. As a rule, after a good rest, the malaise quickly passes.

Advice! With proper nutrition and lifestyle, this condition should not be pathological. In the case of a strong deterioration in well-being, a complete examination should be performed.


Oddly enough, headaches can also often be one of the signs of pregnancy. Their cause may be:

  • hormonal surges: too rapid restructuring of the body can lead to some imbalance;
  • progesterone suppression of the central nervous system;
  • a strong feeling of hunger that occurs during pregnancy can also provoke a headache;
  • weather change: the female body becomes more sensitive and can react to fluctuations in air pressure, magnetic storms, etc.

Advice!Severe and prolonged headache may not be associated with pregnancy and be a symptom of a serious illness: glaucoma, sinusitis, kidney disease, brain tumors, etc.

Menstruation during pregnancy

Many are interested in whether there are signs of pregnancy without a delay in menstruation? However, menstruation (rejection of the endometrium in the uterus) with the correct course of pregnancy simply should not be. Some confuse them with minor bleeding that occurs during the process of body restructuring and hormonal imbalance, which, indeed, are little distinguishable outwardly:

  • spotting in the first month is quite acceptable; this is due to the fact that the fetal egg is still moving towards the uterus, and the hormonal background has not yet changed, so the body is working as usual;
  • small discharges, and even rather long ones, lasting for several days, may appear due to a sharp decrease in estrogen levels; such moments occur quite often and most often do not threaten the pregnancy itself.

Cases of simultaneous development of two eggs are rare, but still exist. If this happens, one of them attaches to the walls of the uterus and the other is shed, causing a little bleeding.

One of the serious forms of pregnancy complications is its ectopic location, which, in the absence of medical assistance, can pose a serious threat to the life of the mother. Profuse bleeding in such cases is rare. However, even in the case of meager and prolonged discharge, an examination should be carried out immediately.

Hello dear readers of the magazine site.

Today, many underestimate the importance of early detection of pregnancy and it's not just curiosity. With the current state of the environment, unhealthy nutrition, stress, a child in the womb can be exposed to dangers from the first days of life. Fortunately, the development of modern medicine makes it possible to find and solve problems in time.

The anticipation of a new life is always exciting. But how do you know if a miracle happened? This may indicate signs of pregnancy in the early stages. Even before the onset of the delay, a woman will be able to understand whether she is pregnant. What should you pay attention to? How do the first symptoms appear? How to smooth out discomfort in the early stages of pregnancy?

The long-awaited child, as a gift to the family. Many parents, anticipating the appearance of life, already plan ahead for the whole life of the child. Therefore, the expectant mother reads a lot of literature, especially which tells what early signs of pregnancy before a delay can help determine such a pleasant event.

How to recognize if pregnant or not

For every woman, the entire period of bearing a child is a test. This pleases many, because very soon the most precious treasure in life will be born. But there are mothers who, for many reasons, do not want to have a child now or at all.

Whatever motives a woman is guided by, the desire to understand as soon as possible whether conception has occurred or not, becomes irresistible. A clear sign, a delay in menstruation may not be soon. Therefore, there is a whole list of symptoms accompanying a pregnant woman from the first days of conception.

Just do not immediately rejoice, because many of them can be signs of the development of the disease. Therefore, when initial symptoms appear, the surest way to find out if a girl is pregnant is to take a well-known test for the presence of the hCG hormone.

The female body is fraught with many secrets, and it is impossible to determine for sure how you will react to pregnancy. The advice is to listen to yourself.

A standard pregnancy test can only show an accurate positive result on the 21st day of ovulation. So to the questions of many: Why did the test not reveal pregnancy, and was it subsequently confirmed? The answer will be, the reason is hormonal changes. In the early stages, they appear more externally. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the most common.

Intuitive signs and sensations

Significant signs of successful ovulation can be:

  • Pain in the lumbar region;
  • Tingling in ovaries;
  • Intestinal flatulence or bloating;
  • Discharge similar to the symptoms of thrush.

It is impossible to know for sure whether fertilization was successful, especially in the first days. All sensations and initial symptoms may simply indicate a hormonal imbalance. Even a gynecologist will not be able to say for sure if you have become pregnant if only 3-5 days have passed.

A week after ovulation, external indicators of an interesting position begin to show. A gynecological examination can be performed 10 days after ovulation. If the conception was successful, the gynecologist will determine this by the cervix, which gradually becomes loose.

Headaches or toxicosis can appear much later, a lot depends on the body of the expectant mother. It is worth paying attention to the following:

