Proper cleaning in the children's room. Cleaning in the children's room: how to say "no" to dust

Children's room cleaning- one of the most important things in the routine of the mother for the first few years after the birth of the baby. Even if your child is still too small and does not mess around and does not litter, experts recommend cleaning his room at least once every 2-3 days, and besides, certain rules should be followed.

Cleaning rules in the children's room

Many are used to the fact that general cleaning should be carried out once a week - for example, on Saturdays. However, if this is acceptable for the whole apartment, then an exception will have to be made to clean the children's room: there you need to vacuum more often and wipe the dust too. But how? Cleanliness is a guarantee of health, and in the case of a baby, also correct.

If the baby is prone to illnesses, from time to time the room needs to be quartz-treated with a Sunshine quartz lamp - this will be an excellent preventive measure.

Cleaning the children's room: rules for maintaining order

Of course, a full-fledged cleaning takes a lot of time and effort, but a young mother usually has a shortage of both. The situation can be corrected if you learn how to maintain order in the nursery.

  • Make putting toys away into a nightly ritual. Over time, the baby will get used to it and even begin to help you. It will be easier for you if there are fewer toys on the open shelves. Use boxes and crates, kids love them!
  • Ventilate the room several times a day. It has long been proven that the air outside the window is many times cleaner than indoors, moreover, it still needs to be “updated”. Do this in the absence of a baby, as a sharp hypothermia can provoke, and a draft can also cause a cold.
  • Attract modern technology: buy an air washer - it will clean the room from dust and allow you to clean less often. A vacuum cleaner with a wet cleaning function also helps a lot - it cleans the carpet more thoroughly, which means that the general wash can also be delayed.
  • Try not to mess around - do not leave cups, candy wrappers, yogurt containers that the baby eats on the bedside table near the bed. Learn to immediately return everything to its place - adopting your example, the child will grow up organized and tidy.

Hello my dear hostesses! Slowly but surely we moved on to cleaning the children's room. I prepared you for it in advance. Published posts about organizing storage and room. I hope you found them useful and that you took some ideas to heart. You were probably surprised when you read the title of the post, because I wrote that general cleaning does not exist for me. Yes, indeed, it will no longer need to be done, but at the first steps of entering it is simply necessary.

Thus, we prepare our home for cleanliness and constant order. On the other hand, not everyone is the same as me. Some housewives find it easier once a month or at other intervals to restore general order in the rooms. And one lady once wrote to me that she completely redid the system for herself. How, you ask? She simply devotes one week a month to cleaning the apartment. Each day is assigned a specific . The rest of the time he disassembles and does small chores around the house. Moreover, she is completely satisfied with her plan for working around the house. You see, each of you can easily adjust to yourself and your lifestyle.

So, let's move on to action. So you looked at your calendar and saw a bold inscription “clean up the children's room”. Where to begin? First of all, prepare your inventory. Gloves are a must! Even while cleaning, remember to take care of your hands. Uncomfortable? Get used to it over time! Next, we prepare a bucket, rags, a brush and detergents. I want to dwell on them separately. This question after the birth of children worried me very much. But since I'm a fan of all kinds of homemade natural remedies, the reflections on this issue were not long. Those who do not yet know about the dangers of household chemicals, I advise you to read this article.

Baby room cleaner

It is very, very easy to prepare. To wash glass and mirrors, I make the following solution: I add a tablespoon and 5 drops of lemon essential oil to one glass of clean water. If not, then you can add half a teaspoon of citric acid or one tablespoon of lemon juice. To wash floors, handles, switches, I use an ordinary soap solution from laundry soap and. Natural and safe detergents are ready for use.

Cleaning in the children's room: work plan

So, we have prepared everything we need. We turned on our favorite music louder, opened the windows or at least the vents, pushed the curtains aside and got to work.

  • Any cleaning is done from top to bottom, so let's start washing chandeliers, lamps, sconces. Whoever has a web, then we also get rid of it. If you are not going to wash curtains and tulle, then I advise you to shake off the dust from them, as they are very fond of attracting it to themselves.
  • Next in line are the top of the cabinets and high shelves. We will also wipe the dust and put all things in their places.
  • Putting clothes in Dirty throw in the laundry basket.
  • Put away toys and books. We clean up on the desk (if there is one). First, with a damp, then dry rag, we pass over the surfaces of furniture (beds, cabinets, etc.)
  • We wash windows and window sills. We wipe mirrors and all glass surfaces.
  • We make the bed and flap the covers. Of course, on the street, well, or we wash it.
  • We wipe the door, all handles, switches and sockets (only with a dry cloth).
  • We vacuum the carpet and floors, then wash the floors. Don't forget about thresholds and floor plinths.
  • We straighten the curtains. Freshen the air and enjoy the result!

After a working day, be sure to please yourself with something, take a relaxing bath and skip. This was my cleaning plan for the children's room. You can make your own or use mine, adjusting it for yourself. Leave your feedback and questions in the comments. All right, bye bye. See you soon!

How to clean up the mess and get rid of at least half of the toy trash.

1 Put the Little Boy out for an hour and a half.

2 Put all the toys in a pile in the middle of the room. Shug a cat who decides to play climber.

3 Gather some parts from some railroads and non-railroads. Randomly stuff into three huge bags. Hide. Be surprised that the mountain of toys has not become smaller.

4 Gather an odd number of batteries in the corners. Find teeth marks on one. Realize that batteries have always been bought in pairs. Rethink your neighbors' phrase "You have such an energetic boy!"

5 Dump all the bricks / parts of Lego / designers into one bag (drawer, cabinet, bag). Do not worry about sorting by manufacturers and forms. The creations of a brilliant architect are still created from all this, regardless of the shape and size, mixed with packaging foam and half-eaten sandwich.

6 Lose your slippers in a pile of toys. Never find him again.

7 Discover an arsenal of 12 firearms, including a huge multicolored assault rifle. Leave: 1) the newest 2) the largest 3) green 4) watery 5) the one that yells Feuer! 6) something else, for quantity. Shun the cat with one of the machine guns.

8 Throw out 258 arms, legs and bodies from different figures (soldiers, Shreks, dogs, etc.). War is scary, it does not spare even fairies.

9 Surrender to the elements of ordering by sorting toys from kinders, letters, numbers, magnets, small cars and other small trash into separate containers for each type of trash. Enjoy your work. Recall that the heap is still in place, and hasn't shrunk in the slightest.

10 Throw away an indeterminate number of plastic parts from who knows what, including two shiny red... uh... things. Try not to think that some of these plastics may be the most necessary parts of #3.

11 Attention! NEVER, under any circumstances, throw away: 1) balls, two rubber balls and one glass 2) a frozen feather, a snail shell and a bump 3) a stick 4) a fake glass from glasses. I repeat: under no circumstances should you throw it away. It is necessary. You just need it and that's it! These wings, broken off from something, are also needed. They are needed because Tydydysh! Breathe! Pew Pew!

13 Find your hair tie, lost a month ago. Fail to take her off the tank. Leave the rubber band in place, this is now a new guidance system.

14 Throw away the piece of cookie you found that you baked two months ago. Try not to think about why the cookie has a fresh bite.

15 If you find anything systemically organized (built with Lego or bricks; folded puzzle; coins in a row), leave it as it is, just move it to another place. Do not break under any circumstances. He is building an empire here, and you!