  • Feeling unwell, similar to a cold. But there are no characteristic manifestations such as constant sneezing, runny nose, sore throat. But weakness and rapid fatigue are clearly expressed.
  • Emotional swings. Hormonal restructuring also affects the nervous system, so you can laugh, and after a couple of seconds start crying. Or start getting angry in a situation where you could just ignore it.
  • Increased drowsiness or insomnia. A woman feels chronic lack of sleep, even if she slept 13-14 hours. Everything from the fact that even in a dream there is a restructuring of the body under new conditions, so a lot of energy is expended. And also a pregnant woman can be tormented by insomnia, she wakes up early in the morning and that's it, sleep is not in one eye.
  • Headaches are also a characteristic sign of pregnancy. A woman is haunted by migraine throughout the day, and the pain subsides only at night.
  • Change in libido. Increased attraction to a partner, or vice versa, its complete absence, is also a sign of hormonal failure. Therefore, during pregnancy, men should be patient. This symptom appears 2-3 weeks after fertilization.
  • Heaviness in the pelvic region. Due to the influx of additional blood to the uterus, the woman does not leave the feeling of fullness in the abdomen and a pulling feeling.
  • Lumbar pain is also a constant companion of all pregnant women. And with the development of the child, they can become stronger.
  • The sensitivity of the breast increases. It feels like the chest is pouring, and the nipples become very sensitive to touch. How strong the pain can be depends on the individual physiology of the woman.
  • Temperature fluctuations, you can be thrown into the heat, then into the cold.
  • Toxicosis. Nausea is also one of the symptoms of pregnancy, hormonal failure makes itself felt and the stomach. Even with an incredible desire to eat, you begin to feel sick immediately after or during a meal.
  • Increase in appetite. A lot of energy is needed for the development of the fetus, so there is a desire to eat for two or draws on certain types of foods due to the lack of some element.
  • The sense of smell is sharpened. Any sharp or even almost imperceptible smell can provoke nausea in a pregnant woman.
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen make the pregnant woman look for a comfortable sitting position so as not to feel discomfort.

It is not possible to say with accuracy that the manifestation of the above signs indicate pregnancy. After all, many of the symptoms can be harbingers of the expected menstruation or illness. Therefore, it is possible to know for sure whether a girl is pregnant only by passing the hCG test and consulting with a gynecologist.

The first external changes in the body of a pregnant woman

There are times when no pain or other signs of pregnancy appear. This is especially true for subsequent pregnancies, the second, third, etc. The body has already experienced similar changes, so there is no rejection of the fetus, and the immune system is not activated as during the first pregnancy. It is not for nothing that doctors are categorically against abortion during the first pregnancy, because there may be complications later due to the incomplete process.

The female body will perceive the subsequent hormonal changes of the pregnant woman as an infection, and reject it, provoking a miscarriage. So plan for the appearance of the child so that he does not pay for your mistakes.

Attention: The most desirable child is the planned one, when both parents want him to appear. A child needs the love of both mom and dad.

A pregnant woman changes not only from the inside, but also externally:

  • They begin to swell little by little: face, arms, legs. The internal organs work in an enhanced mode, and hormonal changes also disrupt their usual rhythm of work, so it will be difficult to put on shoes on your feet in the evening due to swelling.
  • The skin of the face acquires a pronounced blush, because blood circulation increases.
  • Acne. Failure of the usual rhythm of work of all body systems provokes the appearance of acne on the skin, even in those women who have never suffered from this.
  • Venous patterns begin to appear on the chest, because it is preparing to produce milk for the future feeding of the child.
  • Violation of the digestive tract. Bloating and flatulence in the intestines can wilt at the initial stage of conception. Many women even suffer from constipation due to poor system performance, so you should carefully monitor what you eat.

Proven early pregnancy symptoms

Clear indicators of a positive ovulation result are:

  • Changes in basal temperature. Already in the first days of conception, the temperature rises significantly, becoming above 37 degrees. For those not in the know, basal body temperature is measured in the rectum.
  • Sudden pressure drops are a clear sign of pregnancy. Especially in poorly ventilated rooms, buses, etc., the pressure can drop to 90/60 Hg, so the woman often loses consciousness.
  • Bloody discharge is one of the signs that a fertilized egg has attached itself to the walls of the uterus. This symptom appears 8-12 days after ovulation.
  • Frequent urination. Which can be mistaken for a symptom of cystitis. Due to the pressure on the pelvic part, a woman often wants to go to the toilet and even after going, there is a feeling that she is not completely.
  • Leg pain and cramps. This symptom is especially pronounced at night. There is a strong load on the spine, in addition, the pelvic bones are gradually rebuilt, which causes the legs to suffer. If the pain is very severe, you should consult your doctor.

Any of the early pregnancy factors requires medical confirmation. After all, the female body during pregnancy is especially vulnerable to infections and viruses. At the same time, the treatment of any, even a mild illness, is extremely problematic.

Don't put off going to the doctor

Now, thanks to the latest equipment, many of the most important tests are done in the early stages of pregnancy. Therefore, it is not worth delaying a trip to the gynecologist. If pregnancy is suspected or some symptoms appear, and the test does not show a positive result. You can go through an examination and take tests at the clinic. They will tell you exactly if your assumptions are correct.

It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination to make sure that the pregnancy is normal. After all, there is always a danger that the pregnancy is ectopic, while its course and symptoms are the same as during the normal period. The study is carried out precisely in the early stages, when the delay is 2-3 weeks. The fetus develops quite quickly, so an ectopic pregnancy is extremely dangerous for a woman's life.

The gynecologist at the appointment will already indicate the exact gestational age. And having studied all the results of the tests, he will prescribe courses of taking vitamins to strengthen the body. Pregnancy planning helps to eliminate possible complications, both during childbearing and after birth.

The ideal planning period should begin a year before conception. Future mothers and fathers must be examined to rule out the possibility of developing diseases that can be transmitted to the child.

The sooner you register with a gynecologist, the better. Doctors recommend applying already in the first month of pregnancy. As soon as you find a delay in menstruation, you should be examined, so the likelihood of pathologies that can manifest themselves with the same symptoms as during pregnancy will be excluded.

Waiting for a new life is always a thrilling feeling. During this period, a woman experiences the most serious changes not only physically, but also emotionally. The amount of workload and stress experienced by a future woman in labor is especially painful if there is no proper support nearby. Both parents should be responsible for the child.